Source code for posydon_run_pipeline

#!/usr/bin/env python
MESA low_res_grids were run. This includes random grids and reruns.

This is an EXAMPLE of the pipeline for a grid_type=HMS-HMS,
metallicity=1e-01_Zsun, compression=LITE/ORIGINAL

STEP 1: grid slices creation
'grid_low_res_rerun_opacity_max'] --> output *.h5

STEP 2: grid slices concatenation
'grid_low_res_rerun_opacity_max']] -->
grid_low_res_combined.h5, grid_low_res_combined_rerun1.h5

STEP 2.1: plot grid slices
--> loop over all plot types

STEP 2.2: check failure rate
--> check failure rate

STEP 3: calculate extra values
--> do post processing on the ORIGINAL grid and append back on the LITE gird
the post processed quantities

STEP 3.1: plot extra values
--> loop over all plot types

STEP 3.2: check rates of compact object types
--> check rates of compact object types

STEP 4: train interpolators
['grid_low_res_combined_rerun1'] --> train the interpolators

STEP 4.1: plot interpolator accuracy and confusion matricies
--> loop over all plot types

STEP 5: train profile interpolators
uses gird and initial-final interpolators to train the profile interpolators

STEP 9: export dataset

STEP RERUN: rerun grid with a fix
grid_low_res_combined.rerun(index=logic) --> grid_low_res_rerun_1/grid.csv
                                         --> grid_random_1_rerun_1/grid.csv
-- run gird fix and do next post processing

__authors__ = [
    "Simone Bavera <>",
    "Matthias Kruckow <>",

import os
import sys
import ast
import time
import shutil
import pickle
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from posydon.grids.psygrid import (PSyGrid,
from posydon.grids.post_processing import (post_process_grid,
from posydon.grids.MODELS import MODELS
from posydon.utils.common_functions import PATH_TO_POSYDON
from posydon.utils.gridutils import get_new_grid_name
from posydon.utils.posydonwarning import (Pwarn,print_stats)
from posydon.interpolation.IF_interpolation import IFInterpolator
from posydon.visualization.plot_defaults import PRE_SET_PLOTS
from posydon.visualization.interpolation import EvaluateIFInterpolator
from posydon.visualization.combine_TF import TF1_POOL_ERROR

# pre defined compressions
    'ORIGINAL' : {
        'history_DS_error'    : None,
        'profile_DS_error'    : None,
        'profile_DS_interval' : None,
        'history_DS_exclude'  : DEFAULT_HISTORY_DS_EXCLUDE,
        'profile_DS_exclude'  : DEFAULT_PROFILE_DS_EXCLUDE
    'LITE' : {
        'history_DS_error'    : 0.1,
        'profile_DS_error'    : 0.1,
        'profile_DS_interval' : -0.005,
        'history_DS_exclude'  : EXTRA_COLS_DS_EXCLUDE,
        'profile_DS_exclude'  : EXTRA_COLS_DS_EXCLUDE

