Source code for posydon.binary_evol.DT.step_merged

"""Merging and isolated evolution step."""

__authors__ = [
    "Emmanouil Zapartas <>",
    "Simone Bavera <>",
    "Konstantinos Kovlakas <>"

import numpy as np

from posydon.utils.data_download import PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA
from posydon.binary_evol.singlestar import STARPROPERTIES, convert_star_to_massless_remnant
from posydon.utils.common_functions import check_state_of_star
from posydon.binary_evol.DT.step_isolated import IsolatedStep
from posydon.utils.posydonerror import ModelError
from posydon.utils.posydonwarning import Pwarn

from posydon.binary_evol.flow_chart import (

LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_HMS = ["H-rich_Core_H_burning"]
LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_HeMS = ["stripped_He_Core_He_burning"]



[docs] class MergedStep(IsolatedStep): """ Prepare a merging star to do an an IsolatedStep """ def __init__( self, grid_name_Hrich=None, grid_name_strippedHe=None, path=PATH_TO_POSYDON_DATA, merger_critical_rot = 0.4, rel_mass_lost_HMS_HMS = 0.1, list_for_matching_HMS = [ ["mass", "center_h1", "he_core_mass"], [20.0, 1.0, 10.0], ["log_min_max", "min_max", "min_max"], #[m_min_H, m_max_H], [0, None] [None, None], [0, None] ], list_for_matching_postMS = [ ["mass", "center_he4", "he_core_mass"], [20.0, 1.0, 10.0], ["log_min_max", "min_max", "min_max"], #[m_min_H, m_max_H], [0, None] [None, None], [0, None] ], list_for_matching_HeStar = [ ["he_core_mass", "center_he4"], [10.0, 1.0], ["min_max" , "min_max"], #[[m_min_He, m_max_He], [0, None]], [None, None], [0, None] ], *args, **kwargs ): self.merger_critical_rot = merger_critical_rot self.rel_mass_lost_HMS_HMS = rel_mass_lost_HMS_HMS super().__init__( grid_name_Hrich=grid_name_Hrich, grid_name_strippedHe=grid_name_strippedHe, list_for_matching_HMS = list_for_matching_HMS, list_for_matching_postMS = list_for_matching_postMS, list_for_matching_HeStar = list_for_matching_HeStar, *args, **kwargs) def __call__(self,binary): merged_star_properties = self.merged_star_properties if self.verbose: print("Before Merger", binary.star_1.state,binary.star_2.state,binary.state, binary.event) print("M1 , M2, he_core_mass1, he_core_mass2: ", binary.star_1.mass,binary.star_2.mass, binary.star_1.he_core_mass, binary.star_2.he_core_mass) print("star_1.center_he4, star_2.center_he4, star_1.surface_he4, star_2.surface_he4: ", binary.star_1.center_he4,binary.star_2.center_he4, binary.star_1.surface_he4,binary.star_2.surface_he4) if binary.state == "merged": if binary.event == 'oMerging1': binary.star_1, binary.star_2 = merged_star_properties(binary.star_1, binary.star_2) elif binary.event == 'oMerging2': binary.star_2, binary.star_1 = merged_star_properties(binary.star_2, binary.star_1) else: raise ValueError("binary.state='merged' but binary.event != 'oMerging1/2'") ## assume that binaries in RLO with two He-rich stars always merge elif binary.star_1.state in STAR_STATES_HE_RICH and binary.star_2.state in STAR_STATES_HE_RICH: binary.state = "merged" if binary.event == 'oRLO1': binary.star_1, binary.star_2 = merged_star_properties(binary.star_1, binary.star_2) elif binary.event == 'oRLO2': binary.star_2, binary.star_1 = merged_star_properties(binary.star_2, binary.star_1) else: raise ValueError("step_merged initiated for He stars but RLO not initiated") else: raise ValueError("step_merged initiated but binary is not in valid merging state!") binary.event = None if self.verbose: print("After Merger", binary.star_1.state,binary.star_2.state,binary.state, binary.event) print("M_merged , he_core_mass merged: ", binary.star_1.mass, binary.star_1.he_core_mass) print("star_1.center_he4, star_1.surface_he4: ", binary.star_1.center_he4, binary.star_1.surface_he4) super().__call__(binary)
[docs] def merged_star_properties(self,star_base,comp): """ Make assumptions about the core/total mass, and abundances of the star of a merged product. Similar to the table of merging in BSE star_base: Single Star is our base star that engulfs its companion. The merged star will have this star as a base comp: Single Star is the star that is engulfed """ #by default the stellar attributes that keep the same value from the #merged_star = copy.copy(star_base) merged_star = star_base s1 = star_base.state s2 = comp.state def mass_weighted_avg(star1=star_base,star2=comp, abundance_name="center_h1", mass_weight1="mass", mass_weight2=None): A1 = getattr(star1, abundance_name) A2 = getattr(star2, abundance_name) if mass_weight1 == "H-rich_envelope_mass": M1 = getattr(star1, "mass") - getattr(star1, "he_core_mass") elif mass_weight1 == "He-rich_envelope_mass": M1 = getattr(star1, "he_core_mass") - getattr(star1, "co_core_mass") else: M1 = getattr(star1, mass_weight1) if mass_weight2 is None: mass_weight2 = mass_weight1 if mass_weight2 == "H-rich_envelope_mass": M2 = getattr(star2, "mass") - getattr(star2, "he_core_mass") elif mass_weight2 == "He-rich_envelope_mass": M2 = getattr(star2, "he_core_mass") - getattr(star2, "co_core_mass") else: M2 = getattr(star2, mass_weight2) return (A1*M1 + A2*M2 ) / (M1+M2) # MS + MS if ( s1 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_HMS and s2 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_HMS): #these stellar attributes change value merged_star.mass = (star_base.mass + comp.mass) * (1.