Source code for posydon.popsyn.binarypopulation

"""Create, evolve and save a binary star population."""

__authors__ = [
    "Kyle Akira Rocha <>",
    "Jeffrey Andrews <>",
    "Konstantinos Kovlakas <>",
    "Devina Misra <>",

__credits__ = ["Nam Tran <>"]

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings
import traceback
import atexit
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import psutil

from posydon.binary_evol.binarystar import BinaryStar
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import SingleStar
from posydon.binary_evol.simulationproperties import SimulationProperties
from posydon.popsyn.star_formation_history import get_formation_times

from posydon.popsyn.independent_sample import generate_independent_samples
from posydon.utils.common_functions import (orbital_period_from_separation,
from posydon.popsyn.defaults import default_kwargs
from import binarypop_kwargs_from_ini

# 'event' usually 10 but 'detached (Integration failure)' can occur
HISTORY_MIN_ITEMSIZE = {'state': 30, 'event': 10, 'step_names': 15,
                        'S1_state': 31, 'S2_state': 31,
                        'mass_transfer_case': 7,
                        'S1_SN_type': 5, 'S2_SN_type': 5}
ONELINE_MIN_ITEMSIZE = {'state_i': 30, 'state_f': 30,
                        'event_i': 10, 'event_f': 10,
                        'step_names_i': 15, 'step_names_f': 15,
                        'S1_state_i': 31, 'S1_state_f': 31,
                        'S2_state_i': 31, 'S2_state_f': 31,
                        'mass_transfer_case_i': 7, 'mass_transfer_case_f': 7,
                        'S1_SN_type': 5, 'S2_SN_type': 5}

[docs]class BinaryPopulation: """Handle a binary star population.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize the binary population object. Parameters ---------- number_of_binaries : int Size of the population population_properties : SimulationProperties Instance of simulationproperties holding steps. """ # Set population kwargs - first set defaults, then add updates self.kwargs = default_kwargs.copy() for key, arg in kwargs.items(): self.kwargs[key] = arg self.number_of_binaries = self.kwargs.get('number_of_binaries') self.population_properties = self.kwargs.get('population_properties', SimulationProperties()) atexit.register(lambda: BinaryPopulation.close(self)) self.population_properties.max_simulation_time = self.kwargs.get( 'max_simulation_time') # years entropy = self.kwargs.get('entropy', None) seq = np.random.SeedSequence(entropy=entropy) self.comm = self.kwargs.pop('comm', None) if self.comm is not None: self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank() self.size = self.comm.Get_size() seed_seq = [i for i in seq.spawn(self.size)][self.rank] else: seed_seq = seq self.RNG = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed_seq) self.kwargs['RNG'] = self.RNG self.entropy = self.RNG.bit_generator._seed_seq.entropy self.kwargs['entropy'] = self.entropy self.manager = PopulationManager(**self.kwargs) # use manager methods self.to_df = self.manager.to_df self.to_oneline_df = self.manager.to_oneline_df self.find_failed = self.manager.find_failed
[docs] @classmethod def from_ini(cls, path, verbose=False): """Create a BinaryPopulation instance from an inifile. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to an inifile to load in. verbose : bool Print useful info. Returns ------- BinaryPopulation A new instance of a BinaryPopulation. """ kwargs = binarypop_kwargs_from_ini(path, verbose=verbose) return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def evolve(self, **kwargs): """Evolve a binary population. Parameters ---------- indices : list, optional Custom binary indices to use. Default is range(number_of_binaries). breakdown_to_df : bool, True Breakdown a binary after evolution, converting to dataframe and removing the binary