"""Default values for plotting routines.
This file contains the default parameters of each plotting routines.
Each default plotting variable is contained in this dictionary.
Each termination condition is associated with a marker shape, size, color
and label.
__authors__ = [
"Simone Bavera <Simone.Bavera@unige.ch>",
"Devina Misra <devina.misra@unige.ch>",
"Scott Coughlin <scottcoughlin2014@u.northwestern.edu>",
"Emmanouil Zapartas <ezapartas@gmail.com>",
"Matthias Kruckow <Matthias.Kruckow@unige.ch>",
from matplotlib import rcParams
import shutil
'show_fig': False,
'close_fig': True,
'path_to_file': './',
'fname': None,
'figsize': (3.38, 3.38),
'bbox_inches': 'tight',
'dpi': 300,
'log10_x': False,
'log10_y': False,
'log10_z': False,
'xmin': None,
'xmax': None,
'ymin': None,
'ymax': None,
'zmin': None,
'zmax': None,
'title': None,
'rcParams': {"text.usetex": True if shutil.which('latex') else False,
"font.family": "serif",
"font.sans-serif": ["Computer Modern Roman"]},
'title_font_dict': {'fontsize': 10},
'title_loc': 'center',
'xlabel': None,
'xlabel_kwargs': {
'fontsize': 10
'ylabel': None,
'ylabel_kwargs': {
'fontsize': 10
'marker_size': 4,
'hspace': None,
'wspace': None,
'const_R_lines': False,
'colorbar': {
'label': None,
'label_size': 10,
'orientation': 'horizontal',
'fraction': 0.15,
'pad': 0.2,
'shrink': 1,
'aspect': 20,
'anchor': (0.0, 0.5),
'panchor': (1.0, 0.5),
'extend': 'neither',
'bounds': [0.03, 0.7, 0.94, 0.05]
'legend1D': {
'title': None,
'lines_legend': None,
'title_font_size': 8,
'loc': 'upper right',
'ncol': 1,
'borderaxespad': None,
'handletextpad': None,
'columnspacing': 0.4,
'prop': {
'size': 8
'shrink_box': 1,
'bbox_to_anchor': None
'legend2D': {
'title': 'Termination flags',
'title_font_size': 8,
'loc': 'center left',
'ncol': 1,
'borderaxespad': None,
'handletextpad': None,
'columnspacing': 0.4,
'prop': {
'size': 8
'shrink_box': 0.85,
'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 0.5)
'slice_text_kwargs': {
'bbox': {'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.8, 'pad': 2},
'ha': 'right',
'va': 'bottom',
'x': 0.95,
'y': 0.05
'PdfPages': None
list_of_colors = ['#a6611a',
[(31/255, 119/255, 180/255)],
[(255/255, 127/255, 14/255)]]
TF1_label_stable = 'Reached end life'
TF1_label_initial = 'Initial RLOF'
TF1_label_unstable = 'Unstable RLOF'
color_unstable = 'black'
'termination_flag_1': {
'terminate due to primary depleting carbon (inverse sn?)':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Primary has depleted central carbon':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Secondary has depleted central carbon':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Primary got stopped before central carbon depletion':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Secondary got stopped before central carbon depletion':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Primary enters pair-instability regime':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Secondary enters pair-instability regime':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Primary enters pulsational pair-instability regime':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Secondary enters pulsational pair-instability regime':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'offcenter neon ignition for primary':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'offcenter neon ignition for secondary':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L1 at ZAMS':
['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
'Terminate because of overflowing initial model':
['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L2 point for q>1 at ZAMS':
['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L2 surface for q<1 at ZAMS':
['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L2 surface for q>1 at ZAMS':
['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L2 surface for q<1':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
r'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
'donor is star 1':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
r'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
'donor is star 1':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
r'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
'donor is star 1':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
r'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
'donor is star 1':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, donor is star 2':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, donor is star 2':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'reached maximum mass transfer rate: 10.0d0':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: 1d-1':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'Reached the critical mt rate':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'Reached TPAGB':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_initial],
