Source code for posydon.popsyn.rate_calculation

__author__ = ['Simone Bavera <>']

import os
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import scipy as sp
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import constants as const # TODO: replace this in favour of POSYDON constats module
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15 as cosmology # TODO: update to Planck18 once we update astropy module
from astropy.cosmology import z_at_value
import posydon.popsyn.selection_effects as selection_effects
from posydon.utils.constants import Zsun
from posydon.popsyn.star_formation_history import (star_formation_rate,
from posydon.utils.data_download import PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA
from posydon.popsyn.GRB import GRB_PROPERTIES, get_GRB_properties

PATH_TO_PDET_GRID = os.path.join(PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA, 'selection_effects/pdet_grid.hdf5')

    'delta_t' : 100, # Myr
    'SFR' : 'IllustrisTNG',
    'sigma_SFR' : None,
    'Z_max' : 1.,
    'select_one_met' : False,
    'dlogZ' : None, # e.g, [np.log10(0.0142/2),np.log10(0.0142*2)]
    'Zsun' : Zsun,
    'compute_GRB_properties' : False,
    'GRB_beaming' : 1., # e.g., 0.5, 'Goldstein+15'
    'GRB_efficiency' : 0., # e.g., 0.01
    'E_GRB_iso_min' : 0., # e.g., 1e51 erg 

[docs] class Rates(object): """Compute DCO rates.""" def __init__(self, df, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Compute DCO rates. Parameters ---------- df : object Pandas dataframe containing the synthetic binary population. delta_t : float Cosmic time bin size used to bin distribute the synthetc binary population. SFR : string Star-formation-rate history you want to use: 'Madau+Dickinson14', 'Madau+Fragos17', 'Neijssel+19', 'IllustrisTNG' sigma_SFR : string Standard deviation of the trucated log-normal metallicity distribution assumed for the star-formation rate history in the case you select 'Madau+Dickinson14', 'Madau+Fragos17', 'Neijssel+19', Z_max : float The absolute maximum metallicity of the star formation rate history. NOTE: This should be used when assuming a truncated log-normal distribution of metallcities to not overpredict 1, also it can be used with the IllustrisTNG SFR to prevent unphysically high metallicities. select_one_met : bool If `True` your synthetic binary population should contain only one descrete metallicity. dlogZ : float or range Used when `select_one_met=True` to select the metallicity range around which you want to integrate the SFR history. If float value value is provided we assume a symmetric range dlogZ/2 around the provided metallcity else we consider the range provided [Z_min, Z_max] which could also be asymmetric. verbose : bool `True` if you want the print statements. TODO: add the definitios of the variables used by this class. """ self.df = df self.verbose = verbose if kwargs: for key in kwargs: if key not in DEFAULT_MODEL: raise ValueError(key + " is not a valid parameter name!") for varname in DEFAULT_MODEL: default_value = DEFAULT_MODEL[varname] setattr(self, varname, kwargs.get(varname, default_value)) else: for varname in DEFAULT_MODEL: default_value = DEFAULT_MODEL[varname] setattr(self, varname, default_value) if self.compute_GRB_properties: for key in GRB_PROPERTIES: if key not in self.df: warnings.warn("GRB properties not in the dataset, " "computing them right now!") self.df = get_GRB_properties(self.df, self.GRB_efficiency, self.GRB_beaming, self.E_GRB_iso_min) ###################################################### ### DCO detection rate and merger rate density ### ### see arXiv:1906.12257, arXiv:2010.16333, ### ### arXiv:2106.15841, arXiv:221210924, ### ### arXiv:2204.02619, arXiv:2011.10057 ### ### arXiv:2012.02274 ### ######################################################
