Source code for posydon_run_grid

#!/usr/bin/env python
import warnings
import argparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
import random
import string
import itertools
import stat
import time

import numpy as np
import pandas

from posydon.utils import gridutils as utils
from posydon.grids.psygrid import PSyGrid
from posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.utils import parse_inifile
from collections import ChainMap
    from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
    MPI_IMPORTED = False

[docs] def parse_commandline(): """Parse the arguments given on the command-line. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) grid_arguments = parser.add_argument_group('Arguments related to the running of the grid, including ' 'specifying the grid values and type of grid to be run, ' 'where the MESA simulation will be run, ' 'and where the output of the simulation should go') grid_arguments.add_argument("--mesa-grid", help="Grid of mesa points with values already known," "or new grid values to run MESA on", required=True) grid_arguments.add_argument("--grid-type", help="Either you are supplying a grid " "of points to run MESA on (fixed) or you are supplying a pre computed MESA " "grid and want to sampling new points to run MESA on (dynamic).", required=True) grid_arguments.add_argument("--output-directory", help="This is where the result of the MESA simulatio will go", required=True) grid_arguments.add_argument("--temporary-directory", help="This is where your MESA simulations will run", default=os.getcwd()) fixed_grid_arguments = parser.add_argument_group('Arguments specific to running a fixed grid') fixed_grid_arguments.add_argument("--grid-point-index", help="Override grid point slection by " "explictly saying which grid point you want." "This must be run with mpirun -np 1!!", type=int) dynamic_grid_arguments = parser.add_argument_group('Arguments specific to running a dynamic grid') dynamic_grid_arguments.add_argument("--psycris-inifile", help="Path to the psycris inifile. ") dynamic_grid_arguments.add_argument("--Niter", help="Number of iterations of binaries " "to try, will check ever Nstep for convergence", type=int, default=200) mesa_executables = parser.add_argument_group('absolute path to MESA executables to be used in grid') mesa_executables.add_argument("--mesa-binary-executable", help="MESA binary executable to be used for this grid", required=True) mesa_executables.add_argument("--mesa-star1-executable", help="optionally use star executable to form star1", ) mesa_executables.add_argument("--mesa-star2-executable", help="optionally use star executable to form star2", ) inlists_for_running_binary = parser.add_argument_group('absolute paths to static inlists related to the call of the binary executable') inlists_for_running_binary.add_argument("--mesa-binary-inlist-project", help="This is the shared inlist_project that will be used by " "every MESA run for this grid. inlist_project has both binary_job and binary_controls in it", required=True) inlists_for_running_binary.add_argument("--mesa-binary-inlist1", help="This is the shared inlist1 that will be used by " "every MESA run for this grid. inlist1 has both star_job and controls in it that determine " "the properties of the first object", required=True) inlists_for_running_binary.add_argument("--mesa-binary-inlist2", help="This is the shared inlist2 that will be used by " "every MESA run for this grid. inlist2 has both star_job and controls in it that determine " "the properties of the second object", required=True) inlists_for_running_star1 = parser.add_argument_group('absolute paths to static inlists related to the formation of star1') inlists_for_running_star1.add_argument("--mesa-star1-inlist-project", help="optionally use specific inlist(s) to form star1", nargs='+') inlists_for_running_star2 = parser.add_argument_group('absolute paths to static inlists related to the formation of star2') inlists_for_running_star2.add_argument("--mesa-star2-inlist-project", help="optionally use specific inlist(s) to form star2", nargs='+') mesa_columns = parser.add_argument_group('absolute paths to list of columns desired from each MESA simulation on this grid') mesa_columns.add_argument("--mesa-star-history-columns", help="This is the path to the star_history_columns.list file you want to use for this grid", required=True) mesa_columns.add_argument("--mesa-binary-history-columns", help="This is the path to the binary_history_columns.list file you want to use for this grid", required=True) mesa_columns.add_argument("--mesa-profile-columns", help="This is the path to the profile_columns.list file you want to use for this grid", required=True) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run in Verbose Mode") parser.add_argument("--keep_profiles", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not delete profiles at run completion") parser.add_argument("--keep_photos", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not delete photos at run completion") parser.add_argument("--job_start", type=int, default=0, help="Start time of the job (in seconds)") parser.add_argument("--job_end", type=int, default=600, help="End time of the job (in seconds)") args = parser.parse_args() if args.grid_type not in ['fixed', 'dynamic']: raise parser.error("--run-type must be either fixed or dynamic") # if we are running a dynamic grid then these arguments are required otherwise # they are not if args.grid_type == 'dynamic': if (args.psycris_inifile is None): raise parser.error("You must supply a psycris inifile when running a dynamic grid") return args
