Source code for posydon.popsyn.synthetic_population

"""Evolve multiple BinaryPopulations together.

e.g. with multiple metallicities

__authors__ = [
    "Simone Bavera <>",
    "Kyle Akira Rocha <>",
    "Monica Gallegos-Garcia <>",
    "Max Merlijn Briel <",

import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
from posydon.utils.constants import Zsun
from import binarypop_kwargs_from_ini
from posydon.popsyn.binarypopulation import BinaryPopulation
from posydon.utils.common_functions import convert_metallicity_to_string
from posydon.popsyn.normalized_pop_mass import initial_total_underlying_mass
from posydon.popsyn.rate_calculation import Rates
import posydon.visualization.plot_pop as plot_pop
from posydon.popsyn.GRB import get_GRB_properties, GRB_PROPERTIES

# TODO: temp import, remove after TF2 classification is implemented in pop synth
from posydon.interpolation.IF_interpolation import IFInterpolator
from posydon.binary_evol.binarystar import BinaryStar
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import SingleStar
from posydon.utils.common_functions import convert_metallicity_to_string

[docs] class SyntheticPopulation: def __init__(self, path_to_ini, verbose=False, MODEL={}): """ Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the inifile to parse. You can supply a list in the metallicity parameter to evolve more than one population. """ self.synthetic_pop_params = None self.metallicities = None self.binary_populations = None self.verbose = verbose self.MODEL = MODEL # DCOs self.df = None self.df_oneline = None self.df_synthetic = None self.df_dco_intrinsic = None self.df_dco_observable = None self.met_merger_efficiency = None self.merger_efficiency = None self.dco_z_rate_density = None self.dco_rate_density = None # GRBs self.df_grb_intrinsic = None self.df_grb_observable = None self.grb_z_rate_density = None self.grb_rate_density = None if '.ini' not in path_to_ini: raise ValueError('You did not provide a valid path_to_ini!') else: self.synthetic_pop_params = binarypop_kwargs_from_ini(path_to_ini) self.metallicities = self.synthetic_pop_params['metallicity'] if not isinstance( self.metallicities, list): self.metallicities = [self.metallicities] self.binary_populations = None
[docs] def create_binary_populations(self): """Create a list of BinaryPopulation objects.""" self.binary_populations = [] ini_kw = self.synthetic_pop_params.copy() for met in self.metallicities[::-1]: ini_kw['metallicity'] = met ini_kw['temp_directory'] = self.create_met_prefix(met) + self.synthetic_pop_params['temp_directory'] self.binary_populations.append(BinaryPopulation(**ini_kw))
[docs] def get_ini_kw(self): return self.synthetic_pop_params.copy()
[docs] def evolve(self): """Evolve population(s) at given Z(s).""" if self.binary_populations is None: self.create_binary_populations() while self.binary_populations: pop = self.binary_populations.pop() if self.verbose: print(f'Z={pop.kwargs["metallicity"]:.2e} Z_sun') pop.evolve() del pop
[docs] def merge_parallel_runs(self, path_to_batches): """ Merge the folder or list of folders into a single file per metallicity. Parameters ---------- path_to_batches : str or list of str Path to the folder(s) containing the batch folders. """ if isinstance(path_to_batches, str): path_to_batches = [path_to_batches] # check if path_to_batches is the same length as the number of metallicities if len(path_to_batches) != len(self.metallicities): raise ValueError('The number of metallicity and batch directories do not match!') for met, path_to_batch in zip(self.metallicities, path_to_batches): met_prefix = self.create_met_prefix(met) tmp_files = [os.path.join(path_to_batch, f) \ for f in os.listdir(path_to_batch) \ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path_to_batch, f))] BinaryPopulation(**self.get_ini_kw()).combine_saved_files(met_prefix+ 'population.h5', tmp_files) print(f'Population at Z={met:.2e} Z_sun successfully merged!') if len(os.listdir(path_to_batch)) == 0: os.rmdir(path_to_batch) elif self.verbose: print(f'{path_to_batch} is not empty, it was not removed!')
