Source code for posydon.visualization.interpolation

""" Module to evaluate IFInterpolator class """

__authors__ = [
    "Philipp Moura Srivastava <>"
    "Simone Bavera <>"

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs] class EvaluateIFInterpolator: """ Class that is helpful for evaluating interpolation performance """ def __init__(self, interpolator, test_grid): """ Initialize the EvaluateIFInterpolator class Parameters ---------- interpolator : IFInterpolator Interpolator that user wants to test test_grid : PSyGrid Grid object containing testing tracks """ self.interpolator = interpolator self.test_grid = test_grid # assuming that in_keys are the same for all interpolators self.in_keys = interpolator.interpolators[0].in_keys self.out_keys = [] for interp in interpolator.interpolators: # getting out keys self.out_keys.extend(interp.out_keys) self.__compute_errs() def __compute_errs(self): """ Method that computes both interpolation and classification errors """ iv = np.array(self.test_grid.initial_values[self.in_keys].tolist()) # initial values fv = np.array(self.test_grid.final_values[self.out_keys].tolist()) # final values ic = self.test_grid.final_values["interpolation_class"] # final values ivalid_inds = np.where( (self.test_grid.final_values["interpolation_class"] != "not_converged") & (self.test_grid.final_values["interpolation_class"] != "initial_MT") ) i = self.interpolator.test_interpolator(iv) # interpolated # ifv = fv[ivalid_inds] self.errs = {} self.errs["relative"] = np.abs((fv - i) / fv) self.errs["absolute"] = np.abs(fv - i) self.errs["valid_inds"] = ivalid_inds cvalid_inds = np.where( self.test_grid.final_values["interpolation_class"] != "not_converged" )[0] self.cfv = self.test_grid.final_values[cvalid_inds] c = self.interpolator.test_classifiers(iv[cvalid_inds]) # classifying # computing confusion matrices self.matrices = {} for key, value in c.items(): labels = self.cfv[key] classes = self.__find_labels(key) matrix = {} # catch cases where nothing is cl,assified, e.g. S2_MODELXX_SN_type # when S2 is a compact object if len(classes) == 1 and classes[0] == 'None': matrix['None'] = 1. else: for _class in classes: class_inds = np.where(labels == _class)[0] pred_classes, counts = np.unique(value[class_inds], return_counts = True) row = {c: 0 for c in classes} for pred_class, count in zip(pred_classes, counts): row[pred_class] = count / len(class_inds) matrix[_class] = row self.matrices[key] = matrix # saving classes self.c = c self.ic = ic def __format(self, s, title = False): """ Method that formats keys for plots Parameters ---------- s : str string to be formatted """ return s.replace("_", " ").title() def __find_labels(self, key): """ Method that finds labels in classifier Parameters ---------- key : str name of the classifier Returns ------- list of class labels """ labels = None for interp in self.interpolator.interpolators: if key in interp.classifiers.keys(): # if classifier does not exist assign 'None' label # this happens, e.g. for S2_MODELXX_SN_type, when S2 is # a compac object if interp.classifiers[key] is None: labels = ['None'] else: labels = interp.classifiers[key].labels return labels def __clean_errs(self, errs): errs = errs[~np.isnan(errs).any(axis = 1)] # dropping nans errs = errs[~np.isinf(errs).any(axis = 1)] # dropping infs return errs
[docs] def violin_plots(self, err_type = "relative", keys = None, save_path = None): """ Method that plots distribution of specified error for given keys and optionally saves it. Parameters ---------- err_type : str Either relative or absolute, default is relative keys : list A list of keys for which the errors will be shown, by default is all of them save_path: str The path where the figure should be saved to """ if keys is None: keys = self.out_keys k_inds = [self.out_keys.index(key) for key in keys] errs = self.__clean_errs(self.errs[err_type].T[k_inds].T) n_tracks = self.test_grid.final_values["star_1_mass"].shape[0] print(f"Using {errs.shape[0]} out of {n_tracks} tracks in violin plots") stable_inds = np.where(self.ic == "stable_MT") no_inds = np.where(self.ic == "no_MT") unstable_inds = np.where(self.ic == "unstable_MT") stable_errs = self.__clean_errs(self.errs[err_type].T[k_inds].T[stable_inds]) no_errs = self.__clean_errs(self.errs[err_type].T[k_inds].T[no_inds]) unstable_errs = self.__clean_errs(self.errs[err_type].T[k_inds].T[unstable_inds]) plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 32, "": "stixgeneral"}) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = (24, 10), tight_layout = True) rel_plot = axs.violinplot(np.log10(errs + 1.0e-8), showmedians = True, points = 1000) stable_plot = axs.violinplot(np.log10(stable_errs + 1.0e-8), showmedians = True, points = 1000) no_plot = axs.violinplot(np.log10(no_errs + 1.0e-8), showmedians = True, points = 1000) unstable_plot = axs.violinplot(np.log10(unstable_errs + 1.0e-8), showmedians = True, points = 1000) axs.set_title(f"Distribution of {err_type.capitalize()} Errors") axs.set_xticks(np.arange(1, len(keys) + 1), labels = [ f"{self.