The Population Object

The Population object is an interface for the population data, which is stored in a HDF5 file. You can find more information about the file structure here: The Structure of Population Files.

The population file is created by a population synthesis run, and contains the history of each system in the population, and an oneline description of each system and its evolution.

The Population object is created by passing the path to the population file to the constructor. It will not load in the data immediately, but only when requested.

from posydon.popsyn import Population

pop = Population('path/to/population.h5')

There are three main components of the Population object:

  • history: the history of the population

  • oneline: the oneline data of the population

  • formation_channels: the formation channels of the population

The formation_channels is not immediately available, but can be created using the calculate_formation_channels() function of the Population object.

Additionally, Population.mass_per_metallicity contains some essential metadata calculated from the populaiton synthesis run. It is a pandas.DataFrame with the metallicity (in solar units) as the index and 3 columns:

  1. count, the number of systems at that metallicity in the file.

  2. simulated_mass, the total ZAMS mass of the population run at that metallicity.

  3. underlying_mass, the total mass of the population run at that metallicity, assuming a binary fraction of 1. This is calculated in initial_total_underlying_mass().


history contains the full history of each system in the population. The history is stored in a pandas DataFrame, where each row is a timestep in the evolution of a system. The columns of the DataFrame are the parameters of the system at each timestep.

The history contains the data from the binary and the individual stars. See Single Star and Binary Star for more information about the columns in the history table.

The single star data is stored with the prefix S1 or S2 based on which star.

Accessing columns or binaries in the history table is easy.

binary_0 = pop.history[0]

This will return the complete history of the first binary in the population, including all its columns.

If you want to access a specific column, you can do so by using the column name.

mass_1 = pop.history['S1_mass']

A more powerful feature is the function, which allows you to select specific rows or columns from the history table. Here’s an example:


The function only allows the use of where= for specific columns and the index. The columns are limited to those containing strings.

# using where with the index
mass_10 =['S1_mass'], where='index==10')

# using where with a string column
mass_ZAMS =['S1_mass'], where='event == "ZAMS"')

If you want to have a peak, you can use the head() or tail() functions.

Additional functions are made available for easy of use.

If you want to check the length of the history of a system, you can use Population.history.lengths or Population.history_lengths.


The total number of systems in the population can be found with number_of_systems.


Similarly, if you would like to check the indices in the file, you can use Population.indices or Population.history.indices. The indices are useful in selecting systems from the population.

It’s also possible to check the columns in the history table with Population.columns or Population.history.columns.




oneline() contains a single line description of each system in the population. This is useful for a quick inspection of the population. The oneline data is stored in a pandas DataFrame, where each row is a system in the population.

Some properties over the evolution of the binary do not change, such as the natal kick properties or interpolation class. Besides the initial and final properties of the system, this table also contains these data.

The initial-final properties are those in the history table, but with the postfix _i and _f depending on the initial or final value. The additional values are the scalar values from the individual stars and the binary properties (See Single Star and Binary Star).

Additionally, WARNING, FAILED, and metallicity columns are available in the oneline table.

Like the history access, you can access the oneline data by using the index of the system or the columns.

binary_0 = pop.oneline[0]
mass = pop.oneline['S1_mass_i']
selection =['S1_mass_i'], where='index==10')

You can check the columns and indices of the oneline table with Population.oneline.columns and Population.columns['oneline'].


The number of systems in the population can be found with Population.oneline.number_of_systems. The length and indices of the oneline table can be found with Population.oneline.lengths, and Population.oneline.indices, respectively.



formation_channels contains the formation channels of each system in the population. The formation channels are stored in a pandas DataFrame, where each row is a system in the population.

The formation channels are calculated by combining the event column in the history table into a single string using the calculate_formation_channels() function of the Population object.

Two columns are available in the formation channels table:

  • debug_channel : A longer description of the formation channel, where additional events are included.

  • channel : A cleaned-up version of the history events, where events are separated by a -.

Additional Attributes

  • ini_parameters: The parameters for the initial sampling conditions of the population synthesis run.

  • mass_per_metallicity: The mass per metallicity bin for the population synthesis run. The underlying_mass is calculated with the assumption that binary fraction == 1.

  • history_lengths: The length of the history of each system in the population.

    This is created the first time the file is opened with the Population object.

