Source code for posydon.binary_evol.MESA.step_mesa

"""This class evolves a binary object according to a MESA grid."""

__authors__ = [
    "Simone Bavera <>",
    "Devina Misra <>",
    "Emmanouil Zapartas <>",
    "Kyle Akira Rocha <>",
    "Konstantinos Kovlakas <>",
    "Jeffrey Andrews <>",
    "Nam Tran <>",
    "Zepei Xing <>",
    "Tassos Fragos <>",

import os
import warnings
import numpy as np

from posydon.interpolation.interpolation import psyTrackInterp
from posydon.binary_evol.binarystar import BINARYPROPERTIES
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import STARPROPERTIES
from posydon.utils import common_functions as cf
from posydon.binary_evol.binarystar import BinaryStar
from posydon.interpolation.IF_interpolation import IFInterpolator
from posydon.utils.common_functions import flip_stars
from posydon.utils.common_functions import CO_radius, infer_star_state
from posydon.utils.data_download import data_download, PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA

# left POSYDON, right MESA
    'binary': {
        'state': True,
        'event': True,
        'time': 'age',
        'separation': 'binary_separation',
        'orbital_period': 'period_days',
        'eccentricity': True,
        'V_sys': True,
        'rl_relative_overflow_1': 'rl_relative_overflow_1',
        'rl_relative_overflow_2': 'rl_relative_overflow_2',
        'lg_mtransfer_rate': 'lg_mtransfer_rate',
        'trap_radius': 'trap_radius',
        'acc_radius': 'acc_radius',
        't_sync_rad_1': 't_sync_rad_1',
        't_sync_conv_1': 't_sync_conv_1',
        't_sync_rad_2': 't_sync_rad_2',
        't_sync_conv_2': 't_sync_conv_2',
        'mass_transfer_case': True,
        'nearest_neighbour_distance': True
    'star': {
        'state': True,
        # TODO: 'Z', this should be included in the default columns of psygrid
        'metallicity': True,
        'mass': 'mass',                         # binary history
        'log_R': 'log_R',
        'log_L': 'log_L',
        'lg_mdot': 'lg_mstar_dot',              # binary history
        'lg_system_mdot': 'lg_system_mdot',     # binary history
        'lg_wind_mdot': 'lg_wind_mdot',         # binary history
        'he_core_mass': 'he_core_mass',
        'he_core_radius': 'he_core_radius',
        'c_core_mass': 'c_core_mass',
        'c_core_radius': 'c_core_radius',
        'o_core_mass': 'o_core_mass',
        'o_core_radius': 'o_core_radius',
        'co_core_mass': 'co_core_mass',
        'co_core_radius': 'co_core_radius',
        'center_h1': 'center_h1',
        'center_he4': 'center_he4',
        'center_c12': 'center_c12',
        'center_n14': 'center_n14',
        'center_o16': 'center_o16',
        'surface_h1': 'surface_h1',
        'surface_he4': 'surface_he4',
        'surface_c12': 'surface_c12',
        'surface_n14': 'surface_n14',
        'surface_o16': 'surface_o16',
        'log_LH': 'log_LH',
        'log_LHe': 'log_LHe',
        'log_LZ': 'log_LZ',
        'log_Lnuc': 'log_Lnuc',
        'c12_c12': 'c12_c12',
        'center_gamma': 'center_gamma',
        # 'avg_c_in_c_core', remove this for the moment because HMS-HMS did
        # not have this column
        'avg_c_in_c_core': None,
        'surf_avg_omega': 'surf_avg_omega',
        'surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit': 'surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit',
        'total_moment_of_inertia': 'total_moment_of_inertia',
        'log_total_angular_momentum': 'log_total_angular_momentum',
        'spin': 'spin_parameter',
        'conv_env_top_mass': 'conv_env_top_mass',
        'conv_env_bot_mass': 'conv_env_bot_mass',
        'conv_env_top_radius': 'conv_env_top_radius',
        'conv_env_bot_radius': 'conv_env_bot_radius',
        'conv_env_turnover_time_g': 'conv_env_turnover_time_g',
        'conv_env_turnover_time_l_b': 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_b',
        'conv_env_turnover_time_l_t': 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_t',
        'envelope_binding_energy': 'envelope_binding_energy',
        'mass_conv_reg_fortides': 'mass_conv_reg_fortides',
        'thickness_conv_reg_fortides': 'thickness_conv_reg_fortides',
        'radius_conv_reg_fortides': 'radius_conv_reg_fortides',
        'lambda_CE_1cent': 'lambda_CE_1cent',
        'lambda_CE_10cent': 'lambda_CE_10cent',
        'lambda_CE_30cent': 'lambda_CE_30cent',
        'co_core_mass': 'co_core_mass',
        'co_core_radius': 'co_core_radius',
        'lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent': 'lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent',
        'profile': True

[docs]class MesaGridStep: """Superclass for steps using the POSYDON grids.""" def __init__( self, grid_name, path=PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA, interpolation_path=None, interpolation_filename=None, interpolation_method="linear3c_kNN", save_initial_conditions=True, track_interpolation=False, stop_method='stop_at_max_time', # "stop_at_end", stop_star="star_1", stop_var_name=None, stop_value=None, stop_interpolate=True, verbose=False): """Evolve a binary object given a MESA grid or interpolation object. Parameters ---------- interpolation_method : 'nearest_neighbour', 'linear_knn_interpolation' 'linear_NN_interpolation' - nearest_neighbour requires a psygrid in the h5 format - linear_knn_interpolation requires a pkl file trained with interpolation class linear inteprolation, knn classification - linear_NN_interpolation requires a pkl file trained with interpolation class linear inteprolation, neural network classification track_interpolation: bool - True requires `nearest_neighbour` and will append the entire MESA history of properties. stop_method : stop_at_end or stop_at_max_time - stop_at_end will stop the binary at the end of the MESA track - stop_at_max_time binary will stop in the middle of a MESA track if doing so