Source code for posydon.popsyn.star_formation_history

"""Implements the selection of different star-formation history scenarios."""

__authors__ = [
    'Simone Bavera <>',
    "Kyle Akira Rocha <>",
    "Devina Misra <>",
    "Konstantinos Kovlakas <>",

import os
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy import stats
from posydon.utils.data_download import PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA
from posydon.utils.constants import age_of_universe
from posydon.utils.common_functions import (
    rejection_sampler, histogram_sampler, read_histogram_from_file)
from posydon.utils.constants import Zsun
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmology

SFH_SCENARIOS = ["burst", "constant", "custom_linear", "custom_log10",
                 "custom_linear_histogram", "custom_log10_histogram"]

[docs] def get_formation_times(N_binaries, star_formation='constant', **kwargs): """Get formation times of binaries in a population based on a SFH scenario. Parameters ---------- N_binaries : int Number of formation ages to produce. star_formation : str, {constant, burst} Constant - random formation times from a uniform distribution. Burst - all stars are born at the same time. burst_time : float, 0 (years) Sets birth time in years. min_time : float, 0 (years) If constant SF, sets minimum of random sampling. max_time : float, age_of_universe (years) If constant SF, sets maximum of random sampling. RNG : <class, np.random.Generator> Random generator instance. Returns ------- array The formation times array. """ RNG = kwargs.get('RNG', np.random.default_rng()) scenario = star_formation.lower() if scenario == 'burst': burst_time = kwargs.get('burst_time', 0.0) return np.ones(N_binaries)*burst_time max_time_default = kwargs.get('max_simulation_time', age_of_universe) max_time = kwargs.get('max_time', max_time_default) if scenario == 'constant': min_time = kwargs.get('min_time', 0.0) return RNG.uniform(size=N_binaries, low=min_time, high=max_time) if scenario in ["custom_linear", "custom_log10"]: custom_ages_file = kwargs.get('custom_ages_file') x, y = np.loadtxt(custom_ages_file, unpack=True) current_binary_ages = rejection_sampler(x, y, N_binaries) if "log10" in scenario: current_binary_ages = 10.0 ** current_binary_ages return max_time - current_binary_ages if scenario in ["custom_linear_histogram", "custom_log10_histogram"]: custom_ages_file = kwargs.get('custom_ages_file') x, y = read_histogram_from_file(custom_ages_file) current_binary_ages = histogram_sampler(x, y) if "log10" in scenario: current_binary_ages = 10.0 ** current_binary_ages return max_time - current_binary_ages raise ValueError( "Unknown star formation scenario '{}' given. Valid options: {}". format(star_formation, ",".join(SFH_SCENARIOS)))
[docs] def get_illustrisTNG_data(verbose=False): """Load IllustrisTNG SFR dataset.""" if verbose: print('Loading IllustrisTNG data...') return np.load(os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA, 'SFR/IllustrisTNG.npz'))
[docs] def star_formation_rate(SFR, z): """Star formation rate in M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3. Parameters ---------- SFR : string Star formation rate assumption: - Madau+Fragos17 see arXiv:1606.07887 - Madau+Dickinson14 see arXiv:1403.0007 - Neijssel+19 see arXiv:1906.08136 - IllustrisTNG see see arXiv:1707.03395 z : double Cosmological redshift. Returns ------- double The total mass of stars in M_sun formed per comoving volume Mpc^-3 per year. """ if SFR == "Madau+Fragos17": return 0.01 * (1. + z) ** 2.6 / (1. + ((1. + z) / 3.2) ** 6.2) # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3 elif SFR == "Madau+Dickinson14": return 0.015 * (1. + z) ** 2.7 / (1. + ((1. + z) / 2.9) ** 5.6) # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3 elif SFR == "Neijssel+19": return 0.01 * (1. + z) ** 2.77 / (1. + ((1. + z) / 2.9) ** 4.7) # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3 elif SFR=='IllustrisTNG': illustris_data = get_illustrisTNG_data() SFR = illustris_data['SFR'] # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3 redshifts = illustris_data['redshifts'] SFR_interp = interp1d(redshifts, SFR) return SFR_interp(z) else: raise ValueError('Invalid SFR!')
[docs] def mean_metallicity(SFR, z): """Empiric mean metallicity function. Parameters ---------- SFR : string Star formation rate assumption: - Madau+Fragos17 see arXiv:1606.07887 - Madau+Dickinson14 see arXiv:1403.0007 - Neijssel+19 see arXiv:1906.08136 z : double Cosmological redshift. Returns ------- double Mean metallicty of the universe at the given redhist. """ if SFR == "Madau+Fragos17" or SFR == "Madau+Dickinson14": return 10 ** (0.153 - 0.074 * z ** 1.34) * Zsun elif SFR == "Neijssel+19": return 0.035*10**(-0.23*z) else: raise ValueError('Invalid SFR!')