[docs] @staticmethod def create_met_prefix(met): """Append a prefix to the name of directories for batch saving.""" return convert_metallicity_to_string(met) + '_Zsun_'
[docs] def apply_logic(self, df, S1_state=None, S2_state=None, binary_state=None, binary_event=None, step_name=None, invert_S1S2=False, warn=True): """Select binaries in a dataframe given some properties. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame POSYDON binary population synthesis dataframe. S1_state : str Star1 stellar state. S2_state : str Star2 stellar state. binary_state : str Binary state. binary_event : str Binary event. step_name : str Name of posydon step. invert_S1S2 : bool If `True` isolated also sort S1_state=S2_state and S2_state=S1_state systems. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame of bools List of binaries to select given the search parameters. """ if not invert_S1S2 and S1_state != S2_state and warn: warnings.warn('Note that invert_S1S2=False, hence you are not parsing ' f'the dataset for {S1_state}-{S2_state} binaries and ' f'and not for for {S1_state}-{S2_state}. If this is ' 'done on purpose, ignore this message!') sel_all = df['S1_state'].astype(bool) if S1_state is not None: S1_logic = (df['S1_state'] == S1_state) else: S1_logic = sel_all if S2_state is not None: S2_logic = (df['S2_state'] == S2_state) else: S2_logic = sel_all if binary_state is not None: binary_state_logic = (df['state'] == binary_state) else: binary_state_logic = sel_all if binary_event is not None: binary_event_logic = (df['event'] == binary_event) else: binary_event_logic = sel_all if step_name is not None: step_name_logic = (df['step_names'] == step_name) else: step_name_logic = sel_all if invert_S1S2: S1_logic_inverted = (df['S1_state'] == S2_state) S2_logic_inverted = (df['S2_state'] == S1_state) # find systems logic = ((S1_logic & S2_logic & binary_state_logic & binary_event_logic & step_name_logic) | (S1_logic_inverted & S2_logic_inverted & binary_state_logic & binary_event_logic & step_name_logic)) else: # find systems logic = (S1_logic & S2_logic & binary_state_logic & binary_event_logic & step_name_logic) return logic
[docs] def parse(self, path_to_data, S1_state=None, S2_state=None, binary_state=None, binary_event=None, step_name=None, invert_S1S2=False, chunksize=500000): """Sort binaries of interests given some properties. It also stores the underlying stellar mass and the initial simulated stellar mass for each metallicity. Parameters ---------- S1_state : str Star1 stellar state. S2_state : str Star2 stellar state. binary_state : str Binary state. binary_event : str Binary event. step_name : str Name of posydon step. invert_S1S2 : bool If `True` isolated also sort S1_state=S2_state and S2_state=S1_state systems. chunksize : int Read the POSYDON binary population in chuncks to prevent OFM error. """ # if the user provided a single string instead of a list of strings if type(path_to_data) is str and ('.h5' in path_to_data): path_to_data = [path_to_data] # catch the case where the user did not provide a path to data if (isinstance(path_to_data, list)): for path in path_to_data: if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] != '.h5': raise ValueError('You did not provide a valid path_to_data!') else: raise ValueError('You did not provide a valid path_to_data!') df_sel = pd.DataFrame() df_sel_oneline = pd.DataFrame() count = 0 tmp = 0 shift_index = 0 if self.verbose: print('Binary count with (S1_state, S2_state, binary_state, binary_event, step_name) equal') print(f'to ({S1_state}, {S2_state}, {binary_state}, {binary_event}, {step_name})') if invert_S1S2: print(f'and ({S2_state}, {S1_state}, {binary_state}, {binary_event}, {step_name})') for k, file in enumerate(path_to_data): df_sel_met = pd.DataFrame() sel_met = [] last_binary_df = None # read metallicity from path met = float(file.split('/')[-1].split('_Zsun')[0])*Zsun simulated_mass_for_met = 0. for i, df in enumerate(pd.read_hdf(file, key='history', chunksize=chunksize)): df = pd.concat([last_binary_df, df]) last_binary_df = df.loc[[df.index[-1]]] df.drop(df.index[-1], inplace=True) logic = self.apply_logic(df, S1_state = S1_state, S2_state = S2_state, binary_state = binary_state, binary_event = binary_event, step_name = step_name, invert_S1S2 = invert_S1S2) # select systems # remove duplicate indicies, e.g. if selecting 'contact' state it appears twice # if no specific event is selected (the second time is from the copied END event) sel = df.loc[logic].index.drop_duplicates() # count systems count += len(np.unique(sel)) # read the simulated ZAMS mass sel_ZAMS = df['event'] == 'ZAMS' mass = sum(df['S1_mass'][sel_ZAMS]+df['S2_mass'][sel_ZAMS]) simulated_mass_for_met += mass # sort