"""Common functions to be used while running populations."""
__authors__ = [
"Konstantinos Kovlakas <Konstantinos.Kovlakas@unige.ch>",
"Devina Misra <devina.misra@unige.ch>",
"Emmanouil Zapartas <ezapartas@gmail.com>",
"Simone Bavera <Simone.Bavera@unige.ch>",
"Nam Tran <tranhn03@gmail.com>",
"Ying Qin <<yingqin2013@hotmail.com>",
"Jeffrey Andrews <jeffrey.andrews@northwestern.edu>",
"Tassos Fragos <Anastasios.Fragkos@unige.ch>",
"Scott Coughlin <scottcoughlin2014@u.northwestern.edu>",
"Kyle Akira Rocha <kylerocha2024@u.northwestern.edu>",
"Matthias Kruckow <Matthias.Kruckow@unige.ch>",
"Camille Liotine <cliotine@u.northwestern.edu>",
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import newton
from scipy.integrate import quad
from posydon.utils import constants as const
from posydon.utils.posydonwarning import Pwarn
import copy
from posydon.utils.limits_thresholds import (THRESHOLD_CENTRAL_ABUNDANCE,
from posydon.utils.interpolators import interp1d
# Constants related to inferring star states
STATE_UNDETERMINED = "undetermined_evolutionary_state"
BURNING_STATES = ["Core_H_burning", "Core_He_burning",
"Shell_H_burning", "Central_He_depleted",
RICHNESS_STATES = ["H-rich", "stripped_He", "accreted_He"]
COMPACT_OBJECTS = ["WD", "NS", "BH","massless_remnant"]
ALL_STAR_STATES.extend(["{}_{}".format(rich_in, burning)
for rich_in in RICHNESS_STATES
for burning in BURNING_STATES])
# Mass-transfer cases in form of integer flags
# All cases meaning RLO is happening
# Conversion of integer mass-transfer flags to strings
MT_CASE_NONBURNING: "nonburning",
# Conversion of strings to integer mass-transfer flags
MT_STR_TO_CASE = {string: integer for integer, string
in MT_CASE_TO_STR.items()}
def is_number(s):
"""Check if the input can be converted to a float."""
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def stefan_boltzmann_law(L, R):
"""Compute the effective temperature give the luminosity and radius."""
#TODO: check for invalid or negative inputs
return (L * const.Lsun / (4.0 * np.pi * (R*const.Rsun) ** 2.0)
/ const.boltz_sigma) ** (1.0 / 4.0)
def rzams(m, z=0.02, Zsun=0.02):
"""Evaluate the zero age main sequence radius [1]_.
m : array_like
The masses of the stars in Msun.
z : float
The metallicity of the star.
Array of same size as `m` containing the ZAMS radii of the stars (Rsun)
.. [1] Tout C. A., Pols O. R., Eggleton P. P., Han Z., 1996, MNRAS, 281,
#TODO: check for invalid or negative inputs
m = np.asanyarray(m)
xz = [
0.0, 3.970417e-01, -3.2913574e-01, 3.4776688e-01, 3.7470851e-01,
9.011915e-02, 8.527626e+00, -2.441225973e+01, 5.643597107e+01,
3.706152575e+01, 5.4562406e+00, 2.5546e-04, -1.23461e-03, -2.3246e-04,
4.5519e-04, 1.6176e-04, 5.432889e+00, -8.62157806e+00, 1.344202049e+01,
1.451584135e+01, 3.39793084e+00, 5.563579e+00, -1.032345224e+01,
1.944322980e+01, 1.897361347e+01, 4.16903097e+00, 7.8866060e-01,
-2.90870942e+00, 6.54713531e+00, 4.05606657e+00, 5.3287322e-01,
5.86685e-03, -1.704237e-02, 3.872348e-02, 2.570041e-02, 3.83376e-03,
1.715359e+00, 6.2246212e-01, -9.2557761e-01, -1.16996966e+00,
-3.0631491e-01, 6.597788e+00, -4.2450044e-01, -1.213339427e+01,
-1.073509484e+01, -2.51487077e+00, 1.008855000e+01, -7.11727086e+00,
-3.167119479e+01, -2.424848322e+01, -5.33608972e+00, 1.012495e+00,
3.2699690e-01, -9.23418e-03, -3.876858e-02, -4.12750e-03, 7.490166e-02,
2.410413e-02, 7.233664e-02, 3.040467e-02, 1.97741e-03, 1.077422e-02,
3.082234e+00, 9.447205e-01, -2.15200882e+00, -2.49219496e+00,
-6.3848738e-01, 1.784778e+01, -7.4534569e+00, -4.896066856e+01,
-4.005386135e+01, -9.09331816e+00, 2.2582e-04, -1.86899e-03,
3.88783e-03, 1.42402e-03, -7.671e-05
lzs = np.log10(z / Zsun)
msp = np.zeros(17)
msp[0] = 0.0
msp[1] = xz[1] + lzs * (xz[2] + lzs * (xz[3] + lzs
* (xz[4] + lzs * xz[5])))
msp[2] = xz[6] + lzs * (xz[7] + lzs * (xz[8] + lzs
* (xz[9] + lzs * xz[10])))
msp[3] = xz[11] + lzs * (xz[12] + lzs * (xz[13] + lzs
* (xz[14] + lzs * xz[15])))
msp[4] = xz[16] + lzs * (xz[17] + lzs * (xz[18] + lzs
* (xz[19] + lzs * xz[20])))
msp[5] = xz[21] + lzs * (xz[22] + lzs * (xz[23] + lzs
* (xz[24] + lzs * xz[25])))
msp[6] = xz[26] + lzs * (xz[27] + lzs * (xz[28] + lzs
* (xz[29] + lzs * xz[30])))
msp[7] = xz[31] + lzs * (xz[32] + lzs * (xz[33] + lzs
* (xz[34] + lzs * xz[35])))
msp[8] = xz[36] + lzs * (xz[37] + lzs * (xz[38] + lzs
* (xz[39] + lzs * xz[40])))
msp[9] = xz[41] + lzs * (xz[42] + lzs * (xz[43] + lzs
* (xz[44] + lzs * xz[45])))
msp[10] = xz[46] + lzs * (xz[47] + lzs * (xz[48] + lzs
* (xz[49] + lzs * xz[50])))
msp[11] = xz[51] + lzs * (xz[52] + lzs * (xz[53] + lzs
* (xz[54] + lzs * xz[55])))
msp[12] = xz[56] + lzs * (xz[57] + lzs * (xz[58] + lzs
* (xz[59] + lzs * xz[60])))
msp[13] = xz[61]
msp[14] = xz[62] + lzs * (xz[63] + lzs * (xz[64] + lzs
* (xz[65] + lzs * xz[66])))
msp[15] = xz[67] + lzs * (xz[68] + lzs * (xz[69] + lzs
* (xz[70] + lzs * xz[71])))
msp[16] = xz[72] + lzs * (xz[73] + lzs * (xz[74] + lzs
* (xz[75] + lzs * xz[76])))
mx = np.sqrt(m)
r = ((msp[8] * m**2 + msp[9] * m**6) * mx + msp[10] * m**11
+ (msp[11] + msp[12] * mx) * m**19) / (
msp[13] + msp[14] * m**2
+ (msp[15] * m**8 + m**18 + msp[16] * m**19) * mx)
return r
def roche_lobe_radius(m1, m2, a_orb=1):
"""Approximate the Roche lobe radius from [1]_.
m1 : float, ndarray of floats
the mass of the star for which we calculate the Roche lobe
m2 : float, ndarray of floats
the mass of the companion star
a_orb : float, ndarray of floats
Orbital separation. The return value will have the same unit.
float, ndarray of floats
Roche lobe radius in similar units as a_orb
.. [1] Eggleton, P. P. 1983, ApJ, 268, 368
## catching if a_orb is an empty array or is an array with invalid
## separation values
if isinstance(a_orb, np.ndarray):
## if array is empty, fill with NaN values
if a_orb.size == 0:
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for binary with invalid"
" separation", "EvolutionWarning")
a_orb = np.full([1 if s==0 else s for s in a_orb.shape], np.nan,
## if array contains invalid values, replace with NaN
elif np.any(a_orb < 0):
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for binary with invalid"
" separation", "EvolutionWarning")
a_orb[a_orb < 0] = np.nan
## catching if a_orb is a float with invalid separation value
elif a_orb < 0:
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for binary with invalid separation",
a_orb = np.nan
if isinstance(m1, np.ndarray):
if m1.size == 0:
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for nonexistent object",
m1 = np.full([1 if s==0 else s for s in m1.shape], np.nan,
elif np.any(m1 <= 0):
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for nonexistent object",
m1[m1 <= 0] = np.nan
elif m1 <= 0:
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for nonexistent object",
m1 = np.nan
if isinstance(m2, np.ndarray):
if m2.size == 0:
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for nonexistent companion",
m2 = np.full([1 if s==0 else s for s in m2.shape], np.nan,
elif np.any(m2 <= 0):
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for nonexistent companion",
m2[m2 <= 0] = np.nan
elif m2 <= 0:
Pwarn("Trying to compute RL radius for nonexistent companion",
m2 = np.nan
q = m1/m2
RL = a_orb * (0.49 * q**(2. / 3.)) / (
0.6 * q**(2. / 3.) + np.log(1 + q**(1. / 3))
return RL
def orbital_separation_from_period(period_days, m1_solar, m2_solar):
"""Apply the Third Kepler law.
period_days : float
Orbital period in days.
m1_solar : float
Mass of the one of the stars, in solar units.
m2_solar : float
Mass of the other star, in solar units.
The separation of the binary in solar radii.
#TODO: check for invalid or negative inputs
# cast to float64 to avoid overflow
m1_solar = np.asarray(m1_solar, dtype="float64")
m2_solar = np.asarray(m2_solar, dtype="float64")
period_days = np.asarray(period_days, dtype="float64")
separation_cm = (const.standard_cgrav
* (m1_solar * const.Msun + m2_solar * const.Msun)
/ (4.0 * const.pi**2.0)
* (period_days * const.day2sec) ** 2.0)**(1.0/3.0)
separation_solar = separation_cm / const.Rsun
return separation_solar
def orbital_period_from_separation(separation, m1, m2):
"""Apply the Third Kepler law.
separation : float
Orbital separation (semi-major axis) in Rsun.
m1 : float
Mass of one of the stars in solar units.
m2 : type
Mass of the other star in solar units.
The orbital period in days.
#TODO: check for invalid or negative inputs
return const.dayyer * ((separation / const.aursun)**3.0 / (m1 + m2)) ** 0.5
def eddington_limit(binary, idx=-1):
"""Calculate the Eddington limit & radtiative efficiency of compact object.
binary : BinaryStar
The binary object.
