"""The binary object describes current and past state of the binary.
The binary object is composed of two star objects and contains the current and
past states of the binary. Only parameters in the BINARYPROPERTIES list are
stored in the history.
The current parameter value of the star object is accessed as, e.g.
`binary.orbital_period` while its past history with
The two stars are accessed as, e.g. `binary.star_1.mass`
while their past history with `binary.star_1.mass_history`.
__authors__ = [
"Konstantinos Kovlakas <Konstantinos.Kovlakas@unige.ch>",
"Kyle Akira Rocha <kylerocha2024@u.northwestern.edu>",
"Simone Bavera <Simone.Bavera@unige.ch>",
"Jeffrey Andrews <jeffrey.andrews@northwestern.edu>",
"Nam Tran <tranhn03@gmail.com>",
"Philipp Moura Srivastava <philipp.msrivastava@gmail.com>",
"Devina Misra <devina.misra@unige.ch>",
"Scott Coughlin <scottcoughlin2014@u.northwestern.edu>",
import signal
import copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from posydon.binary_evol.simulationproperties import SimulationProperties
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import SingleStar, STARPROPERTIES
from posydon.utils.common_functions import (
check_state_of_star, orbital_period_from_separation,
orbital_separation_from_period, get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case)
from posydon.popsyn.io import (clean_binary_history_df, clean_binary_oneline_df)
from posydon.binary_evol.flow_chart import UNDEFINED_STATES
from posydon.utils.posydonerror import FlowError
# star property: column names in binary history for star 1 and star 2
"mass": ["star_1_mass", "star_2_mass"],
"lg_mdot": ["lg_mstar_dot_1", "lg_mstar_dot_2"],
"lg_system_mdot": ["lg_system_mdot_1", "lg_system_mdot_2"],
"lg_wind_mdot": ["lg_wind_mdot_1", "lg_wind_mdot_2"],
# only mention those with names different from the column names in history data
'state': None, # to be computed after loading
'metallicity': None, # from initial values
'mass': None, # from binary history
'lg_mdot': None, # from binary history
'lg_system_mdot': None, # from binary history
'lg_wind_mdot': None, # from binary history
'spin': 'spin_parameter',
'profile': None
'state': None,
'event': None,
'time': 'age',
'separation': 'binary_separation',
'orbital_period': 'period_days',
'eccentricity': None,
'V_sys': None,
'mass_transfer_case': None,
'nearest_neighbour_distance': None
# The state and event of the system. For more information, see
# `posydon.utils.common_functions.get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case()
'state', #
'time', # age of the system (yr)
'separation', # binary orbital separation (solar radii)
'orbital_period', # binary orbital period (days)
'eccentricity', # binary eccentricity
'V_sys', # list of the 3 systemic velocity coordinates
# (R_{star} - R_{Roche_lobe}) / R_{Roche_lobe}...
'rl_relative_overflow_1', # ...for star 1
'rl_relative_overflow_2', # ...for star 2
'lg_mtransfer_rate', # log10 of mass lost from the donor (Msun/yr)
'mass_transfer_case', # current mass transfer case of the system.
# See `get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case`
# in `posydon.utils.common_functions`.
'nearest_neighbour_distance', # the distance of system from its nearest
# neighbour of MESA binary system in case
# of interpolation during the the end of
# the previous step including MESA psygrid.
# The distance is normalized in the
# parameter space and limits at which it
# was calculated. See `mesa_step` for more.
def signal_handler(signum, frame):
"""React to a maximum time signal."""
raise RuntimeError("Binary Step Exceeded Alloted Time: {}".
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler)
class BinaryStar:
"""A class containing the state and history of a stellar binary."""
def __init__(self, star_1=None, star_2=None, index=None, properties=None,
"""Initialize a binary star.
properties : SimulationProperties
Instance of the SimulationProperties class (default: None)
star_1 : SingleStar
The first star of the binary.
star_2 : Star
The second star of the binary.