[docs] def chi_eff(self, m_1, m_2, a_1, a_2, tilt_1, tilt_2): return (m_1*a_1*np.cos(tilt_1)+m_2*a_2*np.cos(tilt_2))/(m_1+m_2)
[docs] def m_chirp(self, m_1, m_2): return (m_1*m_2)**(3./5)/(m_1+m_2)**(1./5)
[docs] def mass_ratio(self, m_1, m_2): q = m_2/m_1 q[q>1.] = 1./q[q>1.] return q
[docs] def get_data(self, var, index=None): """Resample class elements. Parameters ---------- var : string Key of self.df. This method support a list of custom definitios for DCO studies like q, m_tot, m_chirp, chi_eff. index : list of int List of indicies of the binaries of interest. Returns ------- array Array containing the self.df[var][index]. """ if var not in self.df: # compute some useful quantities that are not defined in df_synthetic if var == 'q': values = self.mass_ratio(self.df["S1_mass"], self.df["S2_mass"]) elif var == 'm_tot': values = self.df["S1_mass"] + self.df["S2_mass"] elif var == 'm_chirp': values = self.m_chirp(self.df["S1_mass"], self.df["S2_mass"]) elif var == 'chi_eff': # check if tilts are provided if ("S1_spin_orbit_tilt" not in self.df or "S2_spin_orbit_tilt" not in self.df): warnings.warn('Spin tilts not in dataset! Assuming spins ' 'are aligned to orbital angular momentum ' 'to compute chi_eff!') tilt_BH1 = np.zeros(len(self.df["S1_spin"])) tilt_BH2 = tilt_BH1 else: tilt_BH1 = self.df["S1_spin_orbit_tilt"] tilt_BH2 = self.df["S2_spin_orbit_tilt"] values = self.chi_eff(self.df["S1_mass"], self.df["S2_mass"], self.df["S1_spin"], self.df["S2_spin"], tilt_BH1, tilt_BH2) else: raise ValueError(f'Definition for {var} not available!') else: values = self.df[var] if index is not None: return values[index].values else: return values.values
[docs] def get_redshift_from_cosmic_time_interpolator(self): """Interpolator to compute the cosmological redshift given the cosmic time. Returns ------- object Returns the trained interpolator object. """ # astropy z_at_value method is too slow to compute z_mergers efficinty # we must implment interpolation t = np.linspace(1e-2, cosmology.age(1e-08).value*0.9999999, 1000) z = np.zeros(1000) for i in range(1000): z[i] = z_at_value(cosmology.age, t[i] * u.Gyr) f_z_m = interp1d(t, z, kind='cubic') return f_z_m
[docs] def get_redshift_from_cosmic_time(self, t_cosm): """Compute the cosmological redshift given the cosmic time.. Parameters ---------- t_cosm : array doubles Cosmic time to which you want to know the redhisft. Returns ------- array doubles Cosmolgocial redshift corresponding to the cosmic time. """ interpolator = self.get_redshift_from_cosmic_time_interpolator() return interpolator(t_cosm)
[docs] def get_cosmic_time_from_redshift(self, z): """Compute the cosmic time from redshift. Parameters ---------- z : double Cosmological redshift. Returns ------- double Return age of the cosmic time in Gyr given the redshift z. """ return cosmology.age(z).value # Gyr
[docs] def get_comoving_disntance_from_redshift(self, z): """Compute the comoving distance from redshift. Parameters ---------- z : double Cosmological redshift. Returns ------- double Comoving distance in Mpc corresponding to the redhisft z. """ return cosmology.comoving_distance(z).value # Mpc
[docs] def get_cosmic_time_at_dco_merger(self, z_birth): """Get cosmic time at DCO merger. Parameters ---------- z_birth : double Cosmological redshift of formation of the DCO system (must be the same for every binary). Returns ------- double Cosmic time in Gyr at DCO merger for all binaries born at z_birth. """ n = self.df.shape[0] t_birth = self.get_cosmic_time_from_redshift(z_birth) * np.ones(n) # Gyr return t_birth + (self.df["time"] + self.df["t_delay"]) * 10 ** (-3) #Gyr