The Eddington accretion limit and radiative efficiency in solar units.
if binary.star_1.state in ['NS', 'BH', 'WD']:
accretor = binary.star_1
donor = binary.star_2
elif binary.star_2.state in ['NS', 'BH', 'WD']:
accretor = binary.star_2
donor = binary.star_1
raise ValueError("Eddington limit is being calculated for a non-CO")
state_acc = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*accretor.state_history, accretor.state])[idx])
m_acc = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*accretor.mass_history, accretor.mass],
dtype=float)[idx]) * const.msol
surface_h1 = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*donor.surface_h1_history, donor.surface_h1],
for i in range(len(state_acc)):
if state_acc[i] is None:
if any(j == 'NS' for j in accretor.state_history):
state_acc[i] = 'NS'
elif any(j == 'BH' for j in accretor.state_history):
state_acc[i] = 'BH'
elif any(j == 'WD' for j in accretor.state_history):
state_acc[i] = 'WD'
raise ValueError('COtype must be "BH", "NS", or "WD"')
if pd.isna(surface_h1[i]):
surface_h1[i] = 0.7155
if state_acc[i] == "BH":
r_isco = 6 #TODO: get r_isco as input/calculate from spin
# m_ini is the accretor mass at zero spin
m_ini = m_acc[i] * np.sqrt(r_isco / 6)
eta = 1 - np.sqrt(1 - (min(m_acc[i],
np.sqrt(6) * m_ini) / (3 * m_ini))**2)
# 1.25 * 10**6 cm
acc_radius = CO_radius(m_acc[i], state_acc[i]) * const.Rsun
eta = const.standard_cgrav*m_acc[i]/(acc_radius*const.clight**2)
# This is the mass accretion rate corresponding to the
# Eddington luminosity, L_edd = eta * mdot_edd * clightˆ2 (cgs units)
mdot_edd = (4 * np.pi * const.standard_cgrav * m_acc[i]
/ (0.2 * (1 + surface_h1[i]) * eta * const.clight))
return mdot_edd / (const.msol / const.secyer), eta
def beaming(binary):
"""Calculate the geometrical beaming of a super-Eddington accreting source
[1]_, [2]_.
Compute the super-Eddington isotropic-equivalent accretion rate and the
beaming factor of a star. This does not change the intrinsic accretion onto
the accretor and is an observational effect due to the inflated structure
of the accretion disc that beams the outgoing X-ray emission. This is
important for observing super-Eddington X-ray sources
(e.g. ultraluminous X-ray sources). In case of a BH we are assuming that it
has zero spin which is not a good approximation for high accretion rates.
binary : BinaryStar
The binary object.
The super-Eddington isotropic-equivalent accretion rate and beaming
factor respcetively in solar units.
.. [1] Shakura, N. I. & Sunyaev, R. A. 1973, A&A, 24, 337
.. [2] King A. R., 2008, MNRAS, 385, L113
mdot_edd = eddington_limit(binary, idx=-1)[0]
if binary.lg_mtransfer_rate is None:
rlo_mdot = np.nan
rlo_mdot = 10**binary.lg_mtransfer_rate
if rlo_mdot >= mdot_edd:
if rlo_mdot > 8.5 * mdot_edd:
# eq. 8 in King A. R., 2009, MNRAS, 393, L41-L44
b = 73 / (rlo_mdot / mdot_edd)**2
b = 1
# Shakura, N. I. & Sunyaev, R. A. 1973, A&A, 24, 337
mdot_beam = mdot_edd * (1 + np.log(rlo_mdot / mdot_edd)) / b
b = 1
mdot_beam = rlo_mdot
return mdot_beam, b
def bondi_hoyle(binary, accretor, donor, idx=-1, wind_disk_criteria=True,
"""Calculate the Bondi-Hoyle accretion rate of a binary [1]_.
binary : BinaryStar
The binary which accretion rate is required.
accretor : SingleStar
The accretor in the binary.
donor : SingleStar
The donor in the binary.
idx : int
default: -1
wind_disk_criteria : bool
default: True, see [5]_
scheme : str
There are different options:
- 'Hurley+2002' : following [3]_
- 'Kudritzki+2000' : following [7]_
The Bondi-Hoyle accretion rate in solar units.
An approximation is used for the accretion rate [2]_ and the wind velocity
of the donor is moddeled as in [3]_, [6]_. Also see [4]_.
.. [1] Bondi, H., & Hoyle, F. 1944, MNRAS, 104, 273
.. [2] Boffin, H. M. J., & Jorissen, A. 1988, A&A, 205, 155
.. [3] Hurley, J. R., Tout, C. A., & Pols, O. R. 2002, MNRAS, 329, 897
.. [4] Belczynski, K., Kalogera, V., Rasio, F. A., et al. 2008, ApJS, 174,
.. [5] Sen, K. ,Xu, X. -T., Langer, N., El Mellah, I. , Schurmann, C., &
Quast, M., 2021, A&A
.. [6] Sander A. A. C., Vink J. S., 2020, MNRAS, 499, 873
.. [7] Kudritzki, R.-P., & Puls, J. 2000, ARA&A, 38, 613
alpha = 1.5
G = const.standard_cgrav * 1e-3 # 6.67428e-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
Msun = const.Msun * 1e-3 # 1.988547e30 kg
Rsun = const.Rsun * 1e-2 # 6.9566e8 m
sep = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*binary.separation_history, binary.separation],
ecc = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*binary.eccentricity_history, binary.eccentricity],
#TODO: use stars in the binary as donor and accretor
m_acc = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*accretor.mass_history, accretor.mass],
m = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*donor.mass_history, donor.mass], dtype=float)[idx])
lg_mdot = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*donor.lg_wind_mdot_history, donor.lg_wind_mdot],
he_core_mass = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*donor.he_core_radius_history, donor.he_core_radius],
log_R = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*donor.log_R_history, donor.log_R], dtype=float)[idx])
radius = 10**log_R # Rsun
surface_h1 = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*donor.surface_h1_history, donor.surface_h1],
L = np.atleast_1d(
np.asanyarray([*donor.log_L_history, donor.log_L], dtype=float)[idx])
Teff = stefan_boltzmann_law(10**L, radius)
beta = np.empty_like(sep)
# Hurley, J. R., Tout, C. A., & Pols, O. R. 2002, MNRAS, 329, 897
if scheme == 'Hurley+2002':
# For H-rich stars
beta[np.logical_and(he_core_mass, radius > 900.0)] = 0.125
beta[m > 120.0] = 7.0
beta[m < 1.4] = 0.5
cond = np.logical_and(m >= 1.4, m <= 120.0)
beta[cond] = 0.5 + (m[cond] - 1.4) / (120.0 - 1.4) * (6.5)
# For He-rich stars
beta[np.logical_and(surface_h1 <= 0.01, m > 120.0)] = 7.0
beta[np.logical_and(surface_h1 <= 0.01, m < 10.0)] = 0.125
mass_cond = np.logical_and(m >= 10.0, m <= 120.0)
he_cond = np.logical_and(mass_cond, surface_h1 <= 0.01)
beta[he_cond] = 0.125 + (m[he_cond] - 10.0) / (120.0 - 10.0) * (6.875)
f_m = np.sqrt(beta)
# Kudritzki, R.-P., & Puls, J. 2000, ARA&A, 38, 613
elif scheme == 'Kudritzki+2000':
for i in range(len(m)):
if Teff[i] >= 21000:
f_m = 2.65
elif Teff[i] <= 10000:
f_m = 1.0
f_m = 1.4
v_esc = np.sqrt(2 * G * m * Msun / (radius * Rsun)) # m/s
v_wind = v_esc * f_m # m/s
# Sander A. A. C., Vink J. S., 2020, MNRAS, 499, 873
for i in range(len(m)):
if (surface_h1[i] < 0.4 and Teff[i] > 1.0e4):
if lg_mdot[i] >= -5.25:
slope = (3.7 - 3.25) / (-2.5 + 5.25)
slope = (3.25 - 3.75) / (-5.25 + 7.25)
v_wind[i] = 10 ** (slope * lg_mdot[i] + 3.25 + 5.25 * slope) * 1000
n = np.sqrt((G * (m_acc + m) * Msun) / ((radius * Rsun)**3))
t0 = np.random.rand(len(sep)) * 2 * np.pi / n
E = newton(lambda x: x - ecc * np.sin(x) - n * t0,
np.ones_like(sep) * np.pi / 2,
b = sep * Rsun * np.sqrt(1 - ecc**2)
r_vec = np.array([sep * Rsun * (np.cos(E) - ecc), b * np.sin(E)])
v_dir = np.array([-sep * Rsun * np.sin(E), b * np.cos(E)])
r = np.linalg.norm(r_vec, axis=0)
v_dir_norm = np.linalg.norm(v_dir, axis=0)
k = np.einsum('ij,ij->j', r_vec, v_dir) / (r * v_dir_norm) # cos(angle)
v = np.sqrt(G * (m + m_acc) * Msun * ((2 / r) - (1 / (sep * Rsun)))) # m/s
v_rel = np.sqrt(v**2 + v_wind**2 + 2 * v * v_wind * k) # m/s
# Bondi, H., & Hoyle, F. 1944, MNRAS, 104, 273
mdot_acc = alpha * ((G * m_acc * Msun)**2
/ (2 * v_rel**3 * v_wind * r**2)) * 10**lg_mdot
# eq. 10 in Sen, K. ,Xu, X. -T., Langer, N., El Mellah, I. , Schurmann, C.,
# Quast, M., 2021, A&A
if wind_disk_criteria: # check if accretion disk will form
eta = 1.0/3.0 # wind accretion efficiency between 1 and 1/3
gamma = 1.0 # for non-spinning BH
q = m / m_acc
rdisk_div_risco = (
(2/3) * (eta / (1 + q)) ** 2
* (v / (const.clight * 0.01)) ** (-2)
* (1 + (v_wind / v) ** 2) ** (-4) * gamma ** (-1))
for i in range(len(rdisk_div_risco)):
if rdisk_div_risco[i] <= 1: # No disk formed
mdot_acc[i] = 10**-99.0
# make it Eddington-limited
mdot_edd = eddington_limit(binary, idx=idx)[0]
mdot_acc = np.minimum(mdot_acc, mdot_edd)
return np.squeeze(mdot_acc)
def rejection_sampler(x=None, y=None, size=1, x_lim=None, pdf=None):
"""Generate a sample from a 1d PDF using the acceptance-rejection method.
x : array_like
The x-values of the PDF.
y : array_like
The y-values of the PDF.
size : int
The number of random numbers to generate.
x_lim : array float
The boundary where the pdf function is defined if passed as pdf.
pdf : func
The pdf function
An array with `size` random numbers generated from the PDF.
if pdf is None:
if ((x is None) or (y is None)):
raise ValueError("x and y PDF values must be specified if no PDF"
" function is provided for rejection sampling")
assert np.all(y >= 0.0)
pdf = interp1d(x, y)
except ValueError:
idxs = np.argsort(x)
pdf = interp1d(x.take(idxs), y.take(idxs))
x_rand = np.random.uniform(x.min(), x.max(), size)
y_rand = np.random.uniform(0, y.max(), size)
values = x_rand[y_rand <= pdf(x_rand)]
while values.shape[0] < size:
n = size - values.shape[0]
x_rand = np.random.uniform(x.min(), x.max(), n)
y_rand = np.random.uniform(0, y.max(), n)
values = np.hstack([values, x_rand[y_rand <= pdf(x_rand)]])
if x_lim is None:
raise ValueError("x_lim must be specified for passed PDF function"
" in rejection sampling")
x_rand = np.random.uniform(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], size)
pdf_max = max(pdf(np.random.uniform(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], 50000)))
y_rand = np.random.uniform(0, pdf_max, size)
values = x_rand[y_rand <= pdf(x_rand)]
while values.shape[0] < size:
n = size - values.shape[0]
x_rand = np.random.uniform(x_lim[0], x_lim[1], n)
y_rand = np.random.uniform(0, pdf_max, n)
values = np.hstack([values, x_rand[y_rand <= pdf(x_rand)]])
return values
def inverse_sampler(x, y, size=1):
"""Sample from a PDF using the inverse-sampling method.
x : array-like
The x-axis coordinates of the points where the PDF is defined.
y : array-like
The probablity density at `x` (or a scaled version of it).
size : int
Number of samples to generate.
