Source code for posydon.binary_evol.SN.profile_collapse

"""Collapse the profile of a star object into a BH.

This script is based on the physics explained in Appendix D of Bavera+2020.


import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
import posydon.utils.constants as const

from posydon.utils.gridutils import find_index_nearest_neighbour

__authors__ = [
    "Simone Bavera <>",
    "Emmanouil Zapartas <>",
    "Scott Coughlin <>",
    "Devina Misra <>",

__credits__ = [
    'Aldo Batta <>',

[docs]def get_initial_BH_properties(star, mass_collapsing, mass_central_BH, neutrino_mass_loss, max_neutrino_mass_loss, verbose): """Collapse directly the center of the star and return useful quantities. Parameters ---------- star : object Star object of a collapsing star containing the MESA profile. mass_collapsing : float Remnant barionic mass in M_sun collapsing to form the BH. This is the mass left to collapse after applying a supernova prescriptions, see e.g., rapid and delayed mechanisms of Fryer et al. (2012). mass_central_BH : float Mass of the central stellar layers (in M_sun) collasping directly to form a proto BH. neutrino_mass_loss : float Mass (in M_sun) lost through neutrinos in the formation of the central BH. max_neutrino_mass_loss : float Maximum mass (in M_sun) lost thorugh neutrinos. verbose : bool If `True`, it prints some informations. Returns ------- mass_initial_BH : float Mass of the initial BH in units of g. a_initial_BH : float Dimensionless spin of the initial BH. J_initial_BH : float Angular momentum of the initial BH in g*cm^2/s. angular_frequency_i : array floats Shell's angular frequencies in s^-1 collapsing onto the initially-formed BH. enclosed_mass_i : array floats Shell's enclosed masses in g collapsing onto the initially formed BH. radius_i : array floats Shell's radii in cm collapsing onto the initially formed BH. density_i : array floats Shell's densities in g/cm^3 collapsing onto the initially formed BH. dm_i : array floats Shell's masses in g collapsing onto the initially formed BH. dm_i : array floats Shell's width in cm collapsing onto the initially formed BH. """ if neutrino_mass_loss < 0.: raise ValueError( 'Something went wrong, neutrino_mass_loss must be positive!') if neutrino_mass_loss > max_neutrino_mass_loss: raise ValueError( 'Something went wrong, ', 'max_neutrino_mass_loss = {:2.2f} Msun'.format( max_neutrino_mass_loss), 'while neutrino_mass_loss = {:2.2f} Msun'.format( neutrino_mass_loss), 'was passed!') # load units and convert to CGS units G = const.standard_cgrav c = const.clight Mo = const.Msun Ro = const.Rsun mass_central_BH *= Mo neutrino_mass_loss *= Mo # read star quantities enclosed_mass_all = star.profile['mass'][::-1]*Mo # cell outer total mass radius_all = star.profile['radius'][::-1] * Ro # cell outer radius density_all = 10**(star.profile['logRho'][::-1]) # cell density angular_frequency_all = star.profile['omega'][::-1] # cell angular freq. if 'he4' in star.profile.dtype.names: # he3_all = star.profile['he3'][::-1] # he4 mass fraction he4_all = star.profile['he4'][::-1] # he4 mass fraction he3_all = np.zeros(len(enclosed_mass_all)) # ENHANCEMENT support he3 else: he4_all = np.zeros(len(enclosed_mass_all)) he3_all = np.zeros(len(enclosed_mass_all)) # cut the ejected layers of the profile due to the SN event: # index of the layers up to m_rembar from Fryer prescription # (+1 for the range) if enclosed_mass_all[-1] / Mo <= mass_collapsing: # This catches the case that all the star's profile is callapsed. # Note that the 