instance from memory. tqdm : bool, False Show tqdm progress bar during evolution. Returns ------- None """ tqdm_bool = kwargs.get('tqdm', False) breakdown_to_df_bool = kwargs.get('breakdown_to_df', True) if self.comm is None: # do regular evolution indices = kwargs.get('indices', list(range(self.number_of_binaries))) self._safe_evolve(indices=indices, tqdm=tqdm_bool, breakdown_to_df=breakdown_to_df_bool, from_hdf=kwargs.get('from_hdf', False), **self.kwargs) else: # do MPI evolution indices = np.array_split(list(range(self.number_of_binaries)), self.size) batch_indices = indices[self.rank] mpi_tqdm_bool = True if (tqdm_bool and self.rank == 0) else False self._safe_evolve(indices=batch_indices, tqdm=mpi_tqdm_bool, breakdown_to_df=breakdown_to_df_bool, **self.kwargs)
def _safe_evolve(self, **kwargs): """Evolve binaries in a population, catching warnings/exceptions.""" if not self.population_properties.steps_loaded: self.population_properties.load_steps() indices = kwargs.get('indices', list(range(self.number_of_binaries))) indices_for_iter = (tqdm(indices) if kwargs.get('tqdm', False) else indices) breakdown_to_df = kwargs.get('breakdown_to_df', True) optimize_ram = kwargs.get("optimize_ram", True) self.kwargs['optimize_ram'] = optimize_ram ram_per_cpu = kwargs.get("ram_per_cpu", None) if optimize_ram: dump_rate = kwargs.get( "dump_rate", int(len(indices_for_iter) / 10)) dump_rate = np.max([dump_rate, 1]) # Set temporary directory for population batches temp_directory = os.path.abspath( kwargs.get("temp_directory", "batches")) self.kwargs['temp_directory'] = temp_directory kw = self.kwargs.copy() # Create temporary directory if it doesn't exist # Built to handle MPI if self.comm is None: if not os.path.exists(temp_directory): os.makedirs(temp_directory) else: if self.rank == 0: if not os.path.exists(temp_directory): os.makedirs(temp_directory) filenames = [] for j, index in enumerate(indices_for_iter): if kwargs.get('from_hdf', False): binary = self.manager.from_hdf(index, restore=True).pop() else: binary = self.manager.generate(index=index, **self.kwargs) = self.population_properties with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: try: binary.evolve() except Exception: binary.event = 'FAILED' binary.traceback = traceback.format_exc() if len(w) > 0: warnings.simplefilter("always") binary.warning_message = [x.message for x in w] if breakdown_to_df: self.manager.breakdown_to_df(binary, **self.kwargs) # Save data at some frequency if (optimize_ram and j % dump_rate == 0 and j != 0 and ram_per_cpu is None): # Create filenames for each batch if(self.comm is None): path = os.path.join(temp_directory, f"{j}_evolution.batch") else: path = os.path.join(temp_directory, f"{j}_evolution.batch.{self.rank}") # save binaries to disk for RAM optimization, mode="w", **kw) filenames.append(path) if(breakdown_to_df): self.manager.clear_dfs() else: self.manager.remove(self.manager.binaries.copy()) # Check to see if used memory is greater than 99% of allowed memory # rss gives memory usage in bytes, so divide by 2^30 to get GBs elif (optimize_ram and ram_per_cpu is not None and psutil.Process().memory_info().rss / (1024**3) >= 0.9 * ram_per_cpu): if(self.comm is None): path = os.path.join(temp_directory, f"{j}_evolution.batch") else: path = os.path.join(temp_directory, f"{j}_evolution.batch.{self.rank}") # save binaries to disk for RAM optimization, mode="w", **kw) filenames.append(path) if(breakdown_to_df): self.manager.clear_dfs() else: self.manager.remove(self.manager.binaries.copy()) # handling case if dump rate is not multiple of population size if ((len(self.manager.binaries) != 0 or len(self.manager.history_dfs) != 0) and optimize_ram): if(self.comm is None): path = os.path.join(temp_directory, "leftover_evolution.batch") else: path = os.path.join(temp_directory, f"leftover_evolution.batch.