The sample drawn from the PDF.
# x should be sorted
assert np.all(np.diff(x) > 0)
# y should be above 0
assert np.all(y >= 0.0)
# compute the area of each trapezoid
segment_areas = 0.5 * (y[1:]+y[:-1]) * (x[1:]-x[:-1])
# their cumulative sum denotes the scaled CDF at each x value
cumsum_areas = np.cumsum(segment_areas)
total_area = cumsum_areas[-1]
# start the inverse sampling
u = np.random.uniform(size=size)
# index of "bin" where each sampled value corresponds too
u_indices = np.searchsorted(cumsum_areas, u * total_area)
# the area that should be covered from the end of the previous bin
delta_y = total_area * u - cumsum_areas[u_indices-1]
delta_y[u_indices == 0] = total_area * u[u_indices == 0]
# the width and height (of the cap) of each sample's bin
dx_bins = x[u_indices+1] - x[u_indices]
dy_bins = y[u_indices+1] - y[u_indices]
sample = x[u_indices] + dx_bins * (
+ 2.0 * delta_y * dy_bins/dx_bins)**0.5 - y[u_indices]) / dy_bins
# if nan values found, then flat CDF for which the inverse is undefined...
where_nan = np.where(~np.isfinite(sample))
n_where_nan = len(where_nan[0])
# ... in that case, simply sample randomly from each flat bin!
if n_where_nan:
assert np.all(dy_bins[where_nan] == 0)
sample[where_nan] = x[u_indices][where_nan] + (
dx_bins[where_nan] * np.random.uniform(size=n_where_nan))
# make sure that everything worked as expected
assert np.all(np.isfinite(sample))
return sample
def histogram_sampler(x_edges, y, size=1):
"""Sample from an empirical PDF represented by a histogram.
x_edges : array-like
The edges of the bins of the histrogram.
y : array-like
The counts (or a scaled version of them) of the histogram.
size : int
Number of random values to produce.
The random sample.
assert np.all(y >= 0.0)
# make sure that the lengths of the input arrays are correct
n_bins = len(y)
assert n_bins > 0 and len(x_edges) == n_bins + 1
# first decide which will be the bin of each element in the sample
bin_sample = np.random.choice(n_bins, replace=True, p=y/sum(y), size=size)
sample = np.ones(size) * np.nan
# select each bin and based on its uniform distribution, decide the sample
bins_found = set(bin_sample)
for bin_index in bins_found:
in_this_bin = np.argwhere(bin_sample == bin_index)[:, 0]
sample[in_this_bin] = np.random.uniform(
x_edges[bin_index], x_edges[bin_index+1], size=len(in_this_bin))
return np.squeeze(sample)
def read_histogram_from_file(path):
"""Read a histogram from a CSV file.
The expected format is:
# comment line
x[0], x[1], ..., x[n], x[n+1]
y[0], y[1], ..., y[n]
where # denotes a comment line (also empty lines are ignored), and `n` is
the number of bins (notice that the first line contains n+1 elements.)
Usage: bin_edges, bin_counts = read_histogram_from_file("a_histogram.csv").
path : str
The path of the CSV file containing the histogram information.
list of arrays
The bin edges and bin counts of the histogram.
with open(path, "r") as f:
arrays = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith("#"):
arrays.append(np.fromstring(line.strip(), dtype=float, sep=","))
if len(arrays) > 2:
raise IndexError("More than two lines found in the histogram"
" document.")
if len(arrays) < 2:
raise IndexError("Less than two lines found in the histogram"
" document.")
if len(arrays[0]) - 1 != len(arrays[1]):
raise IndexError("The number of elements in the second data line is"
" not one less than the number in the first data"
" line.")
return arrays
def inspiral_timescale_from_separation(star1_mass, star2_mass,
separation, eccentricity):
"""Compute the timescale of GW inspiral using the orbital separation.
Based on [1]_:
star1_mass : float
Mass of star 1 in Msun.
star2_mass : float
Mass of star 2 in Msun.
separation : type
Binary separation in Rsun.
eccentricity : type
Eccentricity of the binary orbit. Must be 0 <= ecc <1.
The inspiral time scale of the two black holes.
.. [1] Peters 1964 Phys. Rev. 136, B1224
# NOTE we should check that this matches up with Maggiori equations
G = const.standard_cgrav
c = const.clight
Msun = const.Msun
Rsun = const.Rsun
secyer = const.secyer
m1 = star1_mass * Msun
m2 = star2_mass * Msun
a = separation * Rsun
ecc = eccentricity
if m1 <= 0:
raise ValueError("Mass of star 1 is <= 0, which is not a physical value.")
if m2 <= 0:
raise ValueError("Mass of star 2 is <= 0, which is not a physical value.")
if a <= 0:
raise ValueError("Separation is <= 0, which is not a physical value.")
if ecc < 0:
raise ValueError("Eccentricity is < 0, which is not a physical value.")
if ecc >= 1:
raise ValueError("Eccentricity is >= 1, which is not a physical value.")
# Eq. (5.9) in Peters 1964 Phys. Rev. 136, B1224
beta = (64.0 / 5) * (G**3) * m1 * m2 * (m1 + m2) / (c**5)
if ecc == 0:
# Eq. (5.10) in Peters 1964 Phys. Rev. 136, B1224
T_merger = a**4 / (4 * beta)
# Eq. (5.11) at e_0, i.e. a_0 = a(e_0), solved for c_0 in
# Peters 1964 Phys. Rev. 136, B1224
def c_0(a0, e0):
return ((a0 * (1 - e0**2)) * (e0**(-12.0 / 19))
* (1 + (121.0 / 304) * e0**2)**(-870.0 / 2299))
c0 = c_0(a, ecc)
# Eq. (5.14)
def integrand(e):
return (e**(29. / 19) * (1 + (121. / 304) * e**2)**(1181.0 / 2299)
/ (1 - e**2)**(3.0 / 2))
# assume binary circularizes by the time it merges
T_merger = (12.0 / 19) * (
(c0**4) / beta) * quad(integrand, 0.0, ecc)[0]
# return T_merge in Myr
return T_merger / (secyer * 1e6)
def inspiral_timescale_from_orbital_period(star1_mass, star2_mass,
orbital_period, eccentricity):
"""Compute the timescale of GW inspiral using the orbital period.
Based on [1]_:
star1_mass : float
Mass of star 1 in Msun.
star2_mass : float
Mass of star 2 in Msun.
orbital_separation : type
Binary separation in Rsun.
eccentricity : type
Eccentricity of the binary orbit. Must be 0 <= ecc <1.
The inspiral time scale of the two black holes in Myr.
.. [1] Peters 1964 Phys. Rev. 136, B1224
# NOTE we should check that this matches up with Maggiori equations
separation = orbital_separation_from_period(orbital_period, star1_mass,
T_merge = inspiral_timescale_from_separation(star1_mass, star2_mass,
separation, eccentricity)
return T_merge
def spin_stable_mass_transfer(spin_i, star_mass_preMT, star_mass_postMT):
"""Calculate the spin of an accreting BH under stable mass transfer.
Based on Thorne 1974 eq. 2a.
if ((star_mass_preMT is None) or (star_mass_preMT<=0.0) or
(star_mass_postMT is None) or (star_mass_postMT<=0.0) or
(spin_i is None) or (spin_i<0.0)):
return None
z1 = 1+(1-spin_i**2)**(1/3)*((1+spin_i)**(1/3)+(1-spin_i)**(1/3))
z2 = (3*spin_i**2+z1**2)**0.5
r_isco = 3 + z2 - ((3-z1)*(3+z1+2*z2))**0.5
if (1 <= star_mass_postMT / star_mass_preMT
and star_mass_postMT / star_mass_preMT <= r_isco**0.5):
spin = r_isco**(0.5) / 3 * (star_mass_preMT / star_mass_postMT) * (
4 - (3 * r_isco * star_mass_preMT**2 / star_mass_postMT**2 - 2)**(0.5))
elif star_mass_postMT / star_mass_preMT > r_isco**(0.5):
spin = 1.
spin = np.nan
return spin
def check_state_of_star(star, i=None, star_CO=False):
"""Get the state of a SingleStar.
star: SingleStar
The star for which the state will be computed.
i : integer
Index of the model for which we want to calculate the state of the
SingleStar object. Default = -1 (the final).
star_CO: bool
True if we want to assume a compact object (WD/NS/BH).
False if the state will be calculated by its attributes.
state : str
state at of the star object at index i of the history.
if star_CO:
star_mass = star.mass_history[i] if i is not None else star.mass
if 'WD' == star.state_history[-1] or star.state == 'WD':
return 'WD'
return infer_star_state(star_mass=star_mass, star_CO=True)
if i is None:
star_mass = star.mass
surface_h1 = star.surface_h1
center_h1 = star.center_h1
center_he4 = star.center_he4
center_c12 = star.center_c12
log_LH = star.log_LH
log_LHe = star.log_LHe
log_Lnuc = star.log_Lnuc
star_mass = star.mass_history[i]
surface_h1 = star.surface_h1_history[i]
center_h1 = star.center_h1_history[i]
center_he4 = star.center_he4_history[i]
center_c12 = star.center_c12_history[i]
log_LH = star.log_LH_history[i]
log_LHe = star.log_LHe_history[i]
log_Lnuc = star.log_Lnuc_history[i]
return infer_star_state(star_mass=star_mass,
def check_state_of_star_history_array(star, N=1, star_CO=False):
"""Calculate the evolutionary states with an array of history data.
star : SingleStar
The star for which the state will be computed.
N : int
Number of history steps (from the end), to calculate the state.
star_CO : bool
If `True`, assume it's a compact object.
list of str
The state(s) in a list.
return [check_state_of_star(star, i, star_CO) for i in range(-N, 0)]
def get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case(binary, interpolation_class=None,
i=None, verbose=False):
"""Infer the binary state, event and mass transfer case.
binary : BinaryStar
The POSYDON binary star.
i : int
The index of the history in which we want to calculate the state of the
binary object. Default (None) is the current state.
binary_state : str
One of 'detached', 'contact', 'RLO1' and 'RLO2'.
binary_event : str
Options are 'oRLO1' or 'oRLO2' (onset of RLO, the start of RLO),
'oCE1', 'oCE2', 'oDoubleCE1', 'oDoubleCE2', 'CC1', 'CC2'.
mass transfer case : str
'caseA', 'caseB', etc.
