Pipeline steps
The pipeline is divided into several steps, which build up on each other. Each step will take a csv file as input. The name of this file is used to tell the pipeline, which step should be performed.
The script to run the pipeline takes four arguments:
[path] The path to the girds main directory (currently not used)
[path] The path to the csv file
[int] An index indicating the data entry to read from the csv file
[int] Whether one wants verbose output (1) or not (0)
The current directory will be used as working directory, hence navigate to your work directory first.
Step1: creating a PSyGrid object
First, we need to create the PSyGird
object. To do so, the pipeline
needs to now the directory which contains the MESA runs, the compression, the
grid type, and whether to crop the history for some certain runs. Hence, the
file should have those columns:
And the lines below contain the data for each unique combination of the three
parameters to be processed. Here the DATA_ID
simply refers to the line
below the header starting by 0. Thus, the second line in the file has the index
0, the third one has index 1 and so on.
The currently supported compression types are:
Type |
Description |
It keeps all columns and history entries given by MESA |
It discards some columns and reduces the history and final profiles to an maximum error of 0.1 and limit profiles to contain in maximum 200 data points |
*_RLO |
The |
Step2: combining PSyGrid objects
Usually, the girds are split into batches or reruns are done. In those cases,
there will be several PSyGrid
objects created for one gird. This step
will join them into one. The step_2.csv
file should have a matrix
structure. The columns contain the girds which should be combined to the one
specified in the header (first) row. The DATA_ID
corresponds here to
the column number (starting with 0). Here an example:
The data will be put on top of each other. E.g. if there is the same
initial system in OLD_H5_FILE11
and OLD_H5_FILE12
, the one
in OLD_H5_FILE11
will be discarded and only the one in
will end up in NEW_H5_FILE1
Step3: calculating extra values from detailed data
In this step we calculate extra quantities from the histories and profiles. Those extra values are key parameters at He depletion, at onset of common envelope evolution, and at core collapse.
Because some of the values may require a high precision in the data, we
recommend to use the data from the ORIGINAL compression to calculate them. But
the new values can be added to any PSyGrid
object. Hence this step
requests three paths to be specified in step_3.csv
beside the gird
Path |
Description |
path_to_grid |
path of the gird, which get the values appended to it |
grid_type |
type of the grid |
path_to_grid_ORIGINAL |
path of the grid, where the values are calculated from |
path_to_processed_grid |
path of the new grid (a copy of the one specified as |
This step use the path to the original MESA data as the unique identifier
of each system in the PSyGrid
object, thus the location of the MESA
file cannot be changed between creating two PSyGrid
objects of the
same grid in step1. Similarly, the overlaying in
step2 needs to be the same, too. Therefore, we
recommend to setup and run the pipeline with an
ini file.
Step4: training of the interpolators
To get interpolated data from our grids, we train in this step an interpolator
on your PSyGrid
object. The file step_4.csv
therefore has to
contain three information bits: First, the grid containing the data, second,
the grid type, third, the interpolation method (inlcuding whether the grid
starts at RLO), and finally, the name of the interpolator object.
The type of interpolator will be recognized from the name of the
interpolator object. The syntax is IF_METHOD{_RLO}.pkl
. The
stands for initial-final interpolator, the METHOD
to the interpolator type. The girds starting at Roche-lobe overflow may be
indicated in the name as well, but is not required.
Description |
linear |
linear interpolation |
1NN |
nearest neighbor |
Step9: exporting the data set
After we have a complete data set, we would like to export it to be used for
the population synthesis. We jump here to step 9, because this will always be
the last step even more steps may get introduced in the future. In
, there are again two paths required, a source and an export
path. The step will simply copy the source to the export location. Hence, here
the final PSyGrid
objects and all the interpolator files are usually
addressed by this step.
StepR: exporting a rerun
Usually, a grid will not run well everywhere on the first go. So, there is a need to export reruns which changes for the next run to fix non converged models. This step is therefore only needed during the build of a new grid. Usually, one would run the steps to the point, where the need of a fix arises. Additionally, before exporting a rerun, the logic how to select a system to be included in the rerun and what should be changed needs to get implemented first.
For this step the csv file is called rerun.csv
to avoid too much
confusion with other steps. It clearly has to run after a step, but it is no
usual step itself. It requires a path to a PSyGrid
object to get the
models from, a path, where the rerun should be stored (it creates in there the
and the ini file needed to
setup a new run), the grid type, the metallicity, the
type of the rerun specifying the logic and changes, and the cluster name.
Future version |
Description |
default in v3+ |
it enables the MESA inlist commit, which stops MESA before getting dynamical to save a final profile there |
reverse_MT |
default in v3+ |
it uses a MESA version with a bug fix, that the role of donor and accretor can switch during the simulation |
opacity_max |
caution |
it uses a fixed maximum opacity of 0.5 (this is only a last option change to get more stability) |
TPAGBwind |
default in v3+ |
it enables the MESA inlist commit, which changes the wind during the TPAGB phase |
thermohaline_mixing |
default in v3+ |
it uses thermohaline mixing in the inlist |
HeMB_MLTp_mesh |
caution |
it turns off magnetic braking for He stars; it uses less extreme parameters of the MLT++ (this can cause significant changes in the radius evolution of stars); it changes some more input values to change the resulation close to the surface |
more_mesh |
workaround |
it modifies the remeshing and allows for more cells in MESA |
conv_bdy_weight |
caution |
it disabled the convective_bdy_weight where this caused segmentation faults (this avoids a bug in the old MESA version r11701) |
dedt_energy_eqn |
caution |
it enables MESA’s dedt-form of the energy equation for numerical stability during rapid (superthermal) mass transfer |
dedt_hepulse |
caution |
it enables MESA’s dedt-form of the energy equation for rapid mass transfer; at stripped HeZAMS, several MLT++ changes, v_flag and lnPgas_flag set to .true., and convective_bdy_weight disabled to help with stripped He star superadiabatic envelopes, pulsations, and WD cooling |
LBV_wind |
default in v3+ |
it turns on LBV winds when crossing the Humphreys-Davidson limit as intended (due to a bug this was only applied after a retry); additionally, there are reruns LBV_wind+thermohaline_mixing, LBV_wind+dedt_energy_eqn, which combine the two rerun types. Any additional changes to these reruns are described here as LBV_wind+rerun_type |
no_age_limit |
default in v3+ |
it allows low mass stars to evolve beyond the age of the universe, which is needed for grids where we jump on past ZAMS; additionally, there are reruns no_age_limit+thermohaline_mixing and no_age_limit+dedt_energy_eqn, which combine the two rerun types |
LBV_wind+dedt |
caution |
it enables MESA’s dedt-form of the energy equation for numerical stability during rapid (superthermal) mass transfer and sets lnPgas_flag to .true. for numerical stability. Also disabled convective_bdy_weight as a degenerate core is forming (as probed by the central Coulomb coupling parameter) to avoid segmentation faults. |
LBV_wind+hepulse |
caution |
it contains the LBV_wind+dedt_energy_rerun; additionally, at stripped HeZAMS, the thresholds to trigger MLT++ are relaxed, and several timestep controls limiting the allowed variation of lgTeff and (cell-wise) T, as well as controls limiting the allowed variation of donor envelope mass are relaxed during mass transfer to improve convergence during envelope stripping. Also removes stopping conditions for Hubble time and TAMS that would be enforced for models less massive than roughly G-type stars, relevant to single_* and CO_* grids. |