[docs] def get_redshift_at_dco_merger(self, z_birth): """Get redshift of merger of DCOs. Parameters ---------- z_birth : double Redshift of formation of the DCO system (must be the same for every binary). Returns ------- double Redshift of merger of DCOs born at z_birth. """ n = self.df.shape[0] t_merger = self.get_cosmic_time_at_dco_merger(z_birth) z_merger = np.ones(n) * np.nan bool_merger = t_merger < self.get_cosmic_time_from_redshift(0.) * np.ones(n) # check if the binary merges z_merger[bool_merger] = z_at_value(cosmology.age, t_merger[bool_merger] * u.Gyr) return z_merger
[docs] def get_centers_metallicity_bins(self): """Return the centers of the metallicity bins. Returns ------- array double Returns sampled metallicities of the populattion. This correponds to the center of each metallicity bin. """ return np.unique(self.df['metallicity'].values)
[docs] def get_edges_metallicity_bins(self): """Return the edges of the metallicity bins. Returns ------- array double Returns the edges of all metallicity bins. We assume metallicities were binned in log-space. """ met_val = np.log10(self.get_centers_metallicity_bins()) bin_met = np.zeros(len(met_val)+1) # if more than one metallicty bin if len(met_val) > 1 : bin_met[0] = met_val[0] - (met_val[1] - met_val[0]) / 2. bin_met[-1] = met_val[-1] + (met_val[-1] - met_val[-2]) / 2. bin_met[1:-1] = met_val[:-1] + (met_val[1:] - met_val[:-1]) / 2. # one metallicty bin elif len(met_val) == 1 : if isinstance(self.dlogZ, float): bin_met[0] = met_val[0] - self.dlogZ / 2. bin_met[-1] = met_val[0] + self.dlogZ / 2. elif isinstance(self.dlogZ, list) or isinstance(self.dlogZ, np.array): bin_met[0] = self.dlogZ[0] bin_met[-1] = self.dlogZ[1] return 10**bin_met
[docs] def get_centers_redshift_bins(self): """Compute redshift bin centers. Returns ------- array doubles We devide the cosmic time history of the Universe in equally spaced bins of cosmic time of self.delta_t (100 Myr default) an compute the redshift corresponding to center of these bins. """ # generate t_birth at the middle of each self.delta_t bin t_birth_bin = [cosmology.age(0.).value] t_birth = [] # devide the self.n_redshift_bin_centers = int(cosmology.age(0).to('Myr').value/self.delta_t) for i in range(self.n_redshift_bin_centers+1): t_birth.append(t_birth_bin[i] - self.delta_t*1e-3/2.) # Gyr t_birth_bin.append(t_birth_bin[i] - self.delta_t*1e-3) # Gyr t_birth = np.array(t_birth) # compute the redshift z_birth = [] for i in range(self.n_redshift_bin_centers+1): z_birth.append(z_at_value(cosmology.age, t_birth[i] * u.Gyr)) z_birth = np.array(z_birth) return z_birth
[docs] def get_edges_redshift_bins(self): """Compute redshift bin edges. Returns ------- array doubles We devide the cosmic time history of the Universe in equally spaced bins of cosmic time of self.delta_t (100 Myr default) an compute the redshift corresponding to edges of these bins. """ # generate t_birth at the middle of each self.delta_t bin t_birth_bin = [cosmology.age(0.).value] for i in range(self.n_redshift_bin_centers+1): t_birth_bin.append(t_birth_bin[i] - self.delta_t*1e-3) # Gyr # compute the redshift z_birth_bin = [] for i in range(self.n_redshift_bin_centers): # do not count first edge, we add z=0. later z_birth_bin.append(z_at_value(cosmology.age, t_birth_bin[i+1] * u.Gyr)) # add the first and last bin edge at z=0. and z=inf.=100 z_birth_bin = np.array([0.]+z_birth_bin+[100.]) return z_birth_bin
