"""Supernova step.
This step models the end of life of stars by being applied to a binary
object and verifying its state. It performs the collapse prescription
used to initialize the step in the respective star. Depending on the
C and He cores the final state of the star is determined, from the
formation of white dwarfs to electron-capture supernova, Fe core-collapse
supernova, pair pulsation supernova and pair instability supernova.
__authors__ = [
"Simone Bavera <Simone.Bavera@unige.ch>",
"Jaime Roman Garza <Jaime.Roman@etu.unige.ch>",
"Emmanouil Zapartas <ezapartas@gmail.com>",
"Konstantinos Kovlakas <Konstantinos.Kovlakas@unige.ch>",
"Devina Misra <devina.misra@unige.ch>",
"Zepei Xing <Zepei.Xing@unige.ch>",
"Jeffrey Andrews <jeffrey.andrews@northwestern.edu>",
"Tassos Fragos <Anastasios.Fragkos@unige.ch>",
__credits__ = [
"Michael Zevin <michael.zevin@ligo.org>",
"Chase Kimball <charles.kimball@ligo.org",
"Sam Imperato <samuelimperato2022@u.northwestern.edu>",
import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from posydon.utils.data_download import PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA, data_download
import posydon.utils.constants as const
from posydon.utils.common_functions import is_number
from posydon.utils.common_functions import CO_radius
from posydon.utils.common_functions import (
from posydon.binary_evol.binarystar import BINARYPROPERTIES
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import STARPROPERTIES
from posydon.binary_evol.SN.profile_collapse import do_core_collapse_BH
from posydon.binary_evol.flow_chart import (STAR_STATES_CO, STAR_STATES_CC,
from pandas import read_csv
from sklearn import neighbors
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import json
path_to_Sukhbold_datasets = os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA,
path_to_Patton_datasets = os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA,
path_to_Couch_datasets = os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA,
"mechanism": 'Patton&Sukhbold20-engine',
"engine": 'N20',
"PISN": "Marchant+19",
"ECSN": "Podsiadlowksi+04",
"max_neutrino_mass_loss": 0.5,
"kick": True,
"kick_normalisation": 'one_over_mass',
"sigma_kick_CCSN_NS": 265.0,
"sigma_kick_CCSN_BH": 265.0,
"sigma_kick_ECSN": 20.0,
"max_NS_mass": 2.5,
"use_interp_values": True,
"use_profiles": True,
"use_core_masses": True,
"approx_at_he_depletion": False,
"verbose": False,
[docs]class StepSN(object):
"""The supernova step in POSYDON.
Keyword Arguments
mechanism : str
Mechanism to perform the core-collapse on the star object and
predict the supernova remnant outcome. Available options are:
* 'Fryer+12-rapid' : The rapid supernova-engine described in
* 'Fryer+12-delayed' : The delayed supernova-engine described in
* 'direct' : The pre-supernova mass of the starr is collapsed into the
remnant baryonic mass.
* 'direct_he_core' : The pre-supernova He core mass of the starr is
collapsed into the remnant baryonic mass.
* 'Sukhbold+16-engine' : Uses the results from [2]
to describe the collapse of the star.
* 'Patton&Sukhbold20-engine': Uses the results from [5]
to describe the collapse of the star.
* 'Couch+20-engine': Uses the results from [6]
to describe the collapse of the star.
engine : str
Engine used for supernova remnanrt outcome propierties for the
Sukhbold+16-engineand and Patton&Sukhbold20-engine mechanisms.
Available options:
- 'N20'
PISN : str
Prescrition to take on the pair-instability supernova.
Avialable options:
- 'Marchant+19' : Descripes the pair-instability supernova as
mass_central_BH : double
Central mass collapsed automatically on black-holes formed by direct
max_neutrino_mass_loss : double
Neutrino mass loss during the collapse of the proto neutron-star.
kick : bool
If True, the kick velocities are computed corresponding to the
supernova event, else no kicks are taking into account
for any supernova outcome.
kick_normalisation : str
Renormalise the kick by:
'one_minus_fallback' : (1-f_fb)
'one_over_mass' : 1.4/m_BH
'zero' : 0.
'one' : 1.
'NS_one_minus_fallback_BH_one': 1 for BH, (1-f_fb) for NS
ECSN : str
Prescription to determine the production of an electron-capture
Avialable options:
- 'Tauris+15': Determines the electron capture supernova in terms
of the CO core mass at pre-supernova, taking the limits from [4].
sigma_kick_CCSN_NS : double
Standard deviation for a Maxwellian distribution to compute the
kick velocities from NSs formed by Fe core-collapse
sigma_kick_CCSN_BH : double
Standard deviation for a Maxwellian distribution to compute the
kick velocities from BHs formed by Fe core-collapse
sigma_kick_ECSN : double
Standard deviation for a Maxwellian distribution to compute the
kick velocities from compact-object formed by electron-capture
max_NS_mass : double
Maximum neutron-star mass.
use_interp_values : bool
The outcome of core collpase was interpolated from a post processed
MESA grid and stored in the star object in the mesa_step or
detached_step (default). This option supports only default
assumptions for all core collase mechanism.
use_profiles : bool
Perfrome the core collpase given a MESA profile. To use this option
a MESA profile must be stored in the star object which is provided
by nearest neighbor interpolation in the mesa_step or (TODO)
interpolated in the detached_step.
use_core_masses : bool
This option uses the core masses at carbon depletion to determine
the core collapse outcoume (classical population sythesis
approx_at_he_depletion : bool
This option is relevant only for the mechanism Patton&Sukhbold20-engine.
In case the core masses at he-depletion are not present in the
star object, compute them from the history, else (approximation=True)
approximate it from the core masses at C depletion.
verbose : bool
If True, the messages will be prited in the console.
.. [1] Fryer, C. L., Belczynski, K., Wiktorowicz, G., Dominik, M.,
Kalogera, V., & Holz, D. E. (2012). Compact remnant mass function:
dependence on the explosion mechanism and metallicity.
The Astrophysical Journal, 749(1), 91.
.. [2] Sukhbold, T., Ertl, T., Woosley, S. E., Brown, J. M., & Janka,
H. T. (2016). Core-collapse supernovae from 9 to 120 solar masses based
on neutrino-powered explosions. The Astrophysical Journal, 821(1), 38.
.. [3] Marchant, P., Renzo, M., Farmer, R., Pappas, K. M., Taam, R. E.,
De Mink, S. E., & Kalogera, V. (2019). Pulsational pair-instability
supernovae in very close binaries. The Astrophysical Journal, 882(1), 36.
.. [4] Tauris, T. M., Langer, N., & Podsiadlowski, P. (2015).
Ultra-stripped supernovae: progenitors and fate. Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 451(2), 2123-2144.
..[5] Patton, R. A. & Sukhbold, T. 2020, MNRAS, 499, 2803. Towards a
realistic explosion landscape for binary population synthesis
..[6] Couch, S. M., Warren, M. L., & O’Connor, E. P. 2020, ApJ, 890, 127.
Simulating Turbulence-aided Neutrino-driven Core-collapse Supernova
Explosions in One Dimension
def __init__(self,
"""Initialize a StepSN instance."""
# read kwargs to initialize the class
if kwargs:
for key in kwargs:
if key not in MODEL:
raise ValueError(key + " is not a valid parameter name!")
for varname in MODEL:
default_value = MODEL[varname]
setattr(self, varname, kwargs.get(varname, default_value))
self.mechanism = mechanism
self.engine = engine
self.PISN = PISN
self.ECSN = ECSN
self.max_neutrino_mass_loss = max_neutrino_mass_loss
self.kick = kick
self.kick_normalisation = kick_normalisation
self.sigma_kick_CCSN_NS = sigma_kick_CCSN_NS
self.sigma_kick_CCSN_BH = sigma_kick_CCSN_BH
self.sigma_kick_ECSN = sigma_kick_ECSN
self.max_NS_mass = max_NS_mass
self.use_interp_values = use_interp_values
self.use_profiles = use_profiles
self.use_core_masses = use_core_masses
self.approx_at_he_depletion = approx_at_he_depletion
self.verbose = verbose
if self.max_neutrino_mass_loss is None:
self.max_neutrino_mass_loss = 0
# Initializing core collapse
# Available mechanisms for core-collapse supernova
self.Fryer12_rapid = "Fryer+12-rapid"
self.Fryer12_delayed = "Fryer+12-delayed"
self.direct_collapse = "direct"
self.direct_collapse_hecore = "direct_he_core"
self.Sukhbold16_engines = "Sukhbold+16-engine"
self.Patton20_engines = "Patton&Sukhbold20-engine"
self.Couch20_engines = "Couch+20-engine"
self.mechanisms = [
if self.mechanism in self.mechanisms:
if self.mechanism in [
self.Sukhbold_corecollapse_engine = None
elif self.mechanism == self.Sukhbold16_engines:
# set the path to the datasets for each supernova engine
self.path_to_Sukhbold_datasets = path_to_Sukhbold_datasets
self.Sukhbold_corecollapse_engine = Sukhbold16_corecollapse(
self.engine, self.path_to_Sukhbold_datasets, self.verbose)
elif self.mechanism == self.Couch20_engines:
# set the path to the datasets for each supernova engine
self.path_to_Couch_datasets = path_to_Couch_datasets
# returns JSON object as
# a dictionary
self.Couch_corecollapse_engine = Couch20_corecollapse(
elif self.mechanism == self.Patton20_engines:
self.path_to_Patton_datasets = path_to_Patton_datasets
def format_data_Patton20(file_name):
"""Format the Patton&Sukhbold,20 dataset for interpolation.
file_name : str
Name of the dataset file.