would exceed the binary's max_time - stop_at_condition will stop the binary when a five condition is met (see next parameters) stop_var_name: keys in STARPROPERTIES and BINARYPROPERTIES - key is one of the STARPROPERTIES and BINARYPROPERTIES stop_star: star_1 or star_2 - if you choose stop_var_name from STARPROPERTIES you need to indicate which star you are referring too stop_value: float - when value is reached in the next MESA history model, the binary will stop the evolution stop_interpolate: True or False - True can only be chosen if stop_var_name='time', it means that the binary properties will be linearly interpolated between two timestamp to determine their values at the arbitrary time stop_value """ # class variable self.path = path self.interpolation_method = interpolation_method self.save_initial_conditions = save_initial_conditions self.track_interpolation = track_interpolation self.stop_method = stop_method self.verbose = verbose if (self.track_interpolation and self.interpolation_method != 'nearest_neighbour'): raise ValueError('Track interpolation is currently supported only ' 'by the nearest neighbour interpolation method!') # we load NN any time stop_at_max_time requested - regardless # of interp method if (self.stop_method == 'stop_at_max_time' or self.interpolation_method == 'nearest_neighbour'): self.load_psyTrackInterp(grid_name) grid_name = grid_name.replace('_%d', '') # Check interpolation method provided self.supported_interp_methods = ['linear_kNN', 'linear3c_kNN', '1NN_1NN'] if self.interpolation_method in self.supported_interp_methods: # Set the interpolation path if interpolation_path is None: interpolation_path = ( self.path + grid_name.split('/')[0] + '/interpolators/%s/' % self.interpolation_method) # Set the interpolation filename if interpolation_filename is None: interpolation_filename = ( interpolation_path + grid_name.split('/')[1].replace('h5', 'pkl')) else: interpolation_filename = (interpolation_path + interpolation_filename) self.load_Interp(interpolation_filename) if (not (hasattr(self, '_psyTrackInterp') or hasattr(self, '_Interp'))): raise ValueError( 'No interpolation methods specified in kwargs!\n' 'interpolation_method: {0}'. format(self.interpolation_method)) # this hook is used to avoid computing star and binary states in case # track_interpolation = False and stop = 'stop_at_condition' where # we drop the history self.flush_history = False self.flush_entries = None self.stop_star = stop_star self.stop_var_name = stop_var_name self.stop_value = stop_value self.stop_interpolate = stop_interpolate
[docs] def load_psyTrackInterp(self, grid_name): """Load the interpolator that has been trained on the grid.""" # Check if interpolation files exist filename = os.path.join(self.path,grid_name) if not (os.path.exists(filename.replace('%d','0')) or os.path.exists(filename.replace('_%d',''))): data_download() if self.verbose: print("loading psyTrackInterp: {}".format(filename)) self._psyTrackInterp = psyTrackInterp(filename, interp_in_q=self.interp_in_q, verbose=self.verbose) self._psyTrackInterp.train()
[docs] def load_Interp(self, filename): """Load the interpolator that has been trained on the grid.""" if self.verbose: print("loading Interp: {}".format(filename)) # Check if interpolation files exist if not os.path.exists(filename): data_download() # Load interpolator self._Interp = IFInterpolator() self._Interp.load(filename=filename)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the inteprolator.""" pass
# if hasattr(self, '_Interp'): # self._Interp.close()
[docs] def get_final_MESA_step_time(self): """Infer the maximum MESA step time. Use the specified interpolation method to determine the maximum MESA simulation time about to be added to the binary. If this step exceeds the maximum age of the binary, a step(NN) is done. """ if self.interpolation_method == 'nearest_neighbour': self.closest_binary, self.nearest_neighbour_distance, \ self.termination_flags = self._psyTrackInterp.evaluate( self.binary) if self.closest_binary.binary_history is None: return key = POSYDON_TO_MESA['binary']['time'] max_MESA_sim_time = self.closest_binary.binary_history[key][-1] elif self.interpolation_method in self.supported_interp_methods: self.final_values, self.classes = self._Interp.evaluate( self.binary) max_MESA_sim_time = self.final_values[ POSYDON_TO_MESA['binary']['time']] else: raise ValueError("unknown interpolation method: {}". format(self.interpolation_method)) return max_MESA_sim_time
def __call__(self, binary): """Evolve a binary using the MESA step.""" if not isinstance(binary, BinaryStar): raise ValueError("Must be an instance of BinaryStar") if not hasattr(self, 'step'): raise AttributeError("No step defined for {}".format( self.__name__)) if self.flip_stars_before_step: flip_stars(binary) max_MESA_sim_time = self.get_final_MESA_step_time() if max_MESA_sim_time is None: if self.flip_stars_before_step: flip_stars(binary) binary.state = 'initial_RLOF' # binary.event = 'END' return binary_start_time = binary.time step_will_exceed_max_time = (binary.time+max_MESA_sim_time > if (step_will_exceed_max_time and self.stop_method == 'stop_at_max_time'): # self.step(binary, interp_method='nearest_neighbour') if self.interpolation_method != 'nearest_neighbour': self.closest_binary, self.nearest_neighbour_distance, \ self.termination_flags = self._psyTrackInterp.evaluate( self.binary) if self.track_interpolation: self.flush_history = False else: self.flush_history = True self.update_properties_NN(star_1_CO=self.star_1_CO, star_2_CO=self.star_2_CO, track_interpolation=True) else: self.step(binary, interp_method=self.interpolation_method) if (self.stop_method == 'stop_at_max_time' and binary.time >= # self.flush_history = True # needed??? # stop_at_condition looks through the MESA output appended to the # binary object. The times have already been added to the binary's # start time, so the correct value to pass is max_simulation_time self.stop_at_condition(binary, star='star_1', property='time',, interpolate=self.stop_interpolate, star_1_CO=self.star_1_CO, star_2_CO=self.star_2_CO) elif self.stop_method == 'stop_at_condition': self.stop_at_condition(binary, property=self.stop_var_name, value=self.stop_value, star=self.stop_star, interpolate=self.stop_interpolate, star_1_CO=self.star_1_CO, star_2_CO=self.star_2_CO) else: self.stop_at_end(binary, property=self.stop_var_name, value=self.stop_value, star=self.stop_star, interpolate=self.stop_interpolate, star_1_CO=self.star_1_CO, star_2_CO=self.star_2_CO) if self.flip_stars_before_step: flip_stars(binary) if binary.time > binary.event = 'MaxTime_exceeded' elif binary.time == binary.event = 'maxtime' return