{self.rank}") # save binaries to disk for RAM optimization, mode="w", **kw) filenames.append(path) if(breakdown_to_df): self.manager.clear_dfs() else: self.manager.remove(self.manager.binaries.copy()) if optimize_ram: # combining files if self.comm is None: self.combine_saved_files(os.path.join(temp_directory, "evolution.combined"), filenames, mode = "w") else: self.combine_saved_files( os.path.join(temp_directory, f"evolution.combined.{self.rank}"), filenames, mode = "w") else: if self.comm is None:, "evolution.combined"), mode='w', **kwargs) else: os.path.join(temp_directory, f"evolution.combined.{self.rank}"), mode='w', **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, save_path, mode='a', **kwargs): """Save BinaryPopulation to hdf file.""" optimize_ram = self.kwargs['optimize_ram'] temp_directory = self.kwargs['temp_directory'] if self.comm is None: if optimize_ram: os.rename(os.path.join(temp_directory, "evolution.combined"), save_path) else:, mode=mode, **kwargs) else: absolute_filepath = os.path.abspath(save_path) dir_name = os.path.dirname(absolute_filepath) file_name = os.path.basename(absolute_filepath) if os.path.isdir(absolute_filepath): file_name = 'backup_save_pop_data.h5' file_path = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name) warnings.warn('The provided path is a directory - saving ' 'to {0} instead.'.format(file_path), Warning) self.comm.Barrier() if self.rank == 0: file_name = os.path.basename(absolute_filepath) tmp_files = [os.path.join( self.kwargs["temp_directory"], f"evolution.combined.{i}") for i in range(self.size)] self.combine_saved_files(absolute_filepath, tmp_files, mode = mode) else: return
[docs] def make_temp_fname(self): """Get a valid filename for the temporary file.""" temp_directory = self.kwargs['temp_directory'] return os.path.join(temp_directory, f"evolution.combined.{self.rank}")
# return os.path.join(dir_name, '.tmp{}_'.format(rank) + file_name)
[docs] def combine_saved_files(self, absolute_filepath, file_names, mode = "a"): """Combine various temporary files in a given folder.""" dir_name = os.path.dirname(absolute_filepath) history_cols = pd.read_hdf(file_names[0], key='history').columns oneline_cols = pd.read_hdf(file_names[0], key='oneline').columns history_tmp = pd.read_hdf(file_names[0], key='history') history_min_itemsize = {key: val for key, val in HISTORY_MIN_ITEMSIZE.items() if key in history_cols} oneline_min_itemsize = {key: val for key, val in ONELINE_MIN_ITEMSIZE.items() if key in oneline_cols} with pd.HDFStore(absolute_filepath, mode = mode) as store: for f in file_names: # strings itemsize set by first append max value, # which may not be largest string try: store.append('history', pd.read_hdf(f, key='history'), min_itemsize=history_min_itemsize) store.append('oneline', pd.read_hdf(f, key='oneline'), min_itemsize=oneline_min_itemsize) os.remove(f) except Exception: print(traceback.format_exc(), flush=True)
[docs] def close(self): """Close loaded h5 files from SimulationProperties.""" self.population_properties.close() self.manager.close()
def __getstate__(self): """Prepare the BinaryPopulation to be 'pickled'.""" # In order to be generally picklable, we need to discard the # communicator object before trying. d = self.__dict__ d["comm"] = None prop = d['population_properties'] if prop.steps_loaded: prop.close() return d def __iter__(self): """Iterate the binaries.""" return iter(self.manager) def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the k-th binary.""" return self.manager[key] def __len__(self): """Get the number of binaries in the population.""" return len(self.manager) def __repr__(self): """Report key properties of the object.""" s = "<{}.{} at {}>\n".format( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)) ) for key, arg in self.kwargs.items(): s += "{}: {}\n".format(key, arg) return s