[docs] def create_grid_slice(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False, overwrite_psygrid=True): """Creates a new PSyGrid slice. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. overwrite_psygrid : bool Whether existing file(s) should be overwritten. """ # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i not in df.index: raise KeyError(f'Index={i} not available in {path_to_csv_file}.') # get values from csv file if 'path_to_grid' in df.keys(): grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid'] if not os.path.isdir(grid_path): raise NotADirectoryError(f'{grid_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'compression' in df.keys(): compression = df.loc[i,'compression'] else: raise KeyError(f'No compression in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'grid_type' in df.keys(): grid_type = df.loc[i,'grid_type'] else: raise KeyError(f'No grid_type in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'stop_before_carbon_depletion' in df.keys(): stop_before_carbon_depletion = df.loc[i,'stop_before_carbon_depletion'] if 'HMS' not in grid_type: stop_before_carbon_depletion = False Pwarn('stop_before_carbon_depletion set to False for non HMS'+\ f' grid: {grid_type} in {grid_path}', "ReplaceValueWarning") else: stop_before_carbon_depletion = False grid_output = get_new_grid_name(grid_path, compression, create_missing_directories=True) # get compression dependent attributes pure_compression = compression.split('_')[0] if pure_compression in COMPRESSIONS.keys(): history_DS_error = COMPRESSIONS[pure_compression]['history_DS_error'] profile_DS_error = COMPRESSIONS[pure_compression]['profile_DS_error'] profile_DS_interval = COMPRESSIONS[pure_compression]['profile_DS_interval'] history_DS_exclude = COMPRESSIONS[pure_compression]['history_DS_exclude'] profile_DS_exclude = COMPRESSIONS[pure_compression]['profile_DS_exclude'] else: raise ValueError(f'pure_compression = {pure_compression} not ' f'supported! (compression={compression})') if ('CO' in grid_type) and ('RLO' in compression): start_at_RLO = True else: start_at_RLO = False if verbose: print(f'processing: {grid_path} with compression: {compression}') if os.path.isfile(grid_output): if overwrite_psygrid: Pwarn(f'replacing file: {grid_output}', "OverwriteWarning") else: raise FileExistsError(f'file {grid_output} already exists!') else: print(f'saving to file: {grid_output}') # create the new PSyGrid grid = PSyGrid(verbose=verbose) grid.create(grid_path, grid_output, overwrite=overwrite_psygrid, history_DS_error=history_DS_error, profile_DS_error=profile_DS_error, history_DS_exclude=history_DS_exclude, profile_DS_exclude=profile_DS_exclude, profile_DS_interval=profile_DS_interval, compression="gzip9", start_at_RLO=start_at_RLO, stop_before_carbon_depletion=stop_before_carbon_depletion, initial_RLO_fix=True) grid.close()
[docs] def combine_grid_slices(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False): """Combining grid slices to one grid. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. """ # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i >= len(df.keys()): raise KeyError(f'Not enought keys in {path_to_csv_file}: ' f'{i}>{len(df.keys())-1}.') # get values from csv file grid_combined_key = df.keys()[i] gird_names = df[grid_combined_key].dropna().to_list() if verbose: print(f'Combinining: {gird_names}') print(f'into: {grid_combined_key}') join_grids(gird_names, grid_combined_key, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def calculate_extra_values(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False): """Calculating extra values, e.g. values derived from the final profile. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. """ # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i not in df.index: raise KeyError(f'Index={i} not available in {path_to_csv_file}.') # get values from csv file if 'path_to_grid' in df.keys(): grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid'] if not os.path.isfile(grid_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{grid_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'grid_type' in df.keys(): grid_type = df.loc[i,'grid_type'] else: raise KeyError(f'No grid_type in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'path_to_processed_grid' in df.keys(): processed_grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_processed_grid'] else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_processed_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'path_to_grid_ORIGINAL' in df.keys(): grid_ORIGINAL_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid_ORIGINAL'] if not os.path.isfile(grid_ORIGINAL_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{grid_ORIGINAL_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid_ORIGINAL in {path_to_csv_file}') if verbose: print(f'Compute processed quantities for {grid_path} ...') if 'CO' in grid_type: star_2_CO = True else: star_2_CO = False # load grid with ORIGINAL compression and get extra colums grid_ORIGINAL = PSyGrid(grid_ORIGINAL_path) MESA_dirs_EXTRA_COLUMNS, EXTRA_COLUMNS = post_process_grid(grid_ORIGINAL, index=None, star_2_CO=star_2_CO, verbose=verbose) # post processed quantities are appended to the grid object, hence # we create a copy of it and append back to it if os.path.exists(processed_grid_path): Pwarn('Post processed grid file already exists, removing it.', "OverwriteWarning") os.remove(processed_grid_path) shutil.copyfile(grid_path, processed_grid_path) # load processed grid and append values grid = PSyGrid(processed_grid_path) add_post_processed_quantities(grid, MESA_dirs_EXTRA_COLUMNS, EXTRA_COLUMNS, verbose=verbose) if verbose: print(f'Added processed quantities to grid: {processed_grid_path}') grid.close()