[docs] def step(self, binary, interp_method=None): """Take the step by calling the appropriate interpolator.""" if interp_method is None: interp_method = self.interpolation_method if interp_method == 'nearest_neighbour': if self.track_interpolation: self.flush_history = False else: self.flush_history = True self.update_properties_NN( star_1_CO=self.star_1_CO, star_2_CO=self.star_2_CO, track_interpolation=self.track_interpolation) elif interp_method in self.supported_interp_methods: self.initial_final_interpolation(star_1_CO=self.star_1_CO, star_2_CO=self.star_2_CO) else: raise ValueError('Invalid interpolation method: {}'. format(interp_method))
[docs] def single_star(self, star_type): """Check if the type of the star is supported.""" if star_type == 'single-HMS': pass elif star_type == 'single-HeMS': pass else: raise ValueError('Single star_type = %s unknown!' % star_type)
[docs] def update_properties_NN(self, star_1_CO=False, star_2_CO=False, track_interpolation=False): """Update properites according to nearest neighbour interpolation. Parameters ---------- star_1_CO : bool `True` if star_1 is a compact object. star_2_CO : bool `True` if star_2 is a compact object. track_interpolation : bool If True, uses track interpolation over initial-final interpolation """ # simplify verbosity of code binary = self.binary stars = [binary.star_1, binary.star_2] stars_CO = [star_1_CO, star_2_CO] cb = self.closest_binary cb_bh = cb.binary_history cb_hs = [cb.history1, cb.history2] cb_fps = [cb.final_profile1, cb.final_profile2] # TOOD: I removed this which is now done in get_final_MESA_step_time # find the nearest_neighbour and the distance # self.closest_binary, self.nearest_neighbour_distance, \ # self.termination_flags = self._psyTrackInterp.evaluate(self.binary) if (cb_bh['age'].size <= 1 or cb_bh['star_1_mass'].size <= 1): setattr(binary, "state", "initial_RLOF") # setattr(binary, "event", "END") return if track_interpolation or self.save_initial_conditions: len_binary_hist = len(getattr(binary, "time_history")) length_binary_hist = len(cb_bh['age']) - 1 length_star_hist = len(cb_hs[0]['center_he4']) - 1 length_hist = min(length_binary_hist, length_star_hist) empy_h = [None] * length_hist MESA_history_bug_fix = False if length_binary_hist != length_star_hist: MESA_history_bug_fix = True warnings.warn( 'The MESA star_history and binary_history do not match ' 'lenght %i != %i. This will cause errors, e.g. ' 'get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case take ' 'star.mdot_history - star.lg_wind_mdot, to ' 'avoid the code to break we happened np.nan ' 'to the missing values!' % (length_binary_hist, length_star_hist)) # update properties for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: key_h = key + "_history" if POSYDON_TO_MESA['binary'][key] is None: setattr(binary, key, None) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(binary, key_h).append(empy_h[0]) if track_interpolation: getattr(binary, key_h).extend(empy_h) elif key == 'time': key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['binary'][key] current = getattr(self.binary, key) setattr(binary, key, current + cb_bh[key_p][-1]) if self.save_initial_conditions: history_of_attribute = current + cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(binary, key_h).append(history_of_attribute[0]) if track_interpolation: history_of_attribute = current + cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(binary, key_h).extend(history_of_attribute) elif key == 'nearest_neighbour_distance': NN_d = self.nearest_neighbour_distance setattr(binary, key, NN_d) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(binary, key_h).append(NN_d) if track_interpolation: getattr(binary, key_h).extend([NN_d]*length_hist) elif key in ['eccentricity', 'V_sys']: v_key = getattr(binary, key_h)[-1] setattr(binary, key, v_key) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(binary, key_h).append(v_key) if track_interpolation: getattr(binary, key_h).extend([v_key]*length_hist) elif key in ['state', 'event', 'mass_transfer_case']: continue else: key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['binary'][key] setattr(binary, key, cb_bh[key_p][-1]) if self.save_initial_conditions: history_of_attribute = cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(binary, key_h).append(history_of_attribute[0]) if track_interpolation: history_of_attribute = cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(binary, key_h).extend(history_of_attribute) if track_interpolation: if MESA_history_bug_fix: real_len = max(length_binary_hist, length_star_hist) missing_values = real_len + len_binary_hist - len( getattr(binary, key_h)) if missing_values > 0: getattr(binary, key_h).extend([np.nan]*missing_values) # DEBUG # print(key, missing_values) # print('fixed', len(getattr(self.binary, key # + "_history"))) for k, star in enumerate(stars): for key in STARPROPERTIES: key_h = key + "_history" if not stars_CO[k]: if POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key] is None: setattr(star, key, None) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(star, key_h).append(empy_h[0]) if track_interpolation: getattr(star, key_h).extend(empy_h) elif key == 'mass': key_p = 'star_%d_mass' % (k+1) setattr(star, key, cb_bh[key_p][-1]) if self.save_initial_conditions: history_of_attribute = cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(star, key_h).append( history_of_attribute[0]) if track_interpolation: history_of_attribute = cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(star, key_h).extend(history_of_attribute) elif key == 'metallicity': v_key = getattr(star, 'metallicity') setattr(star, key, v_key) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(star, key_h).append(v_key) if track_interpolation: getattr(star, key_h).extend([v_key]*length_hist) elif key == 'profile': setattr(star, key, cb_fps[k]) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(star, key_h).append(empy_h[0]) if track_interpolation: getattr(star, key_h).extend(empy_h) elif key in ['lg_mdot', 'lg_system_mdot', 'lg_wind_mdot']: key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key]+'_%d' % (k+1) setattr(star, key, cb_bh[key_p][-1]) if self.save_initial_conditions: history_of_attribute = cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(star, key_h).append( history_of_attribute[0]) if track_interpolation: history_of_attribute = cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(star, key_h).extend( history_of_attribute) elif key == 'state': continue else: key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key] setattr(star, key, cb_hs[k][key_p][-1]) if self.save_initial_conditions: history_of_attribute = cb_hs[k][key_p][:-1] getattr(star, key_h).append( history_of_attribute[0]) if track_interpolation: history_of_attribute = cb_hs[k][key_p][:-1] getattr(star, key_h).extend(history_of_attribute) else: # star is a compact object if key == 'mass': key_p = 'star_%d_mass' % (k+1) setattr(star, key, cb_bh[key_p][-1]) if self.save_initial_conditions: history_of_attribute = cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(star, key_h).append( history_of_attribute[0]) if track_interpolation: history_of_attribute = cb_bh[key_p][:-1] getattr(star, key_h).extend(history_of_attribute) elif key == 'spin': v_key = getattr(star, 'spin') setattr(star, key, v_key) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(star, key_h).append(v_key) if track_interpolation: getattr(star, key_h).extend([v_key]*length_hist) elif key == 'log_R': key_p = 'star_%d_mass' % (k+1) mass = cb_bh[key_p][-1] st = infer_star_state(star_mass=mass, star_CO=True) setattr(star, key, np.log10(CO_radius(mass, st))) if self.save_initial_conditions: mass_history = np.array(cb_bh[key_p]) state_history = np.array([ infer_star_state(star_mass=x, star_CO=True) for x in mass_history]) history_of_attribute = np.log10([ CO_radius(mass_history[i], state_history[i]) for i in range(len(mass_history)-1)]) getattr(star, key_h).append( history_of_attribute[0]) if track_interpolation: mass_history = np.array(cb_bh[key_p]) state_history = np.array([ infer_star_state(star_mass=x, star_CO=True) for x in mass_history]) history_of_attribute = np.log10([ CO_radius(mass_history[i], state_history[i]) for i in range(len(mass_history)-1)]) getattr(star, key_h).extend(history_of_attribute) elif key == 'metallicity': v_key = getattr(star, 'metallicity') setattr(star, key, v_key) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(star, key_h).append(v_key) if track_interpolation: getattr(star, key_h).extend([v_key]*length_hist) elif key in ['lg_system_mdot', 'lg_wind_mdot']: key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key]+'_%d' % (k+1) setattr(star, key, cb_bh[key_p][-1]) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(star, key_h).append(cb_bh[key_p][0]) if track_interpolation: getattr(star, key_h).extend(cb_bh[key_p][:-1]) elif key in ['state', 'lg_mdot']: continue else: setattr(star, key, None) if self.save_initial_conditions: getattr(star, key_h).append(empy_h[0]) if track_interpolation: getattr(star, key_h).extend(empy_h) if track_interpolation: if MESA_history_bug_fix: real_len = max(length_binary_hist, length_star_hist) missing_values_star = real_len + len_binary_hist - len( getattr(star, key_h)) if missing_values_star > 0: getattr(star, key_h).extend( [np.nan]*missing_values) # DEBUG # print(key, missing_values_star_1) # print('fixed', len(getattr(self.binary.star_1, # key + "_history"))) # convert these flags to default POSYDON star states setattr(stars[0], 'state', cf.check_state_of_star(stars[0], star_CO=stars_CO[0])) setattr(stars[1], 'state', cf.check_state_of_star(stars[1], star_CO=stars_CO[1])) interpolation_class = self.termination_flags[0] binary_state, binary_event, MT_case = ( cf.get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case( binary, interpolation_class, verbose=self.verbose)) setattr(binary, 'state', binary_state) setattr(binary, 'event', binary_event) setattr(binary, 'mass_transfer_case', MT_case) if self.save_initial_conditions: # history N is how much to look back in the history # here N=1 as we only appended back the first entry state1_hist = cf.check_state_of_star(stars[0], i=len_binary_hist, star_CO=stars_CO[0]) getattr(stars[0], "state_history").append(state1_hist) state2_hist = cf.check_state_of_star(stars[1], i=len_binary_hist, star_CO=stars_CO[1]) getattr(stars[1], "state_history").append(state2_hist) binary_state, binary_event, MT_case = ( cf.get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case( binary, interpolation_class, i=len_binary_hist, verbose=self.verbose)) getattr(binary, "state_history").append(binary_state) getattr(binary, "event_history").append(None) getattr(binary, "mass_transfer_case_history").append(MT_case) if track_interpolation: if not self.flush_history: # history N is how much to look back in the history state1_hist = cf.check_state_of_star_history_array( stars[0], N=length_hist, star_CO=stars_CO[0]) getattr(stars[0], "state_history").extend(state1_hist) state2_hist = cf.check_state_of_star_history_array( stars[1], N=length_hist, star_CO=stars_CO[1]) getattr(stars[1], "state_history").extend(state2_hist) binary_state, binary_event, MT_case = ( cf.get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case_array( binary, N=length_hist, verbose=self.verbose)) getattr(binary, "state_history").extend(binary_state) getattr(binary, "event_history").extend(binary_event) getattr(binary, "mass_transfer_case_history").extend(MT_case) self.flush_entries = len_binary_hist # this is needded! # this is to prevent the flushin of the initial value which is # appended twice if self.save_initial_conditions: self.flush_entries += 1 else: # the history is going to be flushed in self.stop # append None for a faster computation state1_hist = empy_h state2_hist = empy_h self.flush_entries = len_binary_hist # this is to prevent the flushin of the initial value which is # appended twice if self.save_initial_conditions: self.flush_entries += 1 binary_state = empy_h binary_event = empy_h MT_case = empy_h getattr(stars[0], "state_history").extend(state1_hist) getattr(stars[1], "state_history").extend(state2_hist) getattr(binary, "state_history").extend(binary_state) getattr(binary, "event_history").extend(binary_event) getattr(binary, "mass_transfer_case_history").extend(MT_case) if binary.state == 'initial_RLOF': return if (star_2_CO or star_1_CO): # Updating Bondi-Hoyle accretion for k, star in enumerate(stars): if stars_CO[k]: accretor = star k_bh = k else: donor = star key_bh = POSYDON_TO_MESA['star']['lg_mdot']+'_%d' % (k_bh+1) tmp_lg_mdot = np.log10(10**cb_bh[key_bh][-1] + cf.bondi_hoyle( binary, accretor, donor, idx=-1, wind_disk_criteria=True, scheme='Kudritzki+2000')) mdot_edd = cf.eddington_limit(binary, idx=-1)[0] if 10**tmp_lg_mdot > mdot_edd: tmp_lg_mdot = np.log10(mdot_edd) accretor.lg_mdot = tmp_lg_mdot if self.save_initial_conditions: mdot_history = np.array(cb_bh[key_bh]) edd = cf.eddington_limit(binary, idx=len_binary_hist)[0] history_of_attribute = (np.log10( 10**cb_bh[key_bh][0] + cf.bondi_hoyle( binary, accretor, donor, idx=len_binary_hist, wind_disk_criteria=True, scheme='Kudritzki+2000'))) if 10**history_of_attribute > edd: history_of_attribute = np.log10(edd) accretor.lg_mdot_history.append(history_of_attribute) if track_interpolation: mdot_history = np.array(cb_bh[key_bh]) # looping from range(-N,0) where 0 is excluded # note taht bondi_hoyle concatenates the current binary state # hence we loop one back range(-N-1,-1) tmp_h = [cf.bondi_hoyle(binary, accretor, donor, idx=i, wind_disk_criteria=True, scheme='Kudritzki+2000') for i in range(-length_hist-1, -1)] tmp_edd = [cf.eddington_limit(binary, idx=i)[0] for i in range(-length_hist-1, -1)] history_of_attribute = np.log10(10**cb_bh[key_bh][:-1] + tmp_h) history_of_attribute = [ y if x > y else x for x, y in zip(history_of_attribute, tmp_edd)] accretor.lg_mdot_history.extend(history_of_attribute) # update post processed quanties key_post_processed = ['avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion', 'co_core_mass_at_He_depletion', 'm_core_CE_1cent', 'm_core_CE_10cent', 'm_core_CE_30cent', 'm_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent', 'r_core_CE_1cent', 'r_core_CE_10cent', 'r_core_CE_30cent', 'r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent'] for k, star in enumerate(stars): for key in key_post_processed: setattr(star, key, cb.final_values['S%d_%s' % (k+1, key)]) # update nearest neighbor core collapse quantites if interpolation_class != 'unstable_MT': for prescrition in ['direct', 'Fryer+12-rapid', 'Fryer+12-delayed', 'Sukhbold+16-engineN20', 'Patton&Sukhbold20-engineN20']: for i, star in enumerate(stars): if not stars_CO[i]: state = cb.final_values['S%d_%s_state' % (i+1, prescrition)] SN_type = cb.final_values['S%d_%s_SN_type' % (i+1, prescrition)] f_fb = cb.final_values['S%d_%s_f_fb' % (i+1, prescrition)] mass = cb.final_values['S%d_%s_mass' % (i+1, prescrition)] spin = cb.final_values['S%d_%s_spin' % (i+1, prescrition)] key = prescrition.replace('+', '') key = key.replace('-', '_') key = key.replace('&', '_') if state is None or state == 'None': # privent to any quantities for star that did not # reach core collpase setattr(star, key, None) else: setattr(star, key, [state, SN_type, f_fb, mass, spin])
[docs] def initial_final_interpolation(self, star_1_CO=False, star_2_CO=False): """Update the binary through initial-final interpolation.""" # TODO: simplify verbosity of code binary = self.binary stars = [binary.star_1, binary.star_2] stars_CO = [star_1_CO, star_2_CO] fv = self.final_values for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: if POSYDON_TO_MESA['binary'][key] is None: setattr(self.binary, key, None) elif key == 'time': key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['binary'][key] current = getattr(self.binary, key) setattr(self.binary, key, current + fv[key_p]) elif key == 'nearest_neighbour_distance': setattr(self.binary, key, ['None', 'None', 'None']) elif key in ['eccentricity', 'V_sys']: current = getattr(self.binary, key + '_history')[-1] setattr(self.binary, key, current) elif key in ['state', 'event', 'mass_transfer_case']: continue else: key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['binary'][key] setattr(self.binary, key, fv[key_p]) for k, star in enumerate(stars): for key in STARPROPERTIES: if not stars_CO[k]: if POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key] is None: setattr(star, key, None) elif key == 'mass': key_p = 'star_%d_mass' % (k+1) setattr(star, key, fv[key_p]) elif key == 'metallicity': current = getattr(star, key) setattr(star, key, current) elif key == 'profile': setattr(star, key, None) elif key in ['lg_mdot', 'lg_system_mdot', 'lg_wind_mdot']: key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key]+'_%d' % (k+1) setattr(star, key, fv[key_p]) elif key == 'state': continue else: key_p = 