[docs]class PopulationManager: """Manage a population of binaries.""" def __init__(self, file_name=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a PopulationManager instance.""" self.kwargs = kwargs.copy() self.binaries = [] self.indices = [] self.history_dfs = [] self.oneline_dfs = [] self.binary_generator = BinaryGenerator(**kwargs) self.entropy = self.binary_generator.entropy if file_name: = pd.HDFStore(file_name, mode='r',) atexit.register(lambda: PopulationManager.close(self))
[docs] def close(self): """Close the HDF5 file.""" if hasattr(self, 'store'):
[docs] def append(self, binary): """Add a binary instance internaly.""" if isinstance(binary, (list, np.ndarray)): self.indices.append([b.index for b in binary]) self.binaries.extend(list(binary)) elif isinstance(binary, BinaryStar): self.indices.append(binary.index) self.binaries.append(binary) else: raise ValueError('Must be BinaryStar or list of BinaryStars')
[docs] def remove(self, binary): """Remove a binary instance.""" if isinstance(binary, (list, np.ndarray)): for b in binary: self.binaries.remove(b) self.indices.remove(b.index) elif isinstance(binary, BinaryStar): self.binaries.remove(binary) self.indices.remove(binary.index) else: raise ValueError('Must be BinaryStar or list of BinaryStars')
[docs] def clear_dfs(self): """Remove all dfs.""" self.history_dfs = [] self.oneline_dfs = []
[docs] def breakdown_to_df(self, binary, **kwargs): """Breakdown to a pandas DataFrame. Breakdown a binary into more convenient data type, store it, and remove the BinaryStar instance from self. """ try: history = binary.to_df(**kwargs) self.history_dfs.append(history) oneline = binary.to_oneline_df(**kwargs) self.oneline_dfs.append(oneline) self.remove(binary) except Exception as err: print("Error during breakdown of {0}:\n{1}". format(str(binary), err))
[docs] def to_df(self, selection_function=None, **kwargs): """Convert all binaries to dataframe.""" if len(self.binaries) == 0 and len(self.history_dfs) == 0: return is_callable = callable(selection_function) holder = [] if len(self.binaries) > 0: for binary in self.binaries: if not is_callable or (is_callable and selection_function(binary)): holder.append(binary.to_df(**kwargs)) elif len(self.history_dfs) > 0: holder.extend(self.history_dfs) if len(holder) > 0: return pd.concat(holder, axis=0, ignore_index=False)
[docs] def to_oneline_df(self, selection_function=None, **kwargs): """Convert all binaries to oneline dataframe.""" if len(self.binaries) == 0 and len(self.oneline_dfs) == 0: return is_callable = callable(selection_function) holder = [] if len(self.binaries) > 0: for binary in self.binaries: if not is_callable or (is_callable and selection_function(binary)): holder.append(binary.to_oneline_df(**kwargs)) elif len(self.oneline_dfs) > 0: holder.extend(self.oneline_dfs) if len(holder) > 0: return pd.concat(holder, axis=0, ignore_index=False)
[docs] def find_failed(self,): """Find any failed binaries in the population.""" if len(self) > 0: return [b for b in self if b.event == 'FAILED'] elif len(self.history_dfs) > 0: failed_dfs = [f for f in self.history_dfs if f['event'].iloc[-1] == 'FAILED'] if bool(failed_dfs): return pd.concat(failed_dfs, axis=0, ignore_index=False) else: return failed_dfs
[docs] def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generate a binary by drawing from the binary_generator. This can be a callable or a generator. """ binary = self.binary_generator.draw_initial_binary(**kwargs) self.append(binary) return binary
