Evolutionary Hooks
During the evolution of a binary, one may be interested in having access to
the BinaryStar
instance before, during, and after the evolutionary loop.
You may check the attributes, or add your own data to the binary during the
We use hooks to pass functions that are called during the evolution
of all binaries.
The evolutionary loop is in BinaryStar.evolve
, and the pseudo code looks
like this:
def evolve(*args, **kwargs):
while binary.event != 'END':
pre_step(binary, step_name)
post_step(binary, step_name)
All hooks functions and classes should be provided in the
with the name extra_hooks
Then extra_hooks
points to a list
of tuples
, containing either:
The corresponding extra step name and a callable or,
a class deriving from
and a dictionary passed during initialization.
1. Passing extra hooks functions
1# import evolutionary steps
2from posydon.popsyn.binarypopulation import BinaryPopulation
3from posydon.binary_evol.simulationproperties import SimulationProperties
4from posydon.binary_evol.flow_chart import flow_chart
5from posydon.binary_evol.CE.step_CEE import StepCEE
6from posydon.binary_evol.SN.step_SN import StepSN
7from posydon.binary_evol.step_end import step_end
8from posydon.binary_evol.MESA.step_mesa import CO_HeMS_step, MS_MS_step, CO_HMS_RLO_step
9from posydon.binary_evol.DT.step_detached import detached_step
10from posydon.binary_evol.DT.double_CO import DoubleCO
12def print_info_before(binary, step_name):
13 print( f'Step {step_name} for \nbefore:\t{binary}' )
15def print_info_after(binary, step_name):
16 print( f'after:\t{binary}\n' )
18sim_kwargs = dict(
19 flow = (flow_chart, {}),
20 step_HMS_HMS = (MS_MS_step, {}),
21 step_CO_HeMS = (CO_HeMS_step, {}),
22 step_CO_HMS_RLO = (CO_HMS_RLO_step, {}),
23 step_detached = (detached_step, {}),
24 step_CE = (StepCEE, {}),
25 step_SN = (StepSN, {}),
26 step_dco = (DoubleCO, {}),
27 step_end = (step_end, {}),
28 # put hooks here
29 extra_hooks = [('extra_pre_step', print_info_before),
30 ('extra_post_step', print_info_after)]
31 )
33 sim_prop = SimulationProperties(**sim_kwargs)
With the corresponding output from evolving a single binary:
Step step_HMS_HMS for
before: BinaryStar(detached, ZAMS, p=3.13, S1=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=58.14), S2=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=50.83))
after: BinaryStar(contact, oCE1, p=4.05, S1=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=42.97), S2=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=44.23))
Step step_CE for
before: BinaryStar(contact, oCE1, p=4.05, S1=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=42.97), S2=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=44.23))
after: BinaryStar(merged, None, p=nan, S1=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=87.20), S2=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=nan))
Step step_end for
before: BinaryStar(merged, None, p=nan, S1=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=87.20), S2=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=nan))
after: BinaryStar(merged, END, p=nan, S1=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=87.20), S2=(H-rich_Core_H_burning,M=nan))
The options for step names and their arguments include:
, functional form:f(binary)
, functional form:f(binary, step_name)
, functional form:f(binary, step_name)
, functional form:f(binary)
2. Passing extra hooks classes
For more complex tasks, you can provide a class deriving from EvolveHooks
We have implemented two examples of hooks classes which add step timing and
step names to the history of a binary in simulationproperties.py
1# import evolutionary steps
2from posydon.popsyn.binarypopulation import BinaryPopulation
3from posydon.binary_evol.simulationproperties import SimulationProperties
4from posydon.binary_evol.flow_chart import flow_chart
5from posydon.binary_evol.CE.step_CEE import StepCEE
6from posydon.binary_evol.SN.step_SN import StepSN
7from posydon.binary_evol.step_end import step_end
8from posydon.binary_evol.MESA.step_mesa import CO_HeMS_step, MS_MS_step, CO_HMS_RLO_step
9from posydon.binary_evol.DT.step_detached import detached_step
10from posydon.binary_evol.DT.double_CO import DoubleCO
12# import hooks classes
13from posydon.binary_evol.simulationproperties import TimingHooks, StepNamesHooks
15sim_kwargs = dict(
16 flow = (flow_chart, {}),
17 step_HMS_HMS = (MS_MS_step, {}),
18 step_CO_HeMS = (CO_HeMS_step, {}),
19 step_CO_HMS_RLO = (CO_HMS_RLO_step, {}),
20 step_detached = (detached_step, {}),
21 step_CE = (StepCEE, {}),
22 step_SN = (StepSN, {}),
23 step_dco = (DoubleCO, {}),
24 step_end = (step_end, {}),
25 # put hooks here
26 extra_hooks = [(TimingHooks, {}),(StepNamesHooks, {})]
27 )
29 sim_prop = SimulationProperties(**sim_kwargs)
The source for StepNamesHooks
class StepNamesHooks(EvolveHooks):
"""Add history column 'step_name' to each binary.
Name of evolutionary step as defined in SimulationProperties.
>>> pop.to_df(extra_columns=['step_names'])
def pre_evolve(self, binary):
"""Initialize the step name to match history."""
binary.step_names = ['initial_cond']
return binary
def pre_step(self, binary, step_name):
"""Do not do anything before the step."""
return binary
def post_step(self, binary, step_name):
"""Record the step name."""
len_binary_hist = len(binary.event_history)
len_step_names = len(binary.step_names)
diff = len_binary_hist - len_step_names
if len_binary_hist > len_step_names:
binary.step_names += [None] * (diff)
elif len_binary_hist < len_step_names:
binary.step_names = binary.step_names[-(len_binary_hist - 1):]
return binary
def post_evolve(self, binary):
"""Ensure None's are append to step_names to match rows in history."""
if binary.event == 'END' or binary.event == 'FAILED':
diff = int(len(binary.event_history) - len(binary.step_names))
binary.step_names += [None]*diff
return binary
You can simply combine multiple hooks classes and functions together by passing them in the list.
sim_kwargs = dict(
extra_hooks = [(TimingHooks, {}),(StepNamesHooks, {}),
('extra_pre_step', print_info_before)],