Analyzing Merging BBH Populations: Rates & Observations πŸ”οƒ

If you haven’t done so yet, export the path POSYDON environment variables. For example:

%env PATH_TO_POSYDON=/Users/simone/Google Drive/github/POSYDON-public/
%env PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA=/Volumes/T7/
env: PATH_TO_POSYDON=/Users/simone/Google Drive/github/POSYDON-public/
env: PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA=/Volumes/T7/

Creating the Synthetic Poupulation DataFrame

We want to analyze the BBH population data we generated in the previous notebook. We will build a model that predicts the intrinsic and observable BBH population in the Universe. Please refer to the paper for more details about the procedure inolved in the convolution of the BBH synthetic popluation, i.e. the POSYDON population of merging BBH at the time of formation, with the star-formation history of the Universe and the selection effects of the gravitational-wave detector network.

In the first step, we load population parameters ini file and the parsed BBH population data from the previous notebook into the Synthetic Population class.

import os
from posydon.config import PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA
from posydon.popsyn.synthetic_population import SyntheticPopulation

# cosmological model parameters for the rate calculation
    'delta_t' : 100, # Myr
    'SFR' : 'IllustrisTNG',
    'sigma_SFR' : None,
    'Z_max' : 1.,
    'Zsun' : 0.0142

pop = SyntheticPopulation('./population_params.ini', verbose=True, MODEL=MODEL)
path = os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA, "POSYDON_data/tutorials/population-synthesis/example/")

# pop.df_oneline(10)
Population successfully loaded!
state event time orbital_period eccentricity lg_mtransfer_rate step_names step_times S1_state S1_mass ... S2_co_core_radius S2_center_h1 S2_center_he4 S2_surface_h1 S2_surface_he4 S2_surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit S2_spin metallicity simulated_mass_for_met underlying_mass_for_met
3587 detached ZAMS 0.000000e+00 2.493602e+01 0.000000 NaN initial_cond 0.000000 H-rich_Core_H_burning 70.069756 ... NaN 7.155000e-01 2.703000e-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 contact oDoubleCE1 3.631450e+06 6.304073e+01 0.000000 -2.989131 step_HMS_HMS 0.037464 H-rich_Core_He_burning 44.118926 ... 0.000000 0.000000e+00 9.828315e-01 4.246537e-01 0.561493 0.577444 0.760854 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 detached NaN 3.631450e+06 2.371597e-01 0.000000 NaN step_CE 0.000137 stripped_He_Core_He_burning 35.566786 ... 0.000000 0.000000e+00 9.828315e-01 1.000000e-02 0.975800 NaN NaN 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 detached CC1 4.007490e+06 1.226986e+00 0.000000 NaN step_detached 0.777758 stripped_He_Central_C_depletion 13.620462 ... 0.401483 1.917729e-34 1.605147e-02 9.893273e-100 0.247607 0.006843 0.077976 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 detached NaN 4.007490e+06 1.358968e+00 0.101109 NaN step_SN 0.152370 BH 13.120462 ... 0.401483 1.917729e-34 1.605147e-02 9.893273e-100 0.247607 0.006843 0.077976 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 detached redirect 4.007490e+06 1.358968e+00 0.101109 NaN step_CO_HeMS 0.000102 BH 13.120462 ... 0.401483 1.917729e-34 1.605147e-02 9.893273e-100 0.247607 0.006843 0.077976 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 detached CC2 4.027170e+06 1.377894e+00 0.101108 NaN step_detached 0.452186 BH 13.120462 ... 0.130995 0.000000e+00 7.706932e-13 1.000000e-99 0.226684 0.015362 0.060340 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 detached NaN 4.027170e+06 1.611464e+00 0.048133 NaN step_SN 0.149304 BH 13.120462 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.064849 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 contact CO_contact 2.917891e+09 2.638756e-08 0.000000 NaN step_dco 1.252216 BH 13.120462 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.064849 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08
3587 contact END 2.917891e+09 2.638756e-08 0.000000 NaN step_end 0.000048 BH 13.120462 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.064849 0.0142 2.913438e+07 1.447893e+08

10 rows Γ— 41 columns

We now generate the synthetic BBH population buy using the get_dco_at_formation method. - The oneline_cols allows you to extract values stored in the oneline dataframe. - The formation_channel option allows to compute the formation channels of the BBH population.

