Source code for posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.classify

"""The PSY-CRIS classification module."""

__authors__ = [
    "Kyle Akira Rocha <>",
    "Scott Coughlin <>",

import collections
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

# -------- classifiers --------
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
import sklearn.gaussian_process as gp

# -----------------------------

LinearNDInterpolator_names = [
    "linear nd interpolator",

RBF_names = ["rbf", "radialbasisfunction", "radial basis function"]
GaussianProcessClassifier_names = ["gp", "gpc", "gaussianprocessclassifier"]

[docs]def makehash(): """Manage nested dictionaries.""" return collections.defaultdict(makehash)
[docs]class Classifier: """Classifier class. Perform one against all classification with a variety of different classification algorithms (interpolators). Different classifcation algorithms are trainined and stored for recall as instance variables inside nested dictionaries. This class also supports model validation through cross validation using the holdout method. """ def __init__(self, TableData_object): """Initialize the classifier. Parameters ---------- TableData_object : instance of <class, TableData> An instance of the TableData class with training data. """ self._TableData_ = TableData_object holder = self._TableData_.get_class_data(what_data="full") self.class_names = holder[1] # _unique_class_keys_ self.classes_to_ids = holder[2] # _class_col_to_ids_ self.class_id_mapping = holder[3] # _class_id_mapping_ self.binary_class_data = holder[4] # _binary_data_ self.input_data = self._TableData_.get_data(what_data="input") self._interpolators_ = makehash() self._cv_interpolators_ = makehash() self.__train_cross_val = False
[docs] def train_everything(self, classifier_names, verbose=False): """Trains multiple classifiers at once. Parameters ---------- classifier_names : list List of strings specifying classification algorithms to use. Returns ------- None """ for cls_name in classifier_names: self.train(cls_name, di=None, verbose=verbose) return None
[docs] def train(self, classifier_name, di=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Train a classifier. Implemented classifiers: LinearNDInterpolator ('linear', ...) Radial Basis Function ('rbf', ...) GaussianProcessClassifier ('gp', ...) >>> cl = Classifier( TableData_object ) >>> cl.train('linear', di = np.arange(0, Ndatapoints, 5), verbose=True) Parameters ---------- classifier_name : str Name of classifier to train. di : array_int, optional Array indicies of data used to train (training on a subset). if None - train on whole data set train_cross_val : bool, optional For storing regular trained interpolators and cross val interpolators. Used in the cross_validate() method. if False - save normal interpolators if True - save cross validation interpolators verbose: bool, optional Print statements with more information while training. Returns ------- None """ classifier_key = self.get_classifier_name_to_key(classifier_name) if classifier_key == "LinearNDInterpolator": bi_cls_holder = self.fit_linear_ND_interpolator(data_interval=di, verbose=verbose) elif classifier_key in "RBF": bi_cls_holder = self.fit_rbf_interpolator(data_interval=di, verbose=verbose) elif classifier_key in "GaussianProcessClassifier": bi_cls_holder = self.fit_gaussian_process_classifier( data_interval=di, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) else: print("No classifiers with name {0}.".format(classifier_name)) return for col_key, cls_obj in bi_cls_holder.items(): if verbose: print("\tdict loc: {0} {1}".format(classifier_key, col_key)) if self.__train_cross_val: self._cv_interpolators_[classifier_key][col_key] = cls_obj else: self._interpolators_[classifier_key][col_key] = cls_obj if verbose: print("Done training {0}.".format(classifier_key)) return None
