.. _how-to-contribute: How To Contribute ----------------- We're thrilled that you're interested in contributing to POSYDON! Whether you're a developer, a scientist, or an enthusiast, your contributions can help improve this project. Below are some guidelines to get you started. Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before contributing, it's essential to familiarize yourself with: - The POSYDON codebase and its structure. - The development workflow and the tools used. - Our code of conduct. Setting Up Your Development Environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. **Fork the Repository**: Navigate to `POSYDON's GitHub page ` and click the 'Fork' button to create a copy of the repository in your personal GitHub account. 2. **Clone Your Fork**: Once forked, clone the repository to your local machine: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/your-username/POSYDON.git 3. **Install Dependencies**: Navigate to the cloned repository and install necessary dependencies: .. code-block:: bash pip install . Making a Contribution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. **Choose an Issue**: Look for open issues on our GitHub page. It's a good idea to comment on an issue you're interested in to let the maintainers know you're planning to work on it. 2. **Create a New Branch**: Before making changes, create a new branch for your contribution: .. code-block:: bash git checkout -b your-branch-name 3. **Make Your Changes**: Once you've made changes, test them thoroughly to ensure they don't introduce new bugs. 4. **Commit and Push Your Changes**: Commit your changes with a meaningful commit message, and then push them to your fork: .. code-block:: bash git commit -m "Your meaningful commit message" git push origin your-branch-name 5. **Submit a Pull Request (PR)**: Go to your fork on GitHub and click on 'Compare & pull request'. Fill out the PR form and submit it. Wait for the maintainers to review your changes. Code of Conduct ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We value our community's safety and well-being. Please ensure that your contributions and interactions adhere to our code of conduct. Any form of harassment, bullying, or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Feedback and Questions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have feedback or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out, see the :ref:`contact us ` page or check our FAQ section on :ref:`code usage `. Additional Resources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **POSYDON Documentation**: Dive deeper into POSYDON's features, architecture, and best practices. - **Community Chat/Forum**: Engage with other community members, seek help, share your ideas, and discuss relevant topics. Thank you for your interest in contributing to POSYDON. Together, we can achieve great things!