systems if any(sel): df_tmp = pd.DataFrame() df_tmp = df.loc[sel] # store metallicity df_tmp['metallicity'] = met # concatenate results df_sel_met = pd.concat([df_sel_met, df_tmp]) del df_tmp # check last binary if it should be included if last_binary_df is not None: logic = self.apply_logic(last_binary_df, S1_state = S1_state, S2_state = S2_state, binary_state = binary_state, binary_event = binary_event, step_name = step_name, invert_S1S2 = invert_S1S2) # The last binary is selected if any(logic) == True: df_tmp = last_binary_df.loc[logic] df_sel_met = pd.concat([df_sel_met, df_tmp]) # get unique indicies sel_met = df_sel_met.index.drop_duplicates() # store simulated and underlying stellar mass df_sel_met['simulated_mass_for_met'] = simulated_mass_for_met df_sel_met['underlying_mass_for_met'] = initial_total_underlying_mass(df=simulated_mass_for_met, **self.synthetic_pop_params)[0] # This used to be init_kw # concatenate results with shifted indices for each metallicity df_sel_met.index += shift_index df_sel = pd.concat([df_sel, df_sel_met]) del df_sel_met # load, parse and store oneline dataframe # this dataframe is smaller, we can load it all at once df_sel_met_oneline = pd.read_hdf(file, key='oneline') df_sel_met_oneline = df_sel_met_oneline.loc[sel_met] df_sel_met_oneline['metallicity'] = met df_sel_met_oneline.index += shift_index df_sel_oneline = pd.concat([df_sel_oneline, df_sel_met_oneline]) if self.verbose: print(f'in {file} are {count-tmp}') tmp = count # shift the index for the next metallicity shift_index += max(np.unique(df.index)) + 1 if self.verbose: print('Total binaries found are', count) # save parsed population as synthetic population if self.df is not None: warnings.warn('Overwriting the df population!') self.df = df_sel self.df_oneline = df_sel_oneline
[docs] def save_pop(self, path='./parsed_population.h5'): """Save parsed population. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file where you want to export the dataset. """ if self.df is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to save! The population was not parsed.') elif self.df_oneline is None: raise ValueError('Missing oneline dataframe!') else: self.df.to_hdf(path, key='history') self.df_oneline.to_hdf(path, key='oneline') if self.verbose: print('Population successfully saved!')
[docs] def load_pop(self, path): """Load parsed population. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to dataset. """ if self.df is None and self.df_oneline is None : self.df = pd.read_hdf(path, key='history') self.df_oneline = pd.read_hdf(path, key='oneline') if self.verbose: print('Population successfully loaded!') else: raise ValueError('You already have a population stored in memory!')
[docs] def get_dco_at_formation(self, S1_state, S2_state, oneline_cols=None, formation_channels=False, mt_history=False): """Populates `df_synthetic` with DCOs at their formation. If `formation_channels` is `True` the `channel` column is added to the `df_synthetic` dataframe. if MODEL on class initialization is not None and "compute_GRB_properties" in MODEL. If MODEL["compute_GRB_properties"] is `True` the following columns are in the MODEL: - 'GRB_efficiency', - 'GRB_beaming', - 'E_GRB_iso_min' The following columns are added to the `df_synthetic` dataframe: - S1_m_disk_radiated - S2_m_disk_radiated Note: by default this function looks for the symmetric state S1_state = S2_sate and S2_state = S1_sate. Parameters ---------- S1_state : str Star1 stellar state. S2_state : str Star2 stellar state. oneline_cols : list str List of columns preset in the oneline dataframe you want to export into the synthetic population. formation_channels : bool Compute the formation channel, a string containing the binary event evolution. mt_history : bool If `True`, split the event oRLO1/oRLO2 into oRLO1-contact/oRLO2-contact, oRLO1-reverse/oRLO2-reverse and oRLO1/oRLO2. This is useful to identify binaries undergoing contact stable mass-transfer phases and reverse mass-transfer phase . """ # compute GRB properties boolean compute_GRB_properties = (self.MODEL is not None and "compute_GRB_properties" in self.MODEL and self.MODEL["compute_GRB_properties"]) # add channel column to oneline dataframe if formation_channels: if self.verbose: print('Computing formation channels...') self.get_formation_channels(mt_history=mt_history) # to avoid the user making mistake automatically check the inverse of # the stellar states, since the df is already parsed this will not # take too much extra time logic = self.apply_logic(self.df, S1_state=S1_state, S2_state=S2_state, binary_state='detached', step_name = 'step_SN', invert_S1S2=True) self.df_synthetic = self.df.loc[logic].copy() # compute the inspiral