POSYDON Documentation

Welcome to POSYDON!
Welcome to the official documentation of POSYDON - POpulation SYnthesis with Detailed binary-evolution simulatiONs. Whether you’re a new user, a contributor, or just exploring, we’re delighted to have you here!
POSYDON is a next-generation single and binary-star population synthesis tool. Our vision is to provide researchers and enthusiasts with a state-of-the-art platform to delve into the intricacies of stellar structures and binary evolutions using MESA. With full stellar structure modeling, advanced machine learning techniques, and a modular architecture, POSYDON stands at the forefront of astrophysical simulations.
To stay up to date with the latest news about POSYDON, check out our official website for more details.
How is this Documentation Structured?
Introductions Discover what POSYDON is, its objectives, and its science scope.
Getting Started: A quick guide to get POSYDON up and running on your machine.
User Guides: Detailed guides on using various features.
Tutorials and Examples: Step-by-step walkthroughs of typical use-cases.
In-Depth Components Overview: Delve deep into the core components of POSYDON.
API Reference: A comprehensive reference for developers.
Troubleshooting and FAQs: Answers to common questions and problems.
Contributing to POSYDON: Join our community and help us grow!
Release Notes and Changelog: Stay updated with our version history.
Contact and Support: Reach out to us with your queries or feedback.
Getting Started
User Guides
Tutorials and Examples
In-Depth Components Overview
API Reference
Troubleshooting and FAQs
Contributing to POSYDON
Contact and Support
Team Members: POSYDON is being led and developed by a dedicated team of astrophysicists and computer scientists. At the helm are Principal Investigators Tassos Fragos (Université de Genève) and Vicky Kalogera (Northwestern University), along with many talented individuals. You can read more about the team and they research on Collaborative Team page.
Funding Agencies: The POSYDON project is supported primarily by two sources: the Swiss National Science Foundation Professorship grant (PI Fragos) and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (PI Kalogera).
Licensing: POSYDON is licensed under “BSD 3-Clause”. For full licensing details, please refer to our LICENSE.