Source code for posydon.visualization.plot_defaults

"""Default values for plotting routines.

This file contains the default parameters of each plotting routines.
    Each default plotting variable is contained in this dictionary.
    Each termination condition is associated with a marker shape, size, color
    and label.

__authors__ = [
    "Simone Bavera <>",
    "Devina Misra <>",
    "Scott Coughlin <>",
    "Emmanouil Zapartas <>",
    "Matthias Kruckow <>",

from matplotlib import rcParams
import shutil

    'show_fig': False,
    'close_fig': True,
    'path_to_file': './',
    'fname': None,
    'figsize': (3.38, 3.38),
    'bbox_inches': 'tight',
    'dpi': 300,
    'log10_x': False,
    'log10_y': False,
    'log10_z': False,
    'xmin': None,
    'xmax': None,
    'ymin': None,
    'ymax': None,
    'zmin': None,
    'zmax': None,
    'title': None,
    'rcParams': {"text.usetex": True if shutil.which('latex') else False,
                 "": "serif",
                 "font.sans-serif": ["Computer Modern Roman"]},
    'title_font_dict': {'fontsize': 10},
    'title_loc': 'center',
    'xlabel': None,
    'xlabel_kwargs': {
        'fontsize': 10
    'ylabel': None,
    'ylabel_kwargs': {
        'fontsize': 10
    'marker_size': 4,
    'hspace': None,
    'wspace': None,
    'const_R_lines': False,
    'colorbar': {
        'label': None,
        'label_size': 10,
        'orientation': 'horizontal',
        'fraction': 0.15,
        'pad': 0.2,
        'shrink': 1,
        'aspect': 20,
        'anchor': (0.0, 0.5),
        'panchor': (1.0, 0.5),
        'extend': 'neither',
        'bounds': [0.03, 0.7, 0.94, 0.05]
    'legend1D': {
        'title': None,
        'lines_legend': None,
        'title_font_size': 8,
        'loc': 'upper right',
        'ncol': 1,
        'borderaxespad': None,
        'handletextpad': None,
        'columnspacing': 0.4,
        'prop': {
            'size': 8
        'shrink_box': 1,
        'bbox_to_anchor': None
    'legend2D': {
        'title': 'Termination flags',
        'title_font_size': 8,
        'loc': 'center left',
        'ncol': 1,
        'borderaxespad': None,
        'handletextpad': None,
        'columnspacing': 0.4,
        'prop': {
            'size': 8
        'shrink_box': 0.85,
        'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 0.5)
    'slice_text_kwargs': {
        'bbox': {'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.8, 'pad': 2},
        'ha': 'right',
        'va': 'bottom',
        'x': 0.95,
        'y': 0.05
    'PdfPages': None

list_of_colors = ['#a6611a',
                  [(31/255, 119/255, 180/255)],
                  [(255/255, 127/255, 14/255)]]

TF1_label_stable = 'Reached end life'
TF1_label_initial = 'Initial RLOF'
TF1_label_unstable = 'Unstable RLOF'
color_unstable = 'black'

    'termination_flag_1': {
        'terminate due to primary depleting carbon (inverse sn?)':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Primary has depleted central carbon':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Secondary has depleted central carbon':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Primary got stopped before central carbon depletion':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Secondary got stopped before central carbon depletion':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Primary enters pair-instability regime':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Secondary enters pair-instability regime':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Primary enters pulsational pair-instability regime':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Secondary enters pulsational pair-instability regime':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'offcenter neon ignition for primary':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'offcenter neon ignition for secondary':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
            ['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L1 at ZAMS':
            ['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
        'Terminate because of overflowing initial model':
            ['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L2 point for q>1 at ZAMS':
            ['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L2 surface for q<1 at ZAMS':
            ['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L2 surface for q>1 at ZAMS':
            ['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L2 surface for q<1':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        r'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
        'donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        r'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
        'donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        r'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
        'donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        r'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
        'donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, donor is star 2':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, donor is star 2':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'reached maximum mass transfer rate: 10.0d0':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: 1d-1':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Reached the critical mt rate':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Reached TPAGB':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_initial],
        'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and at least one of them is off MS':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and t_kh > t_acc':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'overflow from L2, t_kh > t_acc and w > w_crit_lim, donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'overflow from L2, t_kh > t_acc and w > w_crit_lim, donor is star 2':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Terminate due to L2 overflow during case A':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: Exceeded photon trapping radius':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Terminate because accretor (r-rl)/rl > accretor_overflow_terminate':
            ['D', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_unstable],
            ['x', 1, 'red', 'logQ_limit'],
            ['x', 1, 'red', 'logQ_limit'],
            ['x', 1, 'red', 'Not converged'],
        'reach cluster timelimit':
            ['x', 1, 'red', 'Not converged'],
        'no termination code':
            ['x', 1, 'red', 'no termination code'],
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Initial RLOF':
            ['.', 1, 'black', TF1_label_initial],
        'Not converged':
            ['x', 1, 'red', 'Not converged'],
            ['x', 1, 'tab:purple', 'fe_core_infall_limit'],
            ['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
            ['.', 1, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
            ['+', 1, 'red', 'unknown'],


