Source code for

"""Handle I/O operations for the population synthesis code."""

from configparser import ConfigParser
import ast
import importlib
import os
import errno
import pprint

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from posydon.binary_evol.simulationproperties import SimulationProperties

POSYDON Data Types are enforced when converting BinaryStar
and SingleStar instances to Pandas DataFrames. This is done to
ensure memory efficient data storage and to solve problems
combining temp batch files.

Check Pandas docs for allowed data types in DataFrames.

    # The state and event of the system. For more information, see
    # `posydon.utils.common_functions.get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case()
    'state' : 'string',                    #
    'event': 'string',
    'time': 'float64',                     # age of the system (yr)
    'separation': 'float64',               # binary orbital separation (solar radii)
    'orbital_period': 'float64',           # binary orbital period (days)
    'eccentricity': 'float64',             # binary eccentricity
    'V_sys': 'object',                    # list of the 3 systemic velocity coordinates
    # (R_{star} - R_{Roche_lobe}) / R_{Roche_lobe}...
    'rl_relative_overflow_1': 'float64',   # ...for star 1
    'rl_relative_overflow_2': 'float64',   # ...for star 2
    'lg_mtransfer_rate': 'float64',        # log10 of mass lost from the donor (Msun/yr)
    'mass_transfer_case': 'string',       # current mass transfer case of the system.
                                    # See `get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case`
                                    # in `posydon.utils.common_functions`.
    'trap_radius': 'float64',
    'acc_radius': 'float64',
    't_sync_rad_1': 'float64',
    't_sync_conv_1': 'float64',
    't_sync_rad_2': 'float64',
    't_sync_conv_2': 'float64',
    'nearest_neighbour_distance': 'object',   # the distance of system from its nearest
                                            # neighbour of MESA binary system  in case
                                            # of interpolation during the the end of
                                            # the previous step including MESA psygrid.
                                            # The distance is normalized in the
                                            # parameter space and limits at which it
                                            # was calculated. See `mesa_step` for more.

    'state': 'string',            # the evolutionary state of the star. For more info see
                                # `posydon.utils.common_functions.check_state_of_star`
    'metallicity': 'float64',      # initial mass fraction of metals
    'mass': 'float64',             # mass (solar units)
    'log_R': 'float64',            # log10 of radius (solar units)
    'log_L': 'float64',            # log10 luminosity (solar units)
    'lg_mdot': 'float64',          # log10 of the absolulte mass change of the star due to
                        # winds and RLO coming from binary history (Msun/yr)
    'lg_system_mdot': 'float64',   # log10 of the system's absolute mass loss from around
                        # the star due to inneficient mass transfer (Msun/yr)
    'lg_wind_mdot': 'float64',     # log10 of the absolute wind mass loss of the star from
                        # `lg_wind_mdot_1/2` in binary_history (Msun/yr)
    'he_core_mass': 'float64',     # in solar units
    'he_core_radius': 'float64',   # in solar units
    'c_core_mass': 'float64',      # in solar units
    'c_core_radius': 'float64',    # in solar units
    'o_core_mass': 'float64',      # in solar units
    'o_core_radius': 'float64',    # in solar units
    'co_core_mass': 'float64',     # in solar units
    'co_core_radius': 'float64',   # in solar units
    # Central mass fractions
    'center_h1': 'float64',
    'center_he4': 'float64',
    'center_c12': 'float64',
    'center_n14': 'float64',
    'center_o16': 'float64',
    'surface_h1': 'float64',
    # Mass fractions at the surface
    'surface_he4': 'float64',
    'surface_c12': 'float64',
    'surface_n14': 'float64',
    'surface_o16': 'float64',
    # Energy production from nuclear burning (solar units)
    'log_LH': 'float64',           # H burning
    'log_LHe': 'float64',          # He burning
    'log_LZ': 'float64',           # non-H and non-He burning
    'log_Lnuc': 'float64',         # total nuclear burning energy production
    'c12_c12': 'float64',          # Carbon burning through c12-c12
    'center_gamma': 'float64',
    'avg_c_in_c_core': 'float64',  # average carbon mass fraction at the carbon core
    'surf_avg_omega': 'float64',   # surface average rotational angular velocity (rad/sec)
    'surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit': 'float64',    # ratio of `surf_avg_omega` to the
                                        # surface critical rotation limit,
                                        # taking into account centrifugal force
                                        # & radiation pressure (Eddington lim.)
    'total_moment_of_inertia': 'float64',      # total moment of inertia (gr*cm^2)
    'log_total_angular_momentum': 'float64',   # log10 of total ang. momentum (gr*cm^2/s)
    'spin': 'float64',                         # the dimesionless spin of the star, if it
                                    # is a compact object, which is equal to
                                    # c*J/(GM^2).
    'conv_env_top_mass': 'float64',
    'conv_env_bot_mass': 'float64',
    'conv_env_top_radius': 'float64',
    'conv_env_bot_radius': 'float64',
    'conv_env_turnover_time_g': 'float64',
    'conv_env_turnover_time_l_b': 'float64',
    'conv_env_turnover_time_l_t': 'float64',
    'envelope_binding_energy': 'float64',
    'mass_conv_reg_fortides': 'float64',
    'thickness_conv_reg_fortides': 'float64',
    'radius_conv_reg_fortides': 'float64',
    'lambda_CE_1cent': 'float64',
    'lambda_CE_10cent': 'float64',
    'lambda_CE_30cent': 'float64',
    'lambda_CE_pure_He_star_10cent': 'float64',
    'profile': 'object',    # the profile of the star, including extended information of
                            # its internal structure, for a specific timestep, usually for
                            # the end of the previous step including MESA psygrid.