timescale from the integrated orbit # this estimate is better than evaluating Peters approxiamtion time_contact = self.df.loc[self.df['event'] == 'END',['time']] # NOTE/TODO: we change the units of time in the dataframe to Myr # this might be confusion to the user? Note that Myr are convinient # when inspecting the data frame. self.df_synthetic['t_delay'] = (time_contact - self.df_synthetic[['time']])*1e-6 # Myr self.df_synthetic['time'] *= 1e-6 # Myr # add properties of the oneline dataframe if self.df_oneline is not None: # TODO: add kicks as well by default? save_cols = ['S1_spin_orbit_tilt', 'S2_spin_orbit_tilt'] if compute_GRB_properties: save_cols += ['S1_m_disk_radiated', 'S2_m_disk_radiated'] if formation_channels: save_cols.append('channel') if oneline_cols is not None: for c in oneline_cols: if c not in save_cols: save_cols.append(c) for c in save_cols: if c in self.df_oneline: self.df_synthetic[c] = self.df_oneline[c] else: warnings.warn(f'The column {c} is not present in the ' 'oneline dataframe.') # compute GRB properties if compute_GRB_properties: if ('GRB_efficiency' not in self.MODEL or self.MODEL['GRB_efficiency'] is None): raise ValueError('Missing GRB_efficiency variable in the MODEL!') if ('GRB_beaming' not in self.MODEL or self.MODEL['GRB_beaming'] is None): raise ValueError('Missing GRB_beaming variable in the MODEL!') if ('E_GRB_iso_min' not in self.MODEL or self.MODEL['E_GRB_iso_min'] is None): raise ValueError('Missing GRB_beaming variable in the MODEL!') self.df_synthetic = get_GRB_properties(self.df_synthetic, self.MODEL['GRB_efficiency'], self.MODEL['GRB_beaming'], self.MODEL['E_GRB_iso_min'] ) # get time_CC1 and time_CC2 note that for GRB calculations we # do not use the "time" column indicating the time of formation # of the DCO systems as there might be cases where # CC2 might happen before CC1 due to mass ratio reversal DCO = [[S1_state, None], [None, S2_state]] events = ['CC1', 'CC2'] for i, event in enumerate(events): logic = self.apply_logic(self.df, S1_state=DCO[i][0], S2_state=DCO[i][1], binary_state='detached', step_name = 'step_SN', invert_S1S2=False, warn=False) last_index = -1 time = [] for index, value in self.df.loc[logic,'time'].items(): if index != last_index: time.append(value) last_index = index if len(time) != self.df_synthetic.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Missing values in time_{event}!') self.df_synthetic[f'time_{event}'] = np.array(time)*1e-6 # Myr # for convinience reindex the DataFrame n_rows = len(self.df_synthetic.index) self.df_synthetic = self.df_synthetic.set_index(np.linspace(0,n_rows-1,n_rows,dtype=int))
[docs] def save_synthetic_pop(self, path='./synthetic_population.h5'): """Save synthetc population. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to dataset. """ if self.df_synthetic is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to save!') else: self.df_synthetic.to_hdf(path, key='history') if self.verbose: print('Synthetic population successfully saved!')
[docs] def load_synthetic_pop(self, path): """Load synthetc population. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to dataset. """ if self.df_synthetic is None: self.df_synthetic = pd.read_hdf(path, key='history') if self.verbose: print('Synthetic population successfully loaded!') else: raise ValueError('You already have an synthetic population stored in memory!')
[docs] def get_dco_merger_efficiency(self): """Compute the DCO merger efficinty per Msun for each metallicities.""" metallicities = np.unique(self.df_synthetic['metallicity']) efficiencies = [] self.met_merger_efficiency = sorted(metallicities)[::-1] for met in self.met_merger_efficiency: sel = (self.df_synthetic['metallicity'] == met) count = self.df_synthetic[sel].shape[0] underlying_stellar_mass = self.df_synthetic.loc[sel,'underlying_mass_for_met'].values[0] eff = count/underlying_stellar_mass efficiencies.append(eff) print(f'DCO merger efficiency at Z={met:1.2E}: {eff:1.2E} Msun^-1') self.met_merger_efficiency = np.array(self.met_merger_efficiency) self.merger_efficiency = {'total' : np.array(efficiencies)} # if the channel column is present compute the merger efficiency per channel if "channel" in self.df_synthetic: channels = np.unique(self.df_synthetic['channel']) for ch in channels: efficiencies = [] for met in self.met_merger_efficiency: sel = (self.df_synthetic['metallicity'] == met) & (self.df_synthetic['channel'] == ch) count = self.df_synthetic[sel].shape[0] if count > 0: underlying_stellar_mass = self.df_synthetic.loc[sel,'underlying_mass_for_met'].values[0] eff = count/underlying_stellar_mass else: eff = np.nan efficiencies.append(eff) # print(f'Z={met:1.2E} {ch}: {eff:1.2E} Msun^-1') self.merger_efficiency[ch] = np.array(efficiencies)