CO_core_params : arr
Array containing the carbon-oxygen core parameters
in a grid of abundance and mass as columns.
target_parameter : arr
Array with the corresponding value of the target
parameter giving the selected dataset.
# Check if interpolation files exist
filename = os.path.join(self.path_to_Patton_datasets,
if not os.path.exists(filename):
# Reading the dataset
data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=6, dtype='str')
# Extracting the matrix with the values of the target
# parameter
target_matrix = data[1:].T[1:].T
# Formating the target metrix values as a 1D array and
# converting the values to float
target = target_matrix.astype(float).ravel()
# Extracting the values for the CO core parameters
M_CO, X_CO = np.meshgrid(data[0][1:], data.T[0][1:])
# Stacking the CO core parameters to the corresponding grid
# array that defines the injective relation between each
# element of CO_core_params to the elements in target
CO_core_params = (np.vstack(
(X_CO.ravel(), M_CO.ravel())).T).astype(float)
return CO_core_params, target
if self.verbose:
print('Loading the train dataset for engine mu4 and M4...')
CO_core_params_mu4, mu4_target = format_data_Patton20(
CO_core_params_M4, M4_target = format_data_Patton20(
n_neighbors = 5
if self.verbose:
print('Training the classifier ...')
self.M4_interpolator = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(
n_neighbors, weights='distance')
self.M4_interpolator.fit(CO_core_params_M4, M4_target)
self.mu4_interpolator = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(
n_neighbors, weights='distance')
self.mu4_interpolator.fit(CO_core_params_mu4, mu4_target)
if self.verbose:
raise ValueError("Invalid core-collapse mechanism given.")
def __repr__(self):
"""Get the string representation of the class and any parameters."""
return "SN step (kick distribution: {})".format(self.kick_distribution)
def _reset_other_star_properties(self, star):
"""Reset the properties of the star that is not being collapsed."""
star.lg_mdot = None
star.lg_system_mdot = None
def __call__(self, binary):
"""Perform the supernova step on a binary object.
binary : instance of BinaryStar
The binary to evolve.
# consistency check
# self.check()
# read binary properties of interest
# do the caclulations
# update star/binary properties (e.g. period, eccentricity, masses)
# Check if the binary event is calling correctly the SN_step,
# this should occour only on the first or second core-collapse
# CC1 and CC2 respectively.
if binary.event == "CC1":
# collapse star
elif binary.event == "CC2":
# collapse star
raise ValueError("Something went wrong: "
"invalid call of supernova step!")
# do orbital_kick on the binary object
if self.kick:
# Checks if the binary is not disrupted to compute the
# inspiral time due to gravitational wave emission
state1, state2 = binary.star_1.state, binary.star_2.state
if binary.state == "disrupted":
binary.inspiral_time = np.nan
elif state1 in STAR_STATES_CO and state2 in STAR_STATES_CO:
binary.inspiral_time = inspiral_timescale_from_separation(
# Cover the case where CC of the companion is immediately followed
elif state1 in STAR_STATES_CO and state2 in STAR_STATES_C_DEPLETION:
binary.event = "CC2"
elif state1 in STAR_STATES_C_DEPLETION and state2 in STAR_STATES_CO:
binary.event = "CC1"
[docs] def check(self):
"""Check the internal integrity and the values of the parameters."""
if self.kick_distribution is None:
raise ValueError("Undefined supernova kick velocity distribution")
[docs] def collapse_star(self, star):
"""Collapse the star object into a compact object.
This routine supports three options:
1. use_interp_values : True
The outcome of core collpase was interpolated from a post processed
MESA grid and stored in the star object in the mesa_step or
detached_step (default). This option supports only default
assumptions for all core collase mechanism.
2. use_profiles : False
Perfrome the core collpase given a MESA profile. To use this option
a MESA profile must be stored in the star object which is provided
by nearest neighbor interpolation in the mesa_step or (TODO)
interpolated in the detached_step.
3. use_core_masses : False
This option uses the core masses at carbon depletion to determine
the core collapse outcoume (classical population sythesis
star : object
Star object containing the star properties.
m_rem : double
Remnant mass of the compact object in M_sun. This quantity accounts
for the mass loss thorugh neutrino.
state : string
New state of the star object.
state = star.state
# Verifies if the star is in state state where it can
# explode
if state in STAR_STATES_CC:
# if no profile is avaiable but interpolation quantities are,
# use those, else continue with or without profile.
key = self.mechanism
key = key.replace('+', '')
key = key.replace('-', '_')
key = key.replace('&', '_')
if self.mechanism in ['Sukhbold+16-engine',
key += self.engine
if (self.use_interp_values and (getattr(star, key) is not None)):
# check the assumptions for the CC of preprocessed quantities
supported_CC = [
'direct', 'Fryer+12-rapid', 'Fryer+12-delayed',
'Sukhbold+16-engine', 'Patton&Sukhbold20-engine']
if self.mechanism not in supported_CC:
raise ValueError('Mechanism not supported by '
if self.mechanism in ['Sukhbold+16-engine',
if self.engine != 'N20':
raise ValueError('Engine not supported by '
if self.PISN != "Marchant+19":
raise ValueError('PISN option not supported by '
if self.ECSN != "Podsiadlowksi+04":
raise ValueError('ECSN option not supported by '
if self.max_neutrino_mass_loss != 0.5:
raise ValueError('max_neutrino_mass_loss option not '
'supported by use_intrp_values=True!')
CC_properites = getattr(star, key)
star.state, star.SN_type, star.f_fb, star.mass, star.spin = (
if key not in ["state", "mass", "spin"]:
setattr(star, key, None)
# Verifies the selection of core-collapse mechnism to perform
# the collapse
if self.mechanism in [
# m_core = star.co_core_mass
# this flag checks if a profile is available
profile = star.profile
# computes the baryonic remnant mass from the
# PISN and PPISN prescription if the star will
# experience such event
m_PISN = self.PISN_prescription(star)
# the baryonic remnant mass is computed in terms
# of the core mass.
m_rembar, star.f_fb, _ = self.compute_m_rembar(star, m_PISN)
# check if a white dwarf has been born
if star.SN_type == "WD":
star.mass = m_rembar
star.state = "WD"
star.spin = 0.
star.log_R = np.log10(CO_radius(star.mass, star.state))
if key not in ["state", "mass", "log_R", "spin"]:
setattr(star, key, None)
# check if the star was disrupted by the PISN
if np.isnan(m_rembar):
star.mass = np.nan
star.state = "PISN"
star.spin = np.nan
star.m_disk_accreted = np.nan
star.m_disk_radiated = np.nan
star.max_he_mass_ejected = np.nan
if key not in ["state", "mass", "spin",
"m_disk_accreted ", "m_disk_radiated",
setattr(star, key, None)
# Computing the gravitational mass of the remnant
# as in Lattimer & Yahil, 1989
m_grav = (20.0 / 3.0) * (np.sqrt(1.0 + 0.3 * m_rembar) - 1.0)
if (m_rembar - m_grav) > self.max_neutrino_mass_loss:
m_grav = m_rembar - self.max_neutrino_mass_loss
# If the profile of the star is available then
# it will be collapsed to get the information
# on the compact object spin
if self.use_profiles and profile is not None:
delta_M = m_rembar - m_grav
if delta_M > self.max_neutrino_mass_loss:
delta_M = self.max_neutrino_mass_loss
if m_grav >= self.max_NS_mass:
mass_direct_collapse = self.max_NS_mass + delta_M
final_BH = do_core_collapse_BH(
star=star, mass_collapsing=m_rembar,
star.mass = final_BH[0]
star.spin = final_BH[1]
Mo = const.Msun
star.m_disk_accreted = final_BH[11][-1]/Mo
star.m_disk_radiated = sum(final_BH[7]*final_BH[13])/Mo
star.max_he_mass_ejected = final_BH[17]
star.state = "BH"
star.mass = m_grav
star.spin = 0.
star.m_disk_accreted = 0.
star.m_disk_radiated = 0.