[docs] def fit_linear_ND_interpolator(self, data_interval=None, verbose=False): """Fit linear ND interpolator - binary one-against-all classification. Implementation from: scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator ( Parameters ---------- data_interval : array_int, optional Array indicies of data used to train (training on a subset). if None (default) train on whole data set verbose : bool, optional Print statements with more information while training. Returns ------- binary_classifier_holder : dict Sorted by class, each key maps to a trained linearNDinterpolator object. """ if verbose: if data_interval is None: print("N points: %i" % (len(self.input_data))) else: print("N points: %i" % (len(data_interval))) start_time = time.time() binary_classifier_holder = OrderedDict() for i, cls_data in enumerate(self.binary_class_data): # iter_time = time.time() # for running with a subset of the data if data_interval is None: line = LinearNDInterpolator(self.input_data, cls_data) else: di = np.array(data_interval) line = LinearNDInterpolator(self.input_data[di], cls_data[di]) binary_classifier_holder[self.class_names[i]] = line time_print = time.time() - start_time if verbose: if i == 0: len_classes = len(self._TableData_.class_ids) print( "Time to fit %s classifiers ~ %.3f\n" % (len_classes, time_print * len_classes) ) print( "LinearNDInterpolator class %s -- current time: %.3f" % (i, time_print) ) return binary_classifier_holder
[docs] def fit_rbf_interpolator(self, data_interval=None, verbose=False): """Fit RBF interpolator - binary classification (one against all). Implementation from: scipy.interpolate.Rbf ( Parameters ---------- data_interval : array_int, optional Array indicies of data used to train (training on a subset). if None (default) train on whole data set verbose : bool, optional Print statements with more information while training. Returns ------- binary_classifier_holder : dict Sorted by class, each key maps to a trained RBF object. """ if verbose: if data_interval is None: print("N points: %i" % (len(self.input_data))) else: print("N points: %i" % (len(data_interval))) start_time = time.time() binary_classifier_holder = OrderedDict() for i, cls_data in enumerate(self.binary_class_data): # iter_time = time.time() # for running with a subset of the data if data_interval is None: argList = [] for col in range(len(self.input_data[0])): argList.append(self.input_data.T[col]) argList.append(cls_data) line = Rbf(*argList) else: di = np.array(data_interval) argList = [] for col in range(len(self.input_data[0])): argList.append(self.input_data.T[col][di]) argList.append(cls_data[di]) line = Rbf(*argList) binary_classifier_holder[self.class_names[i]] = line time_print = time.time() - start_time if verbose: if i == 0: len_classes = len(self._TableData_.class_ids) print( "Time to fit %s classifiers ~ %.3f\n" % (len_classes, time_print * len_classes) ) print("RBF class %s -- current time: %.3f" % (i, time_print)) return binary_classifier_holder
[docs] def fit_gaussian_process_classifier(self, data_interval=None, my_kernel=None, n_restarts=5, verbose=False): """Fit a Gaussian Process classifier. Implementation from: sklearn.gaussian_process ( Parameters ---------- data_interval : array_int, optional Array indicies of data used to train (training on a subset). if None (default) train on whole data set my_kernel : kernel Set the kernel for the GPC. n_restarts : int Number of restarts for the GPC. verbose : bool, optional Print statements with more information while training. Returns ------- binary_classifier_holder : array_like Sorted by class, each key maps to a trained GaussianProcessClassifier object. """ if verbose: if data_interval is None: print("N points: %i" % (len(self.input_data))) else: print("N points: %i" % (len(data_interval))) start_time = time.time() binary_classifier_holder = OrderedDict() for i, cls_data in enumerate(self.binary_class_data): # iter_time = time.time() if my_kernel is None: num_dim = len(self.input_data[0]) starting_loc = [1 for i in range(num_dim)] axis_ranges = [(1e-3, 1e3) for i in range(num_dim)] # kernel = gp.kernels.RBF([1,1,1], [(1e-3,1e3), (1e-3,1e3), # (1e-3, 1e3)]) kernel = gp.kernels.RBF(starting_loc, axis_ranges) else: kernel = my_kernel gpc = gp.GaussianProcessClassifier(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=n_restarts) # for running with a subset of the data if data_interval is None: line =, cls_data) else: di = np.array(data_interval) line =[di], cls_data[di]) if verbose: print("\t kernel:\n{0}".format(kernel)) binary_classifier_holder[self.class_names[i]] = line time_print = time.time() - start_time if verbose: if i == 0: len_classes = len(self._TableData_.class_ids) print( "Time to fit %s classifiers ~ %.3f\n" % (len_classes, time_print * len_classes) ) print( "GaussianProcessClassifier class %s -- current time: %.3f" % (i, time_print) ) return binary_classifier_holder
