Provides the functions that handle input/output of Job data.
print(“Example using new script (Simone’s runs)”) path = “/home/konstantinos/pCloudDrive/”
grid_reader = GridReader(path, verbose=True)
print(“READING THE PROFILE OF STAR1 IN THE SECOND BINARY OF THE GRID.”) profile = np.genfromtxt(grid_reader.runs[1].final_profile1_path,
skip_header=5, names=True)
print(“Columns:”) print(profile.dtype.names) print(“Array:”) print(profile)
The input path can be a list of paths or a string. The paths can be given with wildcard characters to incorporate multiple folders. E.g.,
path = [“/home/mygrid_part1”, “/home/mygrid_part2”]
path = [“home/mygrid_part*”]
Runs with the same initial parameters (folder name without the _grid_index_* part) are substituted. See psygrid module docstring for more information.
- class, fmt='posydon', binary=True, verbose=False, verbose_maxlines=10)[source]
Class for quick reading of MESA grid files.
Initialize object and immediately load the grid file structure.
- Parameters
path (str) – Path of the file or folder containing the MESA runs.
fmt (str) – Format specifier. Linked to data-types, filename conventions, etc.
binary (bool) – Whether the grid(s) are binary.
verbose (bool) – If True, it prints reports of performed actions.
verbose_maxlines (int) – In case of verbose=True, it sets the maximum number of lines of metadata files to be printed. If None, all lines will be printed. If 0, nothing will be printed.
- infer_history_columns(BH_cols, H1_cols, H2_cols)[source]
Infer the columns found in the grid’s history data files.
- Parameters
BH_cols (array-like) – Which columns to consider from binary_history.
H1_cols (array-like) – Which columns to consider from history1.
H2_cols (array-like) – Which columns to consider from history1.
- Returns
The names of the columns in history data. Columns in history1 and history2 are prefixed with star1_ and star2_ respectively.
- Return type
- class, fmt='posydon', binary=True, verbose=False, verbose_maxlines=10)[source]
Class for reading MESA output files of an individual run.
Initialize object and immediately read the data.
- Parameters
path (str) – Path of the file or folder containing the MESA run output.
fmt (str) – Format specifier. Linked to data-types, filename conventions, etc.
binary (bool) – Whether the run belongs to a binary grid.
verbose (bool) – If True, it prints reports of performed actions.
verbose_maxlines (int) – In case of verbose=True, it sets the maximum number of lines of metadata files to be printed. If None, all lines will be printed. If 0, nothing will be printed.
Use the name of the directory for inferring the main initial values.
-, max_lines=None, max_chars_per_line=80)[source]
Print parts of metadata files for inspection.
- Parameters
path (str) – Path of file containing the metadata.
max_lines (int or None) – Maximum number of lines to print. If None (default), print all of them.
max_chars_per_line (int or "warp") – If integer, it is the maximum number of character to be printed (e.g., useful when printing MESA output). If “warp”, no truncation.