Source code for posydon.popsyn.star_formation_history
"""Implements the selection of different star-formation history scenarios."""
__authors__ = [
"Simone Bavera <>",
"Kyle Akira Rocha <>",
"Devina Misra <>",
"Konstantinos Kovlakas <>",
"Max Briel <>",
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats
from posydon.utils.data_download import PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA
from posydon.utils.constants import age_of_universe
from posydon.utils.common_functions import (
from posydon.utils.constants import Zsun
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmology
def get_formation_times(N_binaries, star_formation="constant", **kwargs):
"""Get formation times of binaries in a population based on a SFH scenario.
N_binaries : int
Number of formation ages to produce.
star_formation : str, {constant, burst}
Constant - random formation times from a uniform distribution.
Burst - all stars are born at the same time.
burst_time : float, 0 (years)
Sets birth time in years.
min_time : float, 0 (years)
If constant SF, sets minimum of random sampling.
max_time : float, age_of_universe (years)
If constant SF, sets maximum of random sampling.
RNG : <class, np.random.Generator>
Random generator instance.
The formation times array.
RNG = kwargs.get("RNG", np.random.default_rng())
scenario = star_formation.lower()
if scenario == "burst":
burst_time = kwargs.get("burst_time", 0.0)
return np.ones(N_binaries) * burst_time
max_time_default = kwargs.get("max_simulation_time", age_of_universe)
max_time = kwargs.get("max_time", max_time_default)
if scenario == "constant":
min_time = kwargs.get("min_time", 0.0)
return RNG.uniform(size=N_binaries, low=min_time, high=max_time)
if scenario in ["custom_linear", "custom_log10"]:
custom_ages_file = kwargs.get("custom_ages_file")
x, y = np.loadtxt(custom_ages_file, unpack=True)
current_binary_ages = rejection_sampler(x, y, N_binaries)
if "log10" in scenario:
current_binary_ages = 10.0**current_binary_ages
return max_time - current_binary_ages
if scenario in ["custom_linear_histogram", "custom_log10_histogram"]:
custom_ages_file = kwargs.get("custom_ages_file")
x, y = read_histogram_from_file(custom_ages_file)
current_binary_ages = histogram_sampler(x, y)
if "log10" in scenario:
current_binary_ages = 10.0**current_binary_ages
return max_time - current_binary_ages
raise ValueError(
"Unknown star formation scenario '{}' given. Valid options: {}".format(
star_formation, ",".join(SFH_SCENARIOS)
def get_illustrisTNG_data(verbose=False):
"""Load IllustrisTNG SFR dataset."""
if verbose:
print("Loading IllustrisTNG data...")
return np.load(os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA, "SFR/IllustrisTNG.npz"))
def star_formation_rate(SFR, z):
"""Star formation rate in M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3.
SFR : string
Star formation rate assumption:
- Madau+Fragos17 see arXiv:1606.07887
- Madau+Dickinson14 see arXiv:1403.0007
- Neijssel+19 see arXiv:1906.08136
- IllustrisTNG see see arXiv:1707.03395
z : double
Cosmological redshift.
The total mass of stars in M_sun formed per comoving volume Mpc^-3
per year.
if SFR == "Madau+Fragos17":
return (
0.01 * (1.0 + z) ** 2.6 / (1.0 + ((1.0 + z) / 3.2) ** 6.2)
) # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3
elif SFR == "Madau+Dickinson14":
return (
0.015 * (1.0 + z) ** 2.7 / (1.0 + ((1.0 + z) / 2.9) ** 5.6)
) # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3
elif SFR == "Neijssel+19":
return (
0.01 * (1.0 + z) ** 2.77 / (1.0 + ((1.0 + z) / 2.9) ** 4.7)
) # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3
elif SFR == "IllustrisTNG":
illustris_data = get_illustrisTNG_data()
SFR = illustris_data["SFR"] # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3
redshifts = illustris_data["redshifts"]
SFR_interp = interp1d(redshifts, SFR)
return SFR_interp(z)
raise ValueError("Invalid SFR!")
def mean_metallicity(SFR, z):
"""Empiric mean metallicity function.
SFR : string
Star formation rate assumption:
- Madau+Fragos17 see arXiv:1606.07887
- Madau+Dickinson14 see arXiv:1403.0007
- Neijssel+19 see arXiv:1906.08136
z : double
Cosmological redshift.
Mean metallicty of the universe at the given redhist.
if SFR == "Madau+Fragos17" or SFR == "Madau+Dickinson14":
return 10 ** (0.153 - 0.074 * z**1.34) * Zsun
elif SFR == "Neijssel+19":
return 0.035 * 10 ** (-0.23 * z)
raise ValueError("Invalid SFR!")
def std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma):
"""Standard deviation of the log-metallicity distribution.
Standard deviation of the adopted distribution.
if isinstance(sigma, str):
if sigma == "Bavera+20":
return 0.5
elif sigma == "Neijssel+19":
return 0.39
raise ValueError("Uknown sigma choice!")
elif isinstance(sigma, float):
return sigma
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sigma value {sigma}!")
def SFR_Z_fraction_at_given_redshift(
z, SFR, sigma, metallicity_bins, Z_max, select_one_met
"""'Fraction of the SFR at a given redshift z in a given metallicity bin as in Eq. (B.8) of Bavera et al. (2020).
z : np.array
Cosmological redshift.
SFR : string
Star formation rate assumption:
- Madau+Fragos17 see arXiv:1606.07887
- Madau+Dickinson14 see arXiv:1403.0007
- IllustrisTNG see see arXiv:1707.03395
- Neijssel+19 see arXiv:1906.08136
sigma : double / string
Standard deviation of the log-metallicity distribution.