'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and at least one of them is off MS':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and t_kh > t_acc':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'overflow from L2, t_kh > t_acc and w > w_crit_lim, donor is star 1':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'overflow from L2, t_kh > t_acc and w > w_crit_lim, donor is star 2':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'Terminate due to L2 overflow during case A':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: Exceeded photon trapping radius':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
'Terminate because accretor (r-rl)/rl > accretor_overflow_terminate':
['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
['x', 1, 'red', 'logQ_limit'],
['x', 1, 'red', 'logQ_limit'],
['x', 1, 'red', 'Not converged'],
'reach cluster timelimit':
['x', 1, 'red', 'Not converged'],
'no termination code':
['x', 1, 'red', 'no termination code'],
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Initial RLOF':
['.', 1, 'black', TF1_label_initial],
'Not converged':
['x', 1, 'red', 'Not converged'],
['x', 1, 'tab:purple', 'fe_core_infall_limit'],
['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
['+', 1, 'red', 'unknown'],
'termination_flag_2': {
['+', 1, 'black', 'initial RLOF'],
['+', 1, 'black', 'initial RLOF'],
['+', 1, 'black', 'initial RLOF'],
['+', 1, 'black', 'initial RLOF'],
['.', 1, 'black', 'no RLOF'],
['v', 1, 'black', 'contact during MS'],
['^', 1, 'black', 'L2 RLOF'],
['s', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case A1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:green', 'case A1/B1'],
['s', 2, 'lightgrey', 'case A1/B1/A1'],
['s', 2, 'yellow', 'case A1/B1/C1'],
['s', 2, 'yellow', 'case A1/C1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:red', 'case A1/B1/BB1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:cyan', 'case A1/B1/C1/BB1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case B1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case B1/BB1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case B1/C1/BB1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:orange', 'case B1/C1'],
['s', 2, 'black', 'case C1'],
['s', 2, 'brown', 'case C1/BB1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case BA1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:green', 'case BB1'],
['s', 2, 'tab:red', 'case BA1/BB1'],
['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case A2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:green', 'case A2/B2'],
['o', 2, 'lightgrey', 'case A2/B2/A2'],
['o', 2, 'yellow', 'case A2/B2/C2'],
['o', 2, 'yellow', 'case A2/C2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'case A2/B2/BB2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:cyan', 'case A2/B2/C2/BB2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case B2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case B2/BB2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case B2/C2/BB2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:orange', 'case B2/C2'],
['o', 2, 'black', 'case C2'],
['o', 2, 'brown', 'case C2/BB2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case BA2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:green', 'case BB2'],
['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'case BA1/BB2'],
['>', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case A1/A2'],
['>', 2, 'tab:green', 'case A1/A2/A1'],
['>', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case A1/A2/B1'],
['>', 2, 'tab:orange', 'case A1/A2/B1/B2'],
['>', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case A1/B1/BB1'],
['>', 2, 'tab:red', 'case A1/A2/B2'],
['>', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case A1/B1/B2'],
['>', 2, 'tab:olive', 'case A1/B1/A2/B2'],
['>', 2, 'yellow', 'case A1/B1/A2/B1/B2'],
['>', 2, 'brown', 'case A1/B1/B2'],
['>', 2, 'black', 'case A1/B1/B2/B1'],
['>', 2, 'tab:cyan', 'case A1/B1/C1/BB1'],
['<', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case B1/A2'],
['<', 2, 'tab:green', 'case B1/A2/B2'],
['<', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case B1/B2'],
['<', 2, 'tab:red', 'case B1/B2/B1'],
['<', 2, 'brown', 'case B1/B2/BB1'],
['<', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case B1/B2/B1/B2/B1/B2/B1/B2/B1'],
['<', 2, 'tab:olive', 'case B1/B2/B1/C1'],
['<', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case B1/B2/C1'],
['<', 2, 'black', 'case B1/B2/C1/BB1'],
['<', 2, 'tab:cyan', 'case B1/C1'],
['v', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case B2/B1'],
['v', 2, 'tab:green', 'case B2/B1/C1'],
['v', 2, 'tab:orange', 'case B2/C1'],
['v', 2, 'tab:red', 'case B1/A2/B2/C1'],
['v', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case A2/B1/B2'],
['v', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case A1/B1/B2/C1'],
['v', 2, 'tab:olive', 'case A1/B1/B2/B1/C1'],
['v', 2, 'brown', 'case A1/B1/A2/B2/C1'],
['v', 2, 'yellow', 'case A1/B2/C1'],
['v', 2, 'black', 'case A1/A2/B2/C1'],
['v', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case A2/A1'],
['x', 1, 'tab:red', 'failed'],
'termination_flag_3': {
['v', 2, 'tab:orange', 'H-rich H non-burning'],