    'step_names' : 'string',
    'step_times' : 'float64', 

# no default extras for history attributes

    'natal_kick_array_0': 'float64',
    'natal_kick_array_1': 'float64',
    'natal_kick_array_2': 'float64',
    'natal_kick_array_3': 'float64',
    'f_fb': 'float64',
    'spin_orbit_tilt': 'float64',

[docs] def clean_binary_history_df(binary_df, extra_binary_dtypes_user=None, extra_S1_dtypes_user=None, extra_S2_dtypes_user=None): """Take a posydon binary history DataFrame from the BinaryStar.to_df method and clean the data for saving by setting Data Types of the columns explicitly. Parameters --------- binary_df : DataFrame A pandas Dataframe containing binary history extra_binary_dtypes_user : dict, optional A dictionary with extra column names as keys, and their associated data types as values. extra_S1_dtypes_user : dict, optional Same as above, but only for star 1. extra_S2_dtypes_user : dict, optional Same as above, but only for star 2. Returns ------- binary_df : DataFrame A cleaned binary history ready for saving to HDF. """ assert isinstance( binary_df, pd.DataFrame ) # User specified extra binary and star columns if extra_binary_dtypes_user is None: extra_binary_dtypes_user = {} if extra_S1_dtypes_user is None: extra_S1_dtypes_user = {} if extra_S2_dtypes_user is None: extra_S2_dtypes_user = {} # try to coerce data types automatically first binary_df = binary_df.infer_objects() # Set data types for all columns explicitly hist_columns = set(binary_df.columns) # combine columns for binary history with extras BP_comb_extras_dict = {**BINARYPROPERTIES_DTYPES, **EXTRA_BINARY_COLUMNS_DTYPES, **extra_binary_dtypes_user} # combine columns for star 1 and star 2 history with extras SP_comb_S1_dict = {**STARPROPERTIES_DTYPES, **EXTRA_STAR_COLUMNS_DTYPES, **extra_S1_dtypes_user} SP_comb_S2_dict = {**STARPROPERTIES_DTYPES, **EXTRA_STAR_COLUMNS_DTYPES, **extra_S2_dtypes_user} # All default & user passed keys which we have mappings for binary_keys = set( BP_comb_extras_dict.keys() ) S1_keys = set( ['S1_' + key for key in SP_comb_S1_dict.keys()] ) S2_keys = set( ['S2_' + key for key in SP_comb_S2_dict.keys()] ) # Find common keys between the binary_df and our column-dtype mapping common_keys = hist_columns & ( binary_keys | S1_keys | S2_keys ) # Create a dict with column-dtype mapping only for columns in binary_df common_dtype_dict = {} for key in common_keys: if key in binary_keys: common_dtype_dict[key] = BP_comb_extras_dict.get( key ) elif key in S1_keys: common_dtype_dict[key] = SP_comb_S1_dict.get( key.replace('S1_', '') ) elif key in S2_keys: common_dtype_dict[key] = SP_comb_S2_dict.get( key.replace('S2_', '') ) else: raise ValueError(f'No data type found for {key}. Dtypes must be explicity declared.') # set dtypes binary_df = binary_df.astype( common_dtype_dict ) # unset clean str data because pandas strings are broken for hdf saving convert_to_obj = {} for key, val in common_dtype_dict.items(): if val == 'string': convert_to_obj[key] = 'object' binary_df = binary_df.astype( convert_to_obj ) return binary_df
[docs] def clean_binary_oneline_df(oneline_df, extra_binary_dtypes_user=None, extra_S1_dtypes_user=None, extra_S2_dtypes_user=None): """Take a posydon binary oneline DataFrame from the BinaryStar.to_oneline_df method and clean the data for saving by setting Data Types of the columns explicitly. This method is similar to clean_binary_history_df since they have many overalapping columns, with a few extras and different naming. Note: there may be edge cases not handed if new scalar_names are added. Parameters --------- binary_df : DataFrame A pandas Dataframe containing binary history extra_binary_dtypes_user : dict, optional A dictionary with extra column names as keys, and their associated data types as values. extra_S1_dtypes_user : dict, optional Same as above, but only for star 1. extra_S2_dtypes_user : dict, optional Same as above, but only for star 2. Returns ------- binary_df : DataFrame A cleaned binary history ready for saving to HDF. """ assert isinstance( oneline_df, pd.DataFrame ) # User specified extra binary and star columns if extra_binary_dtypes_user is None: extra_binary_dtypes_user = {} if extra_S1_dtypes_user is None: extra_S1_dtypes_user = {} if extra_S2_dtypes_user is None: extra_S2_dtypes_user = {} # try to coerce data types