star.max_he_mass_ejected = np.nan
star.state = 'NS'
elif self.use_core_masses:
# If the profile is not available the star spin
# is used to get the compact object spin
star.mass = m_grav
if m_grav >= self.max_NS_mass:
# see Eq. 14, Fryer, C. L., Belczynski, K., Wiktorowicz,
# G., Dominik, M., Kalogera, V., & Holz, D. E. (2012), ApJ, 749(1), 91.
# assume the spin value is the AM of the star
# convert to CGS units
G = const.standard_cgrav
c = const.clight
Mo = const.Msun
star.spin = (10**star.log_total_angular_momentum * c
/ (G * (m_grav * Mo) ** 2))
if star.spin > 1.0:
if self.verbose:
print("The spin exceeds 1, capping it to 1...")
star.spin = 1.0
star.m_disk_accreted = 0.0
star.m_disk_radiated = 0.0
star.max_he_mass_ejected = np.nan
star.state = "BH"
star.spin = 0.0
star.m_disk_accreted = 0.0
star.m_disk_radiated = 0.0
star.max_he_mass_ejected = np.nan
star.state = "NS"
setattr(star, key, None)
star.state = "ERR"
raise ValueError("FAILED core collapse!")
elif self.mechanism in [self.Sukhbold16_engines,
# The final remnant mass and and state
# is computed by the selected mechanism
# PISN and PPISN prescription
m_PISN = self.PISN_prescription(star)
m_rembar, star.f_fb, state = self.compute_m_rembar(star,
star.state = state
# check if a white dwarf has been born
if star.SN_type == "WD":
star.mass = m_rembar
star.state = "WD"
star.spin = 0.
star.log_R = np.log10(CO_radius(star.mass, star.state))
if key not in ["state", "mass", "log_R", "spin"]:
setattr(star, key, None)
# check if the star was disrupted by the PISN
if np.isnan(m_rembar):
star.mass = np.nan
star.state = "PISN"
star.spin = np.nan
star.m_disk_accreted = np.nan
star.m_disk_radiated = np.nan
star.max_he_mass_ejected = np.nan
if key not in ["state", "mass", "spin",
"m_disk_accreted ", "m_disk_radiated",
setattr(star, key, None)
# Computing the gravitational mass of the remnant
# as in Lattimer & Yahil, 1989
m_grav = (20.0 / 3.0) * (np.sqrt(1.0 + 0.3 * m_rembar) - 1.0)
if (m_rembar - m_grav) > self.max_neutrino_mass_loss:
m_grav = m_rembar - self.max_neutrino_mass_loss
# this flag checks if a profile is available
profile = star.profile
if self.use_profiles and profile is not None:
delta_M = m_rembar - m_grav
if delta_M > self.max_neutrino_mass_loss:
delta_M = self.max_neutrino_mass_loss
if m_grav >= self.max_NS_mass and star.state == "BH":
mass_direct_collapse = self.max_NS_mass + delta_M
final_BH = do_core_collapse_BH(
star=star, mass_collapsing=m_rembar,
star.mass = final_BH[0]
if m_grav != star.mass and self.verbose:
print("The star formed a disk during the collapse "
"and lost", round(final_BH[0] - m_rembar, 2),
star.spin = final_BH[1]
Mo = const.Msun
star.m_disk_accreted = final_BH[11][-1]/Mo
star.m_disk_radiated = sum(final_BH[7]*final_BH[13])/Mo
star.max_he_mass_ejected = final_BH[17]
elif star.state == "NS":
star.mass = m_grav
star.m_disk_accreted = 0.0
star.m_disk_radiated = 0.0
star.max_he_mass_ejected = np.nan
star.spin = 0.0
setattr(star, key, None)
star.state = "ERR"
raise ValueError("Invalid core state", state)
elif self.use_core_masses:
star.mass = m_grav
if m_grav >= self.max_NS_mass:
# see Eq. 14, Fryer, C. L., Belczynski, K., Wiktorowicz,
# G., Dominik, M., Kalogera, V., & Holz, D. E. (2012), ApJ, 749(1), 91.
# assume the spin value is the AM of the star
# convert to CGS units
G = const.standard_cgrav
c = const.clight
Mo = const.Msun
star.spin = (10**star.log_total_angular_momentum * c
/ (G * (m_grav * Mo) ** 2))
if star.spin > 1.0:
if self.verbose:
print("The spin exceed 1, capping it to 1...")
star.spin = 1.0
star.m_disk_accreted = 0.0
star.m_disk_radiated = 0.0
star.max_he_mass_ejected = np.nan
star.state = "BH"
star.spin = 0.0
star.m_disk_accreted = 0.0
star.m_disk_radiated = 0.0
star.max_he_mass_ejected = np.nan
star.state = "NS"
setattr(star, key, None)
star.state = "ERR"
raise ValueError("FAILED core collapse!")
raise ValueError(f"The star cannot collapse: star state {state}.")
star.metallicity = star.metallicity_history[-1]
star.log_R = np.log10(CO_radius(star.mass, star.state))
if key not in [
"state", "mass", "spin", "log_R", "metallicity",
"m_disk_accreted ", "m_disk_radiated", "max_he_mass_ejected"
setattr(star, key, None)
[docs] def PISN_prescription(self, star):
"""Compute baryonic remnant mass for the PPISN and PISN prescription.
star : object
Star object containing the star properties.
m_PISN : double
Maximum stellar mass in M_sun after the PPISN/PISN prescription.
if self.PISN is None:
return None
# perform the PISN prescription in terms of the
# He core mass at pre-supernova
m_He_core = star.he_core_mass
if self.PISN == "Marchant+19":
if m_He_core >= 31.99 and m_He_core <= 61.10:
# this is the 8th-order polynomial fit of table 1
# value, see COSMIC paper (Breivik et al. 2020)
polyfit = (
+ 1.15957797e5 * m_He_core
- 9.28332577e3 * m_He_core ** 2.0
+ 4.21856189e2 * m_He_core ** 3.0
- 1.19019565e1 * m_He_core ** 4.0
+ 2.13499267e-1 * m_He_core ** 5.0
- 2.37814255e-3 * m_He_core ** 6.0
+ 1.50408118e-5 * m_He_core ** 7.0
- 4.13587235e-8 * m_He_core ** 8.0
m_PISN = polyfit
elif m_He_core > 61.10 and m_He_core < 113.29:
m_PISN = np.nan
m_PISN = None
elif is_number(self.PISN) and m_He_core > self.PISN:
m_PISN = self.PISN
elif is_number(self.PISN) and 0.0 < m_He_core <= self.PISN:
m_PISN = None
raise ValueError(
"This choice {} of PISN is not availabe!".format(self.PISN)
if self.verbose:
if m_PISN is None:
print("The star did NOT lose any mass because of "
"PPIN or PISN.")
elif not np.isnan(m_PISN):
"The star with initial mass {:2.2f}".format(m_He_core),
"M_sun went through the PISN routine and lost",
"{:2.2f} M_sun.".format(m_He_core - m_PISN),
"The new m_rembar mass that will collapse to form a ",
"CO object is {:2.2f} M_sun.".format(m_PISN))
print("The star was disrupted by the PISN prescription!")
return m_PISN
[docs] def check_SN_type(self, m_core, m_He_core, m_star):
"""Get the remnant mass, fallback frac., state & SN type of the SN."""
if self.ECSN == "Tauris+15":
# Label the supernova type as in Tauris et al. (2015),
# considering their definition of metal core quivalent
# to the mass of the CO core the the star object at pre-SN
min_M_CO_ECSN = 1.37 # Msun from Takahashi et al. (2013)
max_M_CO_ECSN = 1.43 # Msun from Tauris et al. (2015)
if m_core < min_M_CO_ECSN:
# The birth of a white dwarf is assumed
SN_type = "WD"
if m_core > 0.:
# co_core_mass, note there will be no kick
m_rembar = m_core
elif m_He_core > 0.:
m_rembar = m_He_core
# this is catching H-rich_non_burning stars
if m_star < 0.5:
m_rembar = m_star
'Invalid co/He core masses! Setting m_WD=m_star!')
raise ValueError('Invalid co/He core masses!')
f_fb = 1.0 # no SN the no kick is assumed
state = "WD"
return m_rembar, f_fb, state, SN_type
elif (m_core >= min_M_CO_ECSN) and (m_core <= max_M_CO_ECSN):
SN_type = "ECSN"
elif m_core > max_M_CO_ECSN:
SN_type = "CCSN"
raise ValueError(
"The SN step was applied for an on object outside the "
"domain of electron-capture SN and Fe core-collapse SN."
elif self.ECSN == 'Podsiadlowksi+04':
# Limits on He core mass progenitors of ECSN, default on cosmic
min_M_He_ECSN = 1.4 # Msun from Podsiadlowksi+2004
max_M_He_ECSN = 2.5 # Msun from Podsiadlowksi+2004
if m_He_core < min_M_He_ECSN:
# The birth of a white dwarf is assumed
SN_type = "WD"
if m_core > 0.:
# co_core_mass, note there will be no kick
m_rembar = m_core
elif m_He_core > 0.:
m_rembar = m_He_core
# this is catching H-rich_non_burning stars
if m_star < 0.5:
m_rembar = m_star
'Invalid co/He core masses! Setting m_WD=m_star!')