['v', 2, 'black', 'accreted He core H burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:red', 'H-rich shell H burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:pink', 'H-rich core C burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:brown', 'H-rich central C depletion'],
['s', 2, 'tab:blue', 'H-rich core He burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:green', 'H-rich shell He burning'],
['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'stripped He-star core He burning'],
['o', 2, 'tab:green', 'stripped He-star shell He burning'],
['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'stripped He-star core C burning'],
['o', 2, 'tab:brown', 'stripped He-star C depletion'],
['o', 2, 'gray', 'stripped He-star non burning'],
['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
['*', 1, 'black', 'BH'],
['*', 1, 'tab:gray', 'NS'],
['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H burning'],
'termination_flag_4': {
['v', 2, 'tab:orange', 'H-rich H non-burning'],
['v', 2, 'black', 'accreted He core H burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:red', 'H-rich shell H burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:pink', 'H-rich core C burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:brown', 'H-rich central C depletion'],
['s', 2, 'tab:blue', 'H-rich core He burning'],
['s', 2, 'tab:purple', 'H-rich near central C depletion'],
['s', 2, 'tab:green', 'H-rich shell He burning'],
['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'stripped He-star core He burning'],
['o', 2, 'tab:green', 'stripped He-star shell He burning'],
['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'stripped He-star core C burning'],
['o', 2, 'tab:brown', 'stripped He-star C depletion'],
['o', 2, 'gray', 'stripped He-star non burning'],
['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
['*', 1, 'black', 'BH'],
['*', 1, 'tab:gray', 'NS'],
['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H buring'],
['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H buring'],
'combined_TF12': {
'Stable contact':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[3], 'Stable contact phase'],
'Stable case A':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[2], 'Last stable RLOF during MS'],
'Stable case B':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
'Stable case C':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
'Stable case BA':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case BB':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
# hot fix for case AA should be removed later:
'Stable case AA':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[2], 'Last stable RLOF during MS'],
'Stable case AB':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
'Stable case AC':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
'Stable case An':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
'Stable case ABA':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case ABB':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case BC':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
'Stable case Bn':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
'Stable case BBA':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case BBB':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case Cn':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
'Stable case CBA':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case CBB':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case BABB':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case BAn':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case BBn':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Stable case n':
['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF while non burning'],
'Unstable contact':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[3], 'Unstable contact phase'],
'Unstable case A':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[2], 'Unstable RLOF during MS'],
'Unstable case B':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
'Unstable case C':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
'Unstable case BA':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case BB':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case AB':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
'Unstable case AC':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
'Unstable case An':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
'Unstable case ABA':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case ABB':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case BC':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
'Unstable case Bn':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
'Unstable case BBA':
['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case BBB':
['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case Cn':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
'Unstable case CBA':
['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case CBB':