If 'detached' then returns ['detached', None, None].
If 'contact' then returns ['contact', None] or ['oCE1', 'oDoubleCE1'] or
['oDoubleCE2', None].
If RLO then returns either ['RLO1', None, 'caseXX'] or
['RLO2', None, 'caseXX'] or maybe ['RLO2', 'oRLO2', 'caseXX'].
# initializing: ['binary_state','binary_event','MT_case']
if binary is None:
return [None, None, 'None']
if interpolation_class == 'not_converged':
return [None, None, 'None']
elif interpolation_class == 'initial_MT':
return ['initial_RLOF', None, 'None']
if i is None:
lg_mtransfer = binary.lg_mtransfer_rate
rl_overflow1 = binary.rl_relative_overflow_1
rl_overflow2 = binary.rl_relative_overflow_2
state1, state2 = binary.star_1.state, binary.star_2.state
gamma1, gamma2 = binary.star_1.center_gamma, binary.star_2.center_gamma
lg_mtransfer = binary.lg_mtransfer_rate_history[i]
rl_overflow1 = binary.rl_relative_overflow_1_history[i]
rl_overflow2 = binary.rl_relative_overflow_2_history[i]
state1 = binary.star_1.state_history[i]
state2 = binary.star_2.state_history[i]
gamma1 = binary.star_1.center_gamma_history[i]
except IndexError: # this happens if compact object
gamma1 = None
gamma2 = binary.star_2.center_gamma_history[i]
except IndexError: # this happens if compact object
gamma2 = None
# get numerical MT cases
mt_flag_1 = infer_mass_transfer_case(rl_overflow1, lg_mtransfer, state1,
mt_flag_2 = infer_mass_transfer_case(rl_overflow2, lg_mtransfer, state2,
# convert to strings
mt_flag_1_str = cumulative_mass_transfer_string([mt_flag_1])
mt_flag_2_str = cumulative_mass_transfer_string([mt_flag_2+10 if mt_flag_2\
in ALL_RLO_CASES else mt_flag_2])
rlof1 = mt_flag_1 in ALL_RLO_CASES
rlof2 = mt_flag_2 in ALL_RLO_CASES
no_rlof = (mt_flag_1 == MT_CASE_NO_RLO) and (mt_flag_2 == MT_CASE_NO_RLO)
if rlof1 and rlof2: # contact condition
result = ['contact', None, 'None']
if interpolation_class == 'unstable_MT':
if rl_overflow1>=rl_overflow2: # star 1 initiated CE
result = ['contact', 'oCE1', 'None']
# Check for double CE
comp_star = binary.star_2
if comp_star.state not in ["H-rich_Core_H_burning",
"stripped_He_Core_He_burning", "WD",
"NS", "BH"]:
result[1] = "oDoubleCE1"
else: # star 2 initiated CE
result = ['contact', 'oCE2', 'None']
# Check for double CE
comp_star = binary.star_1
if comp_star.state not in ["H-rich_Core_H_burning",
"stripped_He_Core_He_burning", "WD",
"NS", "BH"]:
result[1] = "oDoubleCE2"
return result
elif no_rlof: # no MT in any star
result = ['detached', None, 'None']
elif rlof1 and not rlof2: # only in star 1
result = ['RLO1', None, mt_flag_1_str]
if interpolation_class == 'unstable_MT':
return ['RLO1', 'oCE1', mt_flag_1_str]
# if prev_state not in ALL_RLO_CASES:
# return ['RLO1', 'oRLO1', mt_flag_1_str]
elif rlof2 and not rlof1: # only in star 2
result = ['RLO2', None, mt_flag_2_str]
if interpolation_class == 'unstable_MT':
return ['RLO2', 'oCE2', mt_flag_2_str]
else: # undetermined in any star
result = ["undefined", None, 'None']
if ("Central_C_depletion" in state1
or "Central_He_depleted" in state1
or (gamma1 is not None and gamma1 >= 10.0)): # WD formation
result[1] = "CC1"
elif ("Central_C_depletion" in state2
or "Central_He_depleted" in state2
or (gamma2 is not None and gamma2 >= 10.0)): # WD formation
result[1] = "CC2"
return result
def get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case_array(binary, N=None,
"""Calculate the evolutionary states with an array of history data.
binary: POSYDON BinaryStar object
N : array
index of the history in which we want to calculate the state of the
SingleStar object
binary_state : str(see in check_state_of_star)
binary_event :
MT_case :
if N is None: # focus on current evolutonary state
result = get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case(binary, i=None,
binary_state = result[0]
binary_event = result[1]
MT_case = result[2]
binary_state = []
binary_event = []
MT_case = []
for index in range(-N, 0):
result = get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case(binary, i=index,
return binary_state, binary_event, MT_case
def CO_radius(M, COtype):
"""Calculate the radius of a compact object based on its type and mass.
M : float
CO mass in Msun
COtype : str
Tyep of compact object. Accepted values: "BH", "NS", "WD"
Compact object radius in solar radii
if M <= 0.:
raise ValueError('Compact object mass must be a positive value')
if COtype == "BH":
R = Schwarzschild_Radius(M)
elif COtype == "NS":
# Some references:
# Most, E. R., Weih, L. R., Rezzolla, L., & Schaffner-Bielich, J. 2018,
# PhRvL, 120, 261103
# Abbott, B. P., Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. 2020, ApJL, 892, L3
# Landry, P., Essick, R., & Chatziioannou, K. 2020, PhRvD, 101, 123007
R = 12.5e5/const.Rsun
elif COtype == "WD":
# Hansen C. J., Kawaler S. D., Trimble V., 2004,
# Stellar Interiors. Springer New York
R = 2.9e8*(M)**(-1./3.)/const.Rsun
raise ValueError('COtype not in the list of valid options: "BH", "NS", "WD"')
return R
def He_MS_lifetime(mass):
"""Calculate the lifetime of He burning in a star.
mass : type
Mass of star in solar masses
He MS time duration in yr.
if mass <=0.0:
raise ValueError(f"Too low mass: {mass}")
elif mass < 2.0:
he_t_ms = 10 ** 8
elif mass >= 2.0 and mass < 10.0:
he_t_ms = 10**(-2.6094 * np.log10(mass) + 8.7855)
elif mass >= 10.0 and mass < 100.0:
he_t_ms = 10**(-0.69897 * np.log10(mass) + 6.875)
else: # mass >= 100.0
he_t_ms = 3 * 10 ** 5
return he_t_ms
def Schwarzschild_Radius(M):
"""Calculate the Schwarzschild Radius of BH with mass M.
M : float
BH mass in Msun
Schwarzschild Radius in solar radii
G = const.standard_cgrav
c = const.clight
Rsun = const.Rsun
Msun = const.Msun
# Kutner, M. L. 2003, Astronomy: A physical perspective,
# Cambridge University Press
return (2 * G * M * Msun / (c**2 * Rsun))
def flip_stars(binary):
"""Short summary.
binary : type
Description of parameter `binary`.
Description of returned object.
star_1 = copy.copy(binary.star_1)
star_2 = copy.copy(binary.star_2)
setattr(binary, 'star_1', star_2)
setattr(binary, 'star_2', star_1)
state = getattr(binary, 'state')
if state == 'RLO1':
setattr(binary, 'state', 'RLO2')
elif state == 'RLO2':
setattr(binary, 'state', 'RLO1')
event = getattr(binary, 'event')
if event == 'oRLO1':
setattr(binary, 'event', 'oRLO2')
elif event == 'oRLO2':
setattr(binary, 'event', 'oRLO1')
if event == 'oCE1':
setattr(binary, 'event', 'oCE2')
elif event == 'oCE2':
setattr(binary, 'event', 'oCE1')
if event == 'CC1':
setattr(binary, 'event', 'CC2')
elif event == 'CC2':
setattr(binary, 'event', 'CC1')
state_history = np.array(getattr(binary, 'state_history'))
cond_RLO2 = state_history == 'RLO1'
cond_RLO1 = state_history == 'RLO2'
state_history[cond_RLO2] = 'RLO2'
state_history[cond_RLO1] = 'RLO1'
setattr(binary, 'state_history', state_history.tolist())
event_history = np.array(getattr(binary, 'event_history'))
cond_CC2 = event_history == 'CC1'
cond_CC1 = event_history == 'CC2'
event_history[cond_CC2] = 'CC2'
event_history[cond_CC1] = 'CC1'
cond_oRLO2 = event_history == 'oRLO1'
cond_oRLO1 = event_history == 'oRLO2'
event_history[cond_oRLO2] = 'oRLO2'
event_history[cond_oRLO1] = 'oRLO1'
cond_oCE2 = event_history == 'oCE1'
cond_oCE1 = event_history == 'oCE2'
event_history[cond_oCE2] = 'oCE2'
event_history[cond_oCE1] = 'oCE1'
setattr(binary, 'event_history', event_history.tolist())
for i in ['t_sync_rad_', 't_sync_conv_', 'rl_relative_overflow_']:
value1 = getattr(binary, i+'1')
value2 = getattr(binary, i+'2')
value1_history = getattr(binary, i+'1_history')
value2_history = getattr(binary, i+'2_history')
setattr(binary, i+'1', value2)
setattr(binary, i+'2', value1)
setattr(binary, i+'1_history', value2_history)
setattr(binary, i+'2_history', value1_history)
def set_binary_to_failed(binary):
'''Set the properties of the binary to indicate that it has failed.
binary : BinaryStar
The binary to set to failed.
binary.state = "ERR"
binary.event = "FAILED"
def infer_star_state(star_mass=None, surface_h1=None,
center_h1=None, center_he4=None, center_c12=None,
log_LH=None, log_LHe=None, log_Lnuc=None, star_CO=False):
"""Infer the star state (corresponding to termination flags 2 and 3)."""
if star_CO:
return "NS" if star_mass <= STATE_NS_STARMASS_UPPER_LIMIT else "BH"
if surface_h1 is None:
rich_in = ("H-rich" if surface_h1 > THRESHOLD_HE_NAKED_ABUNDANCE
else ("accreted_He" if round(surface_h1, 10)<round(center_h1,10)
else "stripped_He"))
burning_H = (log_LH > LOG10_BURNING_THRESHOLD
and log_LH - log_Lnuc > REL_LOG10_BURNING_THRESHOLD)
burning_He = (log_LHe > LOG10_BURNING_THRESHOLD
and log_LHe - log_Lnuc > REL_LOG10_BURNING_THRESHOLD)
He_in_core = center_he4 > THRESHOLD_CENTRAL_ABUNDANCE
C_in_core = center_c12 > THRESHOLD_CENTRAL_ABUNDANCE
if not (H_in_core or He_in_core): # H and He are depleted
if not C_in_core:
burning = "Central_C_depletion"
burning = "Central_He_depleted"
# from now on, either H or He in core
elif H_in_core: # no matter what the He abundance is
if burning_H:
burning = "Core_H_burning"
burning = "non_burning"
else: # from now on: only He, not H in core
if burning_He:
burning = "Core_He_burning"
elif burning_H:
burning = "Shell_H_burning"
burning = "non_burning"
return "{}_{}".format(rich_in, burning)
def infer_mass_transfer_case(rl_relative_overflow,
"""Infer the mass-transfer case of a given star.
rl_relative_overflow : float
lg_mtransfer_rate : float
donor_state : str
Values of star parameters at a specific step.
