Source code for posydon.interpolation.interpolation

"""Definition of the psyTackInterp class."""

__authors__ = [
    "Juanga Serra Perez <>",
    "Philipp Moura Srivastava <>"

import pickle
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from .data_scaling import DataScaler
from posydon.grids.psygrid import PSyGrid
from posydon.grids.MODELS import MODELS
from posydon.utils.interpolators import interp1d

[docs] class psyTrackInterp: """Perform track interpolation for POSYDON.""" def __init__(self, path, in_keys=None, interp_in_q=False, verbose=False): """Initialize the psyTrackInterp class. Parameters ---------- path : string The path to the training grid for the interpolator in_keys : List of strings A list indicating the variables used for defining the input space, default is None interp_in_q : boolean Indicates whether or not mass ratio is to be used, default is false verbose : boolean Indicates whether functionality should be run in verbose mode, default is false """ self.grid = PSyGrid() # Load grid data self.grid.load(path) self.grid_path = path if in_keys is None: self.in_keys = ['star_1_mass', 'star_2_mass', 'period_days'] else: self.in_keys = in_keys self.n_in = len(self.in_keys) self.interp_in_q = interp_in_q self.method = None self.verbose = verbose self.in_scaling = ['log']*3 if self.interp_in_q: self.in_scaling[1] = 'none' self.scalers = None
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save complete interpolation model. Parameters ---------- filename : str path/name of '.pkl' file where the model will be saved. """ SAVE_ATTRS = self.__dict__ DONT_SAVE = ['grid'] myattrs = {key: SAVE_ATTRS[key] for key in SAVE_ATTRS if key not in DONT_SAVE} with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(myattrs, f)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Load interpolation model to be used for predictions. filename : str path/name of pickle file to be loaded. """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: myattrs = pickle.load(f) for key in myattrs: setattr(self, key, myattrs[key])
[docs] def close(self): """Close any loaded psygrids.""" if hasattr(self, 'grid'): self.grid.close()
[docs] def train(self, method='NearestNeighbor'): """Training method.""" self.method = method XT = self._grid2array(self.grid) XTn = self._normalize_fit(XT, self.in_scaling) # mask out binaries with any nan value # mask = np.logical_and(self.grid.final_values['interpolation_class'] # != 'not_converged', # np.invert([np.isnan(XTn)[x,:].any() for x in range(XTn.shape[0])])) mask = (self.grid.final_values['interpolation_class'] != 'not_converged') & ~np.isnan(np.sum(XT, axis=1)) self.valid_ind = np.arange(XT.shape[0])[mask] if self.method == 'NearestNeighbor': self.model = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=1, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(XTn[mask]) # I think it should pick KD_tree as inputs are low dimensional else: self.method = None raise ValueError("Method %s not supported." % self.method)
[docs] def evaluate(self, binary, print_dist=False): """Evaluate given a binary object.""" Xt = self._binary2array(binary) Xtn = self._normalize(Xt) if self.method == 'NearestNeighbor': distance, index = self.model.kneighbors(Xtn) closest_run = self.grid[self.valid_ind[index[0, 0]]] tflags = [closest_run.final_values['interpolation_class'], closest_run.final_values['termination_flag_2'], closest_run.final_values['mt_history'], ] dist = np.array([binary.star_1.mass - closest_run.initial_values['star_1_mass'], binary.star_2.mass - closest_run.initial_values['star_2_mass'], binary.orbital_period - closest_run.initial_values['period_days']]) if print_dist: print("Nearest neighbor:") print(f"Distance in transformed domain -- d={distance[0,0]}") print(f"star_1_mass diff = {dist[0]}") print(f"star_2_mass diff = {dist[1]}") print(f"orb_period diff = {dist[2]}") if self.verbose: print('------------------------------------------------------') index_in_grid = self.valid_ind[index[0, 0]] print('Index to closest MESA binary track in the grid: \n', index_in_grid) print('Path to closest MESA binary track: \n', self.grid.MESA_dirs[index_in_grid]) print('------------------------------------------------------') else: raise AttributeError("No track interpolation method was trained.") return closest_run, dist, tflags
