Source code for posydon.popsyn.star_formation_history

"""Implements the selection of different star-formation history scenarios."""

__authors__ = [
    "Kyle Akira Rocha <>",
    "Devina Misra <>",
    "Konstantinos Kovlakas <>",

import numpy as np
from posydon.utils.constants import age_of_universe
from posydon.utils import (rejection_sampler, histogram_sampler,

SFH_SCENARIOS = ["burst", "constant", "custom_linear", "custom_log10",
                 "custom_linear_histogram", "custom_log10_histogram"]

[docs]def get_formation_times(N_binaries, star_formation='constant', **kwargs): """Get formation times of binaries in a population based on a SFH scenario. Parameters ---------- N_binaries : int Number of formation ages to produce. star_formation : str, {constant, burst} Constant - random formation times from a uniform distribution. Burst - all stars are born at the same time. burst_time : float, 0 (years) Sets birth time in years. min_time : float, 0 (years) If constant SF, sets minimum of random sampling. max_time : float, age_of_universe (years) If constant SF, sets maximum of random sampling. RNG : <class, np.random.Generator> Random generator instance. Returns ------- array The formation times array. """ RNG = kwargs.get('RNG', np.random.default_rng()) scenario = star_formation.lower() if scenario == 'burst': burst_time = kwargs.get('burst_time', 0.0) return np.ones(N_binaries)*burst_time max_time_default = kwargs.get('max_simulation_time', age_of_universe) max_time = kwargs.get('max_time', max_time_default) if scenario == 'constant': min_time = kwargs.get('min_time', 0.0) return RNG.uniform(size=N_binaries, low=min_time, high=max_time) if scenario in ["custom_linear", "custom_log10"]: custom_ages_file = kwargs.get('custom_ages_file') x, y = np.loadtxt(custom_ages_file, unpack=True) current_binary_ages = rejection_sampler(x, y, N_binaries) if "log10" in scenario: current_binary_ages = 10.0 ** current_binary_ages return max_time - current_binary_ages if scenario in ["custom_linear_histogram", "custom_log10_histogram"]: custom_ages_file = kwargs.get('custom_ages_file') x, y = read_histogram_from_file(custom_ages_file) current_binary_ages = histogram_sampler(x, y) if "log10" in scenario: current_binary_ages = 10.0 ** current_binary_ages return max_time - current_binary_ages raise ValueError( "Unknown star formation scenario '{}' given. Valid options: {}". format(star_formation, ",".join(SFH_SCENARIOS)))