"""Handle I/O operations for the population synthesis code."""
from configparser import ConfigParser
import ast
import importlib
import os
import errno
import pprint
import numpy as np
from posydon.binary_evol.simulationproperties import SimulationProperties
[docs]def parse_inifile(path, verbose=False):
"""Parse an inifile for evolving binary populations.
path : str or list like
Path to inifile. If multiple files are given,
duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first
to last.
verbose : bool
Print helpful info.
parser : <class, ConfigParser>
An instance of ConfigParser.
parser = ConfigParser()
# Keys do not become lowercase by default
parser.optionxform = lambda option: option
if isinstance(path, str):
path = os.path.abspath(path)
if verbose:
print('Reading inifile: \n\t{}'.format(path))
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise FileNotFoundError(
errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), path)
elif isinstance(path, (list, np.ndarray)):
path = [os.path.abspath(f) for f in path]
if verbose:
print('Reading inifiles: \n{}'.format(pprint.pformat(path)))
bad_files = []
for f in path:
if not os.path.exists(f):
if bool(bad_files):
raise FileNotFoundError(
errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), bad_files)
raise ValueError("Path must be a string or list of strings. Given {}".
files_read = parser.read(path)
# Catch silent errors from configparser.read
if len(files_read) == 0:
raise ValueError("No files were read successfully. Given {}.".
return parser
[docs]def simprop_kwargs_from_ini(path, verbose=False):
"""Convert an inifile into kwargs for the SimulationProperties class.
path : str or list like
Path to inifile. If multiple files are given,
duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first
to last.
verbose : bool
Print helpful info.
parser_dict : <class, dict>
The inifile converted to the kwargs.
parser = parse_inifile(path, verbose=verbose)
parser_dict = {}
for section in parser:
# skip default section
if section == 'DEFAULT':
# evaluate str values as literal python and put
# into dict because parser only handles strings
sect_dict = {key: ast.literal_eval(val)
for key, val in parser[section].items()}
# only try imports from sections with 'import'
if 'import' in list(sect_dict.keys()):
# from posydon.... import ....
# ^ import as ^ name
import_and_name = sect_dict.pop('import')
package = sect_dict.pop('absolute_import', None)
# import module
module = importlib.import_module(import_and_name[0],
# extract class or function
cls = getattr(module, import_and_name[1])
# match the form SimulationProperties expects
parser_dict[section] = (cls, sect_dict)
# Try to find user defined hooks using absolute or
# relative imports. Requires slighltly different syntax.
if section == 'extra_hooks':
hooks_list = []
names = [name for name in list(sect_dict.keys())
if 'extra' not in name]
# do not take extra_pre_step options etc.
# loop to try and find all hooks classes
for h in range(1, len(names)):
valid_names = [name for name in names
if int(name.split('_')[-1]) == h]
# if there are no options with the index, continue
if not valid_names:
import_and_name = sect_dict.pop('import_{}'.format(h))
package = sect_dict.pop('absolute_import_{}'.format(h), None)
class_kwargs = sect_dict.pop('kwargs_{}'.format(h), dict())
module = importlib.import_module(import_and_name[0],
cls = getattr(module, import_and_name[1])
hooks_list.append((cls, class_kwargs))
parser_dict[section] = hooks_list
return parser_dict
[docs]def binarypop_kwargs_from_ini(path, verbose=False):
"""Convert an inifile into kwargs for the BinaryPopulation class.
path : str or list like
Path to inifile. If multiple files are given,
duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first
to last.
verbose : bool
Print helpful info.
parser_dict : <class, dict>
The inifile converted to the kwargs.
parser = parse_inifile(path, verbose=verbose)
# make sure the inifile has all of these sections
for sect_name in ['BinaryPopulation_options', 'BinaryStar_output',
'SingleStar_1_output', 'SingleStar_2_output']:
assert sect_name in list(parser.sections())
pop_kwargs = dict()
for section in parser.sections():
if section == 'BinaryPopulation_options':
for key, val in parser[section].items():
pop_kwargs[key] = ast.literal_eval(val)
# right now binary, S1, and S2 output kwargs are all passed
# into the BinaryPopulation during init
elif section == 'BinaryStar_output':
binary_kwargs = dict()
for key, val in parser[section].items():
binary_kwargs[key] = ast.literal_eval(val)
pop_kwargs = {**pop_kwargs, **binary_kwargs}
elif section == 'SingleStar_1_output':
S1_kwargs = dict()
for key, val in parser[section].items():
S1_kwargs[key] = ast.literal_eval(val)
pop_kwargs['include_S1'] = S1_kwargs.pop('include_S1')
if pop_kwargs['include_S1']:
pop_kwargs['S1_kwargs'] = S1_kwargs
elif section == 'SingleStar_2_output':
S2_kwargs = dict()
for key, val in parser[section].items():
S2_kwargs[key] = ast.literal_eval(val)
pop_kwargs['include_S2'] = S2_kwargs.pop('include_S2')
if pop_kwargs['include_S2']:
pop_kwargs['S2_kwargs'] = S2_kwargs
# finally get the population properties
sim_prop_kwargs = simprop_kwargs_from_ini(path)
pop_kwargs['population_properties'] = SimulationProperties(
return pop_kwargs