def _grid2array(self, grid): """Convert grid object into data matrix. For this, the object will extract the columns indicated by the fields given in in_keys and out_keys, stacking them into a the matrix `self.XYT`. This matrix will have size N x (self.n_in). Parameters ---------- grid : posydon.grids.psygrid.PSyGrid Grid of binaries to convert to data matrix. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray data matrix with self.n_in columns that correspond to the inputs. """ Xn = np.empty((len(grid.initial_values[self.in_keys[0]]), self.n_in)) for i in range(self.n_in): Xn[:, i] = grid.initial_values[self.in_keys[i]] if self.interp_in_q: i_m1 = self.in_keys.index('star_1_mass') i_m2 = self.in_keys.index('star_2_mass') Xn[:, i_m2] = Xn[:, i_m2] / Xn[:, i_m1] return Xn def _binary2array(self, binary): var2 = binary.star_2.mass if self.interp_in_q: var2 = binary.star_2.mass / binary.star_1.mass Xt = np.array([[binary.star_1.mass, var2, binary.orbital_period]]) return Xt def _normalize_fit(self, X, norms): """Normalize matrix X given the scaling options given by scaling. The normalized matrix will be stored as a class attribute. The function also stores DataScaler objects that allow for later denormalization of variables. """ if not (X.shape[1] == self.n_in) or not (len(norms) == self.n_in): raise ValueError("The number of columns in X must match the length of norms.") self.scalers = [] Xn = np.empty_like(X) for i in range(self.n_in): self.scalers.append(DataScaler()) Xn[:, i] = self.scalers[i].fit_and_transform(X[:, i], method=norms[i]) return Xn def _normalize(self, X): """Normalize using learned scalers (_normalize) and apply to matrix X. X must have self.n_in columns and be a 2D nparray. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray The input matrix to be normalized and of size [N x self.n_in]. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The normalized test matrix of the same size as X where each column has been scaled independently. """ assert (len(X.shape) == 2) and (X.shape[1] == self.n_in) Xn = np.empty_like(X) for i in range(self.n_in): Xn[:, i] = self.scalers[i].transform(X[:, i]) return Xn
[docs] def scaler(x, xmin, xmax): """Perform min-max scaling. Parameters ---------- x : array_like The array that requires min-max rescaling. xmin : float The lower limit of the range to scale. xmax : float The upper limit of the range to scale. Returns ------- ndarray The rescaled array of `x`. """ x = np.asanyarray(x) return (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
[docs] def inv_scaler(x, xmin, xmax): """Restore the original array of min-max rescaled array. Parameters ---------- x : array_like The array which have been min-max rescaled. xmin : float The lower limit of the min-max range. xmax : float The upper limit of the min-max range. Returns ------- ndarray The original array of `x` that have been min-max rescaled. """ x = np.asanyarray(x) return x * (xmax - xmin) + xmin
[docs] def fscale(u, lim=None, inv=False): """Successively perform min-max rescaling on the last dimension of `u`. Parameters ---------- u : array_like The array which last dimension requires min-max rescaling. lim : sequence of tuple The tuples have length 2 and contains the limits on the min-max rescaling. There should be one tuple for each array in the last dimension. inv : bool If `False` then the standard min-max rescaling will be performed. If `True` then the inverse min-max rescaling to restore and array will be performed. Returns ------- ndarray The rescaled/original array with the same shape as `u`. """ scale = inv_scaler if inv else scaler return (np.transpose( [scale(u.take(i, -1), *lim[i]) for i in range(u.shape[-1])]) if lim is not None else u)