['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case BABB':
['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case BAn':
['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case BBn':
['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Unstable case n':
['D', 2, list_of_colors[1],
'Unstable RLOF while non burning'],
'Unstable L2 RLOF':
['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
'Initial RLOF':
['.', 1, 'black', 'Initial RLOF'],
['s', 2, 'lightgrey', 'no RLOF'],
'Not converged':
['x', 1, 'red', 'Not converged'],
['+', 1, 'green', 'unknown'],
'Reverse stable MT':
['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'Stable reverse mass-transfer phase'],
'Reverse unstable MT':
['D', 1, 'tab:olive', 'Unstable reverse mass-transfer phase'],
'debug': {
'terminate due to primary depleting carbon (inverse sn?)':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Primary has depleted central carbon':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Secondary has depleted central carbon':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Primary got stopped before central carbon depletion':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Secondary got stopped before central carbon depletion':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Primary enters pair-instability regime':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Secondary enters pair-instability regime':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Primary enters pulsational pair-instability regime':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Secondary enters pulsational pair-instability regime':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'offcenter neon ignition for primary':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'offcenter neon ignition for secondary':
['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'overflow from L1 at ZAMS':
['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
'Terminate because of overflowing initial model':
['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L2 point for q>1 at ZAMS':
['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L2 surface for q<1 at ZAMS':
['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L2 surface for q>1 at ZAMS':
['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
'overflow from L2 surface for q<1':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
r'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
'donor is star 1':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
r'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
'donor is star 1':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
r'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
'donor is star 1':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
r'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
'donor is star 1':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
'donor is star 2':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
'donor is star 2':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'reached maximum mass transfer rate: 10.0d0':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: 1d-1':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'Reached the critical mt rate':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'Reached TPAGB':
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_initial],
'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and at least one of them is off MS':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and t_kh > t_acc':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'overflow from L2, t_kh > t_acc and w > w_crit_lim, donor is star 1':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'overflow from L2, t_kh > t_acc and w > w_crit_lim, donor is star 2':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'Terminate due to L2 overflow during case A':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: Exceeded photon trapping radius':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
'Terminate because accretor (r-rl)/rl > accretor_overflow_terminate':
['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
['x', 1, None, 'logQ_limit'],
['x', 1, None, 'logQ_limit'],
['x', 1, None, 'Not converged'],
'reach cluster timelimit':
['x', 1, None, 'Not converged'],
'no termination code':
['x', 1, None, 'no termination code'],
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
'Initial RLOF':
['.', 1.5, 'black', TF1_label_initial],
'Not converged':
['x', 1, None, 'Not converged'],
['.', 1.5, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
['.', 1.5, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
['.', 1.5, 'black', TF1_label_initial],
['+', 1, 'green', 'unknown'],
['x', 1, None, 'fe_core_infall_limit'],
'interpolation_class': {
['.', 2, 'black', 'initial_MT'],
['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'no_MT'],
['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'not_converged'],
['o', 2, 'tab:orange', 'stable_MT'],
['o', 2, 'tab:purple', 'unstable_MT']
'interpolation_class_errors': {