[docs] def merger_rate_weight(self, z_birth, z_merger, p_det, i): """Compute the merger rate weight (w_ijk) in yr^-1 units. Parameters ---------- z_birth : array doubles Cosmological redshift of formation of the binary systems. This MUST be the same for all binaries. z_merger : array doubles Cosmological redshift of merger of the binary systems. p_det : array doubles Detection probability of the binary. i : array integers Indicies correponding to the binaries you want to select out of the population. Returns ------- array doubles Return the cosmological weights w_ijk (detection rate contibution) of the binary k in the metallicity bin j born at redshift birth i as in Eq. (B.8) of Bavera et al. (2020). """ # get SFR at a given population birth redshift SFR_at_z_birth = star_formation_rate(self.SFR, z_birth) # get metallicity bin edges met_bins = self.get_edges_metallicity_bins() # distribute the DCO to the corresponding bin binplace = np.digitize(self.get_data("metallicity", i), met_bins) # compute fSFR assuming log-normal distributed metallicities fSFR = fractional_SFR_at_given_redshift(z_birth, SFR_at_z_birth, self.SFR, self.sigma_SFR, met_bins, binplace, self.Z_max, self.select_one_met) # simulated mass per given metallicity corrected for the unmodeled # single and binary stellar mass M_model = self.get_data("underlying_mass_for_met",i) # speed of light c ='Mpc/yr').value # Mpc/yr # delta cosmic time bin deltaT = self.delta_t * 10 ** 6 # yr # comoving distance corresponding to the DCO merger redshift D_c = self.get_comoving_disntance_from_redshift(z_merger) # DCO cosmological weights B.8 in Bavera et al. (2020) return 4.*np.pi * c * D_c**2 * p_det * deltaT * fSFR / M_model # yr^-1
[docs] def compute_merger_rate_weights(self, sensitivity, flag_pdet=True, path_to_dir='./', extention='npz'): """Compute the cosmological weights of the DCO population. This function will create a directory path_to_dir/DCOs/sensitivity where it will save the weigths, binary indicies k, z_formation, z_merger. This is needed for scalability as a ~100k DCO population generates ~10M non-zero weights assuming a delta_t=100Myr. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : string GW detector sensitivity and network configuration you want to use, see arXiv:1304.0670v3 detector sensitivities are taken from: available sensitivity keys (for Hanford, Livingston, Virgo network): 'O3actual_H1L1V1' : aligo_O3actual_H1.txt, aligo_O3actual_L1.txt, avirgo_O3actual.txt 'O4low_H1L1V1' : aligo_O4low.txt, aligo_O4low.txt, avirgo_O4high_NEW.txt 'O4high_H1L1V1' : aligo_O4high.txt, aligo_O4high.txt, avirgo_O4high_NEW.txt 'design_H1L1V1' : AplusDesign.txt, AplusDesign.txt, avirgo_O5high_NEW.txt 'infinite': intrinsic merging DCO population, i.e. p_det = 1 flag_pdet : bool This is a control variable. In order to be sure you want to run infinite sensitivity set `p_det=False`. path_to_dir : string Path to the workingn directory where you want to store the cosmological weights. """ # check if the folder three exists, otherwise create it DCO_dir = os.path.join(path_to_dir,'DCOs') if 'DCOs' not in os.listdir(path_to_dir): os.makedirs(DCO_dir) sensitivity_dir = os.path.join(DCO_dir, f'{sensitivity}_sensitivity') if f'{sensitivity}_sensitivity' not in os.listdir(DCO_dir): os.makedirs(sensitivity_dir) # index of all DCOs n = self.df.shape[0] index = np.arange(0, n) # redshif of each time bin z_birth = self.get_centers_redshift_bins() # define interpolator get_redshift_from_time = self.get_redshift_from_cosmic_time_interpolator() # hashmap to store everythig data = {'index': {}, 'z_merger': {}, 'weights': {}} # load and store detector selection effects interpolator if sensitivity != 'infinite': self.sel_eff = selection_effects.KNNmodel(grid_path=PATH_TO_PDET_GRID, sensitivity_key=sensitivity) # loop over