POSYDON is currently on v2.0.0. If you use POSYDON, consider joining our Google Users Group. Please message this group with questions or issues you come across. Alternatively, you can view raise an issue on our GitHub repository. Links to the latest versions of our code, population synthesis data, documentation, and associated instrument papers are provided below.

POSYDON v2.0.0

Code: v2.0.0 (development)

Documentation: Installation, tutorials, API

MESA Grid data (v2): TBA

MESA Grid data (v1 reprocessed): 10.5281/zenodo.14205146 (v2.x.x-compatible)

Instrument Paper: Andrews et al. 2024

POSYDON v1.0.4

Code: v1.0.4 (stable)

Documentation: Installation, tutorials, API

MESA Grid data (v1): 10.5281/zenodo.6655751

Instrument Paper: Fragos et al. 2023