Source code for posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.utils

"""Module defining helper functions for PSY-CRIS."""

__authors__ = [
    "Kyle Akira Rocha <>",

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import time
import copy
import random
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

from import TableData
from posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.classify import Classifier
from posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.regress import Regressor
from posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.sample import Sampler

from posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.synthetic_data.synth_data_2D import (
    get_output_2D, get_raw_output_2D)
from posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.synthetic_data.synth_data_3D import (
    get_output_3D, get_raw_output_3D)

# for parsing ini files
from configparser import ConfigParser
from ast import literal_eval

[docs]def parse_inifile(path, verbose=False): """Parse an ini file to run psy-cris method 'get_new_query_points'. Parameters --------- path : str Path to ini file. Returns ------- all_kwargs_dict : dict Nested dictionary of parsed inifile kwargs. """ all_kwargs_dict = {} confparse = ConfigParser() # The following line makes it so keys do not become lowercase by default confparse.optionxform = lambda option: str(option) files_read = # Catch silent errors from if len(files_read) == 0: raise ValueError("No files were read successfully. Given {}.". format(path)) if verbose: print(files_read) # loop through sections for sect in confparse: if sect == "DEFAULT": continue section_dict = {} # loop through variables in each section and evaluate as python code for var in confparse[sect]: section_dict[var] = literal_eval(confparse[sect][var]) all_kwargs_dict[sect + "_kwargs"] = section_dict return all_kwargs_dict
[docs]def get_new_query_points(N_new_points=1, TableData_kwargs={}, Classifier_kwargs={}, Regressor_kwargs={}, Sampler_kwargs={}, Proposal_kwargs={}, length_scale_mult=0.33, threshold=1e-5, **kwargs): """Run the psy-cris algorithm to propose new query points to be labeled. Parameters ---------- N_new_points : int, optional Number of new query points desired. TableData_kwargs : dict, optional Kwargs used for initializing TableData. Classifier_kwargs : dict, optional Kwargs used for the Classifier method `train_everything`. Regressor_kwargs : dict, optional Kwargs used the Regressor method `train_everything`. Sampler_kwargs : dict, optinal Kwargs used for choosing Sampler target distribution and the method `run_PTMCMC`. Proposal_kwargs : dict, optional Kwargs used in the Sampler method 'get_proposed_points' and the Classifier method 'get_class_predictions'. Returns ------- proposed_points : ndarray Now query points. pred_class : array For all proposed points, the best prediction from the trained classifier. """ # TableData table_obj = TableData(**TableData_kwargs) # Classifier cls_obj = Classifier(table_obj) cls_obj.train_everything(**Classifier_kwargs) small_cls_prop_points = do_small_class_proposal( table_obj, min(10, len(table_obj._input_) - 1), n_new_points=int(N_new_points * 1e3), length_scale_mult=length_scale_mult, verbose=True) # small class proposal if small_cls_prop_points is not None: axis_points_in_rng = [] for i, axis_data in enumerate(small_cls_prop_points.T): within_max = axis_data < table_obj._max_input_vals[i] within_min = axis_data > table_obj._min_input_vals[i] axis_points_in_rng.append(np.logical_and(within_max, within_min)) prop_points_in_range = np.array( [all(item) for item in np.array(axis_points_in_rng).T]) small_cls_prop_points_in_rng = small_cls_prop_points[ prop_points_in_range] classifier_name = Proposal_kwargs.get("pred_classifier_name", "rbf") pred_class, max_probs, where_not_nan = cls_obj.get_class_predictions( classifier_name, small_cls_prop_points_in_rng, return_ids=False) return (small_cls_prop_points_in_rng[0:N_new_points], pred_class[0:N_new_points]) # Regressor if Regressor_kwargs.pop("do_regression", False): regr_obj = Regressor(table_obj) regr_obj.train_everything(**Regressor_kwargs) else: regr_obj = None # Sampler sampler_obj = Sampler(classifier=cls_obj, regressor=regr_obj) target_dist_name = Sampler_kwargs.get("target_dist", "TD_classification") target_dist_obj = getattr(sampler_obj, target_dist_name) Sampler_kwargs['target_dist'] = target_dist_obj chain_step_history, T_list = sampler_obj.run_PTMCMC(**Sampler_kwargs) last_chain_hist = chain_step_history[len(T_list) - 1] # burn in - default to use entire chain where_to_cut = int(len(last_chain_hist) * Proposal_kwargs.get("cut_fraction", 0)) last_chain_hist = last_chain_hist[where_to_cut:] # propose new points classifier_name = Proposal_kwargs.get("pred_classifier_name", "rbf") if classifier_name not in Classifier_kwargs.get('classifier_names'): raise Exception( "Predictions must be with a trained classifier. '{0}' was given". format(classifier_name)) do_random_proposal = Proposal_kwargs.get("do_random_proposal", False) if do_random_proposal: old_points = table_obj._input_.values new_points = last_chain_hist where_good_bools = check_dist(old_points, new_points, threshold=1e-6) print("do random proposal:") print("good points in posterior: {:.3%}".format( np.sum(where_good_bools) / len(new_points))) good_points_in_posterior = new_points[where_good_bools] proposed_points = np.array(random.sample( list(good_points_in_posterior), N_new_points)) pred_class = cls_obj.get_class_predictions( classifier_name, proposed_points, return_ids=False) return proposed_points, pred_class kappa = Proposal_kwargs.get("kappa", 150) proposed_points, final_kappa = sampler_obj.get_proposed_points( last_chain_hist, N_new_points, kappa, **Proposal_kwargs) pred_class, max_probs, where_not_nan = cls_obj.get_class_predictions( classifier_name, proposed_points, return_ids=False) return proposed_points, pred_class
############################################################################### # Functions below this point are designed specifically for testing cris so they # assume things like the data set being used and do not have the flexibility # present throughout the rest of the code. ###############################################################################
[docs]def do_small_class_proposal(table_data, n_neighbors, n_new_points=1, length_scale_mult=0.33, neighbor=None, verbose=False): """Handle proposals where only one point in class and regression is needed. Handles proposals where only one point exists for a class and regression is requested. Otherwise the interpolators will fail. Drawn from a gaussian around the point with length scale given by the average distance between nearest neighbors (in each axis). Params ------ data : ndarray Data to train the NearestNeighbors class on. n_neighbors : int Number of neighbors to use when finding average distance. neighbor : instance of NearestNeightbors class For passing your own object. Returns ------- proposed_points : array Points sampled around classes with 1 value. Points are distributed as evenly as possible across all 1 value classes by default. Returns None in case of no small classes found. """ small_classes_with_index = [] for key, val in table_data._regr_dfs_per_class_.items(): if isinstance(val, pd.DataFrame): # valid regression data exists for this class if len(val) == 1: small_classes_with_index.append((key, val.index[0])) num_small_classes = len(small_classes_with_index) if num_small_classes == 0: return None if verbose: print("< SMALL CLASS PROPOSAL: {} >".format(num_small_classes)) if neighbor: neigh = neighbor else: neigh = NearestNeighbors() sampled_points = [] for i, tup_val in enumerate(small_classes_with_index): input_point = table_data._input_.loc[tup_val[1]].values dist, indicies = neigh.kneighbors(input_point[np.newaxis, :], n_neighbors=(n_neighbors + 1)) # closest_dist = (dist.T[1:]).T closest_indi = (indicies.T[1:]).T closest_points = table_data._input_.iloc[closest_indi[0]].values length_scale = np.abs(np.mean(closest_points, axis=0)) new_points = np.random.normal(loc=input_point, scale=length_scale * length_scale_mult, size=(n_new_points, len(length_scale))) sampled_points.append(new_points) sampled_points = np.array(sampled_points) interval = int(n_new_points / num_small_classes) remainder = n_new_points % num_small_classes result = [interval] * num_small_classes for i in range(remainder): result[i] += 1 proposed_points = [] for j, num_pts in enumerate(result): proposed_points.append(sampled_points[j, 0:num_pts]) return np.concatenate(proposed_points, axis=0)