**binary_kwargs : dictionary
List of initialization parameters for a binary
# Binary Index
self.index = index
# Create the two stars
self.star_1 = star_1 if star_1 is not None else SingleStar()
self.star_2 = star_2 if star_2 is not None else SingleStar()
# Set the initial binary properties
if item == 'V_sys':
setattr(self, item, binary_kwargs.pop(item, [0,0,0]))
elif item == 'mass_transfer_case':
setattr(self, item, binary_kwargs.pop(item, 'None'))
elif item == 'nearest_neighbour_distance':
setattr(self, item, binary_kwargs.pop(item, ['None',
setattr(self, item, binary_kwargs.pop(item, None))
setattr(self, item + '_history', [getattr(self, item)])
for key, val in binary_kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
if getattr(self.star_1, "mass") is not None and getattr(self.star_2, "mass") is not None:
if getattr(self, "separation") is None and getattr(self, "orbital_period") is not None:
setattr(self, "separation",
orbital_separation_from_period(self.orbital_period, self.star_1.mass, self.star_2.mass))
elif getattr(self, "orbital_period") is None and getattr(self, "separation") is not None:
setattr(self, "orbital_period",
orbital_period_from_separation(self.separation, self.star_1.mass, self.star_2.mass))
if not hasattr(self, 'inspiral_time'):
self.inspiral_time = None
if not hasattr(self, 'mass_transfer_case'):
self.mass_transfer_case = 'None'
if not hasattr(self, 'true_anomaly_first_SN'):
self.true_anomaly_SN1 = None
if not hasattr(self, 'true_anomaly_second_SN'):
self.true_anomaly_SN2 = None
if not hasattr(self, 'first_SN_already_occurred'):
self.first_SN_already_occurred = False
if not hasattr(self, 'history_verbose'):
self.history_verbose = False
# store interpolation_class and mt_history for each step_MESA
for grid_type in ['HMS_HMS','CO_HMS_RLO','CO_HeMS','CO_HeMS_RLO']:
if not hasattr(self, f'interp_class_{grid_type}'):
setattr(self, f'interp_class_{grid_type}', None)
if not hasattr(self, f'mt_history_{grid_type}'):
setattr(self, f'mt_history_{grid_type}', None)
if not hasattr(self, f'culmulative_mt_case_{grid_type}'):
setattr(self, f'culmulative_mt_case_{grid_type}', None)
# SimulationProperties object - parameters & parameterizations
if isinstance(properties, SimulationProperties):
self.properties = properties
self.properties = SimulationProperties()
def evolve(self):
"""Evolve a binary from start to finish."""
# Code to make sure start time is less than max_simulation_time
if self.time > self.properties.max_simulation_time:
raise ValueError(
"The binary's birth time ({0}) is greater than "
"`max_simulation_time` ({1}).".format(
self.time, self.properties.max_simulation_time))
max_n_steps = self.properties.max_n_steps_per_binary
n_steps = 0
while (self.event != 'END' and self.event != 'FAILED'
and self.event not in self.properties.end_events
and self.state not in self.properties.end_states):
n_steps += 1
if max_n_steps is not None:
if n_steps > max_n_steps:
raise RuntimeError("Exceeded maximum number of steps ({})".format(max_n_steps))
signal.alarm(0) # turning off alarm
def run_step(self):
"""Evolve the binary through one evolutionary step."""
total_state = (self.star_1.state, self.star_2.state, self.state, self.event)
if total_state in UNDEFINED_STATES:
raise FlowError(f"Binary failed with a known undefined state in the flow:\n{total_state}")
next_step_name = self.properties.flow.get(total_state)
if next_step_name is None:
raise ValueError("Undefined next step given stars/binary states {}.".format(total_state))
next_step = getattr(self.properties, next_step_name, None)
if next_step is None:
raise ValueError("Next step name '{}' does not correspond to a function in "
self.properties.pre_step(self, next_step_name)
self.properties.post_step(self, next_step_name)
def append_state(self):
"""Update the history of the binaries' properties."""
## do not append redirect steps to the binary history if history_verbose=False
if not self.history_verbose and getattr(self, "event") is not None:
if "redirect" in getattr(self, "event"):
# Append to the binary history lists
getattr(self, item + '_history').append(getattr(self, item))
# Append to the individual star history lists
def switch_star(self):
"""Switch stars."""
self.star_1, self.star_2 = self.star_2, self.star_1
def restore(self, i=0):
"""Restore the BinaryStar() object to its i-th state, keeping the binary history before the i-th state.
i : int
The index of the binary object history to reset the binary to.
By default 0, i.e. the star will be restored to its initial state.
