Source code for posydon.utils.posydonwarning

"""The POSYDON warnings class and subclasses for more detailed warning

Mainly the function `Pwarn` should be called to submit a warning, which behaves
like warnings.warn.
All the defined POSYDON warnings are collected in `_POSYDONWarning_subclasses`
for those will be checked automatically, when using `Pwarn`.
The functions `SetPOSYDONWarnings`, `AllPOSYDONWarnings`, and
`NoPOSYDONWarnings` allow to change the filter settings.
It should be noted, that we register POSYDON warnings by category, filename,
and lineno. We do not include the warning text in the identifier of a new
warning for the default filter, hence it behaves different to python warnings.
But we record how often each warning is issued with your identifier. Those
records can be requested via `get_stats` and printed via `print_stats`.
To catch warnings we have the context manager class `Catch_POSYDON_Warnings`.
It will record the warnings and issue them at the end of the context. To not
issue the recorded warnings, simply use the `reset_cache` function of
`Catch_POSYDON_Warnings` before the end of the context. You can get the list of
the caught warnings via `get_cache`.
Here an example, where the argument True of get_cache, will empty the list of
caught warnings after it is copy to be returned:
    with Catch_POSYDON_Warnings() as cpw:
        Pwarn("Test", "POSYDONWarning")

__authors__ = [
    "Monica Gallegos-Garcia <>",
    "Camille Liotine <>",
    "Matthias Kruckow <>",   

import copy
import sys
import warnings

[docs] class POSYDONWarning(Warning): """General POSYDON warning class.""" def __init__(self, message=''): self.message = message def __str__(self): return repr(self.message)
[docs] class ApproximationWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warning that a physical approximation was used during binary evolution.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class BinaryParsingWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warnings related to parsing of binaries.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class ClassificationWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warnings related to classification during binary evolution.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class EvolutionWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warning that something unexpeted occurred during the binary evolution, but the evolution is able to continue (binary did not fail).""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class InappropriateValueWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warnings that a strange value is used.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class IncompletenessWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warnings when not all tasks could be done.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class InterpolationWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warnings related to interpolation during binary evolution.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class MissingFilesWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warnings related to missing files.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class OverwriteWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warning that a data will get overwritten.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class ReplaceValueWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warning that a value got replaced.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
[docs] class UnsupportedModelWarning(POSYDONWarning): """Warnings related to selecting a model that is not supported.""" def __init__(self, message=''): super().__init__(message)
# All POSYDON warnings subclasses should be defined beforehand _POSYDONWarning_subclasses = {cls.__name__: cls for cls in\ POSYDONWarning.__subclasses__()} def _get_POSYDONWarning_class(category): """Inferring the POSYDONWarning class. Parameters ---------- category : str or a POSYDON warnings category class A string, which will be converted into a POSYDONWarning class. Returns ------- POSYDONWarning or None A POSYDONWarning class or None if the input is neither a POSYDONWarning class nor convertable to one (all unknown strings are converted to the base POSYDONWarning). """ global _POSYDONWarning_subclasses if isinstance(category, str): if category in _POSYDONWarning_subclasses.keys(): category = _POSYDONWarning_subclasses[category] else: category = POSYDONWarning if isinstance(category, type) and issubclass(category, POSYDONWarning): return category else: return None # Defining an own resistry for the warnings, which will additionally save how # often a warning occured. This is simply a dictionary with the warning # characteristics as key pointing to an integer given the count. _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY = {}
[docs] def get_stats(): """Return the statistics of the POSYDON warnings.""" global _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY return _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY
