Source code for posydon.visualization.plot_pop

__authors__ = ["Simone Bavera <>"]
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from posydon.utils.common_functions import PATH_TO_POSYDON
from posydon.visualization.plot_defaults import DEFAULT_LABELS
from posydon.utils.constants import Zsun
from posydon.grids.psygrid import PSyGrid
from posydon.utils.common_functions import convert_metallicity_to_string
from posydon.utils.constants import Zsun
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from posydon.visualization.plot_defaults import DEFAULT_LABELS

PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA = os.environ.get("PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA",'./'), "posydon/visualization/posydon.mplstyle"))

cm ='tab20')
COLORS = [cm.colors[i] for i in range(len(cm.colors)) if i%2==0] + [cm.colors[i] for i in range(len(cm.colors)) if i%2==1]

[docs] def plot_merger_rate_density(z, rate_density, zmax=10., channels=False, GWTC3=False, label='DCO', **kwargs): plt.plot(z[z<zmax], rate_density['total'][z<zmax], label=f'{label} total', color='black') if channels: for i, ch in enumerate([key for key in rate_density.keys() if key != 'total']): if ch != 'total': plt.plot(z[z<zmax], rate_density[ch][z<zmax], label=ch, color=COLORS[i]) if GWTC3: plt.errorbar(0.2,17.9, yerr=[[0],[26.1]], fmt='',color='black', label='$\mathcal{R}_\mathrm{BBH}$ GWTC-3')
[docs] def plot_grb_rate_density(z, rate_density, zmax=10., channels=False, grb_components=False, Perley16=False, **kwargs): plt.plot(z[z<zmax], rate_density['total'][z<zmax], label='GRB total', color='black', linestyle='--') if grb_components: plt.plot(z[z<zmax], rate_density['total_GRB1'][z<zmax], label='total_GRB1', color='black', linestyle=':') plt.plot(z[z<zmax], rate_density['total_GRB2'][z<zmax], label='total_GRB2', color='black', linestyle='-.') if channels: for i, ch in enumerate([key for key in rate_density.keys() if (key != 'total' and 'GRB' not in key)]): if 'total' not in ch and 'GRB' not in ch: if sum(rate_density[ch][z<zmax]) == 0.: continue if 'label_channels' in kwargs and kwargs['label_channels']: label = ch else: label = None plt.plot(z[z<zmax], rate_density[ch][z<zmax], label=label, color=COLORS[i], linestyle='--') if grb_components: if 'label_channels' in kwargs and kwargs['label_channels']: label1 = ch+'_GRB1' label2 = ch+'_GRB2' else: label1 = None label2 = None plt.plot(z[z<zmax], rate_density[ch+'_GRB1'][z<zmax], label=label1, color=COLORS[i], linestyle=':') plt.plot(z[z<zmax], rate_density[ch+'_GRB2'][z<zmax], label=label2, color=COLORS[i], linestyle='-.') # Perley et al. (2016) if Perley16: z_P16 = np.array([0.3,0.75,1.35,1.75,2.3,3.1,4,5.2,7.]) rate_P16 = np.array([2.07e-10,1.46e-9,1.816e-9,3.93e-9,8.27e-9,6.90e-9,4.20e-9,3.74e-9,1.11e-9])*1e9 rate_P16_lower = rate_P16-np.array([1.12e-10,1.08e-9,1.30e-9,3.02e-9,6.78e-9,5.29e-9,2.82e-9,2.397e-9,5.96e-10])*1e9 rate_P16_upper = np.array([5.40e-10,2.03e-9,2.60e-9,5.29e-9,1.03e-8,9.13e-9,6.78e-9,6.78e-9,4.27e-9])*1e9-rate_P16 rate_P16_error_y =np.array([rate_P16_lower.tolist(),rate_P16_upper.tolist()]) rate_P16_left = z_P16-np.array([0.1,0.5,1,1.5,2.,2.6,3.5,4.5,6]) rate_P16_right = np.array([0.5,1,1.5,2.,2.6,3.5,4.5,6,8])-z_P16 rate_P16_error_x =np.array([rate_P16_left.tolist(),rate_P16_right.tolist()]) plt.errorbar(z_P16,rate_P16,xerr=rate_P16_error_x,yerr=rate_P16_error_y, fmt='.', color='black', label=r'$\mathcal{R}_\mathrm{LGRB}(E_\mathrm{iso}^{45-450\,\mathrm{keV}} > 10^{51} \, \mathrm{erg})$ SHOALS survey')