# Move current binary properties to the ith step, using its history
setattr(self, p, getattr(self, '{}_history'.format(p))[i])
## delete the binary history after the i-th index
setattr(self, p + '_history', getattr(self, p + '_history')[0:i+1])
## if running with extra hooks, restore any extra hook columns
for hook in self.properties.all_hooks_classes:
if hasattr(hook, 'extra_binary_col_names'):
extra_columns = getattr(hook, 'extra_binary_col_names')
for col in extra_columns:
setattr(self, col, getattr(self, col)[0:i+1])
for star in (self.star_1, self.star_2):
star.restore(i, hooks=self.properties.all_hooks_classes)
def reset(self, properties=None):
"""Reset the binary to its ZAMS state.
properties : SimulationProperties
Instance of the SimulationProperties class (default: None)
# If provided, update the simulation properties class
if properties is not None:
self.properties = SimulationProperties(properties)
# Use the restore function to move the binary back to its initial state
def update_star_states(self):
"""Update the states of the two stars in the binary."""
if self.star_1.state != 'massless_remnant':
self.star_1.state = check_state_of_star(
self.star_1, star_CO=self.star_1.state in ["WD", "NS", "BH"])
if self.star_2.state != 'massless_remnant':
self.star_2.state = check_state_of_star(
self.star_2, star_CO=self.star_2.state in ["WD", "NS", "BH"])
def to_df(self, **kwargs):
"""Return history parameters from the binary in a DataFrame.
Includes star 1 and 2 (S1, S2) data and an extra column 'binary_index'.
extra_columns : dict( 'name':dtype, .... )
Extra binary parameters to return in DataFrame that are not
included in BINARYPROPERTIES. All columns must have an
associated pandas data type.
Can be used in combination with `only_select_columns`.
Assumes names have no suffix.
ignore_columns : list
Names of binary parameters to ignore.
Assumes names have `_history` suffix.
only_select_columns : list
Names of the only columns to include.
Assumes names have `_history` suffix.
Can be used in combination with `extra_columns`.
null_value : float
Replace all None values with something else (for saving).
Default is np.nan.
include_S1, include_S2 : bool
Choose to include star 1 or 2 data to the DataFrame.
The default is to include both.
S1_kwargs, S2_kwargs : dict
kwargs to pass to each star's 'to_df' method (extra/ignore columns)
pandas DataFrame
extra_binary_cols_dict = kwargs.get('extra_columns', {})
extra_columns = list(extra_binary_cols_dict.keys())
all_keys = (["binary_index"]
+ [key+'_history' for key in BINARYPROPERTIES]
+ extra_columns)
ignore_cols = list(kwargs.get('ignore_columns', []))
keys_to_save = [i for i in all_keys if not (
(i.split('_history')[0] in ignore_cols) or (i in ignore_cols))]
if bool(kwargs.get('only_select_columns')):
user_keys_to_save = list(kwargs.get('only_select_columns'))
keys_to_save = (["binary_index"]
+ [key+'_history' for key in user_keys_to_save]
+ extra_columns)
data_to_save = [getattr(self, key) for key in keys_to_save[1:]]
col_lengths = [len(x) for x in data_to_save]
max_col_length = np.max(col_lengths)
# binary_index
data_to_save.insert(0, [self.index]*max_col_length)
# If a binary fails, usually history cols have diff lengths.
# This should append NAN to create even columns.
all_equal_length_cols = len(set(col_lengths)) == 1
if not all_equal_length_cols:
for col in data_to_save:
col.extend([np.nan] * abs(max_col_length - len(col)))
where_none = np.array([[True if var is None else False
for var in column]
for column in data_to_save], dtype=bool)
except AttributeError as err:
raise AttributeError(
str(err) + "\n\nAvailable attributes in BinaryStar: \n{}".
