PSyGrid object

The PSyGrid object contains the data coming from detailed MESA simulations.

Import a PSyGrid object by using:

from posydon.grids.psygrid import PSyGrid

Initializing a PSyGrid object

One can simply get a new PSyGrid object via

mygrid = PSyGrid()

This calls the initializer, which can take two optional arguments

  • filepath: it is the path to the associated h5 file; if the file exists the PSyGrid object in there will be loaded

  • verbose: it is a boolean indicating whether detailed output should be given when calling functions of the PSyGrid object

Creating a PSyGrid object

The create function of a PSyGrid object will read MESA output data into the PSyGrid object. Thus it has a required argument and several optional arguments. The required one is MESA_grid_path, which is the path to the directory, where the MESA runs are in.

Optional arguments of the PSyGrid creation






the path to the associated h5 file (it needs to be given if none was specified during initialization)



if True overwrite a potentially already existing file



if True only initial and final values as well as the meta data will be stored



if “normal” warnings are printed, when they arise

if “end” all warnings are printed at the end

if “suppress” no warnings are printed



grid format; only “posydon” is currently supported


further grid properties can be specified in a dictionary

Grid properties






a description text



the maximum number of runs



file format; only “hdf5” is currently supported



the compression (of the hdf5 file)



the maximum error allowed when downsampling the history


default list

the history columns to exclude from downsampling (default list: [“model_number”, “age”, “star_age”])



the maximum error allowed when downsampling the final profile



the maximum change in an downsampled interval relative to the change from initial to final


default list

the profile columns to exclude from downsampling (default list: [“mass”, “star_mass”])



specifies which history columns of star 1 should be read

if “all” read all the columns in the MESA output

if “minimum” use the default

if a tuple of column names read only those columns

if a list of column names read the default and those columns



specifies which history columns of star 2 should be read having the same options as ‘star1_history_saved_columns’



specifies which binary history columns should be read having the same options as ‘star1_history_saved_columns’



specifies which profile columns of star 1 should be read having the same options as ‘star1_history_saved_columns’



specifies which profile columns of star 2 should be read having the same options as ‘star1_history_saved_columns’



history columns to store initial values from (currently not in use, instead all specified history columns are used and additionally the abundances X, Y, and Z)



history columns to store final values from (currently not in use, instead all specified history columns are used and additionally termination flags and for binaries the interpolation class)



specifies whether to crop the history to start at RLO



specifies whether to crop the history of massive stars (>100 Msun) to stop at 10% central carbon and after helium is depleted



specifies whether a gird evolved binaries; put False for single stars



path to directory with EEP files (for single stars only)



specifies whether the boundary of initial RLO should be determined to flag all systems below as initial RLO independent of the MESA output



specifies to ensure that the He core is always larger or equal to the carbon-oxygen core



specifies whether try to include all data from MESA runs without final profiles

You can read the MESA data into an existing PSyGrid object, which may overwrites data:


or combine the initialization with the creation:

mygrid = PSyGrid().create(MESA_grid_path=".")

Loading a PSyGrid object

You can load an existing h5 file (e.g. “myPSyGrid.h5”) into a PSyGrid object by


It is more convenient to load the file directly when initializing the PSyGrid object

mygrid = PSyGrid(filepath="myPSyGrid.h5")

Contents of a PSyGrid object

Accessing data in a PSyGrid object

The first data you may want to check are the grid properties. You can get a list of the properties available for your PSyGrid object simply with


By providing one of the properties to mygrid.config[PROPERTY] you can access its value.

Next, you can look at the initial and final values of the runs. All the values are available at mygrid.initial_values and mygrid.final_values, respectively. To get a tuple of all the available values use


Each value you then get for example via mygrid.initial_values[VALUE]. It will return a numpy array with the this value for all the runs. So you get the initial mass of star 1 in the third run with



Remember, that the first run has the index 0 and the last one len(mygrid)-1.

The each initial and final value will have the same number and order of run entries. This holds for the number of list entries of MESA directories, too.


