Handle I/O operations for the population synthesis code.

posydon.popsyn.io.binarypop_kwargs_from_ini(path, verbose=False)[source]

Convert an inifile into kwargs for the BinaryPopulation class.

  • path (str or list like) – Path to inifile. If multiple files are given, duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first to last.

  • verbose (bool) – Print helpful info.


parser_dict – The inifile converted to the kwargs.

Return type

<class, dict>

posydon.popsyn.io.parse_inifile(path, verbose=False)[source]

Parse an inifile for evolving binary populations.

  • path (str or list like) – Path to inifile. If multiple files are given, duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first to last.

  • verbose (bool) – Print helpful info.


parser – An instance of ConfigParser.

Return type

<class, ConfigParser>

posydon.popsyn.io.simprop_kwargs_from_ini(path, verbose=False)[source]

Convert an inifile into kwargs for the SimulationProperties class.

  • path (str or list like) – Path to inifile. If multiple files are given, duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first to last.

  • verbose (bool) – Print helpful info.


parser_dict – The inifile converted to the kwargs.

Return type

<class, dict>