all redshift bins for i in tqdm(range(len(z_birth))): # compute the merger time of each DCOs t_merger = self.get_cosmic_time_at_dco_merger(z_birth[i]) # detectable population if flag_pdet == True and sensitivity != 'infinite': # sort out systems not merging within the Hubble time bool_merger = t_merger < cosmology.age(1e-08).value*0.9999999 * np.ones(n) # if there are no merging DCO, continue if len(index[bool_merger]) == 0: data['index'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) data['z_merger'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) data['weights'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) continue # get some quantities to compute detection probabilities data_slice = pd.DataFrame() data_slice['m1'] = self.get_data('S1_mass', index[bool_merger]) data_slice['q'] = self.get_data('q', index[bool_merger]) z_m = get_redshift_from_time(t_merger[bool_merger]) data_slice['z'] = z_m data_slice['chieff'] = self.get_data('chi_eff', index[bool_merger]) # compute detection probabilities p_det = self.sel_eff.predict_pdet(data_slice) # sort out undetectable sources bool_detect = p_det > 0. # if there are no detectable DCO, continue if len(index[bool_merger][bool_detect]) == 0: data['index'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) data['z_merger'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) data['weights'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) continue # store index and redshift of merger data['index'][str(z_birth[i])] = index[bool_merger][bool_detect] data['z_merger'][str(z_birth[i])] = z_m[bool_detect] # compute and store marger rate weights as in eq. B.8 in Bavera et al. (2020) z_b = np.ones(len(index[bool_merger][bool_detect]))*z_birth[i] w_ijk = self.merger_rate_weight(z_b, z_m[bool_detect], p_det[bool_detect], index[bool_merger][bool_detect]) data['weights'][str(z_birth[i])] = w_ijk # intrinsic population elif flag_pdet == False and sensitivity == 'infinite': # sort out systems not merging within the Hubble time bool_merger = t_merger < cosmology.age(1e-08).value*0.9999999 * np.ones(n) # if there are no merging DCO, continue if len(index[bool_merger]) == 0: data['index'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) data['z_merger'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) data['weights'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) continue # get merger redshifts z_m = get_redshift_from_time(t_merger[bool_merger]) # set detection probabilities to 1 p_det = np.ones(len(index[bool_merger])) # store index and redshift of merger data['index'][str(z_birth[i])] = index[bool_merger] data['z_merger'][str(z_birth[i])] = z_m # compute and store marger rate weights as in eq. B.8 in Bavera et al. (2020) z_b = np.ones(len(index[bool_merger]))*z_birth[i] w_ijk = self.merger_rate_weight(z_b, z_m, p_det, index[bool_merger]) data['weights'][str(z_birth[i])] = w_ijk else: raise ValueError('Missmatch between sensitivity and flag_pdet!') # TODO: implemet the saving to h5 files if extention == 'npz': if self.verbose: print('Formatting the data ....') data_to_save = [[],[],[],[]] for i, dict in enumerate([data[key] for key in data.keys()]): for key in dict.keys(): data_to_save[i].extend(dict[key].tolist()) if i == 0: data_to_save[3].extend(np.ones(len(dict[key]))*float(key)) if self.verbose: print('Saving the data ....') for i, key in enumerate(data.keys()): if key == 'index': fmt_str = '%i' else: fmt_str = '%.8E' np.savez(os.path.join(sensitivity_dir, f"{key}.npz"), key=data_to_save[i], fmt=fmt_str) np.savez(os.path.join(sensitivity_dir,"z_formation.npz"), key=data_to_save[3], fmt='%.8E') else: raise ValueError('Extension not supported!')
