.. _VHD: ####################### Van den Heuvel diagrams ####################### Visualize specific index ======================== `VHdiagrams` allow individual POSYDON binaries to be viewed in a more intuitive sense. We use 'population.h5' as an example dataset. Simple usage ------------ The basic usage is to simply visualize one index inside an independent and reactive window, with the following : .. code-block:: python from posydon.visualization.VHdiagram import VHdiagram VHdiagram('population.h5', path='./dataset/', index=18976) .. image:: pngs/detailled_window.png The named parameter 'path' is useful if the dataset is in another directory. We can choose the view wanted with the option's window, displayed by 'option' button : .. image:: pngs/option_window.png The 'save' button take a screen of the view currently displayed, and save it inside a 'screens' folder, created in the current directory. Set view -------- For faster use, it's possible to directly choose the view displayed. There are 4 available modes: .. code-block:: python PresenterMode.DIAGRAM PresenterMode.REDUCED PresenterMode.SIMPLIFIED PresenterMode.DETAILED We can specify which view we want to display with the named parameter 'presentMode' : .. code-block:: python from posydon.visualization.VHdiagram import VHdiagram from posydon.visualization.VH_diagram.PresenterMode import PresenterMode VHdiagram('population.h5', index=19628, presentMode=PresenterMode.DIAGRAM) .. image:: pngs/diagram_window.png Set display mode ---------------- There are two ways to display the diagram : inside a window or as a screen inside a Jupyter notebook. There are three available modes: .. code-block:: python DisplayMode.INLINE_S DisplayMode.INLINE_B DisplayMode.WINDOW 'INLINE_S' is to do an inline display with matplotlib while 'INLINE_B' use IPython. We can specify the display mode wanted with the named parameter 'displayMode': .. code-block:: python from posydon.visualization.VHdiagram import VHdiagram, DisplayMode from posydon.visualization.VH_diagram.Presenter import PresenterMode VHdiagram( "population.h5", index=19628, presentMode=PresenterMode.DIAGRAM, displayMode=DisplayMode.INLINE_B, ) .. image:: pngs/diagram_inline.png