__format(ec)} ({(med * 100):.2f}%)" for ec, med in zip(keys, np.nanmedian(errs, axis = 0)) ], rotation = 20) axs.set_ylabel("Errors in Log 10 Scale") axs.grid(axis = "y") def halve_paths(field, color, right = True): for i, path in enumerate(field.get_paths()): # getting mean m = np.mean(path.vertices[:, 0]) first = m if right == True else -np.inf second = np.inf if right == True else m # modify the paths to not go further left than the center field.get_paths()[i].vertices[:, 0] = np.clip(path.vertices[:, 0], first, second) field.set_edgecolor(color) def customize_violinplot(plot, color, outlined = False, right = True): halve_paths(plot["cmins"], color, right = right) halve_paths(plot["cmaxes"], color, right = right) halve_paths(plot["cmedians"], color, right = right) for pc in plot["bodies"]: halve_paths(pc, color, right = right) pc.set_facecolor(color if not outlined else "None") pc.set_edgecolor(color) pc.set_linewidth(4) pc.set_alpha(0.75) customize_violinplot(rel_plot, "coral") customize_violinplot(stable_plot, "#1e90ff", True, False) customize_violinplot(no_plot, "crimson", True, False) customize_violinplot(unstable_plot, "olive", True, False) axs.legend( [rel_plot["bodies"][0], stable_plot["bodies"][0], no_plot["bodies"][0], unstable_plot["bodies"][0]], ["Relative Error", "Stable MT Error", "No MT Error", "Unstable MT Error"], bbox_to_anchor = (0, 1.02, 1, 0.2), loc = "lower left", mode = "expand", ncol = 4 ) if save_path is not None:
[docs] def confusion_matrix(self, key, params = {}, save_path = None): """ Method that plots confusion matrices to evaluate classification Parameters ---------- key : str The key for the classifier of interest params : dict Extra params to pass to matplolib, x_labels (list), y_labels (list), title (str) save_path : str The path where the figure should be saved to """ if key not in self.matrices.keys(): raise Exception("Key not in List of Matrices") arr_mat = [] for k, value in self.matrices[key].items(): arr_mat.append(list(value.values())) figsize = params["figsize"] if "figsize" in params.keys() else (4, 8) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize = figsize, constrained_layout = True) im = ax.imshow(arr_mat) x_axis = [self.__format(x) for x in self.matrices[key].keys()] if "x_axis" not in params.keys() else params["x_axis"] y_axis = [self.__format(y) for y in self.matrices[key][list(self.matrices[key].keys())[0]].keys()] if "y_axis" not in params.keys() else params["y_axis"] title = f"Confusion Matrix for {self.__format(key)}" if "title" not in params.keys() else params["title"] # Show all ticks and label them with the respective list entries ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(x_axis)), labels = x_axis) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(y_axis)), labels = y_axis) # Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment. plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation = 45, ha = "right", rotation_mode = "anchor") # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. for i in range(len(arr_mat)): for j in range(len(arr_mat[i])): text = ax.text(j, i, f"{100 * arr_mat[i][j]:.2f}", ha = "center", va = "center", color = "w" if arr_mat[i][j] < 0.9 else "black") ax.set_xlabel("Predicted") ax.set_ylabel("Actual") ax.set_title(title) cax = ax.inset_axes([1.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.8]) fig.colorbar(im, ax = ax, cax = cax, pad = 1) fig.tight_layout() if save_path is not None: # saving
[docs] def classifiers(self): """ Method that lists classifiers available """ classes = self.interpolator.test_classifiers( np.array([ self.test_grid.initial_values[self.in_keys].tolist() ])[0] ) return list(classes.keys())
[docs] def keys(self): """ Method that lists out keys available """ out_keys = [] for interpolator in self.interpolator.interpolators: out_keys.extend(interpolator.out_keys) return out_keys
[docs] def decision_boundaries(self): pass
[docs] def plot2D(self, key, slice_3D_var_str, slice_3D_var_range, PLOT_PROPERTIES): k_ind = self.out_keys.index(key) if slice_3D_var_str == 'mass_ratio': var = self.test_grid.initial_values["star_2_mass"] / self.test_grid.initial_values["star_1_mass"] elif slice_3D_var_str == 'star_2_mass': var = self.test_grid.initial_values["star_2_mass"] else: raise ValueError("slice_3D_var_str must be either 'mass_ratio' or 'star_2_mass'") slice = (var >= slice_3D_var_range[0]) & (var <= slice_3D_var_range[1]) slice_errs = self.errs["relative"].T[k_ind] slice_errs = np.array([slice_errs[i] if in_slice and i in self.errs["valid_inds"][0] else np.nan for i, in_slice in enumerate(slice)]) # find inf and assign large value else they are not plotted slice_errs[np.isinf(slice_errs)] = 1e99 fig = self.test_grid.plot2D('star_1_mass', 'period_days', slice_errs, termination_flag='interpolation_class_errors', grid_3D=True, slice_3D_var_str=slice_3D_var_str, slice_3D_var_range=slice_3D_var_range, verbose=False, **PLOT_PROPERTIES)