# Convert None to np.nan by default
bin_data = np.array(data_to_save, dtype=object)
bin_data[where_none] = kwargs.get('null_value', np.nan)
bin_data = np.transpose(bin_data)
# remove the _history at the end of all column names
column_names = [name.split('_history')[0] for name in keys_to_save]
bin_df = pd.DataFrame(bin_data, columns=column_names)
# Add 3 columns for V_sys
if 'V_sys' in column_names:
V_sys_x = np.zeros(len(bin_df))
V_sys_y = np.zeros(len(bin_df))
V_sys_z = np.zeros(len(bin_df))
for i in range(len(bin_df)):
V_sys_x[i] = bin_df.iloc[i]['V_sys'][0]
V_sys_y[i] = bin_df.iloc[i]['V_sys'][1]
V_sys_z[i] = bin_df.iloc[i]['V_sys'][2]
bin_df['V_sys_x'] = copy.deepcopy(V_sys_x)
bin_df['V_sys_y'] = copy.deepcopy(V_sys_y)
bin_df['V_sys_z'] = copy.deepcopy(V_sys_z)
# Lose the V_sys list
bin_df = bin_df.drop(['V_sys'], axis=1)
frames = [bin_df]
if kwargs.get('include_S1', True):
# we are hard coding the prefix
prefix='S1_', null_value=kwargs.get('null_value', np.nan),
**kwargs.get('S1_kwargs', {})))
if kwargs.get('include_S2', True):
prefix='S2_', null_value=kwargs.get('null_value', np.nan),
**kwargs.get('S2_kwargs', {})))
binary_df = pd.concat(frames, axis=1)
binary_df.set_index('binary_index', inplace=True)
extra_s1_cols_dict = kwargs.get('S1_kwargs', {}).get('extra_columns', {})
extra_s2_cols_dict = kwargs.get('S2_kwargs', {}).get('extra_columns', {})
binary_df = clean_binary_history_df(binary_df,
return binary_df
def from_df(cls, dataframe, **kwargs):
"""Convert a binary from a pandas DataFrame to BinaryStar instance.
dataframe : Pandas DataFrame
data to turn into a BinaryStar instance.
index : int, optional
Sets the binary index.
extra_columns : dict, optional
Column names to be added directly to binary
New instance of BinaryStar
if isinstance(dataframe, pd.Series):
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(dataframe.to_dict(), index=[0])
# split input dataframe into kwargs dicts
binary_params, star1_params, star2_params = dict(), dict(), dict()
extra_params = dict()
extra_columns = kwargs.get('extra_columns', {})
hist_lengths = []
for name in list(dataframe.columns):
if 'S1' in name:
corr_name = name.split('S1_')[-1] + '_history'
star1_params[corr_name] = list(dataframe[name])
elif 'S2' in name:
corr_name = name.split('S2_')[-1] + '_history'
star2_params[corr_name] = list(dataframe[name])
elif name in extra_columns:
# this assumes extra cols in binary, not star 1 or 2
extra_params[name] = list(dataframe[name])
corr_name = name + '_history'
binary_params[corr_name] = list(dataframe[name])
# make sure all history columns have equal length
assert len(set(hist_lengths)) == 1
history_length = set(hist_lengths).pop()
if ('binary_index' in dataframe.index.name
and not kwargs.get('index', False)):
binary_index = set(dataframe.index).pop()
binary_index = kwargs.get('index', None)
binary = cls(index=binary_index,
# set extra history columns directly
for key, val in extra_params.items():
setattr(binary, key, val)
# set some orbital parameters that should exist by hand
bp_keys = binary_params.keys()
if 'eccentricity_history' not in bp_keys:
setattr(binary, 'eccentricity_history', [0]*history_length)
setattr(binary, 'eccentricity', 0)
if ('separation_history' not in bp_keys
and 'orbital_period_history' in bp_keys):
separation = orbital_separation_from_period(
setattr(binary, 'separation_history', list(separation))
setattr(binary, 'separation', list(separation)[-1])
if ('orbital_period_history' not in bp_keys
and 'seperation_history' in bp_keys):
period = orbital_period_from_separation(
setattr(binary, 'orbital_period_history', list(period))
setattr(binary, 'orbital_period', list(period)[-1])
# set the binary, star1, star2 parameters to last history value in df
for params, pointer in zip(
[star1_params, star2_params, binary_params],
[binary.star_1, binary.star_2, binary]):
for key, val in params.items():
setattr(pointer, key.split('_history')[0], val[-1])
# make BINARYPROPERTIES, history columns same length if not given
already_included_cols = [name.split('_history')[0]
for name in binary_params.keys()]
valid_binaryprop_keys = [p for p in BINARYPROPERTIES
if (p not in already_included_cols)]
for prop_key in valid_binaryprop_keys:
last_default_value = getattr(binary, prop_key+'_history')[-1]
len_default = len(getattr(binary, prop_key+'_history'))
diff = history_length - len_default
getattr(binary, prop_key+'_history').extend([last_default_value]
* diff)
# make STARPROPERTIES, history columns same length if not given
for params, star in zip(
[star1_params, star2_params], [binary.star_1, binary.star_2]):
already_included_cols = [name.split('_history')[0]
for name in params.keys()]
valid_starprop_keys = [p for p in STARPROPERTIES
if not(p in already_included_cols)]
for prop_key in valid_starprop_keys:
last_default_value = getattr(star, prop_key+'_history')[-1]
len_default = len(getattr(star, prop_key+'_history'))
diff = history_length - len_default
getattr(star, prop_key+'_history').extend([last_default_value]
* diff)
return binary
def to_oneline_df(self, scalar_names=[], history=True, **kwargs):
"""Convert binary into a single row DataFrame."""