['.', 1, 'black', 'initial_MT'],
['o', 2, None, 'no_MT'],
['x', 1, 'tab:red', 'not_converged'],
['s', 2, None, 'stable_MT'],
['D', 1, None, 'unstable_MT']
'SN_type': {
['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'CCSN'],
['o', 2, 'tab:orange', 'ECSN'],
['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'PPISN'],
['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'PISN'],
['o', 2, 'tab:purple', 'WD'],
['o', 2, 'black', 'intial MT / unstable MT / not converged'],
'state': {
['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'BH'],
['o', 2, 'tab:orange', 'NS'],
['o', 2, 'tab:purple', 'WD'],
['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'PISN'],
['o', 2, 'black', 'intial MT / unstable MT / not converged'],
"""Add not pre defined stuff to DEFAULT_MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS.
Dictionary with flags as keys given a list with marker, size, color,
and legend text for each flag.
flag : str
The flag itself.
if flag not in MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS.keys():
if ('case_' in flag): # unknown MT flag
if '1' not in flag: # only star 1 is donor
s = 'o'
elif '2' not in flag: # only star 2 is donor
s = 's'
elif flag[-1]=='1': # star 1 is last donor
s = '>'
elif flag[-1]=='2': # star 2 is last donor
s = '<'
s = 'v'
if '/' in flag: # multiple mass transfers
if (('case_A' in flag) or ('case_BA' in flag)):
# first MT is case A or case BA
c = 'tab:cyan'
elif (('case_C' in flag) or ('case_BC' in flag)):
# first MT is case C or case BC
c = 'tab:orange'
elif (('case_B' in flag) or ('case_BB' in flag)):
# first MT is case B or case BB
# (needs to be behind case BA and BC)
c = 'tab:pink'
c = 'lightgrey'
elif 'BA' in flag: # only case BA
c = 'tab:red'
elif 'BB' in flag: # only case BB
c = 'brown'
elif 'BC' in flag: # only case BC
c = 'tab:gray'
elif 'A' in flag: # only case A
c = 'tab:blue'
elif 'B' in flag: # only case B
c = 'tab:green'
elif 'C' in flag: # only case C
c = 'tab:purple'
c = 'black'
MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS[flag] = [s, 2, c, flag.replace('_',' ')]
MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS[flag] = ['+', 1, 'black', flag.replace('_',' ')]
# extra
[r'$q$', r'$\log_{10}(q)$'],
[r'$Z \, [Z_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(Z / Z_\odot)$'],
# history1/history2
[r'$t \, [\mathrm{yr}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t / \mathrm{yr})$'],
[r'$M_\mathrm{\star} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{\star} / M_\odot)$'],
[r'$M_\mathrm{He-core} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{He-core} / M_\odot)$'],
[r'$M_\mathrm{C-core} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{C-core} / M_\odot)$'],
[r'$M_\mathrm{O-core} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{O-core} / M_\odot)$'],
[r'$M_\mathrm{CO-core} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{CO-core} / M_\odot)$'],
[r'$R_\mathrm{He-core} \, R_\odot$',
r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{He-core} / R_\odot)$'],
[r'$R_\mathrm{C-core} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{C-core} / R_\odot)$'],
[r'$R_\mathrm{O-core} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{O-core} / R_\odot)$'],
[r'$R_\mathrm{CO-core} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{CO-core} / R_\odot)$'],
[r'${}^1H_\mathrm{center}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^1H_\mathrm{center})$'],
[r'${}^4He_\mathrm{center}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^4He_\mathrm{center})$'],
[r'${}^1H_\mathrm{surface}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^1H_\mathrm{surface})$'],
[r'$c12_c12\,[L_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(c12_c12/L_\odot)$'],
[r'$\log_{10}(L_\mathrm{H}/L_\odot)$', 'log_log_LH'],
[r'$\log_{10}(T_\mathrm{eff}/\mathrm{K})$', 'log_log_Teff'],
[r'$\log_{10}(R/R_\odot)$', r'$\log_{10}(\log_{10}(R/R_\odot))$'],
['center_gamma', 'log_center_gamma'],
['avg_c_in_c_core', 'log_avg_c_in_c_core'],
[r'$a_\star$', r'$\log_{10}(a_\star)$'],
# binary_history
['model_number', 'log_model_number'],
[r'$t \, [\mathrm{yr}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t / \mathrm{yr})$'],
[r'$M_\mathrm{1} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{1} / M_\odot)$'],
[r'$M_\mathrm{2} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{2} / M_\odot)$'],
[r'$P_\mathrm{orb} \, [\mathrm{days}]$',
r'$\log_{10}(P_\mathrm{orb} / \mathrm{days})$'],
[r'$A \, [R_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(A / R_\odot)$'],
['relative RL overflow 1', 'log10 relative RL overflow 1'],
['relative RL overflow 2', 'log10 relative RL overflow 2'],
['xfer_fraction', 'log_xfer_fraction'],
# POSYDON population synthesis
'z_formation': [r'$z_\mathrm{formation}$', r'$\log_{10}(z_\mathrm{formation})$'],
'z_merger': [r'$z_\mathrm{merger}$', r'$\log_{10}(z_\mathrm{merger})$'],
'm_tot': [r'$m_\mathrm{tot}\,[M_\odot]$',
'm_chirp': [r'$m_\mathrm{chirp}\,[M_\odot]$',
'q': [r'$q$', r'$\log_{10}(q)$'],
'chi_eff': [r'$\chi_\mathrm{eff}$', r'$\log_{10}(\chi_\mathrm{eff})$'],