'mass' of the MESA profile is the enclosed mass of that # shell; the mass of the whole star is then # star.profile['mass'][::-1][-1] + dm, # where dm is the mass of the last shell. i_rem = len(enclosed_mass_all) else: i_rem = np.argmax(enclosed_mass_all/Mo > mass_collapsing) + 1 enclosed_mass = enclosed_mass_all[:i_rem] radius = radius_all[:i_rem] density = density_all[:i_rem] angular_frequency = angular_frequency_all[:i_rem] he3 = he3_all[:i_rem] he4 = he4_all[:i_rem] # max he mass ejected in the SN dm_SN = enclosed_mass_all[i_rem+1:] - enclosed_mass_all[i_rem:-1] max_he_mass_ejected_SN = sum((he3_all[i_rem:-1] + he4_all[i_rem:-1])*dm_SN) # find index containing the mass MBH_0 (in CGS) index_initial_BH = find_index_nearest_neighbour(enclosed_mass, mass_central_BH) # mass of the initial BH collapsing directy assuming that # neutrino_mass_loss is lost thorugh neutrinos in the formation of # the central BH, note: this neutrinos are carring away angular # momentum proportional to the neutrino_mass_loss/mass_central_BH mass_initial_BH = enclosed_mass[index_initial_BH] - neutrino_mass_loss # Cut input arrays to consider only the shells AFTER the formation of the # initial BH note add 1 to get the range after the value index_initial_BH angular_frequency_i = angular_frequency[index_initial_BH + 1:] enclosed_mass_i = enclosed_mass[index_initial_BH + 1:] radius_i = radius[index_initial_BH + 1:] density_i = density[index_initial_BH + 1:] he3_i = he3[index_initial_BH + 1:] he4_i = he4[index_initial_BH + 1:] # shell's mass dm = enclosed_mass[1:] - enclosed_mass[:-1] # shell's width dr = radius[1:] - radius[:-1] # dm has len(enclosed_mass_initial_BH) = len(dM_initial_BH)-1 dm_i = dm[index_initial_BH:] dr_i = dr[index_initial_BH:] # Compute the angular momentum of the initial BH by solving eq. 1 of # Batta & Ramirez 2019: # J_i_BH = int Omega(r) r^2 sin^2(t) dm dr # = iint 2pi Omega(r) r^4 sin^3(t) rho(r) dt dr # = 2pi int_0^pi sin^3(t) dt int_0^M_core Omega(r) r^4 rho(r) dr # =: 2pi * temp1 * temp2 def f_temp1(t): return np.sin(t)**3 temp1 = integrate.quad(f_temp1, 0, np.pi)[0] # f_nu_AM is a rescaling the J_initial_BH. This account for the # angular momentum lost thorugh neutrinos, which under the assumption # of efficient AM transport is really low. f_nu_AM = mass_initial_BH / enclosed_mass[index_initial_BH] f_temp2 = (f_nu_AM*density[:index_initial_BH+1] * angular_frequency[:index_initial_BH+1] * radius[:index_initial_BH+1]**4) temp2 = integrate.simps(f_temp2, x=radius[:index_initial_BH + 1]) J_initial_BH = 2 * np.pi * temp1 * temp2 # dimensless spinn of the initial BH a_initial_BH = J_initial_BH * c / (G * mass_initial_BH**2) if verbose: print('') print('Initializing the BH properties for 1D collapse.') print('') print('The BH formed from the ', round(mass_central_BH / Mo, 2), 'innermost solar masses has mass', round(mass_initial_BH / Mo, 2), 'M_sun (', neutrino_mass_loss / Mo, 'M_sun were lost thorugh neutrinos) and a = Jc/GM^2 =', round(a_initial_BH, 4)) return [ mass_initial_BH, a_initial_BH, J_initial_BH, angular_frequency_i, enclosed_mass_i, radius_i, density_i, dm_i, dr_i, he3_i, he4_i, max_he_mass_ejected_SN ]