[docs] def plot_rate_density(z_dco=None, R_dco=None, z_grb=None, R_grb=None, **kwargs): plt.figure() title1 = '' title2 = '' if z_dco is not None and R_dco is not None: title1 += 'DCO merger' plot_merger_rate_density(z_dco, R_dco, **kwargs) # do not display twice the channel labels kwargs['label_channels'] = False if z_grb is not None and R_grb is not None: title2 += 'GRB beamed' plot_grb_rate_density(z_grb, R_grb, **kwargs) if title1 and title2: title = title1 + ' \& ' + title2 + ' rate densities' else: title = title1 + title2 + ' rate density' plt.title(title) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel(r'$\mathcal{R} \,[\mathrm{Gpc}^{-3}\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}]$') plt.xlabel(r'$z$') plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) if 'ylim' in kwargs: plt.ylim(kwargs['ylim']) if 'path' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['path'],str): plt.savefig(path) if 'show' in kwargs and kwargs['show']:
[docs] def plot_merger_efficiency(met, merger_efficiency, show=True, path=None, channels=False): title = r'Merger efficiency' plt.figure() plt.title(title) plt.plot(met/Zsun, merger_efficiency['total'], label='total', color='black') if channels: for i, ch in enumerate(merger_efficiency.keys()): if ch != 'total': plt.plot(met/Zsun, merger_efficiency[ch], label=ch, color=COLORS[i]) plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel(r'$Z/Z_\odot$') plt.ylabel(r'\#DCOs [$M_\odot^{-1}$]') plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) if path: plt.savefig(path) if show:
[docs] def plot_hist_properties(x, df_intrinsic=None, df_observable=None, channel=None, show=True, path=None, alpha=0.5, range=None, bins=20, xlog=False, ylog=False, pop=None, **kwargs): if pop is None: raise ValueError('Population type not specified.') if df_intrinsic is not None and df_observable is not None: title = r'Intrinsic vs. observable (dashed) population' elif df_intrinsic is not None: title = r'Intrinsic population' elif df_observable is not None: title = r'Observable population' else: raise ValueError('You should provide either an intrinsic or a ' 'detectable population.') plt.figure() if df_intrinsic is not None: # normalise weight, for GRB this will conserve GRB1/GRB2 ratio df_intrinsic['weight'] /= sum(df_intrinsic['weight']) if channel is not None: sel = (df_intrinsic['weight'] > 0) & (df_intrinsic['channel'] == channel) title += f'\n{channel}' else: sel = df_intrinsic['weight'] > 0 if isinstance(x, str): if pop == 'GRB': sel_tmp = sel & ~df_intrinsic[x].isna() else: sel_tmp = sel values, weights = df_intrinsic.loc[sel_tmp,[x,'weight']].values.T if xlog: mask = values > 0 values = np.log10(values[mask]) weights = weights[mask] plt.hist(values, weights=weights, color=COLORS[0], alpha=alpha, range=range, bins=bins) elif isinstance(x, list): for i, x_i in enumerate(x): if "S1" in x_i: label = 'S1' s = 1 elif "S2" in x_i: label = 'S2' s = 2 else: label = x_i if pop == 'GRB': sel_tmp = sel & ~df_intrinsic[x_i].isna() & df_intrinsic[f'GRB{s}'] else: sel_tmp = sel values, weights = df_intrinsic.loc[sel_tmp,[x_i,'weight']].values.T if xlog: mask = values > 0 values = np.log10(values[mask]) weights = weights[mask] plt.hist(values, weights=weights, color=COLORS[i], label=label, alpha=alpha, range=range, bins=bins) if df_observable is not None: # normalise weight, for GRB this will conserve GRB1/GRB2 ratio df_observable['weight'] /= sum(df_observable['weight']) if channel is not None: sel = (df_observable['weight'] > 0) & (df_observable['channel'] == channel) if channel not in title: title += f'\n{channel}' else: sel = df_observable['weight'] > 0 if isinstance(x, str): if pop == 'GRB': sel_tmp = sel & ~df_observable[x].isna() else: sel_tmp = sel values, weights = df_observable.loc[sel_tmp,[x,'weight']].values.T if xlog: mask = values > 0 values = np.log10(values[mask]) weights = weights[mask] plt.hist(values, weights=weights, color=COLORS[0], histtype=u'step', linestyle='--', alpha=alpha, range=range, bins=bins) elif isinstance(x, list): for i, x_i in enumerate(x): if "S1" in x_i: label = 'S1' s = 1 elif "S2" in x_i: label = 'S2' s = 2 else: label = x_i if pop == 'GRB': sel_tmp = sel & ~df_observable[x_i].isna() & df_observable[f'GRB{s}'] else: sel_tmp = sel values, weights = df_observable.loc[sel_tmp,[x_i,'weight']].values.T if xlog: mask = values > 0 values = np.log10(values[mask]) weights = weights[mask] plt.hist(values, weights=weights, color=COLORS[i], label=label, histtype=u'step', linestyle='--', alpha=alpha, range=range, bins=bins) plt.title(title) if ylog: plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel(r'PDF') try: if isinstance(x, str): if not xlog: plt.xlabel(DEFAULT_LABELS[x][0]) else: plt.xlabel(DEFAULT_LABELS[x][1]) else: if not xlog: plt.xlabel(DEFAULT_LABELS[x[0]][0]) else: plt.xlabel(DEFAULT_LABELS[x[0]][1]) except: if isinstance(x, str): if not xlog: plt.xlabel(x) else: plt.xlabel('log10_'+x) else: if not xlog: plt.xlabel(x[0]) else: plt.xlabel('log10_'+x[0]) if isinstance(x, list): plt.legend(loc=1) if path: plt.savefig(path) if show:
[docs] def plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice(pop, grid_type, met_Zsun, slices=None, channel=None, plot_dir='./', prop=None, prop_range=None, log_prop=False, alpha=0.3, s=5., show_fig=True, save_fig=True, close_fig=True, verbose=False): # load grid met = convert_metallicity_to_string(met_Zsun) grid_path = os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA, f'POSYDON_data/{grid_type}/{met}_Zsun.h5') grid = PSyGrid(verbose=False) grid.load(grid_path) # check if formation channel information is avaialbe if channel is not None and 'channel' not in pop.df_oneline.keys(): if verbose: print('Computing formation channels...') pop.get_formation_channels() if 'CO' in grid_path: # compact object mass slices m_COs = np.unique(np.around(grid.initial_values['star_2_mass'],1)) m_COs_edges = 10**((np.log10(np.array(m_COs)[1:])+np.log10(np.array(m_COs)[:-1]))*0.5) m2 = [0.]+m_COs_edges.tolist()+[2*m_COs_edges[-1]] vars = m_COs fname = 'grid_m_%1.2f.png' title = '$m_\mathrm{CO}=%1.2f\,M_\odot$' slice_3D_var_str='star_2_mass' elif 'HMS-HMS' in grid_path: # mass ratio slices qs = np.unique(np.around(grid.initial_values['star_2_mass']/grid.initial_values['star_1_mass'],2)) dq = (qs[1:]-qs[:-1])*0.5 dq_edges = (qs[:-1]+dq).tolist() dq_edges = [0.]