[docs] def id_generator(size=10, chars=(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase)): """Obtain omicron triggers run gravityspy on Parameters: x (str): the item you would like a random id to be generated for Returns: """ return ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
[docs] def extract_mesa_results(final_dir): """Based on the structure of the results folder extract the final state of the simulation """ try: PSyGrid().create(final_dir, "./tmp.hdf5", fmt="posydon_single", overwrite=True) psg = PSyGrid() psg.load("tmp.hdf5") df = psg.get_pandas_initial_final() except Exception: df = pandas.DataFrame() return df
[docs] def create_working_directory(grid_param_dict, args): """Function to build the directory name and make inlists for a given grid point Params: grid_param_dict: Dictionary with keys being the parameter names of the grid and values the actual values for those parameters for this grid point args: The arguments passed to posydon-run-grid """ ############# set directories variable_names_to_log = ['initial_z', 'initial_period_in_days'] # first name directories which we do not need to log directory_name_from_dict_no_log = '_'.join(['{0}_{1:.4f}'.format(k, v) for k, v in grid_param_dict.items() if k not in variable_names_to_log]) directory_name_from_dict_log = '_'.join(['{0}_{1:.4e}'.format(k, v) for k, v in grid_param_dict.items() if k in variable_names_to_log]) # drop parenthesis directory_name_from_dict_no_log = directory_name_from_dict_no_log.replace('(','') directory_name_from_dict_no_log = directory_name_from_dict_no_log.replace(')','') # combine and add on what grid number we are running if exists directory_name_from_dict = '{0}_{1}'.format(directory_name_from_dict_no_log, directory_name_from_dict_log) if args.grid_point_index is not None: directory_name_from_dict = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(directory_name_from_dict, 'grid_index', args.grid_point_index) if args.grid_type == 'dynamic': directory_name_from_dict = '{0}_{1}'.format(directory_name_from_dict, id_generator()) temp_dir = args.temporary_directory #all sims will be created inside this directory (e.g. /scratch/pablo_nu/sim1/) work_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, directory_name_from_dict) final_dir = os.path.join(args.output_directory, directory_name_from_dict) ############# check for existance of precomputed model if os.path.isdir(work_dir): print ("folder "+ work_dir +" exists, removing and rerunning") sys.stdout.flush() shutil.rmtree(work_dir) ############# create work directory and change into it os.makedirs(work_dir) shutil.copy(args.mesa_star_history_columns, work_dir) shutil.copy(args.mesa_binary_history_columns, work_dir) shutil.copy(args.mesa_profile_columns, work_dir) return work_dir, final_dir
[docs] def create_binary_inlists(binary_controls, binary_job, star1_binary_controls, star1_binary_job, star2_binary_controls, star2_binary_job, work_dir, binary_inlist_project): """Create the inlist and inlist grid points needed to run this part of grid """ binary_controls_str = """ &binary_controls read_extra_binary_controls_inlist1 = .true. extra_binary_controls_inlist1_name = '{0}' read_extra_binary_controls_inlist2 = .true. extra_binary_controls_inlist2_name = 'inlist_grid_points' / ! end of controls namelist """.format(binary_inlist_project) binary_job_str = """ &binary_job read_extra_binary_job_inlist1 = .true. extra_binary_job_inlist1_name = '{0}' / ! end of job namelist """.format(binary_inlist_project) with open(os.path.join(work_dir, 'inlist'), 'w') as f: f.write(binary_controls_str) f.write('\n') f.write(binary_job_str) with open(os.path.join(work_dir, 'inlist_grid_points'), 'w') as inlist_grid_points: if binary_controls: # Write the binary controls for this grid point inlist_grid_points.write("&binary_controls\n") for k, v in binary_controls.items(): if (type(v) == float) and (not v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1:.10f}d0\n".format(k, v)) elif (type(v) == float) and (v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1}\n".format(k, int(v))) elif type(v) == bool: if v: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .true.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .false.