[docs] def compute_cosmological_weights(self, sensitivity, flag_pdet, working_dir, load_data, pop='DCO'): """Compute the GRB/DCO merger rate weights. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : str GW detector sensitivity and network configuration you want to use, see arXiv:1304.0670v3 detector sensitivities are taken from: available sensitivity keys (for Hanford, Livingston, Virgo network): 'O3actual_H1L1V1' : aligo_O3actual_H1.txt, aligo_O3actual_L1.txt, avirgo_O3actual.txt 'O4low_H1L1V1' : aligo_O4low.txt, aligo_O4low.txt, avirgo_O4high_NEW.txt 'O4high_H1L1V1' : aligo_O4high.txt, aligo_O4high.txt, avirgo_O4high_NEW.txt 'design_H1L1V1' : AplusDesign.txt, AplusDesign.txt, avirgo_O5high_NEW.txt 'infinite': intrinsic merging DCO population, i.e. p_det = 1 flag_pdet : bool `True` if you use sensitivity != 'infinite'. working_dir : str Working directory where the weights will be saved. load_data : bool `True` if you want to load the weights computed by this function in your working directory. **kwargs : dict Kwargs containing the model parameters of your rate calculation. See posydon/popsyn/ Returns ------- array doubles Return the cosmological weights, z_formation, z_merger and binary index k associated to each weighted binary. """ # TODO: make the class inputs kwargs self.rates = Rates(self.df_synthetic, **self.MODEL) # compute DCO merger rate density if pop == 'DCO': if not load_data: self.rates.compute_merger_rate_weights(sensitivity=sensitivity, flag_pdet=flag_pdet, path_to_dir=working_dir) index, z_formation, z_merger, w_ijk = self.rates.load_merger_rate_weights(sensitivity, path_to_dir=working_dir) return index, z_formation, z_merger, w_ijk elif pop == 'GRB': if not load_data: self.rates.compute_GRB_rate_weights(sensitivity=sensitivity, path_to_dir=working_dir) index_1, z_formation_1, z_grb_1, w_ijk_1, \ index_2, z_formation_2, z_grb_2, w_ijk_2 = self.rates.load_grb_rate_weights(sensitivity, path_to_dir=working_dir) return index_1, z_formation_1, z_grb_1, w_ijk_1, index_2, z_formation_2, z_grb_2, w_ijk_2 else: raise ValueError('Population not recognized!')
[docs] def resample_synthetic_population(self, index, z_formation, z_event, w_ijk, export_cols=None, pop='DCO', reset_grb_properties=None): """Resample synthetc population to obtain intrinsic/observable population. Parameters ---------- index : array int Index k of each binary corresponding to the synthetc dataframe proeprties. z_formation : array float Redshift of formation of each binary. z_merger : array float Redshift of merger of each binary. w_ijk : array float Cosmological weights computed with Eq. B.8 of Bavera et at. (2020). export_cols : list str List of additional columns to save in the intrinsic/observable population. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Resampled synthetc population to intrinsic or detecatable population. """ # compute GRB properties boolean compute_GRB_properties = (self.MODEL is not None and "compute_GRB_properties" in self.MODEL and self.MODEL["compute_GRB_properties"]) # drop all zero weights to save memory sel = w_ijk > 0. index = index[sel] z_formation = z_formation[sel] z_event = z_event[sel] w_ijk = w_ijk[sel] # export results, we do a selections of columns else the dataframe # risks to go out of memory df = pd.DataFrame() df['weight'] = w_ijk df['z_formation'] = z_formation if pop == 'DCO': df['z_merger'] = z_event elif pop == 'GRB': df['z_grb'] = z_event else: raise ValueError('Population not recognized!') save_cols = ['metallicity','time','t_delay','S1_state','S2_state', 'S1_mass','S2_mass','S1_spin','S2_spin', 'orbital_period','eccentricity', 'q', 'm_tot', 'm_chirp', 'chi_eff'] if compute_GRB_properties: save_cols += GRB_PROPERTIES if "channel" in self.rates.df: save_cols.append('channel') if export_cols is not None: for c in export_cols: if c not in save_cols: save_cols.append(c) for c in save_cols: df[c] = self.rates.get_data(c, index) # the same binary system can emit two GRBs, we remove the # GRB properties of the other GRB to prevent mistakes if reset_grb_properties is not None: if reset_grb_properties == 'GRB1': for key in GRB_PROPERTIES: if "S1" in key: df[key] = np.nan elif reset_grb_properties == 'GRB2': for key in GRB_PROPERTIES: if "S2" in key: df[key] = np.nan else: raise ValueError(f'reset_grb_properties=={reset_grb_properties} key not recognized!') return df