[docs] def std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma): """Standard deviation of the log-metallicity distribution. Returns ------- double Standard deviation of the adopted distribution. """ if isinstance(sigma, str): if sigma == 'Bavera+20': return 0.5 elif sigma == "Neijssel+19": return 0.39 else: raise ValueError('Uknown sigma choice!') elif isinstance(sigma, float): return sigma else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid sigma value {sigma}!')
[docs] def fractional_SFR_at_given_redshift(z, SFR_at_z, SFR, sigma, bins, binplace, Z_max, select_one_met=False): """Integrated SFR over deltaZ at a given z as in Eq. (B.9) of Bavera et al. (2020). Parameters ---------- SFR : string Star formation rate assumption: - Madau+Fragos17 see arXiv:1606.07887 - Madau+Dickinson14 see arXiv:1403.0007 - IllustrisTNG see see arXiv:1707.03395 - Neijssel+19 see arXiv:1906.08136 Z : double Metallicity. Returns ------- double The total mass of stars formed per comoving volume at a given redshift z for a given metallicity range deltaZ. """ # Z_left_edge == bins[binplace-1] # Z_right_edge == bins[binplace] if SFR == "Madau+Fragos17" or SFR=="Madau+Dickinson14": # assume a truncated log10-normal distribution of metallicities # see Eq. (B.2) in Bavera et al. (2020) sigma = std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma) mu = np.log10(mean_metallicity(SFR, z)) - sigma**2*np.log(10)/2. # renormalisation constant norm = stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(Z_max), mu[0], sigma) fSFR = SFR_at_z*(stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(bins[binplace]), mu, sigma)/norm - stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(bins[binplace-1]), mu, sigma)/norm) if not select_one_met: #left edge fSFR[binplace == 1] = SFR_at_z[0]*stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(bins[1]), mu[0], sigma)/norm elif SFR == "Neijssel+19": # assume a truncated ln-normal distribution of metallicities sigma = std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma) mu = np.log(mean_metallicity(SFR, z))-sigma**2/2. # renormalisation constant norm = stats.norm.cdf(np.log(Z_max), mu[0], sigma) fSFR = SFR_at_z*(stats.norm.cdf(np.log(bins[binplace]), mu, sigma)/norm - stats.norm.cdf(np.log(bins[binplace-1]), mu, sigma)/norm) if not select_one_met: #left edge fSFR[binplace == 1] = SFR_at_z[0]*stats.norm.cdf(np.log(bins[1]), mu[0], sigma)/norm elif SFR == 'IllustrisTNG': # numerically itegrate the IlluystrisTNG SFR(z,Z) illustris_data = get_illustrisTNG_data() redshifts = illustris_data['redshifts'] Z = illustris_data['mets'] M = illustris_data['M'] # Msun # only use data within the metallicity bounds (no lower bound) valid_met_idxs = np.where(Z <= Z_max)[0] # get the index of the correct redshift in the data redz_idx = np.where(redshifts <= z[0])[0][0] # take values of the data at this redshift between our metallicity bounds Z_dist = M[redz_idx, valid_met_idxs] if Z_dist.sum() == 0.: fSFR = np.zeros(len(z)) else: Z_dist_cdf = np.cumsum(Z_dist)/Z_dist.sum() Z_dist_cdf_interp = interp1d(np.log10(Z[valid_met_idxs]), Z_dist_cdf, fill_value="extrapolate") fSFR = SFR_at_z*(Z_dist_cdf_interp(np.log10(bins[binplace])) - Z_dist_cdf_interp(np.log10(bins[binplace-1]))) if not select_one_met: #left edge fSFR[binplace == 1] = SFR_at_z[0]*Z_dist_cdf_interp(np.log10(bins[1])) else: raise ValueError('Invalid SFR!') return fSFR
[docs] def integrated_SFRH_over_redshift(SFR, sigma, Z, Z_max): """Integrated SFR history over z as in Eq. (B.10) of Bavera et al. (2020). Parameters ---------- SFR : string Star formation rate assumption: - Madau+Fragos17 see arXiv:1606.07887 - Madau+Dickinson14 see arXiv:1403.0007 - Neijssel+19 see arXiv:1906.08136 Z : double Metallicity. Returns ------- double The total mass of stars formed per comoving volume at a given metallicity Z. """ def E(z, Omega_m=cosmology.Om0): Omega_L = 1.- Omega_m return (Omega_m*(1.+z)**3 + Omega_L)**(1./2.) def f(z,Z): if SFR == "Madau+Fragos17" or SFR == "Madau+Dickinson14": sigma = std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma) mu = np.log10(mean_metallicity(SFR, z))-sigma**2*np.log(10)/2. H_0 ='1/yr').value # yr # put a cutoff on metallicity at Z_max norm = stats.norm.cdf(np.log10(Z_max), mu, sigma) return star_formation_rate(SFR, z)*stats.norm.pdf(np.log10(Z), mu, sigma)/norm*(H_0*(1.+z)*E(z))**(-1) elif SFR == "Neijssel+19": sigma = std_log_metallicity_dist(sigma) mu = np.log10(mean_metallicity(SFR, z))-sigma**2/2. H_0 ='1/yr').value # yr return star_formation_rate(SFR, z)*stats.norm.pdf(np.log(Z), mu, sigma)*(H_0*(1.+z)*E(z))**(-1) else: raise ValueError('Invalid SFR!') return sp.integrate.quad(f, 1e-10, np.inf, args=(Z,))[0] # M_sun yr^-1 Mpc^-3