-self.rel_mass_lost_HMS_HMS) #TODO for key in ["center_h1", "center_he4", "center_c12", "center_n14","center_o16"]: merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg() merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16") #TODO: should I check if the abundaces above end up in ~1 (?) # weigheted mixing on the surface abundances merged_star.surface_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_h1") merged_star.surface_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_he4") merged_star.surface_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_c12") merged_star.surface_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_n14") merged_star.surface_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_o16") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin", "envelope_binding_energy"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(comp) #postMS + MS elif (s1 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTMS and s2 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_HMS): merged_star.mass = star_base.mass + comp.mass #TODO: in step_CEE we need to eject part of the (common) envelope # weigheted mixing on the surface abundances of the whole comp with the envelope of star_base merged_star.surface_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_h1", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="mass") merged_star.surface_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_he4", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="mass") merged_star.surface_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_c12", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="mass") merged_star.surface_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_n14", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="mass") merged_star.surface_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_o16", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="mass") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.log_LHe = star_base.log_LHe merged_star.log_LZ = star_base.log_LZ merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(comp) # as above but opposite stars elif (s1 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_HMS and s2 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTMS): merged_star = comp merged_star.mass = star_base.mass + comp.mass merged_star.surface_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_h1", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight1="mass") merged_star.surface_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_he4", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight1="mass") merged_star.surface_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_c12", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight1="mass") merged_star.surface_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_n14", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight1="mass") merged_star.surface_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_o16", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight1="mass") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.log_LHe = comp.log_LHe merged_star.log_LZ = comp.log_LZ merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(star_base) #postMS + postMS elif (s1 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTMS and s2 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTMS): # add total and core masses for key in ["mass", "he_core_mass", "c_core_mass", "o_core_mass", "co_core_mass"]: current = getattr(merged_star, key) + getattr(comp, key) setattr(merged_star, key,current) # weighted central abundances if merging cores. Else only from star_base if star_base.co_core_mass == 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0: # two stars with Helium cores merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0): # star_base with CO core and the comp has a He core pass # the central abundances are kept as the ones of star_base elif (comp.co_core_mass > 0 and star_base.co_core_mass == 0): # comp with CO core and the star_base has a He core merged_star.center_h1 = comp.center_h1 merged_star.center_he4 = comp.center_he4 merged_star.center_c12 = comp.center_c12 merged_star.center_n14 = comp.center_n14 merged_star.center_o16 = comp.center_o16 elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass > 0): merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="co_core_mass") #TODO : maybe he_core_mass makes more sense? merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") else: Pwarn("weird compbination of CO core masses during merging", "EvolutionWarning") # weigheted mixing on the surface abundances based on the envelopes of the two stars