raise ValueError('Invalid co/He core masses!')
f_fb = 1.0 # no SN the no kick is assumed
state = "WD"
return m_rembar, f_fb, state, SN_type
elif (m_He_core >= min_M_He_ECSN) and (m_He_core <= max_M_He_ECSN):
SN_type = "ECSN"
elif m_He_core > max_M_He_ECSN:
SN_type = "CCSN"
raise ValueError(
"The SN step was applied for an on object outside the "
"domain of electron-capture SN and Fe core-collapse SN."
elif self.ECSN is None:
# Here we consider that any CO core mass less that min_M_CO_ECSN
# will produce a white dwarf
min_M_CO_ECSN = 1.37 # Msun from Takahashi et al. (2013)
if m_core < min_M_CO_ECSN:
# The birth of a white dwarf is assumed
SN_type = "WD"
if m_core > 0.:
# co_core_mass, note there will be no kick
m_rembar = m_core
elif m_He_core > 0.:
m_rembar = m_He_core
# this is catching H-rich_non_burning stars
if m_star < 0.5:
m_rembar = m_star
'Invalid co/He core masses! Setting m_WD=m_star!')
raise ValueError('Invalid co/He core masses!')
f_fb = 1.0 # no SN the no kick is assumed
state = "WD"
return m_rembar, f_fb, state, SN_type
SN_type = "CCSN"
raise ValueError("The given ECSN prescription is not available.")
return None, None, None, SN_type
[docs] def compute_m_rembar(self, star, m_PISN):
"""Compute supernova remnant barionic mass.
We follow the selected electron-capture and core-collapse mechanisms
to get the remnant baryonic mass.
star : object
Star object containing the star properties.
m_PISN : double
Maximum stellar mass in M_sun after the PPISN/PISN prescription.
m_rembar : double
Barioninc mass of the remnant after the supernova in M_sun. This
quantity does NOT take into account any neutrino lost, this will be
taken into account in collapse_star().
f_fb : double
Mass fraction falling back onto the compact object created in the
supernova. The maximum value is 1 and means that all the barionic
mass is collapsing to form the compact object.
state : string
Finall state of the stellar remnant after the supernova.
if star.state in STAR_STATES_CC:
m_star = star.mass # M_sun
m_core = star.co_core_mass # M_sun
m_He_core = star.he_core_mass # M_sun
elif star.state_history[-1] in STAR_STATES_CC:
m_star = star.mass_history[-1] # M_sun
m_core = star.co_core_mass_history[-1] # M_sun
m_He_core = star.he_core_mass_history[-1] # M_sun
raise ValueError(
"There are no informations in the evolutionary history"
if m_core is None or np.isnan(m_core):
# This should not happen
raise ValueError("The CO core mass is not correct! CO core = {}".
m_rembar, f_fb, state, star.SN_type = self.check_SN_type(
m_core=m_core, m_He_core=m_He_core, m_star=m_star)
if star.SN_type == "WD":
return m_rembar, f_fb, state
# Eq. 15-17 from Fryer, C. L., Belczynski, K., Wiktorowicz,
# G., Dominik, M., Kalogera, V., & Holz, D. E. (2012), ApJ, 749(1), 91.
if self.mechanism == self.Fryer12_rapid:
# Mass of the proto-remnant as Giacobbo N., Mapelli M., 2020, ApJ, 891, 141
m_proto = 1.1
if star.SN_type == "ECSN":
if self.ECSN == 'Podsiadlowksi+04':
m_proto = 1.38
m_proto = m_core
m_fb = 0.0 # as in Giacobbo & Mapelli 2020 for ECSN
f_fb = 0.0
elif m_core < 2.5:
m_fb = 0.2
f_fb = m_fb / (m_star - m_proto)
elif m_core >= 2.5 and m_core < 6.0:
m_fb = 0.286 * m_core - 0.514
f_fb = m_fb / (m_star - m_proto)
elif m_core >= 6.0 and m_core < 7.0:
f_fb = 1.0
m_fb = f_fb * (m_star - m_proto)
elif m_core >= 7.0 and m_core < 11.0:
a = 0.25 - 1.275 / (m_star - m_proto)
b = -11.0 * a + 1.0
f_fb = a * m_core + b
m_fb = f_fb * (m_star - m_proto)
elif m_core >= 11.0:
f_fb = 1.0
m_fb = f_fb * (m_star - m_proto)
m_rembar = m_proto + m_fb
state = None
# Eq. 17-20, from Fryer, C. L., Belczynski, K., Wiktorowicz,
# G., Dominik, M., Kalogera, V., & Holz, D. E. (2012), ApJ, 749(1), 91.
elif self.mechanism == self.Fryer12_delayed:
if m_core < 3.5:
m_proto = 1.2
elif m_core >= 3.5 and m_core < 6.0:
m_proto = 1.3
elif m_core >= 6 and m_core < 11.0:
m_proto = 1.4
elif m_core >= 11.0:
m_proto = 1.6
if star.SN_type == "ECSN":
if self.ECSN == 'Podsiadlowksi+04':
m_proto = 1.38
m_proto = m_core
m_fb = 0.0 # as in Giacobbo & Mapelli 2020 for ECSN
f_fb = 0.0
elif m_core < 2.5:
m_fb = 0.2
f_fb = m_fb / (m_star - m_proto)
elif m_core >= 2.5 and m_core < 3.5:
m_fb = 0.5 * m_core - 1.05
f_fb = m_fb / (m_star - m_proto)
elif m_core >= 3.5 and m_core < 11.0:
a = 0.133 - 0.093 / (m_star - m_proto)
b = -11.0 * a + 1.0
f_fb = a * m_core + b
m_fb = f_fb * (m_star - m_proto)
elif m_core > 11.0:
f_fb = 1.0
m_fb = f_fb * (m_star - m_proto)
m_rembar = m_proto + m_fb
state = None
# direct collapse and f_fb = 1. (no kicks)
elif self.mechanism == self.direct_collapse:
m_rembar = m_star
f_fb = 1.0
state = None
# direct collapse and f_fb = 1. (no kicks)
elif self.mechanism == self.direct_collapse_hecore:
m_rembar = m_He_core
f_fb = 1.0
state = None
# Collapse prescription from the results of
# Sukhbold, T., Ertl, T., Woosley, S. E., Brown, J. M., & Janka, H. T. (2016). 821(1), 38.
elif self.mechanism == self.Sukhbold16_engines:
if star.SN_type == "ECSN":
if self.ECSN == 'Podsiadlowksi+04':
m_proto = 1.38
m_proto = m_core
m_fb = 0.0
f_fb = 0.0
m_rembar = m_proto + m_fb
state = 'NS'
m_rembar, f_fb, state = self.Sukhbold_corecollapse_engine(star)
# Collapse prescription from the results of
# Couch, S. M., Warren, M. L., & O’Connor, E. P. 2020, ApJ, 890, 127
elif self.mechanism == self.Couch20_engines:
if star.SN_type == "ECSN":
if self.ECSN == 'Podsiadlowksi+04':
m_proto = 1.38
m_proto = m_core
m_fb = 0.0
f_fb = 0.0
m_rembar = m_proto + m_fb
state = 'NS'
m_rembar, f_fb, state = self.Couch_corecollapse_engine(star)
elif self.mechanism == self.Patton20_engines:
if star.SN_type == "ECSN":
if self.ECSN == 'Podsiadlowksi+04':
m_proto = 1.38
m_proto = m_core
f_fb = 0.0
m_fb = 0.0
m_rembar = m_proto + m_fb
state = 'NS'
m_rembar, f_fb, state = self.Patton20_corecollapse(star,
raise ValueError("Mechanism %s not supported." % self.mechanism)
# check PISN
if m_PISN is not None:
if np.isnan(m_PISN):
m_rembar = m_PISN
star.SN_type = "PISN"
elif m_rembar > m_PISN:
m_rembar = m_PISN
star.SN_type = "PPISN"
return m_rembar, f_fb, state
[docs] def orbital_kick(self, binary):
"""Do the orbital kick.
This function computes the supernova step of the binary object. It
checks which binary_state riched the core collapse flag, either CC1 or
CC2, and run the step accordingly updating the binary object.
