"""Module for handling data for PSY-CRIS."""
__authors__ = [
"Kyle Akira Rocha <kylerocha2024@u.northwestern.edu>",
"Scott Coughlin <scottcoughlin2014@u.northwestern.edu>",
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import pandas as pd
import math
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
[docs]def calc_avg_dist(data, n_neighbors, neighbor=None):
"""Get the average distance to the nearest neighbors in the data set.
(NearestNeighbors from sklearn.neighbors)
data : ndarray
Data to train the NearestNeighbors class on.
n_neighbors : int
Number of neighbors to use when finding average distance.
neighbor : instance of NearestNeightbors class
For passing your own object.
avg_dist : array
The average distance between nearest neighbors.
g_indi : array
Indicies that correspond to the nearest neighbors.
if neighbor:
neigh = neighbor
neigh = NearestNeighbors()
# Since we pass the original data, the first nearest point is itself. If we
# want 2 nearest neighbors, we ask for 3 because the first will always be 0
dist, indicies = neigh.kneighbors(data, n_neighbors=(n_neighbors + 1))
g_dist = (dist.T[1:len(dist)]).T
g_indi = (indicies.T[1:len(indicies)]).T
avg_dist = np.mean(g_dist, axis=1)
return avg_dist, g_indi
[docs]def calc_avg_p_change(data, where_nearest_neighbors,
"""Calculate the average fractional change in a given data set.
The method uses the N nearest neighbors (calculated beforehand).
data : ndarray
Data set to calculate percent change.
where_nearest_neighbors : dict
Indicies in data for the n nearest neighbors in input space.
undefined_p_change_val : optional
For output with an undefined percent change (zero value), this kwarg
defines what is put in its place. Defaults to nan.
avg_p_change_holder : ndarray
Each element conatins the average percent change for a given number of
neighbors. If any output values are 0, then a nan is put in place of a
percent change.
where_zero = np.where(data == 0)[0]
where_not_zero = np.where(data != 0)[0]
if len(where_zero) == len(data):
return None
avg_p_change_holder = []
for n_, indicies in where_nearest_neighbors.items():
diff_holder = []
for i in range(n_):
nearest_data = data[indicies.T[i]]
diff_holder.append(data - nearest_data)
diffs = np.array(diff_holder).T
avg_diffs = np.mean(diffs, axis=1)
avg_p_change = np.zeros(data.shape)
avg_p_change[where_not_zero] = (
abs(avg_diffs[where_not_zero]) / data[where_not_zero]
if undefined_p_change_val is None:
avg_p_change[where_zero] = np.nan
avg_p_change[where_zero] = undefined_p_change_val
return np.array(avg_p_change_holder)
[docs]class TableData:
For managing data sets used for classification and regression.
Reads tables of simulation data where a single row represents one
simulation. Each column in a row represents different inputs
(initial conditions) and outputs (result, continuous variables).
If using multiple files, each file is assumed to have the same columns.
You may also directly load a pandas DataFrame instead of reading in
Example data structure expected in files or pandas DataFrame:
0 input_1 input_2 outcome output_1 output_2 output_3 ...
1 1.5 2.6 "A" 100 0.19 - ...
2 1.5 3.0 "B" - - - ...
3 2.0 2.6 "C" - - 6 ...
The above table has dashes '-' in output columns to indicate NaN
values. You may have a similar structure if different classes have
fundamentally different outputs.
def __vb_helper(self, verbose_bool, info_string):
"""Help clean up verbose print statements and storing info.
By default, store the passed info_string regardless of verbose_bool.
if verbose_bool:
def __init__(
"""Initialize the TableData instance.
table_paths : list
List of file paths to read in as data.
if None, a pandas DataFrame is used instead
input_cols : list
List of names of the columns which will be considered 'input'.
output_cols : list
List of names of the columns which will be considered 'output'.
This should include the class column name.
class_col_name : str
Name of column which contains classification data.
my_DataFrame : pandas DataFrame, optional
If given, use this instead of reading files.
omit_vals : list, optional
Numerical values that you wish to omit from the entire data set.