[docs]def compute_isco_properties(a, m_BH): """Compute the BH innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) parameters. Parameters ---------- a : float Dimnesionless BH spin. m_BH : float Mass of the BH in g. Returns ------- r_isco : float Radius of the ISCO in CGS units (cm). j_isco : float Specific angular momentum at ISCO in CGS units (cm^2/s). efficiency : float Orbital energy efficiency at ISCO. """ # load units G = const.standard_cgrav c = const.clight # eq. 3/4 in Batta & Ramirez-Ruiz (2019) z1 = 1 + (((1 - a**2)**(1. / 3.)) * ((1 + a)**(1. / 3.) + (1 - a)**(1. / 3.))) z2 = (3 * a**2 + z1**2)**(1. / 2.) r_isco = (3 + z2 - np.sqrt((3 - z1) * (3 + z1 + 2 * z2))) # note that eq. 5 is the equivalent of what is below expet for the fact # that what is below is not defined for a=1 j_isco = ( (G * m_BH / c) * (r_isco**2 - 2 * a * r_isco**(0.5) + a**2) / (r_isco**(3./4.) * (r_isco**(3./2.) - 3 * r_isco**0.5 + 2 * a)**0.5) ) # fraction of disk's mass accreted by BH # (1-efficiency) of the rest mass is "radiated" away efficiency = np.sqrt(1. - 2. / (3 * r_isco)) # assign CGS units r_isco = (G * m_BH / c**2) * r_isco return r_isco, j_isco, efficiency
[docs]def do_core_collapse_BH(star, mass_collapsing, mass_central_BH=2.51, neutrino_mass_loss=None, max_neutrino_mass_loss=0.5, verbose=False): """Do the core collapse of a star object with MESA profile provided. Parameters ---------- star : object Star object of a collapsing star containing the MESA profile. mass_collapsing : float Remnant barionic mass in M_sun collapsing to form the BH. This is the mass left to collapse after applying a supernova prescriptions, see e.g. rapid and delayed mechanisms of Fryer et al. (2012). mass_central_BH : float Mass of the central stellar layers (in M_sun) collasping directly to form a proto BH. neutrino_mass_loss : float Mass (in M_sun) lost thorugh neutrinos in the formation of the central BH. max_neutrino_mass_loss : float Maximum mass (in M_sun) lost thorugh neutrinos. verbose : bool If `True`, it prints some informations. Returns ------- M_BH_total : float Mass of the final BH in M_sun. a_BH_total : float Dimensionless spin of the final BH. M_BH_array : array floats BH mass evelution in g. a_BH_array : array floats Dimensionless spin evolution. J_accreted_array : array floats Angular momentum accreted from a given shell by the BH in CGS units. J_total_array : array floats Total angular momentum in accreted shells plus BH's initial angular momentum in CGS units. J_disk_shell_array : array floats Angular momentum accreted from the shell's part collapsing to form a disk in CGS units. radiation_eff_array : array floats Fraction of accretion disk radiated away, this is one minus accretion efficiency. r_isco_array : array floats Radius of the innermost stable circular orbit in cm. j_isco_array : array floats Specific angular momentum at the innermost stable circular orbit in CGS. M_direct_collapse_array : array floats Cumulative mass accreted through direct collapse in g. M_disk_array : array floats Cumulative mass accreted thorugh the disk in g. dm_direct_array : array floats Shell's mass accreted through direct collapse in g. dm_disk_array : array floats Shell's mass accreted thorugh the disk in g. j_shell_array : array floats Shell's specific angular momentum in CGS. M_total_array : array floats Cumulative mass of shells and initial BH in g. a_star_array : array floats Dimensionless spin parameter of the star. """ # convert to CGS units G = const.standard_cgrav c = const.clight Mo = const.Msun # =========================================================== # Assumes a BH is already formed with a certain spin and mass # its spin parameter is a = Jc/GM^2 and could be > 1 # =========================================================== # Extract results from