[docs]def do_dynamic_sampling(N_final_points=100, new_points_per_iter=20, verbose=False, threshold=1e-5, N_starting_points=100, jitter=False, dim=2, length_scale_mult=0.33, percent_increase=None, show_plots=False, **all_kwargs): """Run cris algorithm iteratively. For a given number of starting and ending points, run the cris algorithm iteratively in step sizes of new_points_per_iter. After each iteration, query points are identified using the original 2D snythetic data set. Parameters ---------- N_starting_points : int Number of starting points to being cris iterations on a 2D grid sampled from the original 2D synthetic data set. N_final_points : int Number of points to converge to after iterating with cris. new_points_per_iter : int, array-like For every iteration the number of new query points for cris to propose. threshold : float New query points are ommited from the next iteration if their euclidean distance to other data points is less than the threshold. jitter : bool Default False, for the starting grid jitter about the center randomly in the range of +/- the 1/2 the bin width in each dimesnion. verbose : bool Print useful things. show_plots : bool Show plots of proposed points and training points each iteration. all_kwargs : dict Dictionary of all_kwargs passed to get_new_query_points defining how every part of the cris algorithm is implemented. """ t0 = time.time() original_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(all_kwargs) # !!! # analytic classification and regression data set my_data = get_regular_grid_df(N_starting_points, jitter=jitter, dim=dim) all_kwargs["TableData_kwargs"]["my_DataFrame"] = my_data dfs_per_iters = [my_data] preds_per_iter = [None] N_total = int(N_final_points - N_starting_points) if verbose: print("Sampling {} total points...".format(N_total)) print("DIM: {}".format(dim)) num_loops = 0 N_sampled_points = 0 while N_sampled_points < N_total: start_time = time.time() if isinstance(new_points_per_iter, int): n = new_points_per_iter if percent_increase is not None: n = int(len(dfs_per_iters[-1]) * (percent_increase)) if abs(N_sampled_points - N_total) / n < 1: n = N_total - N_sampled_points else: try: n = new_points_per_iter[num_loops] except Exception: n = N_total - N_sampled_points if verbose: print("\n\n\tSTART ITER {0}, init_pos = {1}, n = {2}".format( num_loops, all_kwargs["Sampler_kwargs"]["init_pos"], n)) new_points, cls_preds = get_new_query_points( N_new_points=n, length_scale_mult=length_scale_mult, **all_kwargs) if new_points.ndim == 1: new_points = np.array([new_points]) # Since we use .pop we must repopulate everything in the dicts all_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(original_kwargs) # !!!! # Update dicts all_kwargs["TableData_kwargs"]["file_path_list"] = None all_kwargs["TableData_kwargs"]["my_DataFrame"] = my_data if dim == 2: random_init_pos = np.random.uniform(low=-2, high=2, size=(2)) elif dim == 3: random_init_pos = np.random.uniform(low=-0.5, high=0.5, size=(3)) all_kwargs["Sampler_kwargs"]["init_pos"] = random_init_pos # Check distances if dim == 2: old_points = my_data[["input_1", "input_2"]].to_numpy() elif dim == 3: old_points = my_data[["input_1", "input_2", "input_3"]].to_numpy() where_good_bools = check_dist( old_points, new_points, threshold=threshold) if np.sum(where_good_bools) != len(new_points): print("We are getting rid of {} points below thresh this iter.". format(len(new_points) - np.sum(where_good_bools))) new_points = new_points[where_good_bools] # Evaluate query points with anayltic dataset if dim == 2: output_new_points_df = get_output_2D(*new_points.T) elif dim == 3: output_new_points_df = get_output_3D(*new_points.T) new_data = my_data.append(output_new_points_df, ignore_index=True) # Append data to be returned dfs_per_iters.append(new_data) my_data = new_data.copy() # Append data to be returned preds_per_iter.append(cls_preds) where_to_cut = int(N_starting_points + N_sampled_points) if dim == 2 and show_plots: plot_proposed_points_2D(where_to_cut, num_loops, random_init_pos, my_data, where_good_bools) elif dim == 3 and show_plots: plot_proposed_points_3D(where_to_cut, num_loops, random_init_pos, my_data, where_good_bools) N_sampled_points += len(new_points) num_loops += 1 if verbose: end_of_iter_str = "\tEND ITER {0} in {1:.2f}s".format( num_loops - 1, time.time() - start_time) print(end_of_iter_str + ", N_sampled_points: {}\n\n". format(N_sampled_points)) if verbose: print("\n\nDone. Sampled {0} points.".format( len(my_data) - N_starting_points)) print("Total time: {:.2f}s".format(time.time() - t0)) return dfs_per_iters, preds_per_iter
