"""The definition of the `Sampler` class in PSY-CRIS."""
__authors__ = [
"Kyle Akira Rocha <kylerocha2024@u.northwestern.edu>",
"Scott Coughlin <scottcoughlin2014@u.northwestern.edu>",
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import time
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import scipy.stats
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
[docs]class Sampler:
"""Class implementing PTMCMC and MCMC for PSY-CRIS algorith.
Modular implementation of PTMCMC and MCMC designed to
implement the PSY-CRIS algorithm of sampling points
in a target distribution constructed with a Classifier
and Regressor. After a posterior is generated, methods
in this class are also used to downsample.
def __init__(self, classifier=None, regressor=None):
"""Initialize the sampler.
classifier : instance of <class, Classifier>
A trained classifier object.
regressor : instance of <class, Regressor>, optional
A trained regressor object.
self._Classifier_ = classifier
self._Regressor_ = regressor
if (self._Classifier_ is not None) or (self._Regressor_ is not None):
if self._Classifier_ is not None:
self._TableData_ = self._Classifier_._TableData_
self._TableData_ = self._Regressor_._TableData_
# Find the bounds of the walker - should be a TableData attribute
self._max_vals_ = self._TableData_._max_input_vals
self._min_vals_ = self._TableData_._min_input_vals
# You can save chains_history in here
self._chain_step_hist_holder_ = OrderedDict()
# Not fully implemented yet I'm pretty sure....
self._MAX_APC_str_ = []
[docs] def TD_2d_analytic(self, name, args, **kwargs):
r"""2-dimensional analytic target distribution for testing MCMC/PTMCMC.
The function:
$\frac{16}{3\pi} \left( \exp\left[-\mu^2 - (9 + 4\mu^2 + 8\nu)^2\right]
+ \frac{1}{2} \exp\left[- 8 \mu^2 - 8 (\nu-2)^2\right] \right)$
name : str
Name of algorithm to use. For this method None.
args : array
2D location to get the value of the function.
Kwargs for more complex target distributions.
array or float
mu, nu = args
arg1 = -(mu ** 2) - (9 + 4 * mu ** 2 + 8 * nu) ** 2
arg2 = -8 * mu ** 2 - 8 * (nu - 2) ** 2
return (16) / (3 * np.pi) * (np.exp(arg1) + 0.5 * np.exp(arg2))
[docs] def get_TD_classification_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Get target-distribution classification data.
Calculate terms relevant for creating target distributions
with classification terms.
classifier_name : str
Trained classifier name to use for predictions.
position : array
Position in parameter space to eval
TD_verbose : bool
Print useful output
max_probs : array
Maximum probabilities at each query point
position : array
Position in parameter space being queried
cls_key : array
Classification key predicted for each query position
classifier_name, position = args
position = np.array(position)
if position.ndim == 1:
position = position[np.newaxis, :]
TD_verbose = kwargs.get("TD_verbose", False)
normalized_probs, where_not_nan = self._Classifier_.return_probs(
classifier_name, position, verbose=TD_verbose
where_nan = np.array(
[i for i in range(len(position)) if i not in where_not_nan]
max_probs = np.max(normalized_probs, axis=1)
cls_key = np.argmax(normalized_probs, axis=1)
position = np.array(position)
if len(where_nan) > 0:
max_probs = np.zeros(position.shape[0]) + 1e-16
cls_key = [None] * position.shape[0]
if TD_verbose:
print('\t', max_probs, position, cls_key)
return max_probs, position, cls_key
max_probs = np.where(max_probs == 1, 1-1e-16, max_probs)
if TD_verbose:
print('\t', max_probs, position, cls_key)
return max_probs, position, cls_key
[docs] def TD_classification(self, classifier_name, position, **kwargs):
r"""Target distribution using classification.
$f(x) = 1 - max[P_{\rm class}(x)]$
classifier_name : str
String to specify the trained classification algorithm to use.
position : array
Single location in parameter space for the target distribution to
be evaluated at.
TD_BETA : float
Exponent of target distribution - $f(x)^{\rm TD_BETA}$
Used for smoothing or sharpening.
TD_verbose : bool
Extra print output every method call.