The synthetic population cann be saved to a file using the save_synthetic_pop method and loaded back into memory using the load_synthetic_pop method.

# generate the BBH synthetic population
pop.get_dco_at_formation(S1_state='BH', S2_state='BH',
                         oneline_cols=['S1_natal_kick_array_0', 'S2_natal_kick_array_0'],

# we can save the synthetic population
# pop.load_synthetic_pop(os.path.join(path,'BBH_synthetic_population.h5'))

cols = ['metallicity','time','t_delay','S1_state','S2_state','S1_mass','S2_mass','S1_spin','S2_spin', 'orbital_period','eccentricity', 'channel']
Computing formation channels...
/Users/simone/Google Drive/github/POSYDON-public/posydon/popsyn/ FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas. Value 'ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_redirect_CC2_CO_contact_END' has dtype incompatible with float64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first.
  self.df_oneline.loc[index,'channel_debug'] = formation_channel
/Users/simone/Google Drive/github/POSYDON-public/posydon/popsyn/ FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas. Value 'ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END' has dtype incompatible with float64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first.
  self.df_oneline.loc[index,'channel'] = formation_channel
Synthetic population successfully saved!
/Users/simone/Google Drive/github/POSYDON-public/posydon/popsyn/ PerformanceWarning:
your performance may suffer as PyTables will pickle object types that it cannot
map directly to c-types [inferred_type->mixed,key->block1_values] [items->Index(['state', 'event', 'step_names', 'S1_state', 'S2_state', 'channel'], dtype='object')]

  self.df_synthetic.to_hdf(path, key='history')
metallicity time t_delay S1_state S2_state S1_mass S2_mass S1_spin S2_spin orbital_period eccentricity channel
0 0.01420 4.027170 2913.863804 BH BH 13.120462 12.911080 0.079649 0.064849 1.611464 0.048133 ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END
1 0.01420 4.027170 1500.583774 BH BH 13.120462 12.911080 0.079649 0.063991 1.279098 0.123592 ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END
2 0.01420 4.849573 662.821800 BH BH 10.330899 9.888130 0.286911 0.249267 0.817643 0.165775 ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END
3 0.01420 4.544886 845.424610 BH BH 11.355246 10.251920 0.320931 0.298164 1.108194 0.379450 ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END
4 0.01420 4.530889 620.499837 BH BH 11.436823 10.900538 0.190982 0.167996 0.830194 0.107165 ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
30751 0.00639 4.585168 128.572655 BH BH 13.380617 12.935158 0.467285 0.458164 0.507305 0.089335 ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END
30752 0.00639 5.751690 68.017543 BH BH 10.018834 9.020831 0.719064 0.694536 0.333537 0.155820 ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END
30753 0.00639 6.061904 88.863012 BH BH 20.971757 9.843552 0.068179 0.698055 0.468303 0.129531 ZAMS_CC1_oRLO2_oCE2_CC2_END
30754 0.00639 5.290004 95.405272 BH BH 11.456069 11.171652 0.578478 0.595531 0.414186 0.102238 ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END
30755 0.00639 8.014044 12276.391282 BH BH 12.271066 10.368996 0.112744 0.175554 2.613887 0.164393 ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END

30756 rows Γ— 12 columns

Compute the BBH Merger Efficiency, the Merger Rate Desity and the Detection Rate

We can now compute the merger efficiency of the synthetic population at a given metallicity, i.e. the number of merging DCO per unit star formation and visualize the results.

DCO merger efficiency at Z=2.84E-02: 8.34E-07 Msun^-1
DCO merger efficiency at Z=1.42E-02: 1.61E-06 Msun^-1
DCO merger efficiency at Z=6.39E-03: 5.25E-06 Msun^-1
DCO merger efficiency at Z=2.84E-03: 2.08E-05 Msun^-1
DCO merger efficiency at Z=1.42E-03: 1.83E-05 Msun^-1
DCO merger efficiency at Z=1.42E-04: 4.18E-05 Msun^-1
DCO merger efficiency at Z=1.42E-05: 5.75E-05 Msun^-1
DCO merger efficiency at Z=1.42E-06: 6.67E-05 Msun^-1

We can also compute the merger rate density, i.e. the number of merging DCO per unit volume per unit time as a function of redshift. This calculation will generate a weight that can be used to reweight the synthetic population to obtain the intrinsic merging BBH population.