[docs] def from_hdf(self, indices, where=None, restore=False): """Load a BinaryStar instance from an hdf file of a saved population. Parameters ---------- indices : int, list Selects the binaries to load. where : str Query performed on disk to select history and oneline DataFrames. restore : bool Restore binaries back to initial conditions. """ if where is None: query_str = 'index==indices' else: query_str = str(where) hist ='history', where=query_str) oneline ='oneline', where=query_str) binary_holder = [] for i in np.unique(hist.index): binary = BinaryStar.from_df( hist.loc[i], extra_columns=self.kwargs.get('extra_columns', [])) # if the binary has failed if bool(oneline.loc[[i]]['FAILED'].values[-1]): setattr(binary, 'event', 'FAILED') bin_scalars = self.kwargs.get('scalar_names', []) s1_scalars = self.kwargs.get( 'S1_kwargs', {}).get('scalar_names', []) s2_scalars = self.kwargs.get( 'S2_kwargs', {}).get('scalar_names', []) if any([bool(bin_scalars), bool(s1_scalars), bool(s2_scalars)]): oline_bin = BinaryStar.from_oneline_df( oneline.loc[[i]], extra_columns=self.kwargs.get('extra_columns', []) ) for name in bin_scalars: val = getattr(oline_bin, name) setattr(binary, name, val) for name in s1_scalars: val = getattr(oline_bin.star_1, name) setattr(binary.star_1, name, val) for name in s2_scalars: val = getattr(oline_bin.star_2, name) setattr(binary.star_2, name, val) del oline_bin binary_holder.append(binary) self.append(binary) if restore: [b.restore() for b in binary_holder] return binary_holder
[docs] def save(self, fname, mode='a', **kwargs): """Save binaries to an hdf file using pandas HDFStore. Any object dtype columns not parsed by infer_objects() is converted to a string. Parameters ---------- fname : str Name of hdf file saved. **kwargs Returns ------- None """ def set_dtypes_oneline(data): """Change the dtypes for consistency in saving.""" for col in data.columns: if 'natal_kick_array' in col: # First convert None's to NaN's # data[col][data[col] == 'None'] = np.nan data.loc[data[col] == 'None', col] = np.nan # Next, convert dtype data = data.astype({col: np.float64}) return data with pd.HDFStore(fname, mode=mode) as store: history_df = self.to_df(**kwargs) # Set dtypes for saving history_df = history_df.infer_objects() object_to_str = {name: 'str' for i, name in enumerate(history_df.columns) if history_df.iloc[:, i].dtype == 'object'} history_df = history_df.astype(object_to_str) store.append('history', history_df, data_columns=True) online_df = self.to_oneline_df(**kwargs) online_df = online_df.infer_objects() object_to_str = {name: 'str' for i, name in enumerate(online_df.columns) if online_df.iloc[:, i].dtype == 'object'} online_df = online_df.astype(object_to_str) online_df = set_dtypes_oneline(online_df) store.append('oneline', online_df, data_columns=True)
# store = pd.HDFStore(fname, mode=mode) # history_df = self.to_df(**kwargs) # # Set dtypes for saving # history_df = history_df.infer_objects() # # TODO: move these data type conversions into to_df, to_oneline_df # object_to_str = {name:'str' # for i, name in enumerate(history_df.columns) # if history_df.iloc[:,i].dtype == 'object'} # history_df = history_df.astype(object_to_str) # store.append('history', history_df, data_columns=True) # online_df = self.to_oneline_df(**kwargs) # online_df = online_df.infer_objects() # object_to_str = {name:'str' # for i, name in enumerate(online_df.columns) # if online_df.iloc[:,i].dtype == 'object'} # online_df = online_df.astype(object_to_str) # online_df = set_dtypes_oneline(online_df) # store.append('oneline', online_df, data_columns=True) # store.close() def __getitem__(self, key): """Return the key-th binary.""" return self.binaries[key] def __iter__(self): """Iterate the binaries in the population.""" return iter(self.binaries) def __len__(self): """Return the number of binaries in the population.""" return len(self.binaries) def __bool__(self): """Evaluate as True if binaries have been appended.""" return len(self) > 0
[docs]class BinaryGenerator: """Generate binaries to be included in a BinaryPopulation.""" def __init__(self, sampler=generate_independent_samples, RNG=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the BinaryGenerator instance.""" self._num_gen = 0 if RNG is None: self.RNG = np.random.default_rng() self.entropy = self.RNG.bit_generator._seed_seq.entropy else: assert isinstance(RNG, np.random.Generator) self.RNG = RNG self.entropy = self.RNG.bit_generator._seed_seq.entropy self.kwargs = kwargs.copy() self.sampler = sampler self.star_formation = kwargs.get('star_formation', 'burst')