If classification probability is Nan: f(x) = 1E-16
# TD_verbose = kwargs.get("TD_verbose", False)
TD_BETA = kwargs.get("TD_BETA", 1.0)
max_probs, pos, cls_keys = self.get_TD_classification_data(
classifier_name, position, **kwargs
theoretical_max_TD_cls_term = 1 - 1 / self._TableData_.num_classes
return ((1 - max_probs) * 1 / theoretical_max_TD_cls_term) ** (TD_BETA)
[docs] def TD_classification_regression(self, names, args, **kwargs):
r"""Target distribution using both classification & regression.
Classification: $1 - max[P_{\rm class}(x)]$
Regression: $ A_0 \log( A_1* abs( max[APC_n [loc]]) + 1 )$
names : list like
Iterable containing the two strings specifying the classification
and regression algorithm to use.
args : array
Position in parameter space to evaluate the target distribution at.
TD_A1 : float, optional
Scaling factor inside the Log regression error term.
(Default = 0.5)
TD_TAU : float, optional
Relative weight of classification to regression term.
(Default = 0.5)
TD_BETA : float, optional
Exponent of the entire target distribution. Used
for smoothing or sharpening the distribution. Default is 1.
TD_verbose : bool, optional
Print more diagnostic information.
normalized_probs, where_not_nan = self._Classifier_.return_probs(
names[0], args, verbose=False
max_probs = np.max(normalized_probs, axis=1)
pred_class_ids = np.argmax(normalized_probs, axis=1)
cls_key = [self._Classifier_.class_id_mapping[i]
for i in pred_class_ids]
theoretical_max_TD_cls_term = (
1 - 1 / self._Classifier_._TableData_.num_classes)
if max_probs == 1:
max_probs = 1 - 1e-16
classification_term = (1 - max_probs) * 1 / theoretical_max_TD_cls_term
if len(where_not_nan) != len(normalized_probs):
return 1e-16
if isinstance(
self._Regressor_.regr_dfs_per_class[cls_key[0]], pd.DataFrame
max_APC, which_col_max = self._Regressor_.get_max_APC_val(
names[1], cls_key[0], args
if self._Regressor_.abs_max_APC is None:
raise ValueError("No max APC value found in TableData...")
A1 = kwargs.get("TD_A1", 0.5)
scaling_log_func = lambda A1, x: np.log10(A1 * np.abs(x) + 1)
A0 = 1 / scaling_log_func(A1, self._Regressor_.abs_max_APC)
regression_term = A0 * scaling_log_func(A1, max_APC)
regression_term = 1e-16
TD_TAU = kwargs.get("TD_TAU", 0.5)
TD_BETA = kwargs.get("TD_BETA", 1.0)
if kwargs.get("TD_verbose", False):
print("TD_TAU: {0} | TD_BETA: {1}".format(TD_TAU, TD_BETA))
return (TD_TAU * classification_term
+ (1 - TD_TAU) * regression_term) ** TD_BETA
[docs] def save_chain_step_history(self, key, chain_step_history,
"""Save PTMCMC output chain_step_history inside the sampler object."""
if not (key not in self._chain_step_hist_holder_.keys() or overwrite):
raise Exception(
"\nYou are about to overwrite an existing element in '{0}'\n\n"
"\tUse the option 'overwrite=True' to reassign.".format(key))
self._chain_step_hist_holder_[key] = chain_step_history
print("Saved chain to '{0}'.".format(key))
[docs] def get_saved_chain_step_history(self, key, return_all=False):
"""Return the saved chain step history."""
if return_all:
return self._chain_step_hist_holder_
return self._chain_step_hist_holder_[key]
[docs] def run_PTMCMC(self, T_max, N_tot, target_dist, classifier_name,
init_pos=None, N_draws_per_swap=3, c_spacing=1.2,
alpha=None, upper_limit_reject=1e5, verbose=False,
trace_plots=False, **TD_kwargs):
"""Run a Paralel Tempered MCMC with user-specified target distribution.
Calls the method `run_MCMC`.
T_max : float
Sets the maximum temperature MCMC in the chain.
N_tot : int
The total number of iterations for the PTMCMC.
target_dist : callable
The target distribution to sample.