The mass-transfer case integer flag.
if rl_relative_overflow is None or lg_mtransfer_rate is None:
if ((rl_relative_overflow <= RL_RELATIVE_OVERFLOW_THRESHOLD) and
((lg_mtransfer_rate <= LG_MTRANSFER_RATE_THRESHOLD) and
(rl_relative_overflow < 0.0))):
if verbose:
print("checking rl_relative_overflow / lg_mtransfer_rate,",
rl_relative_overflow, lg_mtransfer_rate)
if "non_burning" in donor_state:
elif "H-rich" in donor_state:
if "Core_H_burning" in donor_state:
return MT_CASE_A
if ("Core_He_burning" in donor_state
or "Shell_H_burning" in donor_state):
return MT_CASE_B
if ("Central_He_depleted" in donor_state
or "Central_C_depletion" in donor_state):
return MT_CASE_C
elif "stripped_He" in donor_state:
if "Core_He_burning" in donor_state:
return MT_CASE_BA
if ("Central_He_depleted" in donor_state
or "Central_C_depletion" in donor_state):
return MT_CASE_BB
def cumulative_mass_transfer_numeric(MT_cases):
"""Summarize the history of MT cases in a short list of integers.
MT_cases : array-like
A list of the integer MT flags at sequential history steps. If the
cases are instead given in string format they are converted first.
list of int
A shorter list of integer MT flags, following these rules:
i. If undetermined MT at any step, it is indicated in the beginning
(as a warning) and ignored later.
ii. If no RLO anywhere, then this is the only element in the returned
list (or the second if undetermined MT at any step). Intermediate
no-RLO phases (between RLO cases) are ignored.
iii. Consequent same cases are reported only once (e.g., A, A, A -> A.)
The end result is a list of integers indicating whether undetermined MT
anywhere, if no RLO everywhere, or "changes" of MT cases.
if len(MT_cases) == 0:
if isinstance(MT_cases[0], str):
cases = [MT_STR_TO_CASE[case] for case in MT_cases]
cases = MT_cases.copy()
result = []
# if undetermined MT anywhere, report it at the beginning and forget it
cases = [case for case in cases if case != MT_CASE_UNDETERMINED]
if len(cases) == 0:
return result
# if no RLO at all steps, report this, otherwise forget about these phases
if MT_CASE_NO_RLO in cases:
cases = [case for case in cases if case != MT_CASE_NO_RLO]
if len(cases) == 0:
return result
# from now on... undetermined, and no_RLO are not in the list...
curr_case = cases[0]
prev_case = curr_case
for curr_case in cases[1:]:
if curr_case != prev_case:
prev_case = curr_case
return result
def cumulative_mass_transfer_string(cumulative_integers):
"""Convert a cumulative MT sequence to a string.
cumulative_integers : list of int
Typically, the output of `cumulative_mass_transfer_numeric`.
A summarization of the mass-tranfer cases in the form of a string, as
opposed to the output of `cumulative_mass_transfer_numeric` (see this
function to understand the rules of summarization). The character `?`
in the beginning of the string indicates undetermined MT case at some
point of the evolution. `no_RLO` indicates no RLO at any evolutionary
step. `caseA`, `caseB`, etc., denote the corresponding MT cases. When
multiple cases are found, they are indicated only when the begin, and
are combined using `/`. For example:
?no_RLO : undetermined MT at few steps, otherwise no RLO.
caseA : case A MT only (possible no_RLO at some points).
?caseA/B : undetermined MT somewhere, then case A, then case B.
caseA/B/A : case A, then B, and A again (although unphysical).
if len(cumulative_integers) == 0:
return "?"
result = ""
added_case_word = False
for integer in cumulative_integers:
result += "?"
elif integer == MT_CASE_NO_RLO:
result += "no_RLO"
elif ((integer in MT_CASE_TO_STR) or (integer-10 in MT_CASE_TO_STR)):
if not added_case_word:
result += "case_"
added_case_word = True
result += "/"
if integer in MT_CASE_TO_STR:
result += MT_CASE_TO_STR[integer] + '1' # from star 1
result += MT_CASE_TO_STR[integer-10] + '2' # from star 2
Pwarn("Unknown MT case: {}".format(integer),\
return result
def cumulative_mass_transfer_flag(MT_cases, shift_cases=False):
"""Get the cumulative MT string from a list of integer MT casses.
MT_cases: list of integers
A list of MT cases.
shift_cases: bool
Flag to shift non-physical cases like A1 after B1 will turn into B1.
A string summarizing the mass transfer cases.
if shift_cases:
case_1_min = MT_CASE_NO_RLO
case_2_min = case_1_min+10
case_2_max = case_1_max+10
corrected_MT_cases = []
for MT in MT_cases:
if (MT<=case_1_max):
# star 1 is donor
if (MT<case_1_min): # replace MT case
if (MT>case_1_min): # update earliest possible MT case
case_1_min = MT
elif (MT<=case_2_max):
# star 2 is donor
if (MT<case_2_min): # replace MT case
if (MT>case_2_min): # update earliest possible MT case
case_2_min = MT
# unknown donor
Pwarn("MT case with unknown donor: {}".format(MT),\
corrected_MT_cases = MT_cases.copy()
return cumulative_mass_transfer_string(
def get_i_He_depl(history):
"""Get the index of He depletion in the history
history: numpy-array
Stellar history from MESA
index of He depletion (-1 if no He depletion is found)
if (('surface_h1' in history.dtype.names) and
('center_h1' in history.dtype.names) and
('center_he4' in history.dtype.names) and
('center_c12' in history.dtype.names) and
('log_LH' in history.dtype.names) and
('log_LHe' in history.dtype.names) and
('log_Lnuc' in history.dtype.names)):
n_history = len(history['center_he4'])
for i in range(n_history):
state = infer_star_state(surface_h1=history['surface_h1'][i],
if "Central_He_depleted" in state:
return i
return -1
def calculate_Patton20_values_at_He_depl(star):
"""Calculate the carbon core mass and abundance very close to ignition.
This is important for using the Patton+2020 SN prescription
star: SingleStar object holding the history of its attributes.
It updates the following values in the star object
co_core_mass_at_He_depletion: float
co_core_mass at He core depletion
(almost at the same time as carbon core ignition)
avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion : float
avg carbon abundance inside CO_core_mass at He core depletion
(almost at the same time as carbon core ignition)
co_core_mass_at_He_depletion = None
avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion = None
if star.state_history is not None:
if ("H-rich_Central_He_depleted" in star.state_history):
i_He_depl = np.argmax(
np.array(star.state_history) == "H-rich_Central_He_depleted")
co_core_mass_at_He_depletion = star.co_core_mass_history[i_He_depl]
avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion = star.avg_c_in_c_core_history[
elif ("stripped_He_Central_He_depleted" in star.state_history):
i_He_depl = np.argmax(np.array(star.state_history)
== "stripped_He_Central_He_depleted")
co_core_mass_at_He_depletion = star.co_core_mass_history[i_He_depl]
avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion = star.avg_c_in_c_core_history[
co_core_mass_at_He_depletion = None
avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion = None
# return co_core_mass_at_He_depletion, avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion
star.co_core_mass_at_He_depletion = co_core_mass_at_He_depletion
star.avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion = avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion
def CEE_parameters_from_core_abundance_thresholds(star, verbose=False):
"""Find the envelope mass for different core boundary abundance thresholds.
The results are meant to be used in collabration with the respective
`lambda_CE_*cent`, `lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent`.
star: SingleStar object holding the history of its attributes.
It updates the following values in the star object
m_core_CE_1cent: float
core mass (using an element abundance of 1%)
m_core_CE_10cent: float
core mass (using an element abundance of 10%)
m_core_CE_30cent: float
core mass (using an element abundance of 30%)
m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent: float
core mass (using an element abundance of 10% in He)
r_core_CE_1cent: float
core radius (using an element abundance of 1%)
r_core_CE_10cent: float
core radius (using an element abundance of 10%)
r_core_CE_30cent: float
core radius (using an element abundance of 30%)
r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent: float
core radius (using an element abundance of 10% in He)
lambda_CE_1cent: float
lambda value (using an element abundance of 1%)
lambda_CE_10cent: float
lambda value (using an element abundance of 10%)
lambda_CE_30cent: float
lambda value (using an element abundance of 30%)
lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent: float
lambda value (using an element abundance of 10% in He)
mass = star.mass
radius = 10.**star.log_R
star_state = star.state
m_core_CE_1cent = 0.0
m_core_CE_10cent = 0.0
m_core_CE_30cent = 0.0
m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = 0.0
r_core_CE_1cent = 0.0
r_core_CE_10cent = 0.0
r_core_CE_30cent = 0.0
r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = 0.0
profile = star.profile # final profile of a star in a MESA run
if profile is not None and isinstance(profile, np.ndarray):
mass_prof = profile["mass"]
m_core = 0.0
r_core = 0.0
if "H-rich" in star_state:
for element_frac in [0.01, 0.1, 0.3]:
ind_core = calculate_core_boundary(
mass_prof, star_state, profile,
lambda_CE, m_core, r_core = calculate_lambda_from_profile(
profile=profile, donor_star_state=star_state,
m1_i=mass, radius1=radius,
ind_core=ind_core, verbose=verbose)
if element_frac == 0.01:
m_core_CE_1cent = m_core
r_core_CE_1cent = r_core
lambda_CE_1cent = lambda_CE
elif element_frac == 0.1:
m_core_CE_10cent = m_core
r_core_CE_10cent = r_core
lambda_CE_10cent = lambda_CE
if element_frac == 0.3:
m_core_CE_30cent = m_core
r_core_CE_30cent = r_core
lambda_CE_30cent = lambda_CE
# calculate also potential CO core, for consistency
for element_frac in [0.1]:
ind_core = calculate_core_boundary(
mass_prof, star_state, profile,
lambda_CE, m_core, r_core = calculate_lambda_from_profile(
profile=profile, donor_star_state=star_state,
m1_i=mass, radius1=radius,
ind_core=ind_core, CO_core_in_Hrich_star=True,
m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = m_core
r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = r_core
lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = lambda_CE
elif "stripped_He" in star_state:
for element_frac in [0.1]:
ind_core = calculate_core_boundary(
mass_prof, star_state, profile,
lambda_CE, m_core, r_core = calculate_lambda_from_profile(
profile=profile, donor_star_state=star_state,
m1_i=mass, radius1=radius,
m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = m_core
m_core_CE_1cent = mass
m_core_CE_10cent = mass
m_core_CE_30cent = mass
r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = r_core
r_core_CE_1cent = radius
r_core_CE_10cent = radius
r_core_CE_30cent = radius
lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = lambda_CE
lambda_CE_1cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_10cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_30cent = np.nan
else: # CO-object or undetermined_evolutionary_state?