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("{0} = {1}\n".format(k, v)) inlist_grid_points.write("/ ! end of binary_controls namelist\n") if binary_job: # Write the binary job for this grid point inlist_grid_points.write("&binary_job\n") for k, v in binary_job.items(): if (type(v) == float) and (not v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1:.10f}d0\n".format(k, v)) elif (type(v) == float) and (v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1}\n".format(k, int(v))) elif type(v) == bool: if v: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .true.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .false.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("{0} = {1}\n".format(k, v)) inlist_grid_points.write("/ ! end of binary_job namelist\n") if star1_binary_controls: with open(os.path.join(work_dir, 'inlist_grid_star1_binary_controls'), 'w') as inlist_grid_points: # Write the star1 controls for this grid point inlist_grid_points.write("&controls\n") for k, v in star1_binary_controls.items(): if (type(v) == float) and (not v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1:.10f}d0\n".format(k, v)) elif (type(v) == float) and (v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1}\n".format(k, int(v))) elif type(v) == bool: if v: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .true.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .false.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("{0} = {1}\n".format(k, v)) inlist_grid_points.write("/ ! end of controls namelist\n") if star2_binary_controls: with open(os.path.join(work_dir, 'inlist_grid_star2_binary_controls'), 'w') as inlist_grid_points: # Write the star2 controls for this grid point inlist_grid_points.write("&controls\n") for k, v in star2_binary_controls.items(): if (type(v) == float) and (not v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1:.10f}d0\n".format(k, v)) elif (type(v) == float) and (v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1}\n".format(k, int(v))) elif type(v) == bool: if v: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .true.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .false.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("{0} = {1}\n".format(k, v)) inlist_grid_points.write("/ ! end of controls namelist\n") if star1_binary_job: with open(os.path.join(work_dir, 'inlist_grid_star1_binary_job'), 'w') as inlist_grid_points: # Write the star1 job for this grid point inlist_grid_points.write("&star_job\n") for k, v in star1_binary_job.items(): if (type(v) == float) and (not v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1:.10f}d0\n".format(k, v)) elif (type(v) == float) and (v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1}\n".format(k, int(v))) elif type(v) == bool: if v: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .true.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .false.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("{0} = {1}\n".format(k, v)) inlist_grid_points.write("/ ! end of star_job namelist\n") if star2_binary_job: with open(os.path.join(work_dir, 'inlist_grid_star2_binary_job'), 'w') as inlist_grid_points: # Write the star2 job for this grid point inlist_grid_points.write("&star_job\n") for k, v in star2_binary_job.items(): if (type(v) == float) and (not v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1:.10f}d0\n".format(k, v)) elif (type(v) == float) and (v.is_integer()): inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = {1}\n".format(k, int(v))) elif type(v) == bool: if v: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .true.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("\t{0} = .false.\n".format(k)) else: inlist_grid_points.write("{0} = {1}\n".format(k, v)) inlist_grid_points.write("/ ! end of star_job namelist\n") return
[docs] def create_star_formation(mass, work_dir, star_inlist_project, initial_z=None, new_Z=False): """Create the inlist and inlist grid points needed to run this part of grid """ binary_controls_str = """ &controls read_extra_controls_inlist1 = .true. extra_controls_inlist1_name = '{0}' read_extra_controls_inlist2 = .true. extra_controls_inlist2_name = 'inlist_grid_points' / ! end of controls namelist """.format(star_inlist_project) binary_job_str = """ &star_job read_extra_star_job_inlist1 = .true. extra_star_job_inlist1_name = '{0}' read_extra_star_job_inlist2 = .true. extra_star_job_inlist2_name = 'inlist_grid_points' / ! end of job namelist """.format(star_inlist_project) with open(os.path.join(work_dir, 'inlist'), 'w') as f: f.write(binary_controls_str) f.write('\n') f.write(binary_job_str) with open(os.path.join(work_dir, 'inlist_grid_points'), 'w') as inlist_grid_points: inlist_grid_points.write("&controls\n") inlist_grid_points.write("initial_mass = {0:.10f}d0\n".format(mass)) if initial_z is not None: inlist_grid_points.write("initial_z = {0:.10f}d0\n".format(initial_z)) inlist_grid_points.write("Zbase = {0:.10f}d0\n".format(initial_z)) inlist_grid_points.write("/ ! end of star_controls namelist\n") inlist_grid_points.write("&star_job\n") if new_Z: inlist_grid_points.write("new_Z = {0:.10f}d0\n".format(initial_z)) inlist_grid_points.write("/ ! end of star_job namelist\n") inlist_grid_points.close() return