# pop.load_intrinsic_pop(os.path.join(path,'BBH_intrinsic_population.h5'))
100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 138/138 [01:25<00:00,  1.61it/s]
100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 14/14 [00:38<00:00,  2.73s/it]
DCO merger rate density in the local Universe (z=0.00): 118.48 Gpc^-3 yr^-1
Intrinsic population successfully saved!
metallicity time t_delay S1_state S2_state S1_mass S2_mass S1_spin S2_spin orbital_period eccentricity channel
0 0.014200 6.205715 4.287125e-08 BH BH 12.260188 12.183039 0.050168 8.244612e-04 326.580311 0.999994 ZAMS_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
1 0.014200 4.705799 9.754266e-01 BH BH 12.850735 20.143346 0.027546 5.791334e-17 2377.230212 0.999817 ZAMS_CC1_CC2_END
2 0.014200 8.187239 2.075700e+00 BH BH 8.314851 8.315119 0.100591 6.554160e-03 38.651550 0.996045 ZAMS_oRLO1-reverse_CC1_CC2_END
3 0.014200 6.647572 2.472628e+01 BH BH 9.826765 9.853595 0.032525 2.400078e-02 14.240625 0.980550 ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_CC2_END
4 0.014200 6.676527 1.680554e+01 BH BH 20.974131 12.500642 0.000531 4.772162e-04 696.487802 0.998932 ZAMS_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2888053 0.000001 9.558857 1.547540e+03 BH BH 12.404415 17.186149 0.353053 1.279050e-01 1.368867 0.072070 ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
2888054 0.000001 5.679476 5.173339e+02 BH BH 31.263586 34.303592 0.127590 1.671062e-01 1.495336 0.003466 ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
2888055 0.000001 6.972682 1.105689e+04 BH BH 22.020038 17.356224 0.156907 1.396343e-01 3.686468 0.234744 ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
2888056 0.000001 6.442639 1.310371e+04 BH BH 21.311099 36.473143 0.104700 1.194260e-01 4.546062 0.059527 ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
2888057 0.000001 6.862427 1.727560e+03 BH BH 26.153757 24.910536 0.116013 1.727154e-01 2.019769 0.054964 ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END

2888058 rows Γ— 12 columns

We can now visualize the merger rate density as a function of redshift.

pop.plot_rate_density(DCO=True, channels=True, **{'ylim' : [0.05, 800]})

We can now compute the BBH detection rate. This calculation will generate a weight that can be used to reweight the synthetic population to obtain the observable merging BBH population. Here we consider a gravitational-wave detector composed of LIGO and Virgo at design sensitivity, refer to the v2 paper for further details.

pop.get_dco_detection_rate(sensitivity='design_H1L1V1') # if already computed use load_data=True
# pop.load_observable_pop(os.path.join(path,'BBH_observable_population.h5'))
100%|β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ| 138/138 [13:07<00:00,  5.71s/it]
DCO detection rate at design_H1L1V1 sensitivity: 8047.26 yr^-1
observable population successfully saved!
metallicity time t_delay S1_state S2_state S1_mass S2_mass S1_spin S2_spin orbital_period eccentricity channel
0 0.014200 6.205715 4.287125e-08 BH BH 12.260188 12.183039 0.050168 8.244612e-04 326.580311 0.999994 ZAMS_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
1 0.014200 4.705799 9.754266e-01 BH BH 12.850735 20.143346 0.027546 5.791334e-17 2377.230212 0.999817 ZAMS_CC1_CC2_END
2 0.014200 8.187239 2.075700e+00 BH BH 8.314851 8.315119 0.100591 6.554160e-03 38.651550 0.996045 ZAMS_oRLO1-reverse_CC1_CC2_END
3 0.014200 6.647572 2.472628e+01 BH BH 9.826765 9.853595 0.032525 2.400078e-02 14.240625 0.980550 ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_CC2_END
4 0.014200 6.676527 1.680554e+01 BH BH 20.974131 12.500642 0.000531 4.772162e-04 696.487802 0.998932 ZAMS_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2520484 0.000001 4.893422 4.453281e+03 BH BH 44.218580 41.575484 0.012826 9.205180e-03 4.026325 0.103587 ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
2520485 0.000001 9.003064 9.227190e+03 BH BH 12.479949 17.623755 0.111116 1.095940e-01 2.702914 0.078041 ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
2520486 0.000001 4.633425 2.497501e+03 BH BH 36.989173 41.449699 0.013867 1.278169e-02 3.101543 0.141294 ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
2520487 0.000001 6.972682 1.105689e+04 BH BH 22.020038 17.356224 0.156907 1.396343e-01 3.686468 0.234744 ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END
2520488 0.000001 6.442639 1.310371e+04 BH BH 21.311099 36.473143 0.104700 1.194260e-01 4.546062 0.059527 ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END