    'termination_flag_2': {

            ['+', 1, 'black', 'initial RLOF'],
            ['+', 1, 'black', 'initial RLOF'],
            ['+', 1, 'black', 'initial RLOF'],
            ['+', 1, 'black', 'initial RLOF'],
            ['.', 1, 'black', 'no RLOF'],
            ['v', 1, 'black', 'contact during MS'],
            ['^', 1, 'black', 'L2 RLOF'],

            ['s', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case A1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:green', 'case A1/B1'],
            ['s', 2, 'lightgrey', 'case A1/B1/A1'],
            ['s', 2, 'yellow', 'case A1/B1/C1'],
            ['s', 2, 'yellow', 'case A1/C1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:red', 'case A1/B1/BB1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:cyan', 'case A1/B1/C1/BB1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case B1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case B1/BB1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case B1/C1/BB1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:orange', 'case B1/C1'],
            ['s', 2, 'black', 'case C1'],
            ['s', 2, 'brown', 'case C1/BB1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case BA1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:green', 'case BB1'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:red', 'case BA1/BB1'],

            ['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case A2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:green', 'case A2/B2'],
            ['o', 2, 'lightgrey', 'case A2/B2/A2'],
            ['o', 2, 'yellow', 'case A2/B2/C2'],
            ['o', 2, 'yellow', 'case A2/C2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'case A2/B2/BB2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:cyan', 'case A2/B2/C2/BB2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case B2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case B2/BB2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case B2/C2/BB2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:orange', 'case B2/C2'],
            ['o', 2, 'black', 'case C2'],
            ['o', 2, 'brown', 'case C2/BB2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case BA2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:green', 'case BB2'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'case BA1/BB2'],

            ['>', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case A1/A2'],
            ['>', 2, 'tab:green', 'case A1/A2/A1'],
            ['>', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case A1/A2/B1'],
            ['>', 2, 'tab:orange', 'case A1/A2/B1/B2'],
            ['>', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case A1/B1/BB1'],
            ['>', 2, 'tab:red', 'case A1/A2/B2'],
            ['>', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case A1/B1/B2'],
            ['>', 2, 'tab:olive', 'case A1/B1/A2/B2'],
            ['>', 2, 'yellow', 'case A1/B1/A2/B1/B2'],
            ['>', 2, 'brown', 'case A1/B1/B2'],
            ['>', 2, 'black', 'case A1/B1/B2/B1'],
            ['>', 2, 'tab:cyan', 'case A1/B1/C1/BB1'],
            ['<', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case B1/A2'],
            ['<', 2, 'tab:green', 'case B1/A2/B2'],
            ['<', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case B1/B2'],
            ['<', 2, 'tab:red', 'case B1/B2/B1'],
            ['<', 2, 'brown', 'case B1/B2/BB1'],
            ['<', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case B1/B2/B1/B2/B1/B2/B1/B2/B1'],
            ['<', 2, 'tab:olive', 'case B1/B2/B1/C1'],
            ['<', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case B1/B2/C1'],
            ['<', 2, 'black', 'case B1/B2/C1/BB1'],
            ['<', 2, 'tab:cyan', 'case B1/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'tab:blue', 'case B2/B1'],
            ['v', 2, 'tab:green', 'case B2/B1/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'tab:orange', 'case B2/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'tab:red', 'case B1/A2/B2/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'tab:pink', 'case A2/B1/B2'],
            ['v', 2, 'tab:purple', 'case A1/B1/B2/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'tab:olive', 'case A1/B1/B2/B1/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'brown', 'case A1/B1/A2/B2/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'yellow', 'case A1/B2/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'black', 'case A1/A2/B2/C1'],
            ['v', 2, 'tab:gray', 'case A2/A1'],