[docs] def move_mesa_output(work_dir, final_dir, copyinstead=False): """Moves the data from the working directory to the final directory. Parameters: work_dir: Working directory (i.e. where the mesa exectuable should run) final_dir: When completed where would you like the output to go copyinstead: Indicates that the files should be copied instead of moved """ if not work_dir == final_dir: if os.path.isdir(final_dir): print ("folder "+ final_dir +" exists, replacing with new data") sys.stdout.flush() shutil.rmtree(final_dir) if copyinstead: print ("copy data from " + work_dir+ " to "+ final_dir) shutil.copytree(work_dir, final_dir) else: print ("move data from " + work_dir+ " to "+ final_dir) shutil.move(work_dir, final_dir) sys.stdout.flush() return
[docs] def run_mesa(mesa_executable, work_dir, final_dir, **kwargs): """Provides minor utility for actually spawning the mesa job for each grid mesa_executable: Path to the executable you are running work_dir: Working directory (i.e. where the mesa exectuable should run) final_dir: When completed where would you like the output to go """ outfile_name = kwargs.pop('outfile_name', 'out.txt') keep_profiles = kwargs.pop('keep_profiles', False) keep_photos = kwargs.pop('keep_photos', False) keep_work_dir = kwargs.pop('keep_work_dir', False) job_time = kwargs.pop('job_end', 600) - kwargs.pop('job_start', 0) os.chdir(work_dir) if not work_dir == final_dir: child_ID = os.fork() else: child_ID = 0.1 if child_ID>0: #parent process: run MESA and do the clean up in the working directory os.system("{0} &> {1}".format(mesa_executable, os.path.join(work_dir, outfile_name))) if not keep_profiles: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(work_dir, 'LOGS')): os.chmod(os.path.join(work_dir, 'LOGS'), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH ) os.system("rm LOGS/profile*") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(work_dir, 'LOGS1')): os.chmod(os.path.join(work_dir, 'LOGS1'), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH ) os.system("rm LOGS1/profile*") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(work_dir, 'LOGS2')): os.chmod(os.path.join(work_dir, 'LOGS2'), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH ) os.system("rm LOGS2/profile*") if os.path.exists(os.path.join(work_dir, '.mesa_temp_cache')): os.system("rm -rf .mesa_temp_cache") if not keep_photos: os.system("rm -rf photos*") if child_ID>=1: #kill child process, because it is no longer needed os.kill(child_ID, 9) move_mesa_output(work_dir, final_dir, keep_work_dir) elif child_ID==0: #child process: waits till short before the job will get killed by slurm to copy the data beforehand and exit this process after the copy finished if job_time>300: #if job last longer than 5 minutes (300 seconds) get remaining time till 5 minutes before its end wait_time = job_time-300 else: #otherwise wait 1 minute wait_time = 60 time.sleep(wait_time) move_mesa_output(work_dir, final_dir, copyinstead=True) sys.exit(0) os.chdir(final_dir) print("Done") return
[docs] def get_next_grid_point(psycris_inifile_path, grid, n_new_points, **kwargs): """Sample a new grid point Parameters ---------- psycris_inifile_path : str Path to psycris inifile grid : pandas DataFrame DataFrame of initial and final values of training data n_new_points : int Number of new points requested from the algorithm Returns ------- query_points : array Initial conditions of new MESA run to label. pred_classess : array Predicted class of query point. """ from posydon.grids.psygrid import PSyGrid from posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.utils import get_new_query_points, parse_inifile from posydon.interpolation.data_scaling import DataScaler normed_grid = grid.copy() mesa_kwargs = parse_inifile(psycris_inifile_path) input_cols = mesa_kwargs["TableData_kwargs"]["input_cols"] output_cols = mesa_kwargs["TableData_kwargs"]["output_cols"] in_scaling = mesa_kwargs["posydon_dynamic_sampling_kwargs"]["in_scaling"] out_scaling = mesa_kwargs["posydon_dynamic_sampling_kwargs"]["out_scaling"] # Check if sampling input and output columns match data from psygrid if not all([name in grid.columns for name in input_cols]): raise ValueError("Bad input columns given: {0},\nMust be in: {1}".format(input_cols, grid.columns) ) if not all([name in grid.columns for name in output_cols]): raise ValueError("Bad output columns given: {0}\nMust be in: {1}".format(output_cols, grid.columns) ) # default scaling is from [-1,1] # scale input data input_scalers = [] for i, input_col_name in enumerate(input_cols): ds = DataScaler() col_data = ds.fit_and_transform( grid[input_col_name].values, method=in_scaling[i] ) normed_grid[input_col_name] = col_data