[docs] def load_merger_rate_weights(self, sensitivity, path_to_dir='./', extention='npz'): """Load the cosmological weights of the DCO populatio. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : string GW detector sensitivity and network configuration you want to use, see arXiv:1304.0670v3 detector sensitivities are taken from: available sensitivity keys (for Hanford, Livingston, Virgo network): 'O3actual_H1L1V1' : aligo_O3actual_H1.txt, aligo_O3actual_L1.txt, avirgo_O3actual.txt 'O4low_H1L1V1' : aligo_O4low.txt, aligo_O4low.txt, avirgo_O4high_NEW.txt 'O4high_H1L1V1' : aligo_O4high.txt, aligo_O4high.txt, avirgo_O4high_NEW.txt 'design_H1L1V1' : AplusDesign.txt, AplusDesign.txt, avirgo_O5high_NEW.txt 'infinite': intrinsic merging DCO population, i.e. p_det = 1 path_to_dir : string Path to the directory where you the cosmological weights are stored. Returns ------- array doubles Return the cosmological weights, z_formation, z_merger and binary index k associated to each weighted binary. """ dir_ = os.path.join(path_to_dir, f'DCOs/{sensitivity}_sensitivity') if extention == 'npz': if self.verbose: print('Loading the data ...') index = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'index.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] z_formation = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'z_formation.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] z_merger = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'z_merger.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] weights = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'weights.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] else: raise ValueError('Extension not supported!') return index, z_formation, z_merger, weights
[docs] def get_shell_comovig_volume(self, z_hor_i, z_hor_f, sensitivity='infinite'): """Compute comoving volume corresponding to a redshift shell. Parameters ---------- z_hor_i : double Cosmological redshift. Lower bound of the integration. z_hor_f : double Cosmological redshift. Upper bound of the integration. sensitivity : string hoose which GW detector sensitivity you want to use. At the moment only 'infinite' is available, i.e. p_det = 1. Returns ------- double Retruns the comoving volume between the two shells z_hor_i and z_hor_f in Gpc^3. """ c ='Gpc/yr').value # Gpc/yr H_0 = cosmology.H(0).to('1/yr').value # km/Gpc*s def E(z): Omega_m = cosmology.Om0 Omega_L = 1-cosmology.Om0 return np.sqrt(Omega_m*(1.+z)**3+Omega_L) def f(z,sensitivity): if sensitivity=='infinite': return (1./(1.+z) * 4*np.pi*c / H_0 * (self.get_comoving_disntance_from_redshift(z) * 10**(-3.))**2. / E(z)) else: # TODO: peanut-shaped antenna patter comoving volume calculation raise ValueError('Sensitivity not supported!') return sp.integrate.quad(f, z_hor_i, z_hor_f, args=(sensitivity))[0] # Gpc^3
[docs] def compute_rate_density(self, w_ijk, z_event, observable='DCO', sensitivity='infinite', index=None): """Compute the GRB/DCO rate density. Parameters ---------- w_ijk : array doubles Cosmological weights computed with Eq. B.8 of Bavera et at. (2020). z_event : array doubles Cosmolgocial redshift of the event you are tracking. observable : string Event you are tracking, available: 'DCOs': merger event of a DCO system 'GRB1': gamma ray bursts of star 1 'GRB2': gamma ray bursts of star 2 sensitivity : string This takes into account the detector sensitivity, available: 'infinite': p_det = 1 'beamed': TODO for GRBs Returns ------- array doubles Return the DCOs merger rate density (Gpc^-3 yr^-1) as a function of cosmolgocial redshift as in Eq. (D.1) in Bavera et al. (2022) arXiv:2106.15841 """ z_hor = self.get_edges_redshift_bins() n = len(z_hor) if observable=='DCO': z_merger_DCO = z_event