def _apply_POSYDON_filter(warning=dict(message="No warning"), registry=None): # In python warnings, this functionality is spead over two functions. It # compares the characteristics of a warning with the ones in the registry. # We use the warnings class and the code position (filename + line number) # as characteristics, while python's standard omits the code filename but # therefore adds the full warnings text, which causes different keys for # "i is negative, i=-1" and "i is negative, i=-3" to be different warnings # in python, but considered to have the same warning characteristics for # POSYDON. """Filter a warning. Parameters ---------- warning : dict (default: {message="No warning"}) Dictionary containing all options passed to warnings.warn. registry : dict or None (default: None) Warnings registry. If None, use the global one. Returns ------- warning or None in case it got filtered out. """ # Check registry and warning if registry is None: global _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY if not isinstance(_POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY, dict): # pragma: no cover raise TypeError("_POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY is corrupt and can't " "be used for the registry, hence registry can't be" " None.") registry = _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY elif not isinstance(registry, dict): raise TypeError("registry must be a dictionary or None.") if not isinstance(warning, dict): raise TypeError("warning must be a dictionary.") # Get stack level stacklevel = warning.get('stacklevel', 0) if not isinstance(stacklevel, int): raise TypeError("stacklevel must be an integer.") # Get category category = warning.get('category', None) if not(isinstance(category, type) and issubclass(category, Warning)): category = _get_POSYDONWarning_class(category) if not isinstance(category, type): # A non valid category will default to a Userwarning category = UserWarning # Get filename and lineno from frame at stacklevel try: frame = sys._getframe(stacklevel) except: # pragma: no cover g = sys.__dict__ filename = "sys" lineno = 1 else: g = frame.f_globals filename = frame.f_code.co_filename lineno = frame.f_lineno # Get module if isinstance(g, dict): module = g.get('__name__', "posydonwarnings") else: # pragma: no cover module = "posydonwarnings" # Set key for registry: # We do not use the warnings text, to allow it to contain detailed # information, while still identifying warnings with same origin key = (category, filename, lineno) # Get message text text = warning.get('message', "") if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError("message must be a string.") # Search the filters: # Here we still use the python filters for item in warnings.filters: action, msg, cat, mod, ln = item if ((msg is None or msg.match(text)) and issubclass(category, cat) and (mod is None or mod.match(module)) and (ln == 0 or lineno == ln)): break else: action = "default" # Apply action if action == "ignore": return None elif action in ["always", "default", "module", "once"]: # Compared to standard python not only save a occurence but count them if key in registry: registry[key] += 1 if action in ["default", "module", "once"]: return None else: registry[key] = 1 return warning def _issue_warn(warning=dict(message="No warning"), registry=None): """Issue a warning. Parameters ---------- warning : dict (default: {message="No warning"}) Dictionary containing all options passed to warnings.warn. registry : dict or None (default: None) Warnings registry. If None, use the global one. """ filtered_warning = _apply_POSYDON_filter(warning, registry) if filtered_warning is None: return else: warnings.warn(**filtered_warning) class _Caught_POSYDON_Warnings: """Class which stores caught warnings.""" def __init__(self, catch_warnings=False, record=True, filter_first=True, registry=None): """Constructor of the object. Parameters ---------- catch_warnings : bool (default: False) Determines, whether warnings are caught. record : bool (default: True) Determines, whether warnings are recorded. filter_first : bool (default: True) Determines, whether warnings are filtered before recorded or discarded. registry : dict or None (default: None) Warnings registry. If None, use the global one. """ self.catch_warnings = catch_warnings self.caught_warnings = [] self.record = record self.filter_first = filter_first self._got_called = False if registry is None: global _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY self.registry = _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY else: self.registry = registry if not isinstance(catch_warnings, bool): raise TypeError("catch_warnings must be a boolean.") if not isinstance(record, bool): raise TypeError("record must be a boolean.") if not isinstance(filter_first, bool): raise TypeError("filter_first must be a boolean.") if not isinstance(self.registry, dict): raise TypeError("registry must be a dictionary.") def __str__(self): """Return the status of the object as a string.""" if self.catch_warnings: if self.record: ret = "POSYDON warnings will be caught and recorded." if self.filter_first: ret += " Filters are applied before recording." else: ret = "POSYDON warnings will be caught and discarded." else: ret = "POSYDON warnings are shown." ncaught = len(self.caught_warnings) if ncaught>0: if ncaught==1: ret += "\nThere is 1 warning recorded." else: ret += "\nThere are {} warnings recorded.".format(ncaught) global _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY if self.registry!