Source code for posydon.grids.post_processing

"""Module for post-processing POSYDON grids."""

from posydon.binary_evol.binarystar import BinaryStar
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import SingleStar
from posydon.binary_evol.SN.step_SN import StepSN
from posydon.binary_evol.flow_chart import STAR_STATES_CC
from posydon.utils.common_functions import (
from posydon.grids.MODELS import MODELS
from posydon.visualization.combine_TF import combine_TF12, TF1_POOL_STABLE
from posydon.visualization.plot_defaults import DEFAULT_MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import copy
from posydon.utils.posydonwarning import (Pwarn, Catch_POSYDON_Warnings)

__authors__ = [
    "Simone Bavera <>",
    "Emmanouil Zapartas <>",
    "Matthias Kruckow <>",

__credits__ = [
    'Konstantinos Kovlakas <>'

CC_quantities = ['state', 'SN_type', 'f_fb', 'mass', 'spin',
                 'm_disk_accreted', 'm_disk_radiated', 'CO_interpolation_class',
                 'M4', 'mu4',
                 'h1_mass_ej', 'he4_mass_ej']

[docs] def assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, star_i, MODEL_NAME=None): """"Assign None values to all core collapse properties.""" if MODEL_NAME is None: for MODEL_NAME, MODEL in MODELS.items(): for quantity in CC_quantities: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{star_i}_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'].append(None) else: for quantity in CC_quantities: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{star_i}_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'].append(None)
[docs] def post_process_grid(grid, index=None, star_2_CO=True, MODELS=MODELS, single_star=False, verbose=False): """Compute post processed quantity of any grid. This function post processes any supported grid and computes: - Core collapse quantities for 5 prescriptions given the fiducial POSYDON assumption given in MODEL plus: A: direct collapse B: Fryer+12-rapid C: Fryer+12-delayed D: Sukhbold+16-engine, N20 E: Patton&Sukhbold20-engine, N20 for each prescrition we store the compact object state (WD/NS/BH), SN type (WD, ECSN, CCSN, PISN, PPISN), fallback mass fraction f_gb, compact object mass and spin. - Core masses at he-depletion (used in Patton core collapse) - Mass envelopes for common envelope step. Parameters ---------- grid : PSyGrid MESA grid in PSyGrid format. index : None, touple or int If None, loop over all indicies otherwise provide a range, e.g. [10,20] or a index, e.g. 42. star_2_CO : bool If 'False' star 2 is not a compact object. MODELS : list of dict List of supported core collapse model assumptions. single_star : bool If `True` the PSyGrid contains single stars. verbose : bool If `True` print the results of each core collapse on screen. Returns ------- MESA_dirs: list List containing the path to each run corresponding to the post processed values. This is used to ensure one to one mapping when appending the extra columns back to a grid. EXTRA_COLUMNS: dict Dictionary containing all post processed quantities. """ EXTRA_COLUMNS = {} for star in [1, 2]: # core masses at He depletion. stellar states and composition for quantity in ['avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion', 'co_core_mass_at_He_depletion', 'state', 'surface_other', 'center_other']: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{star}_{quantity}'] = [] # common envelope quantities for quantity in ['lambda_CE', 'm_core_CE', 'r_core_CE']: for val in [1, 10, 30, 'pure_He_star_10']: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{star}_{quantity}_{val}cent'] = [] # Core collapse qunatities: [state, SN_type, f_fb, mass, spin] for MODEL_NAME, MODEL in MODELS.items(): for quantity in CC_quantities: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{star}_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'] = [] # remove star 2 columns in case of single star grid if single_star: for key in list(EXTRA_COLUMNS.keys()): if 'S2' in key: del