The collapsing helium star, here M_he_star, lies on the origin of the
coordinate system moving in direction of positive y axis. The
companion, here M_companion, lies on the negative X axis and Z-axis
completes right-handed coordinate system. See Fig 1 in Kalogera 1996
for a coordinate system drawing.
phi :
Angle between z-axis and projection of kick onto x-z plane.
theta :
Angle between pre- supernova star velocity relative to the
companion (i.e. along the positive y axis) and the kick velocity.
tilt :
The angle between pre- and post- supenova orbial
planes. This is equal to the angle between the relative velocity of
the helium star to the companion just before the explosion (see Vr)
and the projection of the relative velocy just after the explosion
onto the y-z plane.
is the mean anomaly, i.e the fraction of an elliptical orbit's
period that has elapsed since the orbiting body passed periapsis,
expressed as an angle.
binary : object
Binary object containing the binary properties and the two star
.. [1] Kalogera, V. 1996, ApJ, 471, 352
.. [2] Wong, T.-W., Valsecchi, F., Fragos, T., & Kalogera, V. 2012, ApJ, 747, 111
# Check that the binary_state is calling correctly the SN_step
if binary.event != "CC1" and binary.event != "CC2":
raise ValueError("Something went wrong: invalid call of supernova step!")
if binary.event == "CC1":
if binary.star_1.SN_type == "WD":
# compute the new separaiton prior to reseting the binary prop.
new_separation = separation_evol_wind_loss(
binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_1.mass_history[-1],
binary.star_2.mass, binary.separation)
new_orbital_period = orbital_period_from_separation(
new_separation, binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_2.mass
if key not in ['V_sys', 'nearest_neighbour_distance']:
setattr(binary, key, None)
# if key is 'nearest_neighbour_distance':
# setattr(binary, key, ['None', 'None', 'None'])
binary.separation = new_separation
binary.state = "detached"
binary.event = None
binary.time = binary.time_history[-1]
binary.eccentricity = binary.eccentricity_history[-1]
# TODO: in feature we will make the orbital period a callable
# property
binary.orbital_period = new_orbital_period
binary.mass_transfer_case = 'None'
# load relevant data
# star1 has already collapsed into a compact object, look in the
# history of the star to find the properties before supernova
if binary.star_1.state_history[-1] in STAR_STATES_CC:
M_he_star = binary.star_1.mass_history[-1]
# Mcore = binary.star_1.co_core_mass_history[-1]
raise ValueError(
"There are no informations in the evolutionary history "
M_compact_object = binary.star_1.mass
M_companion = binary.star_2.mass
# check if a kick is passed, otherwise generate it
if not binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[0] is None:
Vkick = binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[0]
# Draw a random orbital kick
# Vkick is the kick velocity with components Vkx, Vky, Vkz in
# the above coordinate system
if binary.star_1.SN_type == "ECSN":
# Kick for electron-capture SN
Vkick = self.generate_kick(
star=binary.star_1, sigma=self.sigma_kick_ECSN
elif ((binary.star_1.SN_type == "CCSN")
or (binary.star_1.SN_type == "PPISN")
or (binary.star_1.SN_type == "PISN")):
if binary.star_1.state == 'NS':
sigma = self.sigma_kick_CCSN_NS
elif binary.star_1.state == 'BH':
sigma = self.sigma_kick_CCSN_BH
raise ValueError("CCSN/PPISN/PISN only for NS/BH.")
# Kick for core-collapse SN
Vkick = self.generate_kick(
star=binary.star_1, sigma=sigma
elif binary.star_1.SN_type == "WD":
# Kick for white dwarfs (allways f_fb = 1 => Vkick = 0)
Vkick = 0.0
raise ValueError("The SN type is not ECSN neither CCSN.")
binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[0] = Vkick
if not binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[1] is None:
phi = binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[1]
phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[1] = phi
if not binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[2] is None:
cos_theta = np.cos(binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[2])
cos_theta = np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[2] = np.arccos(cos_theta)
# generate random point in the orbit where the kick happens
if not binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[3] is None:
mean_anomaly = binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[3]
# check that ONLY one value is passed and is of type float
if not isinstance(mean_anomaly, float):
raise ValueError(
"mean_anomaly must be a single float value.")
mean_anomaly = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
binary.star_1.natal_kick_array[3] = mean_anomaly
elif binary.event == "CC2":
if binary.star_2.SN_type == "WD":
# compute new properties before resting existing binary prop.
new_separation = separation_evol_wind_loss(
binary.star_2.mass, binary.star_2.mass_history[-1],
binary.star_1.mass, binary.separation)
new_orbital_period = orbital_period_from_separation(
new_separation, binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_2.mass
if key not in ['V_sys', 'nearest_neighbour_distance']:
setattr(binary, key, None)
# if key is 'nearest_neighbour_distance':
# setattr(binary, key, ['None', 'None', 'None'])
binary.separation = new_separation
binary.state = "detached"
binary.event = None
binary.time = binary.time_history[-1]
binary.eccentricity = binary.eccentricity_history[-1]
# TODO: is the following to be noted?
# in future we will make the orbital period a callable property
binary.orbital_period = new_orbital_period
binary.mass_transfer_case = 'None'
# load relevant data
# star1 has already collapsed into a compact object, look in the
# history of the star to find the properties before supernova
if binary.star_2.state_history[-1] in STAR_STATES_CC:
M_he_star = binary.star_2.mass_history[-1]
# Mcore = binary.star_2.co_core_mass_history[-1]
raise ValueError(
"There are no informations in the evolutionary history "
M_compact_object = binary.star_2.mass
M_companion = binary.star_1.mass
# check if a kick is passed, otherwise generate it
if not binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[0] is None:
Vkick = binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[0]
# Draw a random orbital kick
# Vkick is the kick velocity with components Vkx, Vky, Vkz in
# the above coordinate system
if binary.star_2.SN_type == "ECSN":
# Kick for electron-capture SN
Vkick = self.generate_kick(star=binary.star_2,
elif ((binary.star_2.SN_type == "CCSN")
or (binary.star_2.SN_type == "PPISN")
or (binary.star_2.SN_type == "PISN")):
if binary.star_2.state == 'NS':
sigma = self.sigma_kick_CCSN_NS
elif binary.star_2.state == 'BH':
sigma = self.sigma_kick_CCSN_BH
raise ValueError("CCSN/PPISN/PISN only for NS/BH.")
# Kick for core-collapse SN
Vkick = self.generate_kick(star=binary.star_2, sigma=sigma)
raise ValueError("The SN type is not ECSN neither CCSN.")
binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[0] = Vkick
if not binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[1] is None:
phi = binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[1]
phi = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[1] = phi
if not binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[2] is None:
cos_theta = np.cos(binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[2])
cos_theta = np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[2] = np.arccos(cos_theta)
# generate random point in the orbit where the kick happens
if not binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[3] is None:
mean_anomaly = binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[3]
# check that ONLY one value is passed and is of type float
if not isinstance(mean_anomaly, float):
raise ValueError(
"mean_anomaly must be a single float value.")
mean_anomaly = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi)
binary.star_2.natal_kick_array[3] = mean_anomaly
# The binary exist: flag_binary is True if the binary is not disrupted
flag_binary = True
# eccentricity before the SN
epre = binary.eccentricity
# the orbital semimajor axis is the orbital separation
Apre = binary.separation
# Eq 16, Wong, T.-W., Valsecchi, F., Fragos, T., & Kalogera, V. 2012, ApJ, 747, 111
# for eccentric anomaly
E_ma = sp.optimize.brentq(
lambda x: mean_anomaly - x + epre * np.sin(x), 0, 2 * np.pi
# Eq 15, Wong, T.-W., Valsecchi, F., Fragos, T., & Kalogera, V. 2012, ApJ, 747, 111
# orbital separation at the time of the exlosion
rpre = Apre * (1.0 - epre * np.cos(E_ma))
# load constants in CGS
G = const.standard_cgrav
# Convert inputs to CGS
M_he_star = M_he_star * const.Msun
M_companion = M_companion * const.Msun
M_compact_object = M_compact_object * const.Msun
Apre = Apre * const.Rsun
Vkick = Vkick * const.km2cm
rpre = rpre * const.Rsun
# get useful quantity
sin_theta = np.sqrt(1 - (cos_theta ** 2))
# get kicks componets in the coordinate system
Vkx = Vkick * sin_theta * np.sin(phi)
Vky = Vkick * cos_theta
Vkz = Vkick * sin_theta * np.cos(phi)
# Eq 1, in Kalogera, V. 1996, ApJ, 471, 352
# extended to Eq 17 in Wong, T.-W., Valsecchi, F., Fragos, T., & Kalogera, V. 2012, ApJ, 747, 111
# Vr is velocity of preSN He core relative to M_companion, directed
# along the positive y axis
Vr = np.sqrt(G * (M_he_star + M_companion) * (2.0 / rpre - 1.0 / Apre))
Mtot = M_compact_object + M_companion
# Eq 3, in Kalogera, V. 1996, ApJ, 471, 352
# extended to Eq 13, in Wong, T.-W., Valsecchi, F., Fragos, T., & Kalogera, V. 2012, ApJ, 747, 111
# get the orbital separation post SN
Apost = ((2.0 / rpre)
- (((Vkick ** 2) + (Vr ** 2) + (2 * Vky * Vr)) / (G * Mtot))