m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = np.nan
m_core_CE_1cent = np.nan
m_core_CE_10cent = np.nan
m_core_CE_30cent = np.nan
r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = np.nan
r_core_CE_1cent = np.nan
r_core_CE_10cent = np.nan
r_core_CE_30cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_1cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_10cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_30cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = np.nan
if verbose:
print('star state {} is not what expected during the '
else: # no profile
m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = np.nan
m_core_CE_1cent = np.nan
m_core_CE_10cent = np.nan
m_core_CE_30cent = np.nan
r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = np.nan
r_core_CE_1cent = np.nan
r_core_CE_10cent = np.nan
r_core_CE_30cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_1cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_10cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_30cent = np.nan
lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = np.nan
if verbose:
print("star_state", star_state)
m_core_CE_1cent, m_core_CE_10cent, m_core_CE_30cent,
r_core_CE_1cent, r_core_CE_10cent, r_core_CE_30cent,
lambda_CE_1cent, lambda_CE_10cent, lambda_CE_30cent,
star.m_core_CE_1cent = m_core_CE_1cent
star.m_core_CE_10cent = m_core_CE_10cent
star.m_core_CE_30cent = m_core_CE_30cent
star.m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent
star.r_core_CE_1cent = r_core_CE_1cent
star.r_core_CE_10cent = r_core_CE_10cent
star.r_core_CE_30cent = r_core_CE_30cent
star.r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent
star.lambda_CE_1cent = lambda_CE_1cent
star.lambda_CE_10cent = lambda_CE_10cent
star.lambda_CE_30cent = lambda_CE_30cent
star.lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent = lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent
def initialize_empty_array(arr):
"""Initialize an empty record array with NaNs and empty strings."""
res = arr.copy()
for colname in res.dtype.names:
if np.issubsctype(res[colname], float):
res[colname] = np.nan
if np.issubsctype(res[colname], str):
res[colname] = np.nan
#TODO: handle h5py.string_dtype()
return res
def calculate_core_boundary(donor_mass,
"""Calculate the shell where the core is - envelope boundary.
donor_mass : array
Profile column of enclosed mass of the star.
donor_star_state : string
The POSYDON evolutionary state of the donor star
profile : numpy.array
Donor's star profile from MESA
mc1_i : float
core mass and total mass of the donor star.
core_element_fraction_definition : float
The mass fraction of the envelope abundant chemical element at
the core-envelope boundary to derive the donor's core mass from
the profile
CO_core_in_Hrich_star: Bool
This should be true if we want to calculate the boundary of CO core in
a H-rich star (and not of the helium core).
ind_core : int
The value of the cell position of the core - envelope boundary, at the
donor's MESA profile (for a profile that starts from the surface).
More specifically, it returns the index of the first cell (starting
from the surface), that the elements conditions for the core are met.
- Returns 0 for a star that is all core
- Returns -1 for a star that is all envelope.
# the threshold of the elements that need to be high in the core
core_element_high_fraction_definition = 0.1
# ENHANCEMENT: this list needs to be imported from e.g. flow_chart.py
# ENHANCEMENT: this list needs to be imported from e.g. flow_chart.py
if core_element_fraction_definition is not None:
if ((donor_star_state in STAR_STATES_H_RICH)
and ('x_mass_fraction_H' in profile.dtype.names)
and ('y_mass_fraction_He' in profile.dtype.names)
and ('z_mass_fraction_metals' in profile.dtype.names)):
if not CO_core_in_Hrich_star:
element = profile['x_mass_fraction_H']
element_core = np.add(profile['y_mass_fraction_He'],
element = np.add(profile['x_mass_fraction_H'],
element_core = profile['z_mass_fraction_metals']
elif (donor_star_state in STAR_STATE_He
and 'x_mass_fraction_H' in profile.dtype.names
and 'y_mass_fraction_He' in profile.dtype.names
and 'z_mass_fraction_metals' in profile.dtype.names):
# Recalculate the core from a chemical mass fraction threshold.
# Here we assume Xelement=0.1 is the default MESA core definition.
# element = profile['y_mass_fraction_He']
element = np.add(profile['x_mass_fraction_H'],
element_core = profile['z_mass_fraction_metals']
# ind_core=np.argmax(element[::-1]>=core_element_fraction_definition)
ind_core = -1
Pwarn("Stellar profile columns were not enough to calculate the"+\
" core-envelope boundaries for CE, entire star is now"+\
" considered an envelope", "ApproximationWarning")
return ind_core
# starting from the surface, both conditions become True when element
# (of which the envelope is rich) decreases and the element_core which
# is in the core increases.
both_conditions = (
element <= core_element_fraction_definition).__and__(
element_core >= core_element_high_fraction_definition)
if not np.any(both_conditions):
# the whole star is an envelope, from surface towards the core
# the "both_conditions" never becomes True
ind_core = -1
# starting from the surface we find the first time that we get True
ind_core = np.argmax(both_conditions)
# This includes the case that the whole star is an "core", as it
# will find only "True" in both_conditions and will return
# ind_core=0 (first, surface cell for a MESA profile)
elif (mc1_i is not None):
# calculate the cell position of the core boundary. In principle you
# calculate index of the first time the inequality becomes False (your
# lowest value) for your MESA profile, so starting from the surface.
ind_core = np.argmin(donor_mass >= mc1_i)
raise ValueError("Not possible to calculate the core boundary of the donor in CE")
return ind_core
def period_evol_wind_loss(M_current, M_init, Mcomp, P_init):
"""Calculate analytically the period widening due to wind mass loss [1]_.
M_current : float
Current mass of the mass losing star (Msun)
M_init : float
Initial mass of the mass losing star when the calculation starts (Msun)
Mcomp : float
(Constant) mass of the companion star (Msun)
P_init : float
Initial binary period when the calculation starts (days)
Current binary period in days
.. [1] Tauris, T. M., & van den Heuvel, E. 2006, Compact stellar X-ray
sources, 1, 623
log10P = (-2.*np.log10(M_current+Mcomp)
+ 2.*np.log10(M_init+Mcomp) + np.log10(P_init))
return 10.0**log10P
def separation_evol_wind_loss(M_current, M_init, Mcomp, A_init):
"""Calculate analytically the separation widening due to wind mass loss [1]_.
M_current : float
Current mass of the mass losing star (Msun)
M_init : float
Initial mass of the mass losing star when the calculation starts (Msun)
Mcomp : float
(Constant) mass of the companion star (Msun)
A_init : float
Initial binary separation when the calculation starts (Rsun)
Current binary separation in Rsun
.. [1] Tauris, T. M., & van den Heuvel, E. 2006, Compact stellar X-ray
sources, 1, 623.
log10A = (-np.log10(M_current+Mcomp)
+ np.log10(M_init+Mcomp) + np.log10(A_init))
return 10.0**log10A
def period_change_stable_MT(period_i, Mdon_i, Mdon_f, Macc_i,
alpha=0.0, beta=0.0):
"""Change the binary period after a semi-detached stable MT phase.
Calculated in Sorensen, Fragos et al. 2017A&A...597A..12S.
Note that MT efficiencies are assumed constant (i.e., not time-dependent)
throughout the MT phase.
period_i : float
Initial period
Mdon_i: float
Initial donor mass
Mdon_f: float
Final donor mass (should be in the same unit's of Mdon_i)
Mdon_i: float
Initial accretor's mass (should be in the same unit's of Mdon_i)
alpha : float [0-1]
Fraction of DM_don (= Mdon_i - Mdon_f) from the donor,
lost from the donor's vicinity
beta : float [0-1]
Fraction of Mdot from the L1 point (= (1-alpha)*DM_don),
lost from the accretor's vicinity.
The final accreted rate is (1-beta)(1-alpha)*DM_don
period_f : float
final period at the end of stable MT, in the same units as period_i
DM_don = Mdon_i - Mdon_f # mass lost from donor (>0)
if DM_don < 0:
raise ValueError("Donor gains mass from {} to {}".format(Mdon_i,
Macc_f = Macc_i + (1.-beta)*(1.-alpha)*DM_don
if alpha < 0.0 or beta < 0.0 or alpha > 1.0 or beta > 1.0:
raise ValueError("In period_change_stable_MT, mass transfer "
"efficiencies, alpha, beta: {}, {} are not in the "
"[0-1] range.".format(alpha, beta))
if beta != 1.0: # Eq. 7 of Sorensen+Fragos et al. 2017
period_f = (period_i * (Mdon_f/Mdon_i)**(3.*(alpha-1.))
* (Macc_f/Macc_i)**(3./(beta-1.))
* ((Mdon_i + Macc_i)/(Mdon_f + Macc_f))**(2.))
# fully non-conservative MT. Eq. 8 of Sorensen+Fragos et al. 2017,
# were we already assumed beta=1
period_f = (period_i * (Mdon_f/Mdon_i)**(3.*(alpha-1.))
* np.exp(3.*(1.-alpha)*(Mdon_f - Mdon_i)/Macc_f)
* ((Mdon_i + Macc_i)/(Mdon_f + Macc_f))**(2.))
return period_f
def linear_interpolation_between_two_cells(array_y, array_x, x_target,
top=None, bot=None, verbose=False):
"""Interpolate quantities between two star profile shells."""
if ((top is None or np.isnan(top)) and (bot is None or np.isnan(bot))):
top = np.argmax(array_x >= x_target)
bot = top - 1
elif bot is None or np.isnan(bot):
bot = top - 1
elif top is None or np.isnan(top):
top = bot + 1
if top >= len(array_y):
Pwarn("top={} is too large, use last element in array_y".format(top),
top = len(array_y)-1
if top >= len(array_x):
Pwarn("array_x too short, use y at top={}".format(top),
return array_y[top]
if bot < 0:
Pwarn("bot={} is too small, use first element".format(bot),
bot = 0
if top == bot:
y_target = array_y[top]
Pwarn("linear interpolation occured between the same point: x_target,"
" top, bot, len(array_x), y_target = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}".format(\
x_target, top, bot, len(array_x), y_target),
elif bot > top:
y_target = array_y[top]
Pwarn("bot={} is too large: use y at top={}".format(bot, top),
x_top = array_x[top]
x_bot = array_x[bot]
y_top = array_y[top]
y_bot = array_y[bot]
slope = (y_top - y_bot) / (x_top - x_bot)
const = (y_top*x_bot - y_bot*x_top) / (x_top - x_bot)
y_target = slope * x_target - const
if verbose:
print("linear interpolation")
print("x_target, top, bot, len(array_x)",
x_target, top, bot, len(array_x))
print("x_top, x_bot, y_top, y_bot, y_target",
x_top, x_bot, y_top, y_bot, y_target)
return y_target
def calculate_lambda_from_profile(
profile, donor_star_state, m1_i=np.nan, radius1=np.nan,
core_element_fraction_definition=0.1, ind_core=None,
common_envelope_alpha_thermal=1.0, tolerance=0.001,
CO_core_in_Hrich_star=False, verbose=False):
"""Calculate common-enevelope lambda from the profile of a star.
