Source code for posydon.interpolation.data_scaling
"""Module for scaling data before and after interpolation."""
__authors__ = [
"Juanga Serra Perez <>",
import numpy as np
[docs]class DataScaler:
"""Data Normalization class.
This class provides normalizing tools for float 1D arrays. Features can be
standarized or scaled to a range depending on the method chosen when
calling the fit ot fit_and_transform functions.
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the data scaler.
No parameters are expected. After instantiation use methods `fit` or
`fit_and_transform` first to fit a scaling object to a given vector of
>>> sc = DataScaler()
self.params = None
self.method = None
# These two parameters will only be used when method is (log)_min_max
self.lower = None
self.upper = None
[docs] def fit(self, x, method='none', lower=-1.0, upper=1.0):
"""Fit a transform of 1D numpy array x.
Computes the parameters that define the transform.
x : numpy.ndarray
expects a 1D array and finds norm values of columns
method : str
Scaling method. Possible values: 'min_max', 'max_abs', 'standarize'
and their log versions 'log_min_max', 'neg_log_min_max',
'log_max_abs', 'log_standarize', 'neg_log_standarize'.
lower : float
lower range value of x_t after (log_)min_max scaling
upper : float
upper range value of x_t after (log_)min_max scaling
# make sure that we have a 1D NumPy arrays
assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and len(x.shape) == 1
# this is not rechecked in transform/inv_transform,
# so the same transform could potentially be used for ndarrays
# store method as class attribute
self.method = method
# compute scaling parameters associated with each method
if method == 'min_max':
assert upper > lower, "upper must be greater than lower"
self.lower, self.upper = lower, upper
self.params = [x.min(axis=0), x.max(axis=0)]
elif method == 'log_min_max':
assert upper > lower, "upper must be greater than lower"
self.lower, self.upper = lower, upper
self.params = [np.log10(x.min(axis=0)), np.log10(x.max(axis=0))]
elif method == 'neg_log_min_max':
assert upper > lower, "upper must be greater than lower"
self.lower, self.upper = lower, upper
self.params = [np.log10((-x).min(axis=0)),
elif method == 'max_abs':
self.params = [np.abs(x).max(axis=0)]
elif method == 'log_max_abs':
self.params = [np.abs(np.log10(x)).max(axis=0)]
elif method == 'standarize':
self.params = [x.mean(axis=0), x.std(axis=0)]
elif method == 'log_standarize':
# log will be computed in transform again
self.params = [np.log10(x).mean(axis=0), np.log10(x).std(axis=0)]
elif method == 'neg_log_standarize': # log(-x)
self.params = [np.log10(-x).mean(axis=0), np.log10(-x).std(axis=0)]
elif method == 'log':
self.params = []
elif method == 'none': # no transformation
self.params = []
raise ValueError(f"Unknown method `{method}` for data scaler.")
[docs] def transform(self, x):
"""Transform x using the already obtained normalization values.
``` must be called first.
lower/upper will only be taken into account for (log_)min_max
normalization. In this case, the transformed x will have
min(x_transf) = lower, max(x_transf) = upper
x : numpy.ndarray
values to normalize
transformed version of x
# Make sure that "" was called first
if self.method is None:
raise AssertionError(
"You have to fit a scaling object to a feature vector first")
if self.method == 'min_max':
x_t = ((x - self.params[0]) / (self.params[1] - self.params[0])
* (self.upper - self.lower) + self.lower)
elif self.method == 'log_min_max':
x_t = ((np.log10(x) - self.params[0])
/ (self.params[1] - self.params[0])
* (self.upper - self.lower) + self.lower)
elif self.method == 'neg_log_min_max':
x_t = ((np.log10(-x) - self.params[0])
/ (self.params[1] - self.params[0])
* (self.upper - self.lower) + self.lower)
elif self.method == 'max_abs':
x_t = x / self.params[0]
elif self.method == 'log_max_abs':
x_t = np.log10(x) / self.params[0]
elif self.method == 'standarize':
x_t = (x - self.params[0]) / self.params[1]
elif self.method == 'log_standarize':
# log will be computed in transform again
x_t = (np.log10(x) - self.params[0]) / self.params[1]
elif self.method == 'neg_log_standarize':
x_t = (np.log10(-x) - self.params[0]) / self.params[1]
elif self.method == 'log':
x_t = np.log10(x)
else: # no transformation
x_t = x
return x_t
[docs] def fit_and_transform(self, x, method='none', lower=-1, upper=1):
"""Fit and transform the array x according to the chosen scaling.
lower/upper will only be taken into account for (log_)min_max
normalization. In this case, the transformed x will have
min(x_transf) = lower, max(x_transf) = upper
x : numpy.ndarray
expects a 1D array and finds norm values of columns
method : str
scaling method. Possible values: 'min_max', 'max_abs', 'standarize'
and the log versions 'log_min_max', 'log_max_abs', 'log_standarize'
lower : float
lower range value of x_t after (log_)min_max scaling
upper : float
upper range value of x_t after (log_)min_max scaling
transformed version of x
""", method, lower, upper)
return self.transform(x)
[docs] def inv_transform(self, x_t):
"""Revert the scaling using the stored transform parameters.
x_t : numpy.ndarray
expects a 1D array to unnormalize given the fitted transform.
denormalized x using the stored parameters.
if self.method is None:
raise AssertionError("Transformation not defined yet. "
"Fit a scaling object first.")
if self.method == 'min_max':
x = ((x_t - self.lower)
/ (self.upper - self.lower)
* (self.params[1] - self.params[0]) + self.params[0])
elif self.method == 'log_min_max':
x = 10 ** ((x_t - self.lower) / (self.upper - self.lower)
* (self.params[1] - self.params[0]) + self.params[0])
elif self.method == 'neg_log_min_max':
x = -10 ** ((x_t - self.lower) / (self.upper - self.lower)
* (self.params[1] - self.params[0]) + self.params[0])
elif self.method == 'max_abs':
x = x_t * self.params[0]
elif self.method == 'log_max_abs':
x = 10 ** (x_t * self.params[0])
elif self.method == 'standarize':
x = x_t * self.params[1] + self.params[0]
elif self.method == 'log_standarize':
x = 10 ** (x_t * self.params[1] + self.params[0])
elif self.method == 'neg_log_standarize':
x = -10 ** (x_t * self.params[1] + self.params[0])
elif self.method == 'log':
x = 10 ** x_t
else: # no transformation
x = x_t
return x