If a row contains the value, the entire row is removed.
(For example you may want to omit all rows if they contain "-1" or
omit_cols : list, optional
Column names that you wish to omit from the data set.
subset_interval : array, optional
Use some subset of the data files being loaded in.
An array with integers indicating the rows that will be kept.
my_colors : list, optional
Colors to use for classification plots.
n_neighbors : list, optional
List of integers that set the number of neighbors to use to
calculate average distances. (default None)
neighbor : instance of sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors, optional
To use for average distances. See function 'calc_avg_dist()'.
undefined_p_change_val : optional, float
Sets the undefined value used when calculating percent change fails
due to zero values in the output data. Default uses nan.
verbose : bool, optional
Print statements with extra info.
read_csv_kwargs : dict, optional
Kwargs passed to the pandas function 'read_csv()'.
Extra kwargs
start_time = time.time()
self._for_info_ = [] # storing info strings
# --------- data pre-processing ---------
self._df_list_ = [] # data frame list
self._df_index_keys_ = [] # index keys (for rows in _full_data_)
self._files_ = table_paths
# assumed to be one column name + string
self.class_col_name = class_col_name
if isinstance(my_DataFrame, pd.DataFrame):
self.__vb_helper(verbose, "Using loaded Pandas DataFrame")
self._full_data_ = my_DataFrame
# Read in all data files and add to _df_list_
info_str_01 = "Reading in data from {0} file(s).".format(
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_01)
for num, path in enumerate(table_paths):
info_str_02 = "\t'{0}'".format(path)
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_02)
df = pd.read_csv(path, **read_csv_kwargs)
self._df_index_keys_.append("df" + str(num))
info_str_03 = "Finished reading data.\n"
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_03)
# _df_index_keys_ setting index of Nth file
# the data is from with 'dfN'.
self._full_data_ = pd.concat(self._df_list_, join="outer",
keys=self._df_index_keys_, sort=True)
# remove rows and columns with unwanted data
if omit_vals is not None:
ct = 0 # counter
for j, val in enumerate(omit_vals):
row_where_omit_val = np.unique(np.where(
self._full_data_.values == val)[0])
df_keys_for_omit = self._full_data_.index[row_where_omit_val]
self._full_data_ = self._full_data_.drop(df_keys_for_omit,
ct += len(row_where_omit_val)
info_str_04 = " - Removed {0} rows containing: {1}".format(
len(row_where_omit_val), omit_vals[j]
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_04)
info_str_05 = "Removed a total of {0} rows.".format(ct)
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_05)
# remove entire columns
if omit_cols is not None:
self._full_data_ = self._full_data_.drop(columns=omit_cols)
info_str_06 = "Removed columns: {0}".format(omit_cols)
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_06)
# use a subset of the original data table
if subset_interval is not None:
len_original_data = len(self._full_data_)
self._full_data_ = self._full_data_.iloc[subset_interval, :]
info_str_07 = ("--Using Subset--\n{0} percent of total data set.".