Exporting part of the population

The class function Population.export_selection allows you to export part of the population to a new HDF5 file. It takes a list of indices of the systems you want to export, and the path to the new file. This will copy the systems with the given indices to the new file, which includes their history, oneline data, and formation channels (if presen).

pop.export_selection([0, 1, 2], 'path/to/new_population.h5')

If the file already exists, the function will raise an error. If you want to overwrite or append to the file, you can use the overwrite argument or append argument.

pop.export_selection([0, 1, 2], 'path/to/new_population.h5', overwrite=True)
pop.export_selection([0, 1, 2], 'path/to/new_population.h5', append=True)


The TransientPopulation object is an interface for the transient data of the population. It inherits from the Population object, but also allows access to the transient populations in the population file.

A transient population consists of instantaneous events in the population, such as supernovae, kilonovae, or gamma-ray bursts. These have a single “moment” in time, and are not part of the evolution of the system. The TransientPopulation class has been designed to handle these events, but future versions of the code may include more complex populations.

from posydon.popsyn.synthetic_population import TransientPopulation

# where transient_name is the name of the transient population in the file
trans_pop = TransientPopulation('path/to/population.h5', 'transient_name')

The transient population is created using the Population.create_transient_population() function of the Population object. This function creates a separate table with each transient in the population file. It loops over all the systems in the population in chunks and applies the given function to them.

The Population.create_transient_population() function takes a function as an argument: selection_function.

The selection_function takes 3 arguments: history_chunk, oneline_chunk, and formation_channels_chunk (optional). These chunks are cut based on a given chunksize, which is set to 1000000 by default, and are cut on system. This means that always a complete history of a system is passed to the function by Population.create_transient_population().

selection_function is a function you can adapt to your own needs, and examples of building one are given in the tutorial-examples.population-synthesis.bbh-analysis or tutorial-examples.population-synthesis.lgrb_pop_syn.


The selection_function should return a pandas DataFrame with at least a metallicity and time column of each event. Moreover, every row should only contain a single event.

We provide a few standard selection functions for the most common transient populations, such as binary black holes and long gamma-ray bursts. These functions are available in the posydon.popsyn.transient_select_funcs module.

After loading a transient population, you keep access to the history and oneline data of the population. Now, you can access the transient data of the population using TrannsientPopulation.population.


With this population, you can calculate additional information, such as the efficiency over metallicity.


channels=True includes the formation channels in the efficiency calculation.

The TransientPopulation contains a few plotting functions for ease.

log_bins = np.logspace(6.5, 10.5, 51)
trans_pop.plot_delay_time_distribution(metallicity=0.1, bins=log_bins)

The most useful function is plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice. It allows you to overplot properties of your TransienPopulation onto the grids.


Make sure that you’ve set your PATH_TO_POSYDON and PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA environment variables correctly. These are required to plot over the grid slices.

If you like to write to a folder, you can use plot_dir='path/to/dir' and use save_fig=True.

# plot the HMS-HMS grid at 1e-4 with S1_spin and q=0.7
plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice('HMS-HMS', 1e-4, slices=[0.7], prop='S1_spin', prop_range=[0,0.3], save_fig=False, channel='ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END')


The Rates object inherits from the TransientPopulation object and is used to access the cosmic rate data of the transient population.

It also allows the user to calculate the intrinsic rate density of the events in the population, and apply observational effects to the population.

from posydon.popsyn.synthetic_population import Rates

rates = Rates('path/to/population.h5', 'transient_name', 'SFH_identifier')

Cosmic weights are added to the population file using the calculate_cosmic_weights() function. This function calculates the cosmic weights of the events in the population based on the birth redshifts and the population weight. The function takes an SFH_identifier, which is where the cosmic weights are stored in the population file. The MODEL_in argument is used to specify the model parameters for the rate calculation.

The table below shows the Default values and the supported values.







The time interval to split the birth times into



‘The star formation history identifier [IllustrisTNG/Madau+Fragos17/Madau+Dickinson14/Neijssel+19]””



The uncertainty in the SFR (float) or the identifier of the SFR uncertainty [Bavera+20/Neijssel+19](str)



The maximum metallicity to consider [0.0-1.0]



Select one metallicity. Requires only one metallicity in the population



The metallicity bin width when selecting a single bin (float), the bin edges (tuple(float, float)), or if None with select_one_met=True, then all metallicities is used.



