"""Compute the underlying stellar population mass for a given simulation."""
__authors__ = [
"Devina Misra <devina.misra@unige.ch>",
"Simone Bavera <Simone.Bavera@unige.ch>",
"Konstantinos Kovlakas <Konstantinos.Kovlakas@unige.ch>",
"Matthias Kruckow <Matthias.Kruckow@unige.ch>",
"Dimitris Souropanis <dsouropanis@ia.forth.gr>",
import numpy as np
from posydon.popsyn import independent_sample
from scipy.integrate import quad
from posydon.utils.posydonwarning import Pwarn
def initial_total_underlying_mass(
simulated_mass=None, simulated_mass_single=None,
simulated_mass_binaries=None, f_bin=0.7, **kwargs
"""Compute the initial total mass of the population.
simulated_mass, simulated_mass_single, simulated_mass_binaries : float
Total simulated mass, simulated mass of binary systems and simulated
mass of single stars, respectively.
f_bin: float
The binary fraction of your population in "nature".
If not provided, the default value is set to 0.7
Parameters are expected to be provided as keyword arguments (kwargs):
primary_mass_min: float
minimum initial mass of the primary star
primary_mass_max: float
maximum initial mass of the primary star
binary_fraction_const: float
Binary fraction used in the simulations
primary_mass_scheme: string
Kroupa2001 or Salpeter options
secondary_mass_scheme: string
mass ratio distribution
underlying_total_mass: float
The underlying total mass of the population: float
f_corr_single_stars, f_corr_binaries; float
Correction factors for singles and binaries, respectively.
# ENHANCEMENT: the code should assume default values of the POSYDON sampler
# if not provided in kwargs.
f_bin_nature = f_bin #This parameter represents the preferred fraction
# of binary systems within your population,
# allowing users to input any value ranging from 0.1 to 1.
f_bin_simulated = kwargs['binary_fraction_const']
m_min = 0.01
m_max = 200.0
m_a = kwargs['primary_mass_min']
m_b = kwargs['primary_mass_max']
if simulated_mass is None:
initial_ZAMS_mass = independent_sample.generate_independent_samples(
initial_ZAMS_mass_1 = initial_ZAMS_mass[2]
initial_ZAMS_mass_2 = initial_ZAMS_mass[3]
n_binaries = int(f_bin_simulated * len(initial_ZAMS_mass_1))
initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_binaries = (
sum(initial_ZAMS_mass_1[:n_binaries]) +
initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_single = sum(initial_ZAMS_mass_1[n_binaries:len(initial_ZAMS_mass_1)])
initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_mass = initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_binaries + initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_single
initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_mass = simulated_mass
initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_single= simulated_mass_single
initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_binaries= simulated_mass_binaries
def imf_part_1(m, m_min, alpha1):
return (m/m_min)**-alpha1
def imf_part_2(m, m_1, m_min, alpha1, alpha2):
return ((m_1/m_min)**-alpha1) * ((m/m_1)**-alpha2)
def imf_part_3(m, m_1, m_2, m_min, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3):
return ((m_1/m_min)**-alpha1)*((m_2/m_1)**-alpha2)*((m/m_2)**-alpha3)
def mean_mass_of_binary(f0, f_bin_nature, m_1, m_2, m_min, m_max,
alpha1, alpha2, alpha3):
a1, a2, a3 = alpha1, alpha2, alpha3
mean_mass = f0 * (1 + (f_bin_nature/2)) * (
(1/(2-a1)) * ((m_1**(2-a1) - m_min**(2-a1))/(m_min**-a1))
+ ((1/(2-a2))
* (m_1/m_min)**-a1 * ((m_2**(2-a2) - m_1**(2-a2))/(m_1**-a2)))
+ ((1/(2-a3)) * (m_1/m_min)**-a1 * (m_2/m_1)**-a2
* ((m_max**(2-a3) - m_2**(2-a3))/(m_2**-a3))))
return mean_mass
def mean_mass_simulated(alpha3, m_a, m_b, f_bin_simulated):
a = alpha3
mean_mass_sim = (1+(f_bin_simulated/2)) * ((1-a) / (2-a)) * (
return mean_mass_sim
def fraction_simulated( m_1, m_2, m_min, m_max,
alpha1, alpha2, alpha3):
a1, a2, a3 = alpha1, alpha2, alpha3
f_model = f0 * (1/(1-a3)) * (m_1/m_min)**(-a1) * (m_2/m_1)**(
-a2) * ((m_b**(1-a3)-m_a**(1-a3)) / (m_2**-a3))
return f_model
# Kroupa P., 2001, MNRAS, 322, 231
if (kwargs['primary_mass_scheme'] == 'Kroupa2001'
and kwargs['secondary_mass_scheme'] == 'flat_mass_ratio'):
m_1 = 0.08
m_2 = 0.5
alpha1 = 0.3
alpha2 = 1.3
alpha3 = 2.3
# Salpeter E. E., 1955, ApJ, 121, 161
elif (kwargs['primary_mass_scheme'] == 'Salpeter'
and kwargs['secondary_mass_scheme'] == 'flat_mass_ratio'):
m_1 = 0.08
m_2 = 0.5
alpha1 = 2.35
alpha2 = 2.35
alpha3 = 2.35
Pwarn("Scheme not included yet: primary_mass_scheme="
f"{kwargs['primary_mass_scheme']}, secondary_mass_scheme"
f"={kwargs['secondary_mass_scheme']}", "UnsupportedModelWarning")
return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
f0 = 1/(quad(imf_part_1, m_min, m_1, args=(m_min, alpha1))[0]
+ quad(imf_part_2, m_1, m_2, args=(m_1, m_min, alpha1, alpha2))[0]
+ quad(imf_part_3, m_2, m_max, args=(m_1, m_2, m_min, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3))[0])
f_corr_single_stars = (fraction_simulated(m_1, m_2, m_min, m_max, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3)
* mean_mass_simulated(alpha3, m_a, m_b, f_bin_simulated)
/ mean_mass_of_binary(f0, f_bin_nature, m_1, m_2, m_min, m_max, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3))
f_corr_binaries = (fraction_simulated(m_1, m_2, m_min, m_max, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3)
* mean_mass_simulated(alpha3, m_a, m_b, f_bin_simulated)
/ mean_mass_of_binary(f0, f_bin_nature, m_1, m_2, m_min, m_max, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3))
if (f_bin_simulated == 1): #when you have simulated only binary stars
if (f_bin_nature != 0):
f_corr_binaries = f_corr_binaries*f_bin_nature
Pwarn("We apologize for not having simulated single stars. Please "
"provide a value greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.",
return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan
if (f_bin_simulated != 1): #when you have modeled both binary and single stars
if (f_bin_nature == 0): #but you want the underlying mass for a population
# consisting of only single stars
f_corr_single_stars= (f_corr_single_stars*(1-f_bin_nature))/(1-f_bin_simulated)
if (f_bin_nature == 1): #you want the underlying mass for a population
# consisting of only binary stars
f_corr_binaries = f_corr_binaries*(f_bin_nature/f_bin_simulated)
else: #you want the underlying mass for a population
#consisting of both single and binary stars
f_corr_binaries = f_corr_binaries*(f_bin_nature/f_bin_simulated)
f_corr_single_stars= (f_corr_single_stars*(1-f_bin_nature))/(1-f_bin_simulated)
underlying_total_mass = ((initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_single / f_corr_single_stars) +
(initial_ZAMS_TOTAL_binaries / f_corr_binaries))
return underlying_total_mass, f_corr_single_stars, f_corr_binaries