[docs]def plot_proposed_points_2D(where_to_cut, num_loops, random_init_pos, my_data, where_good_bools): """Plot proposed points in 2-D space.""" fig, subs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3.5, 3.5), dpi=100) subs.set_title("SAMPLE {0}".format(num_loops)) subs.plot(*random_init_pos, '+', markeredgewidth=1.5, color="red", label="init_pos") subs.scatter(my_data["input_1"][0:where_to_cut], my_data["input_2"][0:where_to_cut], alpha=0.5, color="dodgerblue", label="training") subs.scatter(my_data["input_1"][where_to_cut:], my_data["input_2"][where_to_cut:], marker='x', color="C2", label="proposed") subs.set_xlabel("{0} new points this iter".format( np.sum(where_good_bools))) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0, 0.22, 1])
[docs]def plot_proposed_points_3D(where_to_cut, num_loops, random_init_pos, my_data, where_good_bools): """Plot proposed points in 3-D space.""" fig, subs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3.5), dpi=100) subs[0].set_title("SAMPLE {0}".format(num_loops)) subs[0].plot(random_init_pos[0], random_init_pos[1], '+', markeredgewidth=1.5, color="red", label="init_pos") subs[0].scatter(my_data["input_1"][0:where_to_cut], my_data["input_2"][0:where_to_cut], alpha=0.5, color="dodgerblue", label="training") subs[0].scatter(my_data["input_1"][where_to_cut:], my_data["input_2"][where_to_cut:], marker='x', color="C2", label="proposed") subs[0].set_xlabel( "X - {0} new points this iter".format(np.sum(where_good_bools))) subs[0].set_ylabel("Y") subs[1].plot(random_init_pos[0], random_init_pos[2], '+', markeredgewidth=1.5, color="red", label="init_pos") subs[1].scatter(my_data["input_1"][0:where_to_cut], my_data["input_3"][0:where_to_cut], alpha=0.5, color="dodgerblue", label="training") subs[1].scatter(my_data["input_1"][where_to_cut:], my_data["input_3"][where_to_cut:], marker='x', color="C2", label="proposed") subs[1].set_xlabel("X") subs[1].set_ylabel("Z") plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0, 0.22, 1])
[docs]def check_dist(original, proposed, threshold=1e-5): """Check euclidean distance between the original and proposed points. Proposed points a distance >= threshold are accepted. Parameters ---------- original : ndarray Original points previously run. proposed : ndarray Proposed points for new simulations. threshold : float, optional The theshold distance between acceptance and rejection. Returns ------- proposed_above_thresh_for_all_original : bool, array True if the distance between the proposed point is >= threshold. Notes ----- The purpose of this function is to not propose points that are some threshold away from already accepted points. """ distances = cdist(proposed, original, 'euclidean') above_thresh = distances >= threshold proposed_above_thresh_for_all_original = [i.all() for i in above_thresh] return np.array(proposed_above_thresh_for_all_original)
[docs]def get_regular_grid_df(N=100, jitter=False, verbose=False, N_ppa=None, dim=2): """Produce an even grid. Given N total points, produce an even grid with approximately the same number of evenly spaced points sampled from the analytic data set (2D or 3D). The number of returned grid points is N only if N is a perfect square. Otherwise use N_ppa to define number of points per axis. Parameters ---------- N : int Total number of points to make into a 2D even grid jitter : bool, optional Place the center of the grid randomly around (0,0) in the range of +/- 1/2 bin width while keeping the span in each axis at 6. N_ppa : array, optional Numbers of points per axis. If provided, it overrides N. dim : int, optional Dimensionality of synthetic data set. (2 or 3) verbose : bool, optional Print some diagnostics. Returns ------- extra_points : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of true data drawn from the analytic classification and regression functions. """ dim = int(dim) if dim != 2 and dim != 3: raise ValueError("Dimensionality {} not supported.".format(dim)) if N_ppa is None: root_of_N = np.round(N**(1.0 / dim)) x_res = int(root_of_N) y_res = int(root_of_N) if dim == 3: z_res = int(root_of_N) else: x_res = int(N_ppa[0]) y_res = int(N_ppa[1]) if dim == 3: z_res = int(N_ppa[2]) if verbose: if dim == 2: print( "x_res: {0}, y_res: {1}\nx*y:{2}".format( x_res, y_res, x_res * y_res)) elif dim == 3: print("x_res: {0}, y_res: {1}, z_res{2}\nx*y*z:{3}".format( x_res, y_res, z_res, x_res * y_res * z_res)) if jitter: if dim == 2: bin_widths = 6 / np.array([x_res, y_res]) # span / num bins elif dim == 3: bin_widths = 2 / np.array([x_res, y_res, z_res]) # span / num bins random_center = np.random.uniform(low=(-0.5), high=(0.5), size=(dim)) center_point = bin_widths * random_center else: center_point = np.array([0, 0, 0]) if verbose: print("center_point : {}".format(center_point)) if dim == 2: center_x, center_y = center_point[:2] X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-3 + center_x, 3 + center_x, x_res), np.linspace(-3 + center_y, 3 + center_y, y_res)) return get_output_2D(X, Y) elif dim == 3: center_x, center_y, center_z = center_point[:3] X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1 + center_x, 1 + center_x, x_res), np.linspace(-1 + center_y, 1 + center_y, y_res), np.linspace(-1 + center_z, 1 + center_z, z_res)) return get_output_3D(X, Y, Z)
[docs]def get_random_grid_df(N, dim=2): """Produce a randomly sampled grid. Given N total points, produce a randomly sampled grid drawn from the analytic data set (2D or 3D). Parameters ---------- N : int Total number of points to drawn from a 2D random data set dim : int Dimensionality of synthetic data set. (2 or 3) Returns ------- random_df : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of true data drawn from the analytic classification and regression functions. """ if dim == 2: stacked_points = np.random.uniform(low=(-3, -3), high=(3, 3), size=(N, 2)) random_df = get_output_2D(*stacked_points.T) elif dim == 3: stacked_points = np.random.uniform(low=(-1, -1, -1), high=(1, 1, 1), size=(N, 3)) random_df = get_output_3D(*stacked_points.T) return random_df
# PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS ####################################################
[docs]def calc_performance(dfs_per_iter, cls_name="linear", regr_name="rbf", resolution=400, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Calculate accuracy and confusion matrix. Given a list of pandas DataFrames, iterate over them and calculate the accuracy and confusion matrix for synthetic data sets. Parameters ---------- dfs_per_iter : list List of pandas DataFrames containing training data to train an classifier on and then compare to the true background distribution. cls_name : str, optional Name of classifier to train. resolution : int, optional Density per axis of the grid used to oversample the true background. verbose : bool, optional Print some helpful info. Returns ------- acc_per_iter : array Array conatining overall accuracy of interpolator per iteration of training data. conf_matrix_per_iter : list List of confusion matricies per iteration. Calculated using 'get_confusion_matrix'. regr_acc_per_iter : list List of regression accuracy terms. """ acc_per_iter = [] conf_matrix_per_iter = [] regr_acc_per_iter = [] for j, df in enumerate(dfs_per_iter): if verbose: print("\ndf: {0}".format(j)) N = resolution predictions, true_class_result, all_regr_acc_per_class = \ get_prediction_diffs(df, classifier_name=cls_name, regressor_name=regr_name, N=N, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) conf_matrix = get_confusion_matrix( predictions, true_class_result, np.unique(true_class_result)) conf_matrix_per_iter.append(conf_matrix) where_preds_match_truth = np.where( predictions == true_class_result, 1, 0) dim = len([val for val in df.columns if "input" in val]) accuracy = np.sum(where_preds_match_truth) / N**dim acc_per_iter.append(accuracy) regr_acc_per_iter.append(all_regr_acc_per_class) return np.array(acc_per_iter), conf_matrix_per_iter, regr_acc_per_iter