) ** -1
# Eq 18, Wong, T.-W., Valsecchi, F., Fragos, T., & Kalogera, V. 2012, ApJ, 747, 111
# psi: is the polar angle of the position vector of the CO with respect
# to its pre-SN orbital velocity in the companions frame.
sin_psi = np.round(
np.sqrt(G * (M_he_star + M_companion) * (1 - epre ** 2) * Apre)
/ (rpre * Vr), 5)
cos_psi = np.sqrt(1 - sin_psi ** 2)
# Eq 4, in Kalogera, V. 1996, ApJ, 471, 352
# extended to Eq 14 in Wong, T.-W., Valsecchi, F., Fragos, T., & Kalogera, V. 2012, ApJ, 747, 111
# get the eccentricity post SN
x = ((Vkz ** 2 + (sin_psi * (Vr + Vky) - cos_psi * Vkx) ** 2)
* rpre ** 2
/ (G * Mtot * Apost))
# catch negative values, i.e. disrupted binaries
if 1.-x < 0.:
epost = np.nan
epost = np.sqrt(1 - x)
# Eq 34, in Kalogera, V. 1996, ApJ, 471, 352
# V_sys: is the resulting center of mass velocity of the system
VSx = M_compact_object * Vkx / Mtot
VSy = (
M_compact_object * Vky
- (
(M_he_star - M_compact_object)
* M_companion
* Vr
/ (M_he_star + M_companion)
) / Mtot
VSz = M_compact_object * Vkz / Mtot
# V_sys = np.sqrt(VSx ** 2 + VSy ** 2 + VSz ** 2)
# Eq 5, in Kalogera, V. 1996, ApJ, 471, 352:
# calculate the tilt of the orbital plane after the SN
tilt = np.arccos((Vky + Vr) / ((Vky + Vr) ** 2 + Vkz ** 2) ** (1. / 2))
def SNCheck(
"""Check that the binary is not disrupted.
M_he_star : double
Helium star mass before the SN in g.
M_companion : double
Companion star mass in g.
M_compact_object : double
Compact object mass left by the SN in g.
rpre : double
Oribtal separation at the time of the exlosion in cm. If the
eccentricity pre SN is 0 this correpond to Apre.
Apost : double
Orbital separtion after the SN in cm.
epost : double
Eccentricity after the SN.
Vr : double
Velocity of pre-SN He core relative to M_companion, directed
along the positive y axis in cm/s.
Vkick : double
Kick velocity in cm/s.
cos_theta : double
The cosine of the angle between pre- & post-SN orbital planes.
flag_binary : bool
flag_binary is True if the binary is not disrupted.
.. [1] Willems, B., Henninger, M., Levin, T., et al. 2005, ApJ, 625, 324
.. [2] Kalogera, V. & Lorimer, D.R. 2000, ApJ, 530, 890
# flag_binary is True if the binary is not disrupted
flag_binary = True
Mtot_pre = M_he_star + M_companion
Mtot_post = M_compact_object + M_companion
# Define machine precision (we can probaly lower this number)
err = const.SNcheck_ERR
# SNflag1: Eq. 21, Willems, B., Henninger, M., Levin, T., et al. 2005, ApJ, 625, 324 (with typo fixed)
# from Eq. 10, Flannery, B.P. & van den Heuvel, E.P.J. 1975, A&A, 39, 61
# Continuity demands post-SN orbit to pass through preSN positions.
# Updated to work for eccentric orbits,
# see Eq. 15 in Wong, T.-W., Valsecchi, F., Fragos, T., & Kalogera, V. 2012, ApJ, 747, 111
SNflag1 = (1 - epost - rpre / Apost <= err) and (
rpre / Apost - (1 + epost) <= err
# SNflag2: Equations 22-23, Willems, B., Henninger, M., Levin, T., et al. 2005, ApJ, 625, 324
# (see, e.g., Kalogera, V. & Lorimer, D.R. 2000, ApJ, 530, 890)
tmp1 = 2 - Mtot_pre / Mtot_post * (Vkick / Vr - 1) ** 2
tmp2 = 2 - Mtot_pre / Mtot_post * (Vkick / Vr + 1) ** 2
SNflag2 = ((rpre / Apost - tmp1 < err)
and (err > tmp2 - rpre / Apost))
# SNflag3: check that epost does not exeed 1 or is nan
if epost >= 1.0 or np.isnan(epost):
SNflag3 = False
SNflag3 = True
SNflags = [SNflag1, SNflag2, SNflag3]
if verbose:
print("The orbital checks are:", SNflags)
print("1. Post-SN orbit must pass through pre-SN positions.")
print("2. Lower and upper limits on amount of orbital "
"contraction or expansion that can take place for a "
"given amount of mass loss and a given magnitude of the "
"kick velocity.")
print("3. Checks that e_post is not larger than 1 or nan.")
# check if the supernova is valid and doesn't disrupt the system
if not all(SNflags):
flag_binary = False
return flag_binary
# check if the binary is disrupted
flag_binary = SNCheck(M_he_star, M_companion, M_compact_object, rpre,
Apost, epost, Vr, Vkick, cos_theta,
# update the binary object
if flag_binary:
# update the tilt
if binary.event == "CC1":
binary.star_1.spin_orbit_tilt = tilt
elif binary.event == "CC2":
binary.star_2.spin_orbit_tilt = tilt
raise ValueError("This should never happen!")
# compute new orbital period before reseting the binary properties
if key is not 'nearest_neighbour_distance':
setattr(binary, key, None)
binary.state = "detached"
binary.event = None
binary.separation = Apost / const.Rsun
binary.eccentricity = epost
binary.V_sys = np.array([VSx / const.km2cm, VSy / const.km2cm, VSz
/ const.km2cm])
binary.time = binary.time_history[-1]
# in future we will make the orbital period a callable property
new_orbital_period = orbital_period_from_separation(
binary.separation, binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_2.mass)
binary.orbital_period = new_orbital_period
binary.mass_transfer_case = 'None'
# update the tilt
if binary.event == "CC1":
binary.star_1.spin_orbit_tilt = np.nan
elif binary.event == "CC2":
binary.star_2.spin_orbit_tilt = np.nan
raise ValueError("This should never happen!")
if key is not 'nearest_neighbour_distance':
setattr(binary, key, None)
binary.state = "disrupted"
binary.event = None
binary.separation = np.nan
binary.eccentricity = np.nan
binary.V_sys = np.array([0, 0, 0])
binary.time = binary.time_history[-1]
binary.orbital_period = np.nan
binary.mass_transfer_case = 'None'
##### Generating the CCSN SN kick of a single star #####
[docs] def generate_kick(self, star, sigma):
"""Draw a kick from a Maxwellian distribution.
We follow Hobbs G., Lorimer D. R., Lyne A. G., Kramer M., 2005, MNRAS, 360, 974
and choose sigma = 265 km/s
We rescale the kicks by 1 - f_fb as in Eq. 21 of Fryer, C. L., Belczynski, K., Wiktorowicz,
G., Dominik, M., Kalogera, V., & Holz, D. E. (2012), ApJ, 749(1), 91.
star : object
Star object containing the star properties.
Vkick : double
Natal orbital kick in km/s.
if self.kick_normalisation == 'one_minus_fallback':
# Normalization from Eq. 21, Fryer, C. L., Belczynski, K., Wiktorowicz,
# G., Dominik, M., Kalogera, V., & Holz, D. E. (2012), ApJ, 749(1), 91.
norm = (1.0 - star.f_fb)
elif self.kick_normalisation == 'one_over_mass':
if star.state == 'BH':
norm = 1.4/star.mass
norm = 1.0
elif self.kick_normalisation == 'NS_one_minus_fallback_BH_one':
if star.state == 'BH':
norm = 1.
# Normalization from Eq. 21, Fryer, C. L., Belczynski, K., Wiktorowicz,
# G., Dominik, M., Kalogera, V., & Holz, D. E. (2012), ApJ, 749(1), 91.
norm = (1.0 - star.f_fb)
elif self.kick_normalisation == 'one':
norm = 1.
elif self.kick_normalisation == 'zero':
norm = 0.
raise ValueError('kick_normalisation option not supported!')
if sigma is not None:
# f_fb = self.compute_m_rembar(star, None)[1]
Vkick = norm * sp.stats.maxwell.rvs(loc=0., scale=sigma, size=1)[0]
Vkick = 0.0
return Vkick
[docs] def C_abundance_for_H_stars(self, CO_core_mass):
"""Get the C abundance for a H-star given it's CO core mass."""
return 0.20/CO_core_mass + 0.15
[docs] def C_abundance_for_He_stars(self, CO_core_mass):
"""Get the C abundance for a He-star given it's CO core mass."""
return -0.084 * np.log(CO_core_mass) + 0.4
[docs] def get_CO_core_params(self, star, approximation=False):
"""Get the CO core mass and C abundance at the pre-supernova phase.
