Source code for posydon.binary_evol.DT.double_CO

"""Detached evolution for double compact-object binaries."""

__authors__ = [
    "Zepei Xing <>",
    "Devina Misra <>",
    "Jeffrey Andrews <>",

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import posydon.utils.constants as constants
from posydon.binary_evol.binarystar import BINARYPROPERTIES
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import STARPROPERTIES
from posydon.utils.common_functions import orbital_period_from_separation
from posydon.utils.common_functions import CO_radius

[docs]class DoubleCO: """The double compact-object step class.""" def __init__(self, n_o_steps_interval=None): """Initialize a DoubleCO instance.""" self.n_o_steps_interval = n_o_steps_interval def __call__(self, binary): """Apply the double CO step on a BinaryStar object.""" solt = [] sol = [] t_final = [] a_final = [] e_final = [] self.m1 = binary.star_1.mass self.m2 = binary.star_2.mass self.eccentricity = binary.eccentricity self.separation = binary.separation * constants.Rsun / 100000 # in km self.state1 = binary.star_1.state self.state2 = binary.star_2.state t_inspiral = binary.time max_time = assert ( max_time - binary.time > 0.0 ), "max_time is lower than the current time." r1 = CO_radius(self.m1, self.state1) * constants.Rsun / 100000 # in km r2 = CO_radius(self.m2, self.state2) * constants.Rsun / 100000 # in km @event(True, -1) def ev_contact(t, y): # stop when binary separation = r1+r2 km return y[0] - (r1 + r2) status = -1 n = 0 a = self.separation e = self.eccentricity # solve the equations at most 6 times while(status == -1 and n < 6): s = solve_ivp( lambda t, y: gr( t, y, self.m1, self.m2, ), t_span=[0, max_time - t_inspiral], y0=[ a, e ], method='BDF', events=ev_contact, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10, dense_output=True ) t_inspiral += s.t[-1] status = s.status n += 1 a = s.y[0][-1] e = s.y[1][-1] solt.append(s.t) sol.append(s) if self.n_o_steps_interval is not None: for i in range(len(solt)): # solt[-1] = [0] t_step = (solt[i][-1] - solt[i][0]) / self.n_o_steps_interval t = np.arange( solt[i][0], solt[i][-1] + t_step / 2.0, t_step)[1:] a = sol[i].sol(t)[0] e = sol[i].sol(t)[1] if i == 0: t = t + binary.time if i == 1: t = t + binary.time + solt[0][-1] elif i == 2: t = t + binary.time + solt[0][-1] + solt[1][-1] for k in range(len(a)): a_final.append(a[k]) e_final.append(e[k]) t_final.append(t[k]) else: a_final = [s.y[0][-1]] e_final = [s.y[1][-1]] t_final = [t_inspiral] if s.status == -1: binary.state += ' (Integration failure)' raise RuntimeError("Integrations failed", s.message) elif s.status == 1: if self.n_o_steps_interval is not None: p_history = [] a_history = [] for i in range(len(a_final)-1): a_history.append(a_final[i] * 100000 / constants.Rsun) for i in range(len(a_history)): p_history.append(orbital_period_from_separation( a_history[i], binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_2.mass )) for i in range(len(a_history)): binary.time_history.append(t_final[i]) binary.separation_history.append(a_history[i]) binary.eccentricity_history.append(e_final[i]) binary.orbital_period_history.append(p_history[i]) for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: if key not in ["eccentricity", "time", "orbital_period", "separation"]: current = getattr(binary, key) history = [current] * len(a_history) getattr(binary, key + "_history").extend(history) for key in STARPROPERTIES: current1 = getattr(binary.star_1, key) history1 = [current1] * len(a_history) getattr(binary.star_1, key + "_history").extend(history1) current2 = getattr(binary.star_2, key) history2 = [current2] * len(a_history) getattr(binary.star_2, key + "_history").extend(history2) binary.state = "contact" binary.separation = s.y[0][-1] * 100000 / constants.Rsun binary.time = t_inspiral binary.eccentricity = 0.0 binary.orbital_period = orbital_period_from_separation( binary.separation, binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_2.mass) binary.V_sys = binary.V_sys_history[-1] binary.event = "CO_contact" for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: if key not in ["eccentricity", "time", "orbital_period", "separation"]: current = getattr(binary, key) setattr(binary, key, current) for key in STARPROPERTIES: current1 = getattr(binary.star_1, key) current2 = getattr(binary.star_2, key) setattr(binary.star_1, key, current1) setattr(binary.star_2, key, current2) else: if self.n_o_steps_interval is not None: p_history = [] a_history = [] for i in range(len(a_final)-1): a_history.append(a_final[i] * 100000 / constants.Rsun) for i in range(len(a_history)): p_history.append(orbital_period_from_separation( a_history[i], binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_2.mass )) for i in range(len(a_history)): binary.time_history.append(t_final[i]) binary.separation_history.append(a_history[i]) binary.eccentricity_history.append(e_final[i]) binary.orbital_period_history.append(p_history[i]) for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: if key not in [ "eccentricity", "time", "orbital_period", "separation" ]: current = getattr(binary, key) history = [current] * len(a_history) getattr(binary, key + "_history").extend(history) for key in STARPROPERTIES: current1 = getattr(binary.star_1, key) history1 = [current1] * len(a_history) getattr(binary.star_1, key + "_history").extend(history1) current2 = getattr(binary.star_2, key) history2 = [current2] * len(a_history) getattr(binary.star_2, key + "_history").extend(history2) binary.state = "detached" binary.time = max_time binary.separation = s.y[0][-1] * 100000 / constants.Rsun binary.eccentricity = s.y[1][-1] binary.orbital_period = orbital_period_from_separation( binary.separation, binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_2.mass ) binary.V_sys = binary.V_sys_history[-1] binary.event = "maxtime" for key in BINARYPROPERTIES: if key not in [ "eccentricity", "time", "orbital_period", "separation" ]: current = getattr(binary, key) setattr(binary, key, current) for key in STARPROPERTIES: current1 = getattr(binary.star_1, key) current2 = getattr(binary.star_2, key) setattr(binary.star_1, key, current1) setattr(binary.star_2, key, current2)
[docs]def gr(t, y, M_acc, M): """TODO: add description and reference for the equations.""" g = constants.standard_cgrav c = constants.clight y[0] = np.max(y[0], 0) a = y[0] y[1] = np.max(y[1], 0) e = y[1] # if 0 < e < 10.0 ** (-3): # e = 0.0 da = 0 de = 0 M_acc = M_acc * constants.msol M = M * constants.msol a = a * 100000 da_gr = ((-64 / 5) * (g ** 3 * (M_acc + M) * M_acc * M) / (1 - e ** 2) ** (7 / 2) / a ** 3 / c ** 5 * (1 + (73 / 24) * e ** 2 + (37 / 96) * e ** 4) * (constants.secyer / 100000)) de_gr = ((-304 / 15) * e * (g ** 3 * (M_acc + M) * M_acc * M) / (1 - e ** 2) ** (5 / 2) / a ** 4 / c ** 5 * (1 + (121 / 304) * e ** 2) * constants.secyer) da = da_gr de = de_gr return [da, de]
[docs]def event(terminal, direction=0): """Return a helper function to set attributes for `solve_ivp` events.""" def dec(f): f.terminal = terminal f.direction = direction return f return dec