[docs] def get_classifier_name_to_key(self, classifier_name): """Return the standard key (str) of a classifier. Parameters ---------- classifier_name : str Name of classification algorithm to use. Returns ------- key : str Key to access trained classifier objects. """ if classifier_name.lower() in LinearNDInterpolator_names: key = "LinearNDInterpolator" elif classifier_name.lower() in RBF_names: key = "RBF" elif classifier_name.lower() in GaussianProcessClassifier_names: key = "GaussianProcessClassifier" else: print("No classifiers with name '{0}'.".format(classifier_name)) return None return key
def __remove_nans(self, trans_probs, verbose=False): """Given an array of probabilities, remove the nans. Return where not nan which is useful for finding good or bad values. """ bool_row_index_where_nan = np.isnan(trans_probs.T[0]) # where_nan = np.where(bool_row_index_where_nan)[0] where_not_nan = np.where(~bool_row_index_where_nan)[0] # how_many_rows = len(trans_probs.T[0]) how_many_nans = np.sum(bool_row_index_where_nan) clean_trans_probs = np.array([trans_probs[i] for i in where_not_nan]) if verbose: print("Nans omitted: {0}".format(how_many_nans)) return clean_trans_probs, where_not_nan
[docs] def return_probs(self, classifier_name, test_input, verbose=False): """Return probability that a given input corresponds to a class. The probability is calculated using trained classifiers. Parameters ---------- classifier_name : str Name of classifier to train. test_input : ndarray N dimensional inputs to be classified. The shape should be N_points x N_dimensions. verbose : optional, bool Print useful information. Returns ------- normalized_probs : ndarray Array holding the normalized probability for a point to be in any of the possible classes. Shape is N_points x N_classes. where_not_nan: ndarray Indicies of the test inputs that did not result in nans. """ if isinstance(test_input, list): test_input = np.array(test_input) if test_input.ndim == 1: test_input = np.array([test_input]) probs = [] if not bool(self._interpolators_) and not bool( self._cv_interpolators_ ): # if empty raise Exception("\n\nNo trained interpolators exist.") # convert the user input shorthand into a valid key for dict classifier_name = self.get_classifier_name_to_key(classifier_name) if self.__train_cross_val: interpolators = self._cv_interpolators_[classifier_name].items() else: interpolators = self._interpolators_[classifier_name].items() for key, interp in interpolators: # - each interpolator is on a different class if classifier_name == "RBF": argList = [] for col in range(len(test_input[0])): argList.append(test_input.T[col]) uncleaned_data = interp( *argList ) # inherent overshoot occurs in rbf interpolation step_1 = np.where( uncleaned_data > 1, 1, uncleaned_data ) # values above 1 replace with 1 cleaned_data = np.where( step_1 < 0, 0, step_1 ) # negative values set to 0 probs.append(cleaned_data) elif classifier_name == "GaussianProcessClassifier": # print(key, interp.predict(test_input), # interp.predict_proba(test_input ).T[1]) probs.append(interp.predict_proba(test_input).T[1]) # The [1] is selecting the second output from predict_proba for # all points. The second output being the probability that it # is the current class. This is a similar form to all the other # classifier output. elif classifier_name == "LinearNDInterpolator": unfiltered_output = interp( test_input ) # can return nan if out of bounds probs.append(unfiltered_output) else: print("Name not recognized: '{0}'".format(classifier_name)) # for loop - all test points do one interpolator # 1st array in probs = [ <class 0 prob on 1st test point>, # <class 0 prob on 2nd test point>,... ] # to get a row where each element is P for a diff class -> transpose # probs trans_probs = np.array(probs).T clean_trans_probs, where_not_nan = self.__remove_nans( trans_probs, verbose=verbose ) # remove nans try: totals_per_input = np.sum(clean_trans_probs, axis=1) normalized_probs = clean_trans_probs / totals_per_input[:, np.newaxis] except Exception: normalized_probs = [[0]] return normalized_probs, where_not_nan
[docs] def get_class_predictions(self, classifier_name, test_input, return_ids=True): """Return the class predictions. The predictions are in the form of class IDs or the original classification key. This method also returns the probability of the class that was predicted. Parameters ---------- classifier_name : str Name of classification algorithm to use. test_input : ndarray Input values to predict. Same shape as input data. return_ids : bool, optional If True (default), return class IDs. Else, return the original classification keys. Returns ------- pred_class_ids : array Predicted class IDs given test input. max_probs : array Probability the classifier gives for the chosen class. where_not_nan : array Inidices where there are no nans (from LinearNDInterpolator). You may use this to pick out which input data gives a valid classification. """ all_probs, where_not_nan = self.return_probs(classifier_name, test_input) max_probs = np.max(all_probs, axis=1) pred_class_ids = np.argmax(all_probs, axis=1) if return_ids: return pred_class_ids, max_probs, where_not_nan else: pred_classes = [self.class_id_mapping[i] for i in pred_class_ids] return pred_classes, max_probs, where_not_nan