            ['x', 1, 'tab:red', 'failed'],

    'termination_flag_3': {
            ['v', 2, 'tab:orange', 'H-rich H non-burning'],
            ['v', 2, 'black', 'accreted He core H burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:red', 'H-rich shell H burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:pink', 'H-rich core C burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:brown', 'H-rich central C depletion'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:blue', 'H-rich core He burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:green', 'H-rich shell He burning'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'stripped He-star core He burning'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:green', 'stripped He-star shell He burning'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'stripped He-star core C burning'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:brown', 'stripped He-star C depletion'],
            ['o', 2, 'gray', 'stripped He-star non burning'],
            ['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
            ['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
            ['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
            ['*', 1, 'black', 'BH'],
            ['*', 1, 'tab:gray', 'NS'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H burning'],
    'termination_flag_4': {
            ['v', 2, 'tab:orange', 'H-rich H non-burning'],
            ['v', 2, 'black', 'accreted He core H burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:red', 'H-rich shell H burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:pink', 'H-rich core C burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:brown', 'H-rich central C depletion'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:blue', 'H-rich core He burning'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:purple', 'H-rich near central C depletion'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:green', 'H-rich shell He burning'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'stripped He-star core He burning'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:green', 'stripped He-star shell He burning'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'stripped He-star core C burning'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:brown', 'stripped He-star C depletion'],
            ['o', 2, 'gray', 'stripped He-star non burning'],
            ['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
            ['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
            ['x', 1, 'black', 'unknown'],
            ['*', 1, 'black', 'BH'],
            ['*', 1, 'tab:gray', 'NS'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H buring'],
            ['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'H-rich core H buring'],