We also pass a more accurate calculation of the donor core mass for the
purposes of common-envelope evolution.
profile : numpy.array
Donor's star profile from MESA
donor_star_state : string
The POSYDON evolutionary state of the donor star
common_envelope_option_for_lambda : str
Available options:
* 'default_lambda': using for lambda the constant value of
common_envelope_lambda_default parameter
* 'lambda_from_profile_gravitational': calculating the lambda
parameter from the donor's profile by using the gravitational
binding energy from the surface to the core
(needing "mass", and "radius" as columns in the profile)
* 'lambda_from_profile_gravitational_plus_internal': as above
but taking into account a factor of common_envelope_alpha_thermal *
internal energy too in the binding energy (needing also "energy" as
column in the profile)
* 'lambda_from_profile_gravitational_plus_internal_minus_recombination'
as above but not taking into account the recombination energy in the
internal energy (needing also "y_mass_fraction_He", "x_mass_fraction_H"
"neutral_fraction_H", "neutral_fraction_He", and "avg_charge_He" as
column in the profile)
core_element_fraction_definition : float
The mass fraction of the envelope abundant chemical element at
the core-envelope boundary to derive the donor's core mass from
the profile.
ind_core : int
The value of the cell position of the core - envelope boundary, at the
donor's MESA profile (for a profile that starts from the surface).
More specifically, it returns the index of the first cell (starting
from the surface), that the elements conditions for the core are met.
It is 0 for a star that is all core and -1 for a star that is all
envelope. If it is not given (None), it will be calculated inside the
common_envelope_alpha_thermal : float
Used and explained depending on the common_envelope_option_for_lambda
option above.
tolerance : float
The tolerance of numerical difference in two floats when comparing
and testing results.
CO_core_in_Hrich_star: Bool
This should be true if we want to calculate the boundary of CO core in
a H-rich star (and not of the helium core).
verbose : bool
In case we want information about the CEE.
lambda_CE: float
lambda_CE for the envelope of the donor in CEE,
calculated from profile
mc1_i: float
More accurate calculation of the donor core mass for the purposes
of CEE.
rc1_i: float
More accurate calculation of the donor core radius for the purposes
of CEE.
# get mass and radius and dm from profile
donor_mass, donor_radius, donor_dm = get_mass_radius_dm_from_profile(
profile, m1_i, radius1, tolerance)
# if np.isnan(m1_i) or m1_i is None or np.isnan(radius1) or radius1 is None
m1_i = donor_mass[0]
radius1 = donor_radius[0]
specific_internal_energy = get_internal_energy_from_profile(
common_envelope_option_for_lambda, profile, tolerance)
if ind_core is None:
# To be used in a MESA profile (so one that starts from the surface)
ind_core = calculate_core_boundary(donor_mass, donor_star_state,
profile, None,
if ind_core == 0: # all star is a core, immediate successful ejection
Ebind_i = 0.0
lambda_CE = np.nan
mc1_i = m1_i
rc1_i = radius1
if ind_core == -1: # all star is an envelope, calculate for whole star
Ebind_i = calculate_binding_energy(
donor_mass, donor_radius, donor_dm, specific_internal_energy,
len(donor_mass), common_envelope_alpha_thermal, verbose)
mc1_i = 0.0
rc1_i = 0.0
if "H-rich" in donor_star_state:
if not CO_core_in_Hrich_star:
elem_prof = profile["x_mass_fraction_H"]
elem_prof = profile["y_mass_fraction_He"]
elif "stripped_He" in donor_star_state:
elem_prof = profile["y_mass_fraction_He"]
raise ValueError("state {} not supported in CEE"\
mc1_i = linear_interpolation_between_two_cells(
donor_mass, elem_prof, core_element_fraction_definition,
ind_core, ind_core-1, verbose)
rc1_i = linear_interpolation_between_two_cells(
donor_radius, elem_prof, core_element_fraction_definition,
ind_core, ind_core-1, verbose)
# linear interpolation
Ebind_i_top = calculate_binding_energy(
donor_mass, donor_radius, donor_dm, specific_internal_energy,
ind_core, common_envelope_alpha_thermal, verbose)
Ebind_i_bot = calculate_binding_energy(
donor_mass, donor_radius, donor_dm, specific_internal_energy,
ind_core-1, common_envelope_alpha_thermal, verbose)
if verbose:
lambda_CE_top = (-const.standard_cgrav * m1_i * const.Msun
* (m1_i - donor_mass[ind_core]) * const.Msun
/ (Ebind_i_top*radius1*const.Rsun))
lambda_CE_bot = (-const.standard_cgrav * m1_i * const.Msun
* (m1_i - donor_mass[ind_core-1]) * const.Msun
/ (Ebind_i_bot*radius1*const.Rsun))
print("lambda_CE_top, lambda_CE_bot",
lambda_CE_top, lambda_CE_bot)
weight = ((core_element_fraction_definition-elem_prof[ind_core-1])
/ (elem_prof[ind_core] - elem_prof[ind_core-1]))
Ebind_i = Ebind_i_bot + weight*(Ebind_i_top - Ebind_i_bot)
# lambda of the donor is calculated from the profile
lambda_CE = (-const.standard_cgrav * m1_i*const.Msun
* (m1_i - mc1_i)*const.Msun/(Ebind_i*radius1*const.Rsun))
if verbose:
print("m1_i, radius1, len(profile) vs ind_core, mc1_i, rc1_i",
m1_i, radius1, len(donor_mass), " vs ", ind_core, mc1_i, rc1_i)
print("Ebind_i from profile ", Ebind_i)
print("lambda_CE ", lambda_CE)
if not (lambda_CE > -tolerance) and not np.isnan(lambda_CE):
raise ValueError("lambda_CE has a negative value")
return lambda_CE, mc1_i, rc1_i
def get_mass_radius_dm_from_profile(profile, m1_i=0.0,
radius1=0.0, tolerance=0.001):
"""TODO: add summary.
Reads and returns the profile columms of enclosed mass radius and
mass per shell of the donor star from a MESA profile.
m1_i : float
m1_i is the value passed from the singlestar object,
for testing purposes only
radius1 : float
radius1 is the value passed from the singlestar object,
for testing purposes only
profile : numpy.array
Donor's star profile from MESA
tolerance : float
The tolerance of numerical difference in two floats when comparing and
testing results.
donor_mass : array
Profile column of enclosed mass of the star.
donor_radius : array
Profile column of the radius the star.
donor_dm : array
Profile mass per shell of the star.
if (("mass" in profile.dtype.names)
and (("radius" in profile.dtype.names)
or ("log_R" in profile.dtype.names))):
donor_mass = profile["mass"]
if ("radius" in profile.dtype.names):
donor_radius = profile["radius"]
else: #if ("log_R" in profile.dtype.names):
donor_radius = 10**profile["log_R"]
# checking if mass of profile agrees with the mass of the binary object
if np.abs(donor_mass[0] - m1_i) > tolerance:
Pwarn("Donor mass from the binary class object "
"and the profile do not agree", "ClassificationWarning")
# checking if radius of profile agrees with the radius of the binary
if np.abs(donor_radius[0] - radius1) > tolerance:
Pwarn("Donor radius from the binary class object "
"and the profile do not agree", "ClassificationWarning")
# MANOS: if dm exists as a column, else calculate it from mass column
if "dm" in profile.dtype.names:
donor_dm = profile["dm"]
# dm in MESA is in cgs, not in MSsun units, so we transform it
donor_dm = donor_dm / const.Msun
donor_dm = np.concatenate((-1 * np.diff(donor_mass),
raise ValueError("One or many of the mass and/or radius needed columns"
" in the profile is not provided for the CEE")
return donor_mass, donor_radius, donor_dm
def get_internal_energy_from_profile(common_envelope_option_for_lambda,
profile, tolerance=0.001):
"""Calculate the specific internal energy per shell of the donor.
common_envelope_option_for_lambda : str
Available options:
* 'default_lambda': using for lambda the constant value of
common_envelope_lambda_default parameter
* 'lambda_from_profile_gravitational': calculating the lambda
parameter from the donor's profile by using the gravitational
binding energy from the surface to the core
(needing "mass", and "radius" as columns in the profile)
* 'lambda_from_profile_gravitational_plus_internal': as above
but taking into account a factor of common_envelope_alpha_thermal *
internal energy too in the binding energy (needing also "energy" as
column in the profile)
* 'lambda_from_profile_gravitational_plus_internal_minus_recombination'
as above but not taking into account the recombination energy in the
internal energy (needing also "y_mass_fraction_He", "x_mass_fraction_H"
"neutral_fraction_H", "neutral_fraction_He", and "avg_charge_He" as
column in the profile)
profile : numpy.array
Donor's star profile from MESA
tolerance : float
The tolerance of numerical difference in two floats when comparing
and testing results.
specific_donor_internal_energy : array
Value of the specific internal energy per shell of the donor
if (common_envelope_option_for_lambda
== "lambda_from_profile_gravitational"):
# initiate specific internal energy as 0
specific_donor_internal_energy = profile["radius"] * 0.0
elif ((common_envelope_option_for_lambda
!= "lambda_from_profile_gravitational")
and (not("energy" in profile.dtype.names))):
Pwarn("Profile does not include internal energy -- "
"proceeding with 'lambda_from_profile_gravitational'", "ApproximationWarning")
# initiate specific internal energy as 0
specific_donor_internal_energy = profile["radius"] * 0.0
elif ((common_envelope_option_for_lambda
== "lambda_from_profile_gravitational_plus_internal")
and ("energy" in profile.dtype.names)):
# specific internal energy - if we would have used the "total_energy"
# it would include (internal+potential+kinetic+rotation)
specific_donor_internal_energy = profile["energy"]
if not (np.any(specific_donor_internal_energy > -tolerance)):
raise ValueError("CEE problem calculating internal energy, "
"giving negative values.")
specific_donor_H2recomb_energy = calculate_H2recombination_energy(
profile, tolerance)
# we still need to subtract the H2 recombination energy which is
# included in the "energy" column of the profile
# internal_energy - H2 recombination energy per shell
specific_donor_internal_energy = (
specific_donor_internal_energy - specific_donor_H2recomb_energy)
if not (np.any(specific_donor_internal_energy > -tolerance)):
raise ValueError(
"CEE problem calculating recombination (and H2 recombination) "
"energy, remaining internal energy giving negative values.")
elif ((common_envelope_option_for_lambda == "lambda_from_profile_"
and ("energy" in profile.dtype.names)):
# specific internal energy. If we have used the "total_energy" it would
# include (internal+potential+kinetic+rotation)
specific_donor_internal_energy = profile["energy"]
if not (np.any(specific_donor_internal_energy > -tolerance)):
raise ValueError("CEE problem calculating internal energy, "
"giving negative values.")