[docs] class GRIDInterpolator(): """Class to interpolate between single star MESA tracks. Attributes ---------- path : str The path to the directory that contains the h5 grid. keys : tuple of str Contains valid keys for accessing the data. """ def __init__(self, path, verbose=False): """Initialize the GRIDInterpolator.""" self.path = path self.verbose = verbose grid = PSyGrid() self.grid = grid grid.load(path) grid_mass = [] for i in range(len(grid)): grid_mass.append(grid[i].history1['star_mass'][0]) self.grid_mass = np.array(grid_mass) self.grid_data = dict() self.grid_final_values = dict() self.grid_profile = dict() self.keys = ('age', 'mass', 'mdot', 'conv_mx1_top_r', 'conv_mx1_bot_r', 'mass_conv_reg_fortides', 'thickness_conv_reg_fortides', 'radius_conv_reg_fortides', 'surface_he3', 'he_core_mass', 'c_core_mass', 'o_core_mass', 'he_core_radius', 'c_core_radius', 'o_core_radius', 'center_h1', 'center_he4', 'center_c12', 'center_n14', 'center_o16', 'surface_h1', 'surface_he4', 'surface_c12', 'surface_n14', 'surface_o16', 'c12_c12', 'center_gamma', 'avg_c_in_c_core', 'surf_avg_omega', 'surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit', 'log_LH', 'log_LHe', 'log_LZ', 'log_Lnuc', 'log_Teff', 'log_L', 'log_R', 'inertia', 'spin_parameter', 'log_total_angular_momentum', 'conv_env_top_mass', 'conv_env_bot_mass', 'conv_env_top_radius', 'conv_env_bot_radius', 'conv_env_turnover_time_g', 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_b', 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_t', 'envelope_binding_energy', 'mass_conv_reg_fortides', 'thickness_conv_reg_fortides', 'radius_conv_reg_fortides', 'lambda_CE_1cent', 'lambda_CE_10cent', 'lambda_CE_30cent', 'co_core_mass', 'co_core_radius', 'lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent') self.translate = { 'age': 'star_age', 'mass': 'star_mass', 'he_core_mass': 'he_core_mass', 'c_core_mass': 'c_core_mass', 'o_core_mass': 'o_core_mass', 'he_core_radius': 'he_core_radius', 'c_core_radius': 'c_core_radius', 'o_core_radius': 'o_core_radius', 'center_h1': 'center_h1', 'center_he4': 'center_he4', 'center_c12': 'center_c12', 'center_n14': 'center_n14', 'center_o16': 'center_o16', 'surface_h1': 'surface_h1', 'surface_c12': 'surface_c12', 'surface_n14': 'surface_n14', 'surface_o16': 'surface_o16', 'surface_he4': 'surface_he4', 'c12_c12': 'c12_c12', 'avg_c_in_c_core': 'avg_c_in_c_core', 'center_gamma': 'center_gamma', 'surf_avg_omega': 'surf_avg_omega', 'surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit': 'surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit', 'log_LH': 'log_LH', 'log_LHe': 'log_LHe', 'log_LZ': 'log_LZ', 'log_Lnuc': 'log_Lnuc', 'log_Teff': 'log_Teff', 'log_L': 'log_L', 'log_R': 'log_R', 'inertia': 'total_moment_of_inertia', 'spin_parameter': 'spin_parameter', 'log_total_angular_momentum': 'log_total_angular_momentum', 'conv_env_top_mass': 'conv_env_top_mass', 'conv_env_bot_mass': 'conv_env_bot_mass', 'conv_env_top_radius': 'conv_env_top_radius', 'conv_env_bot_radius': 'conv_env_bot_radius', 'conv_env_turnover_time_g': 'conv_env_turnover_time_g', 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_b': 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_b', 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_t': 'conv_env_turnover_time_l_t', 'envelope_binding_energy': 'envelope_binding_energy', 'mass_conv_reg_fortides': 'mass_conv_reg_fortides', 'thickness_conv_reg_fortides': 'thickness_conv_reg_fortides', 'radius_conv_reg_fortides': 'radius_conv_reg_fortides', 'lambda_CE_1cent': 'lambda_CE_1cent', 'lambda_CE_10cent': 'lambda_CE_10cent', 'lambda_CE_30cent': 'lambda_CE_30cent', 'co_core_mass': 'co_core_mass', 'co_core_radius': 'co_core_radius', 'lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent': 'lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent', 'mdot': 'star_mdot', 'conv_mx1_top_r': 'conv_mx1_top_r', 'conv_mx1_bot_r': 'conv_mx1_bot_r', 'mass_conv_reg_fortides': 'mass_conv_reg_fortides', 'thickness_conv_reg_fortides': 'thickness_conv_reg_fortides', 'radius_conv_reg_fortides': 'radius_conv_reg_fortides', 'surface_he3': 'surface_he3', } # processed keys self.final_keys = ( 'S1_avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion', 'S1_co_core_mass_at_He_depletion', 'S1_m_core_CE_1cent', 'S1_m_core_CE_10cent', 'S1_m_core_CE_30cent', 'S1_m_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent', 'S1_r_core_CE_1cent', 'S1_r_core_CE_10cent', 'S1_r_core_CE_30cent', 'S1_r_core_CE_pure_He_star_10cent' ) # core collapse keys keys = [] for MODEL_NAME in MODELS.keys(): for key in ['CO_type', 'SN_type', 'f_fb', 'mass', 'spin', 'm_disk_accreted', 'm_disk_radiated','M4', 'mu4', 'h1_mass_ej', 'he4_mass_ej']: keys.append('S1_' + MODEL_NAME + '_' + key ) self.final_keys += tuple(keys) self.profile_keys = ( 'radius', 'mass', 'logRho', 'omega', 'energy', 'x_mass_fraction_H', 'y_mass_fraction_He', 'z_mass_fraction_metals', 'neutral_fraction_H', 'neutral_fraction_He', 'avg_charge_He' )
[docs] def load_grid(self, *args): """Load the requested data to `grid_data`. Parameters ---------- *args Associated initial masses which corresponding data should be loaded. """ grid = self.grid for m in args: idx = np.argmax(m == self.grid_mass) data = grid[idx].history1 final_value = grid[idx].final_values profile = grid[idx].final_profile1 self.grid_data[m] = dict() self.grid_final_values[m] = dict() self.grid_profile[m] = dict() for key in self.keys: self.grid_data[m][key] = data[self.translate[key]] for key in self.final_keys: self.grid_final_values[m][key] = final_value[key] for key in self.profile_keys: self.grid_profile[m][key] = profile[key]
[docs] def close(self): """Close any loaded psygrids.""" if hasattr(self, 'grid'): self.grid.close()
[docs] def get(self, key, M_new): """Perform linear interpolation between specific time-series. Parameters ---------- key : str The specific time-series described by the key. Valid keys are in the `keys` attribute. M_new : float The associated initial mass which time-series requires interpolation. Returns ------- ndarray The interpolated ZAMS time-series specified by `key` associated with the initial mass `M_new`. """ if M_new in self.grid_mass: try: kvalue = self.grid_data[M_new][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(M_new) kvalue = self.grid_data[M_new][key] log_L = self.grid_data[M_new]['log_L'] log_LH = self.grid_data[M_new]['log_LH'] i_zams = np.argmax(np.log10(0.99) + log_L <= log_LH) else: mass_low = np.max(self.grid_mass[M_new > self.grid_mass]) mass_high = np.min(self.grid_mass[M_new < self.grid_mass]) weight = (M_new - mass_low) / (mass_high - mass_low) try: kvalue_low = self.grid_data[mass_low][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_low) kvalue_low = self.grid_data[mass_low][key] try: kvalue_high = self.grid_data[mass_high][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_high) kvalue_high = self.grid_data[mass_high][key] i_cut = min(len(kvalue_low), len(kvalue_high)) kvalue = kvalue_low[:i_cut] + weight * (kvalue_high[:i_cut] - kvalue_low[:i_cut]) log_L_low = self.grid_data[mass_low]['log_L'] log_L_high = self.grid_data[mass_high]['log_L'] log_LH_low = self.grid_data[mass_low]['log_LH'] log_LH_high = self.grid_data[mass_high]['log_LH'] log_L = log_L_low[:i_cut] + weight * (log_L_high[:i_cut] - log_L_low[:i_cut]) log_LH = log_LH_low[:i_cut] + weight * (log_LH_high[:i_cut] - log_LH_low[:i_cut]) i_zams = np.argmax(np.log10(0.99) + log_L <= log_LH) if key == 'age': kvalue = kvalue - kvalue[i_zams] return kvalue[i_zams:]