'S1_mass': [r'$m_\mathrm{CO}\,[M_\odot]$',
'S2_mass': [r'$m_\mathrm{CO}\,[M_\odot]$'
'S1_spin': [r'$\chi_\mathrm{CO}$', r'$\log_{10}(\chi_\mathrm{CO}$)'],
'S2_spin': [r'$\chi_\mathrm{CO}$', r'$\log_{10}(\chi_\mathrm{CO}$)'],
'S1_E_GRB': [r'$E_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$',
'S2_E_GRB': [r'$E_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$',
'S1_E_GRB_iso': [r'$E^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$',
'S2_E_GRB_iso': [r'$E^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$',
'S1_L_GRB_iso': [r'$L^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}]$',
'S2_L_GRB_iso': [r'$L^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}]$',
'S1_f_beaming': [r'$f_\mathrm{beaming}$', r'$\log_{10}(f_\mathrm{beaming})$'],
'S2_f_beaming': [r'$f_\mathrm{beaming}$', r'$\log_{10}(f_\mathrm{beaming})$'],
'S1_eta' : [r'$\eta$', r'$\log_{10}(\eta)$'],
'S2_eta' : [r'$\eta$', r'$\log_{10}(\eta)$'],
# Termination flags (one entry for each key in DEFAULT_MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS)
'termination_flag_1' : [r'MESA termination\_code', r'MESA termination\_code'],
'termination_flag_2' : [r'Mass transfer history', r'Mass transfer history'],
'termination_flag_3' : [r'Final stellar state of star 1', r'Final stellar state of star 1'],
'termination_flag_4' : [r'Final stellar state of star 2', r'Final stellar state of star 2'],
'combined_TF12' : [r'Final mass transfer state', r'Final mass transfer state'],
'debug' : [r'Final binary state', r'Final binary state'],
'interpolation_class' : [r'Interpolation class', r'Interpolation class'],
'interpolation_class_errors' : [r'Interpolation class', r'Interpolation class'],
'SN_type' : [r'Supernova type', r'Supernova type'],
'CO_type' : [r'Compact object type', r'Compact object type'],
'state' : [r'Remnant state', r'Remnant state'],
# add core collapse MODEL variables
for i in range(1, 11):
DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_mass'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{CO} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{CO} / M_\odot)$']
DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_spin'] = [r'$\chi_\mathrm{CO}$', r'$\log_{10}(\chi_\mathrm{CO})$']
DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_m_disk_accreted'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{disk, acc} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{disk, acc} / M_\odot)$']
DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_m_disk_radiated'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{disk, rad} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{disk, rad} / M_\odot)$']
DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_M4'] = [r'$M_4 [= m/M_\odot]_{s=4}$',
DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_mu4'] = [r'$\mu_4 \, [(dm/M_\odot)/(dr/1000\mathrm{km/s})]_{s=4}$',
DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_h1_mass_ej'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{H,ej} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{H,ej} / M_\odot)$']
DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_he4_mass_ej'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{He,ej} \, [M_\odot]$',
r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{He,ej} / M_\odot)$']
# pre defined plottings
'combined_TF12' : {
'plot_dir_name' : 'TF12',
'term_flag' : 'combined_TF12'
'termination_flag_1' : {
'plot_dir_name' : 'TF1',
'zvar' : 'lg_mtransfer_rate',
'zmin' : -8,
'zmax' : -1
'termination_flag_2' : {
'plot_dir_name' : 'TF2',
'term_flag' : 'termination_flag_2'
'termination_flag_3' : {
'plot_dir_name' : 'TF3',
'term_flag' : 'termination_flag_3'
'termination_flag_4' : {
'plot_dir_name' : 'TF4',
'term_flag' : 'termination_flag_4'
'rl_relative_overflow_1' : {
'plot_dir_name' : 'debug_rl_1',
'zvar' : 'rl_relative_overflow_1',
'term_flag' : 'debug',
'zmin' : -0.5,
'zmax' : 0.5
'rl_relative_overflow_2' : {
'plot_dir_name' : 'debug_rl_2',
'zvar' : 'rl_relative_overflow_2',
'term_flag' : 'debug',
'zmin' : -0.5,
'zmax' : 0.5
'lg_mtransfer_rate' : {
'plot_dir_name' : 'debug_mt',
'zvar' : 'lg_mtransfer_rate',
'term_flag' : 'debug',
'zmin' : -8,
'zmax' : -1
# SN stuff
'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_CO_type' : {
'zvar' : None,
'term_flag' : 'S1_MODEL01_CO_type'
'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_SN_type' : {
'zvar' : None,
'term_flag' : 'S1_MODEL01_SN_type'
'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_mass' : {
'zlog' : True,
'zmin' : 0.,
'zmax' : 2.
'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_spin' : {
'zmin' : 0.,
'zmax' : 1.
'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_m_disk_radiated' : {
'zmin' : 0.,
'zmax' : 3.
'zmin' : 1.,
'zmax' : 4.
'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_mu4' : {
'zmin' : 0.0,
'zmax' : .5
'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_h1_mass_ej' : {
'zmin' : 0.,
'zmax' : 20
'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_he4_mass_ej' : {
'zmin' : 0.,
'zmax' : 20
# interpolator stuff
'term_flag' : None,
'zmin' : 0.,
'zmax' : 0.1