    'combined_TF12': {
        'Stable contact':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[3], 'Stable contact phase'],
        'Stable case A':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[2], 'Last stable RLOF during MS'],
        'Stable case B':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Stable case C':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Stable case BA':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case BB':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        # hot fix for case AA should be removed later:
        'Stable case AA':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[2], 'Last stable RLOF during MS'],
        'Stable case AB':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Stable case AC':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Stable case An':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Stable case ABA':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case ABB':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case BC':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Stable case Bn':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Stable case BBA':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case BBB':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case Cn':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Stable case CBA':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case CBB':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case BABB':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case BAn':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case BBn':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[0], 'Last stable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Stable case n':
            ['s', 2, list_of_colors[1], 'Last stable RLOF while non burning'],
        'Unstable contact':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[3], 'Unstable contact phase'],
        'Unstable case A':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[2], 'Unstable RLOF during MS'],
        'Unstable case B':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Unstable case C':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Unstable case BA':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case BB':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case AB':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Unstable case AC':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Unstable case An':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Unstable case ABA':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case ABB':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case BC':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Unstable case Bn':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Unstable case BBA':
            ['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case BBB':
            ['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case Cn':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[1], 'Unstable RLOF during postMS'],
        'Unstable case CBA':
            ['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case CBB':
            ['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case BABB':
            ['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case BAn':
            ['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case BBn':
            ['D', 2, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Unstable case n':
            ['D', 2, list_of_colors[1],
             'Unstable RLOF while non burning'],
        'Unstable L2 RLOF':
            ['D', 1, list_of_colors[0],
             'Unstable RLOF during stripped He star'],
        'Initial RLOF':
            ['.', 1, 'black', 'Initial RLOF'],
            ['s', 2, 'lightgrey', 'no RLOF'],
        'Not converged':
            ['x', 1, 'red', 'Not converged'],
            ['+', 1, 'green', 'unknown'],
        'Reverse stable MT':
            ['s', 2, 'tab:olive', 'Stable reverse mass-transfer phase'],
        'Reverse unstable MT':
            ['D', 1, 'tab:olive', 'Unstable reverse mass-transfer phase'],
    'debug': {
        'terminate due to primary depleting carbon (inverse sn?)':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Primary has depleted central carbon':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Secondary has depleted central carbon':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Primary got stopped before central carbon depletion':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Secondary got stopped before central carbon depletion':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Primary enters pair-instability regime':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Secondary enters pair-instability regime':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Primary enters pulsational pair-instability regime':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Secondary enters pulsational pair-instability regime':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'offcenter neon ignition for primary':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'offcenter neon ignition for secondary':
            ['o', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'overflow from L1 at ZAMS':
            ['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
        'Terminate because of overflowing initial model':
            ['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L2 point for q>1 at ZAMS':
            ['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L2 surface for q<1 at ZAMS':
            ['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L2 surface for q>1 at ZAMS':
            ['.', 1.5, None, TF1_label_initial],
        'overflow from L2 surface for q<1':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        r'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
        'donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        r'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
        'donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        r'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
        'donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        r'overflow from L2 (D_L2) distance for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
        'donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)<1, '
        'donor is star 2':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'overflow from L2 (R_L2) surface for q(=Macc/Mdon)>1, '
        'donor is star 2':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'reached maximum mass transfer rate: 10.0d0':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: 1d-1':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Reached the critical mt rate':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Reached TPAGB':
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_initial],
        'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and at least one of them is off MS':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Both stars fill their Roche Lobe and t_kh > t_acc':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'overflow from L2, t_kh > t_acc and w > w_crit_lim, donor is star 1':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'overflow from L2, t_kh > t_acc and w > w_crit_lim, donor is star 2':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Terminate due to L2 overflow during case A':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Reached maximum mass transfer rate: Exceeded photon trapping radius':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
        'Terminate because accretor (r-rl)/rl > accretor_overflow_terminate':
            ['D', 1, None, TF1_label_unstable],
            ['x', 1, None, 'logQ_limit'],
            ['x', 1, None, 'logQ_limit'],
            ['x', 1, None, 'Not converged'],
        'reach cluster timelimit':
            ['x', 1, None, 'Not converged'],
        'no termination code':
            ['x', 1, None, 'no termination code'],
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
            ['s', 2, None, TF1_label_stable],
        'Initial RLOF':
            ['.', 1.5, 'black', TF1_label_initial],
        'Not converged':
            ['x', 1, None, 'Not converged'],
            ['.', 1.5, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
            ['.', 1.5, color_unstable, TF1_label_initial],
            ['.', 1.5, 'black', TF1_label_initial],
            ['+', 1, 'green', 'unknown'],
            ['x', 1, None, 'fe_core_infall_limit'],
    'interpolation_class': {
            ['.', 2, 'black', 'initial_MT'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'no_MT'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'not_converged'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:orange', 'stable_MT'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:purple', 'unstable_MT']
    'interpolation_class_errors': {
            ['.', 1, 'black', 'initial_MT'],
            ['o', 2, None, 'no_MT'],
            ['x', 1, 'tab:red', 'not_converged'],
            ['s', 2, None, 'stable_MT'],
            ['D', 1, None, 'unstable_MT']
    'SN_type': {
            ['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'CCSN'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:orange', 'ECSN'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:pink', 'PPISN'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'PISN'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:purple', 'WD'],
            ['o', 2, 'black', 'intial MT / unstable MT / not converged'],
    'state': {
            ['o', 2, 'tab:blue', 'BH'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:orange', 'NS'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:purple', 'WD'],
            ['o', 2, 'tab:red', 'PISN'],
            ['o', 2, 'black', 'intial MT / unstable MT / not converged'],