Rate_DCO = np.zeros(n-1) if sensitivity=='infinite': for i in range(1,n): # compute Eq. (D.1) in Bavera et al. (2022) arXiv:2106.15841 cond_DCO = np.logical_and(z_merger_DCO>z_hor[i-1], z_merger_DCO<=z_hor[i]) Rate_DCO[i-1] = (sum(w_ijk[cond_DCO]) /self.get_shell_comovig_volume(z_hor[i-1], z_hor[i], sensitivity)) return Rate_DCO # Gpc^-3 yr^-1 else: raise ValueError('Unsupported sensitivity!') elif observable in ['GRB1','GRB2']: s = observable[-1] z_GRB = z_event if sensitivity=='beamed': if index is not None: f_beaming = self.get_data(f"S{s}_f_beaming",index) flag_GRB = self.get_data(f"GRB{s}",index) else: raise ValueError('Missing f_beaming parameter!') Rate_GRB = np.zeros(n-1) for i in range(1,n): cond_GRB = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(z_GRB>z_hor[i-1], z_GRB<=z_hor[i]), flag_GRB) f_fb = f_beaming[cond_GRB] Rate_GRB[i-1] = (sum(w_ijk[cond_GRB]*f_fb) /self.get_shell_comovig_volume(z_hor[i-1], z_hor[i], sensitivity='infinite')) return Rate_GRB elif sensitivity=='infinite': if index is not None: flag_GRB = self.get_data(f"GRB{s}",index) else: raise ValueError('Missing f_beaming parameter!') Rate_GRB = np.zeros(n-1) for i in range(1,n): if index is None: raise ValueError('Provide index comlumn to identify GRB systems.') cond_GRB = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(z_GRB>z_hor[i-1], z_GRB<=z_hor[i]), flag_GRB) Rate_GRB[i-1] = (sum(w_ijk[cond_GRB]) /self.get_shell_comovig_volume(z_hor[i-1], z_hor[i], sensitivity)) return Rate_GRB else: raise ValueError('Unknown sensitivity!') else: raise ValueError('Unknown observable!')
############################## ##### GRB class methods ##### ##############################
[docs] def get_time_GRB(self, z_birth, event=None): """Get the time of the GRB. Parameters ---------- z_brith : double Redshif of birth. event : string Event you are tracking, either first or second core collpase: 'CC1', 'CC2'. Returns ------- t_BRB : double Cosmic time of the GRB event in Gyr. """ if event not in ['CC1', 'CC2']: raise ValueError(f'Unknown event {event}!') n = self.df.shape[0] t_birth = self.get_cosmic_time_from_redshift(z_birth) * np.ones(n) # Gyr t_GRB = t_birth + self.df[f"time_{event}"] * 10 ** (-3) # Gyr return t_GRB
[docs] def compute_GRB_rate_weights(self, sensitivity='infinity', path_to_dir='./', extention='npz'): """Compute the cosmological weights of the transient events associated to the population. This function will create a directory path_to_dir/GRBs/sensitivity where it will save the weigths, binary indicies k, z_formation, z_grb. This is needed for scalability as a ~100k DCO population generates ~10M non-zero weights assuming a delta_t=100Myr. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : string Assume there are no selection effects. Available: 'infinite': whole GRB population, i.e. p_det = 1 path_to_dir : string Path to the workingn directory where you want to store the cosmological weights. """ # check if the folder three exists, otherwise create it GRB_dir = os.path.join(path_to_dir,'GRBs') if 'GRBs' not in os.listdir(path_to_dir): os.makedirs(GRB_dir) sensitivity_dir = os.path.join(GRB_dir, f'{sensitivity}_sensitivity') if f'{sensitivity}_sensitivity' not in os.listdir(GRB_dir): os.makedirs(sensitivity_dir) # index of all DCOs n = self.df.shape[0] index = np.arange(0, n) # redshif of each time bin z_birth = self.get_centers_redshift_bins() # define interpolator get_redshift_from_time = self.get_redshift_from_cosmic_time_interpolator() # hashmap to store everythig data = {'index_1': {}, 'z_grb_1': {}, 'weights_1': {}, 'index_2': {}, 'z_grb_2': {}, 'weights_2': {}} # loop over all redshift bins for i in tqdm(range(len(z_birth))): for s, event in enumerate(['CC1', 'CC2']): # compute