merged_star.surface_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_h1", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass") merged_star.surface_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_he4", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass") merged_star.surface_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_c12", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass") merged_star.surface_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_n14", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass") merged_star.surface_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_o16", mass_weight1="H-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="H-rich_envelope_mass") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(comp) #postMS + HeMSStar elif (s1 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTMS and s2 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_HeMS): # add total and core masses for key in ["mass", "he_core_mass", "c_core_mass", "o_core_mass", "co_core_mass"]: current = getattr(merged_star, key) + getattr(comp, key) setattr(merged_star, key,current) # weighted central abundances if merging cores. Else only from star_base if star_base.co_core_mass == 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0: # two stars with only Helium cores, not CO cores merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0): # star_base with CO core and the comp has just a He core (is a HeMS star) pass # the central abundances are kept as the ones of star_base else: Pwarn("weird compbination of CO core masses during merging", "EvolutionWarning") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(comp) # as above but opposite stars elif (s1 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_HeMS and s2 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTMS): merged_star = comp # add total and core masses for key in ["mass", "he_core_mass", "c_core_mass", "o_core_mass", "co_core_mass"]: current = getattr(merged_star, key) + getattr(star_base, key) setattr(merged_star, key,current) # weighted central abundances if merging cores. Else only from star_base if star_base.co_core_mass == 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0: # two stars with only Helium cores, not CO cores merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") elif (star_base.co_core_mass == 0 and comp.co_core_mass > 0): # star_base is the HeMS Star and comp has a CO core pass # the central abundances are kept as the ones of star_base else: Pwarn("weird compbination of CO core masses during merging", "EvolutionWarning") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(star_base) #postMS + HeStar that is not in HeMS elif (s1 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTMS and s2 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTHeMS): # add total and core masses for key in ["mass", "he_core_mass", "c_core_mass", "o_core_mass", "co_core_mass"]: current = getattr(merged_star, key) + getattr(comp, key) setattr(merged_star, key,current) # weighted central abundances if merging cores. Else only from star_base if star_base.co_core_mass == 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0: # two stars with Helium cores merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0): # star_base with CO core and the comp has a He core pass # the central abundances are kept as the ones of star_base elif (comp.co_core_mass > 0 and star_base.co_core_mass == 0): # comp with CO core and the star_base has a He core merged_star.center_h1 = comp.center_h1 merged_star.center_he4 = comp.center_he4 merged_star.center_c12 = comp.center_c12 merged_star.center_n14 = comp.center_n14 merged_star.center_o16 = comp.center_o16 elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass > 0): merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") else: Pwarn("weird compbination of CO core masses during merging", "EvolutionWarning") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(comp) # as above but the opposite stars elif (s1 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTHeMS and s2 in LIST_ACCEPTABLE_STATES_FOR_POSTMS): merged_star = comp # add total and core masses for key in ["mass", "he_core_mass", "c_core_mass", "o_core_mass", "co_core_mass"]: current = getattr(merged_star, key) + getattr(star_base, key) setattr(merged_star, key,current) # weighted central abundances if merging cores. Else only from star_base if star_base.co_core_mass == 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0: # two stars with Helium cores merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0): # star_base with CO core and the comp has a He core pass # the central abundances are kept as the ones of star_base elif (comp.co_core_mass > 0 and star_base.co_core_mass == 0): # comp with CO core and the star_base has a He core merged_star.center_h1 = comp.center_h1 merged_star.center_he4 = comp.center_he4 merged_star.center_c12 = comp.center_c12 merged_star.center_n14 = comp.center_n14 merged_star.center_o16 = comp.center_o16 elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass > 0): merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") else: Pwarn("weird compbination of CO core masses during merging", "EvolutionWarning") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(star_base) # HeStar + HeStar elif (s1 in STAR_STATES_HE_RICH and s2 in STAR_STATES_HE_RICH): # add total and core masses for key in ["mass", "he_core_mass", "c_core_mass", "o_core_mass", "co_core_mass"]: current = getattr(merged_star, key) + getattr(comp, key) setattr(merged_star, key,current) # weighted central abundances if merging cores. Else only from star_base if star_base.co_core_mass == 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0: # two stars with Helium cores merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="he_core_mass") elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass == 0): # star_base with CO core and the comp has a He core pass # the central abundances are kept as the ones of star_base elif (comp.co_core_mass > 0 and star_base.co_core_mass == 0): # comp with CO core and the star_base has a He core merged_star.center_h1 = comp.center_h1 merged_star.center_he4 = comp.center_he4 merged_star.center_c12 = comp.center_c12 merged_star.center_n14 = comp.center_n14 merged_star.center_o16 = comp.center_o16 elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass > 0): merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") else: Pwarn("weird compbination of CO core masses during merging", "EvolutionWarning") # weigheted mixing on the surface abundances based on the He-rich envelopes of the two stars merged_star.surface_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_h1", mass_weight1="He-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="He-rich_envelope_mass") merged_star.surface_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_he4", mass_weight1="He-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="He-rich_envelope_mass") merged_star.surface_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_c12", mass_weight1="He-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="He-rich_envelope_mass") merged_star.surface_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_n14", mass_weight1="He-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="He-rich_envelope_mass") merged_star.surface_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "surface_o16", mass_weight1="He-rich_envelope_mass", mass_weight2="He-rich_envelope_mass") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(comp) # Star + WD elif (s1 in STAR_STATES_NOT_CO and s2 in ["WD"]): #WD is considered a stripped CO core # add total and core masses for key in ["mass", "he_core_mass", "c_core_mass", "o_core_mass", "co_core_mass"]: current = getattr(merged_star, key) + getattr(comp, "mass") setattr(merged_star, key,current) # weighted central abundances if merging cores. Else only from star_base if (comp.co_core_mass > 0 and star_base.co_core_mass == 0): # comp with CO core and the star_base has not merged_star.center_h1 = comp.center_h1 merged_star.center_he4 = comp.center_he4 merged_star.center_c12 = comp.center_c12 merged_star.center_n14 = comp.center_n14 merged_star.center_o16 = comp.center_o16 elif (star_base.co_core_mass > 0 and comp.co_core_mass > 0): merged_star.center_h1 = mass_weighted_avg(mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_he4 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_he4", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_c12 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_c12", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_n14 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_n14", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") merged_star.center_o16 = mass_weighted_avg(abundance_name = "center_o16", mass_weight1="co_core_mass") else: Pwarn("weird compbination of CO core masses during merging", "EvolutionWarning") for key in STARPROPERTIES: # these stellar attributes become np.nan for substring in ["log_", "lg_", "surf_", "conv_", "lambda", "profile"]: if (substring in key) : setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) if key in [ "c12_c12", "center_gamma", "avg_c_in_c_core", "total_moment_of_inertia", "spin"]: setattr(merged_star, key, np.nan) merged_star.state = check_state_of_star(merged_star, star_CO=False) # TODO for sure this needs testing! massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(comp) # Star + NS/BH elif (s1 in STAR_STATES_NOT_CO and s2 in ["NS", "BH"]): merged_star = comp # TODO: potentially flag a Thorne-Zytkov object massless_remnant = convert_star_to_massless_remnant(star_base) ## in this case, want CO companion object to stay the same, and base star to be assigned massless remnant return massless_remnant, merged_star else: raise ModelError(f"Combination of merging star states not expected: {s1} {s2}") # ad hoc spin of merged star to be used in the detached step merged_star.surf_avg_omega_div_omega_crit = self.merger_critical_rot return merged_star, massless_remnant