[docs] def get_dco_merger_rate_density(self, export_cols=None, working_dir='./', load_data=False): """Compute the merger rate density as a function of redshift. Parameters ---------- export_cols : list str List of additional columns to save in the intrinsic/observable population. working_dir : str Working directory where the weights will be saved. load_data : bool `True` if you want to load the weights computed by this function in your working directory. """ if self.df_synthetic is None: raise ValueError('You first need to isolated the DCO synthetic population!') # compute cosmological weights (detection rate weights with infinite sensitivity) sensitivity='infinite' flag_pdet = False index, z_formation, z_merger, w_ijk = self.compute_cosmological_weights(sensitivity, flag_pdet, working_dir=working_dir, load_data=load_data, pop='DCO') # compute rate density weights self.dco_z_rate_density = self.rates.get_centers_redshift_bins() total_rate = self.rates.compute_rate_density(w_ijk, z_merger, observable='DCO', sensitivity=sensitivity) self.dco_rate_density = {'total' : total_rate} if "channel" in self.df_synthetic: channels = np.unique(self.df_synthetic['channel']) for ch in tqdm(channels): sel = (self.rates.get_data('channel', index) == ch) rate = self.rates.compute_rate_density(w_ijk[sel], z_merger[sel], observable='DCO', sensitivity=sensitivity) self.dco_rate_density[ch] = rate print(f'DCO merger rate density in the local Universe (z={self.dco_z_rate_density[0]:1.2f}): {round(total_rate[0],2)} Gpc^-3 yr^-1') # export the intrinsic DCO population self.df_dco_intrinsic = self.resample_synthetic_population(index, z_formation, z_merger, w_ijk, export_cols=export_cols, pop='DCO')
[docs] def get_grb_rate_density(self, export_cols=None, working_dir='./', load_data=False): """Compute the GRB density as a function of redshift. Parameters ---------- export_cols : list str List of additional columns to save in the intrinsic/observable population. working_dir : str Working directory where the weights will be saved. load_data : bool `True` if you want to load the weights computed by this function in your working directory. """ if self.df_synthetic is None: raise ValueError('You first need to isolated the DCO synthetic population!') # compute cosmological weights (detection rate weights with infinite sensitivity) sensitivity='infinite' flag_pdet = False index_1, z_formation_1, z_grb_1, w_ijk_1, \ index_2, z_formation_2, z_grb_2, w_ijk_2 = self.compute_cosmological_weights(sensitivity, flag_pdet, working_dir=working_dir, load_data=load_data, pop='GRB') # compute beamed rate density weights # note we compute the beamed rate density for GRBs as this is what is often reported in the literature # as the beaming factor is not known a priori self.grb_z_rate_density = self.rates.get_centers_redshift_bins() total_GRB1 = self.rates.compute_rate_density(w_ijk_1, z_grb_1, observable='GRB1', sensitivity='beamed', index=index_1) total_GRB2 = self.rates.compute_rate_density(w_ijk_2, z_grb_2, observable='GRB2', sensitivity='beamed', index=index_2) total_rate = total_GRB1 + total_GRB2 self.grb_rate_density = {'total' : total_rate, 'total_GRB1' : total_GRB1, 'total_GRB2': total_GRB2} if "channel" in self.df_synthetic: channels = np.unique(self.df_synthetic['channel']) for ch in tqdm(channels): sel1 = (self.rates.get_data('channel', index_1) == ch) if any(sel1): self.grb_rate_density[ch+'_GRB1'] = self.rates.compute_rate_density(w_ijk_1[sel1], z_grb_1[sel1], observable='GRB1', sensitivity='beamed', index=index_1[sel1]) else: self.grb_rate_density[ch+'_GRB1'] = np.zeros(len(self.grb_z_rate_density)) sel2 = (self.rates.get_data('channel', index_2) == ch) if any(sel2): self.grb_rate_density[ch+'_GRB2'] = self.rates.compute_rate_density(w_ijk_2[sel2], z_grb_2[sel2], observable='GRB2', sensitivity='beamed', index=index_2[sel2]) else: self.grb_rate_density[ch+'_GRB2'] = np.zeros(len(self.grb_z_rate_density)) self.grb_rate_density[ch] = self.grb_rate_density[ch+'_GRB1'] + self.grb_rate_density[ch+'_GRB2'] print(f'GRB (beamed) rate density in the local Universe (z={self.grb_z_rate_density[0]:1.2f}): {round(total_rate[0],2)} Gpc^-3 yr^-1') # export the intrinsic grb intrisic population # TODO: instead of concatenating two dataframe and duplicating the information of the same # binary system we should combine the two datraframes where we have two columns for GRB1 and GRB2 # such dataframe will have z_grb_1, z_grb_2, weight_1, weight_2 # when this is addressed, remove reset_grb_properties feature self.df_grb_intrinsic = pd.DataFrame() df_grb_1 = self.resample_synthetic_population(index_1, z_formation_1, z_grb_1, w_ijk_1, export_cols=export_cols, pop='GRB', reset_grb_properties='GRB2') df_grb_2 = self.resample_synthetic_population(index_2, z_formation_2, z_grb_2, w_ijk_2, export_cols=export_cols, pop='GRB', reset_grb_properties='GRB1') self.df_grb_intrinsic = pd.concat([df_grb_1, df_grb_2], ignore_index=True, sort=False) # the observable population accounts for beaming self.df_grb_observable = self.df_grb_intrinsic.copy() for i in [1,2]: sel = self.df_grb_observable[f'S{i}_f_beaming'] > 0 self.df_grb_observable.loc[sel,'weight'] *= self.df_grb_observable.loc[sel,f'S{i}_f_beaming']
