"""Module for combining termination flags for visualization purposes."""
__authors__ = [
"Simone Bavera <Simone.Bavera@unige.ch>",
"Konstantinos Kovlakas <Konstantinos.Kovlakas@unige.ch>",
"Emmanouil Zapartas <ezapartas@gmail.com>",
import numpy as np
TF1_POOL_STABLE = ['Primary has depleted central carbon',
'Secondary has depleted central carbon',
'offcenter neon ignition for primary',
'offcenter neon ignition for secondary',
'Reached TPAGB',
'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, donor is star 1',
'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, donor is star 1',
'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, donor is star 1',
'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, donor is star 1',
'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, donor is star 2',
'reached maximum mass transfer rate: 10.0d0',
'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: 1d-1',
'Reached the critical mt rate',
'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: Exceeded photon trapping radius',
'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and at least one of them is off MS',
'Terminate due to L2 overflow during case A']
'overflow from L1 at ZAMS',
'Terminate because of overflowing initial model',
'overflow from L2 point for q>1 at ZAMS',
'overflow from L2 surface for q<1 at ZAMS',
'overflow from L2 surface for q>1 at ZAMS',
TF1_POOL_ERROR = ['logQ_limit',
'min timestep',
'cluster timelimit',
'reach cluster timelimit',
'no termination code']
[docs]def combine_TF12(IC, TF2, verbose=False):
"""Get the combination of interpolation classion and termination flag 2."""
N = len(IC)
TF12 = np.array(['unknown']*N, dtype='U25')
TF2_pool_SCONT = ['contact_during_MS']
TF2_pool_SA = ['caseA_from_star1',
TF2_pool_SAB = ['caseA/B_from_star1',
TF2_pool_SABB = ['caseA/BB_from_star1',
TF2_pool_SB = ['caseB_from_star1',
TF2_pool_SC = ['caseC_from_star1',
TF2_pool_SBC = ['caseB/C_from_star1',
TF2_pool_SBB = ['caseB/C/BB_from_star1',
TF2_pool_SBA = ['caseBA_from_star1',
TF2_unknown = ['?_from_star1', '?_from_star2']
TF2 = [(tf[1:] if tf.startswith("?case") else tf) for tf in TF2]
for i in range(N):
if IC[i] == 'initial_MT':
TF12[i] = 'Initial RLOF'
elif IC[i] == 'not_converged':
TF12[i] = 'Not converged'
elif IC[i] == 'no_MT':
TF12[i] = 'no_RLOF'
elif IC[i] == 'stable_MT':
if TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SCONT:
TF12[i] = 'Stable contact'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SA:
TF12[i] = 'Stable case A'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SAB:
TF12[i] = 'Stable case AB'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SABB:
TF12[i] = 'Stable case ABB'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SB:
TF12[i] = 'Stable case B'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SC:
TF12[i] = 'Stable case C'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SBC:
TF12[i] = 'Stable case BC'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SBB:
TF12[i] = 'Stable case BB'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SBA:
TF12[i] = 'Stable case BA'
elif IC[i] == 'unstable_MT':
if TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SCONT:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable contact'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SA:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable case A'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SAB:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable case AB'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SABB:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable case ABB'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SB:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable case B'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SC:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable case C'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SBB:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable case BB'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SBC:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable case BC'
elif TF2[i] in TF2_UNSTABLE_L2:
TF12[i] = "Unstable L2 RLOF"
elif TF2[i] in TF2_pool_SBA:
TF12[i] = 'Unstable case BA'
# catch if something is missing from the logic
if TF12[i] == 'unknown' or TF2[i] in TF2_unknown:
if verbose:
print(i, IC[i], TF2[i])
return TF12