automatically first oneline_df = oneline_df.infer_objects() # Set data types for all columns explicitly oneline_columns = set(oneline_df.columns) # combine columns for binary history with extras BP_comb_extras_dict = {**BINARYPROPERTIES_DTYPES, **EXTRA_BINARY_COLUMNS_DTYPES, **extra_binary_dtypes_user} # combine columns for star 1 and star 2 history with extras SP_comb_S1_dict = {**STARPROPERTIES_DTYPES, **EXTRA_STAR_COLUMNS_DTYPES, **SCALAR_NAMES_DTYPES, **extra_S1_dtypes_user} SP_comb_S2_dict = {**STARPROPERTIES_DTYPES, **EXTRA_STAR_COLUMNS_DTYPES, **SCALAR_NAMES_DTYPES, **extra_S2_dtypes_user} # All default & user passed keys which we have mappings for binary_keys = set( [key + '_i' for key in BP_comb_extras_dict.keys()] + [key + '_f' for key in BP_comb_extras_dict.keys()] ) S1_keys = set( ['S1_' + key + '_i' for key in SP_comb_S1_dict.keys()] + ['S1_' + key + '_f' for key in SP_comb_S1_dict.keys()] ) S2_keys = set( ['S2_' + key + '_i' for key in SP_comb_S2_dict.keys()] + ['S2_' + key + '_f' for key in SP_comb_S2_dict.keys()] ) scalar_keys = set( ['S1_' + key for key in SCALAR_NAMES_DTYPES.keys()] + ['S2_' + key for key in SCALAR_NAMES_DTYPES.keys()] ) # Find common keys between the binary_df and our column-dtype mapping common_keys = oneline_columns & ( binary_keys | S1_keys | S2_keys | scalar_keys) # Create a dict with column-dtype mapping only for columns in binary_df common_dtype_dict = {} # helper function to remove the '_i' and '_f' strip_prefix_and_suffix = lambda key : key.replace('_i', '').replace('_f', '') \ .replace('S1_', '').replace('S2_', '') for key in common_keys: if key in scalar_keys: common_dtype_dict[key] = SCALAR_NAMES_DTYPES.get( key.replace('S1_', '').replace('S2_', '') ) elif key in binary_keys: common_dtype_dict[key] = BP_comb_extras_dict.get( strip_prefix_and_suffix(key) ) elif key in S1_keys: common_dtype_dict[key] = SP_comb_S1_dict.get( strip_prefix_and_suffix(key) ) elif key in S2_keys: common_dtype_dict[key] = SP_comb_S2_dict.get( strip_prefix_and_suffix(key) ) else: raise ValueError(f'No data type found for {key}. Dtypes must be explicity declared.') # set dtypes oneline_df = oneline_df.astype( common_dtype_dict ) # unset clean str data because pandas strings are broken for hdf saving convert_to_obj = {} for key, val in common_dtype_dict.items(): if val == 'string': convert_to_obj[key] = 'object' oneline_df = oneline_df.astype( convert_to_obj ) return oneline_df
[docs] def parse_inifile(path, verbose=False): """Parse an inifile for evolving binary populations. Parameters --------- path : str or list like Path to inifile. If multiple files are given, duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first to last. verbose : bool Print helpful info. Returns ------- parser : <class, ConfigParser> An instance of ConfigParser. """ parser = ConfigParser() # Keys do not become lowercase by default parser.optionxform = lambda option: option if isinstance(path, str): path = os.path.abspath(path) if verbose: print('Reading inifile: \n\t{}'.format(path)) if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), path) elif isinstance(path, (list, np.ndarray)): path = [os.path.abspath(f) for f in path] if verbose: print('Reading inifiles: \n{}'.format(pprint.pformat(path))) bad_files = [] for f in path: if not os.path.exists(f): bad_files.append(f) if bool(bad_files): raise FileNotFoundError( errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), bad_files) else: raise ValueError("Path must be a string or list of strings. Given {}". format(path)) files_read = # Catch silent errors from if len(files_read) == 0: raise ValueError("No files were read successfully. Given {}.". format(path)) return parser