[docs] def get_dco_detection_rate(self, sensitivity='design_H1L1V1', export_cols=None, working_dir='./', load_data=False): """Compute the detection rate per yr. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : str GW detector sensitivity and network configuration you want to use, see arXiv:1304.0670v3 detector sensitivities are taken from: available sensitivity keys (for Hanford, Livingston, Virgo network): 'O3actual_H1L1V1' : aligo_O3actual_H1.txt, aligo_O3actual_L1.txt, avirgo_O3actual.txt 'O4low_H1L1V1' : aligo_O4low.txt, aligo_O4low.txt, avirgo_O4high_NEW.txt 'O4high_H1L1V1' : aligo_O4high.txt, aligo_O4high.txt, avirgo_O4high_NEW.txt 'design_H1L1V1' : AplusDesign.txt, AplusDesign.txt, avirgo_O5high_NEW.txt export_cols : list str List of additional columns to save in the intrinsic/observable population. working_dir : str Working directory where the weights will be saved. load_data : bool `True` if you want to load the weights computed by this function in your working directory. """ if self.df_synthetic is None: raise ValueError('You first need to isolated the DCO synthetic population!') # compute detection rate weights flag_pdet = True index, z_formation, z_merger, w_ijk = self.compute_cosmological_weights(sensitivity, flag_pdet, working_dir=working_dir, load_data=load_data) print(f'DCO detection rate at {sensitivity} sensitivity: {sum(w_ijk):1.2f} yr^-1') # export the observable DCO population # TODO: store p_det self.df_dco_observable = self.resample_synthetic_population(index, z_formation, z_merger, w_ijk, export_cols=export_cols)
[docs] def get_formation_channels(self, mt_history): """Get formation channel and add to df and df_oneline.""" # loop through each binary unique_binary_index = np.unique(self.df.index) for index in unique_binary_index: # get event column and information from interpolated classes df_binary = self.df.loc[index,['event']].dropna() intep_cls = [key for key in self.df_oneline.keys() if 'interp_class' in key] df_binary_online = self.df_oneline.loc[index, intep_cls].dropna() event_array = df_binary['event'].values.tolist() # make interpolated class information consistent with event column HMS_HMS_event_dict = {'stable_MT':'oRLO1', 'no_MT':'None', 'unstable_MT':'oCE1/oDoubleCE1'} event_HMS_HMS = HMS_HMS_event_dict[df_binary_online['interp_class_HMS_HMS']] # for now, only append information for RLO1; unstable_MT information already exists if event_HMS_HMS == 'oRLO1': event_array.insert(1, event_HMS_HMS) formation_channel = "_".join(event_array) else: formation_channel = "_".join(event_array) # TODO: drop the envent CO_contact # TODO: once we trust the redirection to the detached step # drop also the redirect event # TODO: for debugging purposes we keep the full channel self.df_oneline.loc[index,'channel_debug'] = formation_channel # clean the redirect and CO_contact events formation_channel = formation_channel.replace('_redirect', '') formation_channel = formation_channel.replace('_CO_contact', '') self.df_oneline.loc[index,'channel'] = formation_channel if mt_history and 'mt_history_HMS_HMS' not in self.df_oneline: raise ValueError('mt_history_HMS_HMS not saved in the oneline dataframe!') else: # split oRLO1 into oRLO1, oRLO1-contact and oRLO1-reverse sel = ((self.df_oneline['mt_history_HMS_HMS'] == 'Stable contact phase') & self.df_oneline['channel'].str.contains('oRLO1')) self.df_oneline.loc[sel, 'channel'] = self.df_oneline.loc[sel, 'channel'].apply(lambda x: x.replace('oRLO1', 'oRLO1-contact')) sel = ((self.df_oneline['mt_history_HMS_HMS'] == 'Stable reverse mass-transfer phase') & self.df_oneline['channel'].str.contains('oRLO1')) self.df_oneline.loc[sel, 'channel'] = self.df_oneline.loc[sel, 'channel'].apply(lambda x: x.replace('oRLO1', 'oRLO1-reverse'))
# TODO: do the above split for unstable MT as well
[docs] def save_intrinsic_pop(self, path='./intrinsic_population_type.h5', pop='DCO'): """Save intrinsic population. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to dataset. """ if pop == 'DCO': if self.df_dco_intrinsic is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to save!') else: self.df_dco_intrinsic.to_hdf(path.replace('type', pop), key='history') if self.verbose: print('Intrinsic population successfully saved!') elif pop == 'GRB': if self.df_grb_intrinsic is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to save!') else: self.df_grb_intrinsic.to_hdf(path.replace('type', pop), key='history') if self.verbose: print('Intrinsic population successfully saved!') else: raise ValueError('Population not recognized!')