[docs] def train_interpolators(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False): """Train an interpolator on a grid. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. """ # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i not in df.index: raise KeyError(f'Index={i} not available in {path_to_csv_file}.') # get values from csv file if 'path_to_grid' in df.keys(): grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid'] if not os.path.isfile(grid_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{grid_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'grid_type' in df.keys(): grid_type = df.loc[i,'grid_type'] else: raise KeyError(f'No grid_type in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'interpolation_method' in df.keys(): interpolation_method = df.loc[i,'interpolation_method'] else: raise KeyError(f'No interpolation_method in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'path_to_interpolator' in df.keys(): interpolator_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_interpolator'] else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_interpolator in {path_to_csv_file}') method = interpolation_method if '_RLO' in method: method = method.split('_RLO')[0] if verbose: print(f'Train interpolators on {grid_path} with method {method}') # check interpolation_objects directory exists interp_path = os.path.dirname(interpolator_path) if not os.path.isdir(interp_path): os.makedirs(interp_path) # load grid grid = PSyGrid(verbose=verbose) grid.load(grid_path) interp_method = [method, method] interp_classes = ["stable_MT", "unstable_MT"] if '_RLO' not in interpolation_method: interp_method += [method] interp_classes += ["no_MT"] if 'CO' not in grid_type: interp_method += [method] interp_classes += ["stable_reverse_MT"] # all magnitues that are not model numbers, supernova properites or strings # are interpolated with respect to interpolation_class out_keys = [key for key in grid.final_values.dtype.names if ( key != "model_number" and (type(grid.final_values[key][0]) != np.str_) and any(~np.isnan(grid.final_values[key])) and "MODEL" not in key)] out_nan_keys = [key for key in grid.final_values.dtype.names if ( key != "model_number" and (type(grid.final_values[key][0]) != np.str_) and all(np.isnan(grid.final_values[key])) and "MODEL" not in key)] # define all string keys in final values c_keys = ['interpolation_class', 'S1_state', 'S2_state', 'mt_history'] for MODEL_NAME in MODELS.keys(): for i in range(1,3): c_keys.append(f'S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}_SN_type') c_keys.append(f'S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}_CO_type') # specify the interpolation methods interpolators = [ { "interp_method": interp_method, "interp_classes": interp_classes, "out_keys": out_keys, "out_nan_keys": out_nan_keys, "class_method": "kNN", "c_keys": c_keys, "c_key": "interpolation_class" }, ] # core collapse quantities are interpolated with respect to the # compact object type # TODO: we need to train core collapse for secondary star as well # to catch reverse mass transfer cases where the secondary undergoes # core collapse first for MODEL_NAME in MODELS.keys(): for i in range(1,2): #TODO: range(1,3): out_keys = [key for key in grid.final_values.dtype.names if ( key != "model_number" and (type(grid.final_values[key][0]) != np.str_) and any(~np.isnan(grid.final_values[key])) and f"S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}" in key)] out_nan_keys = [key for key in grid.final_values.dtype.names if ( key != "model_number" and (type(grid.final_values[key][0]) != np.str_) and all(np.isnan(grid.final_values[key])) and f"S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}" in key)] # get interpolations classes dynamically interp_method = [] interp_classes = [] for CO_interpolation_class in ["BH", "NS", "WD", "BH_reverse_MT"]: if CO_interpolation_class in grid.final_values[f'S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}_CO_interpolation_class']: interp_method.append(method) interp_classes.append(CO_interpolation_class) interpolators.append( { "interp_method": interp_method, "interp_classes": interp_classes, "out_keys": out_keys, "out_nan_keys": out_nan_keys, "class_method": "kNN", "c_keys": [f'S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}_CO_interpolation_class', f'S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}_CO_type', f'S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}_SN_type'], "c_key": f'S{i}_{MODEL_NAME}_CO_interpolation_class' }, ) # initialize initial to final interpolator interp = IFInterpolator(grid=grid, interpolators=interpolators) # training and saving interp.train()
[docs] def train_profile_interpolators(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False): """Train a profile interpolator on a grid. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. """ # load module only if needed from posydon.interpolation.profile_interpolation import CompileData, ProfileInterpolator # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i not in df.index: raise KeyError(f'Index={i} not available in {path_to_csv_file}.') # get values from csv file if 'path_to_grid' in df.keys(): grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid'] if not os.path.isfile(grid_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{grid_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'grid_type' in df.keys(): grid_type = df.loc[i,'grid_type'] else: raise KeyError(f'No grid_type in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'profile_names' in df.keys(): profile_names = ast.literal_eval(df.loc[i,'profile_names']) if not isinstance(profile_names, list): raise TypeError(f'profile_names is not a list in line {i} ' f'in {path_to_csv_file}') else: raise KeyError(f'No profile_names in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'path_to_IF_interpolator' in df.keys(): IF_interpolator_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_IF_interpolator'] if not os.path.isfile(IF_interpolator_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{IF_interpolator_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_IF_interpolator in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'path_to_profile_interpolator' in df.keys(): profile_interpolator_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_profile_interpolator'] else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_profile_interpolator in {path_to_csv_file}') if verbose: print(f'Train profile interpolators on {grid_path} with the ' f'initial-final interpolator {IF_interpolator_path} to get ' f'profiles of {profile_names}') # check interpolation_objects directory exists interp_path = os.path.dirname(profile_interpolator_path) if not os.path.isdir(interp_path): os.makedirs(interp_path) train_second_star = 'CO' not in grid_type # load grid profiles grid_profiles = CompileData(grid_path, grid_path, hms_s2=train_second_star, profile_names=profile_names) # save the profiles in a temporary pickle tmp_profile_interpolator_path = profile_interpolator_path+".tmp" # create interpolator interp = ProfileInterpolator() # load profile pickle interp.load_profiles(tmp_profile_interpolator_path) # training interp.train(IF_interpolator_path) # saving