if history:
bin_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
bin_kwargs['include_S1'] = False
bin_kwargs['include_S2'] = False
output_df = self.to_df(**bin_kwargs)
initial_final_data = output_df.values[[0, -1], :] # first/last row
col_names = list(output_df.columns)
oneline_names = (['binary_index']
+ [s + '_i' for s in col_names]
+ [s + '_f' for s in col_names])
oneline_data = [self.index] + [d for d in
bin_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[oneline_data], columns=oneline_names)
bin_df = pd.DataFrame()
s1_kwargs = kwargs.get('S1_kwargs', {})
if bool(s1_kwargs):
s1_df = self.star_1.to_oneline_df(prefix='S1_', **s1_kwargs)
s1_df = pd.DataFrame()
s2_kwargs = kwargs.get('S2_kwargs', {})
if bool(s2_kwargs):
s2_df = self.star_2.to_oneline_df(prefix='S2_', **s2_kwargs)
s2_df = pd.DataFrame()
oneline_df = pd.concat([bin_df, s1_df, s2_df], axis=1)
for name in scalar_names:
if hasattr(self, name):
oneline_df[name] = [getattr(self, name)]
# check for variables set in BinaryPopulation handling safe evolution
if hasattr(self, 'traceback'):
oneline_df['FAILED'] = [1]
oneline_df['FAILED'] = [0]
if hasattr(self, 'warnings'):
oneline_df['WARNING'] = [1]
oneline_df['WARNING'] = [0]
oneline_df.set_index('binary_index', inplace=True)
# try to coerce data types automatically
oneline_df = oneline_df.infer_objects()
# Set data types for all columns explicitly
# we are assuming you may pass the same kwargs to both to_df and oneline
extra_binary_cols_dict = kwargs.get('extra_columns', {})
extra_s1_cols_dict = kwargs.get('S1_kwargs', {}).get('extra_columns', {})
extra_s2_cols_dict = kwargs.get('S2_kwargs', {}).get('extra_columns', {})
oneline_df = clean_binary_oneline_df(oneline_df,
return oneline_df
def from_oneline_df(cls, oneline_df, **kwargs):
"""Convert a oneline DataFrame into a BinaryStar.
The oneline DataFrame is expected to have initial-final
values from history and any individual values that don't have
oneline_df : DataFrame
A oneline DataFrame describing a binary.
index : int, None
Binary index
extra_columns : dict
Names of any extra history columns not inlcuded
A new BinaryStar instance.