Must take arguments (method_name, location_to_eval)
(A 2D analytic function is provided - analytic_target_dist)
classifier_name : str, list
A single string or list of strings specifying the interpolator to
use for classification or classification & regression respectively.
init_pos : array
Initial position of walkers in each axis. Default is the median of
the input data in TableData.
N_draws_per_swap : int, optional
Number of draws to perform for each MCMC before swap proposals.
c_spacing : float, optional
Sets the spacing of temperatures in each chain.
T_{i+1} = T_{i}^{1/c}, range: [T_max , T=1]
alpha : float, optional
Sets the standard deviation of steps taken by the walkers. Default
is 1/5 the range of training data from TableData.
upper_limit_reject : float, optional
Sets the upper limit of rejected points.
verbose : bool, optional
Useful print statements during execution.
chain_step_history : dict
Hold the step history for every chain. Keys are integers that range
from 0 (max T) to the total number of chains -1 (min T).
T_list : array
Array filled with the temperatures of each chain from max to min.
There is a zero prior on the PTMCMC outside the range of training data.
# create list of Temperatures: T_{i+1}=T_{i}^{1/c}, range: [T_max, T=1]
T_list = [T_max]
while T_list[-1] > 1.3:
T_list.append(T_list[-1] ** (1 / c_spacing))
T_list = np.array(T_list)
num_chains = len(T_list)
if verbose:
print("Num chains: {0}\nTemperatures: {1}\n".format(num_chains,
# data storage
chain_holder = OrderedDict()
for i in range(len(T_list)):
chain_holder[i] = []
N_loops = int(N_tot / N_draws_per_swap)
# Initial conditions for all links in chain
# ADD: init_pos can be a unitless position in the range of the axes of
# the data. This change should also be applied to alpha - user just
# gives num(0, 1]
if init_pos is None:
init_pos = np.median(self._TableData_._input_.values, axis=0)
if not isinstance(init_pos, np.ndarray):
init_pos = np.array(init_pos)
if init_pos.ndim > 1:
raise ValueError(
"init_pos has {0} dimensions, must be one dimensional.".format(
if alpha is None:
alpha = [abs(max_val-min_val)/5 for min_val, max_val in
zip(self._min_vals_, self._max_vals_)]
# start chains in the same position
this_iter_step_loc = [init_pos] * num_chains
# Accept ratio tracker
total_acc = np.zeros(num_chains)
total_rej = np.zeros(num_chains)
acc_ratio_holder = np.zeros(num_chains)
start_time = time.time()
for counter in range(N_loops):
# Number of draws before swap
N_draws = N_draws_per_swap
last_step_holder = []
for i in range(num_chains):
# Run MCMC as f(T) N_draw times
step_history = [this_iter_step_loc[i]]
steps, acc, rej = self.run_MCMC(
# save 'current' params for each T
total_acc[i] += acc
total_rej[i] += rej
acc_ratio_holder[i] = total_acc[i] / (total_acc[i]
+ total_rej[i])
# data storage
if verbose:
# useful output during the PTMCMC
num_bars = 20
how_close = int((counter / (N_loops - 1)) * num_bars)
progress_bar = (
+ how_close * "="
+ ">"
+ abs(num_bars - how_close) * " "
+ "|"
+ "{0:.1f}%".format(counter / (N_loops - 1) * 100)
b = ("num_acc/total: Tmax={0:.4f} Tmin={1:.4f} loop #{2}, {3}".
format(acc_ratio_holder[0], acc_ratio_holder[-1],
counter, progress_bar))
sys.stdout.write("\r" + b)
# Calc H to see if chains SWAP
accept = 0
reject = 0
for i in range(len(T_list) - 1):
args_i = last_step_holder[i]
args_i_1 = last_step_holder[i + 1]
top = (target_dist(classifier_name, args_i_1, **TD_kwargs))**(
1 / T_list[i]
) * (target_dist(classifier_name, args_i, **TD_kwargs)) ** (
1 / T_list[i + 1]
bot = (target_dist(classifier_name, args_i, **TD_kwargs)) ** (
1 / T_list[i]
) * (target_dist(classifier_name, args_i_1, **TD_kwargs)) ** (
1 / T_list[i + 1]
# can get div 0 errors when using linear because of nans
if bot == 0:
ratio = 0
ratio = top / bot
# inter-chain transition probability
H = min(1, ratio)
chance = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1)
if chance <= H:
accept += 1
# SWAP the params between the two chains
last_step_holder[i] = args_i_1
last_step_holder[i + 1] = args_i
reject += 1
# print(accept, reject); print(last_step_holder)
# Update current params (could be swapped)
# to read into MCMC on next iteration!!!
this_iter_step_loc = last_step_holder
chain_step_history = OrderedDict()
for pos, steps in chain_holder.items():
chain_step_history[pos] = np.concatenate(steps)
if verbose:
print("\nLength of chains: \n{0}".format(
for i in range(num_chains)])))
fin_time_s = time.time() - start_time
"Finished in {0:.2f} seconds, {1:.2f} minutes.".format(
fin_time_s, fin_time_s / 60
if trace_plots:
self.make_trace_plot(chain_step_history, T_list,
0, save_fig=False)
self.make_trace_plot(chain_step_history, T_list,
num_chains - 1, save_fig=False)
return chain_step_history, T_list
[docs] def run_MCMC(self, N_trials, alpha, step_history, target_dist,
classifier_name, T=1, upper_limit_reject=1e4, **TD_kwargs):
"""Run a Markov chain Monte Carlo given a target distribution.
N_trials : int
Number of proposals or trial steps to take before stopping.
alpha : float
Related to the step size of the MCMC walker.
Defines the standard deviation of a zero mean normal
from which the step is randomly drawn.
step_history : list
Initial starting location in parameter space.
Could contain an arbitrary number of previous steps
but a walker will start at the last step in the list.
targe_dist : callable
The target distribution to sample.
Must take arguments ( method_name, element_of_step_history )
(A 2D analytic function is provided - TD_2d_analytic)
classifier_name : str
Name of interpolation technique used in the target_dist.
T : float, optional
Temperature of the MCMC.
upper_limit_reject : int, optional
Sets the maximum number of rejected steps before the MCMC
stops walking. Avoiding a slowly converging walk with few
accepted points.
step_history : array
An array containing all accepted steps of the MCMC.
accept : int
Total number of accepted steps.
reject : int
Total number of rejected steps.
Assumes uniform priors and a symetric jump proposal (gaussian).
if not isinstance(step_history, np.ndarray):
step_history = np.array(step_history)
if step_history.ndim == 1:
step_history = np.array([step_history])
# We will be appending to the list
step_history = list(step_history)
accept = 0
reject = 0
while (accept + reject < N_trials
and reject < abs(int(upper_limit_reject))):
current_step = step_history[-1]
# f(θ)
val = target_dist(classifier_name, current_step, **TD_kwargs)
# θ+Δθ
trial_step = current_step + np.random.normal(
0, alpha, size=len(current_step)
# f(θ+Δθ)
trial_val = target_dist(classifier_name, trial_step, **TD_kwargs)
# check if the trial step is in the range of data
for i, step_in_axis in enumerate(trial_step):
if (
step_in_axis <= self._max_vals_[i]
and step_in_axis >= self._min_vals_[i]
trial_val = 0 # essential reject points outside of range
if val == 0: # avoid div 0 errors
ratio = 0
ratio = trial_val / val
accept_prob = min(1, (ratio) ** (1 / T))
chance = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1)
if chance <= accept_prob:
accept += 1
reject += 1
return np.array(step_history), accept, reject
[docs] def normalize_step_history(self, step_history):
"""Take steps and normalize [0,1] according to min/max in each axis.
The max and min are taken from the original data set from TableData.
normed_steps = np.copy(step_history)
for j, steps_in_axis in enumerate(step_history.T):
normed_steps.T[j] = (steps_in_axis - self._min_vals_[j]) / (
self._max_vals_[j] - self._min_vals_[j]
return normed_steps
[docs] def undo_normalize_step_history(self, normed_steps):
"""Rescale step history.
Take normed steps from [0,1] and return their value
in the original range of the axes based off the range in TableData.
mapped_steps = np.copy(normed_steps)
for j, steps_in_axis in enumerate(normed_steps.T):
mapped_steps.T[j] = (
steps_in_axis * (self._max_vals_[j] - self._min_vals_[j])
+ self._min_vals_[j]
return mapped_steps
[docs] def do_simple_density_logic(self, step_history, N_points, Kappa,
var_mult=None, add_mvns_together=False,
include_training_data=True, verbose=False):
"""Perform multivariate normal density logic on a given step history.