[docs] def get_final_values(self, key, M_new): if M_new in self.grid_mass: try: kvalue = self.grid_final_values[M_new][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(M_new) kvalue = self.grid_final_values[M_new][key] else: mass_low = np.max(self.grid_mass[M_new > self.grid_mass]) mass_high = np.min(self.grid_mass[M_new < self.grid_mass]) try: kvalue_low = self.grid_final_values[mass_low][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_low) kvalue_low = self.grid_final_values[mass_low][key] while (kvalue_low is None or np.isnan(kvalue_low)): # escape if no lower mass is available if np.sum(mass_low > self.grid_mass) == 0: break mass_low = np.max(self.grid_mass[mass_low > self.grid_mass]) try: kvalue_low = self.grid_final_values[mass_low][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_low) kvalue_low = self.grid_final_values[mass_low][key] try: kvalue_high = self.grid_final_values[mass_high][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_high) kvalue_high = self.grid_final_values[mass_high][key] while (kvalue_high is None or np.isnan(kvalue_high)): # escape if no higher mass is available if np.sum(mass_high < self.grid_mass) == 0: break mass_high = np.min(self.grid_mass[mass_high < self.grid_mass]) try: kvalue_high = self.grid_final_values[mass_high][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_high) kvalue_high = self.grid_final_values[mass_high][key] weight = (M_new - mass_low) / (mass_high - mass_low) if ((weight == 0) | ((kvalue_high - kvalue_low) == 0) | np.isinf(weight) | np.isinf((kvalue_high - kvalue_low))): kvalue = kvalue_low else: kvalue = kvalue_low + weight * (kvalue_high - kvalue_low) return kvalue
[docs] def get_final_state(self, key, M_new): if M_new in self.grid_mass: try: kstate = self.grid_final_values[M_new][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(M_new) kstate = self.grid_final_values[M_new][key] else: mass_low = np.max(self.grid_mass[M_new > self.grid_mass]) mass_high = np.min(self.grid_mass[M_new < self.grid_mass]) try: kstate_low = self.grid_final_values[mass_low][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_low) kstate_low = self.grid_final_values[mass_low][key] try: kstate_high = self.grid_final_values[mass_high][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_high) kstate_high = self.grid_final_values[mass_high][key] mass_center = mass_low + (mass_high - mass_low)/2 if M_new < mass_center: kstate = kstate_low else: kstate = kstate_high return kstate
[docs] def get_profile(self, key, M_new): grid = self.grid if M_new in self.grid_mass: try: kvalue = self.grid_profile[M_new][key] idx = np.argmax(M_new == self.grid_mass) profile_old = grid[idx].final_profile1 except KeyError: self.load_grid(M_new) kvalue = self.grid_profile[M_new][key] idx = np.argmax(M_new == self.grid_mass) profile_old = grid[idx].final_profile1 else: mass_low = np.max(self.grid_mass[M_new > self.grid_mass]) mass_high = np.min(self.grid_mass[M_new < self.grid_mass]) try: kvalue_low = self.grid_profile[mass_low][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_low) kvalue_low = self.grid_profile[mass_low][key] try: kvalue_high = self.grid_profile[mass_high][key] except KeyError: self.load_grid(mass_high) kvalue_high = self.grid_profile[mass_high][key] m_cor_low = (self.grid_profile[mass_low]['mass'] / self.grid_profile[mass_low]['mass'][0]) m_cor_high = (self.grid_profile[mass_high]['mass'] / self.grid_profile[mass_high]['mass'][0]) if m_cor_low[-1] < m_cor_high[-1]: m_cor = m_cor_high idx = np.argmax(mass_high == self.grid_mass) profile_old = grid[idx].final_profile1 f = interp1d(m_cor_low, kvalue_low) kvalue_low = f(m_cor) else: m_cor = m_cor_low idx = np.argmax(mass_low == self.grid_mass) profile_old = grid[idx].final_profile1 f = interp1d(m_cor_high, kvalue_high) kvalue_high = f(m_cor) weight = (M_new - mass_low) / (mass_high - mass_low) kvalue = kvalue_low + weight * (kvalue_high - kvalue_low) return kvalue, profile_old
[docs] def get_masses_gridfiles(self): """Return the masses of the grid files. Returns ------- list of floats """ return self.grid_mass