2520489 rows Γ— 12 columns

Visualize the BBH Intrisic and Observable Property Distributions

We can now generate distribution of the observable properties of merging BBH for the intrinsic and observable BBH population by reweighting the synthetic population with the corresponding weights and visualize the distribution as follows.

pop.plot_hist_properties('m_chirp', intrinsic=True, observable=True, pop='DCO', bins=50)
pop.plot_hist_properties('chi_eff', intrinsic=True, observable=True, pop='DCO', bins=50)
pop.plot_hist_properties('q', intrinsic=True, observable=True, pop='DCO', bins=50)
pop.plot_hist_properties(['S1_mass','S2_mass'], intrinsic=True, observable=True, pop='DCO', bins=50)
pop.plot_hist_properties(['S1_spin','S2_spin'], intrinsic=True, observable=True, pop='DCO', bins=50)

There exists multiple formation channels that leads to merging BBHs.

# formation channels
array(['ZAMS_oDoubleCE1_CC1_CC2_END', 'ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END',
       'ZAMS_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END', 'ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_CC2_END',
       'ZAMS_CC1_CC2_END', 'ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_CC2_END',
       'ZAMS_CC1_oRLO2_oCE2_CC2_END', 'ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC2_CC1_END',
       'ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_oRLO2_oCE2_CC2_END'], dtype=object)

Each channel might imprint some obervational sigatures to the properties of merging BBHs. We can visualize the distribution of the intrinsic and observable BBH population as a function of the formation channel. For example let’s consider the CE and SMT formation channels and see their spin distribution.

pop.plot_hist_properties(['S1_spin','S2_spin'], intrinsic=True, observable=True, pop='DCO', bins=50, channel='ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_oCE2_CC2_END') # CE channel
pop.plot_hist_properties(['S1_spin','S2_spin'], intrinsic=True, observable=True, pop='DCO', bins=50, channel='ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END') # SMT channel

Visualize the BBH Population on the 2D MESA Grid Plot Slices

You might want to visualize the portion of the parameter space is the MESA grids that leads to the formation of these BBHs. This can be done as follows. - select the MESA grid type - select the metallicity - select the grid slice (if None all grid slices will be plotted entire) - decide if you want to save the figures and where - select the channels you want to plot

pop.plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice('HMS-HMS', 1e-4, slices=[0.7], save_fig=False) #plot_dir='./plots/'
pop.plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice('HMS-HMS', 1e-4, slices=[0.7], save_fig=False, channel='ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_oCE2_CC2_END') # CE channel
pop.plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice('HMS-HMS', 1e-4, slices=[0.7], save_fig=False, channel='ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END') # SMT channel
pop.plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice('HMS-HMS', 1e-4, slices=[0.7], save_fig=False, channel='ZAMS_oRLO1-contact_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END') # SMT-contact channel

The plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice method allows you to display the properties of the merging DCO population as a colormap. Let’s display the spin of the first born BH.

pop.plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice('HMS-HMS', 1e-4, slices=[0.7], prop='S1_spin', prop_range=[0,0.3], save_fig=False, channel='ZAMS_oRLO1_CC1_oRLO2_CC2_END') # SMT channel

Cogratulations, you are now ready to analyze any DCO population data you generated with POSYDON. Feel free to further explore the BBH model or to use this tutorial to study BHNS and BNS populations.