[docs] def reset_rng(self): """Reset the RNG with the stored entropy.""" self._num_gen = 0 self.RNG = self.get_original_rng()
[docs] def get_original_rng(self): """Return the random-number generator.""" seq = np.random.SeedSequence(entropy=self.entropy) RNG = np.random.default_rng(seed=seq) return RNG
[docs] def get_binary_by_iter(self, n=1, **kwargs): """Get the nth binary as if n calls were made to draw_intial_binary.""" RNG = self.get_original_rng() original_num_gen = self._num_gen if n != 0: # draw n-1 samples with new original RNG self.sampler( number_of_binaries=int(n-1), RNG=RNG, **kwargs) binary = self.draw_initial_binary(index=n, RNG=RNG, **kwargs) self._num_gen = original_num_gen return binary
[docs] def draw_initial_samples(self, orbital_scheme='separation', **kwargs): """Generate all random varibles.""" if not ('RNG' in kwargs.keys()): kwargs['RNG'] = self.RNG # a, e, M_1, M_2, P sampler_output = self.sampler(orbital_scheme, **kwargs) if orbital_scheme == 'separation': separation, eccentricity, m1, m2 = sampler_output orbital_period = orbital_period_from_separation(separation, m1, m2) elif orbital_scheme == 'period': orbital_period, eccentricity, m1, m2 = sampler_output separation = orbital_separation_from_period(orbital_period, m1, m2) else: raise ValueError("Allowed orbital schemes: separation or period.") # formation times N_binaries = len(orbital_period) formation_times = get_formation_times(N_binaries, **kwargs) # indices indices = np.arange(self._num_gen, self._num_gen+N_binaries, 1) output_dict = { 'binary_index': indices, 'time': formation_times, 'separation': separation, 'eccentricity': eccentricity, 'orbital_period': orbital_period, 'S1_mass': m1, 'S2_mass': m2, } self._num_gen += N_binaries return output_dict
[docs] def draw_initial_binary(self, **kwargs): """Return a binary for evolution in a population. Parameters ---------- index : int Sets binary index. Defaults to number of generated binaries. Returns ------- binary : BinaryStar """ sampler_kwargs = kwargs.copy() sampler_kwargs['number_of_binaries'] = 1 sampler_kwargs['RNG'] = kwargs.get('RNG', self.RNG) output = self.draw_initial_samples(**sampler_kwargs) default_index = output['binary_index'].item() # Randomly generated variables formation_time = output['time'].item() separation = output['separation'].item() orbital_period = output['orbital_period'].item() eccentricity = output['eccentricity'].item() m1 = output['S1_mass'].item() m2 = output['S2_mass'].item() binary_params = dict( index=kwargs.get('index', default_index), time=formation_time, state="detached", event="ZAMS", separation=separation, orbital_period=orbital_period, eccentricity=eccentricity, ) star1_params = dict( mass=m1, state="H-rich_Core_H_burning", metallicity=0.0142, # ONLY VALID FOR Zsun center_h1=0.7155, # ONLY VALID FOR Zsun center_he4=0.2703, # ONLY VALID FOR Zsun ) star2_params = dict( mass=m2, state="H-rich_Core_H_burning", metallicity=0.0142, # ONLY VALID FOR Zsun center_h1=0.7155, # ONLY VALID FOR Zsun center_he4=0.2703, # ONLY VALID FOR Zsun ) binary = BinaryStar(**binary_params, star_1=SingleStar(**star1_params), star_2=SingleStar(**star2_params)) return binary
def __repr__(self,): """Report key properties of the BinaryGenerator instance.""" s = "<{}.{} at {}>\n".format( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)) ) s += 'RNG: {}\n'.format(repr(self.RNG)) s += 'entropy: {}\n'.format(self.entropy) for key, arg in self.kwargs.items(): s += "{}: {}\n".format(key, arg) return s