input_scalers.append(ds) # scale output data output_scalers = [] for i, output_col_name in enumerate(output_cols): if output_col_name==mesa_kwargs["TableData_kwargs"]["class_col_name"]: continue ds = DataScaler() col_data = ds.fit_and_transform( grid[output_col_name].values, method=out_scaling[i] ) normed_grid[output_col_name] = col_data output_scalers.append(ds) # protect overwriting nested dicts holder = mesa_kwargs['TableData_kwargs'].copy() holder["my_DataFrame"] = normed_grid mesa_kwargs['TableData_kwargs'] = holder normed_query_points, pred_classess = get_new_query_points(N_new_points=n_new_points, **mesa_kwargs) # inv transform the query points from sapling space for MESA variables query_points = np.empty(normed_query_points.shape, dtype=float) for n in range( len(input_scalers) ): query_points[:,n] = input_scalers[n].inv_transform(normed_query_points[:,n]) return query_points, pred_classess
[docs] def convert_input_cols_to_mesa_cols(grid_df): if 'initial_period_days' in grid_df.columns: grid_df['initial_period_in_days'] = grid_df['initial_period_days'] if 'log_p' in grid_df.columns: grid_df['initial_period_in_days'] = np.power(10, grid_df['log_p']) if 'initial_star_1_mass' in grid_df.columns: grid_df['m1'] = grid_df['initial_star_1_mass'] if 'initial_star_2_mass' in grid_df.columns: grid_df['m2'] = grid_df['initial_star_2_mass'] if ('q' in grid_df.columns) and ('initial_star_1_mass' in grid_df.columns): grid_df['m2'] = grid_df['q']*grid_df['initial_star_1_mass'] return grid_df
[docs] def do_root_process_logic(comm, grid, args, grid_params_binary_controls, grid_params_binary_job, grid_params_star1_binary_controls, grid_params_star1_binary_job, grid_params_star2_binary_controls, grid_params_star2_binary_job): """Execute the logic that the root process does for the dynamic grid """ from posydon.active_learning.psy_cris.utils import parse_inifile nstep = 0 print('Beginning dynamic grid...') # As first step find the new grid points for all the child process to run on and send that data to them proposed_points, predicted_classes_of_points = get_next_grid_point(args.psycris_inifile, grid=grid, n_new_points=size) for child in range(1,size): print('Sampling first grid point for process {0}'.format(child)) sys.stdout.flush() # make a dataframe from the proposed points with the names of the columns dynamic_grid_params = parse_inifile(args.psycris_inifile) grid_df = pandas.DataFrame(np.atleast_2d(proposed_points[child-1,:]),columns=dynamic_grid_params["TableData_kwargs"]["input_cols"],) grid_df = convert_input_cols_to_mesa_cols(grid_df) # make a dict so we can send the information around grid_dict = grid_df.to_dict('records')[0] print('Sending process number {0} a new grid point...'.format(child)) sys.stdout.flush() req = comm.isend(grid_dict, dest=child,) req.wait() print('Process number {0} received their new grid point...'.format(child)) sys.stdout.flush() while nstep < args.Niter: # Now we wait for one of the child processes to finish their grid point and send the result back to the root process so we can # sample a new point using that extra info state = MPI.Status() mesa_result = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=state) child = state.Get_source() # calculate some columns for convenience if ('initial_star_2_mass' in mesa_result.columns) and ('initial_star_1_mass' in mesa_result.columns): mesa_result['q'] = mesa_result['initial_star_2_mass']/mesa_result['initial_star_1_mass'] if 'initial_period_days' in mesa_result.columns: mesa_result['log_p'] = np.log10(mesa_result['initial_period_days']) try: grid = grid.append(mesa_result[grid.columns], sort=False) except: raise ValueError("The version of POSYDON used to make the fixed grid psygrid object is likely different then the version psygrid object" " being used for this dynamic grid run") print('Process number {0} finished their run'.format(child)) print('Saving grid data and sampling a new grid point...') sys.stdout.flush() with open(os.path.join(args.output_directory, 'grid_results.csv'), 'w') as f: grid.to_csv(f, index=False,) print('Sampling next grid point for process {0}'.format(child)) sys.stdout.flush() proposed_points, predicted_classes_of_points = get_next_grid_point(args.psycris_inifile, grid=grid, n_new_points=1) # make a dataframe from the proposed points with the names of the columns dynamic_grid_params = parse_inifile(args.psycris_inifile) grid_df = pandas.DataFrame(proposed_points, columns=dynamic_grid_params["TableData_kwargs"]["input_cols"],) grid_df = convert_input_cols_to_mesa_cols(grid_df) # make a dict so we can send the information around grid_dict = grid_df.to_dict('records')[0] print('Sending process number {0} a new grid point...'.format(child)) sys.stdout.flush() req = comm.isend(grid_dict, dest=child,) req.wait() print('Process number {0} received their new grid point...'.format(child)) sys.stdout.flush() nstep += 1
