Initial-Final Interpolation

We showcase the initial-final interpolator which plays a critical role in the evolving binary populations. To use the initial-final interpolator we first import the IFInterpolator object from the POSYDON library.

# importing interpolator
from posydon.interpolation.IF_interpolation import IFInterpolator

Loading a Pretrained Interpolator

To load a pretrained interpolator we need to pass in the filename argument into the IFInterpolator constructor which specifies the path to a .pkl file where the pretrained interpolator can be loaded from. POSYDON provides various pretrained models whose corresponding .pkl files can be found in the data directory of the POSYDON repository.

model = IFInterpolator(filename = "path/to/file.pkl")

Training the Interpolator

The interpolator can be trained using an instance of the PSyGrid class which can be constructed by running ones own simulations or by loading a simulation from an h5 file stored in the data directory of the POSYDON repository. For more details on the PSyGrid class please visit the PSyGrid documentation. The IFInterpolator class relies on the BaseIFInterpolator class to perform the interpolation so parameters to construct instances of the BaseIFInterpolator classes are required to construct the IFInterpolator. These parameters are:

1. interp_method: the interpolation method to be used can be either linear, 1NN, or a list specifying which interpolation method to be used for each type of track. If interp_classes is specified and this parameter is not a list then the interpolator will use the specified method for all classes.

2. interp_classes: a list of classes that the simulation tracks can fall into. Usually specified as the mass transfer type. This only needs be specified if interp_method is a list.

3. class_method: the classification method to be used, either kNN or 1NN.

4. in_keys: the keys to be used as the input to the interpolator, by default these are star_1_mass, star_2_mass, and period_days.

5. out_keys: the keys for which the interpolator is supposed to provide values, by default all keys are used.

6. in_scaling: The scalings for the input keys, by default these scalings are optimized through Monte Carlo Cross Validation.

7. out_scaling: The scalings for the output keys, by default these scalings are optimized through Monte Carlo Cross Validation.

  1. c_keys: A list of strings specifying which classifiers are to be trained

9. c_key: A string specifying by which class the interpolator should interpolate binaries. Only to be specified in the MCInterpolator case.

For most applications specifying only the first four parameters is recommended.

from posydon.grids.psygrid import PSyGrid
from posydon.interpolation.IF_interpolation import IFInterpolator

grid = PSyGrid("path/to/h5/file.h5") # loading grid from h5 file

interp = IFInterpolator(grid = grid, interpolators = [
        "interp_method": ["linear", "linear", "linear"],
        "interp_classes": ["no_MT", "stable_MT", "unstable_MT"],
        "out_keys": first,
        "class_method": "kNN",
        "c_keys": ["interpolation_class"],
        "c_key": "interpolation_class"
        "interp_method": ["linear", "linear", "linear", "linear"],
        "interp_classes": ["None", "BH", "WD", "NS"],
        "out_keys": second,
        "class_method": "kNN",
        "c_keys": ['S1_direct_state'],
        "c_key": 'S1_direct_state'
        "interp_method": ["linear", "linear", "linear", "linear"],
        "interp_classes": ["None", "BH", "WD", "NS"],
        "out_keys": third,
        "class_method": "kNN",
        "c_keys": ['S1_Fryer+12-rapid_state'],
        "c_key": 'S1_Fryer+12-rapid_state'
        "interp_method": ["linear", "linear", "linear", "linear"],
        "interp_classes": ["None", "BH", "WD", "NS"],
        "out_keys": fourth,
        "class_method": "kNN",
        "c_keys": ['S1_Fryer+12-delayed_state'],
        "c_key": 'S1_Fryer+12-delayed_state'
        "interp_method": ["linear", "linear", "linear", "linear"],
        "interp_classes": ["None", "BH", "WD", "NS"],
        "out_keys": fifth,
        "class_method": "kNN",
        "c_keys": ['S1_Sukhbold+16-engineN20_state'],
        "c_key": 'S1_Sukhbold+16-engineN20_state'
        "interp_method": ["linear", "linear", "linear", "linear"],
        "interp_classes": ["None", "BH", "WD", "NS"],
        "out_keys": sixth,
        "class_method": "kNN",
        "c_keys": ['S1_Patton&Sukhbold20-engineN20_state'],
        "c_key": 'S1_Patton&Sukhbold20-engineN20_state'
]) # constructing IFInterpolator

interp.train() # training interpolator

Using the Interpolator

Once the interpolator has been trained or loaded from a .pkl file it can be used to accomplish various tasks which most commonly are to classify a track into its class given an input vector and or to approximate a final vector given an input vector.

from posydon.binary_evol.binarystar import BinaryStar
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import SingleStar

binary = BinaryStar(**binary_params,
                    star_2=SingleStar(**star2_params)) # creating binary, refer to BinaryStar documentation

interpolation, classification = interp.evaluate(binary) # evaluating returns a tuple of dictionaries

Finally a trained interpolator can be easily saved by specifying a path to a .pkl file where the interpolator will be saved to."path/to/file.pkl") # saving interpolator