[docs]def get_prediction_diffs(training_df, classifier_name="linear", regressor_name="linear", N=400, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Train classifier and get predictions and actual classification. From a DataFrame of training data, train a classifier and get both the predictions and actual classification in the classification space where the analytic function is defined. Also calculate the difference between the true regression function and that infered from the trainined regressor. Dimensionality is infered from 'training_df'. Parameters ---------- training_df : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of training data, a subset of the true distribution. classifier_name : str Name of the classification algorithm to use. N : int Sets the (N**dim) resolution of points used to query the trained classifier. verbose : bool, optional Print more useful information. timer : bool, optional Print timing diagnostic information. Returns ------- pred_class : array 1D array of predictions from the trained classifier. true_class_result : array 1D array of the true classification for the corresponding points. all_regr_acc_per_class : dict Dict of lists with regression accuracy values per class and combined. """ start_time = time.time() og_start_time = time.time() input_col_names = [val for val in training_df.columns if "input" in val] output_col_names = [val for val in training_df.columns if "output" in val or "class" in val] td = TableData(None, input_col_names, output_col_names, "class", my_DataFrame=training_df, verbose=False) cls_obj = Classifier(td) cls_obj.train_everything([classifier_name], verbose=False) regr_obj = Regressor(td) regr_obj.train_everything([regressor_name], verbose=False) timer = kwargs.get("timer", False) if timer: print("PSY-CRIS TRAIN: {:.3f}".format(time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() dim = len(input_col_names) axes_values = [] for i, name in enumerate(input_col_names): axis_min = np.min(training_df[name]) axis_max = np.max(training_df[name]) axis_vals = np.linspace(axis_min, axis_max, N) axes_values.append(axis_vals) if dim == 2: X, Y = np.meshgrid(*axes_values) holder = (X.flatten(), Y.flatten()) stacked_points = np.array(holder).T elif dim == 3: X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(*axes_values) holder = (X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten()) stacked_points = np.array(holder).T if timer: print("VSTACK: {:.3f}".format(time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() pred_class, max_probs, where_not_nan = cls_obj.get_class_predictions( classifier_name, stacked_points, return_ids=False) if timer: print("get_class_predictions: {:.3f}".format(time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() # if there are nans, replace the preds with None so they count as # missclassifications if len(pred_class) != len(stacked_points): all_possible_ilocs = np.arange(0, len(stacked_points)) # s.difference(t) new set with elements in s but not in t set_where_nan = set(all_possible_ilocs).difference(where_not_nan) where_nan = np.array(list(set_where_nan)) if verbose: print(">>> Nans found: {}".format(len(where_nan))) print(stacked_points[where_nan]) pred_class, max_probs, where_not_nan = \ cls_obj.get_class_predictions(classifier_name, stacked_points[where_nan], return_ids=False) print(pred_class, max_probs, where_not_nan) new_pred_class = np.empty(stacked_points.shape[0], dtype='object') new_pred_class[where_not_nan] = pred_class new_pred_class[where_nan] = [None] * len(where_nan) pred_class = new_pred_class.copy() if timer: print("where_nan > 0: {:.3f}".format(time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() # Regression all_regr_preds_per_cls = [] all_regr_locs_per_cls = [] all_unique_classes, classes_counts = np.unique( training_df["class"], return_counts=True) if verbose: print("CLASSES: {0}\nCOUNTS: {1}".format( all_unique_classes, classes_counts)) for cls in all_unique_classes: # We look where the predictions are, not the true class result .... loc_where_cls = np.where(np.array(pred_class) == cls)[0] # Get predictions only for inputs where each class regr_preds = regr_obj.get_predictions([regressor_name], [cls], ["output_1"], stacked_points[loc_where_cls]) regr_key = regr_obj.get_regressor_name_to_key(regressor_name) # Save the array of predictions all_regr_preds_per_cls.append( regr_preds[regr_key][cls]["output_1"]) # array or None all_regr_locs_per_cls.append(stacked_points[loc_where_cls]) if timer: print("Regression vals: {:.3f}".format(time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() if dim == 2: get_output_func = get_raw_output_2D elif dim == 3: get_output_func = get_raw_output_3D true_class_result, true_regr_output = get_output_func(*stacked_points.T) # compare the regression predictions to the true values # calculate fractional differences all_regr_abs_frac_diffs_per_class = [] for i, cls in enumerate(all_unique_classes): if all_regr_preds_per_cls[i] is None: all_regr_abs_frac_diffs_per_class.append(None) continue # RBF failed training for this class, this_cls_true_result, this_cls_true_regr_output = get_output_func( *all_regr_locs_per_cls[i].T) this_cls_diffs = all_regr_preds_per_cls[i] - this_cls_true_regr_output all_regr_abs_frac_diffs_per_class.append( abs(this_cls_diffs / this_cls_true_regr_output)) if timer: print("regr diffs: {:.3f}".format(time.time() - start_time)) start_time = time.time() where_preds_match_true = np.where(pred_class == true_class_result, 1, 0) accuracy = np.sum(where_preds_match_true) / N**(dim) # error_rate = 1 - accuracy if verbose: print("N training points: {0}, N query points: {1}".format( len(training_df), N**(dim))) print("accuracy: {}".format(accuracy)) if timer or verbose: print("TOTAL TIME: {:.3f}".format(time.time() - og_start_time)) # Calculate regression accuracy values per class all_regr_acc_per_class = dict() for i, cls in enumerate(all_unique_classes): acc_vals_per_class = calc_regression_accuracy( all_regr_abs_frac_diffs_per_class[i]) all_regr_acc_per_class[cls] = acc_vals_per_class # Calculate total regression accuracy values compressed_all_regr_abs = np.concatenate( [i for i in all_regr_abs_frac_diffs_per_class if not (i is None)]) acc_vals_total = calc_regression_accuracy(compressed_all_regr_abs) all_regr_acc_per_class["combined"] = acc_vals_total return np.array(pred_class), true_class_result, all_regr_acc_per_class
[docs]def calc_regression_accuracy(all_regr_abs_frac_diffs, cdf_cutoff_limits=None): """Calculate the the fractional change at which the cdf_cutoff is below. For a given distribution of absolute fractional differences: calculate the the fractional change at which the cdf_cutoff is below. For 50% of the data set, the range of frac diffs is [0,?]. (What is not being asked: For a frac diff of 10% what fraction of the data has a frac diff <= that number. ) """ if cdf_cutoff_limits is None: # 1/2, 1 sigma, 2 sigma, 3 sigma cdf_cutoff_limits = [0.5, 0.683, 0.954, 0.997] # checking for failed interpolators for small classes if all_regr_abs_frac_diffs is None: return [1e9] * len(cdf_cutoff_limits) num_points = len(all_regr_abs_frac_diffs) sorted_abs_frac_diffs = np.sort(all_regr_abs_frac_diffs) acc_vals = [] # append the largest abs_frac_diff within some fraction of the data set for cdf_limit in cdf_cutoff_limits: acc_vals.append(sorted_abs_frac_diffs[int(cdf_limit * num_points)]) return acc_vals
[docs]def get_confusion_matrix(preds, actual, all_classes, verbose=False): """Calculate a confusion matrix given lists of predicted and actual values. Parameters ---------- preds : list Predicted values from the classifier. actual : list True values from the underlying distribution. all_classes : list A list of all unique classes. Should be either np.unique(actual) or a subset thereof. verbose : bool, optional Print our the line by line confusion matrix prefixed with the class. Returns ------- confusion_matrix : ndarray Rows and columns of confusion matrix in order and number given in `all_classes`. """ confusion_matrix = [] for pred_class_key in all_classes: loc = np.where(actual == pred_class_key) # where all true class how_many_per_class = np.array([np.sum(preds[loc] == i) for i in all_classes]) # how many preds matched true class A, class B, etc. how_many_per_class = how_many_per_class / len(loc[0]) # normalize confusion_matrix.append(how_many_per_class) if verbose: print(pred_class_key, how_many_per_class) return np.array(confusion_matrix)