# TODO: consider to remove the temporary pickle with the grid profiles # os.remove(tmp_profile_interpolator_path)
[docs] def export_dataset(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False): """Moving the data set to a place containing all, what is needed to run a population synthesis with POSYDON. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. """ # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i not in df.index: raise KeyError(f'Index={i} not available in {path_to_csv_file}.') # get values from csv file if 'path_to_grid' in df.keys(): grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid'] if not os.path.isfile(grid_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{grid_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'export_path' in df.keys(): export_path = df.loc[i,'export_path'] else: raise KeyError(f'No export_path in {path_to_csv_file}') if os.path.exists(export_path): Pwarn(f'Replace {export_path}', "OverwriteWarning") if verbose: print(f'copying {grid_path} to {export_path}') # copy the file shutil.copyfile(grid_path, export_path)
[docs] def zams_file_name(metallicity): """Gives the name of the ZAMS file depending on the metallicity. Parameters ---------- metallicity : str String representation of the metallicity (e.g. 1e+00_Zsun). Returns ------- str Name of ZAMS file. """ if '2e+00_Zsun' in metallicity: zams_filename = '' elif (('1e+00_Zsun' in metallicity)or(pd.isna(metallicity))): # in v1 there is no metallicity, hence an empty string zams_filename = '' elif '4.5e-01_Zsun' in metallicity: zams_filename = '' elif '2e-01_Zsun' in metallicity: zams_filename = '' elif '1e-01_Zsun' in metallicity: zams_filename = '' elif '1e-02_Zsun' in metallicity: zams_filename = '' elif '1e-03_Zsun' in metallicity: zams_filename = '' elif '1e-04_Zsun' in metallicity: zams_filename = '' else: raise ValueError(f'Metallicity unknown: {metallicity}') return zams_filename
[docs] def copy_ini_file(grid_type, rerun_metallicity, rerun_type, destination, cluster): """Copies the ini file and make replacements according to the rerun. Parameters ---------- grid_type : str Type of the grid. rerun_metallicity : str String representation of the metallicity (e.g. 1e+00_Zsun). rerun_type : str Type of rerun (e.g. PISN). destination : str Path to the directory for the new runs. cluster : str Cluster name (e.g. yggdrasil or quest). """ # check that the 'destination' exists if not os.path.exists(destination): os.makedirs(destination) # copy the default ini file to directory if cluster in ['quest','yggdrasil']: if os.path.isdir(PATH_TO_POSYDON): ini_dir_path = os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON, 'grid_params/POSYDON-MESA-INLISTS/r11701/running_scripts') if not os.path.isdir(PATH_TO_POSYDON): raise NotADirectoryError(f'{ini_dir_path} not found!') else: raise NotADirectoryError(f'PATH_TO_POSYDON={PATH_TO_POSYDON} not ' 'found!') if "single_HMS" in grid_type: ini_file_path = os.path.join(ini_dir_path, f'single_HMS_{cluster}.ini') ini_file_dest = os.path.join(destination, f'single_HMS_{cluster}.ini') elif "single_HeMS" in grid_type: ini_file_path = os.path.join(ini_dir_path, f'single_HeMS_{cluster}.ini') ini_file_dest = os.path.join(destination, f'single_HeMS_{cluster}.ini') elif "HMS-HMS" in grid_type: ini_file_path = os.path.join(ini_dir_path, f'HMS-HMS_{cluster}.ini') ini_file_dest = os.path.join(destination, f'HMS-HMS_{cluster}.ini') elif "CO-HMS" in grid_type: ini_file_path = os.path.join(ini_dir_path, f'CO-HMS_RLO_{cluster}.ini') ini_file_dest = os.path.join(destination, f'CO-HMS_RLO_{cluster}.ini') elif "CO-HeMS" in grid_type: ini_file_path = os.path.join(ini_dir_path, f'CO-HeMS_{cluster}.ini') ini_file_dest = os.path.join(destination, f'CO-HeMS_{cluster}.ini') else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported grid type: {grid_type}!') if not os.path.isfile(ini_file_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{ini_file_path} not found!') shutil.copyfile(ini_file_path, ini_file_dest) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported cluster {cluster}!') # substitue the inlist sceario with the one for the rerun if rerun_type == 'PISN': replace_text = "matthias_PISN-d68228338b91fd487ef5d55c9b6ebb8cc5f0e668" elif rerun_type == 'reverse_MT': replace_text = "zepei_fix_implicit-afa1860ddf9894aa1d82742ee2a73e8e92acd4a9" elif rerun_type == 'opacity_max': replace_text = "matthias_PISN-d68228338b91fd487ef5d55c9b6ebb8cc5f0e668" elif rerun_type == 'opacity_max_hms-hms': replace_text = "zepei_fix_implicit-afa1860ddf9894aa1d82742ee2a73e8e92acd4a9" elif rerun_type == 'TPAGBwind': replace_text = "development-22c1bb9e730343558c3e70984a99b3fc1f3c346e" elif rerun_type == 'thermohaline_mixing': replace_text = "development-22c1bb9e730343558c3e70984a99b3fc1f3c346e" elif rerun_type == 'HeMB_MLTp_mesh': replace_text = "development-435d16c9158e4608530f21b8169ce6f31160e23e" elif rerun_type == 'more_mesh': replace_text = "development-435d16c9158e4608530f21b8169ce6f31160e23e" elif rerun_type == 'conv_bdy_weight': replace_text = "development-435d16c9158e4608530f21b8169ce6f31160e23e" elif rerun_type == 'initial_He': replace_text = "fix_iniHe_pre_rerun5-0e736a853c3c2e522b76299a54aea8f5eea15d08" elif rerun_type == "dedt_energy_eqn": replace_text = "seth_dedt_energy_eqn-f1803afe400ed16a4fad47b0bad6abbf0965cae1" elif rerun_type == "dedt_hepulse": replace_text = "seth_dedt_hepulse-0274be9895480cae3aa2a4d14b056a2447d5921b" elif rerun_type == 'LBV_wind': replace_text = "matthias_LBV_wind-051343856f50dc5518abdf28904d62df4caacaff" elif rerun_type == 'LBV_wind+thermohaline_mixing': replace_text = "matthias_LBV_wind-051343856f50dc5518abdf28904d62df4caacaff" # elif rerun_type == 'LBV_wind+HeMB_MLTp_mesh': # raise ValueError(f'Not yet supported rerun type {rerun_type}!') # replace_text = "matthias_LBV_wind-051343856f50dc5518abdf28904d62df4caacaff" #TODO: update to new MESA-INLIST branch/commit elif rerun_type == 'LBV_wind+dedt_energy_eqn': replace_text = "seth_lbv_thermo_dedt-936f76f82d44b16139ff89e41e5b0f2232fd9b30" elif rerun_type == 'LBV_wind+dedt_hepulse': replace_text = "seth_lbv_thermo_dedt_hepulse-2737b3bce69066751477c802a6e515183e13d303" elif rerun_type == 'no_age_limit': replace_text = "matthias_no_age_limit-a119ea9548cca9b6b7ddfe31309ced1ae40c271e" elif rerun_type == 'no_age_limit+thermohaline_mixing': replace_text = "matthias_no_age_limit-a119ea9548cca9b6b7ddfe31309ced1ae40c271e" elif rerun_type == 'no_age_limit+dedt_energy_eqn': replace_text = "matthias_lbv_thermo_dedt_noAgeLimit-dcc42e1d6d89fc267826970643e7f4f1bf463171" elif rerun_type == 'other': # e.g. 