This is a simplified version of the method 'do_density_logic'.
It assumes that every accepted point will have the same exact MVN.
Each proposal distribution starts with the training set from TableData
which keeps training data from being proposed again.
step_history : ndarray
List of points from a PTMCMC or MCMC. (posterior)
N_points : int
Number of points desired to be drawn from the posterior but may not
actually be the number of points accepted. Contributes to the
length scale of the MVN distribution of accepted points
(along with kappa).
Kappa : float
Scaling factor that sets the initial size of the MVN for accepted
points. This should be proportional to the filling factor of the
area of iterest described by the target distribution used to
create the posterior.
var_mult : float, ndarray, optional
Variance multiplier for the MVN of accepted points.
add_mvns_together : bool, optional
Add MVNs together when creating the accepted point distribution.
include_training_data : bool, optional
Include the trainind data in the target distribution before
verbose : bool, optional
Print useful diagnostic information.
accepted_points : ndarray
Accepted points from the posterior to be labled by the user.
(query points)
rejected_points : ndarray
Rejected points from the posterior.
The accepted laguage here is indicative of query points for the oracle
to label in an active learning scheme. It is not accepted vs rejected
normally used for MCMC.
if include_training_data:
if self._TableData_ is None:
raise ValueError("No TableData found in sampler. "
"Set `include_training_data` to false.")
original_training_data = self._TableData_.get_data("input")
original_training_data = []
how_many_training_data = len(original_training_data)
n_dim = len(original_training_data[0])
# approximate scaling of the variance given a set of N proposal points
# the filling factor Kappa is not generally known a priori
if var_mult is None:
var_mult = 1
sigma = Kappa * 0.5 * (N_points) ** (-1.0 / n_dim) * var_mult
Covariance = sigma * np.identity(n_dim)
if verbose:
print("Covariance: \n{0}".format(Covariance))
single_MVN = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n_dim),
max_val = 1 / np.sqrt((
2 * np.pi) ** (n_dim) * np.linalg.det(Covariance))
# treat the training data as already accepted points
accepted_points = list(original_training_data)
rejected_points = []
for step in step_history:
if len(accepted_points) < 1:
# distance: how far is this point from all the accepted_points
dist_to_acc_pts = step - np.array(accepted_points)
pdf_val_at_point = single_MVN.pdf(dist_to_acc_pts)
if isinstance(pdf_val_at_point, float):
pdf_val_at_point = [pdf_val_at_point]
if add_mvns_together:
pdf_val_at_point = [np.sum(pdf_val_at_point)]
random_chances = np.random.uniform(
low=0, high=max_val, size=len(pdf_val_at_point)
chance_above_distr = random_chances > pdf_val_at_point
if chance_above_distr.all():
# remove training data from accepted points
only_new_accpeted_points = accepted_points[how_many_training_data:]
return np.array(only_new_accpeted_points), np.array(rejected_points)
[docs] def do_density_logic(self, step_history, N_points, Kappa, shuffle=False,
norm_steps=False, var_mult=None,
add_mvns_together=False, pre_acc_points=None,
"""Do the density based of the normal gaussian kernel on each point.
This method automatically takes out the first 5% of steps of the MCMC
so that the initial starting points are not chosen automatically
(if you start in a non-ideal region). Wait for the burn in.
step_history : ndarray
N_points : int
Kappa : float
shuffle : bool, optional
norm_steps : bool, optional
var_mult : float, optional
add_mvns_together : bool, optional
verbose : bool, optional
accepted_points : ndarray
rejected_points : ndarray
accepted_sigmas : ndarray
if shuffle: # shuffle the order of the steps
if verbose:
print("Shuffling steps....")
np.random.shuffle(step_history) # returns none
if norm_steps: # normalize steps
if verbose:
print("Normalizing steps....")
step_history = self.normalize_step_history(step_history)
# Set the default average length scale
num_dim = len(self._Classifier_.input_data[0])
sigma = Kappa * 0.5 * (N_points) ** (-1.0 / num_dim)
# We assume the covaraince is the identity - later we may pass the
# entire array but for now we just assume you pass a
# variance multiplier (var_mult)
if var_mult is None:
var_mult = np.array([1] * num_dim)
var_mult = np.array(var_mult)
if var_mult.ndim != num_dim:
raise ValueError(
"var_mult must be the same dimensionality as input data."