You can get the individual runs via its index. mygrid[IDX] is a PSyRunView object, which contains the data of the run specified with IDX. The PSyRunView object contains seven components:

PSyRunView object components




all initial values of the run


all final values of the run including termination flags


the binary history


the history of star 1


the history of star 2


the final profile of star 1


the final profile of star 2

Again you can check for the contents of the components with dtype.names, e.g.

myrun = mygrid[0]

Now you know a second way to get the initial mass of star 1 in the third run with a one-liner


You would may think of a third way being


But this will not give the initial value, while it is close to it. The reason for this not being the same is in MESA having a slightly different value in the first line of the history files compared to the given initial value. The final values and the derived initial values instead are the same as the last or first values in the corresponding history.


For efficiency reasons not all the PSyGrid object is loaded into RAM. Instead parts are reads from the associated hdf5 file if needed. This has the consequence, that it is discouraged to refer to the same values more than once in a code. If you need the same value more often, you should store it in a local variable.

Plot a PSyGrid object

Beside getting the values itself there are plotting functionalities available to display the content of a PSyGrid object. There are three main plotting functionalities:

  • plot: This creates a one dimensional plot from the PSyGrid. An example can be found in the tutorials. The code details are available in the PSyGrid.plot code and the visualisation libary.

  • plot2D: This creates a two dimensional representation from the PSyGrid. Again, an example can be found in the tutorials. The code details are available in the PSyGrid.plot code and the visualisation libary.

  • HR: This is similar to plot but specialized on producing Hertzsprung–Russell diagrams.

Work on/with a PSyGrid object

Loop on a PSyGrid object

Similarly to accessing a single value in the PSyGrid object we can loop over a PSyGrid object, which will loop over the individual runs in the PSyGrid object. Hence the following two codes will produce the same output. The first one loops through the numpy array if the initial companion mass

for mass in mygrid.initial_values['star_2_mass']:

while the second one loops through the runs and prints the initial companion mass

for run in mygrid:

Expand a PSyGrid object

Because of the complexity of the PSyGrid object we encourage the user to only use our dedicated functions to add content to the object. There is a function to add an extra column to the final_values. Here is an example how to add a new column which contains the final orbital period in units of years instead of days:

new_column_data = mygrid.final_values['period_days']/365.25
mygrid.add_column('period_years', new_column_data, where='final_values', overwrite=False)

The four arguments are a string with the name of the new field, the data to be stored in there, to which component of the PSyGrid object it should get added, and whether a field with the same name should be overwritten, if it already exists.


The new data has to have as many entries as the PSyGrid object has runs.


Currently, the parameter where only supports the value ‘final_values’.

Join two or more PSyGrid objects

There are different reasons, why you create several PSyGrid objects which you would like to combine to a single one later, e.g. adding reruns. There is a functionality to do this for you. To avoid too many conflicts of possible modifications of already loaded PSyGrid objects, this function is not part of the PSyGrid-object class. Instead it take a list of paths to the hdf5 files containing PSyGrid objects to be combined to a new one. Those are the two required arguments of the join_grids function. Additionally, you can specify the arguments compression, description, and verbose. The join_grids function will check, whether the grids are compatible and join them if possible.


If there are common systems in two or more grids, this routine will only put the last run with same initial conditions in the newly combined PSyGrid object.

We recommend to use the post-processing pipeline to create and join grids.

Get reruns from a PSyGrid object

Usually, not all runs of a grid will be successfully run in MESA. Hence, one may wants to rerun some of them with changed parameters. There is a function, to export runs from a PSyGrid object. There are two general ways to specify, which systems should be exported to rerun:

  1. Write your own logic and create a numpy array with the indexes of the systems, you would like to run again.

  2. Specify, which termination flag(s) the systems should have to be rerun.

Arguments of the rerun function






where to create the file(s) for the rerun



a list containing the indexes of the runs in the PSyGrid object



a single termination flag code or a list of them



dictionary with the names and the values of MESA parameters to be changed for the inlists of the new runs



a termination flag key or a list of them (if None check only ‘termination_flag_1’)


If both runs_to_rerun and termination_flags is given, all systems matching at least one of the two will be selected for rerun.

The post-processing pipeline already provides some pre defined rerun options.

Close associated hdf5 file

Finally, you can close the hdf5 file, which is recommended to ensure that all your changes on the PSyGrid object is safely written into the file.


This is done as well, in the case you call the destructor of the PSyGrid object.

del mygrid

The code summary of the PSyGrid object can be found at the psygrid reference page.