'envelope_mass_limit', 'fe_core_infall_limit' # this rerun uses the default inlist commit return else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported rerun type {rerun_type}!') # make replacements in ini file search_text1 = "main-18710e943edd926a5653c4cdb7d6e18e5bdb35a2" search_text2 = "main-a060b7bf1a4d94d693f77be9a1b0b3a522c1eadf" search_text3 = '' replace_zams_filename = zams_file_name(rerun_metallicity) with open(ini_file_dest, 'r') as file: data = data = data.replace(search_text1, replace_text) data = data.replace(search_text2, replace_text) data = data.replace(search_text3, replace_zams_filename) data = data.replace('grid_test.csv', 'grid.csv') with open(ini_file_dest, 'w') as file: file.write(data)
[docs] def logic_rerun(grid, rerun_type): """Get the runs, which need a rerun. Parameters ---------- grid : PSyGrid PSyGrid to select runs from. rerun_type : str Type of rerun (e.g. PISN). Returns ------- runs_to_rerun : list Indecies of runs to be rerun. termination_flags : list Termination flags to select reruns by. new_mesa_flag : dict Name and value of MESA inlist parameters to change to for this rerun. """ if not isinstance(grid, PSyGrid): raise TypeError(f'grid must be a PSyGrid, but it is {type(grid)}.') runs_to_rerun=None termination_flags=None new_mesa_flag = None # handle different rerun types if rerun_type == 'opacity_max' or rerun_type == 'opacity_max_hms-hms': # TODO: consider using TF1_POOL_ERROR termination_flags=['reach cluster timelimit', 'min_timestep_limit'] new_mesa_flag={'opacity_max' : 0.5} elif rerun_type == 'PISN': N_runs = len(grid) runs_to_rerun = [] for i in range(N_runs): dirname = grid.MESA_dirs[i].decode('utf-8') if not os.path.isdir(dirname): # TODO: handle the case when grids were moved location raise NotADirectoryError('Grid directory not found at ' f'{dirname}') if "single_HMS" in dirname: out_txt_path = os.path.join(dirname, "out_star1_formation_step0.txt") elif "single_HeMS" in dirname: out_txt_path = os.path.join(dirname, "out_star1_formation_step2.txt") else: out_txt_path = os.path.join(dirname, "out.txt") if (out_txt_path is not None) and os.path.isfile(out_txt_path): with open(out_txt_path, "r") as log_file: log_lines = log_file.readlines() for line in log_lines: if "have reached gamma1 integral limit" in line: runs_to_rerun += [i] runs_to_rerun = np.array(runs_to_rerun) elif rerun_type == 'reverse_MT': N_runs = len(grid) runs_to_rerun = [] for i in range(N_runs): if ((grid[i].binary_history is not None) and (grid[i].history1 is not None)): rl1 = grid[i].binary_history['rl_relative_overflow_1'] rl2 = grid[i].binary_history['rl_relative_overflow_2'] w_wcrit = grid[i].history1['surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit'] reverse = np.logical_and(rl1<-0.05, rl2>-0.05) transfer = np.logical_and(reverse, w_wcrit>0.9) if np.max(transfer) == True: runs_to_rerun += [i] runs_to_rerun = np.array(runs_to_rerun) elif rerun_type == 'TPAGBwind': N_runs = len(grid) runs_to_rerun = [] hot_wind_full_on_T = 1.2e4 # inlist value for i in range(N_runs): if grid[i].history1 is not None: s1_Teff = 10**grid[i].history1['log_Teff'] s1_Yc = grid[i].history1['center_he4'] s1_he_shell_mass = grid[i].history1['he_core_mass'] -\ grid[i].history1['co_core_mass'] tpagb_1 = np.logical_and(s1_Teff <= hot_wind_full_on_T,\ s1_Yc <= 1e-6) tpagb_1 = np.logical_and(tpagb_1, s1_he_shell_mass <= 1e-1) else: tpagb_1 = np.array([False]) if grid[i].history2 is not None: s2_Teff = 10**grid[i].history2['log_Teff'] s2_Yc = grid[i].history2['center_he4'] s2_he_shell_mass = grid[i].history2['he_core_mass'] -\ grid[i].history2['co_core_mass'] tpagb_2 = np.logical_and(s2_Teff <= hot_wind_full_on_T,\ s2_Yc <= 1e-6) tpagb_2 = np.logical_and(tpagb_2, s2_he_shell_mass <= 1e-1) else: tpagb_2 = np.array([False]) if np.max(np.logical_or(tpagb_1, tpagb_2)) == True: runs_to_rerun += [i] runs_to_rerun = np.array(runs_to_rerun) elif ((rerun_type == 'thermohaline_mixing') or (rerun_type == 'LBV_wind+thermohaline_mixing') or (rerun_type == 'no_age_limit+thermohaline_mixing')): termination_flags = TF1_POOL_ERROR new_mesa_flag = {'thermohaline_coeff' : 17.5} elif ((rerun_type == 'HeMB_MLTp_mesh') # or (rerun_type == 'LBV_wind+HeMB_MLTp_mesh') ): termination_flags = TF1_POOL_ERROR elif rerun_type == 'more_mesh': termination_flags = TF1_POOL_ERROR # may put this in a MESA-inlist PR new_mesa_flag = {'mesh_Pgas_div_P_exponent' : 2,\ 'max_allowed_nz' : 50000} elif rerun_type == 'conv_bdy_weight': N_runs = len(grid) runs_to_rerun = [] for i in range(N_runs): dirname = grid.MESA_dirs[i].decode('utf-8') if not os.path.isdir(dirname): # TODO: handle the case when grids were moved location raise NotADirectoryError('Grid directory not found at ' f'{dirname}') if "single_HMS" in dirname: out_txt_path = os.path.join(dirname, "out_star1_formation_step0.txt") elif "single_HeMS" in dirname: out_txt_path = os.path.join(dirname, "out_star1_formation_step2.txt") else: out_txt_path = os.path.join(dirname, "out.txt") if (out_txt_path is not None) and os.path.isfile(out_txt_path): with open(out_txt_path, "r") as log_file: log_lines = log_file.readlines() for line in log_lines: if (("STOP prepare_for_new_try: bad num omega" in line) or ("Segmentation fault" in line)): runs_to_rerun += [i] runs_to_rerun = np.array(runs_to_rerun) new_mesa_flag = {'convective_bdy_weight' : 0} elif rerun_type == 'initial_He': N_runs = len(grid) runs_to_rerun = [] for i in range(N_runs): iniY = -1 if 'S1_center_he4' in grid.initial_values.dtype.names: iniY = grid[i].initial_values['S1_center_he4'] elif 'Y' in grid.initial_values.dtype.names: iniY = grid[i].initial_values['Y'] if np.isnan(iniY) or iniY<0.96: runs_to_rerun += [i] runs_to_rerun = np.array(runs_to_rerun) elif ((rerun_type == 'dedt_energy_eqn') or (rerun_type == 'LBV_wind+dedt_energy_eqn') or (rerun_type == 'no_age_limit+dedt_energy_eqn')): termination_flags = TF1_POOL_ERROR elif ((rerun_type == 'dedt_hepulse') or (rerun_type == 'LBV_wind+dedt_hepulse')): termination_flags = TF1_POOL_ERROR elif rerun_type == 'LBV_wind': N_runs = len(grid) runs_to_rerun = [] hot_wind_full_on_T = 1.2e4 # inlist value for i in range(N_runs): if grid[i].history1 is not None: s1_L = 10**grid[i].history1['log_L'] s1_R = 10**grid[i].history1['log_R'] s1_HD_limit = (1.0e-5 * s1_R * np.sqrt(s1_L)) lbv_1 = np.logical_and(s1_L > 6.0e5, s1_HD_limit > 1.0) # exclude (stripped) He stars s1_X_surf = grid[i].history1['surface_h1'] lbv_1 = np.logical_and(lbv_1, s1_X_surf >= 0.1) # exclude stars going through TPAGB s1_Teff = 10**grid[i].history1['log_Teff'] s1_Yc = grid[i].history1['center_he4'] s1_he_shell_mass = grid[i].history1['he_core_mass'] -\ grid[i].history1['co_core_mass'] tpagb_1 = np.logical_and(s1_Teff <= hot_wind_full_on_T,\ s1_Yc <= 1e-6) tpagb_1 = np.logical_and(tpagb_1, s1_he_shell_mass <= 1e-1) else: lbv_1 = np.array([False]) tpagb_1 = np.array([False]) if grid[i].history2 is not None: s2_L = 10**grid[i].history2['log_L'] s2_R = 10**grid[i].history2['log_R'] s2_HD_limit = (1.0e-5 * s2_R * np.sqrt(s2_L)) lbv_2 = np.logical_and(s2_L > 6.0e5, s2_HD_limit > 1.0) # exclude (stripped) He stars s2_X_surf = grid[i].history2['surface_h1'] lbv_2 = np.logical_and(lbv_2, s2_X_surf >= 0.1) # exclude stars going through TPAGB s2_Teff = 10**grid[i].history2['log_Teff'] s2_Yc = grid[i].history2['center_he4'] s2_he_shell_mass = grid[i].history2['he_core_mass'] -\ grid[i].history2['co_core_mass'] tpagb_2 = np.logical_and(s2_Teff <= hot_wind_full_on_T,\ s2_Yc <= 1e-6) tpagb_2 = np.logical_and(tpagb_2, s2_he_shell_mass <= 1e-1) else: lbv_2 = np.array([False]) tpagb_2 = np.array([False]) if np.max(np.logical_or(lbv_1, lbv_2)) == True: if np.max(np.logical_or(tpagb_1, tpagb_2)) == False: runs_to_rerun += [i] runs_to_rerun = np.array(runs_to_rerun) elif rerun_type == 'no_age_limit': termination_flags = ['max_age'] elif rerun_type == 'envelope_mass_limit': # maybe 'fe_core_infall_limit' as well? runs_to_rerun = None # implement logic else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported rerun type {rerun_type}!') if (runs_to_rerun is None) and (termination_flags is None): raise ValueError('Undefined rerun!') return runs_to_rerun, termination_flags, new_mesa_flag
[docs] def rerun(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False): """Generate files to start a rerun. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. """ # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i not in df.index: raise KeyError(f'Index={i} not available in {path_to_csv_file}.') # get values from csv file if 'path_to_grid' in df.keys(): grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid'] if not os.path.isfile(grid_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{grid_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'rerun_path' in df.keys(): rerun_path = df.loc[i,'rerun_path'] else: raise KeyError(f'No rerun_path in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'grid_type' in df.keys(): grid_type = df.loc[i,'grid_type'] else: raise KeyError(f'No grid_type in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'rerun_metallicity' in df.keys(): rerun_metallicity = df.loc[i,'rerun_metallicity'] else: raise KeyError(f'No rerun_metallicity in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'rerun_type' in df.keys(): rerun_type = df.loc[i,'rerun_type'] else: raise KeyError(f'No rerun_type in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'cluster' in df.keys(): cluster = df.loc[i,'cluster'] else: Pwarn('Cluster not specified, use quest as cluster', "ReplaceValueWarning") cluster = 'quest' # load grid grid = PSyGrid(verbose=verbose) grid.load(grid_path) # export point to rerun if verbose: print(f'rerun {grid_path} in {rerun_path}') # get reruns runs_to_rerun, termination_flags, new_mesa_flag = logic_rerun(grid, rerun_type) # get csv file for reruns grid.rerun(path_to_file=rerun_path, runs_to_rerun=runs_to_rerun, termination_flags=termination_flags, new_mesa_flag=new_mesa_flag) # copy ini file and set the new inlist commit copy_ini_file(grid_type, rerun_metallicity, rerun_type, destination=rerun_path, cluster=cluster)
[docs] def plot_grid(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False): """Creates plots of a grid. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. """ # grid mass ranges: # min and max values might get updated, than the step is used to update the # nbin (in case of log==True the step is in log space) grid_sample = { 'HMS-HMS' : { 'log' : False, 'nbin' : 20, 'qmin' : 0.05, 'qmax' : 1., 'step' : 0.05, }, 'CO-HeMS' : { 'log' : True, 'nbin' : 23, 'mmin' : 1.0, 'mmax' : 51.32759630397827, 'step' : 0.0777432239326138, }, 'CO-HMS' : { 'log' : True, 'nbin' : 23, 'mmin' : 1.0, 'mmax' : 51.32759630397827, 'step' : 0.0777432239326138, } } def _nbin(x_min, x_max, step, log=False): if log: nbin = (np.log10(x_max)-np.log10(x_min))/step else: nbin = (x_max-x_min)/step return int(nbin)+1 def _range(x_min, x_max, x_n, log=False): if log: vars = 10**np.linspace(np.log10(x_min),np.log10(x_max), x_n) vars_edges = 10**((np.log10(vars[1:])+np.log10(vars)[:-1])*0.5) else: vars = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,x_n) vars_edges = (vars[1:]+vars[:-1])*0.5 vars_edges = [0.]