[docs] def load_intrinsic_pop(self, path, pop='DCO'): """Load intrinsic population. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to dataset. """ if pop == 'DCO': if self.df_dco_intrinsic is None: self.df_dco_intrinsic = pd.read_hdf(path, key='history') if self.verbose: print('Intrinsic population successfully loaded!') else: raise ValueError('You already have an intrinsic population stored in memory!') elif pop == 'GRB': if self.df_grb_intrinsic is None: self.df_grb_intrinsic = pd.read_hdf(path, key='history') if self.verbose: print('Intrinsic population successfully loaded!') else: raise ValueError('You already have an intrinsic population stored in memory!')
[docs] def save_observable_pop(self, path='./observable_population_type.h5', pop='DCO'): """Save observable population. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to dataset. """ if pop == 'DCO': if self.df_dco_observable is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to save!') else: self.df_dco_observable.to_hdf(path.replace('type', pop), key='history') if self.verbose: print('observable population successfully saved!') elif pop == 'GRB': if self.df_grb_observable is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to save!') else: self.df_grb_observable.to_hdf(path.replace('type', pop), key='history') if self.verbose: print('observable population successfully saved!') else: raise ValueError('Population not recognized!')
[docs] def load_observable_pop(self, path, pop='DCO'): """Load observable population. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to dataset. """ if pop == 'DCO': if self.df_dco_observable is None: self.df_dco_observable = pd.read_hdf(path, key='history') if self.verbose: print('observable population successfully loaded!') else: raise ValueError('You already have an observable population stored in memory!') elif pop == 'GRB': if self.df_grb_observable is None: self.df_grb_observable = pd.read_hdf(path, key='history') if self.verbose: print('observable population successfully loaded!') else: raise ValueError('You already have an observable population stored in memory!') else: raise ValueError('Population not recognized!')
[docs] def plot_merger_efficiency(self, **kwargs): """Plot merger rate efficinty.""" if self.met_merger_efficiency is None or self.merger_efficiency is None: raise ValueError('First you need to compute the merger efficinty!') plot_pop.plot_merger_efficiency(self.met_merger_efficiency, self.merger_efficiency, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_hist_properties(self, var, intrinsic=False, observable=False, pop=None, **kwargs): """Plot histogram of intrinsic/observable properites. Parameters ---------- var : str Property to plot stored in intrinsic/observable dataframe. intrinsic : bool `True` if you want to deplay the intrisc population. observable : bool `True` if you want to deplay the observable population. **kwargs : dict ploting arguments """ if pop == 'DCO': if self.df_dco_intrinsic is None and self.df_dco_observable is None: raise ValueError('First you need to compute the merger rate density!') if intrinsic: df_intrinsic = self.df_dco_intrinsic else: df_intrinsic = None if observable: df_observable = self.df_dco_observable else: df_observable = None elif pop == 'GRB': if self.df_grb_intrinsic is None and self.df_grb_observable is None: raise ValueError('First you need to compute the merger rate density!') if intrinsic: df_intrinsic = self.df_grb_intrinsic else: df_intrinsic = None if observable: df_observable = self.df_grb_observable else: df_observable = None else: raise ValueError('Population not recognized!') plot_pop.plot_hist_properties(var, df_intrinsic=df_intrinsic, df_observable=df_observable, pop=pop, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_rate_density(self, DCO=False, GRB=False, **kwargs): """Plot DCO and GRB rate densities.""" if not DCO and not GRB: raise ValueError('You need to choose at least one population to plot!') if DCO: if self.dco_z_rate_density is None or self.dco_rate_density is None: raise ValueError('First you need to compute the merger rate density!') else: z_dco = self.dco_z_rate_density rate_dco = self.dco_rate_density else: z_dco = None rate_dco = None if GRB: if self.grb_z_rate_density is None or self.grb_rate_density is None: raise ValueError('First you need to compute the GRB rate density!') else: z_grb = self.grb_z_rate_density rate_grb = self.grb_rate_density else: z_grb = None rate_grb = None plot_pop.plot_rate_density(z_dco, rate_dco, z_grb, rate_grb, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice(self, grid_type, met_Zsun, **kwargs): """Plot popsyn over grid slice.""" plot_pop.plot_popsyn_over_grid_slice(self, grid_type, met_Zsun, **kwargs)