[docs] def get_cross_val_data(self, alpha): """Randomly sample the data set and seperate training and test data. Parameters ---------- alpha : float Fraction of data set to use for training. (0.05 = 5% of data set) Returns ------- sorted_rnd_int_vals : array Array indicies for data used to train interpolators. cv_test_input_data : array Input test data to perform cross validation. cv_test_output_data : array Output test data to perform cross validation. """ num_points = int(len(self.input_data) * alpha) # rnd_input_train = [] # rnd_outout_train = [] rnd_int_vals = [] rnd_int_set = set() ct = 0 while len(rnd_int_vals) < num_points and ct < 1e7: rnd_int = int(np.random.random() * len(self.input_data)) if rnd_int not in rnd_int_set: rnd_int_vals.append(rnd_int) rnd_int_set.add(rnd_int) ct += 1 sorted_rnd_int_vals = sorted(rnd_int_vals) # Random training data # self.cross_val_train_input_data = \ # self.input_data[sorted_rnd_int_vals,:] # self.cross_val_train_class_data = \ # np.argmax(self.binary_class_data.T[sorted_rnd_int_vals,:], axis=1) test_int_vals = [] for i in range(len(self.input_data)): if i in sorted_rnd_int_vals: pass else: test_int_vals.append(i) # The remainder which will be used to test fits cv_test_input_data = self.input_data[test_int_vals, :] cv_test_output_data = np.argmax( self.binary_class_data.T[test_int_vals, :], axis=1 ) return sorted_rnd_int_vals, cv_test_input_data, cv_test_output_data
[docs] def cross_validate(self, classifier_names, alpha, verbose=False): """Cross validate classifiers on data from TableData object. For each iteration, the classifiers specified are all trained and tested on the same random subset of data. Parameters ---------- classifier_names : array Names of classifiers to train. alpha : float Fraction of data set to use for training. (0.05 = 5% of data set) verbose : bool, optional Print statements with more information while training. Returns ------- percent_correct: ndarray Percent correct classification on (1-alpha)% of the data set. Element order matches the order of classifier_names. time_to_train : ndarray Time to train classifiers on a data set. Element order matches the order of classifier_names. """ self.__train_cross_val = True ( train_data_indicies, cv_test_input_data, cv_test_output_data, ) = self.get_cross_val_data(alpha) classifier_names = [ self.get_classifier_name_to_key(x) for x in classifier_names ] if verbose: print( "alpha: {0}, num_training_points: {1}".format( alpha, len(train_data_indicies) ) ) time_to_train = [] # Train classifiers start_time = time.time() for name in classifier_names: self.train(name, di=train_data_indicies) time_to_train.append(time.time() - start_time) predicted_class_ids = [] where_not_nans_holder = [] num_corr_holder = [] # Test classification for name in classifier_names: pred_ids, probs, where_not_nan = self.get_class_predictions( name, cv_test_input_data ) predicted_class_ids.append(pred_ids) where_not_nans_holder.append(where_not_nan) # pred_ids already has nans omitted... # the output data needs to have those removed... num_correct = np.sum( pred_ids == cv_test_output_data[where_not_nan]) num_corr_holder.append(num_correct) percent_correct = [] for j in range(len(num_corr_holder)): top = num_corr_holder[j] bot = len(cv_test_input_data[where_not_nans_holder[j]]) percent_correct.append(top / bot * 100.0) if verbose: print("% Correct Interpolator") print("--------- ----------------") for i in range(len(classifier_names)): offset = 5 + len(classifier_names[i]) print( " {1:.3f} {0}".format( classifier_names[i].rjust(offset), percent_correct[i] ) ) print("") self.__train_cross_val = False return np.array(percent_correct), np.array(time_to_train)