If the two parameters are available in the star's profile, perform the
Patton&Sukhbold,20 core-collapse.
If the CO core mass is available but not the C abundance then the
latter is computed from the formulas at Patton&Sukhbold,20.
star : obj
Star object of a collapsing star containing the MESA profile.
approximation : bool
In case the core masses at he-depletion are not present in the
star object, compute them from the history default behaviour,
else (approximation=True) approximate it from the core masses
at C depletion.
CO_core_mass : float
Mass of the CO core at He depletion == C core ignition.
C_core_abundance : float
C abundance of the CO core He depletion == C core ignition.
if approximation:
CO_core_mass = star.co_core_mass # at C_depletion, which is assumed to be close to He depletion
if ("H-rich" in star.state) or ("H-rich" in star.state_history[-1]):
C_core_abundance = self.C_abundance_for_H_stars(CO_core_mass)
elif ("stripped_He" in star.state) or ("stripped_He" in star.state_history[-1]):
C_core_abundance = self.C_abundance_for_He_stars(CO_core_mass)
raise ValueError("star.state at CC should contain either 'H-rich' or 'stripped_He' ")
elif ((star.avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion is not None)
and (star.co_core_mass_at_He_depletion is not None)):
C_core_abundance = star.avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion
CO_core_mass = star.co_core_mass_at_He_depletion
C_core_abundance = star.avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion
CO_core_mass = star.co_core_mass_at_He_depletion
if (C_core_abundance is None) or (CO_core_mass is None):
raise ValueError(
'The history did not contain core masses at He depletion!')
return CO_core_mass, C_core_abundance
[docs] def get_M4_mu4_Patton20(self, CO_core_mass, C_core_abundance):
"""Get the M4 and mu4 using Patton+20."""
M4 = self.M4_interpolator.predict([[C_core_abundance, CO_core_mass]])
mu4 = self.mu4_interpolator.predict([[C_core_abundance, CO_core_mass]])
return M4, mu4
[docs] def Patton20_corecollapse(self, star, engine):
"""Compute supernova final remnant mass and fallback fraction.
It uses the results from [1]. The prediction for the core-collapse
outcome is performed using the C core mass and its C abundance.
The criterion by [2] is used to determine the final outcome.
star : obj
Star object of a collapsing star containing the MESA profile.
m_rem : double
Remnant mass of the compact object in M_sun.
f_fb : double
Fallback mass of the compact object in M_sun.
.. [1] Patton, R. A., & Sukhbold, T. (2020). MNRAS, 499(2), 2803-2816.
.. [2] Ertl, T., Janka, H. T., Woosley, S. E., Sukhbold, T.,
& Ugliano, M. (2016). ApJ, 818(2), 124.
Ertl16_k_parameters = {
'N20': [0.194, 0.0580],
'S19.8': [0.274, 0.0470],
'W15': [0.225, 0.0495],
'W20': [0.284, 0.0393],
'W18': [0.283, 0.0430],
'Ertl2020': [0.182, 0.0608],
if engine not in Ertl16_k_parameters.keys():
raise ValueError("Engine " + engine + " is not avaiable for the "
"Patton&Sukhbold,20 core-collapse prescription, "
"please choose one of the following engines to "
"compute the collapse: \n" + "\n".join(
CO_core_mass, C_core_abundance = self.get_CO_core_params(
star, self.approx_at_he_depletion)
M4, mu4 = self.get_M4_mu4_Patton20(CO_core_mass, C_core_abundance)
M4 = M4[0]
mu4 = mu4[0]
k1 = Ertl16_k_parameters[engine][0]
k2 = Ertl16_k_parameters[engine][1]
if CO_core_mass <= 2.5:
m_rem = 1.25
f_fb = 0.0
state = 'NS'
elif CO_core_mass >= 10.0:
m_rem = star.he_core_mass
f_fb = 1.0
state = 'BH'
elif ((k1 * (mu4 * M4) + k2) < mu4):
# The prediction is a failed explosion
m_rem = star.he_core_mass
f_fb = 1.0
state = 'BH'
# The prediction is a succesful explosion
m_rem = M4
f_fb = 0.0
state = 'NS'
return m_rem, f_fb, state
[docs]class Sukhbold16_corecollapse(object):
"""Compute supernova final remnant mass, fallback fraction and CO type.
This consider the nearest neighboor of the He core mass of the star,
previous to the collapse. Considering a set of data for which the He core
mass of the compact object projenitos previous the collapse, the final
remnant mass and final stellar state of the compact object is known.
engine : string
Engine for the supernova explosion, from the one where used in
path_engine_dataset : string
Path to the location of the data on initial and final states
for each engine described in Sukhbold et al. 2016
m_rem : double
Remnant mass of the compact object in M_sun.
f_fb : double
Fallback mass of the compact object in M_sun.
state : string
Finall state of the stellar remnant after the supernova.
.. [1] Sukhbold, T., Ertl, T., Woosley, S. E., Brown, J. M., & Janka,
H. T. (2016). Core-collapse supernovae from 9 to 120 solar masses based
on neutrino-powered explosions. The Astrophysical Journal, 821(1), 38.
def __init__(self, engine, path_engine_dataset, verbose):
"""Initialize a Sukhbold16_corecollapse instance."""
self.engines = ['N20', 'S19.8', 'W15', 'W20', 'W18']
self.engine = engine
self.path_engine_dataset = path_engine_dataset
if self.engine in self.engines:
# path_engine_dataset = path_to_Sukhbold_datasets
if verbose:
"Class initialisation, load the train dataset for engine "
+ self.engine
+ " ..."
# Check if interpolation files exist
filename = os.path.join(path_engine_dataset,
"results_" + self.engine + "_table.csv")
if not os.path.exists(filename):
Engine_data = read_csv(filename)
# Selecting only the neutro-stars and black-holes with no fallback
Engine_data = Engine_data[
(Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 13)
| (
(Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 14)
& (Engine_data["fallback_mass"] == 0)
if verbose:
print("Training the classifier ...")
# Classifier to assign the type of the remnant after supernova
# as a function of the He core mass pre-supernova
# taking the first nearest neighbor
n_neighbors = 1
self.stellar_type_classifier = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(
n_neighbors, weights="distance"
(len(Engine_data["He_c_mass"]), 1)
if verbose:
print("Done ...\n")
print("Training the remnant mass interpolator ...")
# Interpolator to compute the remnant mass
# as a function of the He core mass pre-supernova
# and the stellar type of the remnant.
NS_rem_mass = np.array(
Engine_data[Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 13]["Rem_mass"]
NS_He_prog = np.array(
Engine_data[Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 13]["He_c_mass"]
self.mass_NS_interpolator = interp1d(NS_He_prog, NS_rem_mass)
BH_rem_mass = np.array(
Engine_data[Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 14]["Rem_mass"]
BH_He_prog = np.array(
Engine_data[Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 14]["He_c_mass"]
self.mass_BH_interpolator = interp1d(BH_He_prog, BH_rem_mass)
if verbose:
print("Done ...\n")
# Gets the neutron-star mass in terms of the He core mass
# if a succesful explotion is predicted
def extrapolate1d_NS(value, interpolator):
x = interpolator.x
if (value >= np.min(x)) and (value <= np.max(x)):
result = interpolator(value)
elif value < np.min(x):
result = interpolator(np.min(x))
elif value > np.max(x):
result = interpolator(np.max(x))
return result
# Gets the black-hole mass in terms of the He core mass
# if a unsuccesful explotion is predicted
def extrapolate1d_BH(value, interpolator):
x = interpolator.x
if (value >= np.min(x)) and (value <= np.max(x)):
result = interpolator(value)
elif value < np.min(x):
result = interpolator(np.min(x))
elif value > np.max(x):
result = value
return result
self.extrapolate_NS = extrapolate1d_NS
self.extrapolate_BH = extrapolate1d_BH
raise ValueError(
"Engine " + self.engine + " is not avaiable for the"
"Sukhbold core collapse prescription, please choose"
"one of the following engines to compute the collapse: ",
def __call__(self, star):
"""Get the mass, fallback franction and state of the remnant."""
if star.state in STAR_STATES_CC:
# m_star = star.mass # M_sun
# m_core = star.co_core_mass # M_sun
m_He_core = star.he_core_mass # M_sun
elif star.state_history[-1] in STAR_STATES_CC:
# m_star = star.mass_history[-1] # M_sun
# m_core = star.co_core_mass_history[-1] # M_sun
m_He_core = star.he_core_mass_history[-1] # M_sun
raise ValueError("There are no informations in the evolutionary "
"history about STAR_STATES_CC.")
k_result = int(self.stellar_type_classifier.predict([[m_He_core]])[0])
if k_result == 13:
state = "NS"
elif k_result == 14:
state = "BH"
state = None
if state == "BH":
# Assuming a BH formation by direct collapse of te He core
m_rem = self.extrapolate_BH(m_He_core, self.mass_BH_interpolator)
f_fb = 1.
elif state == "NS":
m_rem = self.extrapolate_NS(m_He_core, self.mass_NS_interpolator)
f_fb = 0.
raise Exception("Need a NS or BH to apply `Sukhbold16_corecollapse`.")
return float(m_rem), f_fb, state
[docs]class Couch20_corecollapse(object):
"""Compute SN final remnant mass, fallback fraction and stellar state.
