__author__ = ['Simone Bavera <Simone.Bavera@unige.ch>']
import numpy as np
from posydon.utils.posydonwarning import Pwarn
from posydon.utils.constants import Msun, clight
GRB_PROPERTIES = ['GRB1', 'S1_eta', 'S1_f_beaming', 'S1_E_GRB', 'S1_E_GRB_iso', 'S1_L_GRB_iso',
'GRB2', 'S2_eta', 'S2_f_beaming', 'S2_E_GRB', 'S2_E_GRB_iso', 'S2_L_GRB_iso']
def get_GRB_properties(df, GRB_efficiency, GRB_beaming, E_GRB_iso_min=0.):
"""Compute GRB properties for a given binary population."""
# check if radiated disk mass is avaialble to compute GRB properties
if ('S1_m_disk_radiated' not in df or
'S2_m_disk_radiated' not in df):
raise ValueError('m_disk_radiated not found in the dataframe!')
# reminder the user about the threshold cut
if E_GRB_iso_min != 0.:
Pwarn("We only consider GRBs with isotropic equivalent energy larger "
f"than {E_GRB_iso_min} erg!", "ApproximationWarning")
# define some methods
def compute_eta(i, sel):
"""Set GRB energy conversion efficiency factor."""
if not isinstance(GRB_efficiency, float):
raise ValueError(f'GRB efficiency {GRB_efficiency} '
'must be float value in [0,1] range!')
if GRB_efficiency < 0. or GRB_efficiency > 1.:
raise ValueError(f'GRB efficiency {GRB_efficiency} '
'must be float value in [0,1] range!')
# preset all efficiency factors to NaN and set them
# only for the selected binaries emitting a GRB
df[f'S{i}_eta'] = [np.nan] * df.shape[0]
df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_eta'] = GRB_efficiency
def compute_beaming_factor(i, sel):
"""Compute GRB beaming factor."""
# TODO: check out Github copilot suggestions:
# 'Fong+15', 'Ghirlanda+16', 'Lamb+19'?
df[f'S{i}_f_beaming'] = [np.nan] * df.shape[0]
if isinstance(GRB_beaming, float):
df.loc[sel, f'S{i}_f_beaming'] = GRB_beaming
elif GRB_beaming == 'Goldstein+15':
n = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_f_beaming'].shape[0]
# generate a opening angle from a lognormal distribution
# as in Table 3 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.04464.pdf
theta = 10**(np.random.normal(0.77,0.37,n))/180.*np.pi # radian
# TODO: truncate the angle between 0 and pi/2
# compute the solid angle, factor 2 to accounts for the two emispheres
solid_angle = 4*np.pi*(1.-np.cos(theta))
df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_f_beaming'] = solid_angle/(4*np.pi)
# TODO: this option is not usable at the moment as it requires
# redshift information which is not available in the dataframe
# the refshift is compute by rate_calculation.py after GRB properties
# are computed, fix this.
# elif GRB_beaming == 'Lloyd-Ronning+19':
# if z is None:
# raise ValueError('Redshift not specified!')
# else:
# z = df.loc[sel,'z_formation']
# n = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_f_beaming'].shape[0]
# # generate a opening angle from a lognormal distribution
# # as in Table 3 of https://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.04464.pdf
# theta =10**(np.random.normal(0.77*(1+z)**(-0.75),0.37,n))/180.*np.pi # radian
# # TODO: truncate the angle between 0 and pi/2
# # compute the solid angle, factor 2 to accounts for the two emispheres
# solid_angle = 4*np.pi*(1.-np.cos(theta))
# df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_f_beaming'] = solid_angle/(4*np.pi)
elif GRB_beaming == 'Pescalli+15':
# TODO: check the reference and the equation
def f_B(E,eta):
C = (7e46)**xi
fb = np.ones(len(E))
fb[E>0.] = (C*(eta*E[E>0.]/t)**(-xi))**(1./(1-xi))
return fb
E = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_E_GRB']
eta = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_eta']
df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_f_beaming'] = f_B(E,eta)
raise ValueError(f'GRB beaming factor {GRB_beaming} not supported!')
def compute_E_GRB(i, sel):
"""Compute the GRB energy."""
df[f'S{i}_E_GRB'] = np.zeros(df.shape[0])
m_disk_radiated = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_m_disk_radiated']
eta = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_eta']
df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_E_GRB'] = eta * m_disk_radiated * Msun * clight**2 # erg
def compute_E_GRB_iso(i, sel):
"""Compute the GRB isotropic equivalent energy."""
df[f'S{i}_E_GRB_iso'] = np.zeros(df.shape[0])
E_GRB = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_E_GRB']
f_beaming = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_f_beaming']
df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_E_GRB_iso'] = E_GRB/f_beaming # erg
def compute_L_GRB_iso(i, sel):
"""Compute the GRB isotropic equivalet luminosity."""
df[f'S{i}_L_GRB_iso'] = np.zeros(df.shape[0])
# compute the GRB isotropic equivalent luminosity assuming a
# constant average timescale of 25s from Pescalli+15
# TODO: improve this assumption
E_GRB_iso = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_E_GRB_iso']
df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_L_GRB_iso'] = E_GRB_iso/25. # erg/s
def flag_GRB_systems(i, sel):
# flag all systems emitting at least one GRB
df[f'GRB{i}'] = [False] * df.shape[0]
df.loc[sel,f'GRB{i}'] = df.loc[sel,f'S{i}_E_GRB_iso'] >= E_GRB_iso_min
# loop over the two star components and compute GRB properties
# only for stars that formed a disk
for i in range(1,3):
# compute energies only for non-zero disk masses
sel = df[f'S{i}_m_disk_radiated'] > 0.
compute_eta(i, sel)
compute_E_GRB(i, sel)
compute_beaming_factor(i, sel)
compute_E_GRB_iso(i, sel)
compute_L_GRB_iso(i, sel)
flag_GRB_systems(i, sel)
return df