[docs] def add_flag_to_MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS(MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS, flag): """Add not pre defined stuff to DEFAULT_MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS. Parameters ---------- MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS : dict of lists Dictionary with flags as keys given a list with marker, size, color, and legend text for each flag. flag : str The flag itself. """ if flag not in MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS.keys(): if ('case_' in flag): # unknown MT flag if '1' not in flag: # only star 1 is donor s = 'o' elif '2' not in flag: # only star 2 is donor s = 's' elif flag[-1]=='1': # star 1 is last donor s = '>' elif flag[-1]=='2': # star 2 is last donor s = '<' else: s = 'v' if '/' in flag: # multiple mass transfers if (('case_A' in flag) or ('case_BA' in flag)): # first MT is case A or case BA c = 'tab:cyan' elif (('case_C' in flag) or ('case_BC' in flag)): # first MT is case C or case BC c = 'tab:orange' elif (('case_B' in flag) or ('case_BB' in flag)): # first MT is case B or case BB # (needs to be behind case BA and BC) c = 'tab:pink' else: c = 'lightgrey' elif 'BA' in flag: # only case BA c = 'tab:red' elif 'BB' in flag: # only case BB c = 'brown' elif 'BC' in flag: # only case BC c = 'tab:gray' elif 'A' in flag: # only case A c = 'tab:blue' elif 'B' in flag: # only case B c = 'tab:green' elif 'C' in flag: # only case C c = 'tab:purple' else: c = 'black' MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS[flag] = [s, 2, c, flag.replace('_',' ')] else: MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS[flag] = ['+', 1, 'black', flag.replace('_',' ')]
DEFAULT_LABELS = { # extra 'mass_ratio': [r'$q$', r'$\log_{10}(q)$'], 'Z_Zsun': [r'$Z \, [Z_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(Z / Z_\odot)$'], # history1/history2 'star_age': [r'$t \, [\mathrm{yr}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t / \mathrm{yr})$'], 'star_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{\star} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{\star} / M_\odot)$'], 'he_core_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{He-core} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{He-core} / M_\odot)$'], 'c_core_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{C-core} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{C-core} / M_\odot)$'], 'o_core_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{O-core} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{O-core} / M_\odot)$'], 'co_core_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{CO-core} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{CO-core} / M_\odot)$'], 'he_core_radius': [r'$R_\mathrm{He-core} \, R_\odot$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{He-core} / R_\odot)$'], 'c_core_radius': [r'$R_\mathrm{C-core} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{C-core} / R_\odot)$'], 'o_core_radius': [r'$R_\mathrm{O-core} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{O-core} / R_\odot)$'], 'co_core_radius': [r'$R_\mathrm{CO-core} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{CO-core} / R_\odot)$'], 'center_h1': [r'${}^1H_\mathrm{center}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^1H_\mathrm{center})$'], 'center_he4': [r'${}^4He_\mathrm{center}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^4He_\mathrm{center})$'], 'center_c12': [r'${}^{12}C_\mathrm{center}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^{12}C_\mathrm{center})$'], 'center_n14': [r'${}^{14}N_\mathrm{center}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^{14}N_\mathrm{center})$'], 'center_o16': [r'${}^{16}O_\mathrm{center}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^{16}O_\mathrm{center})$'], 'surface_h1': [r'${}^1H_\mathrm{surface}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^1H_\mathrm{surface})$'], 'surface_he4': [r'${}^4He_\mathrm{surface}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^4He_\mathrm{surface})$'], 'surface_c12': [r'${}^{12}C_\mathrm{surface}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^{12}C_\mathrm{surface})$'], 