EXTRA_COLUMNS[key] # loop over all gird, index or range if index is None: indicies = range(len(grid.MESA_dirs)) MESA_dirs = grid.MESA_dirs elif isinstance(index, int): indicies = range(index, index+1) MESA_dirs = grid.MESA_dirs[index:index+1] elif isinstance(index, list): if len(index) != 2: raise ValueError('Index range should have dim=2!') indicies = range(index[0], index[1]) MESA_dirs = grid.MESA_dirs[index[0]:index[1]] for i in tqdm(indicies): if not single_star: # initilise binary binary = BinaryStar.from_run(grid[i], history=True, profiles=True) stars = [binary.star_1, binary.star_2] stars_CO = [False, star_2_CO] interpolation_class = grid.final_values['interpolation_class'][i] IC = grid.final_values['interpolation_class'][i] TF2 = grid.final_values['termination_flag_2'][i] else: star = SingleStar.from_run(grid[i], history=True, profile=True) stars = [star] stars_CO = [False] IC = 'no_MT' TF2 = 'no_RLOF' TF1 = grid.final_values['termination_flag_1'][i] # compute properties for j, star in enumerate(stars): if not stars_CO[j] and IC in ['no_MT', 'stable_MT', 'unstable_MT', 'stable_reverse_MT']: # stellar states EXTRA_COLUMNS['S%s_state' % (j+1)].append(check_state_of_star( star, star_CO=False)) # core masses at he depletion with Catch_POSYDON_Warnings(record=True) as cpw: if ((star.avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion is None) or (star.co_core_mass_at_He_depletion is None)): calculate_Patton20_values_at_He_depl(star) EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{j+1}_avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion'].append( star.avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion) EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{j+1}_co_core_mass_at_He_depletion'].append( star.co_core_mass_at_He_depletion) # CE quantities with Catch_POSYDON_Warnings(record=True) as cpw: try: CEE_parameters_from_core_abundance_thresholds(star) except Exception as ex: print(ex) print(f'The exception was raised by {grid.MESA_dirs[i]} ' f'in CEE_parameters_from_core_abundance_thresholds(star_{j+1}).') for quantity in ['lambda_CE', 'm_core_CE', 'r_core_CE']: for val in [1, 10, 30, 'pure_He_star_10']: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{j+1}_{quantity}_{val}cent'].append( getattr(star, f'{quantity}_{val}cent')) # aboundances try: s_o = (1. - star.surface_h1 - star.surface_he4 - star.surface_c12 - star.surface_n14 - star.surface_o16) c_o = (1. - star.center_h1 - star.center_he4 - star.center_c12 - star.center_n14 - star.center_o16) except TypeError as ex: s_o = 0. c_o = 0. print(ex) print(f'The error was raised by {grid.MESA_dirs[i]} ' f'while accessing aboundances in star_{j+1}.') EXTRA_COLUMNS['S%s_surface_other' % (j+1)].append(s_o) EXTRA_COLUMNS['S%s_center_other' % (j+1)].append(c_o) else: # fill everything with Nones if IC == 'initial_MT' or IC == 'not_converged': EXTRA_COLUMNS['S%s_state' % (j+1)].append(None) else: # CO states are classified and used in mesa step try: EXTRA_COLUMNS['S%s_state' % (j+1)].append(check_state_of_star(star, star_CO=True)) except TypeError as ex: EXTRA_COLUMNS['S%s_state' % (j+1)].append(None) print(ex) print(f'The error was raised by {grid.MESA_dirs[i]} ' f'in check_state_of_star(star_{j+1}) with IC={IC}.') for quantity in ['avg_c_in_c_core_at_He_depletion', 'co_core_mass_at_He_depletion', 'surface_other', 'center_other', 'lambda_CE', 'm_core_CE', 'r_core_CE']: if 'CE' in quantity: for val in [1, 10, 30, 'pure_He_star_10']: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{j+1}_{quantity}_{val}cent'].append(None) else: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{j+1}_{quantity}'].append(None) # core collapse quantities if not single_star: if interpolation_class in ['no_MT', 'stable_MT', 'stable_reverse_MT']: if (star_2_CO or (TF1 in TF1_POOL_STABLE and ('primary' in TF1 or 'Primary' in TF1))): star = binary.star_1 star_i = 1 assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 2) elif (TF1 in TF1_POOL_STABLE and ('secondary' in