[docs] def do_child_process_logic(comm, grid, args, star1_formation=False, star2_formation=False): """Execute the logic that the child process does for the dynamic grid """ req = comm.irecv(source=0,) grid_dict = req.wait() # per each type of grid value (i.e. binary control or job or star1 control or job etc) # create a dictionary of the column name and value for this grid point binary_controls = {k: grid_dict[k] for k in grid_params_binary_controls} binary_job = {k: grid_dict[k] for k in grid_params_binary_job} star1_binary_controls = {k: grid_dict[k] for k in grid_params_star1_binary_controls} star1_binary_job = {k: grid_dict[k] for k in grid_params_star1_binary_job} star2_binary_controls = {k: grid_dict[k] for k in grid_params_star2_binary_controls} star2_binary_job = {k: grid_dict[k] for k in grid_params_star2_binary_job} grid_param_dict = dict(ChainMap({}, binary_controls, binary_job, star1_binary_controls, star1_binary_job, star2_binary_controls,star2_binary_job)) grid_params_string = ', '.join(["{0} : {1:.4f}".format(k,v) for k, v in grid_param_dict.items()]) print("Process {0} is running with {1}".format(rank, grid_params_string)) sys.stdout.flush() mesa_result = run_grid_point(grid, star1_formation, star2_formation, grid_param_dict, binary_controls, binary_job, star1_binary_controls, star1_binary_job, star2_binary_controls, star2_binary_job, args) # we now send the result data to the root node comm.send(mesa_result, dest=0) print("Job completed: From process {0}".format(rank)) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def run_grid_point(grid, star1_formation, star2_formation, grid_param_dict, binary_controls, binary_job, star1_binary_controls, star1_binary_job, star2_binary_controls, star2_binary_job, args): """Execute the logic to run this MESA grid point """ # based on the values create directory work_dir, final_dir = create_working_directory(grid_param_dict, args) # are we first generating a model before running binary for the first star? if star1_formation: # if yes then create inlists specific to this grid points # moreover we should loop over all the star1 formation steps for index, inlist_step in enumerate(args.mesa_star1_inlist_project): # this is only called to create single HeMS stars, only second step1 # requires metallicity if index == 0: create_star_formation(grid_param_dict['m1'], work_dir, inlist_step) elif index == 1: create_star_formation(grid_param_dict['m1'], work_dir, inlist_step, grid_param_dict['initial_z'], True) run_mesa(args.mesa_star1_executable, work_dir, final_dir, keep_work_dir=True, outfile_name='out_star1_formation_step{0}.txt'.format(index)) # are we first generating a model before running binary for the second star? if star2_formation: # if yes then create inlists specific to this grid points # moreover we should loop over all the star1 formation steps for index, inlist_step in enumerate(args.mesa_star2_inlist_project): # this is only called to create single HeMS stars, only second step1 # requires metallicity if index == 0: create_star_formation(grid_param_dict['m2'], work_dir, inlist_step) elif index == 1: create_star_formation(grid_param_dict['m2'], work_dir, inlist_step, grid_param_dict['initial_z'], True) run_mesa(args.mesa_star2_executable, work_dir, final_dir, keep_work_dir=True, outfile_name='out_star2_formation_step{0}.txt'.format(index)) # now we can create the grid specific binary inlists and run the binary executable create_binary_inlists(binary_controls, binary_job, star1_binary_controls, star1_binary_job, star2_binary_controls, star2_binary_job, work_dir, args.mesa_binary_inlist_project) # run the binary exectuable run_mesa(args.mesa_binary_executable, work_dir, final_dir, keep_profiles=args.keep_profiles, keep_photos=args.keep_photos, job_start=args.job_start, job_end=args.job_end) # find out what happened mesa_result = extract_mesa_results(final_dir) return mesa_result
############################################################################### # BEGIN MAIN FUNCTION ############################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': # check MPI was imported if not MPI_IMPORTED: raise ImportError('MPI module mpi4py not installed! Plese check your POSYDON installation!') # READ COMMANDLINE ARGUMENTS ########################################################################### args = parse_commandline() # do to the fact that the arguments args.mesa_star2_inlist_project and args.mesa_star1_inlist_project # are interpreted as lists when you supply None it stringifies it and makes it a list if 'None' in args.mesa_star1_inlist_project: args.mesa_star1_inlist_project = None if 'None' in args.mesa_star2_inlist_project: args.mesa_star2_inlist_project = None if (args.mesa_star1_executable is not None) and (args.mesa_star1_inlist_project is not None): # Then we must first make star1 model before running binary executable star1_formation = True else: star1_formation = False if (args.mesa_star2_executable is not None) and (args.mesa_star2_inlist_project is not None): # Then we must