[docs] def simprop_kwargs_from_ini(path, verbose=False): """Convert an inifile into kwargs for the SimulationProperties class. Parameters --------- path : str or list like Path to inifile. If multiple files are given, duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first to last. verbose : bool Print helpful info. Returns ------- parser_dict : <class, dict> The inifile converted to the kwargs. """ parser = parse_inifile(path, verbose=verbose) parser_dict = {} for section in parser: # skip default section if section == 'DEFAULT': continue # evaluate str values as literal python and put # into dict because parser only handles strings sect_dict = {key: ast.literal_eval(val) for key, val in parser[section].items()} # only try imports from sections with 'import' if 'import' in list(sect_dict.keys()): # from posydon.... import .... # ^ import as ^ name import_and_name = sect_dict.pop('import') package = sect_dict.pop('absolute_import', None) # import module module = importlib.import_module(import_and_name[0], package=package) # extract class or function cls = getattr(module, import_and_name[1]) # match the form SimulationProperties expects parser_dict[section] = (cls, sect_dict) # Try to find user defined hooks using absolute or # relative imports. Requires slighltly different syntax. if section == 'extra_hooks': hooks_list = [] names = [name for name in list(sect_dict.keys()) if 'extra' not in name] # do not take extra_pre_step options etc. # loop to try and find all hooks classes for h in range(1, len(names)): valid_names = [name for name in names if int(name.split('_')[-1]) == h] # if there are no options with the index, continue if not valid_names: continue import_and_name = sect_dict.pop('import_{}'.format(h)) package = sect_dict.pop('absolute_import_{}'.format(h), None) class_kwargs = sect_dict.pop('kwargs_{}'.format(h), dict()) module = importlib.import_module(import_and_name[0], package=package) cls = getattr(module, import_and_name[1]) hooks_list.append((cls, class_kwargs)) parser_dict[section] = hooks_list return parser_dict
[docs] def binarypop_kwargs_from_ini(path, verbose=False): """Convert an inifile into kwargs for the BinaryPopulation class. Parameters --------- path : str or list like Path to inifile. If multiple files are given, duplicate args are overwritten (stacked) first to last. verbose : bool Print helpful info. Returns ------- parser_dict : <class, dict> The inifile converted to the kwargs. """ parser = parse_inifile(path, verbose=verbose) # make sure the inifile has all of these sections for sect_name in ['BinaryPopulation_options', 'BinaryStar_output', 'SingleStar_1_output', 'SingleStar_2_output']: assert sect_name in list(parser.sections()) pop_kwargs = dict() for section in parser.sections(): if section == 'BinaryPopulation_options': for key, val in parser[section].items(): pop_kwargs[key] = ast.literal_eval(val) JOB_ID = os.getenv('SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID') # MPI import for local use only if pop_kwargs['use_MPI'] == True and JOB_ID is not None: raise ValueError('MPI must be turned off for job arrays.') exit() elif pop_kwargs['use_MPI'] == True: from mpi4py import MPI pop_kwargs['comm'] = MPI.COMM_WORLD # MPI needs to be turned off for job arrays else: pop_kwargs['comm'] = None # Check if we are running as a job array if JOB_ID is not None and pop_kwargs['use_MPI'] is True: raise ValueError('MPI must be turned off for job arrays.') elif JOB_ID is not None: pop_kwargs['JOB_ID'] = np.int64(os.environ['SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID']) # account for job array not starting at 0 min_rank = np.int64(os.environ['SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MIN']) pop_kwargs['RANK'] = np.int64(os.environ['SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID'])-min_rank pop_kwargs['size'] = np.int64(os.environ['SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNT']) else: pop_kwargs['RANK'] = None pop_kwargs['size'] = None # right now binary, S1, and S2 output kwargs are all passed # into the BinaryPopulation during init elif section == 'BinaryStar_output': binary_kwargs = dict() for key, val in parser[section].items(): binary_kwargs[key] = ast.literal_eval(val) pop_kwargs = {**pop_kwargs, **binary_kwargs} elif section == 'SingleStar_1_output': S1_kwargs = dict() for key, val in parser[section].items(): S1_kwargs[key] = ast.literal_eval(val) pop_kwargs['include_S1'] = S1_kwargs.pop('include_S1') if pop_kwargs['include_S1']: pop_kwargs['S1_kwargs'] = S1_kwargs elif section == 'SingleStar_2_output': S2_kwargs = dict() for key, val in parser[section].items(): S2_kwargs[key] = ast.literal_eval(val) pop_kwargs['include_S2'] = S2_kwargs.pop('include_S2') if pop_kwargs['include_S2']: pop_kwargs['S2_kwargs'] = S2_kwargs # finally get the population properties sim_prop_kwargs = simprop_kwargs_from_ini(path) pop_kwargs['population_properties'] = SimulationProperties( **sim_prop_kwargs) return pop_kwargs