format(len(self._full_data_) / len_original_data
* 100))
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_07)
info_str_08 = "Total number of data points: {0}\n".format(
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_08)
# column names in fully concatenated data
self.col_names = np.array(self._full_data_.columns)
# input and output data
for usr_input in [input_cols, output_cols]:
for a_name in usr_input:
if a_name not in self.col_names:
info_str_09 = ("\tWarning: No columns found with name "
"'{0}'. Check your data.".format(a_name))
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_09)
# raise Warning( info_str_09 ) TODO
input_cols = [i for i in input_cols if i in self.col_names]
output_cols = [i for i in output_cols if i in self.col_names]
self._input_ = self._full_data_[input_cols]
self._output_ = self._full_data_[output_cols]
# max and min for input values
self._max_input_vals = []
self._min_input_vals = []
for data_column in self._input_.values.T:
# --------- classification variables ---------
self._unique_class_keys_ = np.unique(
self._class_dtype_ = type(self._unique_class_keys_[0])
except KeyError as class_col_name:
info_str_10 = "Class column {0} not in {1}".format(
class_col_name, np.array(self._full_data_.keys()).astype(str)
self.__vb_helper(False, info_str_10)
raise KeyError(info_str_10)
self.num_classes = len(self._unique_class_keys_)
self.class_ids = np.arange(0, self.num_classes, 1, dtype=int)
info_str_11 = (
"Input columns: {0}".format(len(input_cols))
+ "\n"
+ "Output columns: {0}".format(len(output_cols))
+ "\n"
+ "Unique classes found in '{0}': {1}".format(
class_col_name, self.num_classes
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_11)
# mapping dict - forward & backward
self._class_id_mapping_ = OrderedDict()
for i in self.class_ids:
self._class_id_mapping_[i] = self._unique_class_keys_[i]
self._class_id_mapping_[self._unique_class_keys_[i]] = i
# classification column replaced with class_id
self._class_col_ = self._full_data_[class_col_name].values.astype(
self._class_col_to_ids_ = []
for cl in self._class_col_:
if my_colors is not None:
self._class_colors_ = my_colors
self.__vb_helper(verbose, "Using custom class colors.")
self._class_colors_ = ["#EC6666", "#90A245", "#F5C258", "#1668E8",
"#473335", "#98C0CB", "C0", "C1", "C2",
"C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8"]
self.__vb_helper(verbose, "Using default class colors.")
# --------- regression variables ---------
# make input and output dicts for each class
self._regr_inputs_ = OrderedDict()
self._regr_outputs_ = OrderedDict()
for cls_name in self._unique_class_keys_:
rows_where_class = np.where(self._output_[class_col_name]
== cls_name)
if len(rows_where_class[0]) == 0:
info_str_extra_1 = ("\tWarning: no output with class name {0}."
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_extra_1)
self._regr_inputs_[cls_name] = self._input_.iloc[rows_where_class]
self._regr_outputs_[cls_name] = self._output_.iloc[
info_str_12 = ("\nFinding values to regress:\n"
+ "Num output(s) \t Class Name")
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_12)
# find valid regression data and link it to a class
self.regr_names = self._output_.columns
self._num_outputs_to_regr_ = []
self._regr_dfs_per_class_ = OrderedDict()
# for each class - find columns which can be converted to floats
for i, tuple_output in enumerate(self._regr_outputs_.items()):
output_per_class = tuple_output[1] # 0 returns key; 1 returns data
# this makes sure the classification column is not part of
# regression data in the case classes are integers or somthing
where_no_classification = np.where(
output_per_class.columns != class_col_name
cols_with_float = []
bad_cols = []
# go through first row and try to convert each element to float
# - also check if nan
for col_num, val in zip(
output_per_class.iloc[0, where_no_classification],
converted_val = float(
) # if fails -> straight to except (skips next line)
if math.isnan(converted_val):
except Exception:
info_str_13 = "%7i \t '%s'" % (
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_13)
regression_vals_df = output_per_class.iloc[
:, cols_with_float
] # has the regression DataFrame for a given class
# if regressable elements - link class with the df of valid floats,
# else - None
if len(cols_with_float) > 0:
] = regression_vals_df
self._regr_dfs_per_class_[self._unique_class_keys_[i]] = np.nan
# take Nearest Neighbors differences
self._undefined_p_change_val_ = undefined_p_change_val
if n_neighbors is not None:
info_str_14 = ("\nCalculate Average Distances & "
"Average Percent Change")
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_14)
self._n_neighbors_ = [int(i) for i in n_neighbors]
self._avg_dist_dfs_per_class_ = (
) # stores the average distances
# We need distances in input space, then compare %diff in output
# space
for key, input_df_per_class in self._regr_inputs_.items():
self._avg_dist_dfs_per_class_[key] = OrderedDict()
regr_data = self._regr_dfs_per_class_[
] # either a DataFrame or np.nan
if isinstance(regr_data, pd.DataFrame):
self.__vb_helper(verbose, "class: '{0}'".format(key))
# find nearest neighbors in input space
where_nearest_neighbors = OrderedDict()
for n_ in self._n_neighbors_:
avg_dist, indicies = calc_avg_dist(
input_df_per_class.values, n_,
except ValueError as err:
"Skipping n = {0}\nError: {1}".