=_POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY: ret += " Currently a private registry is used, it contains:\n" ret += "{}".format(self.registry) return ret def __call__(self, new_warning=None, empty_cache=False, change_settings=None): """Deal with changes and new warnings Parameters ---------- new_warning : dict or None (default: None) Dictionary containing all options passed to warnings.warn. empty_cache : bool (default: False) If True, the caught warnings will be reset first. change_settings : dict or None (default: None) The dictionary can contain any attribute this class has. The attributes get the new values. (Changing the filter_first, while there are recorded warnings, the statistics may count warnings twice or not at all.) """ self._got_called = True # Check if there is anything to do if not empty_cache and new_warning is None and change_settings is None: raise ValueError("Nothing to do: either empty_cache has to be True" " or new_warning/change_settings needs to be set.") if empty_cache: # Clear the cache self.reset_cache() if change_settings is not None: if not isinstance(change_settings, dict): raise TypeError("change_settings has to be a dict or None.") # Change attributes for attr,val in change_settings.items(): if attr=="caught_warnings": # Protect the list of warnings from changes continue if attr=="registry": # special treatment of registry if val is None: global _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY self.registry = _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY else: self.registry = change_settings[attr] continue if hasattr(self, attr): if isinstance(val,type(getattr(self, attr))): setattr(self, attr, val) else: raise TypeError(f"{attr} has to be a " f"{type(getattr(self, attr))}.") else: raise AttributeError(f"{attr} unknown to " "_Caught_POSYDON_Warnings.") if ((self.catch_warnings==False) and (len(self.caught_warnings)>0)): # If there are recorded warnings issue them and empty the list for w in self.caught_warnings: if "stacklevel" in w: w["stacklevel"] += 2 else: w["stacklevel"] = 2 if self.filter_first: warnings.warn(**w) else: _issue_warn(w, self.registry) self.caught_warnings = [] if new_warning is not None: # Process new warning if self.catch_warnings: # Catch warning if self.filter_first: # Apply POSYDON filtering/stats new_warning = _apply_POSYDON_filter(new_warning, self.registry) if self.record and new_warning is not None: # Add warning to caught ones self.caught_warnings.append(new_warning) else: # Issue warning new_warning["stacklevel"] += 2 _issue_warn(new_warning, self.registry) def __del__(self): """Destructor of the object. It will issue still recorded warnings.""" if len(self.caught_warnings)>0: # If there are recorded warnings issue them. self.catch_warnings = False print("There are still recorded warnings:", file=sys.stderr) for w in self.caught_warnings: w["stacklevel"] = 2 if self.filter_first: warnings.warn(**w) else: _issue_warn(w, self.registry) def got_called(self): """Returns, whether the object got called.""" return self._got_called def has_records(self): """Checks whether there are records of caught warnings. Returns ------- True if there are recorded warnings otherwise False. """ return len(self.caught_warnings)>0 def get_cache(self, empty_cache=False): """Get caught warnings. Parameters ---------- empty_cache : bool (default: False) If True, the caught warnings will be reset. Returns ------- List of recorded warnings. """ cache = copy.copy(self.caught_warnings) if empty_cache: self.reset_cache() return cache def reset_cache(self): """Resets the caught warnings.""" self.caught_warnings = [] # Here we store all our caught POSYDON warnings _CAUGHT_POSYDON_WARNINGS = _Caught_POSYDON_Warnings()
[docs] class Catch_POSYDON_Warnings: # We use our own context manager, which does not overwrite functions. # Instead it can only catch POSYDON warnings issued via the Pwarn function. """Context manager class to catch POSYDON warnings.""" def __init__(self, catch_warnings=True, record=True, filter_first=True, own_registry=False, use_python_catch=False): """Constructor of the object. Parameters ---------- catch_warnings : bool (default: False) Determines, whether warnings are caught. record : bool (default: True) Determines, whether warnings are recorded. filter_first : bool (default: True) Determines, whether warnings are filtered before recorded or discarded. own_registry : bool (default: False) Determines, whether the global POSYDON warnings registry should be used or an own one only valid within the context. use_python_catch : bool (default: False) If enabled, it put the python catch_warnings on top of the POSYDON catches. This brings all the drawbacks of the standard catching, hence it is strongly recommended to be not used (properly written code will not contain any use case for this option, hence it is only for backward compatibility.). """ self.catch_warnings = catch_warnings self.record = record self.filter_first = filter_first if own_registry: self.context_registry = {} else: # no own registry will use the global _POSYDON_WARNINGS_REGISTRY self.context_registry = None if use_python_catch: self.python_catch = warnings.catch_warnings(record=self.record) else: self.python_catch = None def __enter__(self): """Enable catching.""" global _CAUGHT_POSYDON_WARNINGS _CAUGHT_POSYDON_WARNINGS(change_settings={ 'catch_warnings': self.catch_warnings, 'record': self.record, 'filter_first': self.filter_first, '_got_called': False, 'registry': self.context_registry}) if isinstance(self.python_catch, warnings.catch_warnings): # enter catch of python as well (should be done last) self.python_catch.