The solar metallicity

The cosmic rate data is stored in 3 different tables in the population file:

  1. birth : A table containing the birth redshifts and lookback times used in the rate calculation.

  2. z_events : The redshifts of the events in the population and the birth redshifts of the events.

  3. weights : The weights of each event based on their birth redshifts and their population weight.

You can calculate the intrinsic rate density of the events in the population using Rates.calculate_intrinsic_rate_density(). This populates the intrinsic_rate_density table in the population file.

# calculate the intrinsic rate density per formation channel


The Rates object also contains information about the metallicity and redshift bins and edges.


Besides plotting the intrinsic rate, you can plot the distribution of properties of the population. You can use any property in the TransientPopulation table.

rates.plot_hist_properties('S1_mass', intrinsice=True, label='S1', show=True)

Although the intrinsic rate density is a useful quantity, it is not directly observable, especially for binary black holes.

As such, we also include the possibility to apply observational effects to the population. This is done using the Rates.calculate_observable_population() function. It reweights the event weights based on the detection efficiency of the event. The function takes a function as an argument: observable_func and a observable_identifier.

The observable_func you give the function should take 3 arguments: 1. transient_chunk : The transient data of the population. 2. z_events_chunk : The redshifts of the events in the population. 3. weights_chunk : The weights of each event based on their birth redshifts and their population weight.

The observable_func should take these arguments and use them to determine the detection efficiency of the event. We have included an example in the posydon.popsyn.transient_select_funcs.DCO_detactability().

However, since that function requires a detection argument, it requires a wrapper to work with our function here.

from posydon.popsyn.transient_select_funcs import DCO_detactability
def DCO_wrapper(transient_chunk, z_events_chunk, weights_chunk):
  sensitivity = 'design_H1L1V1'
  return DCO_detactability(sensitivity, transient_chunk, z_events_chunk, weights_chunk, verbose=False)

# We also give it a name, which is used as an identifier in the file
rates.calculate_observable_population(DCO_wrapper, 'design_H1L1V1')

The observable population is accesed through the observable_population attribute of the Rates object. You require to know the observable_identifier to access the data, which can be accessed with Rates.observable_population_names


The observable population can be plotted in the same way as the intrinsic rate density. However, you require to define which observable population you want to plot.

rates.plot_hist_properties('S1_mass', intrinsic=False, observable='design_H1L1V1', label='S1', show=True)

If you like to overplot multiple properties, you can set show=False and manually provide an axis.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
bins = np.linspace(0,100,101)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

rates.plot_hist_properties('S1_mass', intrinsice=True, observable='design_H1L1V1', bins=bins, ax = ax, label='S1', show=False)
rates.plot_hist_properties('S2_mass', intrinsice=True, observable='design_H1L1V1', bins=bins, ax = ax, label='S1', show=False)

The Structure of Population Files

The main output of a population synthesis run is a HDF5 population file.

Each element in the file is stored as a pandas DataFrame. While some elements are always present, because they’re calculated as part of the population synthesis run, other elements are optional and can be added by the user.

The tables describe the location of the data inside the population file. This is only necessary if you want to access the data directly from the file. If you use the Population() object, you can access the data directly from the object.

Standard Components of a Population file




The history of each system (single star or binary) in the population, where each system has a unique index.


The oneline data of each system in the population. A description of the system in a single line, which is useful for quick inspection of the population.


The parameters for the initial sampling conditions of the population synthesis run.


The mass per metallicity bin for the population synthesis run. The underlying_mass is calculated with the assumption that binary fraction == 1.

As you work with your population, you can add additional components to the population file. Based on the components and the user given identifiers, the data is stored in the following locations in the population file.

Additional components




The length of the history of each system in the population. This is created the first time the file is opened with the Population object.


The formation channels of each system in the population. This combines the event column in the history table into a single string. calculate_formation_channels() is used to create this component.


The transient data of each system in the population. The transient data is stored in a separate table for each transient. This is created by create_transient_population().


The transient efficiencies over metallicity. This is calculated with get_efficiency_over_metallicity().


The MODEL parameters for the specific transient rate calculations done with calculate_cosmic_weights().


A table containing the birth redshifts and lookback times used in the rate calculation.


The redshifts of the events in the population and the birth redshifts of the events.


The weights of each event based on their birth redshifts and their population weight.


The intrinsic rate density of the events in the population, calculated with calculate_intrinsic_rate_density().