'surface_n14': [r'${}^{14}N_\mathrm{surface}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^{14}N_\mathrm{surface})$'], 'surface_o16': [r'${}^{16}O_\mathrm{surface}$', r'$\log_{10}({}^{16}O_\mathrm{surface})$'], 'c12_c12': [r'$c12_c12\,[L_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(c12_c12/L_\odot)$'], 'log_LH': [r'$\log_{10}(L_\mathrm{H}/L_\odot)$', 'log_log_LH'], 'log_LHe': [r'$\log_{10}(L_\mathrm{He}/L_\odot)$', 'log_log_LHe'], 'log_LZ': [r'$\log_{10}(L_\mathrm{Z}/L_\odot)$', 'log_log_LZ'], 'log_Lnuc': [r'$\log_{10}(L_\mathrm{nuc}/L_\odot)$', 'log_log_Lnuc'], 'log_Teff': [r'$\log_{10}(T_\mathrm{eff}/\mathrm{K})$', 'log_log_Teff'], 'log_L': [r'$\log_{10}(L_\mathrm{surf}/L_\odot)$', 'log_log_Lsurf'], 'log_R': [r'$\log_{10}(R/R_\odot)$', r'$\log_{10}(\log_{10}(R/R_\odot))$'], 'center_gamma': ['center_gamma', 'log_center_gamma'], 'avg_c_in_c_core': ['avg_c_in_c_core', 'log_avg_c_in_c_core'], 'surf_avg_omega': [r'$\omega_\mathrm{s}\,[\mathrm{yr}^{-1}]$', r'$\log_{10}(\omega_\mathrm{s}/\mathrm{yr}^{-1})'], 'surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit': [r'$(\omega_\mathrm{s}/\omega_\mathrm{s,crit})$', r'$\log_{10}(\omega_\mathrm{s}/\omega_\mathrm{s,crit})$'], 'total_moment_of_inertia': [r'$I_\mathrm{tot}\,[g\,\mathrm{cm}^{2}]$', r'$\log_{10}(I_\mathrm{tot}/(g\,\mathrm{cm}^{2}))$'], 'spin_parameter': [r'$a_\star$', r'$\log_{10}(a_\star)$'], 'log_total_angular_momentum': [r'$\log_{10}(J_\mathrm{tot}/(g\,\mathrm{cm}^{2}\mathrm{s}^{-1}]))$', 'log_log_total_angular_momentum'], 'conv_env_top_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{top-conv-env}\,[M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{top-conv-env}/M_\odot)$'], 'conv_env_bot_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{bot-conv-env}\,[M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{bot-conv-env}/M_\odot)$'], 'conv_env_top_radius': [r'$R_\mathrm{top-conv-env}\,[R_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{top-conv-env}/M_\odot)$'], 'conv_env_bot_radius': [r'$R_\mathrm{bot-conv-env}\,[R_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{bot-conv-env}/M_\odot)$'], 'conv_env_turnover_time_g': [r'$t^\mathrm{turnover-g}_{conv-env}\,[\mathrm{yr}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t^\mathrm{turnover-g}_{conv-env}/\mathrm{yr})$'], 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_b': [r'$t^\mathrm{turnover-l-b}_{conv-env}\,[\mathrm{yr}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t^\mathrm{turnover-l-b}_{conv-env}/\mathrm{yr})$'], 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_t': [r'$t^\mathrm{turnover-l-t}_{conv-env}\,[\mathrm{yr}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t^\mathrm{turnover-l-t}_{conv-env}/\mathrm{yr})$'], 'envelope_binding_energy': [r'$E_\mathrm{env}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$', r'$\log_{10}(E_\mathrm{env}/(\mathrm{erg})$'], 'mass_conv_reg_fortides': [r'$M_\mathrm{conv-reg}\,[M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{conv-reg}/M_\odot)$'], 'thickness_conv_reg_fortides': [r'$dR_\mathrm{conv-reg}\,[R_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(dR_\mathrm{conv-reg}/R_\odot)$'], 'radius_conv_reg_fortides': [r'$R_\mathrm{conv-reg}\,[R_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{conv-reg}/R_\odot)$'], 'lambda_CE_1cent': [r'$\lambda_\mathrm{CE,1\%}$', r'$\log_{10}(\lambda_\mathrm{CE,1\%})$'], 'lambda_CE_10cent': [r'$\lambda_\mathrm{CE,10\%}$', r'$\log_{10}(\lambda_\mathrm{CE,10\%})$'], 'lambda_CE_30cent': [r'$\lambda_\mathrm{CE,30\%}$', r'$\log_{10}(\lambda_\mathrm{CE,30\%})$'], 'lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent': [r'$\lambda_\mathrm{CE-He-star,10\%}$', r'$\log_{10}(\lambda_\mathrm{CE-He-star,30\%})$'], # binary_history 'model_number': ['model_number', 'log_model_number'], 'age': [r'$t \, [\mathrm{yr}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t / \mathrm{yr})$'], 'star_1_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{1} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{1} / M_\odot)$'], 'star_2_mass': [r'$M_\mathrm{2} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{2} / M_\odot)$'], 'period_days': [r'$P_\mathrm{orb} \, [\mathrm{days}]$', r'$\log_{10}(P_\mathrm{orb} / \mathrm{days})$'], 