Get_InitialBHProperties() (M_BH, a_BH, J_BH, Omega_shells, enclosed_mass, radius_shells, rho_shells, dm, dr, he3, he4, max_he_mass_ejected) = get_initial_BH_properties( star, mass_collapsing, mass_central_BH, neutrino_mass_loss, max_neutrino_mass_loss, verbose) # check that there is matter falling onto the BH if len(enclosed_mass) == 0: arr = np.array([np.nan]) return [ M_BH / Mo, a_BH, arr, arr, arr, arr, arr, arr, arr, arr, arr, np.array([0.]), arr, arr, arr, arr, arr, arr ] # shell's specific angular momentum at equator j_shells = Omega_shells * radius_shells**2 if a_BH > 0.99: a_BH = 0.99 J_BH = a_BH * G * M_BH**2 / c # get the initial r_isco, j_isco and orbital energy convertion efficiency r_isco, j_isco, eff = compute_isco_properties(a_BH, M_BH) # Initialize integrated quantities M_direct_collapse = M_BH M_disk = 0. M_total = M_BH dm_disk = 0. dm_direct = 0. J_total = J_BH # ======================================================= # Initialize lists that will contain the BH's properties # as a function of the collapsed shells and information # of mass fraction of material with low j and high j J_accreted_array = [J_BH] # angular momentum accreted by BH J_total_array = [ J_total ] # total angular momentum in accreted shells + BH's initial J M_BH_array = [M_BH] # BH mass a_BH_array = [a_BH] # BH's spin radiation_eff_array = [1 - eff] # fraction of accretion disk radiated away r_isco_array = [r_isco] # radius of ISCO j_isco_array = [j_isco ] # specific angular momentum at ISCO (prograde orbits) M_direct_collapse_array = [ M_direct_collapse ] # integrated mass accreted through direct collapse M_disk_array = [M_disk] # integrated mass accreted through disk dm_disk_array = [dm_disk] # mass in shell with j > j_isco (forms a disk) dm_direct_array = [dm_direct ] # mass in shell with j < j_isco (direct collapse) M_total_array = [M_total] # integrated mass (shells + initial BH) j_shell_array = [j_shells[0]] # shell's specific angular momentum a_star_array = [a_BH] # star's spin parameter J_disk_shell_array = [0.] # angular momentum of the shell's disk # compute BH properties as each shell collapses for i, value in enumerate(dm): # get r_isco, j_isco, and orbital energy at isco r_isco, j_isco, eff = compute_isco_properties(a_BH, M_BH) # shell properties j_shell = j_shells[i] Omega_shell = Omega_shells[i] r_shell = radius_shells[i] dr_shell = dr[i] dm_shell = dm[i] rho_shell = rho_shells[i] he3_shell = he3[i] he4_shell = he4[i] # Determine if the specific angular momentum of the shell can form # a disk or not and update BH's properties # All mass collapses directly to the BH if j_shell < j_isco: # eq. 9 of Batta & Ramirez-Ruiz (2019) for theta<theta_disk # J_shell = 2 int Omega(r) sin^3(t) rho r^4 dr dt dphi # = 4 pi Omega_r rho_r int_0^pi/2 sin^3(t) dt int_r-dr^r r^4 dr # = 4 pi Omega_r rho_r temp1 temp2 def f_temp1(x): return np.sin(x)**3 temp1 = integrate.quad(f_temp1, 0, np.pi / 2)[0] def f_temp2(x): return x**4 temp2 = integrate.quad(f_temp2, r_shell - dr_shell, r_shell)[0] # angular momentum of entire shell: J_shell=J_direct J_direct = 4 * np.pi * (Omega_shell * rho_shell) * temp1 * temp2 # Update BH's angular momentum content and mass J_BH = J_BH + J_direct M_BH = M_BH + dm_shell # mass accreted through direct collapse dm_direct = dm_shell # mass forming a disk dm_disk = 0.0 # Integrated mass from direct collapse M_direct_collapse = M_direct_collapse + dm_direct # angular momentum accreted from the disk J_disk = 0. # There is no disk # Portions of the shells with theta>theta_disk are forming a disk else: # theta_disk is the angle within which # j_shell = Omega_shell * r^2 * sin(t))^2 < j_isco # contains all material that