# we still need to subtract the H2 recombination energy which is
# included in the "energy" column of the profile
specific_donor_H2recomb_energy = calculate_H2recombination_energy(
profile, tolerance)
specific_donor_recomb_energy = calculate_recombination_energy(
profile, tolerance)
# internal_energy - recombination energy - H2 recombination energy per
# shell (so I think it is left with thermal + radiation)
specific_donor_internal_energy = (
- specific_donor_recomb_energy
- specific_donor_H2recomb_energy)
if not (np.any(specific_donor_internal_energy > -tolerance)):
raise ValueError(
"CEE problem calculating recombination (and H2 recombination) "
"energy, remaining internal energy giving negative values.")
raise ValueError("unsupported: common_envelope_option_for_lambda = {}"\
return specific_donor_internal_energy
def calculate_H2recombination_energy(profile, tolerance=0.001):
"""Compute the recombination energy of H2 per shell in erg.
profile : array
Donor's star profile from MESA
tolerance : float
The tolerance of numerical difference in two floats when comparing
and testing results.
specific_donor_H2recomb_energy : array
recombination energy of H2 per shell in ergs
if "x_mass_fraction_H" not in profile.dtype.names:
Pwarn("Profile does not include Hydrogen mass fraction "
"calculate H2 recombination energy -- "
"H2 recombination energy is assumed 0", "ApproximationWarning")
specific_donor_H2recomb_energy = profile["radius"] * 0.0
# Dissociation energy [cm^1] from Cheng+2018:
# https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.013001
specific_donor_H2recomb_energy = (
35999.582894 * const.inversecm2erg / (2.0 * const.H_weight)
* profile['x_mass_fraction_H'] * const.avo)
# http://www.nat.vu.nl/~griessen/STofHinM/ChapIIHatomMoleculeGas.pdf
if not (np.any(specific_donor_H2recomb_energy > -tolerance)):
raise ValueError("CEE problem calculating H2 recombination energy, "
"giving negative values")
# return specific_donor_H2recomb_energy * const.ev2erg
return specific_donor_H2recomb_energy
def calculate_recombination_energy(profile, tolerance=0.001):
"""Compute the recombination energy per shell in erg.
profile : numpy.array
Donor's star profile from MESA
tolerance : float
The tolerance of numerical difference in two floats when comparing
and testing results.
specific_donor_recomb_energy : array
recombination energy per shell in ergs
if (not(("y_mass_fraction_He" in profile.dtype.names)
and ("x_mass_fraction_H" in profile.dtype.names)
and ("neutral_fraction_H" in profile.dtype.names)
and ("neutral_fraction_He" in profile.dtype.names)
and ("avg_charge_He" in profile.dtype.names))):
Pwarn("Profile does not include mass fractions and ionizations"
" of elements to calculate recombination energy "
"-- recombination energy is assumed 0", "ApproximationWarning")
specific_donor_recomb_energy = profile["radius"] * 0.0
# from MESA/binary/private/binary_ce.f90
frac_HI = profile["neutral_fraction_H"]
for i in range(len(frac_HI)):
# TODO: For some reason this is a bit > 1 in the outer envelope.
# Maybe not important but better to solve it.
frac_HI[i] = min(1., frac_HI[i])
frac_HII = 1.0 - frac_HI
frac_HeI = profile["neutral_fraction_He"]
avg_charge_He = profile["avg_charge_He"]
for i in range(len(frac_HeI)):
frac_HeI[i] = min(1., frac_HeI[i])
# knowing the frac_HeI and the avg_charge_He,
# we can solve for frac_HeII and frac_HeIII
avg_charge_He[i] = max(avg_charge_He[i], 0.0)
frac_HeII = 2.0 - 2.0 * frac_HeI - avg_charge_He
frac_HeIII = 1.0 - frac_HeII - frac_HeI
specific_donor_recomb_energy = profile_recomb_energy(
profile['x_mass_fraction_H'], profile['y_mass_fraction_He'],
frac_HII, frac_HeII, frac_HeIII)
if not (np.any(specific_donor_recomb_energy > -tolerance)):
raise ValueError("CEE problem calculating recombination energy, "
"giving negative values.")
return specific_donor_recomb_energy
def profile_recomb_energy(x_mass_fraction_H, y_mass_fraction_He,
frac_HII, frac_HeII, frac_HeIII):
"""Calculate the recombination energy per shell.
x_mass_fraction_H : array
Mass fraction of H per shell
y_mass_fraction_He : array
Mass fraction of He per shell.
frac_HII : array
Fraction of single ionized H per shell.
frac_HeII : array
Fraction of single ionized He per shell.
frac_HeIII : array
Fraction of double ionized He per shell.
recomb_energy : 1D numpy.arrays
recombination energy per shell in ergs
(same dimension as x_mass_fraction_H and y_mass_fraction_He)
recomb_energy = (
54.4177650 * frac_HeIII / const.He_weight
* y_mass_fraction_He * const.avo
+ 24.587388 * (frac_HeII + frac_HeIII) / const.He_weight
* y_mass_fraction_He * const.avo
+ 13.598434 * frac_HII / const.H_weight
* x_mass_fraction_H * const.avo)
return recomb_energy * const.ev2erg
def calculate_binding_energy(donor_mass, donor_radius, donor_dm,
verbose, tolerance=0.001
"""Calculate the total binding energy of the envelope of the star.
donor_mass : array
Enclosed mass coordinate of the donor star from its profile.
donor_radius : array
Radius coordinate of the donor star from its profile.
donor_dm : array
Mass enclosed per shell in the donor star's profile.
specific_internal_energy : array
Specific internal energy of the donor star.
ind_core : int
The value of the shell position of the core - envelope boundary,
at the donor's MESA profile
factor_internal_energy : float
The factor to multiply with internal energy to be taken into
account when we calculate the binding energy of the enevelope
verbose : bool
In case we want information about the CEE (the default is False).
Ebind_i : float
The total binding energy of the envelope of the star
# Sum of gravitational energy from surface to core boundary
Grav_energy = 0.0
# Sum of internal energy from surface to core boundary. This is 0 if
# 'lambda_from_profile_gravitational' or (thermal+radiation+recombination)
# for "lambda_from_profile_gravitational_plus_internal" or
# (thermal+radiation) for
# "lambda_from_profile_gravitational_plus_internal_minus_recombination"
U_i = 0.0
# sum from surface to the core. Your core boundary is in element [ind_core]
# in a normal MESA (and POSYDON) profile
for i in range(ind_core):
Grav_energy_of_cell = (-const.standard_cgrav * donor_mass[i]
* const.Msun * donor_dm[i]*const.Msun
/ (donor_radius[i]*const.Rsun))
# integral of gravitational energy as we go deeper into the star
Grav_energy = Grav_energy + Grav_energy_of_cell
U_i = U_i + specific_internal_energy[i]*donor_dm[i]*const.Msun
if Grav_energy > 0.0:
if not (Grav_energy < tolerance):
raise ValueError("CEE problem calculating gravitational energy, "
"giving positive values.")
# binding energy of the enevelope equals its gravitational energy +
# an a_th fraction of its internal energy
Ebind_i = Grav_energy + factor_internal_energy * U_i
if not (Ebind_i < tolerance):
Pwarn("Ebind_i of the envelope is positive", "EvolutionWarning")
if verbose:
print("integration of gravitational energy surface to core "
"[Grav_energy], integration of internal energy surface to "
"core [U_i] (0 if not taken into account) ", Grav_energy, U_i)
print("Ebind = Grav_energy + factor_internal_energy*U_i : ", Ebind_i)
return Ebind_i
def calculate_Mejected_for_integrated_binding_energy(profile, Ebind_threshold,
mc1_i, rc1_i,
m1_i = 0.0, radius1 = 0.0,
"""Calculate the mass lost from the envelope for an energy budget of Ebind_threshold
profile : numpy.array
Donor's star profile from MESA
Ebind_threshold : float
Orbital energy used from the spiral in to partial unbind the envelope. Positive
We integrate from surface to calcualte the partial loss of mass during CE that merges.
factor_internal_energy : float
The factor to multiply with internal energy to be taken into
account when we calculate the binding energy of the enevelope
verbose : bool
In case we want information about the CEE (the default is False).
Ebind_i : float
The total binding energy of the envelope of the star
donor_mass, donor_radius, donor_dm = get_mass_radius_dm_from_profile(
profile, m1_i, radius1, tolerance)
specific_internal_energy = get_internal_energy_from_profile(
common_envelope_option_for_lambda = "lambda_from_profile_gravitational_plus_internal_minus_recombination",
profile = profile, tolerance = tolerance)
# Sum of gravitational energy from surface towards inside
Grav_energy = 0.0
# Sum of internal energy from surface towards.
U_energy = 0.0
# sum from surface to the core. Your threshold is in element [ind_threshold]
# in a normal MESA (and POSYDON) profile
i = 0
Ebind_so_far = 0.0 # the integration from surface going inwards of the binding energy (negative in principle)
while (abs(Ebind_so_far) < Ebind_threshold) and (i<len(donor_mass)):
Grav_energy_of_cell = (-const.standard_cgrav * donor_mass[i]
* const.Msun * donor_dm[i]*const.Msun
/ (donor_radius[i]*const.Rsun))
# integral of gravitational energy as we go deeper into the star
Grav_energy = Grav_energy + Grav_energy_of_cell
U_energy = U_energy + specific_internal_energy[i]*donor_dm[i]*const.Msun
Ebind_so_far = Grav_energy + factor_internal_energy * U_energy
ind_threshold = i-1
if donor_mass[ind_threshold]< mc1_i or donor_radius[ind_threshold]<rc1_i:
Pwarn("partial mass ejected is greater than the envelope mass", "EvolutionWarning")
mass_threshold = mc1_i
mass_threshold = donor_mass[ind_threshold]
M_ejected = donor_mass[0] - mass_threshold
return M_ejected
def rotate(axis, angle):
"""Generate rotation matrix to rotate a vector about an arbitrary axis by
a given angle
axis : array of length 3
Axis to rotate about
angle : float
Angle, in radians, through which to rotate about axis
rotation_matrix : 3x3 array
Array such that rotation_matrix.dot(vector) rotates vector
about the given axis by the given angle
if len(axis)!=3:
raise ValueError("axis should be of dimension 3")
# normalize the axis vector
norm = np.linalg.norm(axis)
if norm==0:
raise ValueError("axis is a point")
axis = axis / norm
# calculate the cosine and sine of the angle
cos_theta = np.cos(angle)
sin_theta = np.sin(angle)
# construct the rotation matrix
rotation_matrix = np.array([
[cos_theta + axis[0]**2 * (1 - cos_theta),
axis[0] * axis[1] * (1 - cos_theta) - axis[2] * sin_theta,
axis[0] * axis[2] * (1 - cos_theta) + axis[1] * sin_theta],
[axis[1] * axis[0] * (1 - cos_theta) + axis[2] * sin_theta,
cos_theta + axis[1]**2 * (1 - cos_theta),
axis[1] * axis[2] * (1 - cos_theta) - axis[0] * sin_theta],
[axis[2] * axis[0] * (1 - cos_theta) - axis[1] * sin_theta,
axis[2] * axis[1] * (1 - cos_theta) + axis[0] * sin_theta,
cos_theta + axis[2]**2 * (1 - cos_theta)]
return rotation_matrix