format(n_, err))
avg_dist = None
where_nearest_neighbors[n_] = indicies
for _key, _val in regr_data.items(): # regression data
data = np.array(_val.values, dtype=float)
where_zero = np.where(data == 0)[0]
# where_not_zero = np.where(data != 0)[0]
if len(where_zero) > 0:
info_str_15 = "\t -- {0} zeros in '{1}'".format(
len(where_zero), _key
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_15)
if len(where_zero) == len(data):
verbose, "Skipping percent change for "
"{0}... All data is zero.".format(_key))
# Take percent difference
avg_p_change = calc_avg_p_change(
data, where_nearest_neighbors,
if avg_p_change is None:
self.__vb_helper(verbose, "None in avg_p_change!? "
"This shouldn't happen...")
# update into regr_dfs_per_class
# - all data available for regression
my_kwargs = OrderedDict()
for i in range(np.shape(avg_p_change)[0]):
new_col_str = "APC{0}_{1}".format(
self._n_neighbors_[i], _key
self.__vb_helper(verbose, "\t" + new_col_str)
my_kwargs[new_col_str] = avg_p_change[i]
self._regr_dfs_per_class_[key] = (
self._avg_dist_dfs_per_class_[key][_key] = avg_dist
verbose, "No regression data in '{0}'.".format(key)
info_str_17 = "::: TableData created in {0:.2f} seconds :::".format(
time.time() - start_time
self.__vb_helper(verbose, info_str_17)
[docs] def find_n_neighbors(self, input_data, n_neighbors, neighbor=None,
return_avg_dists=False, **kwargs):
"""Find the N nearest neighbors of a given set of arbitrary points.
Given a set of arbitrary input points, find the N nearest neighbors
to each point, not including themselves. Can also return average
distance from a point to its N nearest neighbors.
input_data : ndarray, pandas DataFrame
Data points where their nearest neighbors will be found
n_neighbors : list
List of integers with number of neighbors to calculate
neighbor : instance of NearestNeightbors class
For passing your own object.
return_avg_dists : bool, optional
If True, return the a dictionary with average distances between
the N nearest neighbors listed in 'n_neighbors'.
class_key : str
If a DataFrame is given, specifies class column name.
where_nearest_neighbors : dict
Dictionary containing the n nearest neighbors for every point
in the input data.
avg_distances : dict
Returned if return_avg_dists is True.
The average distances between the nearest neighbors.
class_key = kwargs.pop("class_key", None)
if class_key is not None:
input_data = self._regr_dfs_per_class_[class_key]
if isinstance(input_data, pd.DataFrame):
input_data = input_data.values
elif isinstance(input_data, list):
input_data = np.array(input_data)
elif isinstance(input_data, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError(
"input_data must be pandas DataFrame or numpy array")
where_nearest_neighbors = OrderedDict()
avg_distances = OrderedDict()
for n_ in n_neighbors:
avg_dist, indicies = calc_avg_dist(input_data, n_,
where_nearest_neighbors[n_] = indicies
avg_distances[n_] = avg_dist
if return_avg_dists:
return where_nearest_neighbors, avg_distances
return where_nearest_neighbors
[docs] def get_data(self, what_data="full", return_df=False):
"""Get all data contained in TableData object.
The data is returned after omission of columns and rows containing
specified values (if given) and taking a subset (if given) of the
original data set read in as a csv or given directly as a pandas
DataFrame. (Before data processing for classification and regression.)
what_data: str, list, optional
Default is 'full' with other options 'input', or 'output'.
'full' - original data table (after omission and subsets)
'input' - only data identified as inputs from 'full' data set
'output' - only data identified as outputs from 'full' data set
return_df: bool, optional
If True, return a pandas DataFrame object.
If False (default), return a numpy array.
data: tuple, ndarray or DataFrame
Data before classification and regression data sorting is done.