'binary_separation': [r'$A \, [R_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(A / R_\odot)$'], 'rl_relative_overflow_1': ['relative RL overflow 1', 'log10 relative RL overflow 1'], 'rl_relative_overflow_2': ['relative RL overflow 2', 'log10 relative RL overflow 2'], 'lg_mtransfer_rate': [r'$\log_{10}(\dot{M}/(M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}))$', 'log_log_mtransfer_rate'], 'lg_system_mdot_1': [r'$\log_{10}(\dot{M}_1/(M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}))$', 'log_log_system_mdot_1'], 'lg_system_mdot_2': [r'$\log_{10}(\dot{M}_2/(M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}))$', 'log_log_system_mdot_2'], 'lg_wind_mdot_1': [r'$\log_{10}(\dot{M}_\mathrm{1,wind}/(M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}))$', 'log_log_wind_mdot_1'], 'lg_wind_mdot_2': [r'$\log_{10}(\dot{M}_\mathrm{2,wind}/(M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}))$', 'log_log_wind_mdot_2'], 'lg_mstar_dot_1': [r'$\log_{10}(\dot{M}_\mathrm{\star,1}/(M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}))$', 'log_log_star_dot_1'], 'lg_mstar_dot_2': [r'$\log_{10}(\dot{M}_\mathrm{\star,2}/(M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}))$', 'log_log_star_dot_1'], 'xfer_fraction': ['xfer_fraction', 'log_xfer_fraction'], 'trap_radius': [r'$R_\mathrm{trap}\,[R_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{trap}/R_\odot$)'], 'acc_radius': [r'$R_\mathrm{acc}\,[\mathrm{cm}]$', r'$\log_{10}(R_\mathrm{acc}/\mathrm{cm})$'], 't_sync_rad_1': [r'$t^1_\mathrm{sync-rad}\,[\mathrm{s}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t^1_\mathrm{sync-rad}/\mathrm{s})$'], 't_sync_conv_1': [r'$t^1_\mathrm{conv}\,[\mathrm{s}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t^1_\mathrm{conv}/\mathrm{s})$'], 't_sync_rad_2': [r'$t^2_\mathrm{sync-rad}\,[\mathrm{s}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t^2_\mathrm{sync-rad}/\mathrm{s})$'], 't_sync_conv_2': [r'$t^2_\mathrm{conv}\,[\mathrm{s}]$', r'$\log_{10}(t^2_\mathrm{conv}/\mathrm{s})$'], # POSYDON population synthesis 'z_formation': [r'$z_\mathrm{formation}$', r'$\log_{10}(z_\mathrm{formation})$'], 'z_merger': [r'$z_\mathrm{merger}$', r'$\log_{10}(z_\mathrm{merger})$'], 'm_tot': [r'$m_\mathrm{tot}\,[M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(m_\mathrm{tot}/M_\odot)$'], 'm_chirp': [r'$m_\mathrm{chirp}\,[M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(m_\mathrm{chirp}/M_\odot)$',], 'q': [r'$q$', r'$\log_{10}(q)$'], 'chi_eff': [r'$\chi_\mathrm{eff}$', r'$\log_{10}(\chi_\mathrm{eff})$'], 'S1_mass': [r'$m_\mathrm{CO}\,[M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(m_\mathrm{CO}/M_\odot)$'], 'S2_mass': [r'$m_\mathrm{CO}\,[M_\odot]$' r'$\log_{10}(m_\mathrm{CO}/M_\odot)$'], 'S1_spin': [r'$\chi_\mathrm{CO}$', r'$\log_{10}(\chi_\mathrm{CO}$)'], 'S2_spin': [r'$\chi_\mathrm{CO}$', r'$\log_{10}(\chi_\mathrm{CO}$)'], 'S1_E_GRB': [r'$E_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$', r'$\log_{10}(E_\mathrm{GRB}/\mathrm{erg})$'], 'S2_E_GRB': [r'$E_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$', r'$\log_{10}(E_\mathrm{GRB}/\mathrm{erg})$'], 'S1_E_GRB_iso': [r'$E^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$', r'$\log_{10}(E^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}/\mathrm{erg})$'], 'S2_E_GRB_iso': [r'$E^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}]$', r'$\log_{10}(E^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}/\mathrm{erg})$'], 'S1_L_GRB_iso': [r'$L^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}]$', r'$\log_{10}(L^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}/\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1})$'], 'S2_L_GRB_iso': [r'$L^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}\,[\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}]$', r'$\log_{10}(L^\mathrm{iso}_\mathrm{GRB}/\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1})$'], 'S1_f_beaming': [r'$f_\mathrm{beaming}$', r'$\log_{10}(f_\mathrm{beaming})$'], 'S2_f_beaming': [r'$f_\mathrm{beaming}$', r'$\log_{10}(f_\mathrm{beaming})$'], 'S1_eta' : [r'$\eta$', r'$\log_{10}(\eta)$'], 'S2_eta' : [r'$\eta$', r'$\log_{10}(\eta)$'], # Termination