if verbose:
print("Num dims: {0}".format(num_dim))
print("length scale sigma: {0}".format(sigma))
print("var_mult: {0}".format(var_mult))
print("Kappa: {0}".format(Kappa))
# -> Forcing a few key points to always be accepted, for example
if pre_acc_points is None:
accepted_points = []
elif isinstance(pre_acc_points, np.ndarray):
accepted_points = list(pre_acc_points)
accepted_points = []
accepted_points = []
accepted_sigmas = []
max_val_holder = []
accepted_mvn_holder = []
rejected_points = []
skip_steps = int(len(step_history) * 0.05)
good_steps = step_history[
] # skip first 5% of steps to get into a good region
for i in range(len(good_steps)):
proposed_step = good_steps[i]
accept = False
if len(accepted_points) == 0:
accept = True
# If you enter you must have accepted one point
Sigma = accepted_sigmas[-1:]
k = len(Sigma)
max_val = 1 / np.sqrt((2 * np.pi)**k * np.linalg.det(Sigma))
rnd_chance = np.random.uniform(
low=0, high=np.max(max_val_holder), size=1
# we will choose the chance from [0, highest point in distr]
distr_holder = []
for point in accepted_mvn_holder:
eval_mvn_at_new_step = point.pdf(proposed_step)
if add_mvns_together:
# instead of checking each individual point keeping all
# mvns seperate, we want to add them
# together and get upper bound
# IF we do this we need to change the MVN to not be
# normalized !!!!
total_chance_above_distr = (
rnd_chance > np.sum(distr_holder))
total_chance_above_distr = np.sum(
rnd_chance > distr_holder)
if len(accepted_points) == total_chance_above_distr:
accept = True
pass # REJECT
if accept:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/619335
# corner = np.random.normal(0,0.1, 1)
# A = np.array( [ [sigma, corner], [corner, sigma] ] )
# Sigma = np.dot(A,A.transpose())
# Sigma = [ [sigma*var_mult[0], 0.], [0., sigma*var_mult[1]] ]
Sigma = (sigma * np.identity(len(var_mult))
* np.array([var_mult]))
mvn = scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(proposed_step, Sigma)
if verbose:
print("Num accepted: {0}".format(len(accepted_points)))
print("Num rejected: {0}".format(len(rejected_points)))
if norm_steps:
if verbose:
print("Unormalizing steps....")
accepted_points = self.undo_normalize_step_history(accepted_points)
rejected_points = self.undo_normalize_step_history(rejected_points)
return (
[docs] def get_proposed_points(self, step_history, N_points, Kappa, shuffle=False,
norm_steps=False, add_mvns_together=False,
include_training_data=True, var_mult=None,
seed=None, n_repeats=1, max_iters=1e3,
verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Get proposed points in parameter space given a MCMC step history.
The desnity logic is not deterministic, so multiple iterations
may be needed to converge on a desired number of proposed points.
This method performs multiple calls to do_density_logic while
changing Kappa in order to return the desired number of points. After
n_iters instances of the correct number of N_points, the distibution
with the largest average distance is chosen.
Warning: This algorithm has not been tested for large N data sets and
may struggle to converge.
step_history : ndarray
Posterior from which to sample new query points.
N_points : int
N query points to converge to.
Kappa : float
Multiplies the length scale of MVNs and changes such that the
desired number of query points is found.
shuffle : bool, optional
Shuffle points in posterior in place before sampling.
norm_steps : bool, optional
Normalize steps before sampling.
add_mvns_together : bool, optional
Add MVNs of accepted point distribution together.
include_training_data : bool, optional
Include training data in the accpeted point distribution before
var_mult : ndarray, optional
Variance multiplier.
seed : float, optional
Random seed to use for random sampling.
n_repeats: int, optional
Number of times to converge to the correct number of points. Each
iteration may be a different realization of the posterior.
verbose : bool, optional
Print useful information.
show_plots : bool, optional
Show 2D plot of proposed points with step history & training data.
acc_pts : ndarray
Array of proposed points to be used as initial
conditions in new simulations.