Will return tuple of len(what_data) if a list is passed.
data_dict = {
"input": self._input_,
"output": self._output_,
"full": self._full_data_,
if isinstance(what_data, str):
my_data = data_dict[what_data.lower()]
elif isinstance(what_data, list):
my_data = tuple([data_dict[i.lower()] for i in what_data])
raise ValueError("'{0}' not supported. Try {1}.".
format(what_data, data_dict.keys()))
if return_df:
return my_data
return my_data.values
[docs] def get_binary_mapping_per_class(self,):
"""Get binary mapping (0 or 1) of the class data.
Get binary mapping (0 or 1) of the class data for each unique
classification. For each classification, a value of 1 is given
if the class data matches that classification. If they do not
match, then a value of 0 is given.
classifications -> A, B, C
class data -> [ A, B, B, A, B, C ]
binary mapping -> [[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0] (for class A)
[0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0] (for class B)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]] (for class C)
binary_class_data: ndarray
N by M array where N is the number of classes and M is the
number of classifications in the data set.
Order is determined by '_unique_class_keys_'.
cls = self._class_col_.copy()
# create a different array for each class - one against all
binary_class_data = []
for i in self.class_ids:
where_class_is = np.where(
cls == self._unique_class_keys_[i], 1, 0
) # 1 for True, 0 for False
binary_class_data.append(np.concatenate(where_class_is, axis=None))
return np.array(binary_class_data)
def _return_data_(self, name, verbose=False):
"""Return a regular or hidden class variable."""
hidden_name = "_" + name + "_"
if name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[name]
elif hidden_name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[hidden_name]
if verbose:
"{0}, {1} not in class variables: \n{2}".format(
name, hidden_name, self.__dict__
return None
[docs] def get_class_data(self, what_data="full"):
"""Get data related to classification.
what_data, str, list, optional
'class_col' (array)
- Original classification data.
'unique_class_keys' (array)
- Unique classes found in the classification data.
'class_col_to_ids' (array)
- Original classification data replaced with their
respective class IDs (integers).
'class_id_mapping' (dict)
- Mapping between a classification from the original
data set and its class ID.
'binary_data' (ndarray)
- Iterating over the unique classes, classification data
is turned into 1 or 0 if it matches the given class.
See method 'get_binary_mapping_per_class()'.
'full' (tuple)
- All options listed above. (Default)
class_data: tuple, ndarray, dict
An object containing the specified classification data.
Will return tuple of len(what_data) if a list is passed. Default: 5
binary_class_data = self.get_binary_mapping_per_class()
data_dict = {
# simply the class column
"class_col": self._class_col_,
# unique values in class column
"unique_class_keys": self._unique_class_keys_,
# class column but class strings turned into integers (class IDs)
"class_col_to_ids": self._class_col_to_ids_,
# maps between a class ID and the original class string
"class_id_mapping": self._class_id_mapping_,
# for all classes, 1 where that class, 0 else
"binary_data": binary_class_data,
"full": tuple(
if isinstance(what_data, str):
class_data = data_dict[what_data.lower()]
elif isinstance(what_data, list):
class_data = tuple([data_dict[i.lower()] for i in what_data])
raise ValueError("'{0}' not supported. Try {1}.".
format(what_data, data_dict.keys()))
return class_data
[docs] def get_regr_data(self, what_data="full"):
"""Get data related to regression all sorted by class in dictionaries.
what_data: str, list, optional
'input' - For each class, the input data with no cleaning.
'raw_output' - For each class, the output data with no cleaning.
'output' - For each class, the cleaned output data.
'full' - All options listed above in that respective order.
data: tuple, ndarray or DataFrame
An object containing the specified regression data.
Will return tuple of len(what_data) if a list is passed. Default: 3
data_dict = {
"input": self._regr_inputs_,
"raw_output": self._regr_outputs_,
"output": self._regr_dfs_per_class_,
"full": tuple([self._regr_inputs_,
if isinstance(what_data, str):
regr_data = data_dict[what_data.lower()]
elif isinstance(what_data, list):
regr_data = tuple([data_dict[i.lower()] for i in what_data])
raise ValueError("'{0}' not supported. Try {1}.".
format(what_data, data_dict.keys()))
return regr_data
[docs] def info(self):
"""Print info for the instance of TableData object.