[docs] def make_cv_plot_data(self, interp_type, alphas, N_iterations, folder_path="cv_data/"): """Script for running many instances of the method `cross_validate()`. Cross validation score and timing data produced are saved locally. ! Time to train GaussianProcessClassifier becomes large for num training points > 1000. ! Files saved every 5 iterations to prevent loss of data for large N_iterations. Known expection occurs in GP classifier for low alpha due to data set with only one class. Parameters ---------- interp_type : array_str Names of classifiers to train. alphas : array_floats Fractions of data set to use for training. (0.05 = 5% of data set) (ex. [0.01, 0.02, ...]) N_iterations : int Number of iterations to run cross validation at a given alpha. folder_path : str Folder path where to save cross validation and timing data ("your_folder_path/"). Returns ------- None """ N_total_points = len(self.input_data) for frac in alphas: print("alpha: {0}".format(frac)) print("N training points: {0}".format(int(N_total_points * frac))) cross_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=interp_type) time_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=interp_type) good_cv_count = 0 # iteration_counter = 0 while good_cv_count < (N_iterations): try: percent_correct, time_to_train = self.cross_validate( interp_type, frac ) # .loc[i] is setting a row cross_df.loc[good_cv_count] = percent_correct time_df.loc[good_cv_count] = time_to_train if good_cv_count % 5 == 0: print("\t iter", good_cv_count) cross_df.to_csv(folder_path + "cross_val_data_f%s" % (str(frac))) time_df.to_csv(folder_path + "timing_data_f%s" % (str(frac))) good_cv_count += 1 except Exception as ex: print("!expection!", ex) if good_cv_count == 1: print("Time to run %i at alpha %.3f" % (N_iterations, frac)) print("~%.2f seconds" % (np.sum(time_to_train) * N_iterations)) cross_df.to_csv(folder_path + "cross_val_data_f%s" % (str(frac))) time_df.to_csv(folder_path + "timing_data_f%s" % (str(frac))) print(" ------------ DONE ------------ ") return
[docs] def get_rnd_test_inputs(self, N, other_rng=dict(), verbose=False): """Produce randomly sampled 'test' inputs inside domain of input_data. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of test inputs to return. other_rng : dict, optional Change the range of random sampling in desired axis. By default, the sampling is done in the range of the training data. The axis is specified with an integer key in [0,N-1] mapping to a list specifying the range. (e.g. {1:[my_min, my_max]}) verbose : bool, optional Print diagnostic information. Returns ------- rnd_test_points : ndarray Test points randomly sampled in the range of the training data in each axis unless otherwise specified in 'other_rng'. Has the same shape as input data from TableData. """ num_axis = len(self.input_data[0]) # find max and min in each axis a_max = [] a_min = [] for i in range(num_axis): a_max.append(max(self.input_data.T[i])) a_min.append(min(self.input_data.T[i])) # sample N points between max & min in each axis axis_rnd_points = [] for i in range(num_axis): if i in other_rng: b_min, b_max = other_rng[i] else: b_min, b_max = a_min[i], a_max[i] if verbose: print("{0} - min: {1}, max: {2}".format(i, b_min, b_max)) r = np.random.uniform(low=b_min, high=b_max, size=int(N)) # this reshape is necessary to concatenate axis_rnd_points.append(r[:, np.newaxis]) # now put the random points back together with same shape as input_data rnd_test_points = np.concatenate(axis_rnd_points, axis=1) return rnd_test_points
[docs] def make_max_cls_plot(self, classifier_name, axes_keys, other_rng=dict(), N=4000, **kwargs): """Make the maximum classification probablity plot. Not generalized yet to slice along redundant axes. """ vals = self.get_rnd_test_inputs(N, other_rng=other_rng) class_vals, probs, where_not_nan = self.get_class_predictions( classifier_name, vals, return_ids=False ) fig, (cls_data, prob) = plt.subplots( 1, 2, figsize=(12, 4), gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [1.0, 1.2]} ) input_data = self._TableData_.get_data( what_data="input", return_df=True) output_cls_data = self._TableData_.get_class_data( what_data="class_col") x_data = input_data[axes_keys[0]].values y_data = input_data[axes_keys[1]].values cls_data.set_title("Input data from TableData") cls_data.set_xlabel(axes_keys[0]) cls_data.set_ylabel(axes_keys[1]) color_dict = OrderedDict() for j, color_str in enumerate(self._TableData_._class_colors_): color_dict[j] = color_str cls_data.scatter(x_data, y_data, c=[color_dict[i] for i in output_cls_data]) # You need to use a mapping to get classes to colors # I should add this to prob.set_xlabel(axes_keys[0]) prob_plt = prob.scatter(vals.T[0], vals.T[1], c=probs, **kwargs) cb = fig.colorbar(prob_plt)"Maximum classification probability") prob.set_title("{}".format( self.get_classifier_name_to_key(classifier_name))) return fig, (cls_data, prob)