Version History of POSYDON

This page chronicles the detailed version history of POSYDON, including minor versions and patches. Each entry includes a brief summary of the changes, enhancements, and bug fixes made in that release.


Release Date: [TODO add date here]

Summary: - Introduced capability for population synthesis across 8 different metallicities, from (10^{-4}) times solar metallicity up to 2 times solar metallicity. - [Other features or improvements made in v2.0.0] - Bug fixes:

  • [List of significant bug fixes]


Release Date: [6 feb. 2023]

Summary: - First stable release of POSYDON. - Focused on binary population synthesis of massive binary stars at solar metallicities. - [Other features or improvements made in v1.0.0] - Bug fixes:

  • [List of significant bug fixes]

Stay Informed

For a broader overview of major version updates, refer to our Major Updates page. To keep up with the latest changes and releases, visit our official website POSYDON Official Website and follow our repository on GitHub POSYDON on GitHub.