the CC time of each compact object t_CC = self.get_time_GRB(z_birth[i], event) # intrinsic population if sensitivity == 'infinite': # sort out system not emitting GRBs bool_GRB = np.logical_and(t_CC < cosmology.age(1e-08).value*0.9999999 , self.df[f"GRB{s+1}"]) # if there are no system emitting any GRB, continue if len(index[bool_GRB]) == 0: data[f'index_{s+1}'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) data[f'z_grb_{s+1}'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) data[f'weights_{s+1}'][str(z_birth[i])] = np.array([]) continue # get GRB redshifts z_GRB = get_redshift_from_time(t_CC[bool_GRB]) # set detection probabilities to 1 p_det = np.ones(len(index[bool_GRB])) # store index and redshift of merger data[f'index_{s+1}'][str(z_birth[i])] = index[bool_GRB] data[f'z_grb_{s+1}'][str(z_birth[i])] = z_GRB # compute and store cosmological rate weights as in eq. B.8 in Bavera et al. (2020) z_b = np.ones(len(index[bool_GRB]))*z_birth[i] w_ijk = self.merger_rate_weight(z_b, z_GRB, p_det, index[bool_GRB]) data[f'weights_{s+1}'][str(z_birth[i])] = w_ijk else: raise ValueError('Unknown sensitivity!') # TODO: implemet the saving to h5 files if extention == 'npz': if self.verbose: print('Formatting the data ....') for s in [1,2]: data_to_save = [[],[],[],[]] for i, dict in enumerate([data[key] for key in data.keys() if f'{s}' in key]): for key in dict.keys(): data_to_save[i].extend(dict[key].tolist()) if i == 0: data_to_save[-1].extend(np.ones(len(dict[key]))*float(key)) if self.verbose: print('Saving the data ....') for i, key in enumerate([key for key in data.keys() if f'{s}' in key]): if key == 'index': fmt_str = '%i' else: fmt_str = '%.8E' np.savez(os.path.join(sensitivity_dir, f"{key}.npz"), key=data_to_save[i], fmt=fmt_str) np.savez(os.path.join(sensitivity_dir,f"z_formation_{s}.npz"), key=data_to_save[-1], fmt='%.8E') else: raise ValueError('Extension not supported!')
[docs] def load_grb_rate_weights(self, sensitivity, path_to_dir='./', extention='npz'): """Load the cosmological weights of the transient events associated to the population. Parameters ---------- sensitivity : string Assume there are no selection effects. Available: 'infinite': whole GRB population, i.e. p_det = 1 path_to_dir : string Path to the directory where you the cosmological weights are stored. Returns ------- array doubles Return the cosmological weights, z_formation, z_GRB and binary index k associated to each weighted binary. """ dir_ = os.path.join(path_to_dir, f'GRBs/{sensitivity}_sensitivity') if extention == 'npz': if self.verbose: print('Loading the data ...') index_1 = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'index_1.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] z_formation_1 = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'z_formation_1.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] z_grb_1 = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'z_grb_1.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] weights_1 = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'weights_1.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] index_2 = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'index_2.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] z_formation_2 = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'z_formation_2.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] z_grb_2 = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'z_grb_2.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] weights_2 = np.load(os.path.join(dir_, 'weights_2.npz'), allow_pickle=True)['key'] else: raise ValueError('Extension not supported!') return index_1, z_formation_1, z_grb_1, weights_1, index_2, z_formation_2, z_grb_2, weights_2