+vars_edges.tolist()+[float("inf")] return vars.tolist(), vars_edges # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i not in df.index: raise KeyError(f'Index={i} not available in {path_to_csv_file}.') check_dirs = [] # get values from csv file if 'path_to_grid' in df.keys(): grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid'] if not os.path.isfile(grid_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{grid_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'grid_type' in df.keys(): grid_type = df.loc[i,'grid_type'] else: raise KeyError(f'No grid_type in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'path_to_plot' in df.keys(): plot_dir = df.loc[i,'path_to_plot'] plot_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(plot_dir)) check_dirs.extend([plot_path, plot_dir]) else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_plot in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'quantities_to_plot' in df.keys(): quantities_to_plot = ast.literal_eval(df.loc[i,'quantities_to_plot']) if not isinstance(quantities_to_plot, list): raise TypeError(f'quantities_to_plot is not a list in line {i} ' f'in {path_to_csv_file}') else: raise KeyError(f'No quantities_to_plot in {path_to_csv_file}') multipage = False if 'plot_extension' in df.keys(): plot_extension = df.loc[i,'plot_extension'] if plot_extension=='multipage-pdf': multipage = True plot_extension = 'pdf' else: Pwarn('No plot extension, use pdf', "ReplaceValueWarning") plot_extension = 'pdf' if 'path_to_interpolator' in df.keys(): path_to_interpolator = df.loc[i,'path_to_interpolator'] else: path_to_interpolator = '' # check that plots/ directories exist for dir_ in check_dirs: if not os.path.isdir(dir_): os.makedirs(dir_) # load grid grid = PSyGrid(verbose=verbose) grid.load(grid_path) for quantity_to_plot in quantities_to_plot: if verbose: print(f'plotting: {quantity_to_plot} from {grid_path} to ' f'{plot_dir}') # load interpolator and evaluate interp errors if ('INTERP_ERROR' in quantity_to_plot and path_to_interpolator != ''): model = IFInterpolator() model.load(path_to_interpolator) evalIFerr = EvaluateIFInterpolator(model, grid) interp_error = True else: interp_error = False # get attributes for plotting plot_attributes = { 'plot_dir_name' : 'default', 'zvar' : None, 'term_flag' : 'termination_flag_1', 'zlog' : False, 'zmin' : None, 'zmax' : None } if quantity_to_plot in PRE_SET_PLOTS: for attr in PRE_SET_PLOTS[quantity_to_plot].keys(): plot_attributes[attr] = PRE_SET_PLOTS[quantity_to_plot][attr] elif isinstance(quantity_to_plot, str): #TODO: check if quantity_to_plot is plotable as Z value if 'INTERP_ERROR_' in quantity_to_plot: short_quantity = quantity_to_plot.split('INTERP_ERROR_')[-1] set_name = 'INTERP_ERROR_DEFAULT' if set_name in PRE_SET_PLOTS: plot_attributes['plot_dir_name'] = os.path.join(\ 'INTERP_ERROR', short_quantity) plot_attributes['zvar'] = short_quantity for attr in PRE_SET_PLOTS[set_name].keys(): plot_attributes[attr] = PRE_SET_PLOTS[set_name][attr] else: Pwarn(f'{set_name} not in PRE_SET_PLOTS', "UnsupportedModelWarning") elif '_MODEL' in quantity_to_plot: short_quantity = quantity_to_plot.split('_MODEL')[-1] short_quantity = short_quantity[short_quantity.find('_')+1:] model_name = quantity_to_plot.split('_'+short_quantity)[0] set_name = quantity_to_plot.split('_MODEL')[0] +\ '_MODEL_DEFAULT_' + short_quantity if set_name in PRE_SET_PLOTS: plot_attributes['plot_dir_name'] = os.path.join(model_name, short_quantity) plot_attributes['zvar'] = quantity_to_plot for attr in PRE_SET_PLOTS[set_name].keys(): plot_attributes[attr] = PRE_SET_PLOTS[set_name][attr] else: Pwarn(f'{set_name} not in PRE_SET_PLOTS', "UnsupportedModelWarning") elif quantity_to_plot[:6]=='LOG10_': short_quantity = quantity_to_plot[6:] plot_attributes['plot_dir_name'] = short_quantity plot_attributes['zvar'] = short_quantity plot_attributes['zlog'] = True else: plot_attributes['plot_dir_name'] = quantity_to_plot plot_attributes['zvar'] = quantity_to_plot else: raise TypeError(f'{quantity_to_plot} should be a string!') # check that plots/ directories exist name = plot_attributes['plot_dir_name'] dir_ = os.path.join(plot_dir, name) if multipage: # multipage plots don't need the lowest directory level dir_ = os.path.dirname(dir_) if not os.path.isdir(dir_): os.makedirs(dir_) if ('CO' in grid_type): # skip plotting CO properties if 'S2_' in quantity_to_plot: continue # both grids are sampled in the same way with respect to the # compact object mass if 'CO-HeMS' in grid_type: smpl = grid_sample['CO-HeMS'] else: smpl = grid_sample['CO-HMS'] slice_3D_var_str = 'star_2_mass' min_3D_var = np.min(grid.initial_values[slice_3D_var_str]) max_3D_var = np.max(grid.initial_values[slice_3D_var_str]) if smpl['mmin']>min_3D_var: smpl['mmin'] = min_3D_var smpl['nbin'] = _nbin(smpl['mmin'], smpl['mmax'], smpl['step'], log=smpl['log']) if smpl['mmax']<max_3D_var: smpl['mmax'] = max_3D_var smpl['nbin'] = _nbin(smpl['mmin'], smpl['mmax'], smpl['step'], log=smpl['log']) vars, vars_edges = _range(smpl['mmin'], smpl['mmax'], smpl['nbin'], log=smpl['log']) fname = 'grid_m_%1.2f.' + plot_extension title = '$m_\mathrm{CO}=%1.2f\,M_\odot$' elif 'HMS-HMS' in grid_type: # mass ratio slices smpl = grid_sample['HMS-HMS'] slice_3D_var_str = 'mass_ratio' vars, vars_edges = _range(smpl['qmin'], smpl['qmax'], smpl['nbin'], log=smpl['log']) if vars[-1]==1.0: vars[-1] = 0.99 # we replaced q=1 with q=0.99 in mesa runs fname = 'grid_q_%1.2f.' + plot_extension title = '$q=%1.2f$' else: raise ValueError('Grid type not supported!') if multipage: pdf_handler = PdfPages(os.path.join(plot_dir, name) +\ '_all_slices.' + plot_extension, metadata={'Author': 'POSYDON'}) # loop over all grid slices for k, var in enumerate(vars): slice_3D_var_range = (vars_edges[k],vars_edges[k+1]) # TODO: skip plotting slice if there are no data try: # default plot properties PLOT_PROPERTIES_DEFAULT = { 'figsize' : (4,3.5), 'path_to_file' : os.path.join(plot_dir, name)+'/', 'show_fig' : False, 'fname' : fname%var, 'title' : title%var, 'log10_x' : True, 'log10_y' : True, 'legend2D' : {'bbox_to_anchor' : (1.03, 0.5)} } PLOT_PROPERTIES = PLOT_PROPERTIES_DEFAULT.copy() if plot_attributes['zvar'] is not None: # default plot properties with colorbar PLOT_PROPERTIES['figsize'] = (4,5) PLOT_PROPERTIES['colorbar'] = {'pad': 0.12} PLOT_PROPERTIES['log10_z'] = plot_attributes['zlog'] PLOT_PROPERTIES['zmin'] = plot_attributes['zmin'] PLOT_PROPERTIES['zmax'] = plot_attributes['zmax'] if 'INTERP_ERROR' in quantity_to_plot: PLOT_PROPERTIES['colorbar']['label'] = quantity_to_plot if multipage: PLOT_PROPERTIES['PdfPages'] = pdf_handler if 'INTERP_ERROR' in quantity_to_plot: # initial/final error all points in one plot if k == 0: PLOT_PROPERTIES_ALL = PLOT_PROPERTIES.copy() PLOT_PROPERTIES_ALL['title'] = title.split('=')[0] +\ '$ all' PLOT_PROPERTIES_ALL['fname'] = fname.replace('%1.2f',\ 'all') if multipage: PLOT_PROPERTIES_ALL['path_to_file'] = plot_dir+'/' PLOT_PROPERTIES_ALL['fname'] = name + '_all.' +\ plot_extension PLOT_PROPERTIES_ALL['PdfPages'] = None evalIFerr.plot2D(plot_attributes['zvar'], slice_3D_var_str, (vars_edges[0], vars_edges[-1]), PLOT_PROPERTIES_ALL) # initial/final error slices evalIFerr.plot2D(plot_attributes['zvar'], slice_3D_var_str, slice_3D_var_range, PLOT_PROPERTIES) elif 'CLASS_ERROR' in quantity_to_plot: # TODO: add class error plots if k == 0: evalIFerr.confusion_matrix(plot_attributes['zvar'], close_fig=True) elif 'VIOLIN' in quantity_to_plot: # TODO: add violin plots if k == 0: evalIFerr.violin_plots("relative", keys=[plot_attributes['zvar']], close_fig=True) else: grid.plot2D('star_1_mass', 'period_days', plot_attributes['zvar'], termination_flag=plot_attributes['term_flag'], grid_3D=True, slice_3D_var_str=slice_3D_var_str, slice_3D_var_range=slice_3D_var_range, verbose=False, **PLOT_PROPERTIES) except Exception as e: print('FAILED TO PLOT '+title%var+' to '+fname%var) print('') print(e) if multipage: # close and reopen handler # (WARNING: this will overwrite the pdf file) Pwarn('delete and reopen: '+\ f'{os.path.join(plot_dir, name)}'+\ f'_all.