For output descriptions see the method 'get_info()'.
print("File List: \n{0}".format(np.array(self._files_)))
print("df Index Keys: \n{0}\n".format(np.array(self._df_index_keys_)))
print("---- VERBOSE OUTPUT START ----")
print(*self._for_info_, sep="\n")
print("---- VERBOSE OUTPUT END ----")
[docs] def get_info(self):
"""Return what info is printed in the 'info()' method.
files: list
File paths where data was loaded from.
df_index_keys: list
Index keys added to the DataFrame object once
multiple files are joined together such that one can
access data by file after they were joined.
for_info: list
Running list of print statements that include but
are not limited to what is shown if 'verbose=True'.
return tuple([self._files_, self._df_index_keys_, self._for_info_])
[docs] def plot_3D_class_data(
fig_size=(4, 5),
"""Plot the 3D classification data in a 2D plot.
3 input axis with classification output.
axes: list, optional
By default it will order the axes as [x,y,z] in the original order
the input axis were read in. To change the ordering, pass a list
with the column names.
The default orderd is col_1, col_2, col_3.
To change the horizontal axis from col_1 to col_2 you would use:
'axes = ["col_2", "col_1", "col_3"]'
fig_size: tuple, optional, default = (4,5)
Size of the figure. (Matplotlib figure kwarg 'fig_size')
mark_size: float, optional, default = 12
Size of the scatter plot markers. (Matplotlib scatter kwarg 's')
which_val: int, default = 0
Integer choosing what unique value to 'slice' on in the
3D data such that it can be plotted on 2D.
(If you had x,y,z data you need to choose a z value)
save_fig: bool, default = False
Save the figure in the local directory.
plt_str: str, default = '0'
If you are saving multiple figures you can pass a string
which will be added to the end of the default:
color_list: list, default = None
matplotlib figure
full_data = self._full_data_
input_data = self._input_
if len(input_data) == 2:
print("2D input data")
if len(input_data) == 3:
print("3D input data")
if axes is not None:
first_axis, second_axis, third_axis = axes
first_axis, second_axis, third_axis = input_data.keys()
print("Axes: {0}, {1}, {2}".
format(first_axis, second_axis, third_axis))
if color_list:
colors = color_list
"To set default colors for this object,\
re-istantiate using the option 'my_colors'."
colors = self._class_colors_
color_dict = OrderedDict()
for j, color_str in enumerate(colors):
color_dict[j] = color_str
legend_elements = []
for i, name in enumerate(self._unique_class_keys_):
# --------------
# Specify value of other '3rd' axis not in 2D plot
slice_value = np.unique(full_data[third_axis])[which_val]
# boolean data frame
where_to_slice = full_data[third_axis] == slice_value
# Find all indicies (rows) that have the slice value
what_index = np.where(where_to_slice)[0]
IDs = np.array(self._class_col_to_ids_)
data_to_plot = full_data[where_to_slice]
# class IDs (ints 0->n) to color code
class_to_colors = [color_dict[val] for val in IDs[what_index]]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size, dpi=120)
plt.title(third_axis + "= %f" % (slice_value))
plt.legend(handles=legend_elements, bbox_to_anchor=(1.03, 1.02))
if save_fig:
return fig
[docs] def make_class_data_plot(self, fig, ax, axes_keys, my_slice_vals=None,
my_class_colors=None, return_legend_handles=False,
verbose=False, **kwargs):
"""Plot classification data on a given axis and figure.
fig : Matplotlib Figure object
Figure on which the plot will be made.
ax : Matplotlib Axis object
Axis on which a scatter plot will be drawn.
axes_keys : list
List containing two names of input data columns to use as
horizontal and verital axes.
my_slice_vals : optional, list, dict
List giving values on which to slice in the axes not being plotted.
Default (None) uses the first unique value found in each axis.
