.. _web-application: Web Application: POSYDON Interactive Interface =============================================== POSYDON provides an interactive web application that enables users to explore and manipulate population synthesis models without directly diving into the code. Whether you're a seasoned astronomer or just curious, the POSYDON web application can be a powerful tool for visualization and analysis. Overview -------- The web application offers the following features: - **Population Synthesis**: Run your own population synthesis model through your broseware without the need to have access to an HPC facility or installing POSYDON on your laptop. - **Model Selection**: Choose from different model assumptions and instantly select the model you want to run. - **Export Options**: Once you have run the desired model, you can easily download the dataset output for further use. Getting Started --------------- 1. **Accessing the Web Application** Visit the official POSYDON web application link: [POSYDON WebApp](https://posydon.odahub.io). TODO: bring it back online and update to v2.0.0 2. **Open a account** To use the web application, you will need to create an account. This is a simple process that only requires a valid email address and why you want to use the Webapp. Once you have created an account, we will grant you access and you will be able to submit population synthesis simulations throught the web application. 3. **Navigation** The user interface is designed to be intuitive. Start by selecting a model and then navigate through various pages to submit your simulation. Wait for the email notification that your simulation has finished and then download the results. Tutorials & Examples -------------------- For detailed walkthroughs of specific functionalities and use-cases: TODO: provide links to tutorials 1. [Basic Navigation and Model Selection](link-to-tutorial-1) 2. [Advanced Data Analysis](link-to-tutorial-2) 3. [Exporting Visualizations](link-to-tutorial-3) Feedback & Support ------------------ We're always looking to improve the web application. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for new features, please refer to the [contact-information.rst](contact-information.rst) page to get in touch with us. Updates & Changelog ------------------- For information about updates, improvements, and fixes in the web application, refer to the [version-history.rst](version-history.rst) page.