Kappa : float
Scaling factor which reproduced the desired number
of accepted points.
Will automatically exit if it goes through max_iters iterations
without converging on the desired number of points.
if seed is not None:
print("Setting seed: {0}".format(seed))
if verbose:
"Converging to {0} points, {1} times.".format(N_points,
enough_good_pts = False
how_many_good_pts = int(n_repeats)
good_n_points = []
avg_distances = []
good_kappas = []
iters = 1
start_time = time.time()
while not (enough_good_pts) and iters < max_iters:
acc_pts, rej_pts = self.do_simple_density_logic(
if len(acc_pts) == 0:
Kappa = Kappa * 0.5
iters += 1
if len(acc_pts) == N_points:
average_dist_between_acc_points = np.mean(pdist(acc_pts))
if len(good_n_points) >= how_many_good_pts:
enough_good_pts = True
if verbose:
if len(acc_pts) == N_points:
print_str = " *{0}* {1:2.2f}s".format(
len(good_n_points), abs(start_time - time.time())
ending = "\n"
print_str = ""
ending = "\r"
"\t acc_pts: {0}, Kappa = {1:.3f}".format(len(acc_pts),
+ print_str,
diff = abs(len(acc_pts) - N_points)
change_factor = 0.01 / (max(1, np.log10(iters)))
if len(acc_pts) > N_points:
Kappa = Kappa * (1 + change_factor * diff) # increase kappa
elif len(acc_pts) < N_points:
if (1 - change_factor * diff) < 0:
Kappa = Kappa * 0.1
Kappa = Kappa * (1 - change_factor*diff) # decrease kappa
iters += 1
if iters == max_iters:
print("Reached max iters before converging!")
if verbose:
print("\nFinal Kappa = {0}\nConverged in {1} iters.".format(Kappa,
# we want 1/r dependance to penalize closely spaced points
where_best_distribution = np.argmax(avg_distances)
best_acc_pts = good_n_points[where_best_distribution]
best_Kappa = good_kappas[where_best_distribution]
if verbose:
print("Average Distances: \n{0}".format(np.array(avg_distances)))
print("Kappas: \n{0}".format(np.array(good_kappas)))
print("loc: {0}".format(where_best_distribution))
if kwargs.get("show_plots", False):
self.make_prop_points_plots(step_history, best_acc_pts)
return best_acc_pts, best_Kappa
[docs] def make_prop_points_plots(self, step_hist, prop_points, axes=(0, 1),
show_fig=True, save_fig=False):
"""Plot the proposed / accepted points over the step history."""
axis1, axis2 = axes
fig, sub = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(4, 4), dpi=90)
training_data = self._Classifier_.input_data
label="training data",
label="step history",
label="new proposed points",
sub.set_xlim(self._min_vals_[axis1], self._max_vals_[axis1])
sub.set_ylim(self._min_vals_[axis2], self._max_vals_[axis2])
plt.legend(loc="best", bbox_to_anchor=[1, 0, 0.22, 1])
return fig, sub
[docs] def make_trace_plot(self, chain_holder, T_list, Temp, save_fig=False,
"""Make a `step number` vs. `position of a sampler in an axis` plot.
This function makes titles assuming you are using the data
from the classifier.
if not show_fig and not save_fig:
which_temp = Temp # int? index
n_axis = len(chain_holder[which_temp].T)
steps = chain_holder[which_temp].T
axis_names = self._Classifier_._TableData_.get_data(
what_data="input", return_df=True
fig, axs = plt.subplots(
figsize=(10, 2.5 * n_axis),
gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [1.8, 1]},
for num, ax in enumerate(axs):
ax[0].plot(steps[num], "-", linewidth=0.5, color="C4")
ax[0].set_title("Input: {0}".format(axis_names[num]))
ax[0].set_ylabel("Axis {0}".format(num) + " , T={0:.2f}".
format(T_list[which_temp]), fontsize=12)
ax[0].set_xlabel("N steps", fontsize=12)
bins=50, histtype="step", density=True, color="C1")
ax[1].set_xlabel("Axis {0}".format(num), fontsize=12)
ax[1].set_ylabel("Posterior", fontsize=12)
if save_fig:
if show_fig:
return None