__enter__() return _CAUGHT_POSYDON_WARNINGS def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): """Disable catching.""" if isinstance(self.python_catch, warnings.catch_warnings): # exit catch of python as well (should be done first) self.python_catch.__exit__() # reset it (needed because it cannot enter the context for the same # object twice) self.python_catch = None global _CAUGHT_POSYDON_WARNINGS # If the cache is not cleared before, it will issue all recorded # warnings. _CAUGHT_POSYDON_WARNINGS(change_settings={'catch_warnings': False, 'registry': None}) return False
[docs] def Pwarn(message, category=None, stacklevel=2, **kwargs): """Issueing a warning via warnings.warn. Parameters ---------- message : str The message printed in the warning. category : str or a warnings category class (default: None) A string, which will be converted into a POSYDONWarning class. stacklevel : int (default: 2) The stack level passed to warnings.warn, defaults to 2. **kwargs : dict (optional) Dictionary containing extra options passed to warnings.warn. """ global _CAUGHT_POSYDON_WARNINGS if not isinstance(message, str): raise TypeError("message must be a string.") if not isinstance(stacklevel, int): raise TypeError("stacklevel must be an integer.") if not(isinstance(category, type) and issubclass(category, Warning)): category = _get_POSYDONWarning_class(category) if (isinstance(category, type) and issubclass(category, POSYDONWarning)): # deal with POSYDON warnings _CAUGHT_POSYDON_WARNINGS(new_warning=dict({"message": message, "category": category, "stacklevel": stacklevel}, **kwargs)) else: # deal with python warnings warnings.warn(message=message, category=category, stacklevel=stacklevel, **kwargs)
[docs] def SetPOSYDONWarnings(action="default", category=POSYDONWarning, **kwargs): """Add the warnings filter for POSYDON warnings. Parameters ---------- action : str (default: "default") The behaviour for those warnings. Should be one out of "default", "error", "ignore", "always", "module", or "once" category : str or a warnings category class (default: POSYDONWarning) A string, which will be converted into a POSYDONWarning class. **kwargs : dict (optional) Dictionary containing extra options passed to warnings.filterwarnings. """ category = _get_POSYDONWarning_class(category) if isinstance(category, type) and issubclass(category, POSYDONWarning): warnings.filterwarnings(action=action, category=category, **kwargs)
[docs] def NoPOSYDONWarnings(category=POSYDONWarning): """Switch the warnings filter to ignore for POSYDON warnings. Parameters ---------- category : str or a warnings category class (default: POSYDONWarning) A string, which will be converted into a POSYDONWarning class. """ SetPOSYDONWarnings(action="ignore", category=category)
[docs] def AllPOSYDONWarnings(category=POSYDONWarning): """Switch the warnings filter to always for POSYDON warnings. Parameters ---------- category : str or a warnings category class (default: POSYDONWarning) A string, which will be converted into a POSYDONWarning class. """ SetPOSYDONWarnings(action="always", category=category)
# The base class of all warnings is "Warning", which is derived from Exception # # List of Python's default warnings (sub)classes in alphabetic order # BytesWarning: Base category for warnings related to bytes and bytearray. # DeprecationWarning: Base category for warnings about deprecated features when # those warnings are intended for other Python developers (ignored by # default, unless triggered by code in __main__). # EncodingWarning: Base class for warnings related to encodings. # FutureWarning: Base category for warnings about deprecated features when # those warnings are intended for end users of applications that are # written in Python. # ImportWarning: Base category for warnings triggered during the process of # importing a module (ignored by default). # PendingDeprecationWarning: Base category for warnings about features that # will be deprecated in the future (ignored by default). # ResourceWarning: Base category for warnings related to resource usage # (ignored by default). # RuntimeWarning: Base category for warnings about dubious runtime features. # SyntaxWarning: Base category for warnings about dubious syntactic features. # UnicodeWarning: Base category for warnings related to Unicode. # UserWarning: The default category for warn(). # # for more details see # and #