first make star2 model before running binary executable star2_formation = True else: star2_formation = False # read in grid if '.csv' in args.mesa_grid: grid = pandas.read_csv(args.mesa_grid) elif '.h5' in args.mesa_grid: psy_grid = PSyGrid() psy_grid.load(args.mesa_grid) grid = psy_grid.get_pandas_initial_final() psy_grid.close() else: raise ValueError('Grid format not recognized, please feed in an acceptable format: csv') if args.grid_type == 'dynamic': comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() name = MPI.Get_processor_name() if (args.grid_point_index is not None) and (size > 1): raise ValueError("You can not have multiple MPI tasks and " "request to run a specific grid point." "Please make sure you cal with mpirun -np 1.") # identify all columns in the CSV file which effect MESA controls, i.e. what all the parameter # values that change simulation to simulation are binary_inlist_params = utils.clean_inlist_file(args.mesa_binary_inlist_project) star1_binary_params = utils.clean_inlist_file(args.mesa_binary_inlist1) star2_binary_params = utils.clean_inlist_file(args.mesa_binary_inlist2) final_binary_controls = binary_inlist_params['&binary_controls'] final_binary_job = binary_inlist_params['&binary_job'] final_star1_binary_controls = star1_binary_params['&controls'] final_star1_binary_job = star1_binary_params['&star_job'] final_star2_binary_controls = star2_binary_params['&controls'] final_star2_binary_job = star2_binary_params['&star_job'] # detemine which is any of the parameters are binary_controls or binary_job params if args.grid_type == 'dynamic': dynamic_grid_params = parse_inifile(args.psycris_inifile) mesa_params_to_run_grid_over = dynamic_grid_params["posydon_dynamic_sampling_kwargs"]["mesa_column_names"] grid_params_binary_controls = [param for param in mesa_params_to_run_grid_over if param in final_binary_controls.keys()] grid_params_binary_job = [param for param in mesa_params_to_run_grid_over if param in final_binary_job.keys()] grid_params_star1_binary_controls = [param for param in mesa_params_to_run_grid_over if param in final_star1_binary_controls.keys()] grid_params_star1_binary_job = [param for param in mesa_params_to_run_grid_over if param in final_star1_binary_job.keys()] grid_params_star2_binary_controls = [param for param in mesa_params_to_run_grid_over if param in final_star2_binary_controls.keys()] grid_params_star2_binary_job = [param for param in mesa_params_to_run_grid_over if param in final_star2_binary_job.keys()] else: grid_params_binary_controls = [param for param in grid.columns if param in final_binary_controls.keys()] grid_params_binary_job = [param for param in grid.columns if param in final_binary_job.keys()] grid_params_star1_binary_controls = [param for param in grid.columns if param in final_star1_binary_controls.keys()] grid_params_star1_binary_job = [param for param in grid.columns if param in final_star1_binary_job.keys()] grid_params_star2_binary_controls = [param for param in grid.columns if param in final_star2_binary_controls.keys()] grid_params_star2_binary_job = [param for param in grid.columns if param in final_star2_binary_job.keys()] # check if we are running a single star grid! if star1_formation and not list(set(grid_params_binary_controls).union(grid_params_binary_job)): # we need to check for something other than m1, we want to be looking for initial_mass # identify all columns in the CSV file which effect MESA controls, i.e. what all the parameter # values that change simulation to simulation are star1_formation_params = utils.clean_inlist_file(args.mesa_star1_inlist_project[0]) final_star1_formation_controls = star1_formation_params['&controls'] final_star1_formation_job = star1_formation_params['&star_job'] # detemine which is any of the parameters are formation_controls or formation_job params grid_params_star1_formation_controls = [param for param in grid.columns if param in final_star1_formation_controls.keys()] grid_params_star1_formation_job = [param for param in grid.columns if param in final_star1_formation_job.keys()] star1_formation_controls = grid.iloc[args.grid_point_index][grid_params_star1_formation_controls].to_dict() star1_formation_job = grid.iloc[args.grid_point_index][grid_params_star1_formation_job].to_dict() grid_param_dict = dict(ChainMap({}, star1_formation_controls, star1_formation_job,)) print("You are running a single star grid, we are checking for what parameters you are varying in your grid") print("Grid parameters that effect star1_formation_controls: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star1_formation_controls))) print("Grid parameters that effect star1_formation_job: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star1_formation_job))) # based on the values create directory work_dir, final_dir = create_working_directory(grid_param_dict, args) # run the single star grid last_step = len(args.mesa_star1_inlist_project) - 1 for index, inlist_step in