if isinstance(oneline_df, pd.Series):
oneline_df = pd.DataFrame(oneline_df.to_dict(), index=[0])
binary_params, star1_params, star2_params = dict(), dict(), dict()
extra_params = dict()
extra_columns = kwargs.get('extra_columns', {})
hist_lengths = []
for name in list(oneline_df.columns):
if '_f' in name[-2:]:
continue # ignore final values
param_name = name.split('_i')[0]
special_cases = ['natal_kick_array']
if any([i in param_name for i in special_cases]):
continue # deal with special cases later
# ignore error and warning
if name in ['FAILED', 'WARNING']:
if 'S1' in name:
param_name = param_name.split('S1_')[-1]
ending_str = '_history' if param_name in STARPROPERTIES else ''
star1_params[param_name + ending_str] = list(oneline_df[name])
elif 'S2' in name:
param_name = param_name.split('S2_')[-1]
ending_str = '_history' if param_name in STARPROPERTIES else ''
star2_params[param_name + ending_str] = list(oneline_df[name])
elif param_name in extra_columns:
# this assumes extra cols in binary, not star 1 or 2
extra_params[param_name] = list(oneline_df[name])
# binary
ending_str = ('_history'
if param_name in BINARYPROPERTIES else '')
binary_params[param_name + ending_str] = list(oneline_df[name])
# make sure all history columns have equal length
assert len(set(hist_lengths)) == 1
history_length = set(hist_lengths).pop()
if any(['S1_natal_kick_array' in name for name in oneline_df.columns]):
natalkick_names = ['S1_natal_kick_array_{}'.format(i)
for i in range(4)]
star1_params['natal_kick_array'] = \
if any(['S2_natal_kick_array' in name for name in oneline_df.columns]):
natalkick_names = ['S2_natal_kick_array_{}'.format(i)
for i in range(4)]
star2_params['natal_kick_array'] = \
if ('binary_index' in oneline_df.index.name
and not kwargs.get('index', None)):
binary_index = set(oneline_df.index).pop()
binary_index = kwargs.get('index', None)
binary = cls(index=binary_index,
# set extra history columns directly
for key, val in extra_params.items():
setattr(binary, key, val)
# set some orbital parameters that should exist by hand
bp_keys = binary_params.keys()
if 'eccentricity_history' not in bp_keys:
setattr(binary, 'eccentricity_history', [0])
setattr(binary, 'eccentricity', 0)
if ('separation_history' not in bp_keys
and 'orbital_period_history' in bp_keys):
separation = orbital_separation_from_period(
setattr(binary, 'separation_history', list(separation))
setattr(binary, 'separation', list(separation)[-1])
if ('orbital_period_history' not in bp_keys
and 'seperation_history' in bp_keys):
period = orbital_period_from_separation(
setattr(binary, 'orbital_period_history', list(period))
setattr(binary, 'orbital_period', list(period)[-1])
# set the binary, star1, star2 parameters to last history value in df
for params, pointer in zip(
[star1_params, star2_params, binary_params],
[binary.star_1, binary.star_2, binary]):
for key, val in params.items():
setattr(pointer, key.split('_history')[0], val[-1])
# make BINARYPROPERTIES, history columns same length if not given
already_included_cols = [name.split('_history')[0]
for name in binary_params.keys()]
valid_binaryprop_keys = [p for p in BINARYPROPERTIES
if not(p in already_included_cols)]
for prop_key in valid_binaryprop_keys:
last_default_value = getattr(binary, prop_key+'_history')[-1]
len_default = len(getattr(binary, prop_key+'_history'))
diff = history_length - len_default
getattr(binary, prop_key+'_history').extend([last_default_value]
* diff)
# if the binary errored, then set the final event
if bool(oneline_df['FAILED'].values[-1]):
setattr(binary, 'event', 'FAILED')
return binary
def __repr__(self):
"""Return the object representation when print is called."""
s = '<{}.{} at {}>\n'.format(self.__class__.__module__,
self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)))
if hasattr(self, "error_message"):
s += "BINARY FAILED: {}\n".format(self.error_message)
if hasattr(self, "warning_message"):
s += "WARNING FOUND: {}\n".format(self.warning_message)
s += '{}: {}\n'.format(p, getattr(self, p))
for star in (self.star_1, self.star_2):
s += '\n{}\n'.format(star)
return s[:-1]
def __str__(self):
"""Get a printable description of the binary star."""
s = ''
gap = ', '
for name in ['state', 'event']:
s += str(getattr(self, name)) + gap
def nan_if_not_int_or_float(value):
"""Return nan if `value` is neither int nor float."""
if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
return value
return np.nan
orb_p = nan_if_not_int_or_float(self.orbital_period)
m1 = nan_if_not_int_or_float(self.star_1.mass)
m2 = nan_if_not_int_or_float(self.star_2.mass)
s += 'p={0:.2f}'.format(orb_p) + gap
s += 'S1=({0},M={1:.2f})'.format(self.star_1.state, m1) + gap
s += 'S2=({0},M={1:.2f})'.format(self.star_2.state, m2)
return 'BinaryStar(' + s + ')'
def from_run(run, history=False, profiles=False):
"""Create a BinaryStar object from a PSyGrid run."""