{plot_extension}', "OverwriteWarning") del pdf_handler pdf_handler = PdfPages(os.path.join(plot_dir, name) +\ '_all_slices.' +plot_extension, metadata={'Author': 'POSYDON'}) continue if multipage: pdf_handler.close()
[docs] def do_check(i, path_to_csv_file, verbose=False): """Perform a check on a grid. Parameters ---------- i : int Index in csv file. path_to_csv_file : str Path to csv file. verbose : bool Enable/Disable additional output. """ # read csv file if os.path.exists(path_to_csv_file): df = pd.read_csv(path_to_csv_file) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f'{path_to_csv_file} not found!') if i not in df.index: raise KeyError(f'Index={i} not available in {path_to_csv_file}.') # get values from csv file if 'path_to_grid' in df.keys(): grid_path = df.loc[i,'path_to_grid'] if not os.path.isfile(grid_path): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{grid_path} not found!') else: raise KeyError(f'No path_to_grid in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'checks_to_do' in df.keys(): checks_to_do = ast.literal_eval(df.loc[i,'checks_to_do']) if not isinstance(checks_to_do, list): raise TypeError(f'checks_to_do is not a list in line {i} ' f'in {path_to_csv_file}') else: raise KeyError(f'No checks_to_do in {path_to_csv_file}') if 'path_to_interpolator' in df.keys(): path_to_interpolator = df.loc[i,'path_to_interpolator'] else: path_to_interpolator = '' # load grid grid = PSyGrid(verbose=verbose) grid.load(grid_path) # do the checks for check_to_do in checks_to_do: if check_to_do=='failure_rate': count = Counter(grid.final_values['interpolation_class']) n = 0. for key in count.keys(): n += count[key] if 'not_converged' in count.keys(): failure_rate_in_percent = round(count['not_converged']/n*100,2) else: failure_rate_in_percent = 0. print(f'Failure rate: {failure_rate_in_percent}% in {grid_path}') elif check_to_do=='CO_type': for quantity in grid.final_values.dtype.names: if (('S1_MODEL' in quantity) and ('CO_type' in quantity)): count = Counter(grid.final_values[quantity]) print(f'{quantity}: {count} in {grid_path}') elif check_to_do=='SN_type': for quantity in grid.final_values.dtype.names: if (('S1_MODEL' in quantity) and ('SN_type' in quantity)): count = Counter(grid.final_values[quantity]) print(f'{quantity}: {count} in {grid_path}') #TODO: add more checks else: Pwarn(f'Do not know how to do {check_to_do} for'+\ f' {grid_path}!', "UnsupportedModelWarning")
if __name__ == '__main__': # read commond line arguments n_args = len(sys.argv) if n_args > 1: # path to girds if str(sys.argv[1])=='--help': print('Programm to run a pipeline step') print('syntax: posydon-run-pipeline PATH_TO_GRIDS PATH_TO_CSV_FILE' ' [SLURM_I] [VERBOSE]') print('PATH_TO_GRIDS: path to the root directory with the grids') print('PATH_TO_CSV_FILE: path to the csv file containing the step' ' data') print('SLURM_I (optional): slurm array index, used to grep a' ' certain data set (usually line index) from the csv file;' ' if not given the first non header line is used') print('VERBOSE (optional): flag for additional output') sys.exit(0) PATH_TO_GRIDS = str(sys.argv[1]) if not os.path.isdir(PATH_TO_GRIDS): # check given path raise NotADirectoryError('Grids were not found! Check your ' f'PATH_TO_GRIDS={PATH_TO_GRIDS}') else: raise KeyError('No path to the grids given. It should be specified ' 'as first commandline argument.') if n_args > 2: # path to csv file PATH_TO_CSV_FILE = str(sys.argv[2]) if not os.path.isfile(PATH_TO_CSV_FILE): # check given path raise FileNotFoundError('Csv file not found! Check your ' f'PATH_TO_CSV_FILE={PATH_TO_CSV_FILE}') else: raise KeyError('No csv file given. It should be specified as ' 'second commandline argument.') if n_args > 3: # slurm index SLURM_I = int(sys.argv[3]) if SLURM_I<0: # check value raise ValueError(f'The slurm index cannot be negative: {SLURM_I}') else: Pwarn('No slurm index given, use 0', "ReplaceValueWarning") SLURM_I = 0 if n_args > 4: # verbose flag VERBOSE = bool(int(sys.argv[4])) else: Pwarn('No verbose flag given, use True', "ReplaceValueWarning") VERBOSE = True # chose grid slice given the slurm jobarray index # offset the start of each job # NOTE: this prevents job arrays starting at the same time to read # the same files at the same time (e.g. when creatign LITE/ORIGINAL grid, # or when creating a directory that does not exist yet) time.sleep(SLURM_I) STEP = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(PATH_TO_CSV_FILE))[0] if STEP=='step_1': # grid slices creation create_grid_slice(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) if STEP=='step_2': # grid slices concatenation combine_grid_slices(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) if STEP=='step_3': # calculate extra values calculate_extra_values(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) if STEP=='step_4': # train interpolators train_interpolators(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) if STEP=='step_5': # train profile interpolators train_profile_interpolators(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) if STEP=='step_9': # export dataset export_dataset(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) if STEP=='rerun': # export rerun rerun(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) if 'plot' in STEP: # plot grid slices plot_grid(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) if 'check' in STEP: # do checks, e.g. failure rate do_check(SLURM_I, PATH_TO_CSV_FILE, verbose=VERBOSE) print_stats()