TF1 or 'Secondary' in TF1)): star = binary.star_2 star_i = 2 assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 1) elif TF1 == 'gamma_center_limit': if (binary.star_1.center_gamma is not None and binary.star_1.center_gamma >= 10.): star = binary.star_1 star_i = 1 assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 2) elif (binary.star_2.center_gamma is not None and binary.star_2.center_gamma >= 10.): star = binary.star_2 star_i = 2 assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 1) else: assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 1) assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 2) Pwarn(f'{grid.MESA_dirs[i]} ended with ' 'TF1=gamma_center_limit however the star has ' 'center_gamma < 10. This star cannot go through ' 'step_SN appending NONE compact object ' 'properties!', "InappropriateValueWarning") continue else: assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 1) assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 2) Pwarn(f'{grid.MESA_dirs[i]} ended with TF={TF1} and ' f'IC={interpolation_class}. This star cannot go ' 'through step_SN appending NONE compact object ' 'properties!', "InappropriateValueWarning") continue if star.state in STAR_STATES_CC: if verbose: print_CC_quantities(EXTRA_COLUMNS, star) for MODEL_NAME, MODEL in MODELS.items(): mechanism = MODEL['mechanism']+MODEL['engine'] SN = StepSN(**MODEL, allow_spin_None=True) star_copy = copy.copy(star) try: flush = False SN.collapse_star(star_copy) for quantity in CC_quantities: if quantity in ['state', 'SN_type']: if not isinstance(getattr(star_copy, quantity), str): flush = True Pwarn(f'{MODEL_NAME} {mechanism} {quantity} is not a string!', "InappropriateValueWarning") elif quantity != 'CO_interpolation_class': if quantity in ['spin', 'M4', 'mu4', "h1_mass_ej", "he4_mass_ej"]: if ((not isinstance(getattr(star_copy, quantity), float)) and (getattr(star_copy, quantity) != None)): flush = True Pwarn(f'{MODEL_NAME} {mechanism} {quantity} is not a float nor None!', "InappropriateValueWarning") elif not isinstance(getattr(star_copy, quantity), float): flush = True Pwarn(f'{MODEL_NAME} {mechanism} {quantity} is not a float!', "InappropriateValueWarning") except Exception as e: flush = True if verbose: print('') print(f'Error during {MODEL_NAME} {mechanism} core collapse prescrition!') print(e) print('TF1:', TF1) print('interpolation class:', interpolation_class) print('run directory:', grid.MESA_dirs[i]) print('') if flush: assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, star_i, MODEL_NAME) else: for quantity in CC_quantities: if quantity != 'CO_interpolation_class': EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{star_i}_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'].append( getattr(star_copy, quantity)) else: if getattr(star_copy, 'state') == 'BH' and 'case' in TF2 and '1' in TF2 and '2' in TF2: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{star_i}_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'].append( getattr(star_copy, 'state')+'_reverse_MT') else: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S{star_i}_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'].append( getattr(star_copy, 'state')) if verbose: print_CC_quantities(EXTRA_COLUMNS, star_copy, f'{MODEL_NAME}_{mechanism}') else: # star not explodable assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, star_i) else: # inital_RLOF, unstable_MT not_converged assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 1) assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 2) else: if star.state in STAR_STATES_CC: if verbose: print_CC_quantities(EXTRA_COLUMNS, star) for MODEL_NAME, MODEL in MODELS.items(): mechanism = MODEL['mechanism']+MODEL['engine'] SN = StepSN(**MODEL, allow_spin_None=True) star_copy = copy.copy(star) try: flush = False SN.collapse_star(star_copy) for quantity in CC_quantities: if quantity in ['state', 'SN_type']: if not isinstance(getattr(star_copy, quantity), str): flush = True