This considers the nearest neighboor of the He core mass of the star,
previous to the collapse. Considering a set of data for which the He core
mass of the compact object progenitors before the collapse, the final
remnant mass and final stellar state of the compact object is known.
engine : string
Engine for the supernova explosion, from the one where used in
path_engine_dataset : string
Path to the location of the data on initial and final states
for each engine described in Sukhbold et al. 2016
m_rem : double
Remnant mass of the compact object in M_sun.
f_fb : double
Fallback mass of the compact object in M_sun.
state : string
Finall state of the stellar remnant after the supernova.
.. [1] Sukhbold, T., Ertl, T., Woosley, S. E., Brown, J. M., & Janka,
H. T. (2016). Core-collapse supernovae from 9 to 120 solar masses based
on neutrino-powered explosions. The Astrophysical Journal, 821(1), 38.
.. [2] Couch, S. M., Warren, M. L., & O’Connor, E. P. 2020, ApJ, 890, 127
Simulating Turbulence-aided Neutrino-driven Core-collapse Supernova
Explosions in One Dimension
def __init__(self, turbulence_strength, path_engine_dataset, verbose):
"""Initialize a Couch20_corecollapse instance."""
self.turbulence_strength_options = ["1.0", "1.2", "1.23", "1.25",
"1.27", "1.3", "1.4"]
self.turbulence_strength = turbulence_strength
self.path_engine_dataset = path_engine_dataset
if turbulence_strength in self.turbulence_strength_options:
# path_engine_dataset = path_to_Sukhbold_datasets
if verbose:
"Class initialisation, load the train dataset for engine "
+ self.engine
+ " ..."
# Check if interpolation files exist
filename = os.path.join(path_to_Couch_datasets,
if not os.path.exists(filename):
Couch_data_file = open(filename)
# Couch_data = json.loads(Couch_data_file)
Couch_data = json.load(Couch_data_file)
Couch_data = Couch_data[turbulence_strength]
# breakpoint()
# #names = ['MZAMS',['rmax','texp','Eexp']]
# my_names = ['MZAMS','Eexp']
# my_formats = ['f8','f8']
# dtype = dict(names = my_names, formats= my_formats)
# #dt = np.dtype()
# #Couch_data_ar = np.array(list(Couch_data.items()), dtype=dtype)
# #Couch_data_ar = np.array(Couch_data[turbulence_strength])
# #Couch_data_ar = [np.array(Couch_data[MZAMS])
# for MZAMS in Couch_data]
# #Couch_data_ar = np.array([(MZAMS,rest["Eexp"]) for (MZAMS,rest)
# in Couch_data.items()], dtype=dtype)
Couch_MZAMS = []
Couch_Eexp = []
Couch_state = []
for MZAMS, rest in Couch_data.items():
if rest["Eexp"] == 0.0:
Couch_state.append(int(14)) # BH
Couch_state.append(int(13)) # NS
# Couch_MZAMS = np.array(Couch_MZAMS, dtype=dict(
# names=my_names[0], formats=my_formats[0]))
# Couch_Eexp = np.array(Couch_Eexp,dtype=dict(
# names=my_names[1], formats= my_formats[1]))
# Couch_data_ar = np.array()
# breakpoint()
# print(Couch_data)
# we need Sukhbold data for their cores
Sukhbold_data = read_csv(
# path_to_Sukhbold_datasets + "results_N20_table.csv"
path_to_Couch_datasets + "Sukhbold_Mzams_He_c_core.csv",
usecols=[0, 1])
MZAMS = Sukhbold_data["Mzams"]
He_core_mass = Sukhbold_data["He_c_mass"]
self.MZAMS_He_core_mass_Sukhbold_interpolator = interp1d(
MZAMS, He_core_mass)
# def MZAMS_He_core_mass_Sukhbold_interpolator(MZams):
# return Sukhbold_data[Sukhbold_data["Mzams"]==MZams][
# "He_c_mass"]
# # Classifier to assign the He core mass of Sukhbold
# # as a function of the MZAMS
# # taking the first nearest neighbor
# n_neighbors = 1
# self.stellar_ZAMS_classifier = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(
# n_neighbors, weights="distance"
# )
# self.stellar_ZAMS_classifier.fit(
# np.array(Sukhbold_data["Mzams"]).reshape(
# (len(Sukhbold_data["Mzams"]), 1)
# ),
# Sukhbold_data["He_c_mass"],
# )
# MZAMS = np.array(
# Sukhbold_data["Mzams"]
# )
# He_c_mass = np.array(
# Sukhbold_data["He_c_mass"]
# )
# self.MZAMS_He_core_mass_Sukhbold_interpolator = interp1d(MZAMS,
# He_c_mass)
Couch_He_c_mass = self.MZAMS_He_core_mass_Sukhbold_interpolator(
if verbose:
print("Training Couch+20 data...\n")
# Classifier to assign the type of the remnant after supernova
# as a function of the He core mass pre-supernova of Sukhbold 2016
# taking the first nearest neighbor
n_neighbors = 1
self.stellar_type_classifier = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(
n_neighbors, weights="distance"
(len(Couch_He_c_mass), 1)
print("Training the remnant mass interpolator ...")
# Interpolator to compute the remnant mass
# as a function of the He core mass pre-supernova
# and the stellar type of the remnant.
NS_rem_mass = np.array(
Engine_data[Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 13]["Rem_mass"]
NS_He_prog = np.array(
Engine_data[Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 13]["He_c_mass"]
self.mass_NS_interpolator = interp1d(NS_He_prog, NS_rem_mass)
BH_rem_mass = np.array(
Engine_data[Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 14]["Rem_mass"]
BH_He_prog = np.array(
Engine_data[Engine_data["stellar_state"] == 14]["He_c_mass"]
self.mass_BH_interpolator = interp1d(BH_He_prog, BH_rem_mass)
if verbose:
print("Done ...\n")
# Gets the neutron-star mass in terms of the He core mass
# if a succesful explotion is predicted
def extrapolate1d_NS(value, interpolator):
x = interpolator.x
if (value >= np.min(x)) and (value <= np.max(x)):
result = interpolator(value)
elif value < np.min(x):
result = interpolator(np.min(x))
elif value > np.max(x):
result = interpolator(np.max(x))
return result
# Gets the black-hole mass in terms of the He core mass
# if a unsuccesful explotion is predicted
def extrapolate1d_BH(value, interpolator):
x = interpolator.x
if (value >= np.min(x)) and (value <= np.max(x)):
result = interpolator(value)
elif value < np.min(x):
result = interpolator(np.min(x))
elif value > np.max(x):
result = value
return result
self.extrapolate_NS = extrapolate1d_NS
self.extrapolate_BH = extrapolate1d_BH
raise ValueError(
"Turbulence strength " + self.turbulence_strength + " is not "
"available for the Couch core collapse prescription, please "
"choose one of the following engines to compute the collapse:",
def __call__(self, star):
"""Get the mass, fallback fraction and state of the remnant."""
if star.state in STAR_STATES_CC:
# m_star = star.mass # M_sun
# m_core = star.co_core_mass # M_sun
m_He_core = star.he_core_mass # M_sun
elif star.state_history[-1] in STAR_STATES_CC:
# m_star = star.mass_history[-1] # M_sun
# m_core = star.co_core_mass_history[-1] # M_sun
m_He_core = star.he_core_mass_history[-1] # M_sun
raise ValueError("There are no informations in the evolutionary "
"history about STAR_STATES_CC.")
# single_star_equivalent_ZAMS = \
# self.stellar_ZAMS_classifier.predict([[m_He_core]])[0]
k_result = int(self.stellar_type_classifier.predict([[m_He_core]])[0])
if k_result == 13:
state = "NS"
elif k_result == 14:
state = "BH"
state = None
if state == "BH":
# Assuming BH formation by direct collapse of the He core
# m_rem = self.extrapolate_BH(m_He_core, self.mass_BH_interpolator)
# TODO: We need to contact Couch et al. to get the remnant masses
m_rem = m_He_core
# f_fb = m_rem / m_He_core
f_fb = 1.
elif state == "NS":
# TODO We need to contact Couch et al. to get the remnant masses
m_rem = 1.4
# f_fb = m_rem / m_He_core
f_fb = 0.
raise Exception("Need a NS or BH to apply `Sukhbold16_corecollapse`.")
return float(m_rem), f_fb, state