If string, it can be 'Bavera+20' or 'Neijssel+19'.
metallicity_bins : array
Metallicity bins edges in absolute metallicity.
Z_max : double
Maximum metallicity in absolute metallicity.
select_one_met : bool
If True, the function returns the fraction of the SFR in the given metallicity bin.
If False, the function returns the fraction of the SFR in the given metallicity bin and the fraction of the SFR in the metallicity bin
Fraction of the SFR in the given metallicity bin at the given redshift.
In absolute metallicity.
if SFR == "Madau+Fragos17" or SFR == "Madau+Dickinson14":
sigma = std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma)
mu = np.log10(mean_metallicity(SFR, z)) - sigma**2 * np.log(10) / 2.0
# renormalisation constant. We can use mu[0], since we integrate over the whole metallicity range
norm = stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(Z_max), mu[0], sigma)
fSFR = np.empty((len(z), len(metallicity_bins) - 1))
fSFR[:, :] = np.array(
[(stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(metallicity_bins[1:]), m, sigma) / norm
- stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(metallicity_bins[:-1]), m, sigma) / norm
) for m in mu ]
if not select_one_met:
fSFR[:, 0] = stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(metallicity_bins[1]), mu, sigma) / norm
fSFR[:,-1] = norm - stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(metallicity_bins[-1]), mu, sigma)/norm
elif SFR == "Neijssel+19":
# assume a truncated ln-normal distribution of metallicities
sigma = std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma)
mu = np.log(mean_metallicity(SFR, z)) - sigma**2 / 2.0
# renormalisation constant
norm = stats.norm.cdf(np.log(Z_max), mu[0], sigma)
fSFR = np.empty((len(z), len(metallicity_bins) - 1))
fSFR[:, :] = np.array(
stats.norm.cdf(np.log(metallicity_bins[1:]), m, sigma) / norm
- stats.norm.cdf(np.log(metallicity_bins[:-1]), m, sigma) / norm
for m in mu
if not select_one_met:
fSFR[:, 0] = stats.norm.cdf(np.log(metallicity_bins[1]), mu, sigma) / norm
fSFR[:,-1] = norm - stats.norm.cdf(np.log(metallicity_bins[-1]), mu, sigma)/norm
elif SFR == "IllustrisTNG":
# numerically itegrate the IlluystrisTNG SFR(z,Z)
illustris_data = get_illustrisTNG_data()
redshifts = illustris_data["redshifts"]
Z = illustris_data["mets"]
M = illustris_data["M"] # Msun
# only use data within the metallicity bounds (no lower bound)
Z_max_mask = Z <= Z_max
redshift_indices = np.array([np.where(redshifts <= i)[0][0] for i in z])
Z_dist = M[:, Z_max_mask][redshift_indices]
fSFR = np.zeros((len(z), len(metallicity_bins) - 1))
for i in range(len(z)):
if Z_dist[i].sum() == 0.0:
# We add a final point to the CDF and metallicities to ensure normalisation to 1
Z_dist_cdf = np.cumsum(Z_dist[i]) / Z_dist[i].sum()
Z_dist_cdf = np.append(Z_dist_cdf, 1)
Z_x_values = np.append(np.log10(Z[Z_max_mask]), 0)
Z_dist_cdf_interp = interp1d(Z_x_values, Z_dist_cdf)
fSFR[i, :] = (Z_dist_cdf_interp(np.log10(metallicity_bins[1:]))
- Z_dist_cdf_interp(np.log10(metallicity_bins[:-1])))
if not select_one_met:
# add the fraction of the SFR in the first and last bin
# or the only bin without selecting one metallicity
if len(metallicity_bins) == 2:
fSFR[i, 0] = 1
fSFR[i, 0] = Z_dist_cdf_interp(np.log10(metallicity_bins[1]))
fSFR[i, -1] = 1 - Z_dist_cdf_interp(np.log10(metallicity_bins[-1]))
raise ValueError("Invalid SFR!")
return fSFR
def integrated_SFRH_over_redshift(SFR, sigma, Z, Z_max):
"""Integrated SFR history over z as in Eq. (B.10) of Bavera et al. (2020).
SFR : string
Star formation rate assumption:
- Madau+Fragos17 see arXiv:1606.07887
- Madau+Dickinson14 see arXiv:1403.0007
- Neijssel+19 see arXiv:1906.08136
Z : double
The total mass of stars formed per comoving volume at a given
metallicity Z.
def E(z, Omega_m=cosmology.Om0):
Omega_L = 1.0 - Omega_m
return (Omega_m * (1.0 + z) ** 3 + Omega_L) ** (1.0 / 2.0)
def f(z, Z):
if SFR == "Madau+Fragos17" or SFR == "Madau+Dickinson14":
sigma = std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma)
mu = np.log10(mean_metallicity(SFR, z)) - sigma**2 * np.log(10) / 2.0
H_0 ="1/yr").value # yr
# put a cutoff on metallicity at Z_max
norm = stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(Z_max), mu, sigma)
return (
star_formation_rate(SFR, z)
* stats.norm.pdf(np.log10(Z), mu, sigma)
/ norm
* (H_0 * (1.0 + z) * E(z)) ** (-1)
elif SFR == "Neijssel+19":
sigma = std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma)
mu = np.log10(mean_metallicity(SFR, z)) - sigma**2 / 2.0
H_0 ="1/yr").value # yr
return (
star_formation_rate(SFR, z)
* stats.norm.pdf(np.log(Z), mu, sigma)
* (H_0 * (1.0 + z) * E(z)) ** (-1)
raise ValueError("Invalid SFR!")
return sp.integrate.quad(f, 1e-10, np.inf, args=(Z,))[0] # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3