will collapse directly to the BH # eq. 7 of Batta & Ramirez-Ruiz (2019) theta_disk = np.arcsin(np.sqrt(j_isco / (Omega_shell*r_shell**2))) # eq. 9 of Batta & Ramirez-Ruiz (2019) for theta<theta_disk # J_shell = J_direct + J_disk def f_temp1(x): return np.sin(x)**3 temp1 = integrate.quad(f_temp1, 0, theta_disk)[0] def f_temp2(x): return x**4 temp2 = integrate.quad(f_temp2, r_shell - dr_shell, r_shell)[0] J_direct = 4 * np.pi * (Omega_shell * rho_shell) * temp1 * temp2 # shell's mass fraction that will collapse directly # eq. 8 of Batta & Ramirez-Ruiz (2019) # (typo corrected, see Bavera et al. (2020)) dm_direct = (1.0 - np.cos(theta_disk)) * dm_shell # shell's mass fraction that will form an accretion disk # note that we assume that only mass collapsing directy loses # neutrinos dm_disk = np.cos(theta_disk) * dm_shell # angular momentum accreted thorugh the disk # eq. 8 of Batta & Ramirez-Ruiz (2019) J_disk = j_isco * dm_disk # Update BH's angular momentum content and mass J_BH = J_BH + J_disk + J_direct M_BH = M_BH + dm_disk * eff + dm_direct # Integrated mass from direct collapse M_direct_collapse = M_direct_collapse + dm_direct # Integrated mass from accretion disk # eq. 8 of Batta & Ramirez-Ruiz (2019): only fraction eff is # accreted, see Thorne (1974) M_disk = M_disk + dm_disk * eff # max He mass tht can be ejected during the disk formation max_he_mass_ejected += dm_shell * (he3_shell + he4_shell) # Update BH's spin parameter a_BH = J_BH * c / (G * M_BH**2.) # Shell's angular momentum (same as J_direct if j < j_isco ) assuming J_shell = 8 * np.pi / 3. * temp2 * Omega_shell * rho_shell M_total = M_total + dm_direct + dm_disk J_total = J_total + J_shell a_star = J_total * c / (G * M_total**2) # Check if a > 1: this should not happen! if a_BH > 1: raise ValueError( "We got a={:.5g} from shell {} containing {:.5g} M_sun".format( a_BH, i, dm_shell / Mo)) # Append all quantities to the arrays J_accreted_array.append(J_BH) M_BH_array.append(M_BH) a_BH_array.append(a_BH) radiation_eff_array.append(1. - eff) r_isco_array.append(r_isco) j_isco_array.append(j_isco) M_direct_collapse_array.append(M_direct_collapse) M_disk_array.append(M_disk) dm_disk_array.append(dm_disk) dm_direct_array.append(dm_direct) j_shell_array.append(j_shell) M_total_array.append(M_total) J_total_array.append(J_total) a_star_array.append(a_star) if j_shell < 1.00 * j_isco: J_disk_shell_array.append(0.) else: J_disk_shell_array.append((J_shell - J_direct) / dm_disk) # BH mass from the collapse of the entire star in M_sun. M_BH_total = M_BH_array[-1] / Mo # BH spin from the collapse of the entire star a_BH_total = a_BH_array[-1] # max He mass tht can be ejected during the disk formation max_he_mass_ejected /= Mo if verbose: print('') print('Evolving BH properties in 1D collapse') print('') print('The BH formed from the collapse of the entire star with mass', round(enclosed_mass[-1] / Mo, 2), 'M_sun has mass', round(M_BH_total, 2), 'M_sun', 'and a = ', round(a_BH_total, 3), '.') print('A disk of total mass', round(M_disk_array[-1] / Mo, 2), 'M_sun', 'was formed around the BH.') print('') return [ M_BH_total, a_BH_total, np.array(M_BH_array), np.array(a_BH_array), np.array(J_accreted_array), np.array(J_total_array), np.array(J_disk_shell_array), np.array(radiation_eff_array), np.array(r_isco_array), np.array(j_isco_array), np.array(M_direct_collapse_array), np.array(M_disk_array), np.array(dm_direct_array), np.array(dm_disk_array), np.array(j_shell_array), np.array(M_total_array), np.array(a_star_array), max_he_mass_ejected, ]