Pwarn(f'{MODEL_NAME} {mechanism} {quantity} is not a string!', "InappropriateValueWarning") elif quantity != 'CO_interpolation_class': if quantity in ['spin', 'M4', 'mu4', "h1_mass_ej", "he4_mass_ej"]: if ((not isinstance(getattr(star_copy, quantity), float)) and (getattr(star_copy, quantity) != None)): flush = True Pwarn(f'{MODEL_NAME} {mechanism} {quantity} is not a float nor None!', "InappropriateValueWarning") elif not isinstance(getattr(star_copy, quantity), float): flush = True Pwarn(f'{MODEL_NAME} {mechanism} {quantity} is not a float!', "InappropriateValueWarning") except Exception as e: flush = True if verbose: print('') print(f'Error during {MODEL_NAME} {mechanism} core collapse prescrition!') print(e) print('TF1:', TF1) print('interpolation class:', interpolation_class) print('run directory:', grid.MESA_dirs[i]) print('') if flush: assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 1, MODEL_NAME) else: for quantity in CC_quantities: if quantity != 'CO_interpolation_class': EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S1_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'].append( getattr(star_copy, quantity)) else: if getattr(star_copy, 'state') == 'BH' and 'case' in TF2 and '1' in TF2 and '2' in TF2: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S1_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'].append( getattr(star_copy, 'state')+'_reverse_MT') else: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S1_{MODEL_NAME}_{quantity}'].append( getattr(star_copy, 'state')) if verbose: print_CC_quantities(EXTRA_COLUMNS, star_copy, f'{MODEL_NAME}_{mechanism}') else: assign_core_collapse_quantities_none(EXTRA_COLUMNS, 1) # check dataset completeness n_control = len(EXTRA_COLUMNS['S1_state']) for key in EXTRA_COLUMNS.keys(): if n_control != len(EXTRA_COLUMNS[key]): raise ValueError( '%s has not the correct dimension! Error occoured after ' 'collapsing binary index=%s' % (key, i)) # add MT history column by combining TF1 and TF2 if not single_star: interp_class = grid.final_values['interpolation_class'] TF2 = grid.final_values['termination_flag_2'] combined_TF12 = combine_TF12(interp_class, TF2) mt_history = [DEFAULT_MARKERS_COLORS_LEGENDS['combined_TF12'][TF12][3] for TF12 in combined_TF12] EXTRA_COLUMNS['mt_history'] = mt_history # to avoid confusion rename core-collaspe compact object state "MODEL_NAME_state" # to "MODEL_NAME_CO_type" for MODEL_NAME in MODELS.keys(): EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S1_{MODEL_NAME}_CO_type'] = EXTRA_COLUMNS.pop( f'S1_{MODEL_NAME}_state') if f'S2_{MODEL_NAME}_state' in EXTRA_COLUMNS: EXTRA_COLUMNS[f'S2_{MODEL_NAME}_CO_type'] = EXTRA_COLUMNS.pop( f'S2_{MODEL_NAME}_state') return MESA_dirs, EXTRA_COLUMNS
[docs] def add_post_processed_quantities(grid, MESA_dirs_EXTRA_COLUMNS, EXTRA_COLUMNS, verbose=False): """Append post processed quantity to a grid. This function appends the quantities computed in post_process_grid to any grid. Note that this function ensures you can append the quantities only if the grid follows the order of MESA_dirs_EXTRA_COLUMNS. Parameters ---------- grid : PSyGrid MESA grid in PSyGrid format. MESA_dirs: list List containing the path to each run corresponding to the post processed values. This is used to ensure one to one mapping when appending the extra columns back to a grid. EXTRA_COLUMNS: dict Dictionary containing all post processed quantities. verbose : bool If `True` print the results of each core collapse on screen. """ # check correspondance of EXTRA_COLUMNS with grid if not np.all(np.array(grid.MESA_dirs) == np.array(MESA_dirs_EXTRA_COLUMNS)): raise ValueError( 'EXTRA_COLUMNS do not follow the correct order of grid!') for column in EXTRA_COLUMNS.keys(): if (("state" in column) or ("type" in column) or ("class" in column) or (column == 'mt_history')): values = np.asarray(EXTRA_COLUMNS[column], str) else: values = np.asarray(EXTRA_COLUMNS[column], float) grid.add_column(column, values, overwrite=True)