'S%d_' % (k+1)+POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key] setattr(star, key, fv[key_p]) else: if POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key] is None: setattr(star, key, None) elif key == 'mass': key_p = 'star_%d_mass' % (k+1) setattr(star, key, fv[key_p]) elif key == 'spin': current = getattr(star, 'spin') setattr(star, key, current) elif key == 'log_R': mass = fv['star_%d_mass' % (k+1)] st = infer_star_state(star_mass=mass, star_CO=True) setattr(star, key, np.log10(CO_radius(mass, st))) elif key == 'metallicity': current = getattr(star, key) setattr(star, key, current) elif key == 'profile': setattr(star, key, None) elif key in ['lg_mdot', 'lg_system_mdot', 'lg_wind_mdot']: key_p = POSYDON_TO_MESA['star'][key]+'_%d' % (k+1) setattr(star, key, fv[key_p]) elif key == 'state': continue else: setattr(star, key, None) # EXPERIMENTAL feature # infer stellar states interpolation_class = self.classes['interpolation_class'] S1_state_inferred = cf.check_state_of_star(self.binary.star_1, star_CO=star_1_CO) S2_state_inferred = cf.check_state_of_star(self.binary.star_2, star_CO=star_2_CO) #S1_state_classified = self.classes['S1_state'] #S2_state_classified = self.classes['S2_state'] if interpolation_class != 'initial_MT': # DEBUG # if S1_state_inferred != S1_state_classified: # warnings.warn('Inferred stellar state of star_1 %s is ' # 'different from classified state %s, note that' # 'by default we use the inferred!' % # (S1_state_inferred,S1_state_classified)) # if S2_state_inferred != S2_state_classified: # warnings.warn('Inferred stellar state of star_2 %s is ' # 'different from classified state %s, note that' # 'by default we use the inferred!' % # (S2_state_inferred,S2_state_classified)) setattr(self.binary.star_1, 'state', S1_state_inferred) setattr(self.binary.star_2, 'state', S2_state_inferred) # else keep the current state binary_state, binary_event, MT_case = ( cf.get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case( self.binary, interpolation_class, verbose=self.verbose)) setattr(self.binary, 'state', binary_state) setattr(self.binary, 'event', binary_event) setattr(self.binary, 'mass_transfer_case', MT_case) if binary.state == 'initial_RLOF': return if (star_2_CO or star_1_CO): # Updating Bondi-Hoyle accretion for k, star in enumerate(stars): if stars_CO[k]: accretor = star k_bh = k else: donor = star key_bh = POSYDON_TO_MESA['star']['lg_mdot']+'_%d' % (k_bh+1) tmp_lg_mdot = np.log10( 10**fv[key_bh] + cf.bondi_hoyle( binary, accretor, donor, idx=-1, wind_disk_criteria=True, scheme='Kudritzki+2000')) mdot_edd = cf.eddington_limit(binary, idx=-1)[0] if 10**tmp_lg_mdot > mdot_edd: tmp_lg_mdot = np.log10(mdot_edd) setattr(accretor, 'lg_mdot', tmp_lg_mdot) # update post processed quanties key_post_processed = ['avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion', 'co_core_mass_at_He_depletion', 'm_core_CE_1cent', 'm_core_CE_10cent', 'm_core_CE_30cent', 'm_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent', 'r_core_CE_1cent', 'r_core_CE_10cent', 'r_core_CE_30cent', 'r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent'] stars = [self.binary.star_1, self.binary.star_2] stars_CO = [star_1_CO, star_2_CO] for k, star in enumerate(stars): if not stars_CO[k]: for key in key_post_processed: if (interpolation_class == 'unstable_MT' and (key == 'avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion' or key == 'co_core_mass_at_He_depletion')): setattr(star, key, None) else: setattr(star, key, fv['S%d_%s' % (k+1, key)]) # update interpolated core collapse quantites if interpolation_class != 'unstable_MT': for prescrition in ['direct', 'Fryer+12-rapid', 'Fryer+12-delayed', 'Sukhbold+16-engineN20', 'Patton&Sukhbold20-engineN20']: for i, star in enumerate(stars): if not stars_CO[i]: state = self.classes['S%d_%s_state' % (i+1, prescrition)] SN_type = self.classes['S%d_%s_SN_type' % (i+1, prescrition)] key = prescrition.replace('+', '') key = key.replace('-', '_') key = key.replace('&', '_') if state is None or state == 'None': # privent to any quantities for star that did not # reach core collpase setattr(star, key, None) else: f_fb = fv['S%d_%s_f_fb' % (i+1, prescrition)] mass = fv['S%d_%s_mass' % (i+1, prescrition)] spin = fv['S%d_%s_spin' % (i+1, prescrition)] setattr(star, key, [state, SN_type, f_fb, mass, spin])
[docs] def stop_at_end(self, binary, property=None, value=None, star=None, interpolate=None, star_1_CO=False, star_2_CO=False): """Update the binary event if max time has been exceeded.""" if - binary.time < 0.0: binary.event = 'MaxTime_exceeded' return
[docs] def stop_at_condition(self, binary, property="time", value=None, star="star_1", interpolate=False, star_1_CO=False, star_2_CO=False): if property in STARPROPERTIES: if star == 'star_1': current_property = getattr(binary.star_1, property) property_history = getattr(binary.star_1, property + "_history") np.array(property_history.append(current_property)) elif star == 'star_2': current_property = getattr(binary.star_2, property) property_history = getattr(binary.star_2, property + "_history") np.array(property_history.append(current_property)) else: raise ValueError( 'Star can only be "star_1" or "star_2", you passed {0}'. format(star)) # if property_history[-1] > value: # binary.state += ' (OutsideGrid)' # binary.event = 'END' # return # if value > property_history[-1]: # #t = delta_t[-1] # #binary.state += ' (OutsideGrid)' # #binary.event = 'END' # binary.event = 'MaxTime_exceeded' # return i = np.where(np.array(property_history) <= value)[0][-1] elif property in BINARYPROPERTIES: current_property = getattr(binary, property) property_history = getattr(binary, property + "_history") np.array(property_history.append(current_property)) # if value > property_history[-1]: # binary.event = 'MaxTime_exceeded' # return i = np.where(np.array(property_history) <= value)[0][-1] # time at which to interpolate all quantities if property == 'time': t = value else: raise ValueError( 