If instead of individual values, a range is desired (e.g. 10 +/- 1)
then a dict can be given with integer keys mapping to a tuple with
the lower and upper range. ( e.g. {0:(9,11)} )
my_class_colors : optional, list
List of colors used to represent different classes. Default (None)
uses the default class colors.
return_legend_handles : optional, bool
Returns a list of handles that connect classes to colors.
verbose : optional, bool
Print useful information during runtime.
**kwargs : optional
Kwargs for matplotlib.pyplot.scatter() .
fig : Matplotlib Figure object
Figure object.
ax : Matplotlib Axis object
Updated axis after plotting.
handles : optional, list
List of legend handles connecting classes and their colors.
Returned if 'return_legend_handles' is True. Default is False.
# Converting class ids to colors for plotting
if my_class_colors is None:
class_colors = self._class_colors_
if not isinstance(my_class_colors, (list, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError("'my_class_colors' takes a list of strings")
if verbose:
print("Using my_class_colors...")
class_colors = my_class_colors
color_dict = OrderedDict()
for j, color_str in enumerate(class_colors):
color_dict[j] = color_str
class_to_colors = np.array([color_dict[val]
for val in self._class_col_to_ids_])
# Legend Handles (if desired)
# For single plot, recomended kwarg: bbox_to_anchor = (1.03, 1.02)
legend_elements = []
for i, name in enumerate(self._unique_class_keys_):
# Seperate the plotting and slicing axes
all_input_axes = self._input_.keys()
num_dim = len(all_input_axes)
# plotting_axes = [i for i in all_input_axes if i in axes_keys]
slicing_axes = [i for i in all_input_axes if i not in axes_keys]
# Check that user provided valid axes
for ax_key in axes_keys:
if ax_key not in all_input_axes:
raise KeyError(ax_key)
# Slicing algorithm
# By default slice along the first unique element in all non-plotting
# axes. We want to plot data in a constant hyperplane. That is all
# points with the same values in all extra dimensions.
if num_dim >= 3:
running_bool_list = []
for j, slice_axis in enumerate(slicing_axes):
unique_vals = np.unique(self._input_[slice_axis])
if verbose:
print("Slice Axis: '{0}'".format(slice_axis))
print("\tUnique values: {0}".format(len(unique_vals)))
if my_slice_vals is None:
if verbose:
print("\tSlice value: {0}, '{1}'".
format(slice_axis, unique_vals[0]))
where_this_val = np.array(
self._input_[slice_axis] == unique_vals[0]
if len(my_slice_vals) != len(slicing_axes):
raise ValueError(
"Need {0} slice value(s) and {1} given.".format(
len(slicing_axes), len(my_slice_vals)
if verbose:
print("\tSlice val: {0}, '{1}'".
format(slice_axis, my_slice_vals[j]))
if isinstance(my_slice_vals, (list, np.ndarray)):
where_this_val = np.array(
self._input_[slice_axis] == my_slice_vals[j]
elif isinstance(my_slice_vals, (dict, OrderedDict)):
where_this_val = np.array(
(self._input_[slice_axis] >= my_slice_vals[j][0])
& (self._input_[slice_axis] <= my_slice_vals[j][1])
raise ValueError(
"`my_slice_vals` must be list or dict, {0} given.".
running_bool_list.append(where_this_val) # for one axis
all_results = np.array(
).T # this is now (N_points x N_slice_axes)
# For a point (row), True if all other axes contain the slice
# values
rows_where_all_true = np.array([i.all() for i in all_results])
x_data = self._input_[axes_keys[0]].loc[rows_where_all_true]
y_data = self._input_[axes_keys[1]].loc[rows_where_all_true]
class_to_colors = class_to_colors[rows_where_all_true]
if verbose:
print("\tN total points: {0}".
print("\tN points in hyperplane: {0}\n".
x_data = self._input_[axes_keys[0]]
y_data = self._input_[axes_keys[1]]
# The actual plotting
ax.scatter(x_data, y_data, c=class_to_colors, **kwargs)
if return_legend_handles:
return fig, ax, legend_elements
return fig, ax