+dq_edges+[1.] vars = qs.tolist() fname = 'grid_q_%1.2f.png' title = '$q=%1.2f$' slice_3D_var_str='mass_ratio' else: raise ValueError('Grid type not supported!') for i, var in enumerate(vars): if slices is not None and round(var,2) not in np.around(slices,2): if verbose: print(f'Skipping {round(var,2)}') continue if 'HMS-HMS' in grid_path: slice_3D_var_range = (dq_edges[i],dq_edges[i+1]) # select popsynth binaries in the given mass ratio range sel = (pop.df['metallicity'] == met_Zsun*Zsun) & (pop.df['event'] == 'ZAMS') q = pop.df['S2_mass'].values/pop.df['S1_mass'].values q[q>1] = 1./q[q>1] mask = sel & (q>=slice_3D_var_range[0]) & (q<=slice_3D_var_range[1]) elif 'CO' in grid_path: if i == len(m2): continue slice_3D_var_range = (m2[i],m2[i+1]) # select popsynth binaries in the given compact object mass # TODO: implement the case of reversal mass ratio if 'CO-HMS_RLO' in grid_path: sel = (pop.df['metallicity'] == met_Zsun*Zsun) & (pop.df['event'] == 'oRLO2') m_CO = pop.df['S1_mass'].values mask = sel & (m_CO>=slice_3D_var_range[0]) & (m_CO<=slice_3D_var_range[1]) elif 'CO-HeMS' in grid_path: sel = (pop.df['metallicity'] == met_Zsun*Zsun) & (pop.df['step_names'] == 'step_CE') m_CO = pop.df['S1_mass'].values mask = sel & (m_CO>=slice_3D_var_range[0]) & (m_CO<=slice_3D_var_range[1]) else: raise ValueError('Grid type not supported!') # TODO: skip plotting slice if there are no data try: PLOT_PROPERTIES = { 'figsize' : (4,3.5) if prop is None else (4,5.5), 'path_to_file' : plot_dir, 'show_fig' : False, 'close_fig' : False, #'fname' : fname%var, 'title' : title%var if channel is None else title%var + '\n' + channel, 'log10_x' : True, 'log10_y' : True, 'legend2D' : {'bbox_to_anchor' : (1.03, 0.5)}, } # grid grid.plot2D('star_1_mass', 'period_days', None, termination_flag='combined_TF12', grid_3D=True, slice_3D_var_str=slice_3D_var_str, slice_3D_var_range=slice_3D_var_range, verbose=False, **PLOT_PROPERTIES) # pop synth # only plot selected channel if channel is not None: sel_binary_index = pop.df_oneline.loc[pop.df_oneline['channel'] == channel].index.values.tolist() mask = mask & (pop.df.index.isin(sel_binary_index)) log10_m1 = np.log10(pop.df.loc[mask,'S1_mass'].values) log10_p = np.log10(pop.df.loc[mask,'orbital_period'].values) # plot color map of a given DCO variable if prop is not None: sel = pop.df.index.isin(pop.df.loc[mask].index.values.tolist()) & (pop.df['event'] == 'CO_contact') prop_values = pop.df.loc[sel,prop].values vmin = prop_range[0] vmax = prop_range[1] if log_prop: prop_values = np.log10(prop_values) vmin = np.log10(vmin) vmax = np.log10(vmax) plt.scatter(log10_m1, log10_p, c=prop_values, s=s, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, marker='v', cmap='viridis', alpha=alpha, zorder=0.5) if prop in DEFAULT_LABELS: if log_prop: label = DEFAULT_LABELS[prop][1] else: label = DEFAULT_LABELS[prop][0] else: label = prop if log_prop: label = 'log10_'+label plt.colorbar(label=label, orientation='horizontal') else: plt.scatter(log10_m1, log10_p, s=s, marker='v', color='black', alpha=alpha, zorder=0.5) if save_fig: plt.savefig(os.path.join(plot_dir, fname%var), bbox_inches='tight') if show_fig: if close_fig: plt.close() except: raise ValueError(f'Failed to plot slice %1.2f'%var)