'stop_at_condition does not support property = {0}'.format( property)) # interpolate to the desired value if interpolate: if property != 'time': raise ValueError('We currently support stop_at_conditon ' 'interpolation only for property=time!') # interpolate between i and i+1 interpolated_quanties = {} interpolated_quanties['binary'] = {} interpolated_quanties['star_1'] = {} interpolated_quanties['star_2'] = {} for key in STARPROPERTIES: for star in ['star_1', 'star_2']: star_obj = getattr(binary, star) if key in ['state', 'profile', 'metallicity']: interpolated_quanties[star][key] = getattr( star_obj, key + "_history")[-1] else: current_property = getattr(star_obj, key) property_history = getattr(star_obj, key + '_history') np.array(property_history.append(current_property)) t_before = getattr(binary, 'time_history')[i] t_after = getattr(binary, 'time_history')[i + 1] v_before = property_history[i] v_after = property_history[i + 1] if v_before is None or v_after is None: interpolated_quanties[star][key] = None continue # Debug interpolated_quanties[star][ key] = self.interpolate_at_t( t, t_before, t_after, v_before, v_after) # except: # # DEBUG # print('star', star, 'key', key) # print('time', t_before, t, t_after) # print('key', v_before, # interpolated_quanties[star][key], v_after) for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: if key in [ 'state', 'event', 'mass_transfer_case' ]: # if key in [ # 'state', 'event', 'mass_transfer_case', # 'nearest_neighbour_distance' # ]: interpolated_quanties['binary'][key] = getattr( binary, key + "_history")[-1] elif key == 'time': interpolated_quanties['binary'][key] = t else: current_property = getattr(binary, key) property_history = getattr(binary, key + '_history') np.array(property_history.append(current_property)) t_before = getattr(binary, 'time_history')[i] t_after = getattr(binary, 'time_history')[i + 1] v_before = property_history[i] v_after = property_history[i + 1] if v_before is None or v_after is None: interpolated_quanties['binary'][key] = None continue # To deal with V_sys, nearest_neighbour, etc. if hasattr(v_before, '__iter__'): out = [] for j in range(len(v_before)): out.append(self.interpolate_at_t(t, t_before, t_after, v_before[j], v_after[j])) interpolated_quanties['binary'][key] = out else: interpolated_quanties['binary'][ key] = self.interpolate_at_t(t, t_before, t_after, v_before, v_after) # delete the history above index i and reset all properties to index i for key in STARPROPERTIES: key_history = key + '_history' for star in ['star_1', 'star_2']: star_obj = getattr(binary, star) if interpolate: # restore the star to interpolated state setattr(star_obj, key, interpolated_quanties[star][key]) # detele history from i to the end setattr(star_obj, key_history, getattr(star_obj, key_history)[:i + 1]) else: # restore the star to state i setattr(star_obj, key, getattr(star_obj, key_history)[i]) # detele history from i to the end setattr(star_obj, key_history, getattr(star_obj, key_history)[:i]) for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: key_history = key + '_history' if interpolate: # restore the binary to interpolated state setattr(binary, key, interpolated_quanties['binary'][key]) # detele history from i to the end setattr(binary, key_history, getattr(binary, key_history)[:i + 1]) else: # restore the binarya to state i setattr(binary, key, getattr(binary, key_history)[i]) # detele history from i to the end setattr(binary, key_history, getattr(binary, key_history)[:i]) # in case track_interpolation = False we will flush all the history if self.flush_history: # DEBUG # print('Flushing history between', self.flush_entries, # len(getattr(binary, 'time_history'))) if self.flush_entries is None: raise ValueError('flush_entries cannot be None!') for key in STARPROPERTIES: key_history = key + '_history' for star in ['star_1', 'star_2']: star_obj = getattr(binary, star) # detele last N entries from history setattr(star_obj, key_history, getattr( star_obj, key_history)[:self.flush_entries]) for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: key_history = key + '_history' # detele last N entries from history setattr(binary, key_history, getattr(binary, key_history)[:self.flush_entries]) # Check star and binary state, event, MT case setattr( self.binary.star_1, 'state', cf.check_state_of_star(self.binary.star_1, star_CO=star_1_CO)) setattr( self.binary.star_2, 'state', cf.check_state_of_star(self.binary.star_2, star_CO=star_2_CO)) binary_state, binary_event, MT_case = ( cf.get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case( self.binary, verbose=self.verbose)) setattr(self.binary, 'state', binary_state) setattr(self.binary, 'event', binary_event) setattr(self.binary, 'mass_transfer_case', MT_case)
[docs] def interpolate_at_t(self, t, t_before, t_after, v_before, v_after): """Linear interpolation in time between two points. Parameters ---------- t : type Description of parameter `t`. t_before : type Description of parameter `t_before`. t_after : type Description of parameter `t_after`. v_before : type Description of parameter `v_before`. v_after : type Description of parameter `v_after`. Returns ------- type Description of returned object. """ # Error handling if v_before is "None" or v_after is "None": return "None" slope = (v_after - v_before) / (t_after - t_before) v_t = (t - t_before) * slope + v_before return v_t