enumerate(args.mesa_star1_inlist_project): # single_HMS star has only step0, metallicity is required but not new_Z # single_HeMS star has step0, step1, step2, last two steps require metallicity # but only step1 requires new_Z if index == last_step: create_star_formation(grid_param_dict['initial_mass'], work_dir, inlist_step, grid_param_dict['initial_z'], False) elif index == 1: create_star_formation(grid_param_dict['initial_mass'], work_dir, inlist_step, grid_param_dict['initial_z'], True) else : create_star_formation(grid_param_dict['initial_mass'], work_dir, inlist_step) run_mesa(args.mesa_star1_executable, work_dir, final_dir, outfile_name='out_star1_formation_step{0}.txt'.format(index), keep_profiles=args.keep_profiles, keep_photos=args.keep_photos, job_start=args.job_start, job_end=args.job_end) sys.exit(0) # only print this information is this is the root process if args.grid_type == 'dynamic': if rank == 0: print("Grid parameters that effect binary_controls: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_binary_controls))) print("Grid parameters that effect binary_job: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_binary_job))) print("Grid parameters that effect star1_binary_controls: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star1_binary_controls))) print("Grid parameters that effect star1_binary_job: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star1_binary_job))) print("Grid parameters that effect star2_binary_controls: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star2_binary_controls))) print("Grid parameters that effect star2_binary_job: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star2_binary_job))) else: print("Grid parameters that effect binary_controls: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_binary_controls))) print("Grid parameters that effect binary_job: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_binary_job))) print("Grid parameters that effect star1_binary_controls: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star1_binary_controls))) print("Grid parameters that effect star1_binary_job: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star1_binary_job))) print("Grid parameters that effect star2_binary_controls: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star2_binary_controls))) print("Grid parameters that effect star2_binary_job: {0}".format(','.join(grid_params_star2_binary_job))) # calculate some columns for convenience if ('m2' in grid.columns) and ('m1' in grid.columns): grid['q'] = grid['m2']/grid['m1'] if 'initial_period_in_days' in grid.columns: grid['log_p'] = np.log10(grid['initial_period_in_days']) # calculate some columns for convenience if ('initial_star_2_mass' in grid.columns) and ('initial_star_1_mass' in grid.columns): grid['q'] = grid['initial_star_2_mass']/grid['initial_star_1_mass'] if 'initial_period_days' in grid.columns: grid['log_p'] = np.log10(grid['initial_period_days']) # if we are using a job array or just running a single point of grid if args.grid_point_index is not None: # per each type of grid value (i.e. binary control or job or star1 control or job etc) # create a dictionary of the column name and value for this grid point binary_controls = grid.iloc[args.grid_point_index][grid_params_binary_controls].to_dict() binary_job = grid.iloc[args.grid_point_index][grid_params_binary_job].to_dict() star1_binary_controls = grid.iloc[args.grid_point_index][grid_params_star1_binary_controls].to_dict() star1_binary_job = grid.iloc[args.grid_point_index][grid_params_star1_binary_job].to_dict() star2_binary_controls = grid.iloc[args.grid_point_index][grid_params_star2_binary_controls].to_dict() star2_binary_job = grid.iloc[args.grid_point_index][grid_params_star2_binary_job].to_dict() grid_param_dict = dict(ChainMap({}, binary_controls, binary_job, star1_binary_controls, star1_binary_job, star2_binary_controls,star2_binary_job)) mesa_result = run_grid_point(grid, star1_formation, star2_formation, grid_param_dict, binary_controls, binary_job, star1_binary_controls, star1_binary_job, star2_binary_controls, star2_binary_job, args) if not mesa_result.empty: mesa_results_file = os.path.join(args.output_directory, 'grid_results.csv') if not os.path.isfile(mesa_results_file): with open(mesa_results_file, 'w') as f: mesa_result.to_csv(f, index=False) else: with open(mesa_results_file, 'a') as f: mesa_result.to_csv(f, index=False, header=False) # If we are running a dynamic grid and/or using a single MPI task to manage all grid points else: if args.grid_type == 'fixed': pass elif args.grid_type == 'dynamic': if rank == 0: do_root_process_logic(comm, grid, args, grid_params_binary_controls, grid_params_binary_job, grid_params_star1_binary_controls, grid_params_star1_binary_job, grid_params_star2_binary_controls, grid_params_star2_binary_job) else: while True: do_child_process_logic(comm, grid, args, star1_formation=star1_formation, star2_formation=star2_formation)