flags (one entry for each key in DEFAULT_MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS) 'termination_flag_1' : [r'MESA termination\_code', r'MESA termination\_code'], 'termination_flag_2' : [r'Mass transfer history', r'Mass transfer history'], 'termination_flag_3' : [r'Final stellar state of star 1', r'Final stellar state of star 1'], 'termination_flag_4' : [r'Final stellar state of star 2', r'Final stellar state of star 2'], 'combined_TF12' : [r'Final mass transfer state', r'Final mass transfer state'], 'debug' : [r'Final binary state', r'Final binary state'], 'interpolation_class' : [r'Interpolation class', r'Interpolation class'], 'interpolation_class_errors' : [r'Interpolation class', r'Interpolation class'], 'SN_type' : [r'Supernova type', r'Supernova type'], 'CO_type' : [r'Compact object type', r'Compact object type'], 'state' : [r'Remnant state', r'Remnant state'], } # add core collapse MODEL variables for i in range(1, 11): DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_mass'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{CO} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{CO} / M_\odot)$'] DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_spin'] = [r'$\chi_\mathrm{CO}$', r'$\log_{10}(\chi_\mathrm{CO})$'] DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_m_disk_accreted'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{disk, acc} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{disk, acc} / M_\odot)$'] DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_m_disk_radiated'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{disk, rad} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{disk, rad} / M_\odot)$'] DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_M4'] = [r'$M_4 [= m/M_\odot]_{s=4}$', r'$\log_{10}(M_4)$'] DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_mu4'] = [r'$\mu_4 \, [(dm/M_\odot)/(dr/1000\mathrm{km/s})]_{s=4}$', r'$\log_{10}(\mu_4)$'] DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_h1_mass_ej'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{H,ej} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{H,ej} / M_\odot)$'] DEFAULT_LABELS[f'MODEL{i:02d}_he4_mass_ej'] = [r'$M_\mathrm{He,ej} \, [M_\odot]$', r'$\log_{10}(M_\mathrm{He,ej} / M_\odot)$'] # pre defined plottings PRE_SET_PLOTS = { 'combined_TF12' : { 'plot_dir_name' : 'TF12', 'term_flag' : 'combined_TF12' }, 'termination_flag_1' : { 'plot_dir_name' : 'TF1', 'zvar' : 'lg_mtransfer_rate', 'zmin' : -8, 'zmax' : -1 }, 'termination_flag_2' : { 'plot_dir_name' : 'TF2', 'term_flag' : 'termination_flag_2' }, 'termination_flag_3' : { 'plot_dir_name' : 'TF3', 'term_flag' : 'termination_flag_3' }, 'termination_flag_4' : { 'plot_dir_name' : 'TF4', 'term_flag' : 'termination_flag_4' }, 'rl_relative_overflow_1' : { 'plot_dir_name' : 'debug_rl_1', 'zvar' : 'rl_relative_overflow_1', 'term_flag' : 'debug', 'zmin' : -0.5, 'zmax' : 0.5 }, 'rl_relative_overflow_2' : { 'plot_dir_name' : 'debug_rl_2', 'zvar' : 'rl_relative_overflow_2', 'term_flag' : 'debug', 'zmin' : -0.5, 'zmax' : 0.5 }, 'lg_mtransfer_rate' : { 'plot_dir_name' : 'debug_mt', 'zvar' : 'lg_mtransfer_rate', 'term_flag' : 'debug', 'zmin' : -8, 'zmax' : -1 }, # SN stuff 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_CO_type' : { 'zvar' : None, 'term_flag' : 'S1_MODEL01_CO_type' }, 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_SN_type' : { 'zvar' : None, 'term_flag' : 'S1_MODEL01_SN_type' }, 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_mass' : { 'zlog' : True, 'zmin' : 0., 'zmax' : 2. }, 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_spin' : { 'zmin' : 0., 'zmax' : 1. }, 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_m_disk_radiated' : { 'zmin' : 0., 'zmax' : 3. }, 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_M4' : { 'zmin' : 1., 'zmax' : 4. }, 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_mu4' : { 'zmin' : 0.0, 'zmax' : .5 }, 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_h1_mass_ej' : { 'zmin' : 0., 'zmax' : 20 }, 'S1_MODEL_DEFAULT_he4_mass_ej' : { 'zmin' : 0., 'zmax' : 20 }, # interpolator stuff 'INTERP_ERROR_DEFAULT' : { 'term_flag' : None, 'zmin' : 0., 'zmax' : 0.1 }, }