[docs]class MS_MS_step(MesaGridStep): """Class for performing the MESA step for a MS-MS binary.""" def __init__(self, grid_name=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a MS_MS_step instance.""" self.interp_in_q = True if grid_name is None: grid_name = 'HMS-HMS/grid_0.0142_%d.h5' super().__init__(grid_name=grid_name, *args, **kwargs) # special stuff for my step goes here # If nothing to do, no init necessary def __call__(self, binary): """Apply the MS-MS step on a BinaryStar.""" # grid set up, both stars are NOT CO self.star_1_CO = False self.star_2_CO = False # check binary is ready before calling the step self.binary = binary state_1 = self.binary.star_1.state state_2 = self.binary.star_2.state event = self.binary.event mass_ratio = self.binary.star_2.mass/self.binary.star_1.mass p = self.binary.orbital_period p_max_HMS_grid = 6500 if (state_1 == 'H-rich_Core_H_burning' and state_2 == 'H-rich_Core_H_burning' and event == 'ZAMS' and mass_ratio <= 1. and p <= p_max_HMS_grid): self.flip_stars_before_step = False super().__call__(self.binary) elif (state_1 == 'H-rich_Core_H_burning' and state_2 == 'H-rich_Core_H_burning' and event == 'ZAMS' and mass_ratio > 1. and p <= p_max_HMS_grid): self.flip_stars_before_step = True super().__call__(self.binary) elif (state_1 == 'H-rich_Core_H_burning' and state_2 == 'H-rich_Core_H_burning' and event == 'ZAMS' and p > p_max_HMS_grid): # redirect if outside grid self.binary.event = 'redirect' return elif (state_1 == 'H-rich_Central_C_depletion'): # redirect if CC1 self.binary.event = 'CC1' return elif (state_2 == 'H-rich_Central_C_depletion'): # redirect if CC2 self.binary.event = 'CC2' return else: raise ValueError('The star_1.state = %s, star_2.state = %s, ' 'binary.event = %s and not H-rich_Core_H_burning ' '- H-rich_Core_H_burning - * - ZAMS' % (state_1, state_2, event))
[docs]class CO_HMS_RLO_step(MesaGridStep): """Class for performing the MESA step for a CO-HMS binary.""" def __init__(self, grid_name=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a CO_HMS_RLO_step instance.""" self.interp_in_q = False if grid_name is None: grid_name = 'CO-HMS_RLO/grid_0.0142.h5' super().__init__(grid_name=grid_name, *args, **kwargs) # special stuff for my step goes here # If nothing to do, no init necessary def __call__(self, binary): """Evolve a binary using the MESA step.""" # grid set up assume CO is star_2 self.star_1_CO = False self.star_2_CO = True # check binary is ready before calling the step self.binary = binary event = self.binary.event state = binary.state state_1 = binary.star_1.state state_2 = binary.star_2.state p = self.binary.orbital_period FOR_RLO_STATES = ["H-rich_Core_H_burning", "H-rich_Shell_H_burning", "H-rich_Core_He_burning", "H-rich_Central_He_depleted", "H-rich_Core_C_burning", "stripped_He_Core_H_burning", "H-rich_Central_C_depletion", # filtered out below "H-rich_non_burning"] # check the star states if (state_2 in ["WD", "NS", "BH"] and (state_1 in FOR_RLO_STATES) and event == "oRLO1"): self.flip_stars_before_step = False m1 = self.binary.star_1.mass m2 = self.binary.star_2.mass # catch and redirect double core collapse, this happens if q=1: if self.binary.star_1.state == 'H-rich_Central_C_depletion': self.binary.event = 'CC1' return # super().__call__(binary) elif (state_1 in ["WD", "NS", "BH"] and (state_2 in FOR_RLO_STATES) and event == "oRLO2"): self.flip_stars_before_step = True m1 = self.binary.star_2.mass m2 = self.binary.star_1.mass # catch and redirect double core collapse, this happens if q=1: if self.binary.star_2.state == 'H-rich_Central_C_depletion': self.binary.event = 'CC2' return # super().__call__(binary) else: raise ValueError( 'The star_1.state = %s, star_2.state = %s, binary.state = %s, ' 'binary.event = %s and not CO - HMS - oRLO1/oRLO2!' % (state_1, state_2, state, event)) # redirect if outside grids if 0.466 <= m1 <= 128.735 and 0.092 <= m2 <= 39.25 and p <= 3780.83: super().__call__(self.binary) else: self.binary.state = "detached" self.binary.event = "redirect" return
[docs]class CO_HeMS_step(MesaGridStep): """Class for performing the MESA step for a CO-HeMS binary.""" def __init__(self, grid_name=None, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize a CO_HeMS_step instance.""" self.interp_in_q = False if grid_name is None: grid_name = 'CO-HeMS/grid_0.0142_%d.h5' super().__init__(grid_name=grid_name, *args, **kwargs) # special stuff for my step goes here # If nothing to do, no init necessary def __call__(self, binary): """Apply the CO_HeMS step to a BinaryStar object.""" # grid set up assume CO is star_2 self.star_1_CO = False self.star_2_CO = True # check binary is ready before calling the step self.binary = binary state_1 = self.binary.star_1.state state_2 = self.binary.star_2.state event = self.binary.event p = self.binary.orbital_period CO_He_STATES = [ 'stripped_He_Core_He_burning', 'stripped_He_Shell_He_burning', 'stripped_He_Central_He_depleted', 'stripped_He_Central_C_depletion', # filtered out below # include systems that are on the brink of He exhaustion 'stripped_He_non_burning', # include systems post CE with core_definition_H_fraction=0.1 'H-rich_non_burning' ] if (state_2 in ['WD', 'NS', 'BH'] and state_1 in CO_He_STATES and event is None): self.flip_stars_before_step = False m1 = self.binary.star_2.mass m2 = self.binary.star_1.mass # catch and redirect double core collapse, this happens if q=1: if self.binary.star_1.state == 'stripped_He_Central_C_depletion': self.binary.event = 'CC1' # REMOVED assume circularisation after first CC # new_separation = self.binary.separation*( # 1.-self.binary.eccentricity**2) # self.binary.separation = new_separation # self.binary.orbital_period = orbital_period_from_separation( # new_separation, m1, m2) # self.binary.eccentricity = 0. return elif (state_1 in ['WD', 'NS', 'BH'] and state_2 in CO_He_STATES and event is None): self.flip_stars_before_step = True m1 = self.binary.star_1.mass m2 = self.binary.star_2.mass # catch and redirect double core collapse, this happens if q=1: if self.binary.star_2.state == 'stripped_He_Central_C_depletion': self.binary.event = 'CC2' return else: raise ValueError( 'The star_1.state = %s, star_2.state = %s, binary.event = %s ' 'not supported by CO - HeMS grid!' % (state_1, state_2, event)) # redirect if outside grids if 0.91 <= m1 <= 39.24 and 0.47 <= m2 <= 85.38 and p <= 1203.84: super().__call__(binary) else: self.binary.event = 'redirect' return