binary = BinaryStar()
# get the data for the binary
if run.binary_history is not None:
n_steps = len(run.binary_history["age"]) if history else 1
bh_colnames = run.binary_history.dtype.names
colname = BINARY_ATTRIBUTES_FROM_HISTORY.get(attr, attr)
if colname is not None and colname in bh_colnames:
final_value = run.final_values[colname]
if history:
col_history = list(run.binary_history[colname])
col_history = [final_value]
final_value = None
col_history = [None] * n_steps
assert n_steps == len(col_history)
setattr(binary, attr + "_history", col_history)
setattr(binary, attr, final_value)
return binary # if no binary history, return defaults
# get the data for each companion star
for star_history, star, prefix in zip([run.history1, run.history2],
[binary.star_1, binary.star_2],
["S1", "S2"]):
if star_history is not None:
h_colnames = star_history.dtype.names
# get the corresponding column name (default=same name)
colname = STAR_ATTRIBUTES_FROM_STAR_HISTORY.get(attr, attr)
if colname is not None and colname in h_colnames:
final_value = run.final_values[prefix + "_" + colname]
if history:
col_history = list(star_history[colname])
col_history = [final_value]
final_value = None
col_history = [None] * n_steps
assert n_steps == len(col_history)
setattr(star, attr + "_history", col_history)
setattr(star, attr, final_value)
# set metallicities (if defined in the track)...
metallicity = run.initial_values["Z"]
except AttributeError:
metallicity = None
# ...and other star parameters taken from the binary history
for star_index, star in enumerate([binary.star_1, binary.star_2]):
star.metallicity = metallicity
star.metallicity_history = [metallicity] * n_steps
for attr, colnames in STAR_ATTRIBUTES_FROM_BINARY_HISTORY.items():
colname = colnames[star_index]
final_value = run.final_values[colname]
if history:
col_history = list(run.binary_history[colname])
col_history = [final_value]
assert n_steps == len(col_history)
setattr(star, attr, final_value)
setattr(star, attr + "_history", col_history)
# add values at He depletion
for colname in run.final_values.dtype.names:
if "at_He_depletion" in colname:
if colname[0:3]=="S1_":
attr = colname[3:]
final_value = run.final_values[colname]
setattr(binary.star_1, attr, final_value)
elif colname[0:3]=="S2_":
attr = colname[3:]
final_value = run.final_values[colname]
setattr(binary.star_2, attr, final_value)
attr = colname
final_value = run.final_values[colname]
setattr(binary, attr, final_value)
# update eccentricity
binary.eccentricity = 0.0
binary.eccentricity_history = [0.0] * n_steps
# update star states
n_history = len(binary.time_history)
for star, track in zip([binary.star_1, binary.star_2],
[run.history1, run.history2]):
is_CO = track is None
state_history = [check_state_of_star(star, i=i, star_CO=is_CO)
for i in range(n_history)]
star.state_history = state_history
star.state = state_history[-1]
# update binary state, event and MT case
binary.state_history = []
binary.event_history = []
binary.mass_transfer_case_history = []
for i in range(n_history): # step-by-step: previous states matter!
result = get_binary_state_and_event_and_mt_case(binary, i=i)
binary.state, binary.event, binary.mass_transfer_case = result
if profiles:
binary.star_1.profile = run.final_profile1
binary.star_2.profile = run.final_profile2
return binary
def initial_condition_message(self, ini_params=None):
"""Generate a message with the initial conditions.
ini_params : None or iterable of str
If None take the initial conditions from the binary, otherwise add
each item of it to the message.
The message with the binary initial conditions.
if ini_params is None:
ini_params = ["\nFailed Binary Initial Conditions:\n",
f"S1 mass: {self.star_1.mass_history[0]} \n",
f"S2 mass: {self.star_2.mass_history[0]} \n",
f"S1 state: {self.star_1.state_history[0]} \n",
f"S2 state: {self.star_2.state_history[0]}\n",
f"orbital period: {self.orbital_period_history[0] } \n",
f"eccentricity: {self.eccentricity_history[0]} \n",
f"binary state: {self.state_history[0] }\n",
f"binary event: {self.state_history[0] }\n",
f"S1 natal kick array: {self.star_1.natal_kick_array }\n",
f"S2 natal kick array: {self.star_2.natal_kick_array}\n"]
message = ""
for i in ini_params:
message += i
return message